w) Rw ayyy,jun 3J r. gaUg gistotiiw. ASTORIA, OREGON; - MAltCII 11. 18a: FKIDAY The school in district No. One is expected to close May 20th. The Oregon arrived yesterday from San Francisce: the State sailed. There will bo target practice at FortCanby iu April, May and .Tunc. Considerable in the way of build ing is blocked out for this season. In the justice court yesterday the case of Ah Koon, arrested charged with selling opium, ended by the de fendant being discharged. Praise and Promise meeting at the Methodist church to-night at seven o'clock. There will be n class organ ized at the close of the service for a spare minute reading course. Joggles read yesterday of a wash out caused by the rain. lint he says there was a wash out yesterday caused by there being no rain that day. It was the wash out on the clothes line iu the back yard, which the week be fore had to be hung in the wood shed. J. G. Stuttz' New York Theatrical Company will begin a week's engage ment at Ross' opera house on next Monday, the 14th inst., opening in "The Pearl of Savoy." The eastern Washington newspapers speak in high praise of the company, lie served seats for sale at the New York Novelty store. Yesterday's bright sunlight brought out a good many people. Into each town some rain must fall, some days be dark and dreary, but thi3 partic ular section of the American conti nent has had a little more than its share this trip; During the ten days of March ending at noon yesterday, fl.65 inches rain fell. A handsome badge is on exhibition in G. Hansen's window. It is a rep resentation of a net knitting needle in gold, and to it is suspended a large gold medallion, having on one side the inscription, "Champion knitter of the Columbia river, 1887," and on the other, "Presented by theefishermen of the Columbia river." Since the arrival of the Lungreu incandescent gas lamps Mr. Moen has been busy putting them up, and every one who sees them is loud in their praise. They are a novelty, those in Astoria, it is believed, are the only oaes in the state, and are worthy of favorable mention by reason of the admirable light they furnish. Regarding an article in yester day's Astoriak about "some success ful swindles," information comes to the effect that parties in Astoria and vicinity who make contracts with traveling agents for musical instru ments would do'well to scrutinize the agreement before they sign it and thus avoid possible trouble. Dr. O. B. Estes, health officer of the port, yesterday notified the cap tains of the two San Francisco steam, ers in port, that in fnture they would be "required to get a bill of health from the San Francisco health officer before leaving that port for the Co lumbia river. The prevalence of small pox in California makes such precaution necessary. The annual business meeting of tho members of tho Young Men's Chris tian Association will bo held this evening at 8 o'clock. Tho annual reports will be presented, and officers elected for the year. On Sunday even ing the seventh anniversary services will bo held in the Presbyterian church, when the Rev. C. H. Oliphant, of Massachusetts, will deliver an ad dress. The Telegram says that Chinook salmonls selling in "Portland at fif teen cents a pound and asks how about that law that forbids tho sale of the salmon earlier than April 1st. For the information of our contem porary it may be said that the axiom that self-defenso is the first law of nature, is fully recognized and prac ticed on the lower Colnmbia. and when a large able-bodied salmon at tacks a man in an open boat, his life pays the forfeit of his temerity. The Stuttz Theatrical compauy have volunteered to give half the re ceipts of the opening night of their theatrical engagement, being next Monday evening, to tho Astoria Fire Department, to be applied to the fund for attendance at the next state fire man's tournament at Vancouver in June. The offer has been accepted. It goes without saying that they will have an overflowing house. Every fireman and every friend of the de partment will of conrse aid in making the evening remembered a3 one in which the theater had the largest at tendance in tho history of the city to that date. A Xcw And Enlarged wiock of Choice Brands of Clara. Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can he satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. TansiU'sPunch and Junior in full supplv as usual at P. L. Beck & Sons. do to Jeff's Restaurant to-night and take home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.) Private Rooms. 