C3J ?!tc gniljj gtotfaw. ASTOllIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. JI APRIL 14.1687 Cannery printing; a large stock to select from and lowest figures at The Astoriak office. California papers predict a dry sea son. Astoria" could spare a few bar rels of aqua pura. The British bark Dumbartonsliire, 915, 72 days from Sydney, arrived ju yesterday. She has 612 tons coal. It is thought that Eev. M. L. Eugg, of Salem, will reconsider his deter mination and fill the Baptist pulpit here this summer. The ladies of the M. E. church will have a social at the residence of Mrs. G. "V7. Eucker this evening. A gen eral invitation is extended. The directors of the building and loan association will meet at J. O. Bozorth's office this evening to elect permanent officers of the organiza tion. The district convention of the W. O. T.U., is in session at Portland. Mrs. O. B. Whitmore and Mrs. J. W. Gearhart represent the Astoria bra nch. The infant daughter of Martin Empo, of the half way house, died yesterday morning; the funeral will be from the family residence at two o'clock this afternoon. In the police court yesterday Chas. Gallagher, an amatory poet, was found guilty of vagrancy and given twenty days; ten for vagrancy and ten for the poetry. Thos. H. Jfoss, of Gray's river, is reported to have sustained a severe accident last week by falling from a wagon, resulting in the dislocation of his right shoulder. r Peter Cardiff, a planer in John Wood's mill, came over yesterday, suffering from an old gunshot wound in his leg, received in the army twen- ty-three years ago. He was treated by Dr. Tuttle and experienced con siderable relief after the operation. Yesterday's "News says that Capt. H. M. Gregory, master of the light house tender Manzanita has ten dered his resignation to take effect ' May 1st. In the interval he has been given a vacation. First officer Eich ardson will assume charge of the ves sel for the time being. The beautiful poem, "There is no Death," is again on the rounds of the newspapers. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer publishes it in its Sunday edition, credited, as is generally the case, to Bulwer Jjytton. The verses were written by J. L. McCreery, the local editor of the Dubuque, Iowa, Times. Here is good advice from an ex change. It applies to every city, large and small: "Young man, get a house and then get a snug young woman to share it with you. Save your money and make the first pay ment on a lot. Continue to save un til you have the lot paid for. Then mortgage the lot and put up a house. Keep on saving until tne mortgage is lifted, and see how it will seem to have a home of your own where you can go and lock out the entire world." The young man who follows this ad vice will twenty years hence be in comfortable circumstances a cap italist in fact. r A committee of twenty has been appointed by General Lucien Pair child, commander-in-chief of the G. A. E., to raise a memorial fund for the erection of a monument at Washing ton, to commemorate General Grant. The following are the committeemen for the Pacific ceast: W. E. Smed burg for California; F. H. Lanib, of Portland, for Oregon; Charles M. Holton, of North Yakima, for Wash ington territory, and J. J. Fitzgerald, of Las Vegas, for New Mexico. On tne ztn mst., the twth anniversary of General Grant's birth, every post of the G. A. R, including the Wom an's Belief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, are asked to hold services and receive contributions for the fund. All collections are to be sent to quartermaster general John Tay lor, 218 Walnut street, Philadelphia. A responsible man well acquainted is wanted as agent for a Portland fiim. Address Borquibt & Refiling, Astokiax office. Choice Oregon apples & Rosb'. at Thompson Fine fresh vegetables and fruits steamer from California to-day, TnoMPSQN & Ross. At TIic Holden House v by A few more hoarders can be accom modated with or without rooms. A11 Opportunity. Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles, Brazilian Pebbles and optical .goods with Wm. Armbruster, where they can be bought. This is a good opportunity for those who were unable to buy from him before his departure. lowest Casli JL'rice. Coal Oil at $2.33 a case, at D. L. Beck & Sons. Go To Crow's Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos 111 all the latest stj les and of .superior hnish. Wliat! Io YouTIiink Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal fori nothing ana a glass 01 someunug 10 drink? Not much; but he giveff the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town atFabre's If yon have a watch or clock that needsjrepairiug take it to the Crystal Palace, and get a good job done by & first class workman. