! 0 'PJWWi VOL. XXVU, NO; 59. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1887. PRICE 14VE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. pKO. OL.4D, .vrroirxKY at iaw. chw In Kinney': Hlock, opposite Cltv Hall. Arorla, Oregon. V. VVl.TOS. CI. C KUl.TOJf ' FlTTOHi liKOTHEICS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooiii-, 5 and c. Odd Fellows Huilding. 0. r. Tnoarsox. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice in tlie Ih. H. Land Otllce. and the examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract P.ooks for Clatsop Countv in otllee. iMoney to loan. Office Rooms t ami r, over City I took stoie. H. A. KOWLUY. tltornoy unci .'uuiie'Ior ut Imw iilce mi Clieiiamus Street. Astoria. Oregon F. . WIXTOX ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooms No. 11 and 12. Pythian Castle P.uild uig. ft . WATSON, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All Imsinev. before the U. S. ImuI Office a specialty. ASTOUIA, - - Oukcok. s f K. T. FORCK. I DENTIST. Uooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellons llu'lding. ASTORIA. ... - OREGON. rR. A. U FITLTOX. Physician ami Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. .f AY TUTTIiK, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Office Rooms Pythian Rullding. Rfidence On Cedar Street, back of St. ilary's TIosDltal. n R. O. B. F.8TKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Okkick: Cem Rullding, upstairs, Astoria, Oregon. TVR. FRANK PAE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Ofllce, Astoria, Oregon. G ELO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY -AXD- Ex-CIty Surveyor of Astoria Ofllce : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt, Collier, Deputv, FR. AliFIlEI) KLV.NEY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his ofllce,-and may be found there at anj hour. E.- IfOK.DF.IV. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Renl Estate and IiiMinuire Agent. Office, at Holden's Auction Rooms. Clieiia mus street, Astoria. Oregon. A. K. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Alteu'.s Building, up Mairs. cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. A. S3IITII, DENTIST. Rooms 1 audi! iMIiiau ituild-mg over w-C. S. Cooper's Store. Carnahan & Go. srCCKSSOILS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPOltTEKH ANI WHOLESALE AND 9 - RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCRIA ----- OREGON THOS. MAIRS, A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Asent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's H. FasMonaDle Tailor EDdTAR TRADE 7 MARK. 4rm GHIURE bsoltttelu J'ree from tfpiatrs, Jimetics and 1oison SURE. J?UlS. PROMPT. AT DKL'OOISrS AND DEALKKS. THE ClUmj-S A. tCM.LI.ru CCU lltLTiaORE. Sill. GERiSnSdY ft f a Cares St-natta, Necralzia, L. ft I fij ft I nBttVaelir, JJradtthr, TooUutbr, Mill r 1 1 1 .Spralnt, BrnUr.. rlc. fie. 1 111 1 nill lMtlCK, Kltn'Y CEVM. THE CIUKLK3 A.tOUfcLltU CO., lULIl JIOKfc, SD. 'ores female Complaints. A Great Kldnej Semedf. SOLD BY ALL DBTO3ISTS. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IX building boats 011 the Columbia liver and hundreds of tine boats of my build make my guaranteet for good woik." Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will build boat-, at any point on the Columbia river where my services may be required. WJH. hcjwk. - AGENCY- OF SAN FRANCISCO Flav&l'sWharf and Warehouse! Astoriu. Oregon. Cannery Supplies al Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Omrent Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. It. If. Coleman, Accountant. Wilsonji Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! (tt'STAV HAa'SEX, rrou'r. A ljirge and Well Selected Stock of Fine & At Extremely I.ow Prices. All (J001U nought at This ljthlillh!inipiit Warranted Genuine. Wutcli and CIoclc Kcivairins: A SPECIALTY. Corner ("ass and Squemoqua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurate! v tran acted. FlavelsTvnarf. Astoria Oregon. 1 jg&J mmkv. maaA TO4COBSQJI Gl WET Colen&Co Mans Jewelry PEOM YAQUIKA BAY. A11 Interesting Letter From an Occa sional Correspondent. Yaquixa. Benton Co., Or., 1 March 4th, 1887. " Editor Asteria: The O. P. Co. have suspended work on their terminal property until spring. The steamer Santa Maria, Capt. Jas. Denny, arrived in j'es terday morning; she brought the first consignment of a lot of brick 1,000,000 to be used in build- ing a handsome depot oflices, etc. building, At the government jetty works little is doing. The repairs to the second one of six lighters to be overhauled, is about completed and work on the third is to be commenced. A large lot of car material has just arrived from the east. There is a great deal to do be fore work can be resumed on the jetty, in the way of building new cars, pile driver, laying new rails and strengthening the tracks for the heavier rolling stock, etc. There has been some difficulty in regard to the land on which the government buildings stand. But negotiations are under way which will lead to a satisfactory settle ment. There was sent to Newport to day, from near Alsea bay, a letter taken (torn a bottle or some other receptacle, which floated ashore In that locality a few days since. It was written on one of the steamer J)a ten's bill heads, with an indeli ble pencil, and lrom Capt. Chrrch and Engineer Ilarmon of that ill fated craft, stating that on that date the 10th of Fehrua they were starving. That they had drifted to sea over the Columbia bar in a disabled condition on the Srd instl, and were then off Shoal water bay, having 1ried to make that place, but ran out of fuel. They directed the finder to no tify their relations, etc. I did not see the letter, bat learned the above