The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 12, 1887, Image 3

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PKIL 12. 18S7
Regular conncil meeting to night
The Scandinavian benevolent soci
ety' holds its regular meeting to
night. The Uniojuis having a now house
put on and will be taken to Cape Fox
when repairs are finished.
Delay in procuring music occasions
a postponement of the second series
of social dances by the Mistletoe So
cial club.
A fire alarm at 7:45yeterday morn
ing was occasioned by the burning of
a bale of hay at F. L. Parker's wharf:
no damage. .
The stockholders of the Astoria
building and loan association will
meet this evening to organize, elect
directors, etc.
Judge "Wm. T. Strong, an old resi
dent of Portland, died at the resi
dence of his son Thomas, in that city,
last Sunday morning.
The schooner Compeer, hay laden,
is on the way from San Francisco.
The barkentine Portland is also on
the way here from San Pedro.
The Selkirksliire sailed la3t Sun
day. There is no loaded vessel in
port. Six tugs and the pilot boat
were outside last Friday, but no ves
sel in sight.
County warrants presented to the
.county treasurer prior to September
7th, 18S5, with interest to date, will
be paid upon presentation at county
treasurer Bergman's office.
The ladies' auxiliary committee of
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will hold a reception for young
men this evening from 7 to 10 o'clock,
at the rooms of the association.
The Woman's Relief Corps will set
ont a lunch at Liberty Hall .from 12
to 2 o'clock this afternoon for 25 cents.
The proceeds are to go to their bene
fit fund. Call around, get a good
lunch and aid a worthy cause.
Over in Tacoma they are talking of
nominating two citizens named, re
spectively, Henry Drum, and W. H.
Fife, for mayo'r and councilman. A
drum that can't be beat is no good,
and if fife jwere councilman, they'd
play him, right along.
Ones seemed a little slow yesterday
in getting water, but they had cold
water in'the boiler, and again, when
about to make steam, the vibration
- causedTby the aweli underneath and
consequent suoking of air shook the
. fire out of the fire box, necessitating
the starting of another fire; hence the
unusually slow time.
. . In the course of a lecture before
. the Geographical society of the Pa
cific, at San Francisco last TuesdayJ
on "uoia, Alexander uel Mar spoke
of a "pamphlet which he had read,
written by Horace Davis, which told
of the journey of an old Indian to the
Pacific coast in 1760 and of his seeing
Japanese ships at anchor in the
mouth of the Columbia river and
whose crews were engaged in mining
gold on the river's banks."
"A prominent salmon packer from
the Columbia river" tells the Post
Intelligencer "the Eclipse Packing
company, of San Francisco, has de
cided to erect a cannery on Seattle
bay in time for operations this year,
and an eastern company will also
build a oannery here. One of these
canneries will be built at Smith's
Cove, where the land has already
been secured. The annery at Milton
will be run to its utmost capacity,
and there will be another one started
at MuckilteoJ during the present Bea
son." t'ERSOXL.
C. A. Reed, of Pacific county, is in
the city.
Major T. J. Blakeny goe3 to North
Cove to-day.
T. S. Jewett returned from Port
land yesterday."
Mrs. Prael went to Portland yes
terday to meet her son Richard, -who
has been at school at Eugene.
J. T. Monteith, now a prominent
employe of the Union Iron Works,
at Portland, was, in the city last week.
Meeting To-night
Sts. John Chapter 14, R. H. M.,
meets this, Tuesday evening at 750.
Work on the mark master's degree.
Prompt attendance requested; so
journing oompaniosn cordially in
vited. By order
M. E. H. P:
At Tlie Holden House
A. few more boarders can be accom
modated with or without rooms.
An Opportunity.
Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles,
Brazilian Pebbles and optical goods
with Wm. Armbruster, where they can
be bought. This is a good opportunity
for those who were unable to buy irom
him before his departure.
I.oircst Cassli X'rice.
Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at
r D. L. Beck & Sons.
Go To Crow's Gallery.
The leading Photographer. For the
finest photos in all the latest styles and
of superior iinisb.
What! o You Thinly
Jeff of the U. i$. gives you a meal for
nothing and a -glass of something to
drinks Not much; but ho gives the
bestrmeal and.more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's
Items Prom Both Hemispheres.
