The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 17, 1887, Image 3

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The tug Donald left San Francisco
for Astoria last Tuesday.
Smelt ami salmon are now so plen
ty that Ihoy have ceased to bo nov
elties. Those fine oil paintings have ar
rived and -will be on exhibition in the
storo next to A. V. Allen's, this
evening. The collection is worth
seeing and a general invitation is ex
tended. Those oil paintings at the storo
next to A. V. Allen's are worthy of
special mention, being far above the
ordinary rnn. The sale begins this
evening and everyone is invited to
If an advertiser wants to talk to the
people of the lower Columbia why
not talk to all of them? The nearest
way to get before the notice of every
man and woman resident on the low
er Columbia is through the columns
of The Astokiax.
Travel will be stopped on the road
eastward from the bridge opposite
the Point Adams cannon for repairs,
to-day. B. Gallagher, the road su
pervisor, thinks he will bo able to
make all necessary repairs to-day, so
that travel may be resumed to-morrow.
"A Celebrated Case" was presented
to a gratified audience by the Stuttz
theatrical company, at Koss' -opera
house last night. To-night they ap
pear in "Under Two Flags; or, the
Bella of Shandon." Seats may be
procured at the New York Novelty
It looks as though the U. P. lease
of the O. B. & N. was a sure thing.
C. H. Prescott, the manager, and a
very efficient and thoroughly compe
tent railroad man, has resigned his
position as general manager. Sup't.
Kowe, another clever railroad man,
lias also resigned. '
The electric light wires and the
telephone wires came in contact last
Monday in the neighborhood of Win.
T. Coleman & Co.'s bank, temporarily
interfering with the workings ,of the
telephone circuit and fusing a part of
the wire. Four different series of
electric wires span the streets, and it
is sometimes difficult to keep them
from touching.
The county seat of the new county
of Malheur is situated on the Oregon
Short Line, near Snake river, at the
northern end of the county. Peoplo
at the southern end will have to trav
el 120 miles to get there. There is,
however, no other town in the county
large enough to aspire for the county
seat, and unless the residents of the
central and southern portions of the
county put their heads together and
start one, the probability is that Vale
will retain it.
A San Francisco dispatch says:
Advices received by the City of New
York, which touched at Honolulu on
her voyage from China, state that it
is reported at Honolulu that the Brit
ish ship Swansea Castlc,vntl cholera
aboard, has sailed from Valparaiso
bound for Portland, Oregon. She
was not allowed to enter Valparaiso,
but Wtis supplied with provisions
from the outside. The Swansea
Castle arrived some time ago, with no
nnnsnal symptoms aboard.
According to an Oregonian Wash
ington speoial Gen. Greoly, chief of
the signal service bureau, states with
reference to the cable across the
mouth of tho Columbia, that an effort
is now making to find some one who
will contract to raise the old cable for
$500, the amount appropriated by
congress. Should this move prove
unsuccessful, ho thinks he has de
vised a plan whereby a new cable will
be laid. He knows of a mile or more
of cable that can be used for this pur
pose, and ho can so draw on other
appropriations as to make available
about S80U in money.
At a meeting of the Northern Pa
cific directors in New York city to
day, the proposition will be submitted
to them to build a railroad from
Ainsworth to Portland, u distance of
214 miles, paralleling the O. B. & N.
The Northern Pacific has the right to
build a line along the" Columbia river
valley, and it has a land grant of 2G,
000 acres per mile in Washington
territory and 20,000 acres per mile in
Oregon. This land grant includes
over "5,000,000 acres, and it is stated
that a syndicate of Chicago capital
ists have offered to grade tho road,
build the masonry and bridges, and
lay-thS ties for the land grant.
Several cannerymen have been in
the city for the past few days, says
the. Victoria Colonist, making prepa
rations for next season's salmon run.
The very favorable turn which prices
have taken during the past year has
given a new impetus to tho business,
and the probabilities are that every
cannery in the province will be oper
ated this year. The preparations will
bo large, and should the run turn out
good, though there is no reason for
expecting that it will be, a larger
quantity of fish will be canned in the
province than there has ever been be
fore in one season. This is a very
satisfactory outlook for this part of
the province and it cannot fail to
have its good effects upon business in
general. There is, however, a danger
of over-production and of the market
being glutted and reduced again to
, the state from which it is just now
From daily corrections and ex
planations in the papers, Portland
seems to have several citizens and
r.itizenesses who are in pairs of the!
same name, and that wherever there
are two men or women or boys or
girls of the same name, one is real
good and the other is real bad. The
real bad one gets his or her or its
name in the paper on account of
feomo row, and presently comes the
real good one of the same name aud
says: "People think it's me, and it
isn't mo, and don't jou forget it."
