3 r -j . ?Ite gnitg glsfartau. ASTORIA; OREGON SATURDAY APRIL 9. 18S7 Last day of Lent. F. 0. Reed returned yesterday from up the valley. The Oregon is due from San Fran cisco this morning; the State sails. Mr. Ike Bergman, who ha9 been ill for some days, is again on the street. Twenty-two years ago to-day, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox. The next Presbyterian church so cial will be given at the house of Mrs. Geo. 0. Flavel. Major T. J."Blakeny, superintend ent of the life saving service, is on the incoming steamer. Miss Alice McCormac, late assist ant teacher in the Ilwaco school, has returned to the city. Caspar Baltes, who recently re turned from California, is visiting his daughter nt La Center. The Clatsop Mill Co. yesterday sold fifty-five carloads of lumber to Den ver, Colorado, purchasers, f. o. b. W. L. McCabe came down from Portland yesterday. He leaves on the State to-day, for a sis weeks' so journ in California. There will be morning and evening service at the Congregational ohurch to-morrow, Rev.Geo. C. Hall officiat ing for the first "time. The bark Colusa, 1,189, now on the way to the Sound, has been sold to Messrs. Smith and Backus, of San Francisco, for 21,000. Capt. Troop, ol the Alaskan, and Purser Dillingham came down from Portland yesterday afternoon, and go to Ilwaco this morning. The ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. 0. A. will have a social at the .rooms of the latter next Tuesday evening. A general invitation is extended. Commissions have been issued to C. Leinenweber and Louis "Wilson of this city, and J. A. Brown, of Port land, the new board of pilot commis sioners. "Jefly the enterprising restaurant man, makes a fine showing in his win dows and on his tables, He is in business and Bets a fine meal for very low figures. The Portland Stevedores', 'Long shoremen's and Biggers' Union have elected Thos. "Williams as their treas urer 11 thff vacancy occasioned by the' death of Geo. Lloyd. Baker City is excited over a recent game of poker there wherein $600 was won on oneliand. Such little oognr ences are -too common to excite re mark in this end of the state. Though there is no probability of smallpox up this way. yet its presence in California suggests the advisabili ty of guarding against its possible appearance here by beinjf vaccinated. The British bark Bebington is en titled to whatever credit there is in making a long passage. She sailed, wheat laden, for Queenstown on July 21st, 18S6, and has made port, 255 days out. 3 At the regular meeting last Thurs day, Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. O. O. F., elected AJ. Megler, G. Beed, J. W: "Welch and C. A. May delegates to the grand lodge, L . O. F., which meets at East Portland, May; 17th. Considerable improvement is noted in upper Astoria in the way of build ing. That community needs a fire company and an engine about as badly as anything. Some day a fire may destroy ten times the cost of an engine foryfvant of appliances to pre vent it. ' The James Williams packing com pany has been incorporated. Jas. Williams. J. F. Byan and Jas. T. Gannon are the. incorporators. The capital stock is S50.000, divided into 500shares of 100 each. The busi ness is catching salmon in the Colum bia river and Pugefc sound. Messrs. Beed, Thompson and Camp bell, the.board of fish commissioners, have been at the Clackamas hatchery eight miles east of Oregon City, dur ing the week. It was found to be in a very dilapidated conditon and needs complete overhauling, if not rebuild ing. 'That vicinity will probably be the headquarters of the commission this summer. Artioles of incorporation, of the Columbia Biver Packing Company have been filed in San. Francisco, the object being to oatch, preserve and self salmon and other fish. The cap ital is $100,000, divided into 2,000 shares. Sixty thousand have been subscribed. The trustees are Fran cis Catting, Sidney M. Smith, N. W. Tallant, T. H. Hobron, A. D. Cntter. There was a pleasant social gather ing at Mrs. C. L. Parker's yesterday afternoon, which was a season of en joyment to all present. Among the invited guests were Mrs. J. Q. A. Bowlby, Mrs. D. K. Warren, Mrs. A. O. Kinney, Mrs. J. F. Halloran, Mrs. C. Brown4 Mrs. F. L. Parker, Mrs. A. G. Allen, Mrs. G. W. Lounsberry, Miss Emma Warren, Mrs. W. . Kin ney. " A four-day schedule of ocean steamers goes into effect to-day. The steamers will arrive and depart as follews: Leave here for San Fran cisco; State, 9th; Oregon, 13th: Co lumbia, 17th; State, 21st; Oregon, 25th; Columbia, 29tjr, State, May 2. Leave" San Francisco for here; Co lumbia, 