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast LATEST TELEGEAPHIO NEWS. Facts and Eumors Sent Over the "Wires Chicvgo, April 13. A live-story marble front wall paper house on Wabash avenue was bnrned this morning. The stock is an entire loss and the building is irreparably in jured. One fireman was standing in a fourth story window when a sheet of rlanie enveloped him. He fell into the burning mass; another fell to the sidewalk and crushed his skull. Twenty engines were working, but the firemen said they never saw such rapid progress of flames. The loss will aggregate SIOO.OOO; insurance, 809,000. THE BRAKEMEK BB01HEBHOOD. PiTrsBUEO, April 13. The brother hood of brakemeu will employ coun sel to defend the prisoners arrested charged with stealing from Panhan dle railroad cars, and will try to es tablish their innocence. If their guilt is shown the brotherhood will do all in their power to bring ;on viction. They will bring an action for damages against the railroad company in case of any prisoners not convicted. The Pennsylvania road has announced that it will give those having stolen goods in posses sion five days to return the goods, and no questions will be asked7and thoro will be no investigation to fol low. Z- THE CnAKTEH DEFEATED. San Feakcisco, April 13. The new charter is defeated by n vote of 13, 490 to 9,748. PDT IT OCT, ALIi THE 6AM i: Sing Sing, April 13. A fire broke out in the laundry in the prison this morning, occasioning a great panic aaiong the convicts, who rallied and extinguished the fire. OAREIED THEIR POINT. P0TTSVH1I.E, April 13. Seven hun dred iron workers who struck yester day resumed work to-day having secured the ten per cent, advance demanded. beeoher's probable successor. London, April 13. Dr. Parker lias accepted the invitation to deliver the eulogy in Plymouth church ou the late Henry Ward Beecher. CHESTNUTS. Portland, April 12. Eumors are current here that the O. E. & N. lease was signed a few days ago, and that the Union Pacific will assume con trol May 1st, and that C. H. Prescott will have charge of U. P. affairs. The O. E. & N. officials deny the re port. OONGRAULATIONS IN ORDER. Washington, April 13. The en gagement of Miss Agnes Dolph, daughter of Senator Dolph, to Mr. Nixon, of New Orleans, is announced. The wedding will take place next month. STARTING IN EARLY. Washigton, April 13. A story is floating around that Blaine is on the verge of a general breaking down in health. It is believed that the story was started by Blaine's opponents. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Los Angeles, April 13. This morn ing a train on the Southern Pacific railroad struck a buggy at a crossing, containing three persons; one, a woman, was instantly killed; the two others were seriously injured. ANOTHER FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Sacramento, April. 13. A train near hero this morning struck a haud car, on which were four men, one of whom was killed, another fatally in jured, and another one seriously. - How they Work the Sturgeon Markpt. On Saturday the only fish in the market was the old reliable, never failing sturgeon. By charging a bit a pound for it dealers changed it into halibut; by giving three pounds for a quarter it became sea bass, and if -a man wanted five pounds for a quarter he got straight sturgeon. Orego nian, 13. The Odds Is the Difference. Brother Dana, of the N. Y. Sun, goes to work'nt 11 o'clock, dictates his editorial to a stenographer, quits at 4 o'clock and gets S20.000 a" year. The country editor goes to work at 7 o'clock, has his editorials dictated to him by his subscribers, quits at 11 o'clock and gets in debL, That's tho only difference. Spragui Journal. Fine Fiiriilshe.il Rooms. At the Munson Heuse: Newly fur nished and lenevated: terms reasonable. Jlr.s. A. E. Stout. Something Important. We are the Astoria Agents for the celebrated Domestic Sewing Machine. Parties in v ant of a machine aie in vited to call and examine them. Sold for cash or on the installment plan. Griffin & Ri-.kd. Early rose potatoes for seed. Thompson & Boss. For The Most Beautiful And enduiing photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to X. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. See new. samples at his new gallery on the road way. - " Large lot of Beading matter just received at the Crystal Palace. JEFF'S United States Restaurant Is the best and cheapest in Astoria. MINOR MENTION Of Thincs Around Town Happening anil To Happen. The receipts of the nolice court for March were $132.50. The Columbia came in yesterday morning; the Ore gon sailed. Wm. Howe is building a Whitehall boat for the use of the custom house; it will cost $180. On yesterday's steamer came a fine safe for Foard fc Stokes. The interior of the court house is being painted, etc. Every steamer brings very large quantities of freight. The Gen. M ties goes to Gray's harbor at six oclock to-morrow morning. There are but few boats, comparatively, out so far. County treasurer Bergman is paying warrants presenteB prior to September 7th, J80. Considerable new building is "in progress. Scrap tin is being shipped to. Portland, where it is made into paper weights. The Escort started for San Francis co yesterday. City treasurer Hustler reports an aggregate balance of $2, 961.85 in the several funds. A patent steam pile driver for P. J. McGowan attracts attention on the O. B. & N. dock. Twenty-two years ago to-day Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Countv treasurer Bergman yesterday sent a draft for $3,018.49 to state treasurer G. W. Webb on state tax account. San Francisco parers say the Swansea Castle is "ashore at Sand Island." Not much: she is load ing lumber on the Sound. Potatoes are 2 and 2 cents a pound. A party is organizing to collect gulls' eggs at Port Orford. Fishermen re port water cold, salmon swimming deep, and but little net return so far. A mau with a paint pot slung on the end of a ladder on his shoulder al ways gets the right of way, and all par ties break ranks, no matter how crowd ed the sidewalk. F. H. Poindexter left for San Francisco on the Oregon yesterday. Custom house square affords excellent grazing facilities. Meats, smoked and fresh, have gone up in price. 