is; V mt !a gtodmt. VSTORIA, OREGON: TtIUR-DT m .Rcrr 3. is? The Manzanita is off this meraine: to pat down tho whistling buoy. The east wiul blow keen jester day and overcoats and wraps were Toucd comfortable. The schooner Faimie Duta-d is loaded at the Clatsop Mill Co.'s dock, and will go to sea to-day. If "A Landsman" will send his name and addiess to this office his communication will receive attention. At 1050 this morning E. C. Hold en will have a sale at his auc tion rooms, of snndry household ef fects, etc The books of the building and loan association are at Griffin & Reed's. Nino hundred and twenty-seven shares Lave been subscribed. During February 14,929 cases salm on were shipped from the Columbia river. Of these 7,804 went east. 1,620 to San Francisco and 5,499 foreign. The Columbia arrived in yesterday morning with a large number of pas sengers. She had 200 tons of Astoria freight The Oregon sailed at one o'clock. A. E. Hallockhas bought the steam screw propeller Daphne and will take her with him on his return to Tilla mook bay, on whose waters the ves sel will hereafter ply. The new schooner Pioneer is dis charging boats, boiler, retorts and cannery outfit generally, at the Main street wharf, for Jos. Hume, who will operate the cannery formerly run by Sam'l Elmore. The tug Columbia goes to Coos bay this morning in command of Capt. McGee, where she will tow till the new tug now building is in readi ness. It is thonght that tho Colum bia may return to the river next winter. The British ship Pomona, 1,200, Robb master, 99 days from Sydnej, arrived in yesterday. The Patterdale and Ballochmyle sailed. The British bark Glenmore, 725, Casey master, 88 days from Newcastle, arrived in late last evening. There isn't much in the fur trade of Astoria to furnish an item at pres ent Still a little is doing. Beaver pelts come in and are quoted at $3.50 per pound. Land otter skins sell at $5 each; few sea otter skins and they are all the way from $60 to $125. Every boat builder in town is busy. Several boats have been brought up from San Francisco. The present probabilities point to the usual number of boats iu tho river next month. Little is doing yet in the way -ot making cans, and, it is said, many orders for tin plate have not yet been plaeed. Martin Guffert fell dead on the deck of tho Fannie Dutard at noon yesterday. He was first mate of the vessel and superintending her load ing at the Clatsop Mill Co.'s dock. He had been at work right along and died in the most sudden manner of heart disease. He was a single man, a native of Denmark, aged 38 years. The funeral will take place this after noon. Following are the dates of proposed sailings of ocean steamers between this city and San Francisco during this menth: From Astoria, State, Thursday, 10th; Oregon, Tuesday, 15th; Columbia. Sunday, 20th; State, Friday, 25th; Oregon, Wednesday, 30th; Columbia, Tuesday, April 5th. From San Francisco,State, Thursday, 3d; Oregon, Tuesday, 8th; Columbia, Sunday, 13th; St-ate, Friday, 18th; Oregon, Wednesday, 23d; Columbia, Monday, 28th; State, Sunday, April 3d; Oregon, Friday, April 8th. Messrs. Lotan and Ferguson yes terday inspected the Colambia, Gleaner, M. G. Ifaaven, Enter prise and Improvement. The communication made by Messrs. Church and Harmon to the San Fran cisco inspectors and received by them from the San Francisco inspectors, was read to Messrs. Church and Har mon, who affirmed its correctness. Messrs Lotan and Ferguson have no other official notification concerning the loss of the JJawn and have taken no other official cognizance of the matter. The county court has redistricted the several road districts of the coun ty. The boundaries of the new road districts as set by tho court, are on the lourth page of this issue. It will be noticed that district No. 7 is some what extensive. It comprises what was formerly districts 5, 8, 10 and 15. It includes Astoria, Young's River, Smith's Point and the country round about to the southard and is about as large as road districts usually get. The action of the court was in accord with a petition numerously signed in and out of the city, and if the ex periment works satisfactorily may bo permanent School teachers and others are in terested in the educational law passed by the last legislature regarding the obtaining of teachers' certificates. Hereafter, iu each county there shall be four quarterly public examinations per year, conducted by a board of emwniners consisting of three per sonsthe school superintendent and two others named by him. Certifi cates of the first grade will be issued only to persons who have stood an examination in the usual number of studies before this board, and attain an average of not less than ninety per centum of all questions asked, and in no case shall a person receive a cer tificate of the first grade who shall fall below seventy per centum in any one branch. Certificates oftheseo- ond grade will be issued to persons who obtain a general average of not less than eighty per cent and who shall fall below sixty per cent in no one branch, 'ibird grade certificated will be issued to pt.