The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 27, 1887, Image 3

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    ' TTf
SDyDVy... FEBRUARY 7. 157
In Oregon tho order of A. O. U. W.
has 2,192 members; in Washington
territory, 935; in British Colombia,
All the bridges on Trask liver, fif
teen in number, going into Tilamook,
have been carried away by the recent
There are to-day in the United
States about 175,000 members of the
K. of P. In Oregon there are twenty
Bix lodges, with a total membership
of 800.
Beaver Lodge No. 35. 1. O. O. F.,
and the order generally talk of cele
brating the 68th anniversary (April
26th) of the founding of the order in
this country.
Tho Tacoma News says the Quick
step is meeting with success in trawl
fishing for codfish in the straits. On
Tuesday over a ton of the fish were
sent to Portland.
I Last Night's Speoials to "The Astorian"
PoutxiASd, Feb. 20. Tho North
western Mining Stock eschauge was
incorporated to-day by F. E. Yuughn,
J. F.Flynn and Chas. Sliter. The
capital stock is $50,000, iu ten shares.
Inspectors Lotan and Ferguson go to
Astoria ou Monday. There will pos
sib! y be an investigation of the loss
of the Dawn.
Stock men from eastern Oregon re
port losses heavy, especially of lambs.
Stock will require feed for at least
three weeks longer.
Walia Walla, Feb. 26.-This
morning Joseph McElrath, aged 15
yaars, was loading a shotgun on the
Tumolin bridge, when the but slipped
off the edge of the bridge; one barrel
was discharged, the contents enter
ing his nose and blowing oft the top
of his head. Death was instantan
eous. Tho deceased was a Btepson
of Ehsha Engle.
Rome, Feb. 26. Cardinal .Tacobini
died at one o'clock this af terno on
Minneapolis, Feb. 26. Another
snow storm is reported throughout
the states. Koads are blockaded and
the storm is still raging.
Paterson, New Jersey, Feb. 26.
Five thousand operatives are out of
employment. The trouble started
with 1,S00 dyers, because tho employ
ers would not agree on n schedule of
wages. The first of the conditions
was no one should be employed but
Knights of Labor. Members of the
union employers said they would not
do this. It was a question of control
of their business, and if it had to be
settled it was best 'to settle it right
now. The number now idle, directly
and indirectly, is about 113.000. If
all tho business of the city continues
a week longer a thousand, more will
bo out. It is a great loss to tho city,
business being greatly affected.
Tho building and loan association
had another meeting last night at
which considerable interest was man
ifested. Tho number of shares taken
now aggregates 713.
The Pacific Journal says that there
are about forty applicants for tho po
sition at the Capo Hancock life sav
ing station made vacant by the resig
nation of Capt. Al. Harris.
The postmaster of Spokane Falls
is compelled to pay his clerks partly
out of his own pocket, which leaves
him only $29.83 per month for per
forming his duties. His official bond
is $16,000.
Tho oldest Masonic lodge in tho
state is Multnomah lodge No- 1, of
Oregon City, chartered by the Grand
lodge of Missouri, October, 18AG. Tho
charter was carried across the plains
on an ox team.
Yesterday was a very disagreeable
day, the rain falling in torrents and
tho wind sweeping gustily over the
southwestern hills. Toward evening
it grew quite warm and the snow
melted rapidly.
The Vancouver Independent says
the fruit growers are not a bit dis
couraged by the cool weather, and
they Jsay it will be the saving of the
crop, which at one time gave promise
of coming too early.
The Ilwaco trading company was
organized at Ilwaco last Wednesday,
by C. B. Allen, Alex McLean and W.
A. Carruthers. Tho object of the
company is to engage in trading, fish
ing, etc., along tho coast.
The State lodge of Lynu, Massa
chusetts, with 710 members, is the
largest Odd Fellows lodge in tho
world, and St Louis lodge of St
Louis, Missouri, with an invested
capital of $100,000, is the richest.
A recent postal ruling is that a
person receiving a letter from tho
postoffice by mistake, or finding one
in the street or elsewhere, can under
no pretense, designedly break the
geal without subjecting himself to a
sevoro penalty.
In the southern Oregon district the
expense of collecting each 1 was,
during the fiscal year ending June
30, 1886, $18.33. There were three
persons employed in tho district.
Total receipts during the year, $182;
expenses, $3,337.
