flj S . ' : .. --., X l u VOL. XXVII, NO. 4K. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY M. 1887. PRICE 1VE CENTS. - - .... . ,. , . .,. ,..,.,.,, ... . . ... -, . . . BUSINESS CARDS. - E. I. A FORCE, DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. rlt. A. L.. JFUJLTOX. Physician and Surgeon. j Office on Cass stieet, throe doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. D TIIOEX. PHYSICIAN AXD SUROEOX. Residence, Upper Astoria, Nlllson House. "AY TUTTliE, 3r. I. . ." I SICIAN AND SURGEON O.- kick Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Kfsidenck On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. ""VK.O.B.ESTES. I'll YS1C1AN AND SURGEON. Okkick : Oem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. rvK. FJC VXK PAC5E, I'll YSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Oflice, Astoria, Oregon, 1 KLO F. PARKEB. ' SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AXD Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up JStairH. Robt, Collier, Deputj, rVK. AIiFKKl KIXXf.Y. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. E.c c. iroiiUE.v, N"otary Public, Ooininissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory. Auctioneer, Real Estato and Insurance Asent. Office, at Holden'.i Auction Rooms, Chpna- f. R. THOMSON, E. E. COOVFET. THOMSON fc COOVERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Okfick Rooms 1 and 5, oer Citv Hook Store. OKO. A. nOUKIS. 1K0. NOI.ANII OF.AKI & DOICIMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. iilcc lu Kinney's Block, opposite Citv -Hall, Astoria, Oregon. O W. FULTOX. G. C. FULTON FULXOK BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. rq. a. ijowtiiiy. attorney and Counnellor Jit Lair Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. D. WIXTON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pj tlilan Castle Build ing. r B. WATSON, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Ally. All business before the U. S. Land Oflice & specialty, ASTOniA, - - Okeoox. T T. ItAElIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREQOK CITr, - - - - OUEOOX. Having an experience f nine years as Piegister of the I.and Ottiw at Oregon City. Oregon, I am now ready to attend to Land Business for settlers and claimants before any District, or the General, Land Oflice on reasonable terms. Advice and information, if desired, given by mall. A, E. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 'l Pjthian Biuid-ing over C. H. Cooper's Store. THOS. MAIRS, FasMoiaWe Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHAKGES MODERATE Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. Bhop opposite C. H. Coopei's H. DaTAR trade ;(m ark. S - URE . ihtnlii y7r9ltecs0 Free from opiates, JStnetics and Jfoisott SURE. PROMPT AT UKroni5Tl ivn nntrns THE CHAKLES JHOUULK CO.. MUTiaOar. Mb. rite !g4,UK3AJllftH GER&lrSM SB Mk rrtT.-.Rpr"ifW"( 7sMt r y I r mil kjD- XUEC1UKLE3 A. V00ELKU COiJALTiaOUS, fflb. ares female Complaints. -A Great Eidne? lemeSji S& SOLD BY ALL DSUQGISTS. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ltinliiinrr linntc r.n tl.n rintrli .1. o.- I and hundreds of line boats of niv build make my guarantee! for good w ork Head QUartOIS at the nld Asfnrin Trrni tVreVi building. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia rner w here mv services may bo required. WM. HOWE. - -AGENCY- OFgSAN FRANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria, Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. It. II. Coleman, Accountant. liSOI Ship Chandlers, HEAV.Y AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL PEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAERBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -TITE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, PropY. A Lars? ?nd Well Selected Stoc k of Tine Diamonds Jewelry At ExtreiaHj Low i'ricei. Ail Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Cloch Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cas-v and Squeiroijua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Rnnrpsflnfltur flip T.nrvoet ml nfntf i?u ble hire Insurance Companies. All Business promptl yjand accurately tran acted. FJavelsWuarf, - Astoria Oregon. I 9 fMl&FS&fzZtk M ColeirtCo Diking at Westport. Last spring John "West finished the construction of a dyke on his place 1 miles long, 5 feet high, 11 feet at base, 4 feet at top, which reclaims 300 acres of fine land. The diking was finished last spring" except the flood-gates in the sloughs. The diking with out the gates, of which are five in as many different sloughs, sufficed to keep out the water, and to dry the ground sufficient to permit the cattle to go over all the enclosed land during the freshets of June last, while, therefore, at suoh time the stock were unable to go over any portion of the land. In or dinary tides the difference be tween highest and lowest is about six feet, so that it required a high tide, such as a Inch full noontide. to cause the water to overflow the land. The Columbia river at Westport is wide enoun-h so that the summers floods do not cause it to rise so high as further up stream, requiring less work in diking than it otherwise would do. The cost of the diking, not count ing the flood crates, was about 62.50 per