'At Frank Fahre's for suppers, pnr t ies, etc The best cooked to order. Go to Thompson & Ross for freh Apple Butter and Cider Jelly, in jars or pails. Eastern oysters f resli every steamer at .Jeffs restaurant. Thompson & JRoss have a number one article of Mackerel.Ilolland llcrring.etc. All the different books used in the public school you can get at the Crvstal Palace at reduced rates. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. ?!ic LATEST TELEGEAPHIO NEWS. General Items of Interest Prom Various Points. Norfolk. Va , Mar. 10. The North German steamship liheiv, from Bre men for Baltimore, with 1,000 passen gers, was got safely off from Hog 1 Island Bar this morning. UEU SHOOXD UAKKI4.GK. Paris, Mar. 10. Christine Nillson married Count Miranda to-day. It is reported she will retire from thestage. TKOUBIiE FEARED. YorxusTOwx, Ohio, Mai. 10. An injunction, was issued from the court here this morning, restraining the strikers on the line of the Pennsyl vania railroad from interfering with the trains. A conflict is feared. WILL BE IXVESTIOATEU. Portlaxd. Mar. 10. There will be a thorough investigation in a few days of the loss 67 the little steamer iW; VorJi. OCT OP THE WOBLl. Brooklyn, Mar. 10. Not with standing the rainy day the streets were crowded in the vicinity of Bescher's late residence where the funeral" ceremouies were held at 10:30. Twelve large wreaths of white roses and lilies of the val ley, sent by Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, were conspicuous. There wero other flowers in profusion. The body was attired in a black broad cloth frock coat, buttoned high, the right hand laid over the heart, the long gray hait brushed back over the ears as when alive. At ten-thirty o'clock Kev. C. H. Hall entered and read the ritual of the Episcopal church. During the services Co. "G." were drawn up in a line in front of the house. Only the family and a few intimate friends were present. None of the family were dressed in black. Mrs. Beecher bore up well. A few minutes before the corpse was carried out the sunshine burst out bright. Kev Mr. Hall paid a sincere tribute to Beecher. He spoke for fif teen minutes. V. S. Court Hud XoJiirtalii-tinii. In the United States circuit court to-day indictments against the fol lowing persons charged with conspir acy iu connection with the anti-Chinese riots of the winter of 1886 were dismissed: Samuel F. Wiltermood, Joseph "Wilson, John W. Gibson, Wm. Meyers, Lewis Hamilton, George Brown, John Belisle, Allen White, Lyton Miller, W. B. Stafford. Nat. L. Baker, Wm. McLaughlin and Hiram Straight. The indictments against the persons were dismissed because the United States supreme court re cently decided that United States courts had no jurisdiction in the matter of trying oases of the nature for which the accused were indicted, and that only the local courts had power to deal with offenses of that character. Telegram, 9. V. C. T. V. Entcrtaiuiuent The ladies of the Astoria Christian Temperance Union will have u "Ja panese Bazaar" aud a "high tea" on Tuesday, March 15th, at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. An attractive assortment of Japanese fancy articles will be on exhibition and for sale at unusually low prices. Tho tea will bo served from 5 to 8 o'clock, in tho gymnasium room on the first floor. Price 25 cents. The bazaar will be held in tho hall upstairs, commencing at l o'clock Tuesday afternoon and continued during the evening. Everybody will be heartily welcome. Iiuligesion or Coutiimtio u. A few HAMBURG FIGS are all that is necessary for the cure of tho severest eases of indigestion or con stipation, and one taken oecasiouly will prevent tho development of these affections. 25 cents. At all drug gists. J. J. Mack fc Co., proprietors, S. F. For Tito 3Iost Bonn tilt 1 1 And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most sciontilic retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. .See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. .1. 0. Itoorth has just been appointed resident agent for the Imperial lire In surance Company of England. This company, organized m iso.j, lias a paid up capital of 'VS00,00Q and cash assetls of $10,000,000, every dollar of which is liable for fire losses alone. The com pany doing no life, accident or marine business. California Ont Hayj Dry Fir Wood; in large quantities and at lowest prices at. I. II. D. Cray's dock". lowest 'Caslt Iric4'. Coal Oil at $2.n."i a case, at D. L. BnCK&i- ox- Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's coffee. aittlriiiiis litter And Free Lunch at the Telephone loon, ." cents. Sa- Go To Crow's Gnllerj-. The leading Photographer. For finest photos in all the latest styles of superior tinish. the and Sluloh's Cough ana Consuniption Cure is .sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. We will show you in a few days the largest assortment of children s car riages ever bronght to Astoria; to be sold at manufacturers prices. Griffix & IU.f.d. Gotojeffls foroys ten , Private Rooms. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. A. Henderson and wife to Byron S. Kimball, interest lots 1 and 2, and E K SE X sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 9 AY., NE'MSWK sec 11 T. 7 N., R. 9 W., 80 acres; S. M SW if sec 11, T. 7 N, R. 9 W.; S2.166.66. Geo. Bieloh to Mrs. H. Bloom, quit claim deed lots 1. 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, block 53, Alderbrook; 75. W. L. McEwan and wife to Geo. Nolaud; K 10 acres west end sees. 16 and 17,'T."8 N., R. 9 W.; S250. J03. Hume to Laura W. Thomca 4 interest block 107, and lota 7 aud S, block 103, Adair's Astoria; $1,450. C. W. Knowles and wife and C. T. Thomes and wife to J. C. Hauthorn, lots 7 and 8, block 103, Adair's Asto ria; $600. C. T. Thomes and wife to J. O. Hanthorn, block 107, Adair's Astoria; $3,000. C. A. Davis, L. H. Turner and G. H. Turner to Johanna Coffey, lot 2, block 4, lot 2, block 13,McClure's As toria; $2,000. A. W. Gates to A. C. Fisher, lot 8 and lot 7 block 114, Olneys Asto ria; $1. Geo. McEwan aud wife to Alex. Gilbert, S , lot 5, block 6, McClure's Astoria; $1,950. 1111(1 Slide at Mlar Rook. Au Astorian correspondent at Pillar Rock, W. T., writes that at 8:50 last Wednesday night a heavy land slide occurred one mile below Pillar Rock, a mass of earth sliding from the bluff into the water, carrying trees, soil, rocks, etc., and completely demolishing two houses owned and occupied bv tho families of Samuel Oliver and C. H. Kliut. The honses were completely demolished, the in mates making their escape in their night clothing. Both families are reportetl to be in a destitute condi tion. Astonishing Stiree.-. It is the duty of every person who has used Jloschee-i Herman Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in enriug Consump tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, aud no ono case where it failed was reported. Such a medicino as the German Syrup cannot be too widely kuowu. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United States and Canada. r.ui(liiir nnd Loan .Variation. There was a very large business meeting of the Astoria building and loan association at tho court house last evening: F. R. Stokes officiated as chairman and F. W. Newell as secretary. The principal business transacted was the adoption of by laws for the association and the elec tion of three temporary officers, as follews: J. P. Dickinson, president; F. L. Parker, secretary, aud C. S. Wright, treasurer. The next meet ing will be on the 6th of April, when a board of directors will be chosen. There are now 1,306 shares taken, representing $261,200. Their IIii'-im-NS Itutuutii;? I'rnhablj no one tliimj has ctuil Mich a general tevival of trade at K. Dement te Uo.'.s Drug Slore as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is .simply enormous in this wr. unli able article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs. Colds, Asthma. liroiichitis, Croup, and all tluoat and lung dieaes quickly cured. You can test it heroic hnvinl' "by getting a trial ho! tie free, laige ie !. hvery home warranted. Syrup ol Figs. Manufactured onlj by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid I mil leniedy may he had of V. K. Dement A Co. at lit ty rents or one dollar poMiottle. It js the most pleasant, prompt and etfeclive leniedy known, to cleanse the. system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys ami (towels gently yet thoroughly ' to dispel Hcadaehs, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Tlml Hacking Cough ran be .so Quickly cored by bhiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W. 1C Dement.' Siiu.nif. Ci'i.'i: will imiiiediatel. relieve Cioup, Whooping Cough, anil l'.roncltitis. Sold by W.E. Dement it Co A luxury and necessity for rich and poor who wish to enjoy good hea'th, and who do not wish to resort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathar tics, is the concentrated liquid ft nit remedy Srup of Figs. 30c. and ?1 hollies for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Croup, Whooping Cough and Uron chili- immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. Thompson & itoss have just iveeh ed in btoek the justly celebrated Gordon & Dllworth preserved fruits of all