from hearsay. It is well to say here that a few days after the Daicn was reported as having drifted to sea, Dr. Jes sup and wife, the occupants of the old Yaquina light house, saw an object on the horizon off to the westward, and noticed that it was in sight a part of two days. They could not make it out so thought nothing of it. A day or two afterward they mentioned it to Capt, Babbidge, of the government steamer ficn. Wright, when he told them of the Da ten havi ng d ri f ted to sea. They expressed their regrets at not say ing anything about it at the time. It was undoubtedly the J)aicn, for in a few days she was reported as having been picked up off this place. The steam schooner Kate and Aiina is plying between this place, Alsea and Siuslaw river. The vessel was bar bound in Alsea bay during the stormy weather in Jan uary. Capt. Earnest Loll, famil iarly called Plans, who was then" in charge, took advantage of the time by wooing, winning and mar rying one of Alsea's fairest daugh ters. The channel on the Yaquina bar has changed considerably dur ing the last series of gales. The steamer Yaquina (Jittj in crossing out on Sunday last, grounded on the north spit and stuck fast until she was pulled off b' the company's tug Favorite. Yesterday the tug went out and 13 feet at low water was found, and a straight channel. No one seems to know tho cause of the steamer grounding. This channel is narrow and its approach rocky and dangerous and in the opiinon of the writer, the port is fit only for steamers of a cer tain size. ' The O. P. Co. have two steamers on the way out which make 12 and 13 knots per hour. This will reduce the time between San Franoisco and Portland about 20 hours. This is about all that will make Yaquina bay a rival of either As toria or Portland, for with its nar row channel for an anchorage and its dangerous approaches to the bar, will always be a drawback to the place. The Columbia bar is dreaded by sailing craft, but a small bar with but little lea room is to be dreaded all the more. A largetugIioat is building for , the O. P. Co. at Mill No. 4. She . is to be 109 feet long and have compound engines of 24x30 inches aiameier, uy ou uicnes siroKe, ana will be a much needed craft as the Favorite has seen her best days by a good deal, and should be broken up on smooth water before she has a chance to try it on the bar through becoming disabled in some way. Sojourner. Iu Answer to the "Oresconian." Astoria, Or., Mar. 10, S7. Editor Asteriax: The Orefonian is unable to see that the Northern Pacific would gain anything by extending their line from Kalaraa to Astoria, mak ing, in connection with their pro posed line up the the north bank of the Columbia, a tlnough line to the east. It also gives us the stale talk about the "laws of commerce1' which always sends the ships as near as possible to the fields of production. That this last argu ment is not borne out in the his tory of other ports is too patent to be argued here. I for one, believe that the Northern Pacific are seri ously considering the project of building this line via Columbia river, to Portland, and by so doing, secure their land grant; and I am equally confident that they will continue said lino from Kalama to Astoria. And, moreover, when they do build to Astoria, it will be prett- clearly proven to every one's satisfaction, except, perhaps, to the Oreyonian's, that they are actuated solely by "business rca sons' and that the question of sen timent will be left out of the question. In tl'is connection. 1 confidently submit the assertion that when grain is once on tho cars, with rail communication to Astoria, it will never be dumped off at Portland, but as Gen. An derson told us the other night, it will come to ship's side at Astoria. In such an event it is of course as sumed that the facilities for un loading cars and transferriuo- grain to ships will be fully equal it not superior to like facilities at Portland. It is entirely too late in the da j' for the Oregonian to tell us that the railroad referred to could not be operated to Astoria with profit. Gen. Anderson, it seems, thinks quite differently. In the one item of passenger traffic alone, the income to such a road during the summer months would be enormous as compared to the present steamboat traffic. How many of the fort' or fifty thousand people that visit Astoria and vi cinity during the summer months would travel by steamer when the' could come in half the time by rail? A stop. 1 an. The Western Settler's Chosen Specific. With every advance of emigration into the fai West, a new demand is created for llos tctter's Stomach Hitters. Newly peopled regions are frequontly less salubrious than older settled localities, on account or the miasma which rises from leeentlv cleared land, particularly along the banks of rivers that are subject to freshets. The agricul tural or mining emigrant soon learns, w'iien he does not already know, that the Bitters atrord the only sure protection against ma laria, and those disorders or the stomach, liver and bowels, to which climate changes, exposure, and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. Consequently, lie places au estimate upon this great house hold specific and preventive commensurate with its Intrinsic merits, and is careful to keepoiihandarestoratlvo and promoter or health so Implicitly to be relied upon In time of need. St. Pktkrsruro, March 8. The government has sent secret instructions to all government rail- wav inspectors on the subinnt of mobilization and transportation of troops. When baby 53 sick, w e ;ja c htr Custom, When sha w a Child she cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, WlienshehaJChlIdreii,shetrav.theiuCastoria Romk, March S. It