C4J She a IMioram ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY MARCH 0. 1S6T IHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA. j i:sejj5 is tiii; m r.v -O- Andreta lir i .' O. S. Southard, 11PJ Untisii Arrnj. nr sp ic-i Mobile uar, Kr UK 1U7 North RKlmc, Brsp luiuter. lirbkT.KJ itrittama. ttrspnn Abereorn, Ur lik 11 2 (lenmnrp Br 15. V.T. Vic liolasTliaver.lJri)!. hwanspa Castle.ltrltl ." lioch Ranza. Br bk 10T. Pomona. Ur sp 1300 'C Olenavon. Ur bl H-aO vkssels ox rus iivi i. i'rua: Vorctsu Fort, for the C'oluniltla Klvrr AreCliusa. l!r l! KM Liverpool No 27 Ituiff shire. Br bkJ. Australia. Co. of Jlerloneih. Br blv 10C. Sidnej . County of Flint, Br hi. UK:. Montevideo Dec 39. Uo,ikennouth Br"spl2T3, Liverpool Nov Si. Cumbrian, Br bk 1053. Lcn don 1 Davcnbjr. Br bkc.i?. Australia. Dumbartonshire, P.rbkSljSjuluc Jaa Sl (.lea fa it.'. 15r bk SSI, London Xovi'i Iadi Isabella, Bri lift:, Santa Rosalia. Martha TisJicr, Ur bk bll Liverpool Sept. i Nith. Br bk ?D. Liverpool Tel) 7 Netlierby. Brpl WO. Melconrnc. Rivor Indus. Ur bk 1010. Newcastle A. Dec Ml. Renfrewshire, Ur bk S?, Newcastle A. Selkirkshire. Brbk 1.92. Marjborouch, Dec 23. Scottish Knisnt. Brbk ST . Newcastle A.Dec 'i9. Swansea Castle, BrbkjJ5,"Vcst Coast. Sir Henry Lawrence. Br sp 1221. Melbourne. Tr nidad. Brbk CTC Liverpool Oct 23 From American Ports. Morom, p 115S. Now York Win. 11. Starbuck, Am sp 1339. New York Nov G. - Organized vrlth a Fall Shit ot Tlgbtcea Experienced and Skillful jphysicia.13 and Surgeons for the treatment ot nil Chronic Diseases. emmis of success .Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throafc and i.ung Diseases, Liver and Kidney Dis eases, Bladder Diseases. Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nervous Affections, cured hero or at home, with or w ithout seeing the patient Come and see ua; or rend ten ccnt3 in'ctainps for our "Invalids' Guide Eoolr'v.Hch gives all particulars. Nervous Debility, Impo tency, Nocturnal Losses, and all Morbid Conditions caused by Youthful Follies and Pernicious Solltarv saHZEEsiPractices aro speedily and permanently cured by our Speaahsts. Book post-paid, 10 d3. in stamps. Rupture, or Breach, radically j jjr a curca wiwout mo unite, v luioui jRlla Bdepcndcneo upon trapses, and -uE-.fi with cry little min. Book sent for ten cents m stamps. ?DLE TUMORS and STRICTURES treated with the greatest success. Book sent for 10 cents In stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medi cal AsbociATio.v, C03 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. I Tho treatment of many i flioPEiro nr thousands of cases of thoso iLSluuUbuO lit" 2 diseases peculiar to "USTOIWEEEKr j at the Invalid's Hotel and iSunrical Institute has af forded largo experience in adapting remediea for th-.ir cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Is the result of this "vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to tho sys tem, and curoj, as if by magic, Leucorrhea, or "whites," czcessive flowing, painful anengtruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus c? falling of the uterus, ureas hacr, anteversion, retroversion, bearing dorx censatlons, chronic con gestion, " -i 'nation and "ulceration of the 70' 4. .rzcination, pain and ten derness 3i .r.rics. internal heat, and female vealniess. ' It promptly relieves and cures'Nausea, and Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleep lessness, in either sez. PBlSESi.! 1 'OR'SZZi BOTTLES J, FOR $5,00. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Scnc ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases cf Women, illustrated. World's Dip:4?y Medical Ai billies, 633 Sain St, BUFFALO, Ih & SICK-HEAIIAG Bilious Headacho, Diz ziness, Constipation, Indigestion, and Bil ious AttaCK3 promptly cured by Dr. PIERCE'S Pleasant PURGATIVE PELLETS. 3ccat3ttTiav by Drujr!ncfa WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any o'li cr axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. Itpoes Peep and XeTer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, 81.50. IjOEB & CO. Wines, Liprs anil Cisars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. AlLorders filled proinutly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. -Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. i Seugate IlisEistsi 1 1 1 iii m ' - -1 mm 3 mfl!ip S a I'umLt.. i PAraiTrDSKaousi. J.C.Truilinger TRIED IK ma CRUCIBLE About twenty yoara ago I discovered a little sore on my cheek, and the doctors pronounced It cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, but without receiving any permanent benefit. Among the number were one or two specialists. The medicine they applied was like fire to the sore, causing Intense pain. I saw a statement i la the papers telling what S. S. S. liad done for others similarly afflicted. I procured somo a: once. Before I had used the second bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was hcaUngup. My general health had been bad for two or three years I had a hacking cough and spit blood continually. I had a severe pain In my breast. After taking six bottles or S. S. S. my cough left me and I grew stouter than I had been for several years. 