CO N V V J&JW' J l- ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Hi, J 887. PRICE MVE CENTS. VOL. XXYII, NO. 63. w Sk Bife k BUSINESS CARDS. G KO. XOLAXD, VTTOKXEY AT LAW. ruce in Ktnnej'a (Mock, opposite Cltj ilall, Astoila, Oregon. C W". FULTON. O. C. FULTON FUE.TOX BItOTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i:m 5 :uid C. Odd Fellows Ilulldlns. a It. THOMSON' . Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice In the U. S. Laud Office, and the examination of land titles. A full set ot Abstract Books for Clatsop County in ofllce. Money to loan. Office Itooms 4 and ."i, oer (it Look MOiO. T X. A. HOWLUY. Viiornoy ami Counsellor tit I.uw oilUv on Chenamus Street. AMorla. Oregon P. I. WIN'TON ATTOKXEY AT LA W. Rooms No. 11 and 12, 1 tlilan Castle liulld- IB. WATSON. Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. l.and OJlice a specialty. Astoria, - - Orfon. T K. 1.A FORCE. DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows l'.mldin. ASTOKIA, ---- OREGON. TTJR. A. Ii. FUIiTOX. Phj-ficlnu anil Surgeon. Office on Cassstieet, three doors south oi Odd Fellow's bulldlnn. Telephone No. 41. rAY TUTTIiK, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON Office Rooms fi Pythian Building. ItEBiDKNOE On Cedar Street, back of J M. Ularj 'a Hosnital. I) It.O. B. KSTES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oiegon. TIC FKAXK frAE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OpposlteTelegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. G KLO F.PARKEK, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Ofllce : N. E. corner Cass aud Astor streets, Itoom No. 8 Up Stairs. Rcbt, Collier, Deputy, rR. ALFBED KI.VNEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at ills office, and may be found there at any hour. E. C. HOLDE.V, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estato and Insurance Agent. Office, at Holden's Auction Booms, Chena mus street, Astoria. Oregon. A. K. 8HA1Y. DENTIST. JCooms in Allen's Building, up idalrs. cor ner Cass and Squemoqua stieets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 Tj Milan Build-in over C. H. Cooper's Store. Carnalian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND UETATL DFALERS IN &ENERAI MERCHANDISE, Corner Clienamus and Cas stref is. ASTCK1A - . - -" - - OKEGON THOS. MAIRS, A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHANGES MODERATE Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine Shop opposite C. H.XJooperV FaiflBul Tailor TRADE ZZj MARK. Ibsolutelv J-'rce from Ojnutes, Jimetics and Jfoiion SAFE. SURE PROMPT. AT IKUGQI37S AND DFALEIX. THE ClUKLlA A. 0.EL1.K CO- UlLllaOKE. "flu. ERManreM Fia Cares BkKSsUrn, lTesralgia, or r Bin pttissgk THE C1UKLE3 A.tUCLLUt CO., lULTlSUKZ, BO. 'ares Femalo Complainte. & Great Sidney tenely. ESOLD BY ALL D3UGGISTS, Boat Building. IANY YEARS KXI'KRILWCi: IN iTX. building boats on the Columbia iher and hundreds of line "boats ofjny build make my guarantee!; for good ork. Head quarters at tho old Auorla Iron Works buildiug. Will build boats at any po.nt on the Columbia river where my seruees may be required. WM. HOWE. -AGENCY n OF HAN FRANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria, Oregon. Cannery Supplies ai Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Kates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. B. II. Colcxuan, Accountant. WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL PEED AGENTS FOll SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland. Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OltEGON. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY 1IAXSEX, PropV. A targe and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiaioMs i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Ho u Klit at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wtilcli mitl Cloclc ICcpuiring A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Relia ble Firo Insurance Companies. All Business promptljjand accurately tran-acted. 25 m0Bspjf EDI HHI ffl.T ColBnian&Co FiavelsWliarf. - Astoria Oregon. THAT TERRIBLE NORTH 00AST. Shipwreck and Suffering of Hapless Mariners. David Lowe, a seaman on the bark Thomas Jl. Foster, which vessel was wrecked on Vancouver Island, has arrived in San Fran cisco and tells the story of the wreck. He shipped at Port Town bend hist December. The ship sailed from Esquimalt December Oth. There were eighteen people on board all told, the captain, two mates, carpenter, cook, cabin boy, and twelve seemen, six in each watch. "When the vessel sailed a heavy sea was running outside, and she experienced a succ ssion of gales. Heavy seas were shipped, the cargo shifted and the vessel became waterlogged and lay on her beam ends. The pumps were worked with all possible in dustry' to keep her afloat. After four days and nights of pumping the vessel was run ashore. This occurred December 18th. At about -1 r. m. a hidden rock was Struck. The vessel was broadside oil. The crew went ashore in a small boat through the breakers, and in about an hour all were landed. They had lor provisions half a box of tea, one box of soda crackers and thirty tins of stuff, in cluding sardines, pig's leet, peach es, apples, mincemeat, etc. The vessel was then full of water and breaking up. The landing was effected in a wild and desolate place. "The next day the captain said if a party went up north they would be sure to find Indians. The second mate and three men started to walk north on Sunday. "We divided our stock of provis ions, and they took two tins of peaches and twenty-five soda crackers each with them. Two days afterward they returned. They had traveled twenty miles and come to a high bluff covered with brush and could go no fur ther, so they came back. They staid in camp all night. Next day the second mate and three men, myself among them, started south ward to endeavor toariiako Cape Beale. It