C7 Sfa gatlg gurtwtett. ASTORIA. OREGON: S17XUA.Y MARCH 13. 1837 A new and promising step has been taken in India in the direc tion of developing home industries to supply home needs. Hitherto the product of the teeming wheat fields has been shipped to Europe, and from Europe has been brought in return the same wheat ground into flour for Indian consumption. This was a capital arrangement for ship owners and European millers. But it has dawned upon the native mind that the work of grinding may as well be done at home, and the profits of European merchants and millers saved for the Indian people. Accordingly, a great na tive milling corporation has been formed at Bombay, and there are indications that it will be imitated in other Indian cities, This will probably mean higher prices to the wheat grower and lower prices to the bread consumer, and general advantage to the Indian people. The Astoeian" is asked what effect the death of Captain Jas. B. Eads will have on his ship railway across the isthmus scheme, and in what condition that project is as regards congressional action. The bill to incorporate the Atlantic and Pacific ship railway, Eads' Te huantepec scheme came up in the United States senate February 5th. In its original shape it was very favorable to the projectors, guaranteed governmental support to the enterprise to the extent of $7,500,000 annual interest charges. The matter received extended con-, sideration and was debated at great length. A bill was finally passed on the 17th of February which granted the desired charter, but withheld any government guarantee. What effect Capt. Eads' death will have, we are un able to say; it will probably delay active prosecution of the proposed work. Among the important measures passed br the senate before ad journment was the house bill to prohibit the importation and im migration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor which gives authori ty to the secretary of the treasury to contract with state commissions, boards, or officers, for an examina tion into the condition or passen gers arriving from abroad. The names of persons prohibited from landing are required to be re ported to the collector of the port, who shall enforce the prohibition. The secretary is directed to pre scribe the regulations for the re turn of persons prohibited from landing, and these regulations are to be enforced by state boards designated b- the secretary. The expense of return is devolved up on the owners of the vessels, and vessels refusing to bear the ex pense are prohibited from landing at or clearing from any port of the Uuited States. The expenses are also made a lien upon the vessels. The act is now irfeffect. In the Century Edward Atkin son says of the armies of Great Britain, France, Germany, Hoi land, Italy and Belgium that these six European countries have 2,200,431 men under arms, at an annual cost of 493,505,520, or at the -rate of $223 per man. Our cost is seven times as much per soldier, but the total cost is rela tively insignificant. The armed force of Europe in actual service is 4,123,374 men, including armies and navies, besides 10,398,163 re serves at call, making an aggre gate of 14,521,539. This is sub stantially one in five of all men of the arms-bearing age. The pro portion, excluding the reserves, is one in sixteen for all Europe, while in the United States it is one in 322. Even in Great Britain, which is about the least harassed in -this way, it is one in 26. Tak log not the arms-bearing, but the entire population, the ratio of the European armies and navies is as 1 to $1, or even 1 to 24, including reserves, while that of the United Sstates is as 1 to 1,610. Kiicltlcn's Arlnea Salrc. The Best salve i n the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcprs, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Ilauds. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sa le by W E. Dement & Co. NEW TO-DAY. Preliminary Announcement! SPECIAL Art Auction ! To Arrive ex Steamship 'Columbia' on the 15th inst. I have received advices oil a consignment ol 70 Fine Oil Paintings, Land scapes and Marine by celebrated artists such as J. Rowley, Tom Dur and and J.Scott. I am instructed to guarantee the above to be Genuine First Class Oil Paint ings, elegantly framed gilt genuine leaf gold. Due notice w ill be given of time and place of sale. This is a genuine consignment of First Class Paintings, such as have never been offered before by any local auctioneer in this city, and ray instructions are 'Close Them Out." E.-C. IIOL.DEV. Auctioneer. For Sale or Rent. LOT 4. BLOCK 20, ADAIll'S ASTORIA, together with two story frame dwelling situated therein. Enquire of I. V. CASE. Notice. mHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE X Stockholders of the Astoria Buildinc and Loan Association, Tuesday, April 12, 1837, at 7 :au v. m.. ior me purpose ot organ izing, electing directors and to transact such business as may come before the;n, at the couri uuiibe, Asiona, uregon. WfHJSWJSlAf, J. '(.IxlljSLKAt. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, C. W. FULTON. J. P, DICKINSON, 3L FOABD. FRANK K. STOKES, A. SUTTON. JAY TUTTLE. Incorporators. JOHN FUSSELL. Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Etc. Xonc But The Best Stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times, Main street east sido, between Jefferson and Squemoqua Sts. O. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on Main. Squemoqua Street. Three doors south of House Painting, Crainin coins;, etc. Fres Deposited in Orepn, $300,000 ASSETS, 3 5 5. 8Q1. 2 8 3. Royal, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germania of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, MARINE INSURANCE COVERED UV OUR OPEN POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. LADIES TAKE NOTICE. Mrs. F. E. Hudson Has removed to the corner of Genevieve and Chenamus streets, up stairs next to VanDusen & Co.'s store, where she is pre pared to do Fashionable Dressmaking. Afient for Estes, Taylor Square for Dress Cutting. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle 0ilf Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing" Machines, Taints, Oils, C3r3000Dt7iS , 3EJtO LOBB & eo. fines, Liprs aid Cips. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Booms and Board. Nicely Furnished Rooms and Good Board at Mrs. Backer's, oyer Murray & Co.'s Store, Ross Oiera ONE WEEK ONLY. Commencing Monday, March 14. Special engagements of the Great Artist Miss E. Alma Stuttz TnhorJiiitlycelrbnitPii creations entitled MARIE. In Mons. DeEmiay's Gem, The Pearl df Savoy, With magnificent scenery aim beautiful tableaux. Change of programme nightly. Stuttz PriceH of Admission. Reserved seats, sold only during the day, S1.25, General admission to any seat not sold during the day, 1.00. No charge for children under s years or age, with parents. (Seats will be provided.) Children purcuasing reserved seats during tne day, $1.23. Children from S to 14 years of age, CO cents. Lower box 7,50. Upper Bov 5.00. Dress clrcle73 cents. Gallery 53 cent. Box sheet for sale or reserved seats open at the New York Novelty Store, A Benefit Night. To the firemen of the Astoria Fire Depart ment and their friends : The Stuttz Drama tic Company to perform in this city during the coming week have generously agreed to give one half the receipts or the house on their opening night to the Flic Department of this city to be applied by them as a portion of that department's dona tl n to the State Firemen's Association, and the offer having been accepted by the Board of Foremen, we would most respectfully re quest the Firemen and their friends to earnestly assist in making the Benefit a financial success, Respectfully yours. B. 8. WOBSLEY, Chief Engineer. C. .1. TBENCHAKD. Foreman No. 1. Xf. J. BARRY. Foreman No. 2. L.W.HOLT. Foreman H. & L. No. 1. By E. Z. FERGUSON, Secretary. Astoria Iron Ms. Coneomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or, General Machinists ail Boiler Makers. Land and Marine Engines BOIHCR WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wahs President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary. I. W. Case, Treasurer. John FoJc Superintendent, WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its sune- riorlty. It goes ueep ana Aeror Stlcls. CARNAHAN & CO., A Rents Astoria Price. SI. 50. Cannerymen and Fishermen, Attention. JAM NOW PREPARED TO LEAD LINES with my patent leading machine, guar anteed to do first class work, my price Is 8 cts. per lb. and furnish lead, .For particu lars enquire at Occident Pkg. Co. KKIKMAUNULA. Price of Boxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE the undersigned have established the price of salmon boxes as follows for the season of '87 : Salmon boxes, 1 b. 14 cts. at mill. Deliv ered any where botween Smith's Point and Tongue Point 14ft cts. To any other point on the river 13 cts. Salmon box Shooks, 1 lb.. 12 cts. at mill ; l2?i cts. delivered be tween Smith's Point and Tongue Point; 13 cts, delivered at other points on the rivre Nominal 2 lb. boxes, 1 ct. less. Trays, 10 cents. CLATSOP MILL CO.. ASTORIA BOX CO., J. C, TKULLINGER. Astoria, Or., Feb. 16, 1887. E. C. HOLDEN. AnclionenilCoiissiiypnt Established 1874. Dealer In New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. "Will conduct Auction Sales of Land. Slock, or Household Goods In the country. "Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Salts and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weekly Ore gonian. FROM Boston and Chicago. The AstfoniAN Job Office has received Large Amounts of Job Printing Mate rial which will be worked up . at Ex tremely Low Figures. Call and get figures and see Samples. Grummed Paper, for Labels, etc., just received. &XEi J rATnrraA093DJM2.' J.C.TrulIinger ON THE WAIT! vin nnn wins ITU (Piu.uuu ii y si in yr low ouyuas "SETOjESL Will arrive shortly direct from eastern factories consisting of 1,000 Alarm Clocke, 10 Cases of Books, 10 Cases of Stationery, 5 Cases of "Writing Paper. 