(V Sto gaUg tftotiM. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY .Z MAHCH 11. 1837 GREENBACKS AND SILVER TIFICATES. CER- TftwiPnthn close of the first session of tne 49th congress, Gen eral Weaver, o Iowa, who is the greenback champion, got a provision inserter! in the sundry civil bill that no money appropri ated for the bureau of engraving and printing "be. expended for printing United States notes of laro-e denominations in lieu of " notes-of small denominations can celled or retired." Into the Fame bill Air.. Bland, the champion of the silver dollar, got a provision ' . inserted -'requiring" the secretary of Xhe treasury to "issue silver certificates in denominations of one, two and five dollars." In the end both the Weaver ' and the Bland propositions be- nmn Inn-. Recently General Weaver, seeing silver certificates going out, thought that he dis covered that the treasury had dis obeved his. particular provision about greenbacks. It he had gone to the secretary or treasurer .they would have explained to him that he was mistaken, and that they have not disobeyed or violated the law. Gen. Weaver's . provision reacts: .- "mat nu pui stop the issue of the Bland small silver certificates. Small bills of some kind aro wanted, and while the public seems at present to pre fer one andHwo dollar silver cer tificates to one and two dollar greenbacks, no doubt if he can stop the issue of the Bland silver notes, he will create a demand for his small greenbacks. The melancholy truth is that Mr. Bland outgeneraled General Weaver, and the general is see about it. He has had consulta- h'nnc TfHh thp sneaker and other people about his grievance; and he has been told, so. he reports, that the president will order the treasury to issue one and two dol lar oTRGnbacks. If that means anything i5 would mean an order to force people to take them, which is absurd. The general's true way is to stop private consul tations, because some of the mem bers of congress whom he consults The Oregon kin is unable to see any accruing advantage to the . P. R. R. by building a road to As toria. In these matters a good deal depends upon the point of view. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. books, 'periodicals I AND S STATIONERY. Tho Bex. Perley Pooiie says that every president who called an ex tra session of congress failed to secure a renomination. Ben for gets Abraham Lincoln. NEW TO-DAY. Eoss'lera House. &SXSS., Manager. CABXi SO Days ONE WEEK ONLY. Commencing Monday, March 14. Special engagements of the Great Artist Miss Er Alma Stuttz In her justly celebrated creations entitled MARIE, iu Mons. DeEnnay's Gem. The Pearl of Savoy, With magnificent scenery and beautiful tableaux. Change ol programme nightly. Htuttr. Prices of Admission . TTncarvcil oontc Cfllrt flnlv llllflnff tllfi daV. 1.25, uenerai aamissiun 10 iiujacai ficc. vitll (Seats w ill be provided.) Children Best MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Get The The New Improved Family And Manufacturing SINGER Sewing Machine. Call and Eaininn at the American News Depot. A. BALMANNO, AGENT. NOTIONS AND CUTLERY. - For the Next We will soil all of our Ladies' and Children's Cloaks at 25 oer cent. Less than Fermor Price?. Wc have Just Received a La roc Lot of the celebrated Browns ville, Oregon, Woolen Goods in tiorl of this sum shall he expend ed for printing United States notes of large denominations in lieu of-notes of small denomina tions cancelled or retired." "Large denominations1' run from fifties to one ihousnnds; "small denominations" from twenties to ones and twos. The treasurer, in .whose charge this matter of print ing is, could have told him that no money had been spent in viola tion of Mr. Weaver's clause. "On the other hand, while Gen. "Weaver is unhappy Mf. Bland is rejoicing. His small silver cer tificates are a great success. - There is a great demand for them, and the Bland clause "requires" the treasurer to supply this de mand. ' It is a fact that since the is sue of small silver certificates be gan not a human being, sending in notes for cancellation, has de manded small gieenbacks. When banks or any other persons send notes to the treasurer for cancel lation they specify what kind ol money and in what denominations they want it returned ;and as gold silver, greenbacks and silver notes are all alike issued by act of con gress, the treasury cannot refuse I to give a man what he wants. Now it happens, greatly to Mr. Bland's joy, but to the chagrin of General Weaver, that everybody wants and asks for silver certifi cates. Tf anybody should ask fqr Gen eral Weaver's one and two dollar greenbacks he would get them, for a sufficient htore of them is on hancl. The treasury is obliged to keep on hand a stock of green backs of all denomintions. When - notes come in for cancellation ""other notes are printed and put in stock, but, as the public demand : is met by the treasury, it may and does happen that the notes thus - ""printed are not immediately issued, because they are not wanted by anybody. "Thus at present green backs are sent in for cancellation and small silver certificates are asked for in their place. General Weaver's complaint lies, therefore, not against the treasury, but against the public taste. His quarrel is with the oeople, who ask for Mr. Bland's silvei certificates