One day -appears a 6tatement.4hat
Clarence FitzPercy had his eye
knocked out on First street, aud just
as suro as the night follows the day
appears the statement in the same
paper next day, that, "the Clarence
FitzPercy who had an eye kuocked
out on First street, as stated in our
issue of yestorday, is not Jthe '.Clar
ence FitzGibbons FitzPeroy who
stands on the inner sido of the cash
counter of Boldero & Bosanko's em
porium. The latter gentleman is
deeply annoyed at the disagreeable
contremp?.'"' This thing occurs in
Portland so often as to cause mirth
ful notice.
San Francisco Salmon Market.
The salmon market continues ex
ceedingly strong, and large purchases
have been made at an advance over
last week's quotations. Messrs.
Welch, Bithett & Co. were offered
and declined S1.25 for their packs of
Frasor river fish. They are agents of
five canneries with a probable capaci
ty this year, owing to the late rnn, of
f0,000 to 75,000 cases. This refusal
shows the ideas fairly of holders here.
There has been an additional sale
made of the 'Scandinavian" to a
prominent house here, $1.35 f. o. b.;
12,.00 of this pack have been placed.
A re-sale of "Occident" has also been
made, 5,000 cases, domestic, at $1.35.
Sacramento river has been very large
ly placed for export at $1.311.3P
for July and August deliveries; one
Australian operator having takpn
5,000 cases, and a second operator
having taken 8,000 cases. This shows
the strength of the situation on this
river. The Cutting Packing Company
have just sold their spot Eel river
pack at $1.25 for export to Great
Britain. Tho most prominent hold
ers of salmon here are nearly "out of
fish. It is reported that One house
has sold over 300,000 cahes in thu last
two weeks, and will again be seen in
the market B3 buyers, and, in that
event, prices will be forced still high
er. Eastern exports overland in Feb
ruary, via Southern Paoific company's
lines, reached 383,100 lbs, against 39,
000 lbs in January, and 153,470 lbs in
February, 1886. (3 row ami Country
Mercltant, 11.
Must Have Been Some One KNe.
She (to her partuer after a lively
ladies chain) Wnz dat you, Misto
Tolliver, what squeeze my han' in la
dies to do right?
Partner 1 dnnno; did yon squeeze
She The ideah! why uv cose not.
Partner Den you warn't de one;
oos de one whar I squoze her lfan'
she done squoze back. Life.
To water censumers: lam clean
ing our reservoirs and would request
water consumers to keep some water
on hand for fear of a break in the
main pipe. I would respectfully ask
that tugs and steamboats shall not
use water for washing boilers, etc.,
until the 22nd.
Jas. W. Welch,
Shortness of Rre&th.
should be taken at once -when slight
exertion or a hearty meal produces
shortness of breath or a pain in the
region of the heart. At all drug
gists, or J. J. Mack t Co., 9 and 11
Front st., S. F.
Kind o Lucky forllx They're Not, Isn'LTt?
A Harvard professor has made tho
calculation that if men wero really as
big as they sometimes feel there
would bo room in the United States
for only two professors, three lawyers,
two doctors and a reporter on a Phil
adelphia paper. The rest of us would
be crowded into the sea nnd have to
Bwim for it. Detroit Press.
Bm-klcn's Arnica Sulve.
Thk Best Sai.vk in the woild for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Uleers, Salt liheuni,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures I'lics, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
erfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
'rice 25 cents per lox. For sa i by "V
E. Dement & Co.
Will teavc on TIic 28tli.
Dr. S. Harmon, from St. Petersburg,
Kussia, the celebrated Oculist, will
leave here on the 28th. Those who arc
suffering from eje troubles and havo
not yet called upon him whould do well
to do so, as on the 28th inst. he takes his
Between the Congregational church
and Y. M. C. A. rooms, a black shoulder
cape. Finder will please leave it at this
For a delicious chon or steal: no the
New York Hestaukakt.
1,000 people to eat at the New
Something neVf at the Now York
Restaurant for breakfast,
Go to New York Restaurant lor Oys
ters. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Eiiitorn oysters fresh every steamer at
Jell's restaurant.
All the patent medicines adveitised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
uctel, Astoria.
One of the ups and downs of an en
ergetic merchant's existence is to keep
the quality up and the prices down. By
the way, they are doing it at the Crystal
You can always find the largest and
best selected stock of Blank Hooks,
Paper, Envelopes and everything vou
need at the City Book Store.
Griffin & Reed.
Private Rooms.
News Prom the State, the Coast, and
the Nation.