2 Cases of Musical Instruments, 50 Baby Carriages Etc.. Etc, These goods are all bought at bottom cash prices and will be sold lower than ever heard of tefore WAIT FOR THEM. CAHL -&DX-2SR, Manager. Get The Best The New Improved Family And Manufacturing SINGER Sewing Machine. Call and Examine at the American News Depot. A. BALMANNO, AGENT. All Kinds of Type Writing, MANIFOLDING, Copying, Bookkeeping, etc., done at shortest notice. Legal work aspecialtv. J. JI. 3UXSKLL, Astoria Agent for Hammond Typo Writer. GROCERS And Dealers in Cannery Sillies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's Now Building on Water Streot. r. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITH1NG, .t Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ol Casa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, HorseshoeiUE. Wagons mado and repaired. Good work guaranteed. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spring heels. WE DKAl IW ROOTS ANI SHOES OJflY. P. J. GOODMAN. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? That Depends on the Liver. The Liver Depends on the Food. If What You Sat Doesn't Agree With You, CO TO flH W a And Get Some of His Choice Provisions. Ask to See Some Novelties and Specialties In FINE GROCERIES. Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup, Chili Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Celery Salt, French and German Mustard, Lelblg'a Van Houghton's Cocoa, Minim, Germea, Ejicran food, Oat Porriip, Rolled Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c. &c. CITY BOOK NEW STOCK To arrive in the next ten days, direct from the manufacturers, a full and Complete Stock of the following Goeds: BABY CAKRIAGKES, BIRD CAGES, CROQUET SETS, FISHING TACKLE OIL PAINTINGS, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Musical instruments and Merchandise, Etc., Etc. . S? IjroP036 to pet ahead of the Interstate Commerce Bill, and sell at OUR USUAIi liOW FB1CE8. GRIFFIN & REED. all! U Magnus G. Orosby Dealer in HABBWABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 27-a. and Oopper. rank L Parker, Dealer in Eaiicj and Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potaioes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertowu, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Keprescnt in a capital of 67,000,000. 11, VAMDU8EX Agent. Ex, Beef, sea Foam wi rafers. ALLEN'S STORE. The a For the Next 30 Days We will sell all of our Ladies' and Children's Cloaks at 25 per cent. Less titan F-rmer Pricr. We have Just Received a Larc Lot of the celebrated Browns ville, Oregon, Woolen Goods in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Flannels and Blankets. Also, Direct from the East, Gents', Youths', Boys', and Children's Tine Clothing and Hats. All of which we will sell at the Very Lowest Prices. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods is one of the most complete north of San Francisco. Our past reputation justifies u- in saying that We Lead in Quality of Goods and Prices. W. T- PAS.KS5R, Manager. DK.VtElt IX Hay, Oats, and. Straw, Lime, Brie! Cement, SaiA and Plaster Wood DelUered to Order. I) raj In :r. Teaming ami KtpresH Business. Lgar "j rl JtW r'l1,,l" - ' . , "' - "" ' i i TER apply to the Captain, or to Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging, Carpets Sowed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. J. C. OOUIffTY Coroner's Office, Undertaking Booms next r i IEV S 4TK " 1. -? j-i .iv r v-,i . "ja. v . SZlt .'AVV . tWL ' ipUililll ft .-frim, l l, ,, ,., , -TTlnTTCl Y5X. " .m mi i it i.i rtnif ir-r i vvsafrr; v J. R. LEES0N & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS A'D IMPORTERS. Tie Jobnstone (ScotM) ait Mon (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads AND Salmon Net Twines. The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit nt Philadelphia 187G or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! .References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. Agents for the Pacific- Ceast: KITTLE & CO., 202 Calif a St., San Francisco, Calaj i.-uj1'-; iLnyTi nTJ'"' F ", XV STMMK1J Mi .i iu nnu Eben P. Parkcr,Master. For TOWING, FKEIGHT or CUAK II. B. FARKF.lt. AmericanN ews Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines aud Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danish and German papers. Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside Lihnules, School Books, Stationery, etc. A. BALMANNO. Chenamus St. near Main. EOSS, OOK.OKT2III, A Pirst Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material, Everything Neat and Well Arranged. to historian office, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) ... r 'l"Be.. S ia n4. wvwj f r "nj. . j- ijfn "v ic-ft