kinds. Jellies in glasses. Queen Olives, etc". Also Chocolate and Milk and Cocoa and ililk in cans, a delicious article all ready for use. The new French Mac aronis and vermicillis in one pound package. Xew York Cream Ch ease, etc., Our assortment of fishing tackle, rods, reels, flies, lines, etc., will be immense, aim nnereu ai eastern prices. Guiffix & 1U:i:i. Child Wanted. To Doard and be given the com foils of a home. Must be over two years old. Apply to Mrs. Thos. Larson. Telephone Lodging House. Best IJcds in town, llooms per night 50 aud 25 cts., per week Sl-W. New and clean. Private entrance. What is better than a glass of liquor'.' A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. The best Fabre's. oysters iu any style at t'EBSOSAL. Carl Adler and wife returned from Portland yesterday. W. W, Watson has been appointed Deputy TJ. S. commissioner, Van. B. DeLashmntt, of Portland, has bought the Stemwiuder mine, in the Coour d'Alene, for $60,000. The "Face. The care of the complexion has be come an accomplishment that no lady of refined tastes can afford to ignore, and in lending society circles it claims as much thought as do tho fashions. It is an acknowledged fact that the vaiiations of our climate are very se vere on the complexion, noticeable by a roughness and dryness of the skin, and to counteract this effect it be comes necessary to call in the aid of art. In the selection of this agent too much care .cannot be exercised. It is well known to the chemist that many of the so-called "blooms," "balms," 'creams," etc., contain lead and other poisonous substances, the long-continued use of which is dan gerous. Wisdom's Robertine is guar anteed under a forfeiture of $1,000, to be absolutely free from poisonous substances. If you have not yet tried it, do so at once, and be one of the hundreds who pronounce it tho most delightful toilet article ever pro duced. "Wisdom's Robertine is sold at fifty cents per bottle. A furniture dealer states that in Chicago there are more than 100 houses whose furniture alone cost 25,000. Braco Up. Vou are feeling depressed, votir ap petite is poor you are bothered with Headache, you are fulgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will puri fy your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitali ty, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitter, and only ."0 cents a bottle at W. E. I)einent & Co.'s Drug Store. - - - A car-load of 160 steep, whose average weight was 137 pounds, was shipped from Jonesville, Mich., one dav last week. Suicide. DK. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY lias saved more lives by timely use. and lias kept from suicide or the in- saue asvlnm more victims of nervous disorders, than all the physicians' with their pet methods of treatment. ! At druggists. $1.50. Descriptive! treatise with each bottle; or address ' ,T. ,T. Mack te Co., S. F. . The average age of European girls when they many, according . r .-.: ... iii to a German statistician, is Oft years, while that of men is yea is. UticUIcirs Arnica Salve. TiiKlir.sT .sai.vi: in the worm lor Cub, i:riiics,Sores,lTccrs,SnIt1iheuiii; Fcvjt bon-s. Toiler, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns id sill Skin Krup ti'ius, and nsiiivfl nut's Piles, or no jnti r'(iiuvl. It LsViittruntt'Cil to v piTiivi aiiMai-uoii, or money liMiiiuled 'i-ii ricfJTi cents ncr box. For :i le liv V K. Dement & Co. All the patent medicines adveitised in this paper, together with the ehoicent perfumery, and toilet aitiele-t. etc.. can be bought at I lie lowest pnees, at .!. W. ConnS druiz 'tore. opio-ite ' r iil'i 1 betel. Astoria. Shilohs Catarrh KenuMs -a iom tie cure for Catarrh, Diptheiia :ii.f Canker Mouth. Sold bv W. E. D.-im-ni. Shilob' Vitalize r i what vou need for Constipation, Los, of Appetite, Di-7.ine.i- ami all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price Hi and 75 eents per bottle. old by W. K. Dement. What! Io Vou Think Jeff of the I", b. give- oii a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Xot much; but he gie the best meal and more of it than anv other reManrant in town. 25 cents. To Tin- Public. Iirtif owning loU in the Cit Ceme tery can have them kept clean for a small sum. Tombstones cleaned also, as good as new. by a new proeess, no matter how black or lusty. Fences repaiied and painted bv the extn. Opposite ecmeteiy. M." 1j. Smith, Will you suiter with Dvspepa and Liver Complain! : hhiloh's Vitalier is liuaranteed to cure vou. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Sleeple.-s Nights maoc miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy Tor yon. Sold by W. :. De ment & Co. 