0) .$ -c - 6u k VOL. XXVII, NO. 54. BUSINESS CAEDS. QKO. XOLU'D, VTTOKNK Af LAW. .i.v in Kinnev's Block, opposite nt H.iU. Astoria. Oregon. c w. HUI.TOV. o. c FUlTON FlTLTO. BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. I'.oums 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. pi It. Tno3isox, Attorney at Law and Notary Pullic. Special attention given to practice in the U. S. Land Office, and the examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract Books f.r Clatsop County m offlce. Money to loan. ni , Office Rooms 4 and 5, o-.er Citv Book ijtoie. I . A. DOWMtY, inmue) uuit tJounM-'Ilor t I.aw i liline on Chi'iumu3 Street. Astoria. Oiegon ATTORNEY AT LA W. Rooms No. 11 and 12. Y thiau Castle Itiitlcl t r a. Wats ox. Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All buslnevi before the U. S. I-ftrtrt Ohice a .pwlalty, Astoria, - - Oe?oon. J. K, T.A 1'ORCR. DENTIST. Itooms 11 and 12 Odd Felloe Building, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. D K. A l. FULTOX. PIiylrlaiiamt Swrftii. OIUco on Cass street. three do.'.is smith odd Fellow's building Telephone No. 41. pY TCTTLK, Ztt. i. I'liySIClAN AND SDllOEOJS O-'kioe Rooitt3 f Yi thlon Building Ut:ioEvcn-On Cedar Street, barf. St. Mari's Hospital. of n H.O. B.ILSTKS. IH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. tFwrK : Com Building, up stairs, Astoria, .ugon. AR. FKVNH PAUK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OpposlteTelegraph Offlce. Astoria, Oregon. t KLO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria- fflce : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Uoom No. 8 Up Ktatra. Robt. Collier, Deputy, JAR. ALFRED KIXNEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at liU office, and may be found there at any hour. E. 13. nOLDEX, N"otary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Offlco, at Holden's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria, Oregon. A. E. 81IAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor uer Ca&s and Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 rythian Build-ing over C. IL Cooper's Store. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I: W-. CASE, IMTORTERS AND "WHOLESALF. AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL IESCHAPISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTGUIA OKEGOX THOS. MAIRS, Faimial Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHANGES MODERATE Agent jr the Celebrated JIouFenold Sewiug Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's IT .m-aia TAR TRADE 7 MARK. Ta tb&ttlulelu "rcc from Opiates, JZmetlcs and Jfoison SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. ATDRCGOISTS AI.D DFALEES. THE C1UULLS A. 1 OCELKlt CO . H t I.TiaOItl, 3D ' THE EREAT-rr-i RMANREM we, u Cu::52hinna4.l:. K:ilrfi. M iJA B IftlUckutie, UtaJicie, TbcUacLc. I iiBfi! StprtlaJ, Brjl t..t&. I I Oil! wiw- riris cents. ?UE CHARLES A. YOQELfcR COlULliaOUE, flU. Jarca Female Complaints. A Great Sidne; iemeiy. ES SOLD 37 AIL EIUGQISTS. Boat Building. Manv vkass Fr"i:i::i Ni i in binMing hoati u tin o!mji!i'i m-r and iiundred-t ol iln boats a ins budd mai.o mv guarantee! foi eood work, llead- auarteis at the old Astoria iron Woiks b'ullilirtf;. Will build hnatsal anv poiit-ou the Columbia rh er v bore mj sen lees may be required. WA1. JIIV1 - AGENCY- OF S N rRAXCISCO. Flavet'sWharf and Warehouse, Astoriu. Oregon. Cnmiery Supplies at Lowest rnces. Stonige and Insurance at Cut rent If-itc. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the Worlj JOHN F. McGOYERN, Agetu. It. II. t'olemau. Accounuiii. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAEE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES, PEOVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR " SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORTA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A large and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiaiiuS Jewelry ! 1 ! l! At Extremely Low Tike-.. flood. IlotiL'ht at This EhtablMiir.ent t Bought at ThU EbtablWuie.it Warranted Genuine. Ulafrli and Clock Ifiriinlrlug , A SPEdALTY. jCojiif-r Cas-. and Squcmoqu.; Sheets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iFire Insurance AGENTS. Kepresentlng the Largest and Most l.'ella Wo Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptljiand accurately tnui acted. FlavelsWharf. - Astoria Oregoa. fiEQk5 Hill RE I JH& r vm a fCQB?jll U"cffHOLlGlll fflT CounCo ASTORIA, LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Portlaka, Mar. 4. This morning, Judge Stearns sentenced Charlie Ross, convicted of incest, to the pen itentiary. At noon he asked