The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 24, 1887, Image 3

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?k Jtolttj gtstotm
The county jail is empty.
At the next state fair a $500
is offered for military drill. Go.
O. S. M. to the front.
The Gov. Newell is at the O. B. &
N. dock, loading the cars and loco
motive for Mayor Trullingor's rail
way. The Olympian, which will run on
the Alaskan route, this summer, goes
to the dry dock at San Francisco for
Te3timouy-m the Toothaker-V7arn
staff contested land case was being
taken before county clerk Trenchard
yesterday afternoon.
The British bark Selkirkshire,
1,192, 54 days from Maryborough, ar
rived in yesterday. The Abercorn
and British Army sailed.
Some heavy salmon contracts have
been made. In case the salmon
should take a notion to strike it
would be pretty rough on some of
tjiose who have "sold to deliver."
There will be an important meeting
of Beaver Lodge No. &r, I. O. O. F.,
this evening to take steps toward the
observance of the GSth anniversary of
the founding of the order, on the 2Gth
of April.
The regular quarterly teachers' ex
amination will be heTd at the office of
county superintendent Page on Tues
day and Wednesday next. This will
be the last teachers' examination un
der the old law.
On the last steamer camo :i boiler
and other machinery for the new can
nery to be run by Wm. T. Coleman &
Co., this season on their premises in
the warehouse, work on which will
be pushed to speedy completion. Mr.
Weber will have charge of tlio can
nery.J The inactivity that existed through
out the canneries last week has given
place to considerable energy, and
throe or four are reported putting up
salmon this week. There now seems
to be an eagerness to "get in," and
the presumption is that more will be
"in operation next week.
' Eastern and San Francisco papers
speak in favorable terms of Mme.
Trebelli and M. Musin, who are ad
vertised to appear here next Friday
evening. The lady is said to be the
greatest living contralto; the gentle
man the equal of any living violinist.
The occasion will doubtless be one of
pleasure to the many lovers of mnBic
in Astoria.
Secretary Hodgkin, of the state
.fireman's association, has received
word from the chief engineer of the
Vancouver fire department, where it
is proposed to hold the annual fire
man's tournament the third week in
June, that he can raise only $233.50
for premiums, when at least $1,000 is
needed, , This is not very encourag
ing news to companies which, intend
ed to take Dart in the tournament
Astoria will be there in force and try
to win the contests, premiums or no
There is little doubt, says a Salem
dispatch to the Oregonian, that the
new "supreme- court clerk will be
Claude Thayerf son of the Judge.
The rumor -that there has been a dif
ference between Judges Thayer and
Strahan about the naming of the
appointee has evidently-had good
foundation, as is shown bv the delay
in the appointment, when it was gen
erally understood that the clerk
would be appointed at the first of
this term. Judge Strahan has finally
given liis consent to the appointment,
which will probably be made as soon
as Mr. Thayer, Jr., can arrive from
The building in which the first
newspaper was published at Eugene
City was torn down last week, saya
the Telegram, to make room for a
newbriok block. The old building
was erected in 1858, and thp paper
published there was known as the
Pacific Journal. In the same build
ing was afterward published the Peo
ple's Press. These newspaper offices
were visited by many of the leading
men on the Pacific coast Dr. Wat
kins, J. W. P. Huntington, David
Logan, Col. J. W. Nesmith, Col. E.
D. Baker, the "Gray Eagle of Repub
licanism" and the finest orator then
in America, and many others. With
the destruction of this old building
one of the most notable landmarks in
$he early history of Eugene lias
passed away.
Girl Wanted.
To Learn to Sew: Apply to this offi
ce. A good chance for a girl willing to
Girl Wanted.
To'do general housework in a small
family: Apply at Ast6kiax office.
Just received a fine lot of Whitney's
Haby Carriages direct from the factory.
These are the best carriages made, and
will be sold at eastern prices.
Gkiffik &Reed.
Bird Cages, the latest styles, Croquet
and Fishing tackle just received.
Griffi Bkf.d.
Number one Mackerel and Soused
Pig feet in kits or by retail in quantities
to suit. Holland Herring, larmouth
Bloaters, Eastern Codfish in blocks, etc.,
at Thompson & Boss'.
Bran, Shorts, Oats, Wheat, Ground
Barley, etc., at Thompson & Boss'.
The most particular man in town
made a perfectly" satisfactory selection
from the new stock of books at the
Crystal Palace. This establishment
seems to have the happy faculty of
pieasiug an tastes.