-sons who make a general average of no less than sev enty per cent and who fall below forty per cent in no one brauch. First, second and third grade certifi cates are good for two years, one year, aud six months, respectively. Tho Manzanita came in yesterday from Tillamook rock with the repair force which went out Borne time ago to repair the havoc wrought by tho storms of last December. Messrs. Nathaniel Jones, A. E. Withers, Frank Surprenant, Myers, Johns and others were among the arrivals and they were not sorry to strike the terra planka of Astoria once more. It was all right while the work was going on, but when they had finished up, which they did about ten days ago, it wasn't much fun for eight or ten able bodied men to sit up in the lighthouse tower when the storm rack came rolling up ragged and brown and the harbor bar was moaning. Some sang, others prayed, others played solitairo and told tales of former times; others read, and a few fished, a watch being set to look for deliverance in tho guise of tho Manzanita. Nat. Jones brought b3ck some fine mussels, and all of them have a fund of experience that would be big capital for the writer of a marine novel. The Face. The care of the complexion has be come an accomplishment that no lady of refined tastes can afford to ignore, and in leading society circles it claims as much thought as do the fashions. It is an acknowledged fact that the variations of our climate aro verv se vere on the complexion, noticeable by- a ronghness and dryness of the skin, and to counteract this effect it be comes necessary to call iu the aid of art. In the selection of this agent too much care cannot be exercised. It is well known to the chemist that many of the so-called "blooms," "balms," "creams," etc., contain lead and other poisonous substances, the long-continued use of which is dan gerous. Wisdom's Bobertine is guar anteed under a forfeiture of $1,000, to be absolutely free from poisonous substances. If you have not yet tried it, do so at once, and bo one of the hundreds who pronoxmee it the most delightful toilet article ever pro duced. "Wisdom's Bobertine is sold at fifty cents per bottle. Police Court. March 2nd. fighting; found Larrv Sullivan, guilcy; $20. memorial Exercise. In memory of the late Father J. J. Upchurch, founder of the A. O. LT. W, under Uic auspices of Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W.. Sunday Evening, March Ctli, 1887, at JIoss' Opera House, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer Kev. E. W. Garner, LL. D. Opening Ode Lodge, Audience and Choir. Instrumental Quaitette,"' Waiting at the Golden Gate" Baud. Short Address Bro. District Deputv C. .1. Trenchard. Selection Choir. Memorial Address Rev. O. B. Whit more. Selection Choir. Address Grand Master Workman .1. T. Brown. Selection Choir. Address Grand Ileeoidcr I). T. Wheeler. Instrumental Music, -.lust Bevoml the Golden Gate'" Band. Closing Ode Lodge, Audience and Choir. Benediction Rev. J, McConnac. C. Brown Master of Ceremonies. Miss Hattie Bitely, Accompanist. The general public are cordially in vited to attend. L, E. SELIO, j Mpmnriil G. W. RuckeeaX. S. T. McKean, ) onilul"ce. A. O. U. W. Members of Seaside Lodge No. 12 arc requested to assemble at their hall over Carnahan & Co.'s store on Sunday evening at 6 o'clock sharp to march in a body to Ross' Opera House where ser vices will be held in memory of onr lately deceased brother, Father Up church. By order. Naihaxii:l o. es, M. W. C. Buow.v, Recorder. By Yesterday's Steamer Thos. Mairs received some fine spring and summer suitings which ynu are invited to call and examine. 3Icetin Notice. All members of Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. AV., are requested fo be present at the regular meeting of the lodge, Saturday evening at 7 r. m., as Grand Master J. T. Brown and Grand Record er D. T. Wheeler, and the grand officers will be present. By order. N. Jones, M. W. 0. Bkowx. Recorder. The best Fabre's. oysters in any style at Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. Wanted. A competent girl or woman to do general housework. Apply at this office. Go To Crow's Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior linish. Qoto JeiTs Restaurant to-night and take home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.) All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfuincry, andioilet articles, etc.. can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. 5V". Conn's drug store, opposite Oo.Mdent hotel. Astoria. Lowest Cnsli JL'ricc. Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at D. L. Beck & Soxs. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. Situation Wanted. By a competent young man, a situa tion as writer or assistant bookkeeper, or other work. Apply at this office. Wages no object. LATEST TELEGBAPHI0 NEWS. A Pew Transatlantic Cablegrams. Beemk. Mar. 2. Tho second bal lots of the candidates who failed to seouro a majority in the recent elec tions, wa3 held to-day. The contest U between tho two who received tho highe3t number of votes at the late elections. The returns aro not all in yet. RIOTOUS MOZAMBIQUIAN3. London, Mar. 2. The government is in receipt of advices to tho effect that the natives of Mozambique tak ing advantage of the Portuguese squadron, have devastated several trading stations and sacked many British houses. The British consul has telegraphed for a man-of-war. BELIGEREKT BAIiIjYHAUNISANS. Dublin, March 1. A mob at Bally haunis attacked the police last night, and partially wrecked the barracks. The police fired several shots but hurt no one, COrXTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The county court was in session last Monday and Tuesday, Judge C. H. Page, E. C. Crow, J. Q. Nurnberg, Wm. Gr. Ross and C. J. Trenchard in attendance. Report of J. T. Bullock as road su pervisor disallowed.; not in form; bill of J. T. Bullock, $27.65, as supervisor, allowed. Report of Geo. Hunter, su pervisor district No. 13, approved; report of R. A. Abbott, supervisor district No. 1, ordered filed; report of C. W. Carnahan, supervisor district No. 2, ordered filed; report Thos Ca hill, supervisor district No. 4, ordered filed, not approved; bill of Thos. Cahill, $28.20, allowed. Tn the matter of painting county court house, bid of C. H. Stockton was accepted and clerk instructed to make contract Ordered that county orders issued wrongfully and outlawed, bo canceled. The bills of W. E. Dement &. Co., I. F. Powers, Improvement, W. G. Ross, Carnahan & Co., J. K. Wirt, T. F. Harris, B. B. Franklin, Jos. Cowau, C. H. Stockton, Chas. Stoll, E. A. May and Wilson t Fisher were al lowed. Ordeied that revolver be turned over to Thos. Linville on payment of $1 to treasurer. Tho following named road super visors were appeinted: District No. One, H. C. Gregg; District No. Two, Samuel Russell;. No. Three, v. N. Byrd; No. Four, J03. Gibson; No. Five, Chas. S. Dow; No. Six, B. R. Tucker; No. Seven, J. W. Walker; No. Eight, B. Gallagher; No. Nine, Jas. Cusick; No. Ten, Jacob Sture; No. Eleven, Wm. Jackson; No.Twelve, P. Johansen. Bend of $1,000 .vas required of su pervisors of districts Nos. 7 and 8. Ordered that P. H. Bagley be al lowed $66, and that he apply the $24 on hand to payment of same and bal ance allowed. Claim of F.Lousignout settled for $15. Adjourned. What the "Bear" and "Corwm" Will !).. "Washington, March 1. The de termination of the secretary of the treasury to protect the interests of the government in the seal fisheries ! of Alaska waB promptly reinforced by the committee on appropriations ' which has given him in tho pending tieuciency oin szu.trw, so inai n can ; be rendered immediately available for the outfitting of the Hear and Corwin. This amount, in addition to the $10,000 given in the sundry civil bill, will put those revenue ma rine oruisers on a good footing for the present season. These vessels will be in Behrings sea several weeks in advance o" tho sealing season, which opens about the 14th of June. They will act nnder the same orders that governed them last year. The chief of the reveuue marine service says that if the rumored re lease of the British sealing schoon ers was true he would have been promptly njtified of suoh action. He has not been, however. Tho treaty stipulation which gives this couutry the sole jurisdiction of our part of Behring'3 sea, is the su preme law of the land, and it cannot be set aside except by the joint agree ment of tho senate and executive. In the meantimo the laws of the govern ment will continue to be carried out in full, so far as its interests at stake are concerned in Behring's sea. The Bear will start up in advance of the Corwin. She will stop at Sitka and then at TJnchek, where a trader was murdered last summer; thence to Zodiak, and thence to Penaloshka, whero she will coal up for a new cruise about the seal islands. The treasury department has built a coalhonse at Penaloshka, where this fuel is now stored for the use of its cruisers. The Bearu will be com manded by Captain Healey. Tlic Verdict Unanimous . W. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus, Ind., testifies: '! can lecommenu Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 year.s' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvifie, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 vcars' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so tnat the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Onlv a halfdollarabottleat W.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Try Fabre's celebrated pau roast. All the different books used in the public school you can get at the Crystal Palace at reduced rates. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeff's restaurant. - JEFF'S United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. GotojefTsforoyster, Private Rooms. - . ,. REPORTED SALMON SALES. j In an extended editorial on salmon in the Grocer and Country Mer chant of tho 25th ult, is a statement of sales of the paok of '87, as follews: Caaea. Value. 10,000 Fishermen's Pack ing Co $1 27J4 export. 15,000 Hnnthorn's 1 27k " 15.001) Thitfle 1 27 " 8,000 Aberdeen 1 25 " 5,000 IXL 125 " 5,000 Occident 125 " 5,000 Badolelt 1 25 " 15,000 A. Booth & Co.'s 'B ack Diamond"... domentie, private 21.00J John A. Devlin & Co.'s 125 export. 