London. A'pril 11. Yesterday a
large sailing vessel with one hundred
thousand barrels of paraffine aboard,
went ashore near Reachley. The
tide rushed into tho cabin and
drowned tho captain, wife and child.
Toronto, April 11. The Globe, re
viewing Cleveland's letter, winds up
by saying: "The situation is, to say
tho least, exceedingly serious."
Portland, April 11. Gov. Pen
noyer says of the appointment of Eu
gene Sempl) as governor of Wash
ington, that it is a first-class appoint
ment in every respect He is a whole
souled fellow and worthy of every re
spect. He Bud Pennoyer used to be
in partnership in the Herald.
Quebec, April 11 A detachment
of the Salvation Army was attacked
by a mob yesterday and pelted with
ice and hard balls of snow. One fe
male was struck on tho head with a
five-pound chunk and knocked sense
less. She is dangerously injured.
Santa Cruz, April 11. The schoon
er J. W. Seaver is a total loss; the
cond mate, one sailor and the Chi
nese cook are drowned. She was
owned by Crawford & Co., of San
Francisco, 'and valued at $7,500.
Washington, April 11. A telegram
has been received that the man who
robbed paymaster Bush of $7,400 a
few weeks ago in Wyoming territory,
has been caught
Washington, April 11. Tho ap
pointment of Semple as governor of
Washington is hailed with satisfac
tion by the Democrats of the territo
ry, as well as Democrats in the Dis
trict of Columbia, because the
appointment is in keeping with the
national platform of tho party.
Portland, April 11. It is under
stood that the O. & C. will soon put
on Sunday trains.
Pittsburg, April 1L Detectives
have unearthed a most gigantic con
spiracy for robbing tho Pan Handle
Railroad Company. The thievery
has been going on for nearly a year,
and it is believed that half a million
dollars worth of freight has been
stolen. Early this morning a hun
dred police and detectives made a raid
and arrested forty-six conductors and
brakeman. Much plunder has been
recovered. Of 80 crews arrived at
Pittsburg, 75 were- found to bo
crooked. Each crew consists of four
a big meeting.
London, April 11. A great work
ingmen's meeting is being held here
to-day. Tho utmost enthusiasm pre
vails. Many of the banners have
pictures of Gladstone, -Michael Davitt
and Father Keller, and inscribed
"Justice for Ireland." They are or
derly, so far. A big force of police is
in reserve in case of emergenoy.
Boston, April 11. Following is the
gross exchange for the week ending
April 9th:. New York, $659,000,000,
an increase of 15 per oent; Boston,
S887,000,000, an increase of 37 per
cent, Philadelphia, $7,000,000, an
increase of 7 per cent; Chicago,
$51,000,000, an increase of 16
per cent; St Louis, $18,000,000,
ah increase of 9 per cent; San
Francisco, $50,000,000, an" increase
of 50 per cent.
The Face.
The care of the complexion has be
come an accomplishment that no lady
of refined tastes can afford to ignore,
and in leading society circles claims
as much thought as do the fashions.
It is an acknowledged fact that the
variations of our climate are very se
vere on tho complexion, noticeable by
a roughness and dryness of the skin,
and to counteract this effect it be
comes necessary to call in the aid of
art In. the .selection of this agent
too much care cannot be exercised;
It is well known to the chemist that
many of the so-called ".blooms,"
"balms'-reams," etc., contain lead
and other poisonous substances, the
long-dbntinuecL use of which is dan
gerous; Wisdom's Robertine is guar
anteed under a. forfeiture of $1,000,
to be absolutely free from poisonous
substances. If you have not yet tried
it, do so at once, -and be one of the
hundreds who pronounpe it the most
delightful toilet article ever pro
duced. Wisdom's Robertine is sold
at fifty centa per bottle. Sold by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Something Important.
We are the Astoria Agents for the
celebrated Domestic Sewing Machine.
Parties in want of a machine are in
vited to call and examine them. Sold
for cash or on the installment plan.
Griffin & Rkeu.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
If you have a watch or clock that
needs repairing take it to the Crystal
Palace, and get a good job done by
a first class workman.
Private Rooms.