What Is better than a glass of liquor ?
a. cup oiaencious coitee at aore's.
Portland, March 23. At a special
meeting of tlv boiH of trade this af
ternoon, the board adopted a memo
rial to the interstate commission.
The paper is very lengthy and makes
a statement of tho shipping interests
of Portland.
Buffalo, March 23. Work in the
ruins continues; no more bodies have
been discovered, and several roported
missing on the previous list, have
been found.
San Feancisco, March23. Stearns,
the Canadian Pacific agent, has a dis
patch saying that the road is open;
trains are on time and there well be
no further trouble from snow. He
has a large passenger list to send
east via Friday's steamer.
Wasmnqton, March 23. The agent
of the Tongue Biver Indians says
the report of Indians starving is
false. No one is suffering, and the
Indians are drawing rations as usual.
St JonNSDunr, Vermont, Mar. 23.
Great snow and wind in this section.
Three trains are fast in the drifts:
several railroads are blockaded.
Bessemer, Mich., March 23. The
boarding house at,the iron mines was
burned last night; the loss of life is
not known; several wore burned so
badly that they will die.
Washington, Mar. 23. Manning's
successor to the treasnryshin will not
be appointed before April 1st.
San Francisco, March 23. The
Corwin, which arrived from Astoria
on the 17th in tow of tho Hush, wa3
docked at tho Jackson street wharf.
The hub of her propeller has split
fourteen inches in width. The Bis
don Iron works has the contract for
repairs under charge of Captain
Bknioia, March 23. A dastardly
attempt wa9 made this morning at
two o'clock at Benicia Barracks to
blow up the building U3ed as quar
ters by Sergeant Sullivan. A twenty
five pound keg of giant powder was
placed under the building, which ex
ploded, but with little damage as the
powder was not properly confined.
A reward has been offered by "the
commander for the arrest of the per
petrator. -
Complimentary Reference,
Our Boy3j3ngine company has re
ceived a large photograph of Resoue
hose team of Astoria, which is now
on exhibition in Holme3 show win
dow. The team is styled tho cham
pion of Oregon, having won all but
one of the contests at the state fire
man's tournament, held in Salem last
year. They are a fine looking lot of
young men and boast of having won
the association champion hose race
in 1.23K. Walla Walla Union, 21.
. .. t
Thev Prty No Licensein Chelialis Co.
We have it from authority that al
most the entire cargo of the Miles,
on her extra trip last week, was com
posed of liquor consigned to .various
parts of the valley and harbor. Pret
ty good for a local option community.
Chehalis Vidette, 18.
A Sensation
Has been created by Messrs, W. E.
Dement ic Co., who are giving away
such beautiful picture cards to pur
chasers of Wisdom's Bobertine. Mako
some heart glad by securing one of
them before they are all gone. Posi
tively nothing equal to them ever
seen here before.
She,. less, Witches Head, King Solo
mon's Mines, Kamea and all other now
books at the Crystal Palace.
Wc will receive on next steamer, a
very handsome Silver Set, something
entirely new and Rogers Bros.'s best
goods, guaranteed. Call and secure
numbers in lime. C.uixaitax & Co.
The finest and nicest steak to bo
in town at Fabro's
Standing with reluctant feet at the
corner of the street maaiy signs con
fused her eyes. Doubts beset her and
she sighs. But there is no occasion to
feel badly, young lady if it is good
reading matter you want just step in
to the Crystal Palace and see the grand
assortment of fine books Adjer is just
opening. Best of authors for 2T cents,
The best
oysters in any ..1yle at
Gainbrlnus Beer
And Free" Lunch at the Telephono Sa
loon, B cents.
Telephone tocsins -
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
DO and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Lowest Cash I'rice.
Coal OH at $2.35 a case, at
D. L. Bkck & Sons.
A Sew And. Enlarged Stock of
Choice Brands or CI scars.
Imported Key West and domestic All
astes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansiU'sPunch and
Junior's in full' supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeff's restaurant.
Private Rooms.
Report- of Recent Sales in San Francisco.
The unprecedented movement in
aalmon at this period in the year has
up to this point received no. check.