Henry N. Copp, the land and pen
sion lawyer of Washington, has just
issued tho twelfth edition of his
Settlers? Quide. It is an indispensa
ble book for all who are, or expect to
be, interested in public land. It gives
full information about tho homestead,
pre-emption, timber culhire, desert
land and other laws.
A paper published in Murray,
Idaho, in the Coeur d' Alone moun
tains, says that the snow at the head
of Alder gulch, visible from the maiu
street of Murray, must be from 50 to
100 feet deep in drift places, as huge
trees are buried from sight to the very
tops. One man, who inspected as
closely as possible, says that on the
west side of the gulch the depth of
snow is even greater than 100 feet.
An Interesting Letter From Far-off India.
Jlolestin Chinese in Vancouver, R. C.
Victoria, Feb. 25. Thursday night
at 10 a mob of Vancouver men pro
ceeded to a camp of Chinese who
were clearing land. They burned the
cabins of the Chinese, threw their
goods into the fire, and roughly
handled tho celestials. The police
then interfered, and the crowd dis
persed at midnight Several Chinese
laundries were set on fire, but tho
flames were extinguished before se
rious loss oocurred. To-day tho Chi
nese left Vancouver and went to New
Westminster. It is not known what
will be dono, but it is supposed the
provincial government will send a
protest and enforce the law.
The INnal ''Thought It was a Peer."
Under dato of January 3rd, Mrs. Judge
Bonham writes from Caloatt, India, to a
young lady friondof hers resident in thif.
city. It has often been noticed that la
dios write more interesting letters than
gentlemen, probably because they havo
keener perceptions, and also because
thev will write of the very things a man
would sao "wasn't worth talking about,"
but yet are the things most interesting
to the one who is not there and can only
seo things through tho correspondent's
oye3. Omitting much of the preface, re
lating to private matters, Mrs. Bonham
Wade Malone and Cap Clark, of
Alsea valley, went hunting Tuesday.
They separated and came together
again. Malone saw a form moving
through the brush and thinking it
was a deer, fired. Of course it was
Clark who was in the bush. The bul
let struck him in tho right nipple,
coming out on the left side. Clark will
Biiclrfcn's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve i n the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers, Salt Klieuin,
Ffivp.r Soros. Tetter. CliaDped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
rriee 'Si cents per box. For sa le by W
E. Dement & Co.
A compcteiiL girl or woman to do
general housework. Apply at this office.
Shall 1 tell you something of our
Christmas and New Year in the tropics?
No merry tinkling bells waked the
echoes in our streets; no small boys on
the corners shouted "Merry Christmas,'
and beat drums and tooted horns until
you were deaf or wished you were. I
really longed for some of the American
small boys' noisy racket, (you know 1
always did love boys and always shall,
I am going to write a book on boys'
rights when 1 have time; men and
women have been for years discussing
their rights, someone must look out for
the bovs' rights,' " but pardon this long
digress'ion). Everything was decorous
and quiet as English people and cities
usuallv are : the streets and maidan were
filled with happy faced natives in gay
picturesque costumes constantly going
and coming hither and thither. All the
shipping showed a tine display of flags
ana it all made a pretty picture beneath
the golden shafts of blight sunbeams
The thermometer was 81 deg. in the
shade. I am an early riser even in this
lazy enervating climate, but I was
scarcely dressed on Christmas morning
until the derwan (man at the door) came
bringing mysterious looking little pack
ages and envelones, which, on inspec
tion, proved to he little tokens of kind
remembrance. Christmas cards, some
unique and pretty, little souvenirs of
this or that menu, bame were accom
panied by the donor's card, others by a
tender thought or kindly wish prettily
expressed in a "chit" (note), so the day
I had so wofully looked forward to as
being tilled, with sad memories and un
utterable longing for the irrevocable
past, was a day of pleasant unexpected
surnrisea. for we had not learned the
customs here, and you do not know how
any such little tokens ot regard toucn
the heart so far from home and friends.
All the churches held divine service;
thoiurh I am told the Scotch people do
not celebrate the day as generally as
other Europeans or Americans do. The
M. E. Church had a Christmas tree, the
dear old stars and stripes shone res
plendent beside the Union jack and
cwonf vninc finfr thr Phrifstmnt; r:irn!s.