Grand Ball nt Ross' Opera Honso In the
Yesterday, was tho day set for the
parade and drill of the Astoria iire
department, and as the hour for the
meeting at the engine houses drew
near, the clouds rolled away and the
sun shone out brightly. At the hour
set Astoria No. One's marched down,
preceded by the band, and meeting
Rescue's No. 2, and Alert H. & L. No.
One, at their houses, the parade be
gan: In front marched chief engineer
Worsley and his assistants, Ed. Hal
lock on ttfe right, Tom Linville on
the left; then came the Western
Amateur band, then the American
flag, followed by the Amoskeag en
gine of No. One's, handsomely deco
rated with flo.wers, and followed by
tho members of the company who
participated in tfie parade, the hose
cart team and tender team, the latter
having got their new uniforms in
time for tho occasion.
Following them came Alert H. & L.
No. One in uniform, drawing the
truck and apparatus, and behind them
came the Silsby of No 2's, shining
like a mirror; after them
walked the
hose team with No. 2's four
then No. 2's tender team and then the
two-wheeler. The fine appearance of
those in tho procession was the sub
ject of favorable comment by the
crowds that lined tho streets along
the route of the procession. The sev
eral companies were marshaled by
their respective officers, who, in full
regalia, flowers in the trumpets, etc.,
were a pioturesque feature of the ia
rade. After traversing some of the prin
cipal stieets, the engine of No. 2 and
truck of Alert No. 1, were formally
housed, nnd AstoriaNo. Ouo's, headed
by the band, proceeded to thoir house,
and the parade was over.
Next came the drill. Each com
pauy was stationed at its .house, the
engines cold, just as they came from
the parade, and at 2:44 the alarm was
sounded. Alerts sped away to the
White House corner, and in a minute
and a half from tho sounding of the
alarm a ladder was laid and a
mau on the roof. Rescue's ran
with their engine to the Occident
corner, the hose team following, As
toria No." Ones ran with their engine
considerably farther to the Main
street wharf, their hose team laying
Jiose also, dense clouds of black
smoke belched from both engines,
and in a very few minutes pipe men
from both companies were waving
their hats and shouting "Water." In
six minutes and two seconds from the
sdunding of the alarm, the Silsby
threw a stream; in eleven minutes
and four seconds the Amoskeag re
sponded. The drill. wa3 witnessed
by a very largo number of people.
'Take up," was the next order.
In the evening there was a joyous
gathering at the opera house; the
Western Amateur band furnished
fine musio and all present enjoyed
themselves. At Liberty Hall the
Woman's Belief Corps set an elegant
supper, to which many of the number
present did ample justice.
Unnecessary MLery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS -were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J..J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
An Astoria Bound Vessel "Wrecked.
Santa Cruz, April 10. The bark
J. W. Seaver, loudod -with hay and
salt for Astoria, foundered on the
rocks near New lear s point, about
twenty miles north of this place, at 9
o'clock this morning. The vessel had
lost her rudder and was driven help
lessly by the wind and waves against
the coast. Two men succeeded in
reaohing sliore, although narrowly
esoaping drowning. The remainder
of the crew took to the rigging. Peo
ple from the surrounding country
gathered, but from latest reports had
been unable to do anything towards
rescuing "the crew. Five men were
seen in the rigging. One side of the
vessel is stove in. A total wreck is
probable, as the wind aiid sea are very
Excitement in Texas,
. Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris. Tex.-, by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head : everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A.
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
was sent hinr. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills; by the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at W. E. Dement
The latest styles In Baby Carriages,
cheap for cash at Griffin & Heed's.
Earlv rose potatoes -for seed.
Thompson & Ross.
Italian, French and German Prunes.
Fresh California, Oregon and Eastern
Corn Meal, Triticum, Epicurean Food.
Flake Oats, etc., at Thompson & Ross'.
Fresh Eggs, Butter, Cheese, etc.
Thompson & Ross.
Girl Wanted
To do general housowork. Apply to
Mrs. C. L. Parker.
Members of the Scandinavian Bene
volent Society are hereby notified that
the noxt regular meeting will be held
April 12th, being the 2nd Tuesday in
the month.
Desirable Tract For Sale.
One hundred and sixty acres, heavily
wooded with spruce, ten miles from
town, on Lewis and Clarkes. For terms,
etc., apply at this office.
Commercial Statistics Collected from the
Astoria Custom Hoa'so.