Transactions during the past week
have probably aggregated larger than
for any week since the movement bo
cnn. Orders for carload lots exhibit
a very noticeable inoroase. English
buyers have also bid $1.30 per dozen
t o. b. for round lota of Columbia
river salmon, which is equivalent to
$1.32 domestic. Ono lot of 5.000
cases was placed at this price. It is
intimated that stockB in the hands of
the two principal distributors of this
product have been so reduced that
they will soon be in the market as
buyers, and this causes canners to
hold for extreme prices.
i-T?ransactions for the week aggre
gate about as follews:
Columbia river fish 100,000
" 15.UUU
Skeena '
Alaska '
The sales of salmon (futures) to
this date aggregate about 620,000
cases, which is about two-thirds the
probable pack of tho entire coast for
the season. This in dollars aggre
gates about $3V000,000 of a produot,
not one case of which has been packed
up to this date. Nothing could bet
ter illustrate tho condition of stocks
throughout the world, or the desira
bility of salmon as a food product.
Of the sales to date, the distribution
approximates as follews:
Great Britain .810,000
Cnited States 240,000
Canada 40,000
Australia 30,000
Total 020,000
This practically places this quauti
ty of the pack in the hands of the
jobbing trade of the salmon consum
ing countries. These contracts are
understood to be for delivery if
packed, and the actual deliveries on
the coutracts will no doubt vary some
from the figures given. Nevertheless,
transactions illustrato the condition
of the market as well as if deliveries
were niado on the day of purchase.
S. ''. Grocer and Country Mer
chant, ?.
The amount of business done in
salmon for future delivery this sea
son is very heavy aud over 400,000
cases Pacific coast fish have
been contracted for. Besides this
contracts have changed hands
several times at a profit with
each transfer and one firm is credited
with having handled on paper over
380,000 cases thus fnr this season.
Eastern and foreign bnyers have
freely entered the market and at this
writing there is every prospect of tho
boom continuing. Prices are very
firm 03 last quoted for Alaska and
Sacramento and nigher prices for
Columbia river. S. F. Daily Comm.
News, 18.
The market continues as active as
ever. There has been offered and de
clined at $1.25 for Fraser river fish.
There has also been an additional
sale made of the "Scandinavian" 12,
500 cs. at 31.35. A re-sale of "Occi
dent" ha3 also been made, 5,000 cs. at
S1.35. Sacramento river has been
largely placed for export at $1.31 g
Nm fnr Tnlv nnd Ai'?imt dpliv-
9 -t 1 JSL?K J Sn -?S
enes; one operator naviugtaken .j.w.jj
cs. and another 3,000 cs. Tho Cut
ting Packing company have sold
their Eel river pack at 81.25 for ex
port to Great Britain. Other large
sales of Columbia river at 81.40 and
outside, rivers -at S1.22Ji have also
taken place. S. F. Journal Com
merce, 17:
The Face. -
Tho care of the complexion has be
come an accomplishmout that no lady
of refined tastes can afford to ignore,
and in leading sooioty circles it claims
as much thought as do the fashions.
It is an acknowledged fact that the
variations of our climate aro very se
vere on the oomplexion, noticeable by
a roughness and dryness of the skin,
and to counteract this offect it be
comes necessary to call in the aid of
art. In tho seleotion of this agent
too. much care cannot be .exorcised.
It is well known to tho chemist that
many of tho so-called "blooms,"
"balms," "oreams," etc., contain lead
and other poisonous substances, the
long-continued use of which is dan
gerous, wisaom's Jtwoertine is guar
anteed under a forfeiture of $1,000,
to be absolutely free from poisonous
substances. If yon have not yet tried
it, do so at once, and- be one of tho
hundreds who" pronounce it the .moat
delightful toilet article-ever pro-
at fifty conts per bottle. "Sold by W.
E. Dementr & Co.
His Card.
Servant girl to mistress There's
a gentleman at the door.
Mistress Did ho give you
No, he gavo me a kiss."
"Oh, that's my brother Tom.
him in." Troy Times.
Tale It In "Time.
A man who presents an appearance
of debility, whose countenance is anx
ious and who is subjeot to spells of
faintness, is liable to sudden death
from heart disease. Let him take Da.
Flint's Heabt Remedy, before it is
too late. At druggists. SI. 50. De
scriptive treatise with each bottle; or
address J. J. Maok & Co., S. F.
United States Restaurant Is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
California Oat Hay,'
Dry Fir Wood; in large quantities
and at lowest prices at J. II. D. Gray's
doct, . - ;
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
ObegonEauavayand Navigation Co, i
Genebal Febioht Department. !