was snowing and very cold, and we had no shelter aud few clothes, and had canvas wrapped round our feet in place ( shoes. "We took five tins of food along, including one tin of pig's feet. Three sacks of flour washed ashore, and in an old tin pan that lloateu asnoie we bakea some cakes and took them with us. We got mussels off the rocks, and if it were not lor them we should have starved to death. The day after we left we came to a deserted Indian fishing camp, where tho Indians came to fish in summer. It was on the point of an inlet. "We walked three days to the head of the inlet when we came, to a fresh "water river that we could not cross. We went back down the inlet ajrain and build a taft of loose wood, tying it together with the strings of our bundles. We then started to paddle across the inlet, and when half-way the raft Droke adrift, and we all got astnde of one log and paddled ashore to wliere we started. We came back to the fishing camp and found two canoes. We lashed them together catamaran fashion, and after wait ing five or six days for fine weath er, started across the inlet, a dis tance of twenty miles. One hundred yards from shore heavy rollers came over us, and the ca noes "went down stern first and we had to swim for our lives. Two men then returned to the camp and told our comrades we could not cross the inlet. Then there was some growling, and all the grub was divided up into eighteen parts, each man getting his share and intending to seek his own sal vation. Eight men came to us from the camp, making ten in our party then. We went one day's walk up the inlet and built three rafts, two to carry four men and one two men. The inlet was six miles across. We made paddles and at daylight started across. I was on the small raft with another man. We saw tho two rafts, as we thought, being carried to sea, so wepaddled against the current, got to the fresh water river and "gol " across. The two rafts got stuck ashore on some rocks in the middle of the channel. At noon the men jonlhe rock saw two ca noes with -Indians coming out in the inlet to fish." The Indians succored them, and Father Nicolaye, a Catholic priest, bad them go in five canoes to Clayoquot. There they stayed forty-three days, being well cared for. The' were taken -on board and carried to Victoria by the steamer- Sir James Douglass, which had been sent to their relief. TTEED OP MARBIED LIFE. But His Trick to Get Away Tailed to Work. Chicago News. The following dispatch is pub lished from Winnipeg: "A mys terious murder occurred here yes terday morning. C. A. Schofield, bookkeeper for McMillan Bros., flour mill owners, was at work un til a late hour Saturday night, posting his books. Schofield was not at home yesterdaj and search was instituted. Investigation showed that he had been murdered at his desk. The furniture in the office was broken and covered with blood, showing that a struggle had taken place. A trail of blood led to a hole in the icQ of the river, and it is supposed that the body had been thrown into the hole af ter the murder. About $100 had been taken from the safe. A dirk covered with blood was found near the river. Schofield was thirty-five years old, and leaves a young wife. Miller, the night watchman, has been arrested, but protests his innocence. The river is being dragged for tjie body." Schofield is now in a cell in the Minneapolis lockup. A detective went out to Rogers station, on tin Manitoba train on which, according to a Winnipeg dispatch, the assus sin of Schofield was s.upposod to be. He was arrested, brought here, and a roll of Canadian cur rency -amounting to '2,0:15, taken from his pocket. The prisoner then astonished the detective by remarking: "I am the man supposed to have been murdered. I went to the office Saturday night and slaught ered two chickens, scattering their blood over the furniture, and after wards took them to the river nnd dumped them through the ice. The money is all my own, except b. I resorted to this method to escape Irom domestic trouble." The Western Settler's Cho-ien Specille With eery aihance of emigration Into the fat Weit, a new demand is created for Ilos telteis Stomach Bitters. Newly peopled regions are frequently less salubrious than older settled localities, on account or the miasma which llses from recently cleared land, particularly along tho banks of livers that are subject to freshets. Tho agiicul tural or mlniqg emigrant soon learns, hen he does not already know, that the Bitters altord the only sure protection against ma laria, and those disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, to which climate changes, eposure, and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. Consequently, he places an estimate upon this great house hold specille and preentive commensurate with Its Intrinsic merits, and is careful to keep on hand a restorative and promoter of health so Implicitly to he relied upon hi time of need. March 'Jd the first steamer to attempt the passage of the Suez canal by aid of the electric liirht accomplished the trip in fifteen hours. 'When bahy was &Iek, . e ga o lu-r CVtstork, When sha was a Child uhe cried for Costorla, When she became iliu, she clung to Castoria, WhenbliehaJChlldrtn.shoKUNcthemCastorla C'hulera in Sicily is an early spring hint that the dread Asiatic pestilence is not yet through with its destructive tour of southern Europe. Buclilcn's Ann on suite. Thk JJKsr Sai.vk In the world for Cuts, Bnuse,s,Sore3,lJIcfr.s,Salt llheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. 