w tEfce gmUj $tOOTtt. ASTORIA, OREGON: THDKSDAY APKIL 14. 1887 The idea of bering: a tunnel be tween the Italian peninsula and Sicily has been revived. The es timated cost is said to be 71,000, 000 francs, and the time required for completing the work would be from four to six years. It is stat ed that the depth of the sea is 160 metres. Several cases have occurred during the last few, weeks, in which one or other of the Atlantic cables has been used by Americans on the continent to consult their physicians. In the last instance a consultation was held by subma rine cable between an American doctor who was settled in. Parjs, and one of the most famous physi cians in New York. Mant reminiscences of the great Brooklyn preacher are now in cir culation. One tells of Mr. Beech er's first experience in writing for the newspapers. He offered to write weekly letters for a dollar a letter from the west. The editor thought the price too high, but agreed from sympathy to take the letters. The next day, "however, the editor repented of his rash offer, and refused the letters at a dollar a column. The fact is remembered that when "Wra. R. Morrison was in congress he denounced the 'inter state commerce bill as "a humbug, intended onlj' to provide soft places for men who would have nothing to do but ride over the country on free passes and board at the ex pense of the government." It is odd that one of these "soft places" should fall to Mr. Morrison; but if he attends faithfully to the du ties of the office, as he doubtless will, he will discover that the posi tion is somewhat more arduous than he had assumed. All the president's letters pass through the Hands of Mr. Hendley, an expert stern ogapher, who has charge of the White house mail. He sends those in the handwriting of Mrs. Cleveland; Miss Cleveland, Mrs. Folsom, "Cousin" Ben or "Bestman" Bissell direct to the president unopened. All others, no matter how addressed, as tpri vate," "confidential" or "personal," are opened, read and indexed. A knowledge of this fact will tend to discourage "confidential" corre spondence with the White house. The interstate commerce com missioners say that the soundness of Judge Deaxly's decision regard ing the Oregon & California road depends upon whether the com pany has made a breach in its line merely fb avoid thejaw, or wheth er the railroad and steamship com panies have always been independ ent. The law provides that the companies shall not break their line of transportation and make reship ments on going out of the state, so as to avoid the application of the law, but where such questions arise it is likely that the commis sion will assume good faith on the part of the roads unless the con trary is evident: Until proof of duplicity is found they will not be able to say how long two trans portation companies working in combination shall continue that arrangement. ' m m It is stated positively in Wash ington that the president will call the fiftieth "session of congress on October 1. ' This date was decided upon after frequent consultations with speaker Carlisle and others. The president was strongly in clined to fix the date for an extra session on the loth of September, but there was an objection made on account of the extreme heat at the national capital during that month. The desire of the presi dent was to have congress assem ble as soon after the close of the fiscal year as possible, so that the deficiency bill and otner important legislation could be attended to promptly, but the speaker and members had their way in fixing a later day. The advantage of con gress assembling in October is that it -will give the house time to or ganize and attend to pressing wants of the public service before the holidays, while if the session was permitted to. commence on the first Monday in December, ac cording to custom, nothing but the organization could be accomplished until after the Christmas recess. Sewing women in New Yor.;, according to a write! in the New York Timis are most wretchedly paid. The young women- of the well-to-do families who used to be able to maintain them selves bj' taking home sewing for the manufacturing firms find themselves unable to earn their .carfares since the cuts in the prices of the past few years; while the poor .women in the tenements who eked out a scanty living by sue hwork are simply unable to exist. Three years ago 17 per dozen was paid for cloaks, but this pricehas been