Pobtland, Or., March 21, 1887. i
To Ayents and Shippers:
Your attention is called to the fol
lowing extraot from the interstate
commerce law: ,
"Sec. 2. That if any common car
rier subjeot to the provisions of this
act shall, directly or indirectly, by
any special rate, rebate, drawback, or
other device, charge, demand, collect
or receive from any person or persons
a greater or less compensation for
any service rendered or to be ren
dered, in the transportation of pas
sengers or property subject to the
provisions of this act, than it charges,
demands, collects, or receives from
any other person or persons for do
ing for him or them a like and co
temporaneous service in the trans
portation of a like kind of traffic
under substantially similar circum
stances and conditions, such common
carrier shallbe deemed guilty of un
just discrimination, which is hereby
prohibited and declared to be unlaw
ful." Please note that in accordance with
above, all special rates or arrange
ments will be abrogated on 31st inst.
Agents will be furnished with
amended tariffs (if necessary) and
complete instructions for future guid
ance, on or before April 5th, 1887.
B. Campbell,
General Freight Agent.
Southern Pacific R. It. PntbUltie.s.
"In tho near futnro you will see a
strife between the Northern, Central
and Southern Pacific railroads for the
northwestern trade, and I think
Huntington's systems will carry off
tho chicken pie,'' Baid a well posted
railroad man to a News reporter yes
terday. "Possession of the Oregon &
California railroad will not satisfy the
Southern Pacific. I am told it will
build from here to Vancouver, span
ning the Columbia with a bridge,
which is practicable. From thence it
will continue on to Olympia, Steila
coom, and other places, paralleling
the Northern Pacific and capture the
trade of Lewis river and Cowlitz river
and other rich agricultural sections.
The Northern Pacific played a big
piece of nonsense w.hen it built its
hue down the Columbia to Kalama.
It should have made for the Sound
via Vancouver. Now the chances are
it will have a competing line. Then
again, the Southern Pacific may
build from Forest Grove to Astoria,
via the Nehalem valley, which Ben
Holladay originally intended to do,
and for which a land grant was given.
This line would prove n paying one.
As soon as the stage riding on tho
Oregon & California is reduced to five
or six hours, which will be in about
six weeks, there will be a good pas
senger movement." Ncics, 23.
Is Consumption Incurable?
Bead the follewing: Mr. U. II. Morris,
Newark, Ark., says : "Was down with
Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy
sicians pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. II is the
finest medicine ever made.'"
Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: '-Had it not been for Dr. King's
Xew Discovery for Consumptien 1
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
sriven up iiy doctors. Am now in best
'" health.' Try ir. Sample bottles f
J m w- K- lament & Co.'s Drug Store,
Try u. baniple unities Iree
lrivtc Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for sunner.-. iar-
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
What! Io You Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of .something to
drink? Not much: but ho gives" the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. '23 cents.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposito Occident
hotel, Astoria.
A luxury and necessity for rich and
poor who wish to enjoy good health,
and who do not wish to resort to bitter
nauseous liver medicines and cathar
tics, is the concentrated liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and 31
bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
For The Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples at his new gallerv on the road
way. ftiu!oii I'ararrn Itemed v a iosi-
iaiarru. Uintlirtrin tmi
Canker Mmuh. Sold by W. E. Dement.
SllM.Olfs CUKK Will iminpilintelv
relievo Croup, Whooping Cough, nnd
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co
-;ilXcfivc on The 28th.
Dr.S. Harmon, from St. Petersburg.
Kussla, the celebrated Oculist., will
leave here on the 28th. Those who are
suffering from oye troubles and have
not yet called upon him whould do well
to do so, as on the 28th inst. he takes his
Syrup ol Figs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Truo Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may bo
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is tho lhost
I ileasant, prompt and effective remedy
mown, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispol Headaehs,
Colds and Fevers; to oure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
C3o To Crow's CSnllcry.
The leading I'hotogfapher. For the
finest photos in all tho latest styles and
of superior finish.
Shiloh's Cougn ana Consumption
-Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption, Sold by W. E. Dement.
Following is the tariff on west
bound freight from Chicago and St.
Louis to Portland, as fixed by tho
transcontinental lines on tho 16th
inst. Kates from St. Paul and Missouri
river are also given to make the table
complete. They are subject to the
joint western classification and will
go into effect April 5.