11 is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rrice 25 cents per box. Korsalebv V E. Dement & Co. An 'average egg weiglis about 1,000 grains, divided as follews: Shell 107, white 60-1, and velk 280. -Q vy rxv v Would enjoy your clin J X ner and are prevented by Dyspopsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positivo cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. "Vo guarantee them. 23 and 50 cents. .T. W. Conn. "1lke SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Spleen, This purely vegetable pre- f oration, now so celebrated as a 'amily Medicins, originated in the South in 1828. It act gently oa the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In ait common diseases it will, un- assisted, by any other medi cine, effect a speedy euro. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circum stances can it do liarm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicatinz bever age to lead to intemperance ; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tone up tho system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, ana its irtues undoubted. inter ruption or stoDDace of ousiness -while takii Icing the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or hick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief! If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, u ill expel the poison and protect them from attack. a rnYsioiAva opinion. I have been practicing medicine for twenty yean, and have never been able to Dut un a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, prompdy and effectively move the LUer to action, snd at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. M. Hirrroj, M. D. .Washington, Ark. BE Til VT YOU GETT11E OEM'INE. rucr.vRED by . J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Price Sl.OO. Look Here Boys.1 rr jo.i :t neat fitting Suit of Clothes, . go to Merchant Tailor. Hating just received :i complete assort ment ot Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suite cheaper tliau the cheapest. (ivemea call and he convinced that f mean what I say. J. E ROSS. Comer Squemoqua anil namllton streets, east of C. II . Cooper's. Virginia Clear and Tobacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigar, Tobaccos and Smokers, Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Hates. FRUITS. CANDIES.NOTIONS.&c. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Tlrere Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Poitlanrt or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Loss 3fco:L3L3r By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. ne has Just received a large stock of (loods from the East. Fine Business Suits from ?35. fall and See Hint aud Satisfy Yourself. . P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Every Body Knows THAT TIIE Magee Furnace Co. Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The World ; THE'BESTARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria Wt E. DEMENT & CO. ASTOIUA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded WILL Cut Faster TJUPIE JLXEi J.C.Trullinger AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds ot woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes Deep and Xerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Aeents Astoria, Price, $1.60. Just Received. 1,500 Mis ffalljaper and DecoratioBs Of the Latest Designs and THIS SO Leather, Plush lu Elegant New Styles: :E3:oloLty Call and See Us. Astoria Iron Ms. qoneomly M.. Toot of J.ieSoon. Astoria. Or, Cioneral ists Land and Marine Engines HOII.F.K WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Castings of all Descriptions Made i to Order at Short Notice. A. 1). Vass .". President. .1. G. IlusiLKit .Secretary. I. W. csf Treasurer. John' Fox Suoenntendent. F. Armbruster' w vichm'ikkk Aud kties Xji :es :el. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Bep lired on the Shortest Notice at Bea snnable Rates. Chenamus St., net to Spexarth's dun store. B. F. ALLEN i PJBACTICAX. GRAIXER and PAINTER. SIQNPAINTING. AND J GLASS SHOW CARDS. I1j4I. a.u decokative w. J" 33 rauer nauyuiy,, rieauuiuy,, civ. is on deck and prepared to build bouts I that he will guarantee as to work and dur ShoponCas3Stuextto StinsonS Black- j ability. Keferatoall who have iiscd boat-.. I smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, his construction. All work guaranteed Strike It Rich! nuv Youn Groceries Provisions OF Foard & Stokes Thoir largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while gl hie you poods Mutt are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Oyer the City. The Highest Price raid r..r Junk. The New Model Range- CAN HE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF IS. R. HA WES. Agent. C.i sind Examine It ; You Whl be Pleased. E. K. Haw es Is also Agent f.i the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHKK FI1LST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hanti. CoWia Transportation Coipany. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! TfIE SEW STEAMEK -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Kotumlng leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. &An additional trip will be made on Suaday of Each Weeic, leaving Fortlau d at v o'ciock Hnniiay morn me for Sound ports. Also to Arrive WEEK. and Carpet Rockers .Inst the thing for Present CHAS. HEiLBORN. ,s-A:&sHKN The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH jz shop! Tir-j Boiler Shop i' '&S All kinds of Shades. K?r:3r2HrtU. 4- '"""'ENGINE, CANNESY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended t. Apecialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES. FOOTOFLAfr'AYETTK STKErTi Established I. W. J870 CASE, PIONEER BANKER, ODD FELIiOWS' BUILDING Does a General Banking Business- Drafts Drawn Available the World. In any pait of Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS annerymen NOTICE. If ou want to contract for your suinmpr-t w ool now is jour chance. Apply to FRANK L. PARKER Or to the Astoria Wood Yard. Just received at the Astoiia Wood Vatd 130 cords extra choice Eed Fir Wood. ANi 50 cords fine Vino Maple Limbs. Lea e orders with F. JL. PAltKKR. Telephone 36. Passengers b this route eonnect at Kalan-a u. n.tMJUii, i resiaeui