and turn up their noses at General Weaver's green backs. He has, however, a rem edy in his power. He may intro duce and persuade congress to pass a law compelling everybody to take small greenbacks, whether they want them or not; and if he will add to such a measure a pen- ' alty of $1,000 fine and a year's im prisonment for every refusal to '"- '-"accept his small greenbacks, that - might -prov effective 'Orhe may bring ji i. .i.:,. ,! rtUnid'durlne the dav.SI.oo. No charge go away anu mugu " ' "" -" for children under 8 years of : ,i-i- i dm lmco nirmti. (Seats will be provided.) taKC nis grievance nuu u; -w and make it unpleasant for Mr. Bland and the people of the United States, who are clearly in a "combine" against him. As a matter of fact, what the people of the TJ. S. want is more money, and they are ready to take it in silver dollars, coin certificates and greenbacks. The mints could with creat propriety, be set to coining all the gold and silver we produce, that the people may pros per. We only have 25 per cap ita in money in the U. S., while IPi-incn hno. n9 ner caDita. Our population is increasing at the rate of three millions per year, requir ing 75 millions of dollars increase sn the money volume each year, merely to keep up our present supply. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Flannels and Blankets. Also, Direct from the East, MagnUS C. CrOSby Gents', Youths', Boys', and Children's Tine Clothing-and All of which we will sell at the Very Lowest Prices. n.. cui. rtf cnln on1 li'.mnv Hrv Goodis one of the most complete north of San Francisco. Our past reputation justifies us in saying that We Lead in Quality of Goods and Prices. W. T. PASSES., purchasing reserved seats dnrlne the day. !ti oi rMiiirfrofi frnm 8 in H vears of ace. 00 cents. Lower box 7,50. Upper Bo .j.oo. Dress circle 75 cents. Gallery 50 cent". Box sheet for sale of reserved spat open at the New York Novelty Store. A Benefit Night. To the firemen of the Astoria Tire Depart ment and their friends : The Stuttz Drama tic Company to perform in tliw city during thy coming week have generously agreed to give one half the receipts of the house on their opening night to the Hie Department of this city to be applied by tion to the State Firemen's Association, and the offer having been accepted by the Board of Foremen, we would most respectfully re quest tho Firemen and their friends to earnestly assist In making the BonetU a flnanciaUsuccess, Kcspectfully yours. b. s. wonsr.EY. Chief Engineer. C. J. TRENCQARD. foreman ;no. i. Y. J. BARRY. Foreman No. 2. L, W. HOLT. Foreman H. & L. No. 1. By K. Z. FERGUSON, Secretary. All Kinds of Type Writing, MANIFOLDING, Copjing. Bookkeeping, etc.. lone at shorted notice. Leg,d ASm? ' Astmi. Agent for Hammond Tpe Writer. Dealer hi HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Manager. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Pixa. AND Copper. MURRAY & CO.,, , , grocers rraiM L OKALKK IX erker, Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brisk, Cut, M ana Piaster lira) ins. Tpamlns and Kxjiross lluslness. Wood Delirereil to Order. And Dealers in Caier? Sillies1: Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. -Dealer in During the year ending 31st January, 1887, there emigrated from the United Kingdom G,341 persons of English birth, 1,325 Irish, 1,103 Scotch, l,oo foreign ers, and 348 of unknown national ity, a grand total of 10,674, being about 1,000 in excess of the emi rrnnt? fnr the nrccedinff vear. Of &- i- a the number, 6,121 went to the United States, 370 to Canada 2,- 873 to Australasia, and J,u to "all other places." Notice. -rr.rrrT7lM. rpill? TTVrVR3TflVEn AfiKNT IN nor the captain will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew pi tho. British bark Swansea Castle, from Monte video, Buenos Ayres, while ta y ' Agent. Astoria. Oregon, Marc'i 3rd. '87. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street P. O. Box 153. Telephone rso. .. ASTORIA. OKEGOIV. Flour Feed I Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. .,-. . I 7 ii rn ' - -?sS2 ' TEH apply to the Captain, or to STKAMER Fancy anil Staple Groceries, g CLARA PAMBR Eben P. Paiker,M aster. For TOWING, FKEHMir or CHAP. II. 11. FAltKRH. Notice. NEITHER THE UNDERSIGNED AGENT nor the captain will be, responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the British bark Jupiter, from Tanama. while in this port. p. l. CHERRY, Arrent. Astoiia, Oregon, March 3rd, '87. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING. t Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, norseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. .Good work guaranteed. p $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London. & Globe. North l'.ritish and Mercantile of Loudon ami Edinburgh. Haruoru oi tionnecuciii, wuimi.i. . California Agricultural, of Watertown. Bew York, London & Lancashire, of Liverpool. Enc Tire Insurance Companies, Represent ,a capital omOOO. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. ' Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewod and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shov. corner Main anu oen.er.oii .-ui- i- MARTIN OLSEN. AmericanNews Depot The -ON SALE- Utet Magazines and .. .HAN f t1w ilnv 1 'Jt.