Yet for all the good cheer, the splendid LP'
ttii-lrm- tirncnritrwl livn Rnnffli fripml. tllfi I J
friendlv greeting, kindly tokens of re
gard, it was not Christmas to me. Our
servants came bringing gifts of baskets
filled with all fruits the markets attorueu
wreathed about with bright golden
marigolds, and many natives had their
horses' bridles decorated with the same
The ensuing week was given up by
the majority to visiting, dinners, teas,
garden parties, theaters and the races.
The English are noted for their fond
ness for the turf and Calcutta is no ex
ception to the rule. A very pleasant
English lady who nas oeen very kiiiu
indeed to us and often comes to ask
some of us to drive with her, invited me
most cordially to drive out to the races
one day with her, tho day the Viceroy's
cup was to oe won. ine urive was ue
ligntfnl behind her horse, a -splendid
people'. My friends secured a-comforH
am seat lor me near a uana siano. mm
said "its rare fun to watrh thr people
and so it was. You saw all kinds. of
natives from the d gnified. handsome
Maharaja in richest of Oriental cos
tumes, inwrought with golden threads
and broiden'd w th precious gums, giv
ing to the whole something of an irides
cent appearance, Mohammvdans a" U
Parses also in rich raiment and then
childten attiied in the same, s-m
green, blue, or crimen overshot with
cold or silver threads hiite-c ihal
lcb. Aya'i'c in thei iVlve costun
aidt "eir licatolinlrEuroiipa
c. aig s, beaus "with a refractory "chota
sahib." military men, smart yoimg
swells, women, pretty, hid liferent look
ing, of all sizes, colors and ages; beau
tiful flowers, shrubs and trees, all made
a scene never to be forgotten.
I did not attend Lady D jfferin's draw
lug room as my physician said it was
rattier hazardous for me to risk my
health by so doing, the style of dress
desired was not conducive to the health
of any one affected with heart or lung
trouble and beside having the private
entree I would go in with other ladies
who have the private entree, make my
courtesy and take my 'place among the
rest near Lady Dufferin and stand there
until all having the public entree came
in "paid respects" and passed out into
other rooms, then after Lord aud Lady
Dufferin also passed out I would be at
liberty to retire, You know I am not
strong enough now to endure such a
tax on my strength. My husband on
his return from Lord Dufferin's levee
pronounced himself very much pleased
out very tired having to stand near
Lord Dufferin until all having the pub
lic entree passed in and out, a vast num
ber of people.
My time is so fully occupied I can
not tell where the days, hours and mom
ents fly to. I really wish you were here
to help me entertain callers. They say
"you" independent little American, we
always make longer calls here than any
place." 1 like my English cousins very
much aud also the Scotch since 1 have
become better acquainted with them,
thev are all so kind and social, and I
like the Iialian Consul's daughter, she
is a charming young lady and reminds
me of you; of course I like her papa.
It is most amusing to hear us try to
converse, he can only speak a few words
of English and you know 1 am not a
good French or Italian scholar, but his
daughter interprets for him. 1 find the
Gorman consul and Ills stately wife
very pleasant and interesting people.
The Persian consul called on me also,
bringing his handsome grandson loth
speak English very fluently.
I must close this long letter but will
first tell you about my being selected to
distribute the prizes to the pupils of the
Calcutta girls school, also the Calcutta
boys school. My husband presided. It is
the custom here to have prizes
lubliclj distributed at the close ot the
ear: it reminds me of the distribution
at the Academy of the Sacred Heart,
only here were some tallboys who re
ceived gold and silver medals as well as
the girls.
Ehe cat stood on the-freezing fence,
"Where he for fun had fled.
At midnight prompt did he commence
To paint the back vard red.
There domon-liko and black ho screamed
As bound to fool the storm
Of missiles which from windows streamed
Straight at his fur off form.
Bootj'ck3 rollod ou. Ho would not go
"Without Mariar's word;
Maria in tho kitchen low
His yowls no longer heard.
"Maria." Mr. Thomas cried,
'Marin, must von stay?"
And but tho booming boots roplied
That fast were thrown away.
Then came a gun-shot's thunder sound;
The cat oh, where was he?
Ask of his fragments strewed around
In that cat-astrophe.
With bootjacks, bricks, and many a swear
The sleepers did their part,
But the no blest thing that perished there
"Was that old cat so smart.
What Tine Merit "Will Do.