Foreign imports, direct to Astoria, for
the years 1885 and 1886.
Tin plate 32,800 boxes $ 129,195
Salt 200 tons 1,000
Coal 1,297 " 7,000
Totals $ 137,295
Tin plate. I 45,704 boxes $ 15J,975
Salt 85 tons 550
Coal 4,223 " 13,175
Sundries 2,000
Totals $.169,700
Return of principal articles of export
foreign direct from the port of Astoria,
for the years 1885 and 1886.
Canned Salmonl 222,594 cases $1,147,130
Wheat I 395,813 buq. 804,180
Flour I 13,525 bbls 65,440
Lumber 55,800 feet 6,16a
Sundries 425
"Totals $ 1,523,335
Canned Salmonl 156,187 cases I $ 776,325
Wheat I 814,264 bus. I '603,810
Flour 26,991 bbls 101,240
Lumber 2,316,000 feet 24,865
Sundries J 14,020
Totals 1 $ 1,525,260
Freight received at Astoria from
Portland and wayports during
the year 1886, as shown by the
ireignt bills ot 66 business
houses of Astoria
Freight received via Astoria, for
Tillamook, Forta Stevens and
Canby, Ilwaco, Shoalwater bay
and Grays harbor
Freight delivered in Astoria by
steamer Clara Parker and
other small steamers owned in
Astoria from Portland and
.other points on the Columbia
river and it? tributaries, not
included in above estimate ....
Wheat lightered from Portland
to Astoria in 1886, 814,264 bush
els 24,550
Flour lightered, 26,991 bbls 2.700
Salmon sent Ea3t in 1886 12,000
Total tons 50,445
Return of exports foreign from Port
land via'Astoria for the year 1886.
Wheat 13,064,828 bus. $2,383,773
Flour 1 301,2Clbbs I 1,116,755
Sundries j j 10,537
Totals 1 $3,511,065
lteturn of shipping nt the port of As
toria for the year 1886.
152 vessels, aggregating . ... 162,647 tons
180 vessels, aggregating 172,362 tons
198 vessels, aggregating 280,355 tons
186 vessels, aggregating 268,232 tons
The above does not include coastwise
vessels in the lumber trade, or vessels
passing via Astoria direct from and to
other ports.
ltapld Boating of the Heart.
Whenever you foel an uneasiness
in the region of tho heart", a slight
pain in the shoulder, arm, or under
tho shoulder-blade, or when you .find
yourself short of breath when ex
ercising, or your heart has periods
of of beating fast, you have heart
disease, and Bhould take Dr. Feint's
Heart Kejledt. At druggists, 31.50.
Descriptive treatises with each bot-
tlepor address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F
Telephone IiOIgius House.
Bes't Beds in town. Rooms ier night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. I'rivate entrance.
A luxury and necessity for rich and
poor who wish to enjoy good health,
and who do not wish to resort to bitter
nauseous liver medicines and .cathar
tics, is the concentrated liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and SI
bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices, atJ.W.
uonns cirug store, opposite Occident
hcte!, Astoria.
Tho Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour-
uon, inu., says: "uotn myself and wife
owe our lives toSnii.on's Consumption
Cork." Sold by W. E. Dement.
For The Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charniinc
tones, the mot scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
iHuiipius at ins new auery on me roau
way. Elgin and Waltham watches, clocks
and Silver ware of the latent styles just
opened at tho Crystal Palace, prices
lower than ever.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant.
Syrup oi Figs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. Is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
ad of W. E. Dementi Co. at fiftv cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is thd1 most
pleasant, prompt ana elective remedy
known, to cleanse the system ; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
Yet thOrnilPlllv tO lisil(l ITitorlnnlx.
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation!
Catarrh cured, "health and sweet
hreath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector" free
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Whatlsbetterthanaglass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. -
Tho best
oysters in any style at
Large lot of Reading matter just
received at the Crystal Palace.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
In tho days of old,
When warriors bold
Got drunk three times a day,
A knight so bold,
As Fve been told.
Sang merrily this lay,
Sang merrily this lay:
"My love has notions queer,
Says she to me, 'Dear boy,' says she,
'Please swear off for a year.' "
so what care l
Though death be nigh,
I'll drink no more
I'll drink no more or die!