20,000 "Warren's domestic, private 5,000 George & Barker's "Epicure" 1 27Kdomestic 5,000 George W. Hume's "Flag" 127 export. 5,000 Occident 1 27$ " 5,000 Pillar Rock 1 25 " 7,500 Scandinavian P'kg Co 125 export. 5,000 "West Coast 1 25 " 10,000 Badollet 138 " 20,009 Cook's 1 25 " 10,000 PaciGo Union 1 25ex.&dom. 5,000 "Flag" private. 5,000 Seaside.. . . .. 1 25 export 5,000 Coleman "Flag".. 1 35 " The movement in Alaska fish, says the same paper, has also been large, aggregating upwards o f 125,000 Teases a portion of which is for export on the basis of $1.15$1.17 per dozen export. The purchases for English account comprise some prominent outside river packs. One sale of Frazer river fish, 20,000 cases, has been made on the basis of $1.17 per dozen, but the asking price is now advanced to $1.25. The River's Inlet Canning company has sold 15,000 cases at $1.1714 per dozen in Victoria. The Gardner Packing Com pany of Umpqua river reports sale of 10,000 cases at $1.15 per dozen f. o. b. The purchase of Columbia river fish for English and Australian account to date is estimated at $160,000 cases, at prices ranging from $1.25$1.30 per dozen, Tand about 40,000 cases for domestic. It is reported that the buyer of the "Hanthorn" brand of fish has been offered $1.32 for his purchase, which offer wa3 declined. This indicates the condition of the market Canada has purchased about 25,000 cases British Columbia fish, and Aus tralia about 15.000 cases, paving $1.25 t o. b. The transactions for English ac count to dato aggregate about as follows, according to most careful estimates: Case3. Terms. 100,000 Columbia river salmon $1.2501.35 31,000 Fraser " i: 1.17Kl-25 15,000 River's Inlet " 1.17$$ 25,000 Alaska ' 1.151.17K - "Keaduiefor mv cause, and be patient that ye may read." SiiAKKsir..uu The Greatest Study of Mankind L Man The greatest itudy of mankind i man, And who er'e his wondrous fame doth scan, Ponder and devise to cure an ill, Whether by device, fruit or pill, An equal benefactor is he; and we haste, t The inventor of a cathartic of delicious taste, To do him honor. , Who rcmi'mbers not howxhe distressed mother. Her child's entreaties tries to smother. That she insist not the horrid dose he taken. The remembrance eei now doe.' nausea awaken, Vml fond father, f.i be witness Of his child's torture, would rather pay high price, Jf money could purchase Cathartic nice. We hae it now ! and groat On Phati's name, Appears upon the scroll of Esculajdan fame, For after long study what would suit, . Has hit upon ukliciot's Enure To cure our ill. Away at once with draught- and pills ; For whether it be indigestion, iiver com plaint or constipation. Or any disease to which flesh is heir, He here with pride does boldly declare, And on the assertion will wager bis. That it can be cured bv a HAMBURG FIG! At Druggists, 23 cts. a box. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors, S. F. Go to Thompson & Ross for fresh Apple Butter and Cider Jells', in jars or pails. Thompson & Boss have a number one article of 3rackereI,Holland ilerring.ete. What! Bo You Think Jeif of the lr. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than am other restaurant in town. 23 cents. Telephone I.oI;risi; Sluuse. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 30 and 23 cts., per week Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrance. WlM will you cougn when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cN riO .!s and 1. Sold bv W. E. De men: "Haekmetaok," a lasting and lia grant perfume. Pnco 23 and 50 cents. Sold bv W. E. Dement. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. Syrup of Figs. iManufactured only hv the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy mav be had of W. E. Dement Sc Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs, Colda and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Gauibriuus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, o cenis. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N.JS. Shuster. the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at hi& new gallery on the roadway. i'EB&OJTAL. Dr. Aug. C. Kinney has returned from Portland and the Sound. Dr. O. B. Estes yesterday received his commission from GovernorPen noyer a3 health officer of the port. Dr. W. D. Baker waa yesterday summoned by telegraph to the bed side of his father, who is very ill at McMinnville. ' C. T. Thomes was a passenger on yesterday's outgoing steamer. After a visit to San Francisco, it is his in tention to go on a tour of investiga tion through Alaska. Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,- as well as relieving the bur den of home manufacturers. Especial ly is this' the case with Green's August Flower and Boschee's Ger man Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-sis cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bot tles containing these remedies, there by giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of in creased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by tho sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size, The Decision of The Court. In the United States district court in the case of the Alcalde, Gunderson libellant, judgment was given s'ester day for plaintiff in the Bum of $28 and costs. Gunderson is a Washington territory pilot, and met the Alcalde outside the bar and offered to tow her in. The captain refused the offer and piloted his own vessel in. Gunder son sued to recover halt pilotage un der Washington territory laws. The court held that Washington territory had complete jurisdiction over the Columbia river and its entrance. Or egon's jurisdiction in the premises was also complete over tho same wa ters. The court held that the law of Washington territory provided that if a pilot offered his services and tho captain refused the same and piloted his own vessel in, that he could col leot the half pilotage. If an Oregon pilot offered his services under like circumstances, then tho Oregon law would govern the case. The defense set up a plea that the Washington territory pilots were not provided with a proper pilot boat, as the law directs. The court held that this did not cut a figure in the case, as the matter of providing a schooner was simply a question between the pilots and pilot commissioners of Washing ton territory. News, 2. Excitement iu Texas, Orcat excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corles', who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; evers'body said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. Kings's New Life Pills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovers', ho was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pouuds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at W. E. Dement & Co. A Xew And nlarsett Stock of Choice Brands of Clears. Imported Kes West and doineakic. All tastes can be satisfied and all poikets suited as to price. Tansill'sPunch and Junior's in full supply as usual at D. L. Beck & Sons. The perfection of the age in the med ical line is the liquid fruit remeds' Syrup of Figs, manufactured only by the California Fig Ss'rup Co,, Sau Fran cisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless yet prompt and thorough in its action. For sa'e by W. E. Dement & Co. Salt! Suit 1 1 At J. n. D. Gray's; 100 tons assorted Salt; Rock, Fish, nay and Stock Salt In quantities to suit ourchasers. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy ?rice 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement HERE'S A FOR YOU. Before going to market for my spring stock, I intend to turn all goods on hand into. Gold Coin. To accomplish this I have decided to Slaughter Goods, The like of which you have never heard in Astoria, If you need anything, NOW is tho time for you to secure ins. Hermaa Wise, The Clothlor andTIattor. (Occident Building.) J. O. Bozorth, Real Estate and Insurance' Agent AND BROKER. ' Buys and sells all kinds of real estate and represents Leading Fire Insurance compan ies vrttli an aggregate capital of 75,000,000. Policies written at "Equitable rates, PICNIC EMBROIDERIES Embroideries Embroideries Direct from New York importers OVER TO SELECT FROM. In new designs and patterns for the coming spriag and summer trade ' . . Owing to our numerous purchases and from Head quarters. These Goods Will be Sold Very Low, EMBROIDERIES, EMBROIDERIES, EMBROIDERIES. ft'- The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. ome Every time you come you "Ye are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of gbo$s we carry by every steamer. By last steamer Fresh Gala. Roil Butter, Gilt Edge, Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can : Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a &11 line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned Snd cased goods in large stock and great variety, for many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oat, - i'" and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, White Darling Po tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and . " provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California makes carried in stock. "Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley, Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Nails, all kincb. Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES. , ; ,A. full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps. Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table t and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine -i Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally, and many other articles too numerous to enumerate. All these way up in Quality, and way down in Pric. We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of the justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and aze prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale rates, and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition. Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oiL f are sold at. ji (ggpRemember your place to trade is at D. L. BECK & SONS. Again ! will be Better Pleased. r