jailer Lounsbury to let him into the hall as he could get Fay, another convict, to tell where the knife and scissors were concealed that they used lately in attempting to make their escape. The jailer permitted Ross to go, who immediately walked out, unlocked the door, mounted a wall sis feet from Sheriff Jordan, and started to run. As soon as he was at large a crowd followed him. lie ranj like a deer and soon left all his pursuers behind him. He is still at large. It is understood that the railway bridge and depots will be built whether congress permits the T7 P. lease or not FBOM WASHINGTON. Washinqto.n:, March 4, 4:30 p. m. The bouse has been at work all night and is now on miscellaneous business. The conference report legislative bills, naval bill, as agreed on at con ference, passed the house. The sen ate is still engaged on the deficiency bill. When that passes the confer ence report on the legislative bill will bo called and an effort made to pass somp house railroad bridge bills Family Silver Melted, in the Mint. "In the spring of 73," said Col. A. Loudon Snowden, ex-Superintendent of the Mint, "I received a collection of the most exquisite silverware with instructions to melt it down. It had been the property of Joseph Bona parte and was presented to him by his brother, the Emperor. Joseph left it to bis private secretary, and it was the latter who, previous to his foing away, desired it melted down, luch of the plate was mounted with gold and so skillfully that you might have supposed that the precious metal would weigh pounds, though, when it was all reduced, there was hardly any gold to speak of. The regret of my life is that 1 was not rich enough to buy the plate, though not unlikely the secretary would have been too proud to sell it. "In the old days," continued Col. Snowden, "heaps of family silver used to come to the mint to be melted down from people who had met with financial reverses. During the last days of my incumbency of the office of superintendent much les3 used to come than formerly, because plated ware had -come into general use. I remember once that a gentleman verj' well known in Philadelphia society brought me a splendid design in sil ver that he desired to have reduced. It was a gift to his wife on their wed ding, and the thought of parting with it was very painful to him. It had cost probably $2,000, but there was not more than $300 worth of bullion. Insteadofmeltingitatoncoladvanced him the money for six months, and allowed the design to remain in the vaults. At the end of that time I agreed to keep it intact for six months more. At the consummation of the second period he saw me and said he could not see daylight yet, and the bridal gift went into the melting pot. Three weeks after that he dropped in on me to say that fortune had smiled on him again, and that he had made 150,000. He said he would have given half of it to get his silver back in its old lorm. vain regrets, ol course. The man is now wealthy. Philadelphia Press. Canon Farrar pronounces Boston the Athens of America. He must have caught a glimpse of John L. Sullivau'q Greek contour. SOT ONLY THE XATI0XAL DISEASE BUT MAM' OTHEKS. It is said that dyspepsia i3 our na tional malady, well, TJran-dreth's Pills will cure the national malady. It is said that constipation is the curse of a sedentary life. Well, Bbandbeth's Pills certainly enre constipation. It is generally conceded that rheu matism comes from acid stomach and sudden changes of temperature. Braxdretii's Pills have corrected all this and will do it again. ChroDic diseases are cured by tak ing two to four of BitANDRExn's Pills every night for a month. In Cass county, Ind., everybody has paid his taxes and there is no delinquent list to publish. I C&fvvvo Tlie Children. They are OvWv especially liable to sud- Anw CrAAs! O rmrrlic Prnifn IVTinnnincr , , V'TtV tR ,otU AMfnv Eugfish Eemedy a positive cure. It . hour3 of an0l -watching. Sold by ' Yinegar and salt will clean cop- iner. lluclclen's Arnica Salve. ; Tin: Best Sat.vi: in the world for i Cuts, Bruiscs,Sorcs,Ulcers,Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bauds, Chilblains, Corn3, and all Skin Brup- pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sa le by W E. Dement & Co. i , .jut fnVi 3 &S&SJtJ'it: ORftGQtf. SATURDAY, 4 Hough ilaudllnc: of Children. The causes of joint diseases in child hood are frequently obscure, bnt"th& much is certain, that the rough fiarM ling which children leceive at the hands of ignorant parents or careless nurses has much to do with the mat ter. Stand on any street corner and notice how children are handled. Here comes a