11th; State, 15th; Oregon, 19fch; Columbia, 23rd; State, 27th; Oregon, Ms7lzt. In the justice court yesterday, Sev ern Lawrence was arraigned charged with assault and battery on Theo. Sittgass. Ho plead guilty and was fined So andosts or eight days in the county jail. Ben Frederickson then swore out a complaint against Theo. Sittgass charging him with as sault and battery. The defendant was held in 25 bonds to appear at nine this morning. Sunday school missionary concert at the Methodist church to-morrow at 11 a. m. At 7:30 p. ar. Bev. Clark Smith, M. D., a returned missionary from Africa, will occupy the pulpit; he will give a description of his trip to Africa and work while there, and talk about missionary work on the Congo. He brings with him some curiosities which may be seen at the close of the service. Beaver Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F., will celebrate the 68th anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship at Baltimore April 26th, 1819, by a so cial entertainment at the lodge room, participated in by the members of the lodge and their families. On the evening of the 26th inst. J. W. Welch, T. S. Jewett, O. A. May, Wm. Bock and Chas. Holt constitute the committee of arrangements. Only four logging camps, says the Journal, will be operated upon the Willapa this season, three of them having been transferred to Nasel to work in spruce timber, for which there is a great demand. The log ging on the Willapa will be confined to South Fork, Mill and Wilson creeks. In consequence of the large number of camps on the Nasel, times will be very lively. inthat section. The following wise suggestion is given the publio by the third assistant postmaster-general: "Write or print your name or address and the con tents of a package on the left-hand corner of all mail matter. This will assure its immediate return to you for correction, if improperly addressed or insufficiently paid; and, if it is not called for at its destination, it can be returned to you without going to the dead-letter office. If the patrons of the mail would do this, it would en able the department to-restore at least ninety per cent of all undelivered mail matter. The letters would be returned free, and parcels upon pay ment o f return postage." To-day First officer Bichardson, of the Manzanita, and five of his brave companions, will be presented with life saving medals of honor, in Port land, for their heroism in saving the life of a fellow human at the mouth of the river, nearly three years ago. Capt, TJ. Sebree will present the med als, and Judge Deady will deliver an address. It is meet and fitting to thus recognize the brave acts of bravo men. There are many similar acts of unnoted heroism on the lower Co lumbia every Beason. Many a fisher man risks his life in an endeavor to I save the lives of his comrades, and it would be in order to institute some publio recognition of such heroism, in the shape of a medal or other tes timonial, whenever such noble efforts are recorded. Eagle Cannery 3Iess Houses Bnrned. The two mess houses of the Eagle cannery were tolatly destroyed by fire together with the greater part of their contents, yesterday morning. The houses were built one on each side of a narrow roadway on a wharf leading to the cannery, and on the north side of the road. The fire broke out in the east side of the Chi H nese quarters "in the range, about 11U, a strong wind blowing down stream it quickly spread to both. The boiler in the cannery was under going repairs and the grate bars were out, this occasioning considerable delay in getting jip steam. The alarm was sonnded here, and the Hook & Ladder company sent to the scene of the fire, the distance, and the condition of the roadway causiug the detention of the engines here. It was fortunate for the residents en the south side of the road that the wind was in the quarter from which it was blowing. The houses were 30x60 and burned completely, together with the foundation and a part of the wharf. The loss is estimated at all the way from $1,500 to $2,000. There was $500 insurance on each building, placed in San Francisco by Scotchler & Gibbs. the lessees. Early rose potatoes for seed. THOMPSON & Eo"ss. Italian, French and German Primes. Fresh California, Oreeonand Eastern Corn Meal, Triticum, Epicurean Food. Flake Oats, etc.,.at Thompson & Ross'. Fiesh Eggs, Butter, Cheese, etc. Thompson & Ros. Girl Wanted To do general housework. Apply to iliis. C. L. Parker. Police. Members pf the Scandinavian Bene volent Society are hereby notified that the nextrrepular meeting will be held April 12th. being the 2nd 'Tuesday in the month. Fine Furnished Rooms. At the Munson Heuse: Newlj' fur nished and renevated: terms reasonable. Mrs, A. E.