Portland, Mar. 16. Superintend
ent Rowe, of tho O. R. & N. Co.. has
followed the example of manager
Prescott and 4ianded in his resigna
tion to-day; his reasons aro not stated.
Ed Norton, tho convicted Albina
burglar, was given a sentence of throe
years this morning.
Boston, Mar. 16. The engineering
News, discussing the recent terrible
disaster at the Bussey bridge on the
Boston and Providence railroad, de
clares that the.bridge wa3 very faulty
in its construction, and a worse spec
imen of work would be hard to im
St. Petersburg, Mar. 16. Three
students arrested on Sunday, had
bombs that contained dynamite.
Each bomb contained eleven balls
and every ball was full of strychnine.
SraiNGFiELD, Til., Mar. 16. The
legislature today, by a vote of 78 to
65, refused to adopt the proposition
to submit the prohibition amendment
to the people. Before the main prop
osition wns acted on, an amendment
was adopted by u vote of 01 to 50 that
tho state bo held liable for all prop
erty depreciated or destroyed by rea
son of carrying the amendment into
San Francisco, Mar. 10. Stites,
the Sutter street car dynamiter, was
found guilty to-day.
Providence, R. I., Mar. 16. The
state convention to-day uominnted all
the present state officers for party
Boston, Mar. 16. Tho
ported wrecked this morning was tho
J. If. Eels : one man was drowned.
San Francisco, March 16. Dr. C.
C. Stratton, president of the Uni
versity of the Pacific, at San Jose,
has accepted tho position of presi
dent of Mill's college offered him by
the trustees. Dr. Stratton has also
been elected trustee of the college.
The San Fnmcisco board of trade
and produce exchange of this oity
will purchase a lot and erect a build
ing; at a meeting last night the fol
lowing plans were adepted: Three
trustees will be eleeted: S. B. Lewis
of the board of trade, and M. D.
Johnson; these two will select a third.
Tho committees advise that a sub
scription be opened, and that $250,
000 bonds to run twenty years be
Los Anoeles, March 16. During
her performance last evening, Clara
Morris's rooms were entered by
burglars who wero ransacking things
when they were discovered and :u--reatcd.
Santa Barbara, March 16. Tho
electric lights illuminated the city
last night for the first time and fulfill
the lushest expectations of the citi
ALBANr, Or., March 16. Geo.
Rogers, the editor of the Salem Lan
cet, was to-day indicted by the graud
jury for libel in publishing an
alleged defamatory articlo against O.
T.Porter, the editor of tho Albany
Bulletin. The feeling prevails here
that Porter was not badly libelled;
the case will probably be centained:
the bonds required to tie filed wore
in tho sum of 2,000, which Rogers
promptly furnished.
Itcuew? Her Yotilli.
Mrs. Phffibe Cheslev. Peterson, Clay
Co., iowa. tells the following story, the
truth of which is vouched for by the
residents of the tewn: "1 am 7.T years
old, have been troubled with kidney
complaint and lameness for many
years: could not dress myself without
help. Now I am free from all pain aim
soreness, and am able to do all my own
housework, r owe my thanks to
Electric Bitters for having renewed my
youth, and removed completely all dis
ease and pain."
Try a bottle, only 50c. at W. K. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store.
Happiness and health are important
problems, the former depending greatly
on tho latter. "Everyone is familiar with
the healthv properties of fruit, anil no
one can tutord to be sick and miserable
while the pleasant linuid fruit remedy
Syrup of Figs, may be had .of your en
terprising druggists v . iJ. i jeuieni : 10.
All tho different books usod in the
public school you can get :il the Crystal
Palace at reduced rates.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
A Girl Wanted.
To do general housewerk: Light
work and good wages: Apply ot this
We arc the Astoria agents for the
celebrated Whitings Standard Corres
pondence papers. The best paper in
the market. A large stock just received.
Giuffin & 11.ED.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's
Garabrlnus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, B cents. -
Regarding tin? Fall Hats at the Theater.
The late William Shakespeare once
wrote in an autograph album these
All the world's a stage,
Sincerely your friend,
Wji. Shakespeare.
Perhaps "he meant that there were
flies on it but we will not undertake
to enter his field of thought. How
over, to speak in a more serious vein
and treating tho subject in a more
dignified vay, I will state that after
a number of years' scrutiny of the
world I am convinced that the great
bard used this expression in the fig
urative sense only. Could he pick
up his pen to-day, he would either
erase tho above line or add to it, so
that it would read:
All the world's a stage, and nobody
but the woman in the high hat can
seo what is going on upon it.
Yours bitterly.