is believed that a treaty of alliance between Austria, Germany and Ttatv, was signed March 4. Distress After Eating. Tliis result of indigcstionwill no longer be experienced if Simmons lAver Regu lator is taken after each meal. It is such a good digester, and so mild and pleasant in its elfect that it is used by many, after a hearty meal, to insure digestion. The Regulator does not nau seate or irritate the stomach, but cor rects acidity, dispels foul gases, allays Irritation, and assists the stomach in its digestion, How'j a Your LiVer? I- the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the - Liver-is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipatod, the food lies in the stomach undi- , jested, poisoning the blood; frequent headaeho ensues ; si feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness, indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on eartli. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. As a general family remody for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I hardly ever use anything else, and have never been disappointed in the effect produced; It seems to be almost a perfect cure for all diseases of the Stomach jind Rowels. W. .1. McEutov, Macon, Oa. J. H. ZEIUN & CO.. Philadclnhn Pn. L'rlceSl.OO. Look Here Boys.- Il)oii want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes. BO to Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. 1 am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than tin obeapc.st. Owe men call and be convinced that I mean what J say. - J. E ROSS. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, east of O. H. Cooper's. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAL GRATNER anil PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING. AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. P1j.1I' A' DECORATIVE Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shoo en Cass St.. next to Stlnson's Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, Virffinla Ciear anfl Toliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Oluey. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&C. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no Occasion for the most fastidi ous of our clt'7ens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Loss OMCoiaoy By leaving their Orders with ME ANY. He has just received a large stock of Goods from the Kast Fine Business Suits from 35. Cull and See Him and Satisfy Yourself. "P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Every Body Knows THAT TTi K Magee Furnace Co. or Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES -la The World ;- THE BEST ARE THE CHEAFEST J. A. MONTGOMERY Sole Agent for Astoria W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and i TANHY RTIP.iTS Prescriptions carefully Compounded PUiC ninenonfllolnPhlladelphla K nlul f? Mm En at the Newspaper Adver I !-1' " i Using Agency of Messrs. ! WtAYElt-ONt our autborlzed ogeoU Just Received. i 1,500 Mis Miner aniDe Of the Latest Designs and Shades; Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 50- Leather, Plush and Carpel Rocketrs, In Elegant Xew .Styles: .Fust the thing for .A. :OCollc5La,xr Present. Call and S&e Us. IX- Axn. Musical Instruments AT THE New York Novelty Store W F Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKKK And T DE3 "?r 3E3 I 352 3R. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS lie-paired 6n the Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Kates. Chenamus St., next te Spexarth's (tun store. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best finality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. Strike It Rich! -BCYYOUR- Groceries Provisions -of Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin or profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price I'aid for Junk. GREAT Bargains Baby Buggies 1 The New Model Range CAN RE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF " E. R. HA WES, Agent. Ca and Examine It ; You Will he Pleased. E. R. Hawea Is also Agent for "Lfce Buck Patent Cooking Stove:. AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnaoe Work, Steam Fittings, Etc.. a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. COlMll Transpr FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time-i TJJE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE- Which lias been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every , Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland af 1 P.H, Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at P. M 3?-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Bach Week, leaving. Portland ac y o'ciock SHnday alornlujr. for Sound ports. i "S CHA8. HEILBOAN. S. ARNDT & FEKCHKX ASTORIA. - OliKOON. The Pioneer Machine Shrop liLACKSMITII S II O I Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND " STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. AspfetiUtymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Established 1870 I. case; r. PIONEER Bill, ODD FELLOWS' BTJIXDIXG. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available In any part of the World. Boat Building.- JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build boafa that he will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Refers to all who have used boats of his construction. All work guaranteed . annerymen NOTICE. If you want to contract for your .summers wood now U your chance. Apply to FRANK L. PARKER Or to the Astoria Wood Yard. Just received at tho Astoria Wood Yatd loO cords extra choice Red Fir Wood. Also 50 cords lino YIne Maple Limbs. Leave orders w it h F. L, PARK BR. Telephone 36. fl. Passengers by this route connect atXalama U: B. SCOTT, President 1 x&4Ke9bp469 bin Coi