-Stout. Desirable Tract For Sale. One hundred and sixty acres, heavily wooded with spruce, ten miles from town, on Lewis and Ciarkes. For terms, etc., apply at this office. Opening lay. Mrs. M. Woodfield having received her Spring Millinery invites tho ladies to call and see them on Fridav and Saturday of this week. ' Haudsoinc Jewelry. For a few days there will be on ex hibition In the Jewlery window of the Crystal Palace, a large consignment of very fine Jewelry direct from tho manufacturers, everything shown in the window is new and of very rich designs, take a look a? you pass. , GotojeflTsforoystcra, Private Rooms. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. Portland, Or., April 8. The Mor rison street? bridge will be opened to-morrow at noon. BLAIKE'S SUDDEK ILIiXESS. St Louis, April 8. A Fort Gibson dispatch says that Blaine was taken with a bad cold and threatened with pneumonia. His physician has been sent for. One dispatch says the case is very serious; another says he is getting along nicely, only suffering from a slight fever; his pulse and temperature are favorable. NOT" SO BAD AFTER ALIi. New York, April 8. One girl ten years of age has died from the effects of the tenement fire. .The most of the rest are more .scared-than 'hurt. A SPECK OF WAR. Park, April 8. The government his ordered a man-of-war now in West India waters, to proceed to Port-au-Prince to protect Europeans from annihilation by enraged Hay tieus. KEADr WITH ANOTHER. Chicago, April 8. The Wilbur F. Story will executed in '81, having been declared involved, the widow to-day submitted a prior will drawn in '79. OBSERVING GOOD FBIDAT. New York, April 8. All the bank ing, brokerage and legal departments closed to-day on account of Good Friday. WHAT 13 IT ALL ABOUT? Washington, April 8. Correspond ence has not begun between the state department and Great Britain regard ing the seizure of the Tortugas. The indebtedness it is claimed is brought about by connection with cutting ma hogany. In the Frelinghuysen ad ministration there was a claim of $600,000. high contracting parties London, April 8. A marriage has been arranged between Grand Duke Paul, the youngest brother of the czar, and Princess Alexandria, eldest daughter of the king of Greece. NOT A CONVERT. John BuBkin denies that he has be come a Boman Catholic. He says he is just as likely to become n Quaker or a Turk. NUMEROUS .ANTI-COERCION MEETINGS. The News publishes the proceed ings of 62 anti-coercion meetings held last night A ROW IN CAMP. Chicago, April 8. The United La? bor party and socialists are having a row. The former demand the red flag excluded from all demonstra tions. The socialists claim they or iginated the party, and that the vote is not theirs; if so they refuse to sub mit. Eujoy Life. Wnat a truly beautiful worm we world live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; bnt how often do the majority of people feel like giving il up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easify obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August Floicer, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy five per cent, of such mala dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Floioer will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. .Try it. Card of Thank. We wish to thank the gentlemen, one and all, who so kindly gave us assistance yesterday; the aid is the more appreciated, they being under no obligations whatever to put them selves to so much trouble. Some are known to us, others are not. We thank all for their efforts and trust we may have occasion to repay them in some manner for their kindness. Eagde Canning Co. Heart Disease!!! Read the hospital reports, read the mortuary reports, read the medicine publications, read the daily news papers, and learn Tiow wide-spread is heart disease, how difficult of detec tion it is to most people, how many and how sudden are deaths it causes. Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart Disease, and learrr what it is, what causes it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its symptoms are, and and how it may be attacked. If you find that you have heart disease, ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Flint's Heart Remedt. The treatise may be had on application to J. J. MACK & CO., Nos. 9 and 11 Front street, S. F. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delioious coffee at Fabre's. For Tne Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. ' Ten cents for a cup of Fahre's nice coffee. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. If you have a watch or clock that needs repairing take it to the Crystal Palace, and get a good job done by a first class workman. Large lot of Reading matter just received at the Crystal Palace. LAST THURSDAY EVENING'S SOCIAL. The social given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church at the residence of Mrs. E. C. Holden on Thursday evening, being the first of a series of proposed similar sociable gatherings at other residences for the purpose of acquiring the amount necessary to defray the expenses of thoroughly renovating the interior of said church and the procuring of a suitable and durable carpet to cover the floor, was in every respect a decided success. A partial list of the ladjes and gen tlemen present on the occasion com prises the follewing: Mrs. Dr. Gar ner, Mrs. Sickles, Mrs. G. C. Flavel, Mrs. J. G. Megler, Mrs. C. L. Parker, Mrs. Pye, Mrs. Bowlby, Mrs. J. Hob son, Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. C. H. Cooper, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. Clfnton, Mrs Edgar, Mrs. J. O. Fox, Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Gould, Tkfrs. Snyder, "Mrs. Mor rison, Mrs. Arndt, Mrs. Goodell, Mrs. W. W. Parker, Mrs. Woodfield, Mrs. Prael, Mrs. H. Prael. Mrs. D. K. War ren, Mrs. J. F. Halloran, Mrs. J. E. Higgins, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. DuBoia son, Mrs. Uhlenhart, Mrs. Jor&m, Mrs. K. Hobson, Mrs. Hudson, jOTss. Emma Warren, Miss Dickinson, Miss Nettie Wilson, Miss Huntington, Miss Hartwig, Miss Sherman, Miss Lottie Goodell, Miss Limeberger, Miss Nora Bappleyea, Miss Ella Bryce, Miss Nellie Stone, Miss Minnie Warren, Miss Agues Garner, Miss Annie Garner, Miss Hendricks. Bev. Geo. C. Hall, Geo. C. Flavel, Frank Hurd, Dr. Page, Mr. Monteith, A. E. Shaw, S. Smith, J. H. Mansell, O. A. Hansen, J. E. Higgins, J. S. Shuster, F. B. Kline, Mr. Warren, John Hynes, D. Smith, J. T. Boss, Messrs. Snyder, Al Beard, Mr. Vazey, W. L. Uhlenhart, Mr. bickles and others. The bon-bon diversion, under the management of Miss Emma C. Warren and Dr. Page, was the first fea ture of the evening's entertain ment, provided lots of fun and served to put every guest into good humor with him or her self and everybody else. The well known musical and literary tal ent of many of the ladies and gentle men present was called into requisi tion and met with liberal responses and served to pass the timo very pleasantly until Mrs. E. O. Holden announced that refreshments would soon bo handed around, preparatory to which the guests were requested to take their partners for a grand march. Miss Minnie Warren pre sided at the piano, the grand march proceeded and as the company filed from the parlor into the dining room they discovered two ladies on each side of the door ready to take their offerings, to carry out the laud able purpose for which the party was given. The liberal sum of $45 was thus collected, after which full justice was done to the bounteous collation provided by the- ladies; after which the well pleased company gradually wended their way home ward and by twelve o'clock the home of the hospitable hostess had re sumed its wonted quiet. - j Real Estate Transfer-. W. W. Parker" and wife to M. J. Kinney, lots 7, 8 and 9, blk. 22, Shive ly's Astoria; $2,000. J. M. Eobb, guardian Cordelia Eobb, to ,T. H. Mansell; lot 2, blk. 80, McClure's Asteria: S20. Same to y. Boelling; lots 5 and 6, blk. 103, and lot 8, blk. Ill, McClure's Astoria; 80.50. Iho Latent and Greatest Dlscorerj. DRJ.De PKATI'S HAMBURG FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic. A discovery of the greatest ipterest to the Medical Profession. A boon to overy household. A most delioious laxative or purgative prepared from fruits and vegetables. So perfeotly harmless that they may be adminis tered with entire safety to an infant. So efficacious to adults that a single dose will prove their value, and so elegant a preparotion that it needs only to be presented to tho public to become a necessity in every household throughout the land. For liver complaints, habitual con stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and piles, they are a specific. To trav elers by sea and land they will be found invaluable; they are positive ly unfailing in their action, and this is the only medicine ever offered to the publio that is acceptable to the taste, and so pleasant that children will eat the figs as eagerly as candy. For sale by every Druggist through out the world. Price, 25 cants a box. J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11 