It is not a new field, perhaps, this
discussion of the tall hat, but I de
sire, in my poor, weak way, to add
my testimony to the testimony of
those who have sat down on suid hat.
I feel of a truth occasionally that
this high hat is making an old man
of mo. and drawing lines of care here
aud there over ray fair young face.
Here, at the time of life when I ought
to be iu the full flush and pride of
manhood, I find myself no longer
able to build the tiro in the morning,
and my breath, which was once as ro
bust as that of the upas-tree, now
comes in short pants.
Tho tall hat, with a wad of timothy
or a five-pound pompon at the apex
thereof, has brought this about.
How would a man look who might
sifc'in the baldheaded row, wearing a
joint of stove-pipe on his head
trimmed with hay? Has it not been
the custom, for years, to place bald
headed men in the front row, becanse
thev offer no obstruction to the vis-
Aud, now, what do we seo?
We do not seo-nnything!
I will leave it to any disinterested
person to say whether I do not lovo
and ndmiro woman, whether aggro
gated or segregated, but she does do
some things which, as her friend and
admirer, I deeply regret.
Not long ago 1 had the pleasure of
attending one of Mr. Booth's per
formances, in which he took the part
of Hamlet with great credit to him
self, as I afterward learned from a
member of the orchestra, who saw
the whole performance.
If I had not promised a former
wife of mine that I would never touch
liquor, I would have been amply jus
tified that eveuing in saturating my
self with bay mm, or some other bev-
" . . . , ,
I paid a large price a week before-
hand for a seat at tho "-Hamlet per-1
formance, because I had met Mr.
Booth the Rocky mountains,
and made a "deep impression on him.
I had also told him that if he ever
happened to be in a town where I
was lecturing, I would dismiss invj
audience to come and hear him, and
i,am;ni.t n flCi.nf1.nnniifi1DUi-nimif
shutting up on the following night to
come and hear me.
m Well, I noticed at first, when I went
in, that the row before me was unoc
cupied, and I gathered myself up in
a strong, manly embraco nnd hugged
myself with joy. The curtain humped
itself, nnd the first act was about in
the act of prodnciug itself when a
meek little gentleman, with an air of
conscious guilt, came down the aislo
in advance of a woman's excursion,
consisting of four members of his
family, I judged. He looked about
over tho house, timidly took off
his coat, and seemed to be proporiug
himself for tho vigilauce committee.
Then he sat down to seo whether ex
ecutive clemency could do anything
for him.
The nrat woman oi the tour wasj
probably over forty, and yet with her
almost beardless faco she looked
scarcely thirty-eight. She wore a
tall, erect hat, with a sort of plume to
it, mado by pulling tho paint-brush
tail out of an iron-gray mulo aud
dying it a deep crimson.
She wore other clothing, but that
did not inceuso me so much as this
hat, which Ihad to examine critically
all the evening. -
She moved her head also, and kept
time to the music, and breathed hard
in places, aud shuddered once or
twice. She also spoke to the misera
ble man who brought hor. Hor voice
was a rich baritone, with a low xylo
phone action, and she breathed liko
the passionate exhaust of an over
worked freight engine. When she
spoke to her escort I noticed that he
shortened up about four inches and
seemed to wish he had never entered
The other three women had broad
hats, with domes to them, and the
one who sat on my right also sat on
her foot. This gave her a fine oppor
tunity to look out through the sky
light of tho opera house, now and
then. Tho next one to her wore a
deceased Plymouth Rock rooster in
her hat. The fourth one sat in front
of an oldish gentleman, who went out
between the acts nnd came in with a
pickled olivo in his month eaoh time.
Hq could not see anything on the
stage, but ho crawled up under the
brim of-this woman's hat, with his
nose in the meshes of her hair, and
his hot, local option breath in her
ueck, trying to see whether the slen
der legs in long, black hose belonged
to Mr. Booth, Apollinaris or tho bal
let. Unnecessary 3Hsery.
Probably as muoh misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medioines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG: FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. ,T. ,T. Mack
& Co., proprietors, S. F.
Everything is neat and clean at New
.York Restaurant.
The Face.
The care of the complexion has be
come an accomplishment that no lady
of refined tastes can afford to ignore,
and in leading society circles it claims
as much thought as do the fashions.
It is an acknowledged fact that tho
variations of our climate are very se
vere on the complexion, noticeable by
a roughness and dryness of the skin,
and to counteract this effect it be
comes necessary to call in tho aid of
art. In the selection of this agent
too much care cannot be exercised.