21y cancer has healed over all but a little spot about tho slzo of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappear ing. I would advise every one with cancer to give S. S. S. a fair trial. 31 Its. NANCY J. 3IcCONAUGHEY. Ashe Drove, Tlppec3noe Co., Iud. Feb. 1C, lSSfi. Swlft'a Specific i"? entirely vegetable, and seems to cure cancers by forcing out the impu rities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., BItAWEK. 3, ATLANTA, OA. MrjwjMiuii iii mil ,1 i ,j i tin HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS W3I. ALLEV. Prop'r. first Glass in Every Respect. Free Coacli io the House. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) C. W.KNOWLES - .- - - Proprietor First Class in Every llEsrifcT, Good Restaurant Connected with thoUonsp Fire-proof Brick Bnildin?. ISO Rooms. In tho Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison St?.. Poilland. Or Cedar Street Grade. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council propose to establish the grade of that portion of Cedar street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and re corded by .1. il. Shively from its inter section wilh West Sixth street to its intersection with Salmon street as fol lows, to wit: At its intersection with West Fifth street at a height of V.) feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West Fouith street at a height of 1!) feet above the base of grades. At its intersection wilh West Third street at a height of li) feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West Second stieetataheight of l' feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West First street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades'. At its intersection with Salmon street at a height of 1! feet above the base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the 'proper ty fronting on said portion of said street be tiled with the Auditor and rolicc Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, 3farch 15th, 1887, the Common Council will establish said evade. IJy order of the Common 'Council. Attest : T. S. .1 e wi:tt, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February ISth, 18S7. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under and by virtue of a resolution duly passed by the board of directors of the White Star Pkfj. Co., we have appointed and con stituted El more, Sanborn &- Co, of Astoria, Oregon, our sole and exclusive agents for the sale of the salmon packed bv the White Star Pkg. Co.. and under the "White Star Brand"' packed by said company during the vear 1SS7. . WHITE STARPKG, CO. By O. W. PEDEKSON.Prcslilent. A. T. BBAKKE, Secretary. Astoria, Or., Feb. 23rd, 1P67. Ono Anent rdoaler only) wanted in overy .town. ti. w. uansill & Co., 03 Ktfttn St., i CHICAGO. D. L. BECK & SONS, Agents. Cannerymen and Fishermen, Attention. I AM NOW PREPARED TO LEAD LINES with my patent leading machine, guar anteed to do first class work, my price is 8 els. per lb. and furnish lead. For particu lars enquire at Occident Pkg. Co. ERIIOIAUNULA. BEWARE F Affl POWD Absolutely Pisre. This powder never varies, A mai 1 1 tf purity, strength and wholesomcncss. More economical than the ordinary kind, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude or low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. SoM ontyi in can. Uoval Baking PowdkrCo. loo Wall-st., N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home. Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Maiket, AT AS i:ASOXABLK A I'KICC The North Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. rtzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s. or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Tart of the City. TIIE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Clas3 TJaceof Social Resort, Run m a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON, SAMPLE ROOMS, Coiner ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors and Ciprs ! Every Attention to the Comfort of Tatrons. Ascnt for the ThhiRvalhi Steamship Line uirecr. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians, For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PKOPRIETOB orner Saloon, ritil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 404 Chcnaiims Street, - - - Astoria, Ogn, THE SAN FRANCISCO BEER DEPOT, CHAS. GRATKE. Prop. ASTORrA, --- - OREGON. The Finest Brands of Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS AND CICARS. The Best San Francisco Beer In Kegs or ijouies Always on jinnu. wholesale ana iteiau. THE STJNNYSIDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modem Improvements. Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMANEA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARO LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Cau be had of I. 31. KhalTaer 01 Water St., and Wherry & Co.'s market opposite Occident Hotel. I don't claim they are fresh as some do who have but a few chick ens and it takes them a month to get a shipment, but because I have the largest Chicken ranch this side of Portland, run by experienced hands, pick up the egg3 every day and bring them to town 3 times a week. And don't you forget it that every egg bought from the above parties is guaranteed by them tobefresb. S.K. STANLEY. Shut His Mouth With a Snap. New York, March 7. A "Wash ington dispatch says: Since the vote on the veto of the dependent pension bill in the house there have been frequent intimation that the Democrats who voted against the president will be brought to realize that they have incurred his orious displeasure. Ife expected better things from all of them, imperially from Randall and Uol man, and it is asserted that Kan dall and Ilolman will not find a pleasant reception hereafter when they visit the White house in quest of official favors. To an of fieial of tho pension ofliee the pres ident is reported to have said: "All their talk about economy is bosh. Thev are always ready to make t-oine cheap capital for them selves when thev think it can bo done with safety. We'll see." With this ominous expression the president shut his month with a snap. K "WyarVtt, "s $& Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Ojrinm or Morphine, but gives the child natural cose from ituin. Price 2 cents. Sold ly J. W. Conn. The Kreuze ZeHtiny says: "Letters from St. Petersburg state a general hatred of Germany and the popularity ot France are be coming a sort of violent epidemic in Russia." And reliahlo Medicines are the best to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre scribed for years for all Impurities of the Blood. In every form of Scrofu lous, Syphilitic or Mercurial Diseases it is invaluable. For Bheumatism, lias no equal. J. W. Conn. The London Time urges an early settlement of the fisheries dispute. "onM enjoy your din jv,vv ner and are prevented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. We guaranteo them. 20 and 50 cents. ,T. V. Conn. The wheat crop of south Aus tralia shows a surplus of 175,000 tons. Cure For Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon nttendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th e intense itch ing,and effecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7j cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co Shiloh's Catairh Remedy a posi tive, cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold bv W. E. Dement. -Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chttis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. E. C. H0LDEN. AttGiioneer anil Commission Affent Established 1874. ,):!io1r,i,a New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods in the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick S.Ues aud prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Daily and Weekly Ore Konian. J Planing Mill. HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS, RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc. Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Style.'Quall ty and Prices. Mill and Office cor. Tolk nnd Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon. THIS PflDCDrnaybefonndonflloatacaP. " z.lr C -riKowell&Co's Newspaper Ad vertisingBureaudOSpruceStAwhere advertising contracts mar be raadeforU IN NEW YORK I Probably as much misery comes (lUIil UUlblUU IXIilSllLUblUU 1U UVU1 I any derangement of tho functions of I the body, and it is difficult to cure for j iuu ruuou luau uu unu iiKta iu iua.u the medicine that is usually prescribed. Ham burg Figs were prepared to o'oviato tlu3 diffl cultv. and they will be found effective as well as pleasant to the tasto of women and children. 5j cents. DR. HINTS HEART REMEDY. Da. Fust's Hsau' .. t .