So this 6ame knight
Who oft got tight,
Ko signed tho pledge that day:
Ho fought the fight, "
But ere next night,
His SOUl had nafiwrl mrnv.
His soul had passed away. piated ring ne woro
Vn? TlPni lirmlrnr? Tf mnra
But ere he choked he faintlycroaked,
x nepc ma swear l swore
So what care I
Though death be nigh.
Fvo kept the pledge
I've kept the pledge and die!"
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we
live in! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountains, lens and. oceans, and
thousands of means of enjoyment.
Wo can desire no better when in
perfect health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving it
up disheartened, discouraged and
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every
sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Green's August Flower,
will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint are the direct causes ot
seventy five per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache, Oostivenes3, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of the Heart, and other
distressing symptoms. Three doses
of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles,
10 cents. Try it.
What Do You Think About It.
Lily Langtry has a new lover
named Dassent. He, however, says
the Lily is to marry Freddy. Per
haps it is a case of one is a Fred and
t'other Dassent. Pittsburg Chron
icle. The Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Drugcist. Bippus, Ind.,
testifies: "I can recommend Electric
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case.
One man took bix bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 yearV standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville,
Ohio, affirms : "The best sellincr medi-
cino I have ever handled in my 20 years' i
experience, is .Electric Bitters." Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a
halfdollarabottleat'W.E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
Eugene Somple his been ap
pointed governor of Washington
ZK ftVnvOa Blood Elixir is tho
TAAVU . only Blood JRomedy
guaranteed. It is a positive cure for
Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois
oning. It purifies tho whole system,
and banishes all Rheumatic and Neu
ralgic pains. Wo guarantee it.
J. W. Conn.
Fino Furnislictl Rooms?
At the Munson Ileuse: Newly fur
nished and renevated: terms reasonable.
Mus. A. E. Stout.
If you wish anything in fine Station
ery, the latebt music, novels, etc., go to
Griffin & Reed's.
"Haekmetack," a lasting and fra
jrant perfume. Price 25 and CO cents,
sold by W.E. Dement.
With a magnlficeut stock ot Goods
For Men, Young Men and Boys.
Furnishing Goods,
The most Beautiful Hue of
Neckware, Suspenders, Etc.
Boys' Sailor Suits from $2 upward.
German Wise,
Tho Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident Building.)
Baby Buggies
Musical Instruments
New. York. Novelty Store
Leading Dry G
ARRIVED: And on exhibition in our Cloak' Room this week
our first selection of New, Stylish and Fashionable Garments, consist
ing of
In Yarious Designs.
. With Hoods.
In Cassimere, Brucleo, Jersey, Buretless, In -
Yarious Colors and Designs,
Paste This On Your Looking Glass;
You will be sure to see it in The Astobian and will remember
it, because it is for your interest to do so.
No premium Chfomos, Gift enterprises; Bean guessers, t)r any
other clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell their
goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits 'is their
motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken off tho price of the goods.
And the people-like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one
out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get It in the price of the
If you vrant cannery supplies,
If you want Roller flour, Oat,
If you want "Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley,
go to B. Z. BECK & SOtyS.
If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs,
go to D. Z. BECK & 802TS.
If you want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard,
go to J). Z. BECK& SONS.
If you want Sardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring
Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, etc., go to
If you want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips, "
go to D. Z. BECK & SONS
If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pore Maple Syrup or - t
Fresh Ual. Honey, go to JJ. A. BMiUK & HUJSii
If you want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins, , r"
' - in bulk or glass, go. to B. Z. BECK & SONS
If you want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples or
any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
In short, if voti want any kind of Staple or Fanoy Groceries .'
go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
Do you want tho best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil
Can ever invented, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
Do you want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clotbespins,
go to B. Z. BECK& SONS
Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber
or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
Do von want Plain Decorated Chirm or Crockery Ware, " w
"White, or Fancy Glass "Ware, go to B Z BECK & SONS
Do you want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver
plated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons,-
Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and
common to the best to be had, go to B Z BECK d: SONS
In fact, if you want anything in our line, you -will go home
happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of
AN; The
o to B. Z. BE OK b SOWS.
rahara, Rye or Corn Meal,
go to JD. L.BECK ib JSOlfJS.
'--I. r 4. jwk.