successively reduced to $12, $9, 6, 5, $4 and S3, until it is now 81.50 per -dozen. Dress suits, llannels and sacques, are $1.85 per dozen; "fancy wrappers are $4 pe dozen, plain, 50 cents. riain chemises, ev cents per dozen; fancy chemises, 35 cents; aprons being 7 cents each; wide-hemmed handkerchiefs are 4 cents per dozen; narrow-bordered handkerchiefs, 2 cents per dozen; white sacques tucked are $3 per dozen; skirt and sacque, $4 and 2 per dozen; jerseys being 30 cts. per dozen, or 8 and 9 cents each. The women have to supply the thread, the silk costing 50 cents per spool. The work has to be delivered on alternate days, and often the item of car fares to those living in the suburbs equals the receipts at these rates. The manufacturers claim to be unable to pay any bet ter, because their rates to the re tail dealers have been reduced, and the latter assert that the com petition has brought the selling prices to cost. City Treasurer's Report for Quarter Ending Mareh 31st, 1S87. 1887. DK. Jan. 1. To Balance on hand S 3,727 Men. 31. To am't sale Liquor Licenses . . " " " Teams Licenses.. " ' Pawn License.... " " Dog Licenses " " " Auctioneers Li censes - ' ' Peel Table Li censes " " " Cemetery Lots ... u u i Runner's Licenses " " " Billiard Table Li censes ........ . u wiiarfingeVs" Li censes " ' fiom Police Court fines. " " sale Peddler's Licenses i. 4 Theater Licenses. 3.000 118 65 50 27 CO o0 35 68 10 57 50 30 302 50 35 15 Total S 7,526 85 " ' CK. By amt. Warrants paid 4,565 " Balance General Fund 509 30 " " Police Fund 356 54 " CemetervFund.. 788 51 Bend Interest $ 1,307 50 $ 7,526 85 Respectfully submitted. .1 . G. HusTLEn,,Treas. Astoria, Ogn., April 1, 1887. 'Knocked Oat." The versatility of the English language is remarkable. Take the expression "knocked out," for in stance, upon the misconstruction oE which a ludicrous incident recently occurred. A messenger, just after "doubling" his run, was asked by the route agent to take the next run out again: when ho replied that he couldn't do it; that he was all "knocked out" meaning, thereby, worn out. The route agent, in re porting the matter to tfie superinten dent, stated that the messenger re fused to take the run on account of having been worsted in a fight, When the messenger was called up before the superintendent and the situation explained, a good laugh was indulged in at the expense of the B. A., who will doubtless hereafter bear in mind that "knocked out" may mean ("Literally, I Physically, Mentallv, j Bodily, ? Legally, Knocked out uommerciaiiy, Financially, Politically, Socially, Metaphorically. Excitement in Texas, Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Tex,, by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, wno was so ueipiess ne could, not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consunmtion. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he boucht a laree bottle and a hnx of Tir. Kings's New Life Pills; by the time he had laken two boxes of Pills and two bottles or the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. .Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at W. E. Dement &C0r A New And Enlargnd Mock of Choice Brands of Clears. Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. TansiirsPunch and Juniors in full supply as usual at D. L. liECK & Soxs. The perfection of the age in the med ical lino is the liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Fics. manufactured only by the California Fi Syrup Co., San Fran cisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless yet prompt and thorough in its action. For sa e by "W. E. Dement & Co. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at.J.W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. Italian, French and Gerniau Prunes. Fiesh California, Oregon and Eastern Corn Meal, Triticum. Epicurean Food. Flake Oats, etc., at Thompson & Ross'. Fiesh Eggs, Butter, Cheese, etc. TiroMrsox & Ross. "Uackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. The best oysteis in Fabrc's. any stjle at On Tlic Way. Eight cases Finest Xew Yoik Baby Buggies. "Wait for them. New Tonic Noveltv Stoke. Gainbrimis Boer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. April 18, 19 and 20. THE WIZARD KING, ZAMLOCH, In a :eries of new and marvelous WONDERS. Eerjthlng new and original. i 150 Elegant and Costly 150 Presents given away. No cheap trash of any kind. Admission (Including 3 envelopes) DO cts. Children (including l envelope) 25 cts. Reserved seats '(including 1 envelopes) 73 cts. N.B. Zimloch's reputation Is of years standing anil his motto h is always been to deal honorably witii his patrons. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in S Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building oa 'Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. . Astoria, oregois. isheries Dispatch. Fishermen, that require netting for im mediate, unlookedfor use, with dispatcu.can be accommodated with telegraphic orders, a ith full description of every item, to sa e delay of further Information. Can make a Pure Sein, 250 faths, long 40 faths. deep, for deep sea llshlng. tor salmon, that will take but 1,700 lbs. tRine to make, and can be worked by 20 men. Can send a model of one. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester, Mas;. Boston Olllce 00 Commercial St. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTOEIAN JOB OFFICE. Frank L Parker, Dealer in Fancy anil Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTOEIA WOOD YARDl ROSS' Opera House Cannery noes! THE CRYSTAL PALACE FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Jeweiry and Silverware JUST RECEIVED. ALSO ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE OF 3F,sl3.ox2aa.e33.5'e Alarm 0!ools.j3. Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. O&SCL JLDLEB., Manager. CHAS. W. GIBBS, "Watchmaker and Jeweler. h "B" IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? -That Depends on the Liver. The Liver Depends on the Food. If What You Eat Doesn't Agree With You, CO TO Ft rtLLL And Get Some of His Choice Provisions. Ask to See Some Novelties and Specialties In FINE GROCERIES. . Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; 'Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chill Sauce, Tobasco Efauce, CelorySalt, Fronch and. German Mustard, Leiblg's Ex. Beef, Sea Foam wafers, Van Houghton's Cocoa. Triticnm, Germ, Enicnrean Food, Oat Porriilp, Rolleft Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. TY BOOK Our Stock is Larger than ever before. All New Goods and direct from Eastern Factories. FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, EISRINGr TACKLE, ETC. Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. The Domestic Sewing Machine. ' Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. JEFF JEFF JEFF JEFF The Mam who laughs. AND GETS FAT IS THE MAN THAT EATS AT -JEFF'S p- A SmU IAL FINISHED.. Eastern and Shoalwater Oysters, MEALS COOKED TO ORDER. A FIRST CLASS LODGING In Connection With STORE. JEFF JEFF JEFF JEFF HOUSE! The Restaurant. The For the Next We will sell all of our Ladles' and Children's Cloaks at 26 per cent. Less than Former Prices. We have Just Received a Laro Lot of the celebrated Browns ville, Oregon, Woolen Goods in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Flannels and Blankets. Also, Direct from the East, Gents', Youths', Boys', and Children's Fine Clothing and Hats. All of which we will sell at the Very Lowest Prices. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods is one of the most complete north of San Francisco. Our past reputation justifies us in saying that We Lead in Quality of Goods and Prices. W. T- F2LB.SBB., Manager. BOOTS and SHOES Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. I.nriiea T?lnYihl Rnla SIiiipc 111 Vrnnnli TTonfTfirnn OTirl TlrmcrnlA fvld Boys and. Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Chlldrens and Infant heels, and Spring heels. WE DEAL I BOOTS AND SHOES OHH.1l. H. B. PAREEB, DEALER, IK Hay, Oats, ana Straw, Lime, Bricl, Cement, Saul ana" Plaster Wood Delirered to Order. Draylnp, Team lag and Express Easiness. TER apply to the Captain, or to pgoBoSSw . J. R. LEESON & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AND IMTORTERS. le Johnstone (Scotland) ant Grafton (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads -AND- At jMOONt 0-JiS9H5: The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 187G or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited 11 Eoferences for the Scotch Salmon Xet Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who' bought it last "season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. Agnta for the Pacific Ceast: .-- nr-i o v KITTLE & CO., 302 Celxf a St., San Francisco, Gala! Empire Store. 30 Days P. J. GOODMAN. STRIMEB CLARA PARSER 6 en P, Parker,Master. For TOWING, FBEIGHT orCHAK II. B. PAHKKH. .