The unprecedented sale of Boschee's
German Syrup within a few years, has
astonished the world. "It is without
doubt the safest and best lcmedy ever
discovered for the speedy and effectual
cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest
Lung troubles. It acts on an entirely
different principle from the usual
prescriptions given by Physicians, as it
does not dry up a Cough and leave the
disease still in the system, but on the
contrary removes the cause of the
trouble, heals the parts affected and
leaves them in a purely healthy con
dition. A bottle kept m the house for
use when the diseases make their ap
pearance, will save doctor's bills and a
long spell of serious illness. trial
will convince you of these facts. It is
positively sold by all druggists and
general dealers in the land. Price, 7octs..
large bottles.
There is a good deal of amusement in
the following magical tablo of figures.
It will enable you to tell how old tho
young ladies are. Just hand this tablo
to a young lady and request her to tell
you in which column or columns her ago
is contained, and add together the figures
at tho top of the columns in which her
ago is found, and you have the great
secret. Thus, suppose her. ago to bo
seventeen, you will find that number in
the first ami fifth celumns: add tho first
figures of these two columns.
Here is the magic table:
"JJead me for mv cause, and be patient
that ye may read." SiiaivKspfaki".
The Greatest Study of 3Iniikinil is Man.
The greatest study of mankind is man,
And who ere his wondrous lame doth
I'onder and devise lo cure an ill,
Whether by device, fruit or pill.
An equal benefactor is he: and we
The inventor of a cathartic of delicious
taste, --
To do him honor.
C5o To Crow's Ciallerj
The leading Photographer. For the
finest photos in all tle latest style
of superior lmish.
Gen. Adna Anderson, vice-president
of the Northern Pacific railroad com
pany, will arrive in this city to-morrow
afternoon, and will have a con
ference with members of the chamber
of commerce and others, in the even
ing. To-morrow evening is the
regular meeting night for the cham
ber, but it is probablo the regular
business of the evening will be post
poned and tho time devoted to the
discussion of railroad matters with
Gen. Anderson.
Try Pabre's celebrated pan roast.
Lowest Casli I"rieo.
Coal Oil at $2Xi a case, at
D. L. Beck&oks.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
The militia bill providing for the
re-organization of the Oregon state
militia has become a law by fact of
Governor Pennoyer carrying it in his
pocket and neither signing nor ve
toing it. The new law, says the Tel
egram,ia creating no little stir among
the militia men of this city, especially
among tho officers, as tho bill em
powers a board to can a commis
sioned officer up for examination as
often as that body feels so disposed,
without previous notice. The whole
of the state militia will bo comprised
of one brigade only, consisting of
three full regiments. This virtually
kills the recently appointed major
general and two brigadier generals.
The brigade officers, as provided for
by the bill, will be one brigadier gen
eral, a qurtemaster general, an adju
tant general, a paymaster general, a
judge advocate general and a surgeon
general, the latter all with tho rank
of colonel
Situation Wanted.
By a competent j-oung man, a situa
tion as writer or assistant bookkeeper,
or other work. Apply at this office.
Wages no object.
Goto Jeffs Restaurant to-night and
take home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.)
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
nerfumerv. and toilet ai tides, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
uonirs urug store, opposite uciaeni
hotel, Astoria.
All exempt, resigned, or other past
firemen, now dropped from the roll of
their respective companies are request
ed to surrender their badges to the sec
retary of the board of delegates, and
save the fine imposed by city ordinance.
JT5v order B. S. Worsley,
Chief Engineer.
E. Z. Fr.nccsox, Secretary.
The best
oysters in any style at
A Ken- And .Enlarged Mock
Choice Brands of ClsarH.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TausiU'sPunch and
Junior's in full supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
All the different books used in the
public school you can get at the Crystal
Palace at reduced rates.
Gambrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Private Hoodie,
goer," the sunshine clear and. warm and
the air hue; sucna crowui never saw
equaled only on the Salem fair grounds
aud all so quiet and orderly, it is a re
markable fact how quiet every one is
kept at these races; when tho first race
came on people clapped their hands a
little at tho start. It was a hurdle race
aud one, a magnificent animal, struck
the hurdle as the others, five in all.
cleared it, he, his rider and hurdle all
came crashing to tnccartii. we wcr
verv near, just beside the fence thai in
closed the track, a splendid position
which the ladv secured by paying out .i
good ten rupees, so we saw the rider
distinctlv as he scrambled up and
grasped 'the bridle of the poor horse,
WHO nau ijroKcn ins ic;, aim. iiu i
taken away and mercifully shot. It
seemed a cruel thing to do but "neces
sity knows no law.' 1 was quite sur
prised to sec ladies in elegant costumes
leave the grand stand and walk about
among the horses and jockeys and se
lect the animal they thought would win,
and 1 am told they (some of them) bet
as gentlemen are supposed to do. After
the first race was over the way was
cleared bv policemen and soon a portion
of Lord linffcrin's out riders in crimson
and gold lace uniforms, splendidly
mounted and bearing long spears tipped
with red and gold pennants came gallop
ing bv to the grand stand, followed by a
"coach and four" with mounted postil
lions in red and gold. In the coach
were Lord and Ladv Puftoriii and some
of his excellency's staff. They were fol
lowed by the younger memuers or me
family, then another lot of out-riders;
the roval nartv took seats in the graud
stand amid great cheering. When the
race for the viceroy s cup was run nine
horses contested. It was a line sight to a
lovei of horseflesh to see those splendid
thoroughbreds lead off, but on the second
he'at one of the finest horses fell dead,
quite near us so we saw him fall and it
spoiled all our pleasure in the beauty of
the exciting scene. Natives in their gay
costumes of all hues and styles, thous
ands and thousands of them, ladies in
costumes suitable only for a drawing
room, beautiful lavender silks with real
lace over dresses. Lady Dufferin looked
charminc in gray and her daughter in a
delicate pink of some soft dainty look
ing material, we endeavored to leave
before the crowd dispersed, but such a
rush and scampering I never witnessed,
Vnf riiir "Fmrlicfi frtfnrlj Imilinnrl wlm is
as kind an (T pleasant as his wife, mount
ed beside the coachman so as to guide
us safely through the vast tliTong aud
such a gay little "spin as we had after
we cleared the throng. My husband was
with a young American friend.
"tSTew Years day dawned bright and
clear: in the great cathedral and in the
M. E. church and one other I heard ot,
many watching the "old year out and
the new in." New Years day is given
up by all the natives here as a general
holiday and time of rejoicing.' Some
English and Scotch gentlemen who
knew the American customs called on
us, also some Americans and at 4 P. M.
a party of friendscame for us to drive
oul iu iiiu .uuiuujciii uaiucits wiiuru a.
great fancy fair was being held for the
enefit of some charitable institution;
mere are many sucu iiciu 111 Calcutta on
New Years day and you are supposed to
patronize some ot them at least to the
extent of the entrance fee; it was really
a novel sight, 1 never saw such elegant
costumes worn by ladies on all occa
sions as are indulged in here and I
think I am at liberty to sayl consider
it very had taste; an English lady
neatly aud becomingly dressed in black
said, "tell me, do you American ladies
dress like that at fairs, races, etc.? I
fancy not, from having seen you and 1
think it's excruciating taste." One is
met and jostled about by all kinds of
Who remembers not how the distressed
mother, '
Her child's entreaties tries to smother.
That she insist not the horrid dose be
The remembrance eVn now does nausea
And fond father.
To be witness of his child turiure,
would rather pav high price.
It monev could purchase Cathartic
We- have it now laud great 1)k Puati's
Appears upon the j-croll of Esenlapian
For after long study what would s-uil.
Has hit upon DEi.inor- fhtit
To cure our ill.
Away at once with draughts and pills;
For whether it be indigestion, liver com
plaint or constipation.
Or any disease to which flesh is heir,
He here with pride does boldly declare,
And on the assertion will wager biir.
That it can be cured bv a II AMKUKG
xVt Druggists, L'j cts. a I.ok. J. .1. Mack
Si Co., proprietors, S. F.