- banishes from those a:' v.aii heart discaso all ler- . c of sudden death, or the ' u.eafc oi those terrible t asea uhich result in insa i "sons of the best rt-BsHi i for headaclie, whkh i jiJ- cnt u:i-jii disease irt, somet:mc3 u;c: n. .. -.as, and sotiv.tinKs iijkm i. iu v:ient of the circulation", Sl.r.' vTirt tlvo treatise with each bottle, or :n.uh free Thcso Remediea aro for sals by all Druggists. J. J. Wi ACK & CO.: Prop'ra,' Saif Tuiszisco, Cal. MARKETS. Washington Market. Main Mrerl, - Astoria, Orrsim. in:n4;iAX & co. piu)1'i:ip.toks( KI--SPECTFULI.Y CAbb TIIK ATTEX tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied v lth a FULL VARIETY AND REST QUALITY FRESH AMD CURED rVlEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. CSSpeeial attention given to supplying .-.hips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. C2S EXA3IIIS Street. Astoria, Ojr. Do You Want Fresh Fish, Fresh Eggs: Fat Chickens? And all kinds of Fish and Game in season. I am ready to supply you at John Roger's old stand. n. t. iiuai pintsrs Central Market. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. &oo4 Bread, Me anil Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread ami CAKES OF ALL KTXJ)S, Manufacturer of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candies. K, II. JACKSON. West Ninth Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 070 of the city of Astoria, Clatsop comity, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 8th day of Februarj', 18S7, and was approved on the lUh day of j February 1887, for the improvement of WestNmth streetinthe city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. 21. Shively from the north side of Water street to the south side of Wall street as provided by ordinance No. 0C7, which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 2th day of January, 1887 and was approved on the 2Cth day of January, 1887, on each of the follow ing described lots fronting on said por tion of said street, is now payable at the ofliee of the city treasurer in TJ. S. gold or silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publica tion of this notice, viz: Friday, March 11th, 1837, the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows : C. W. Sliirel v, N". of lot No. 1, block No. llfi, cost of planking 79.20, cost of side walk 18.o0, total cost 127.70. James Taylor, lot No, 0, block No. 118, cost of planking 311.00, cost of side walk 00.50, total cost 371.r0. James Taylor, lot No. 0, block No.l.T., cost of planking 75.00, cost of side walk 25.00, total cost 100.00. J, A. Devlin, lot No. 1, block No. l.Tfi. cost of planking .2.00, cost' of side walk GU50. total cost 422.50. Clatsop Mill Company, lot No. 1, block No. 117, cost of planking 311.00, cost of side walk W.20, total cost $371.50. Chas. Brown, south of lot No. 12, block No. 11C, cost of planking 79.20, eostof side walkJ850, total cost 127.50. I. W. Case, lot No. 7, block No. 115, cost of planking 123.30, cost of side walk G5.75, total cost 189.05. Laura Ferrell, lot No. G, block No, 115, cost of planking 123.30, co5t of side walk 65.75, total cost 189.05. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jewett. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February 19th, 1SS7, O. H. " Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on Main. Three doors south of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres co In e;, etc. i fJlW TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. E." & N. And Way Landings, ' The Steamer of the O. 11. tc N. Co., car rying the U. 3. mails, leave the Company s I Hock Kvcry J my. bundax CAieptca, at .: -. ar. Tliis is the only dulj !:;ie. and the ns'. line rtuuihur all tl'c tr round. TO SAB FRANCSSCO. 11 u only lint of Menmships to Fan Fn.n cNco. Steamers le.te Compam's Dock vi ' tivcdaN Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, ; For Towage and Ltahteraire. ! STORAGE OF AtL HIIS. Inquire at Compan Dock or at Cit 01 tice. " F.E.SHUTE. Ticket Agent. E. A. NO YES, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Oregon & CaliforniaR.il. And Connections l'are jit Sau Fran. S.Tij to Sacramento ca Close connections made at Ashland with stages or the California, Oregon . Idaho Stage Co. (DAILY KXCKPT SUNDAYS.) llnst Side Division, i;:mv-:EX roinxAM axi ashlvxi) Mall Train. LEAVE I ARRIVI! Portland 8:00 A M Ashland.. ..I CO A M Ashlatnl 3:13 P At Portland. JiliPJl Alltany Evprcss Train. .. "EAVK I ARRIVE Portland 4:00 P M Lebanon y.W p M Lebanon 4:15 A M 1 Portland.... HUB A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland and Ashland. f lie p. & c. R. R. Ferry makes coi.nechon with all regular