-niioii Tifiuh nnrt (lernian ifrira nmi TJiotionarie Lnvell ami seasiue Illustrate! papers, Libraries, School poks, Stationery, etc. A.BALMANM), Chenainus St. near Main. Tiik steamship Etruria, by making a record of 5 days 23 hours forajrip across the Atlantic, beats its own time, G days 5 hours 44 minutes, which was made in Au gust, 1S85, and was the fastest up to date. The distance covered was 3,250 statute miles, from Queenstown to New York, giving an average of 22.73 miles an hour. Tiikre is a Democratic judge in Texas who wants the legislature of that state to declare that no citi zen is bound to obey the "pre tended authority" of the United States senate in thcw matter of the alleged outrages in that state, ft is reported that the legislature is undecided what to do about the matter. Of the Democrats in the Massa chusetts legislature, seventy -four have expressed their preference with regard to the presidency in 1883, and fifty-six of them favor Cleveland. Of the Republicans, 128 have been heard from, of whom 7G prefer Blaine. Democratic metnhers of con gress and others who have access to the president and by that means have a knowledge of the subject, do not believe that there is any possibility of an extra session of congress now. The Labor 'party of Chicago FROM Boston and Chicago. The Astokian Job Office -has received Large Amounts of Job Printing Mate rial which' will be worked up at Ex tremely Low Figures. Call and get ligures and see Samples. Gummed Paper, for Labels, etc., just received. BOOTS and SHOES. J. C. ROSS, COUNTY OOROlffElR, Pirat Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Now a,t st 1' Caskets and Funeral Material. Kt.rithinir Xpat and Well Arranged. Coroner's Oftlce, Un'erta g liooms nevt to Adrian office. (U. H. Franklin's old stand. Aniline English Porpoise Shoes Tor Gents. .i oi :.. T.'..,.1, VnnrrnTtMt Jliwl DOilCOlil KM &i!tt! iw "- ' P. J. GOODMAN. Assignees Sale. OK MONDAY THE 21ST. DAY OF iii-.i. ioe- ot tlm lmnr of O. O'clock 1. jr., at the Court 'llonso door in Clatsop Coun- highest bidder rofcasli, the book account or the estate ot Messrs rnicl Bros Insolvent. - S'SSSffinSiS be seen by call m on me at the hank oM.g. Case, Asslcnee. Astoria, Marek 7; 18S7. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? That Depends on the Liver. The Liver Depends on the Food. If What You Eat Doesn't Agree With You, GO TO A. V. ALLEN'S Aifi'jTTlfWMD:in TlMEBMzlBluiiLiirrr w. m ilfl MwHJffl? HPrrTlffinT if rTn n ml hi li lie oKuiSBIIlMr Wl'''uiilwBWWrTrTniCilllgS2JSa. HV gm, Ask Astoria to Ms. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson. AMona. Or. General Machinists ant Boiler Mate. Land and Marine Engines XJOITER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY'. And Get Some of His Choice Provisions. to See Some Novelties ana speuwiuea ... FINE GROCERIES. Swiss. Holland and New Cream Cheese: Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar. Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds. While Fish and Mackerel. Schrimps. Lobsters. French Sardines and Oysters. BbrawryK Van Houghton's Cocoa. Triticii, Gerniea, Epicurean M, Oat Porridge, BoM Oats. Oranges, Lemons. Nuts. Figs, &c. &c. J. R, LEESON & CO., BOSTON, SOI.B A (JESTS AX1) lMPOItTEISS. ' lit Jili!tiit'(li) ai 6i flta) Prize Linen Threads AND- , -Kr r? .hTm Castings of all Descriptions Made proposes to be the first .n tho field . , .. Salmon Net Twines in a bill to with its candidates for city offices and to -nominate a full ticket from mayor down. The election occurs April 5th. ... "WoaiEN are very popular as clerks and copyists in Wall street, because they can be trusted better than the ambitious male employes not to give away "points. It is stated that during the late war copper was -worth from 60 to 75 cents Der pound, while now it can be obtained at 11 cents per pound, j to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wabs President. J. G. Hustxkr, Secretary. L W. Cask, Treasurer. Jonx Fox....... Superintendent. Price of Boxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE the undersigned have established the nripe of salmon boxes as follows for the season of '87: ... .. Salmon boxes, l u. H cts. at mm. Deliv ered any whore between Smith's Point and Tongue Point 14H cts. To any other point on the river 15 cts. Salmon box Shooks, 1 lb.. 12 cts. at miu ; izj cis. uenverea db tween Smith's Point and Tongue Point; 13 cts, delivered at other points on the river, Nominal 2 lb. boxes, l ct. less. Trays, 10 cents. CLATS0PMILLCaf ASTOE1ABOXCO., J.O.TBULLTNGER. Astoria, Or., Feb. 16, 1S87. CITY BOOK STORE. NEW STOCK To arrive in the next ten days, direct from the manufacturers, a full and Complete Stock of the following Goeds: BABY CARRIAGES, BIRD CAGES, CROQUET SETS, FISHING TACKLE OIL PAINTINGS, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Musical instruments and Merchandise, Etc., Etc. We propose to get ahead of the Interstate Commerce Bill, and sell at OUR U8UAX GRIFFIN &REED. The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal LondTTsHnrTd New Orleans Worlds imposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 1$7G or Paris 1873. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! References for tho Scotch Snlmonet Twines: EVERY CAN'NER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. Aforihelcoa: JQYSlM & CO., 202 Calif a St., San Francisco, Calai