213 Chinamen were sun ning themselves in front of the cus tom honse yesterday afternoon. Sun rises, 5:17; sun sets, 6:45. The streets 1 were crowded yesterday. J. E. Sibley is in the city on his way to Tilla mook. To-day is 13 hours and 28 minntes iu length. All the boat shops are busy with orders ahead. Seats for Zamloch's performances, at the Crystal Palace. Astoria is fast becoming a wholesale distributing point. The Favorite was released j-esterday; the amount, $160.20, was paid. Over 1,300 shares have been taken in the building and loan asso ciation. Maurice DuBoisson expects to return on the Telephone Sunday to permanently reside here. Lots of good money sent from Astoria to the Louisiana lottery. Some Astorians are being vaccinated; good idea. C. H. Mclsaac, of the Hallway Guide, is in the city. Tom Linville has the finest cigar holder of any on the force. Another vessel lost on that terrible north coast; a schooner this time, at Cape Flattery. The gross receipts of the firemen's ball indicate $218; expenses $35. Football and kite fly ing are the popular juvenile amuse ments. he Jrresbytenan church is receiving inside decoration. The re ported sale of the Pioneer has not been confirmed. The Chinese remain on Water street. The Manzanita came down yesterday and moored at the buoy depot The Dolphin will finish repairs this week. Judge Jew ett has traded offices with superin tendent of streets Logan. Capt. Strang, who brought down the Jupi ter yesterday, says he saw no Win chesters aboard the craft. On the Sacramento. A meeting of the Sacramento river packers was held Thursday afternoon for the purpose of regulating the price to be paid for fresh fish. Some canners have been in the habit, in past seasons, of buying by the pound and others by the piece. This method gave the fishermen a chance to work the packers, as the buyers at so much a fish would get only tho small ones, while the purchasers by the pound received all the large fish. The pack ers finally decided to pay 60 cents apiece for fish on the river and 65 cents in the city. The outlook for a good run of fish is at present very gloomy. Cal. Grocer d; Canner. 9. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus Ind., testifies: "1 can recommend Electric Hitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 j ear-.' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I hae ever handled in ury 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters.'' Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cine diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a hottleat W E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Syrup of Fifjs. Manufactured duly by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit lcmedy may he had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle, it is the most pleasant, prompt and "effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel lleadachs, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Ten cents for a cup of coffee. fahreVi nice The latest styles in Baby Carriages, cheap for"cash at Grifiln & Reed's. " Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc. The best cooked to order. Desirable Tract For Sale. One hundred and sixty acres, heavily wooded with spruce, ten miles from town, on Lewis and Clarkes. For terms, etc., apply at this office. Califoruia Oat Jlay, Dry Fir Wood; in large quantities and at lowest prices at J. II. D. Gray's dock, Gotojeff!foroyster, Private Booms. SLIGHTLY SARCASTIC. At the meeting of the Portland board of trade on Monday evening a letter was read from Mr. G. P. Clapp of Oakland, Cal., in regard to the es tablishment of a rolling mill and nail factory at or near Portland. Mr. Clapp wrote as one who had knowl edge of the business; he is superin tendent of the Judson Manufacturing Company of Oakland, and started the" nail and tack business of that com pany five years ago. "What I would like to do," he says, "would .be to start n joint stock company and carry on a large business;" and he informs tho board of trade that "a good roll ing mill and nail factory can be put up for S35.000." Mr. Clapp, it is evident, doesn't know Portland. In his ignorance or simplicity ho doubtless imagined that a proposition like this would be re ceived at Portland with favor and encouragement. He seems to have supposed that there was some enter prise and public spirit in Portland and that tho board of trade of the city might be addressed as the rep resentative and organ of both. It is plain that Mr. Clapp has something yet to learn about Portland. The report of the proceedings of the board shows that the letter was received with a coldness bordering on incivility." "The proposition," says the report, "did not seem to be re garded as feasible by a