Front Btreet, San Francisco, Cal. The Face, The care of the complexion has be come an accomplishment that no lady of refined tastes can afford to ignore, and in leading society circles itelaims as much thought as do tho fashions. It is an acknowledged fact that the Variations of our climate are very se vere on the complexion, noticeable by a roughness and dryness of the skin, and to counteract -this effect it be comes necessary to call in the aid of art. In the selection of this agent too much care cannot Tie exercised. It is well known to the chemist that many of tho so-called "blooms," "balms," ''creams," etc., contain lead and other poisonous substances, the long-continued use of which is dan gerous. Wisdom s itouertino is guar anteed under a forfeiture of S1,000, to be absolutely free from poisonous substances. If you have not yet'tried it, do so at once, and be one of the hundreds who pronounce it the most delightful' toilet article ever pro duced. "Wisdom's Robertine is sold at fifty cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. i.oircst Casli lricc. Coal Oil at 2.35 a case, at D. L. Beck & Soxs. Go To Crow's Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior finish. Private Booms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. SKIN SCALP Cleansed, Purified and Beauti fied by the Cuticura Remedies. For cleansing tho Skin and Scalp of Dis figuring Humors, for allayingltchinsr, Burn ins and Inflammation, for curing tho fii st symp toms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scaly Head. Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and hlood Diseases. Cuticura.- tho ereat Skin Cure, and Coticuka Soap, an exqusito Skin BeautiGcr, oxternally, and Cuticuha ke solvknt. tho novr Blood Purifier, internally, aro infallible. A COMPAiETJB CUKE. I have suffored all my life with skin dis eases of different, kinds and hare never found permanent relief, until, bv tho adrico of a lady friend, I used your valuable Ctrri coka Kemedies. I gave them a thorough trial, using six bottles of tho Ccticura He solvent, two boxes of CcmcUKA and seren cakes of CCi Iccra Soap, and the result wo3 just what I had been told it w6uld Jbe-a complctciurc. BELLE WADE, Richmond. Va. Reference, Q. Y. Latimer, Druggist Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM CURED. lwas troubled with Salt Rheum for a number of years, so that tho skin entirely camo off one of my hand3 from the finger tips to tho wrist. 1 tried remedies and doctors' prescriptions to no purpose until I com menced taking- Coticuka Remedies, and now I am entirely cured. E, T. PARKER, S97 Northampton St". v Boston. x DRUGGISTS EJJDOItSSTMFX Have sold a quantity of your Cuticura. Remedies. Ono of my customer. Mrs. Henry Kintz, who had tetter on her hands to such an extont as to causo the skin to pool off, and for eight years sho suffered greatly, was completely cured by tho uso of your medi cines, C. N. 2 YE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio. ITCHIXG. SCAXiY, PIMPJLY. For tho lastyear I havo had a specios of itching, scaly and pimply humors on my face to which I havo applied a great many methods of treatment without success, and which was speedily and entirely cured by CUTICCKA. Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravonna, 0. NO 3IEIVTCIXE .LIKE THE31 AVo havo sold your Cuticuua Remedies for the last six years, and no medicines on our shelves gave better satisfaction. C.F.ATHERTON. Druggist, Albany. N. Y. Cuticura Rkmediks aro sold everywhere. Prico; Cuticuka, 50 cents; Resolvent, S1.00; Soap, 23 cents. Prepared by tho Pottku Drug and Chemical Co,. Boston. Mass, Send for "iloiv to Cure Skin Diseases," PDJIDQ Pimples, Skin Blemishes, and Ba UuU DO, by Humors, cured by CuncUKA Soap. ' .Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh in its destructive forco stands noxt to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption. It is thereforo singular that thoso afflicted with this fearful disoaso should not mako it tho object of their lives to rid themsolves of it deceptive remedies concocted by ignorant pretenders to medical knowlodgo havo weakened tho confidence of tho great majority of sutterers in all advertised .rem edies. Thoy becomo resigned to a life of misory rather than torturo themselves with doubtful palliatives. But this will novor do. Catarrh must be met at every staea and combated with all our might. In many cases tho disease has assumed dangerous symptoms 'iho bonos and cartilagoofthe nose, tho organs of hear ing, of Booing and of tasting so affected as to be useless, tho uvula so elongated, the