'Flic finest anil nicest hteak to be in town at Fabre's had United States Itestaurant is the bet and cheapest in Astoria. LADIES TAKE NOTICE. Mrs. F. E. Hudson Has removed to tho corner of Genevieve and Chenamus streets, up stairs next to VanDasen &Co,'s store, w here site is pre pared to do Fashionable Dressmaking. Agent for Estes, Tajlor Square for Drrsy JOB PRINTING. Neat. Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE, X He's a Going TO CATCH Yum Yum! Thursday thelOth inst. Herman Wise will leave for 'Frisco, for the purpose of bringing to Astoria the finest selec tion of goods to be had in the market. MEN'S YOUTHS' A1 BOVS' Blsg CLOTHING, Fiimishiiifr Good's. STRAW FELT Trunks uil Valines. Any special orders entrusted to me will receive my personal and careful attention. Herman Wis, The Clothier and Halter. (Occident lliilUthit;.! Deposited in OnpMOOO ASSETS, $55. 8Q1, 283. Royal, Xorwich-Unionand Ime.ishlre Com bination Joint Folicy. Union of San Francisco. Germaniaof New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, 3IVHIXK INSl'IUXCK COVEr.EU nv en: OPEX POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. J. BL D. GRAY Wholesale and retail dealei in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood. Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT.! General Storage ami Wharf ape on reason-! able term. Foot of Kenton street, Astoria Oregon. ASTORIA HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Iuiiufjctiiret of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS. BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Ikut Material, etc. Unlets solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Style.IQuali ty and Prices. Mill and Onice cor. Polk mid Conronilj Mteets. Astoria, Oregon. Asont (dealer only) wanted in every town. It. "W. TanslU S: Co.. fi5 titato St.. CHICAGO. D. L. BECK & SONS, Agents. For Sale. rniiE,c;ocKiiYRUSiNr.5S of fuakk JL I.. Parker, a kwhI business in a central location, A rare chance to step into a good paj Ing business. For particulars enquire on the premises, Astoria. Oregon, O. H. Stockton. pinnnoi. Pnmlor anH Punpr HanriPr. Offlee on Main. Three doors south ot Squemomia Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. Cannerymen and Fishermen, Attention. 1AM NOW PREPARED TO LEAD LINES with my patent leading machine, guar anteed to do first class work, my pnep is S cts. per lb. and furnish lead. For partlcu tar. enquire at OaMco Co.,XUIA. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron-Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Asricultnral Implements, Sewing Machines, faints, Oils, O-rooerieQf !E3to, m;,v u;ii nailing mm BEWARE QZ U WJT Ono EMBROIDERIES Embroideries Embroideries Direct from New York Importers, OVEK Sixteen Thousand Yards TO SELECT FROM. In new designs and patterns for the coming spriog ami summer trade Owing to our numerous purchases and from Head quarters. These Goods Will be Sold Very Low, EMBROIDERIES, EMBROIDERIES, EMBROIDERIES. 1 GP. H, COOPERS, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. e Every time you come you Com We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods wo carry by every steamer. By last steamer Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Gilt Edge, Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can; Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oat, and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, White Darling Po tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and ' provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley, Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Nails, all kinds. Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES. A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To baeco. Also, just received an addition. to our stock of Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand" Lamps Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More t Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Tablft and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally, and many other articles too numerous to enumerate. All these way up in Quality, and way down inPric. AVe have just been appointed agents for Astoria of t5 1 justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and aiv prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale rate?, and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition-. Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils- - are sold at. eraembe'r your place to trade is at D. L. BECK & SONS. Again ! will be Better Pleased.