It is well known to the chomis't that
many of the so-called "blooms,"
"balms," "creams," etc., contain load
and other poisonous substances, the
long-continued use of which is dan
gerous. "Wisdom's Robertine is guar
anteed under a forfeiture of 1,000,
to be absolutely free from "poisonous
substances. If you have not yet tried J
it, do so at once, and tye one of the
hundreds who prononnce it the most
delightful toilet article ever pro
duced. Wisdom's Robertine is sold
at fifty cents per bottle. Sold bv W.
E. Dement & Co.
Mot I.nnic nnil Impotent Conclusion.
It is just as well to give the river I
nnd harbor bill a rest. Why improve '
our harbors to make easy "entry to
bombarding fleets. N. F.Altu.
Astonishing Siieres-.. '
It is the duty of evory person who '
has used Hosciee's Utr'mun Syrup to '
fet its wonderful qualities bo known
to their friends iu curing Consump
tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in fact all throat,
and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relieve any case, aud we!
consider it the duty of all Druggists
to recommend it to the poor, dying .
consumptive, at least to try "one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last
year, and no one case whore it failed i
was reported. Such a medicine as .
the German Syrup cannot be too j
widely known. Ask your druggist '
about it. Sample bottles to trv sold i
at 10 cents. Regular size, 7."i cents
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
m tho United States and Canada.
A Sciv Auil Knlurtreil tocl; ot
Choice lirands ) I (Mem-.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can he satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansiU'sPunch and
Junior'1- in full supplv as usual at
1). L. IJeck & So.vs.
Wait till the clouds toll by my dear,
nnd Aillor will show von Unliv
Carriages in such now styles and such
low prices that will make you smiles
and repay you well to wait for the ar- i
rival of the immense new stock to arrive
shortly at the Crystal Falace direct
from the Manhattan factory.
What is better than a glass ol in
A (.p ofrtollcious coffeo at Fabro'i
What is better than a glass of liquor?
Go To Crow's Gallery.
The loading rhotographer. For the
fine photos in all the latest stylos and
of superior linish..
.I.O.'Bozorth has just been appointed
resident agent for the Imperial ire In-
suranco company or juigianu. ini
companv. organized in ISO:;, has a paid
up capital of $3,300,000 and cash assetts
of $10,000,000, every dollar of which is
liable for fire losses alone. The com
pany doing no life, accident or marine
business. j
Jtis a well known tact, when jotij
wish a pair of glasses to fit the eye?
properly you must patronic an oculist,
to got the exact measurement of tho ,
eve. then take his prescription to an
optician to havo it mado. And by pat
ionizing me, you get your exact eye
measurement. I also give yon tho num
ber and color of lense for each eve.
which can lie filled anywhere, you also i
got a pair ot glasses mane to your
order, tor less money than an ordinary
examination bv an oculist. Don't misa
! this opportunity as I am here.
1)11. b. J1ARMON.
He's a Going
Yum Yum!
Thursday the 10th inst. Herman Wise
will leave for 'Frisco, for tho purpose
or bringing to Astoria the finest selec
tion of goods to be had in the market.
Film lilt i it ir 4noils.
Trunks nnd Ynliscs.
Any special onlers entrusted to mo will
receive my personal ami careful attention.
2erma& Wise,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident Uuildlnjc.)
Musical Instruments
New York Novelty
Clothing Department
fH&illiflB WM iPi
ISlflBlilSBH EH9 lfiSlii-''
wlHHiHi is! BiiBlllliM
1 H IB iil
I i h S 19 Uli
Our first shipment of Spring St'les for 1SS7 in
Gems', Young Men's, Youths' and Boys1
Arc now in stock. These lines aro manufactured more especially
W the city trade and are in different weights, and handsome patterns.
And lor STYLES. FITS AND WORKMANSHIP they are'unequallsd.
TJ Our4STYLES of STRAW HATS lor 1887 aro now in, also "nw
stylos in
Soft and Stiff Fur Hats,
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Every time you come you
We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods
we carry by every steamer. By last steamer . . -
Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Gilt Edge,
Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can;
Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all tho
best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low fates; a
full line of Hams, J3reakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned
and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for
many of which we.,are sole agenis; Anchovies, Dutch
Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless i
Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Poller Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oat,
and Buckwheat Meals,"etc: Apples, White Darling Po
tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and
provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated
Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California
makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley,
Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Nails, all kinds.
Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES.
A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To
bacco. Also, just received an addition, to our stock of
Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps.
Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More
-Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full
Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the
Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table 9
and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine
Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally,
and many other articles to'o numerous "to enumerate.
All these way up in Quality, and way down in Price.
We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of I1 r
justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and are .
prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale rate",
and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition.
Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils
are sold at.
SfcSgpRemember your place to trade is at
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will be Better Pleased.