majority of the members present. One spoke of having heard something of a similar scheme about'two years ago and sug gested that tho communication be turned over to Mr. S. G. Beed. An other said that there was already one mill of the kind on the coast and that another was to bo started" one member said at Seattle, and another, correcting him, said at Tacoma. Fi nally, "the secretary was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of the communication," and the board seemed to breathe easier upon getting rid of an unpleasant subject. If you want to make the Portland mossback unhappy, just suggest to him that some industry ought to be started here 'and that he ought to take an interest in it. He simply wants to sell something to somebody, to collect rents, to lend money on mortgage or cut coupons from bonds. Mr. Clapp and all like him would do well to address the board of trade of some other city. And yet, a nail factory is one of Portland's needs. Our undertakers ought atlea3t to bo supplied. Orego nian, 13. Settled by Stipulation. The suit of M. B. Leavitt. against W. A Thompson, manager of the Thompson opera company, for $2,500 damages sustained through a breach of contract, was settled by stipulation in Judge Maguire's court yesterday. The attorney for the plaintiff, stated that the parties to the suit had agreed upon $1,000 damages and S15 costs of court. S. F. Bulletin, 8. Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual constipation as from any derangement of the functions of tho body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that no one likes to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBUKG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors. S. F. A Dig Daj's Fishing. Guido Parrott and Dick Turnbull went to Washougal the other day and caught 170 trout. They were fine fish, and the eyes of the two fisher men glistened as they told of the fine sport. They were caught in a stream that empties into the Washougal river, eight miles from the point where that river flows into the Co lumbia. Oregonian. The Face. The care of the complexion has be come an accomplishment that no lady of refined tastes can afford to ignore, and in leading society circles it claims as much thought as do tho fashions. It is an acknowledged fact that the variations of our climate are very se vere on the complexion, noticeable by a roughness and dryness of the skin, and to counteract this effect it be comes necessary to call in the aid of ait. In the selection of this agent too much care cannot b9 exercised. It is well known to the chemist that many of the so-called "blooms." "balms," -'creams," etc., contain lead and other poisonous substances, the luiig-uuuiiuueu uso ol wmen is dan gerous. . Wisdom's Bobertine is guar anteed under a forfeiture of $1,000, to be absolutely free from poisonous substances. If you have not yet tried it, do so at once, and be one of the hundreds who pronounce it the most delightfnl toilet article ever pro duced. Wisdom's Bobertine is sold at fifty cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. - Telephone Lodging House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night oO and 2."5 cts., per week $1.30. Mqw and clean. Private! entrance. . IInit1oiuc Jen dry. For a few days there will he on ex hibition in the Jewlery window of thn Crystal Palace, a large consignment of very fine Jewelry direct from the manufacturers, everything shown in the window is new and of . very rich designs, take a look as yQii pass. Ogilvie's Popular Reading, So. 08 at the Crystal Palace. Elgin and Yaltham watches, clocks and Silver ware of the latest styles iust opened at. the Crystal Palace, prices lower than ever. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeffs restaurant. What is better than a glass of liquor? a. cup oiaeuciuus coueu ai raores. If you wish a ny thing in fine Station ery, ine laiesc music, novels, etc., go to unmn cc eea-s. CANADIAN PACIFIC RATES. The general freight agent of the Manitoba road has just issued a new tariff on freight destined to and from St. Paul and Minneapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee and the Pacific coast, in connection with the Canadian Pacific railway. The new rates are now in effect, and cover all classes of freight as follews: Mississippi river common points, Dubuque, Iowa, to St. Louis, Mo., inclusive first class, per 100 pounds, $4.05: second class. S3.47; third class, S2 88; fourth class, S2.39; fifth class, S2.12; class A, $1.98; B, 1.47; O, $1.35; D, $1.08; E, 99 cents. Chicago, Milwaukee, and common points therewith first class, $4.23; second clas3, $3.60; third class, $3 02; fourth class, $2.48; fifth class, S2.21; class A, $2.07; B, $1.96; C, $1.40; D, $1.13; E, $1.04. Between Tacoma, Seattle, Port Townsend, Wash., and St. Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota Transfer; also Missouri river common points first class, $3.60; second class, $2.15; third class, S2.70; fourth class, $2.25; fifth class, $2.02; class A, S1.89: B. $1.57; O, $1.26; D, 99 cents; E, 90 cents. The rates between British Colum bia coast points, viz: Victoria, Van couver, Port Moody, New West minster and Hammond, and St. Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota Transfer; also Missouri river common points are the same as the above, as are also the rates to San Francisco, Cal., from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota Transfer; also Missouri river common points. Taking the above in connection with the tables v published yesterday, will give Astorians some points on freight till tho interstate "what-is-it," is modified or repealed. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glen3 and oceans, and thousands of "means of enjoyment We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel liko giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer cau easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August Flower, will m&ke them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy five per cent, of such mala dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. 'Tis an 111 Wind That Blows no Good." The starving people of Newfound land have been relieved by a north east gale, which filled the bays with ice and enabled the people to capture seals for food. llapld Beatin? of the Heart. Whenever you feel an uneasiness in the region of the heart, a slight pain in the shoulder, arm, or under the shoulder-blade, or when you find yourself short of breath when ex ercising, or your heart has periods of of beating fast, you have heart disease, and should take Db. Feint's Heabt Bemedt. At druggists, $1.50. Descriptive treatises with each bot tle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F My establishment is now filled with a large and well selected stock. My prices are as usual the very lowest, and all I ask is a chance to convince you that T can and will save you money. It is for your own interest as much as for mine to do ySur trading- with me. Gorman Wise, The Clothier and Ilatter. (Occident Building.) -TN-- AND Musical Instruments AT TIIE New York Uovelty Store Tone Up The System. TRY THE NERVE FOOD, Manufactured and for Sale by XTInanl W.,(om Mr.fl i Wjtr nNv fff- I livery in all parts or the City. Office and Worts on Jefferson street, west of Cass. Full! GREAT Bargains Baby Buggies GLOAK DEPARTMENT! At The LeadingDryGoodslClothingHou ARRIVED: And on exhibition in our Cloak Room this week our first selection of New, Stylish and Fashionable Garments, consist ing of LADIES' BEADED DAMASSE WRAPS. LADIES' BEADED GRENADINE WRAPS. LADIES' VELVET BROCADE WRAPS. LADIES' WOOL ARMURE WRAPS. LADIES' WOOL OTTOMAN WRAPS. . LADIES' HABIT CLOTH ULSTERS, In "Various Designs. LADIES' CASSIMERE ULSTERS, With Hoods. LADIES' WALKING JACKETS, - In Cassimere, Bruclec, Jersey, liuretless, in Various Colors and Designs, NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, C. H. COOPER'S, PYTHIAN BUILDING. YOU NEEDN'T PasteThis On Your Loeking: Glass. You will be sure to see it in The Astorian- and will remember it, because it is for your interest to do so. No premium Chromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guessers, or any other clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell their, goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits is their motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken off the price of the goods. And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the price of the goods. REMEMBER: If you want cannery supplies, go to D. L. BECK & SOfflS. If you want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Bye or Corn Meal, . , go to D. L.BEGK & SONS. If you want "Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley, so to J). Z. BECK & SONS. If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs, go to D. L. BECK & SONS. If vou want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard, go to J?. L. BECK& SONS. If you want Sardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, etc., go to B. Z. BECK cfc SONS If you want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or . Fresh Cal. Honey, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS If you want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins, in bulk or glass, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS If vou want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples or any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. Z. BECKYS: SONS In short, if vou want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries go to B. Z. BECK & SONS Do vou want the best Coal Oil in the market, or Be best Oil Can ever invented, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS Do you want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clothespins, go to B. Z. BECK A SONS Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. Z. BECK d' 'SONS Do vou want Plain Decorated China or Crockery Ware, White, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to B Z BECK fr SONS Do you want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver plated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons, go to B Z BECK cC SONS Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and common to the best to be had, go to B Z BECK & SONS In fact, if you want anything in pur line, you will .go home happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of D. L. BECK & SONS, ?S" r.i-gdBag9fcww-fc'v--. 384Uez.' ',-Jti.t . 'jifciUf- e- - jt&tk wai j& WifiS'-j