trains on the Ltt Side Div. from foot of F street . Wests IdeDiTisIon, BET-TEES PORTHXD .XD COKVALLIS. Sail Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 750 A M Corvallis Uir, P M Corvalha 1:S0 P MPortland C:liP3t At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Tor Yaquina Bay. ' Express Train LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland... .4:30 P M AIcMinnrille....b:WPM McMinnville..5:15 A U I Portland 9:10 A M Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at company's up-tovn otllce, cor. Pine, aud pecond streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only bg procured at com pany's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after five o'clock p. m. on either the East or West Side Divisions. E. KOEIILER, E. V. ROGERS. Manager. G. F. & Pass. A gt. Str. Favorite W, P. DiLr.ox, Master, Will make Regular Trips Daily on the Or egon side, stopping a all Way Landings. Leavlmr Woods Land'tr Every llornbisr at I! P3I Returning LeaT Astoria at 2 P. 31. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN.MILES Will leave for Gray's llaibor On the 1st and 15th of each month. For Freight or Tassage apply to J. II. 1. GRAY. Agent I. S. N. Co. Iliaco Steamjavifatioi Co FROM: ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and liwaco, Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEA3IF.lt ML "GEN. CANBY," W.r.WlIITCOMIl, Will leave Astoria daily (Sundajs excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M- With Oy.stcrville Malls and Express dally. and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec- uuu inp iciuuiu . i". m.) nunrs aiier arrival from nrst trip. Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 S-For Tickets. Towaee or Charter an ply at the office of the company, Gray's viiinri, ioot 01 jienion sireer. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Proposals for Military Supplies. IlKAOQUARTEKS DEr-AltTMIWT 1 of tiie columbia, ' Office of Chief Quartermaster ', YAsrouvERllAititACKS,W.T,March 3d, 1SS7. j SEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE, subjeot to the usual conditions, will be received at tins office or at the offices of the u. S. Quartermasters at the following named posts until 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, April nth. 1SR7. at which places and time thev will be opened, in the presence of bid ders, for the furnishing and delivery of Mili tary supplies uunng me nscai year com mencing July 1, 1S87. and ending June :Jfl. 1S8S. as follows : Wood. Coal. Charcoal. Oats. Barley. Bran, Hay, and Straw, or Hay in ucu 01 straw, or sucu ui saiu supplies as limy uc ii;i(uircuiii. ; a uiiwuni,iii-i;iii, iuisu Barracks, 1. T. ; Fort Townsend. V,T. : Fort coeur ti'Alene. I. T. : Fort Spokane, w. T. Fort Canby. W. T. ; Fort Walla Walla. W. T, ; Vancouver Depot, W. T. ; Fort Klamath, Orecon : Cascade Locks. Oresron. The Gov ernment reserves the right to refect any or an proposals. Preference given to articles of domestic prouueuon, conditions oi price anu quality being equal, and such preference given to articles of American production produced on the Pacific coast to the extent of the con sumption required by the public service there. Blank proposals and printed circulars, giving full particulars as to the manner of bidding. &c win oe mruisiicd on applica tion to this office, or the Quartermasters at the various posts" named. Envelopes con. taining proposals should be marked : "Pro posals for at ' ," and addressed to the undersigned, or the respective Tost Quartermasters, C, A.REYNOLDS. Deputy Quarter master-General. O". S, A., Chief Quartermaster. S. HARMON Of St Petersburg, Russia. OCULIST, The Duplex Eye Illuminator. Wi this machine lam able to detect the slmntest nease of the eve, I have also au imcntion by which I am able to measure the focus of the eyes ; then I make glnvcs to suit each eye accordingly. I have a large supply or Rnviliau Pebble Lena, for all eye-.', in different stages which can iv secured only by an Oculist. Alo have I he Medicated Lena, .which, in some c.iscs, language cannot express the benefit the lium-n nice derive from tliem. For in stance, a large, ee. and a large pupil, cannot use the pebble, as they give too much light. 'I he Medicated having tint lens, a great benefit to a weak or diseased eye. I hate no spectacles like those of ordinary manu facture. My goods are alt made to order. aix-uruingiy as eacn eye requires, l chum to he a Practical Optician, and will prove to mi- (mum- uii-.i nevii my services mat l am exactly what I claim to be. The difference ueiweeu a pair oi ordinary glasses and glasses made to order is the same asa candle to an electric light. Office Room U, Occi dent Hotel, Astoria. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lO cts. for lOO-page Pamphlat, RESTORED Therrwon thai Thousands cannot get cured of SEMIXAL WEARS ESS, LOSS OF MAS HOOD, amltheresultcfabuse,disease orexecstes, Moving to a complication called PROSTATOR RIIEA. DR. LIEMG'S ISV1QORATOR it the OXLVcureforPROSTATORRIIEA. Price, ?i.C0 per paclage, G paclages, SIO.00. Guide to llettlth and Self-Analyst tent free. Address LTE IUC DISPESSARYforDiseasesof ifen, -100 Gearu St.. San Francisco. Cal. ifonWraWPa ELECTRIC BELT ;viiiimivmm - Only Perfect BZSTUASa. liodjrtJattery ?eTcrmveniea. pOiveianEtec ChronicDI-r asaaolboth BZZZSCnred WKiontMedi- SSwithorWTTH' f.lnirr AOIDS. elna.st&h'd iiElortric Saspensorr 1S7S. Rand tnrnui SiFree with every Belt, iRvf-Frea pamphlet No S. Addr. MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS CO. E304 K. SIXTH BTBEET, ST.I.OUIS,aCQ 87Q4 8 ACTBTNTO ST. , BAIT FRAJTCISCO.OA Proposals for Fresh BeeT'nnd Jtfnttou . neailqtiarters Dent, of tho Columbia, l Office of Chief Commissary, y Vancouver Bks., W. T Feb.-. 14. 1S87. j SEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office and at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at the following named posts, (for the fresh beef and mutton named at those posts only.) until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, March 17th, 18S7, at which time and places they will be opened in the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivery of fresh beef and mutton during the year commencing July 1st, 1887. Boise Bks., I. T Fort Canbv, W. T., Fort Ca-ur d'Alene, I. T Fort Klamath, Ogn., Fort Spokane, AY. T., Fort Townsend, W. T Vancouver Bks., W.T Fort Walla Walla, W. T. The government reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bidders will understand that contracts made under this advertisement. and propo sals made iu response thereto, shall not be construed to involve the United States in any obligation for payment In excess of tho appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. Blank nronosals and printed circulars, stating the kind of beef and mutton re quired, and giving full instructions as to the manner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders, and terms of contract and pay ment, will be furnished on application to this office, or to the A. C. S. at the several posts. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, "Proposals for Fresh Beef, (or Mut- on.) at ," and addressed to the undersigned or to the "Acting Commissary or Subsistence" at the several posts. C, A. WOODRUFF. Captain & C. S U. S, A.. Chief C.S.D.C. Last Call for Delinquent School Taxes Upper Astoria. Anderson, H. 1L .... CO Airtu, David 75 Erickson, B 141 Graham, John E.. 7 50 Hansen, Gof red . 2 88 Johnson, Robert 8 10 Johnson, Lane 75 Johnson, A : - .. 120 Johnson. Mrs. John - 90 Hume, Joseph 4 20 McCartv, Frank 1 35 Peterson, O. J - 45 Qulnu, James 9 90 Reed.F. C 4 C5 Rvan.M 15 Vhaley, L. M 4 50 Wisener, Nich 21 Young, Andrew C 64 WM. B.ADAIR. Clerk DIst. No. 9. Proposals for Transportation. Headquarters Department of the Columbia, '. Office of Chief Quartermaster J VAxcouvERBARRACKS,W.T.,March3d,lSS7.J SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, April 5th, 1887, at which time and place they will be opened In the pres ence of bidders, for the transportation of Military Supplies on the following described routes during the fiscal year commencing July 1. 18S7, and ending June SO. lSSS, : Wagon Transportation, Route No. l. Spokane Falls, or Sprague, W. T.. to Fort Spokane, W. T. Route No. 2 Ashland, Oregon, or a point on the railroad south of there, to Fort Klamatli, Oregon. Route No. 3. Kuna, I.T., to Boise Barracks, I. T. Steamer Transportation. Route No. 4. For transportation of U. S. Military Supplies between Astoria and Fort Stevens Oregon, and Fort Canby, W.-T. The Government reserves the right to re ject anyor all proposals. Blank proposals, form of contract, and printed circulars, ply ing full Information as to the manner of bid ding, tenns of contract and payment, wlllbe furnished on application to this office. En velopes containing proposals should be marked : "Proposals for transportation on Route No. ," and addressed to the un dersigned. ..,t T.C C. A, REYNOLDS. Deputy Quartermaster-General U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. To Whom It May Concern. THE ASTORIA DEEP SEA FISHING CO. will not be responsible for any debts, unless contracted by authority of the company. MANHOOD 'flllr I III snKj5SSSk! . f VSSCTr3."