Rnt the Number is Smaller Each Year
12 I 8 1G 32
3 3 8 9 17 33
f (I ( 10 IS 3t
7 7 7 11 19 3r
D 10 12 12 20 30
11 11 13 13 21 37
13 11 14 It 22 33
1.1 Is! 1.1 If. 23 39
17 18 30 24 24 40
19 19 21 2.! 2.1 41
21 22 22 2G 2G 42
23 23 23 27 27 43
2.1 2G 23 27 23 44
27 27 29 29 29 45
29 30 30 30 30 4G
31 31 31 31 31 47
:53 31 31" 40 48 48
3.1 35 '37 41 49 49
37 33 :W 42 50 :!0
39 39 39 13 51 51
31 42 44 t4 52 52
43 43 45 45 53 53
4.1 4G . 4G 4G 5t 54
47 47 47 17 5.1 55
49 50 52 5G 5G 5G
.11 51 .13 57 ' 57 57
53 51 .11 53 58 5S
55 .15 55 59 59 59
59 59 Gl Gt GL Gl
Gl ,. G2 G2 G2-. G2 G2
C G't G'J G3 G'J G-"
Direct from New York Importers,
In new designs and patterns for the coming spring
andsuiiniier trade
Owing to our numerous purchases and from Head
quarters, These Goods Will be Sold Very Low.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
TIjc Vcntict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Drujist. IVippus, Ind.,
lotifK.": "1 can . recommend Electric
Uitti'is a (lie very best remedy. Every
Imttl ;oId has given relief in every case.
One man look six bottles, and was cured
of Hlieuiuutibiii of 10 year.-." standing."
Abraham Hare, drusght, Bellville,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine I have ever handled in my 20 years'
experience, is Electric liitters." Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that "Electric Hitters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidnevs or Blood. Only a
hair dollar n bottle at W. 13. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
It is said that the Canadian Pacific
has seared tho salmon out of Frazer
river. Must be very rural salmon, in
deed. Onr fish go up the Sacramen
to, past all sorts of noises aud nets,
including the din of newspaper con
troversy in this city and the belching
sunset guns of Alcatraz. Ours are
city salmon, they are. S. F. Altu.
Excitement iu Tcaca.
Great excitement lias been caused in
the vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley.
who was so helpless ho could not turn
in bed, or raise his head: everybodv
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's Xew Life Pills; bv the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles or the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in llesh thirtv-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at V. E. Dement
A luxury and necessity for ricb and
poor who "wish to enjoy good health,
and who do not wish to resort to bitter
nauseous liver medicines and cathar
tics, is the concentrated liquid truit
remedy Svrup of Figs. r0c. and SI
bottles' for sale by V. E. Dement & Co.
United States Restaurant is tiie best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee ou every
b.itle of Shiioli'5 Vitalizer. It never
fails to care. .Sold bv W. E. Dement.
For lame Rack, Side or Uiiest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by V. E. Dement.
Nasal Injector tree with each
of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
30 cent. Sold by V. E. Dement.
Again !
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
brttvth si-cured by Shiloh's Catarrh Keui
edv. Priee fiO cents, Masai Tnjector free
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Sail! Salt!!
At J. II. D. Gray's; 100 tons assorted
Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in
quantities to suit, purchasers.
The Rev. Geo. II. Thavcr. of Rour
bon, Ind., says: f,Eoth nivself and wife
owe our lives to Silicon's Consumption
Cuuk." Sold by W. E. Dement.
For The Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientitic retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples at his new gallery on the road
way. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant.
Why will you cougti when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts CO cts and SI. Sold by W.E. De
ment Telephone lodRins House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Before going to market for my spring
I intend to turn all goods
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
on hand into.
To accomplish this I have decided to
Slaughter Goods,
The like of which you have never
heard in Astoria,
If you need anything, NOW is the
time for you to secure
$ Bargains.
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident Building,)
Every time you come you will be Better Pleased.
We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods
wo carry by every steamer. By last steamer
Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Gilt Edge,
Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can;
Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the
Dest brands oi leas; ougars at our lormer low rates; a
full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned
and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for
many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch
Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless
Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, "Wheat, Corn, Oat,
and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, "White Darling Po
N tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and
provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated
Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California
makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley, ,
Shor.ts.aod Bran. Cordagev all" "sizes. Nails, all kinds.
Twine, Floatsj and a f un ijne of CANNERY SUPPLIES.
A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To
bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of
Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps.
Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More
Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full
Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the
Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table
. and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine
Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally,
and many other articles too numerous to enumerate.
All these way up in Quality, and way down in Price.
We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of the
justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and are
prepared to sell to tho trade at Oil Co's wholesale rate?,
and every can guaranteed-as to quality and condition.
Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oila
are sold at.
gsffpRemernber your place to trade is at
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