throat so inflamed and irritated as to produco a constant and distressing cough. Sankord'jj Radical Coke meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to - tho most loathsome and destructive stage3. it is lucm uuu cunsi'iuuunai. miuut in ru lioving, permanent in curing, safe, economi cal and never-failing. Each package contains ono bottle of tho Radic n.CURK.ono box Catarrh l Solv ent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treat ise; price SI. Potter Drug & Chemical Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAINS And that weary. Iifeles3 all-Kono. sensation over present with thoao of intlamed kidneys, weak back and loins, achinz hips nnd sides, over worked or worn out by disease, debility or dissipation, aro rolieved in ono miuutu and speedily cured by the cutirura Ami I'niii PisiMtcr. a new, original, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and inflamma tion. At all druggists, 25c.; five for $1.00 ; or of J'otter Jrusr Co., .Boston. With a magnificent stock of Goods For Men, Young Men and Hoys. STRAW and FELT HATS. Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. The most Beautiful line of Keckwarei Suspenders, Etc. Boys' Sailor Suits from $2 upward. Herman Wise, The Clothier and Hatter. (Occident Building.) IN AND Musical Instruments AT THE York Novelty Store New - To Whom It May Concern. mHE ASTORIA DEEP SEA FBHING CO JL mil not be responsible for any debts, unless contracted by authority ol the cora-pauy. Returned GREAT Bargains Baby Buggies P U Ui He Clothing Department. Our first shipment of Spring Styles for 1887 iu Gents', Young Men's, Youths' and Boys' CIOTHIBIG Are now in stock. These lines are manufactured more especially " for the city trade and are in different weights, and handsome patterns. ' And forSTYLES, FITS AND WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled. Our STYLES of STRAW HATS for 1887 are now in, 'also new styles in Soft and Stiff -Fur Hate. The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OFASTOEIA. YOU NEEDN'T Paste This On Your Loeking: Glass. You will be sure to sec It in The Astorian and will remember it, because it is for your interest to do so. No premium Chromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guessers, or any other clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK"& SONS to sell their goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits is their motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken off the price of the goods. And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one out of hundreds gets tho prize, for they ajl get it in the price pf th goods. " REMEMBER: If you want cannery supplies, go to D. L. BECK & 30IF&. If vou want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn Meal, go toD.L.BECK & SONS: If you want Wheat, Shorts, If von want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs, . go to J). Z. BEGET & SON'S. If you want Breakfast Bacon, Hams1Pig?s feet or Lard, ' . 3 goto2. L. BECK& SOUS. If you want Sardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, etc., go to - - D.L.BECK&SOm If you want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips, " . - go to D. L. BECK C- 8038 If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or , - Fresh Cal. Honey, go to B. L.BECK& SONS If yon want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins, in bulk or glass, go to B. L. BECK & SONS If you want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples or any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to JJ. . JSMJUJirdi XUiYii In short, if vou want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries . go to B.L. BECK & SONS Do you want the best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil Can ever invented, go to B. L. BECK &.SOyS Do you want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Wasbboards,Clothespins, v go to B. L. BECK & SON'S Do you want. Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber or-Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS Do vou want Plain Decosated China or Crockery Ware, White, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to B Z BECK & SONS DoyouVant Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver plated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons, go to B Z BECK & SONS Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and common to the best to be had, go to B Z BECK & SONS In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go home happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of D. COOPER'S asaaaaaaa Bran, or Rolled Barley, so to D. L. BECK & 80N& L. BECK & SONS.