rod, or $1,400, and the five floodgates 650, and in the aggregate ks,udu. Mr, West in tends to still further strengthen the dike by additions to the sides. While it no doubt is strong enough as it is, he wishes to make protection safe and doubly sure. The cost of the dik will "bo re turned in a year or to in the greatly increased profit to be de rived from the lands, for grasses and cultivation. JV W. 7'Vwv findJ)aryman. On January 26, 1S8G. eight Ital ians, under direction of Omuir. Porro, of Milan, left Naples on an expedition of discovery on the coast of Somali. On Saturday lastall that remains of those brave men was landed and received at the arsenal of this city. Three skulls, four jawbones with their teeth, and forty-seven bones con stitute that "all." London Times. It is suggested that to save washing, dishes shall be made of paper and burnt after each meal. Plates, cups and saucers of this material could be manufactured very cheaply, and the adoption of this idea would dispose of the most fatiguing part of household labor. "WHAT SENATOR 'ELSOX THINKS OF AIXCOCK'S POROU" PLASTERS. Senate Chamber, Albany, N. Y.,) April 4, 18S5. f On the 27th of February, 1883, I was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. I suffered such agony that I could hardly stand up. As soon as possible I applied two Allcock's Poaoua Plasters, one over each kidney, and laid down. In an hour, to my surprise and de light, the pain had vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters for a day or two as a precaution, and then removed them. I have been using Allcock's Pobous Plasters in my family for the last ten years, and have always found them the quick est and best external remedy for coldfi, strains and rheumatic affec tions. From my experience I be lieve they are the best plasters in the world. Henry O. Nelson. In certain Austrian coal mine3 work is suspended in dangerous places during a fall of the barom eter, exepriments still in progress having shown that the quality and intensity of explosive gases greatly increase as the degree of atmos" pnene pressure diminishes. Merchants, Read This. To those subject to the vexations of business life, dyspepsia and a feeling of debility, irregular and despondency, we say, take Simmons Liver Regular. The Regulator is free from any Injur ious mineral substance; not disagreea ble; can betaken at any time without interfering with business or pleasure. It is gentle, safe, and a good digestor. It is unequalled in the cure of piles, con stipation, bad breath, sick headache and bilious complaints. The cost of an ordinary glass of pure whisky, including the present tax, is said to be one and three tenths cents. Cirvwo The Children. Theyaro yv,y especially liahlo to sud den Colds, Coughs, Croup, "Whooping Cough, etc. Wo guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours or anxious "watchinff. Sold hy fa J. W. Conn. Sliilnli'c "Titall7or iq whofr i-n. r,r.,i for rnnsrinRtinri- l.nsdnf Annntitn m ziness and all symptoms oiDj-spepsia. xtico iv una to cents per come. JSolu by W. E. Dement A Probable Extra Session. Washington, Feb. 24. A num ber of senators are of the opinion that there will be a brief special session of the senate for considera tion of executive business after March 4tb, but as yet no action looking to that end has been taken by either the president or the senate. The condition of the appropria tion bills is as follews: The legis lative appropriation is pending in the house; the sundry civil appro priation is not reperted: the naval appropriation is in the nouse; tne lortmoation appro priation is not reperted: the army appropriation is a law; tne military appropriation passed the senate with amendments: the postoffice appropriation is in conference; the river and harbor appropriation is in the house with the senate amendments; the pen sion appropriation is in conference; the agricultural appropriation is in the senate; the diplomatic ap propriation is in the senate com mittee on appropriatiens: the dis trict of Columbia appropriation is tne nouse committee with the sen ate amendments;- the Indian ap propriation is in the house com mittee with the Fenate amend ments. The Albany Bulletin says: "The covering of snow protected the growing grain and grass from the freezing weather Farmers tell us that grain has grown nicely ever since the fall of snow. Otielcleit's Arnica SjsiIiv. The Bet fcAtvi: in tl world for Cuts ruises.jor.i5,Uic'r3,Salt Rheum, rir.cr Dores. icucr, unnpppci iiaiuis, Chilblains. Corns, and al! Skin Erni tion?,aud puMihoiy cures Piles, or no paj required, it is, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded rnce 25 cenfe. per b&. i?"or sale by W E. Dement & Co. The world now uses forty thou sand barrels of coal oil daily, and America has enough on hand to keep up the supply for three hun dred vears. TVevVAoc T,,afc avo fretful, JOVV3& poevislu CK)SSf 0 troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can he relioved at once by using Acker's Haby Poother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is &afc 3rice 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. No rains have fallen in Craw ford county, Kansas, for sixteen months, it is said, and water sells there for forty cents a barrel. , . . , , "y