lady with a three-year-old girl ; she is walking twice as fast as she should, and the child is over exerting itself to keep pace ; every time thechild lags the mother gives r-it a sudden and unexpected lurch which is enough to throw its shoul ders out, to say nothing of bruising the delicate structures of the joints; a gutter is reached ; instead of giving the little toddler time to get over ill own way, or properly lifting it, the mother raises it from the ground by one hand, its whole weight depend ing from one upper extremity, and with a swing which twists the child's body as far aiound as the joints will permit, ir is landed, after a course of four or five f.el thiongh the air, on the other side. Here is a girl 12 years old with a baby of a year in her arms. The babe sits on the girl's arm without pupKrt to its bark This would be a hard enough position to maintain weie the girl standing still, but she is walking rapidl;. , and the little one has to gather the entire strength of its muscular system to adopt itself to its changing base of support, to say nothing oi adjusting Us little body to sudden leaps au- darts on the part of its ayi:iid j'tnse Sometimes dur "ui h "su Idan .. lv.mce you will see a patt of the b ibt a foot in advance of its lK'.td and irunh, which have to be brought up by a powerful and sudden action of the muscles of trunk and neok. Probably not one child in a hundred is proper!' handled. It is a painful fact that the half baked loan is not rare. Puck A Ciood Jurs. Should not hpitato to wait upon those ill witli -ueh dijPap-i a- mall-pox, Cholera or Se.irlet Fpm Thorp is litlh to ho fparwl 1 pi'rrns waiting on the -i.-k il tin", will si-.- D.iil-.xs I'ro phjlatie Fluid ficph. In siek iomii :t ihoti'd be jisefi on :i jKtt o saurer, and the runout -sDGiigMl 11 with lhp Fluid lUhitcd For ;ti'i . i Uaulinp and oinfort in Jt i-k t.'nm the Fluid iJ 5ndi-prn-ab!y!iW5 - A f 5 irreenbacic appealed in the till o a Newaygo, Mich., bank the ether day, bearing the following inscriptien: "Here she goes, save our salary don't, gamble never plav faro bank the lat of a fortune of 10,000."' !V r --.- Wood Elixir i lhe lvV5; o niilv lllrtndMtpinetlv , j - fc -v "namntt'Pd. Tt is a positive euro lor Fleers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies the whole system, and bani'-dics all Rheumatic and Neu ralgic pains. "We guarantee it. J. W. Conn. General Middleton, commander of the Canadian militia, says it is absurd to talk about m between the United States and England. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, ote. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c.' o0e. J. W. Conn. W.E. DEMENT & CO. A.M'OUIA. - - OJIKGOS Carry iu Stock, DRUC8. CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded J. O. Bozorth, Real Estate and Insurance. Agent AND BROKER l'.us ana bells all kinds of real eate and represents Leading Fire insurance compan ies with an aggregate capital or S75.O0o.00O. Policies written at Equitable rates. J. BL D. GRAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT. (leneral Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot ol Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Cannerymen and Fishermen, Attention. 1AM NOW PREPARED TO LEAD LINES with my patent leading machine, guar anteed to do first class work, my pric is Sets, per lb. and furnish lead, For particu lars enquire at Occident Tkg. Co. ERUOIAUNULA. Booms and Board. Nicely FurnUhed Rooms and Good Boaid at Mrs. Backer's, oyer Murray & Co.'s Store, &t "-. - if atk'teit'm - MiMU.A-' -J- '.'." JwAiJ MARCH 5, J 887. '-ifeftlL THE GREAT MilisgiSpeci FOR LIVER SEASE QVMDTAMfii Eitterorbad taste in mouth; Wllfir lUITlOi tongue coated white cr covered with a. brown fur; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loss of appetite; some times nausea and vaterbnsh, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eruclations; boa els alternately costive and lax; headache: lo; of memory, with a oainful sensation of having failed to do something which 1 ought to nave Deen done; deDLUty; lo spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes . a dry cough ; fever; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allow ed to stand, deposiu a sedimenr. SIMONS III! REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to sreus: iht Torpid Liver to a healthy aclion. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the I iVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AS EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOil Miliaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation. BUloiuness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaint. Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Cliildren, for Adolta, and for the Aged. Ml TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE 3Y3TEMI J,H.ZE!L!N & CO., sols peopristors, PHILADELPHIA. PA, miCE, 81.00. Look Here Bovs, ? Il)uiMnnt i u.at liUin Salt ii Clothes go to Merchant Tailor. Having jnst received i foalrto .n mt'jit .f Foreir,n and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New 1 i:u pii'tMrrtf in iaakfip Suit', duapcr tlsau tin- etiftipret. Cima c.ill and b coi.m.'uv,! ;Jmt 1 moan what I ). J. E ROSS, Comer Miuctnofjua a:ul Hamilton vtreoti. PtotofC H.ConperN. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAL GltAIXEK and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING. AIID GLASS SHOW CARDS. 11, A IX AXI DECOKATIVK Paper Hanging. Frescoing, Etc. Shop on C.v! St., nevtio StinsonS black smith shop. Astona, Oregon, Ylrcinf a Cigar and Tolmcra Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Stj eel, Two Doors Eat of OInej. Fine Cigars, Tolmrros and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Kale. FRUITS. CANDIES.NOTIONS.&c. d H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Onice on iain. Three doors souln of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. E. C. HOLDBN, AucliooeeraiCoiBSiGa Agent Established 1874. Dealer in .N rm ami Seeond-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods In the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sale and prompt rash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weektj gonian. Ore- TT8Ki35c3' BJ EverL?nowHThrough Freight on Fast Time - ; Magee Furnace Co.; Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The World ; THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria fPfkbonfilelnPhlladeipiiiA feK at tie Newspaper Adver- !55 tlaTntr AeencT of MeSSTB. 4."5SaySIoi ONc our authorized agents. r"JKKS',.i- - Just Received. 1,500 Rolls faljawf ana Decorate Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 0 Leather, Flush and Carpet Rockers, In Elegant Xew ritjJes Call and See Us. TN AND Musical Instrument at ' UK York Novelty Store New Armbruster Praetic.il 1 V1CH1HKFK And T 23 Xa 3E2 3E1L, WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Kepahed on the Shortest Notice at Ken MUiuule liatcs. Chenamas St.. net to Spearths Gun store. BOOTS AND SEOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. Strike It Rich! buyyouk Groceries! Provisions . of- - Foard & Stok Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the ery low est margin of proilt while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered Ail Oyer the City. The Highest Price Paid for .junk. Wk Baby Buggies W- F. JSS The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IK ASTORIA, ONLY OF R. HA WES. Agent. Ca and Examine It; You Will be Pleased. E.IC. Haw es Is also Agent f.i Urn Buck Patent Cooking :Stove, AND OTHER FI EST CLASS STOVES. A Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc.. a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Coliita FOR TraipnatM THE NEW STEAMER ITI rflllfllir turnum Which ha? been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave TVIlson & Fisher's Dock every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 8 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at ? P. M. BT"An additional trip will bo made on. at v o'eiocK sunaajr-JJorniHg. for Sound, ports. '-i Ai PRICE IVE CENTS. - Just the thing for Present. CHASa HE1LBORK. ..-..rerr- - .. i --. J.-J-J,. . ARNDT & FEECHKiN ASTORIAk - OTIEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLAUKSMJTtt SHOP fi O-tl-. rtl- Vr" Duner Diiuu 3 SifSr& - kinds ot SNGIKE, 0ANNEEY, -AKl) - STEAMBOAT WOEK- Promptly attendeii i. AK"iHity made of repairing CANNERY DIES," FOOT OK l.AtAYETTK SrKKK2 Established ia?o W. CASE, R BIKES, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDIKG. Does a General Banking Business. Drafw Drawn Anilalle In any Part of the World. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build hir that he will miarantee as to work and dur tee as to ill who ha ability. Refers to all who have used boatol his construction. All work guaranteed Cannerymen NOTICE. If you want to contract for your summers wood now Is your chance. Apply to FRANK L. PARKER Or to the Astoria Wood Tard. J ust received at the Astoria Wood Yard 150 cords extra choice Bed Fir Wood. AUo 50 cords fine Vine Maple Limbs. Leave orders with F.L.PAKKEP.. Telephone 36. I -"Hfcr 4r SkcxV 155 tt?. iSS-acrfMaLS; i PIEE any TJmJTT.ATffTl I Sunday ol Each. Weete, leaving Portland Passengers bj this route connect at-alama u.-JB,iiUUXJ.rriesia&Qi t