St. Paul and
Class. Cuicaco St. Louis Mo. River.
Third ..
Fifth ...
These rates will also apply to Asto
ria and Seattle: to all points on the
Northern Pacific west of Bathdrum.
and on the Oregon Short Line west of
Kuna. According to this, Spokane
Falls, Walla Wallaj Pendleton and
Baker City will be on a plane with
Pacific coast terminals for some time
to come. Oregonian.
ii .
Astonishing Saccc.
It is the duty of every person who
has used Hose-lice's German Syrup to
let its wonderful qualities bo known
to their friends in curiiiL' Consnmn-
tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in fact all throat
and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relieve any- case, and we
consider it the duty of all Druggists
to recommeud it to the poor, dying
consumptive, at least to try one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last
year, and no one caso where it failed
was reported. Such a medicine as
the German Syrup cannot bo too
widely known. Ask your druggist
about it. Sample bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
in the United States and, Canada.
Why does the beauteous maiden seem
So wearied and so vexed?
She's just found oat the tale will be
"Continued in our next."
An End to Bono Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of Ilarrisburg, 111.,
says: "Having received so much bene-
ncirom iMecinc isiucrs, l led it mv
duty to let suffering humanity know if.
Have had a running soro on my leg for
eight years; my doctors told me 1 would
have to have the bone scraped or leg
amputated. I used, instead, three bot
tles of Electric liittcrs and seven boxes
llucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is
now sound and well."
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents
a hottlc, and iiucklen's Arnica Salve at
25e. per box by W. E. Dement & Co.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
bv W. E. Dement
The perfection of the age In tho med
ical lino is the liquid fruit remedy
Syrup of Figs, manufactured only by
the California Fig Syrup Co,, San Fran
cisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste,
acceptable to the stomach, harmless in
its nature, painless yet prompt and
thorough in Its action. Forsa'ebv V.
E. Dement & Co.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh s Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
That Hacking Cough can bo so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. K. De
ment & Co.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chiti.x immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement.
With a magnificent stock ol Goods
For Men, Young Men and Boys.
Furnishing Goods,
The most Beautiful line of
Neckware, Suspenders, Etc.
Boys' Sailor Suits from $2 upward.
2rman Wise,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident HaUding.)
Musical Instruments
New York Novelty Store
Baby Bn
Clothing Department
Our first shipment of Spring Styles for 1SS7 in
Gents'; Young Men's, Youths' and Boys1
Are now in stock. These lines are manufactured more especially
for the city trade iinl are in difleremt weights, and handsome patterns.
And for STYLES, FITS AND WORKMANSHIP they are. unequallsd.
Our STYLES of STRAW HATS for 1887 are now in, also new
styles in
Soft and Stiff Fur Hats.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Paste This On Your Looking Glass,
You will be sure to see it in The Astoriax and will remember
it, because it is for ydiir interest to do so.
No premium Chromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guessers, or any
other clap trapis resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell their
goods. Honest Goods, Honest "Weights and Small profits is their
motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken oft" the price of the goods.
And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one
oat of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the price of the
If you want.cannery supplies, go to D. L. BECK & SONS.
If you want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn Meal,
go to D. L.BEGK 5 SON'S.
If you want "Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley,
go to J). L. BECK & SONS.
If vou want 'Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs,
go to D. L. BECK & SONS.
If you want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard,
go to J). Z. BECK& SONS.
If you want Sardines, AnchoviesyHolland or Smoked Herring
Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, etc., go to
If vou want Sugar, Svrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips,
gp to J). B. BEGK & SONS
If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or
Fresh Cal. Honey, go to D. L. BECK & SONS
If you want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins,
in bulk or glass, go to D. L. BECK & SONS
If you want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples or
any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to JJ. Jj. JJAUJi. C SUNS
In short, if vou want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries
go to B. L. BEGK & SONS
Do vou want the best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil
Can ever invented, go to B. L. BEGK & SON'S
Do you want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clothespins,
go to B. L. BECK & SONS
Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber
or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. L. BEGK & SONS
Do vou want Plain Decorated China or Crockery Ware,
White, or Fancy Glas Ware, go to B Z BECK d' SONS
Do you want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver
plated Knives and Forks. Table or Tea Spoons,
go to B Z BECK d- SONS
Do you want, any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and
common to the best to be had, go to BZ BECK & SONS
In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go home
happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of
. D. L. BECK & SONS.