the com plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did vou ever trv AeknrV "Pnwi;Qh rem edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c. 50c. J. W. Conn. J. H. D. GMY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason- uc iciuo. ruui in ueuum sireet. Asiona. Oregon. ia Coucomlv t Foot of Jackson. Astoria. Or, Cienerul mi Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Wjrk A-SPECIAWV. Castings of all Descriptions Made -to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass President. J. G. Hustlkb, Secretary. L W. Cask Treasurer. John Fox...... i . .Superintendent. Annual School Meeting, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District No. 1, Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said district will be held at the school house of said district, to begin at the hour of 7 iSO r. ar., on the first Monday, being the 7th day of March, A. D., 1SS7. The meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director to serve for three years, and one clerk to serve for one year, anil lli tmnsnotlnn nf thp. hiKlnpqq muni at such meeting, " J, G. HUSTLER, uierK uistncr xso. l. Astoria, Feb. 2',1&7. Astor Iron Works No One He Remain A Dyspeptic. "I have been suffering for over two years with Dyspepsia. For the last year I could not take a drink of cold water nor eat any meat without vomiting it up. My life was a misery. Iliad had recommended Simmons Liver Eegulator, of which I am now taking the second bottle, and the fact is that words cannot express the relief I feel. My appetite is very good, and I digest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I used to be very restle33. I am flesh ing up fast; good strong food and Simmon3 Liver Regulator have done it all. I write this in hopes of bene fiting some one who has suttered as ldid, and would take oath 'to these state ments if desired." E. S. BaLLOTJ, Syracu se, 2 b. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Fhiladelpha, Pa. Price SI .00. Look Here Boys. II 50.1 want a neat fitting Suit of Clothos, go to O, 353. H.OSS, Merchant Tailor. il:. incr lint rofMvcwi nnnii nrrn, Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. T am nrPnnrPfl tn ratilmm Qi.ift- ni.nnnn thauthVcheapast: l "'" uuoll,w un o me a call and te convinced that I mean what I say. J. E ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton .frpets. eait of C. II. Cooper's. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAL GKAJNER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING. AND GLASS SHOW CARDS, l'LAI. A.D DECORATIVE Paper Hanging, frescoing. Etc. Shon on Cim KK. tiOTt tn fln.-ni.'o mn.,i. smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, Yirffinia Cigar anfl Toliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of OIney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&c O. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on Main. Throe doors south of Squemoqua Streer. House Painting, Graining, Fres co In e:, otc. E. C. HOLDEN. Auctioneer and Commissioc Asent Established 1874. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture ana ueaaing. "Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods In the country. "Will appraise and purchase Second- hand Furniture. f!nnTimni."iif!: Hnlioifful. Onlnlr Sri1ta nn.1 prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria acent for Dallv and Weekly Ora- gonian. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON Just Received. 1,500 Mis Mpjer and. Decorations Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 0 Leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers, In Elegant New Styles: Just the thing for Call and See Us. CHAS. HE1LBORN. jnrmtiiTiwiTi - AND Musical Instruments AT THE p'New York Novelty Store BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES. AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. aroiHcosr ttabckf. W. F. Armbruster Tractical & WATCH3IAKEU iJS Z "" 322:3m JDES W" EXjB EL. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Rea snnnhlfi KfitPQ Chenamus St., nevt to Spexarth's Gun store. Jl r j i H'fgraaaimaaigwmBa unr.ni Bargains -TN Baby Buggies W3l The New Model Eange CAN RE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF EL R. HAWES. Agent. Cft and Examine It; You Whl be Pleased. E. R. Haw es !, also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Strike It Rich -BCrYOCK- Groceries! Provisions -OF Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to sell at the very low est margin of profit while giving you goods mat are 01 urai ciass quauiy. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk, Colli! Transportation Cmmy. FOB, PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW TELEPHONE- Which has been specially built for the comfort of pawner will ieav Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 Kerurning leaves Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. tAn Additional trln trill h mndn nn ama-rr a P.ok -nrA. inn. -r-.i a at O O'cloclc Snsday MernlBsr. Passengera bj thLs route connect at Kalama iu. uvouu (wus. Taingwnrrainrwa - ii - nTnriii jxui t IS. ARNDT & FERCBE1N ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH .dititi SHOP AS It ti? RnJIo OI, fV? "6' vjjiuu & .strr ia All Kinds or ENGINE, CANN1EY, AND STSABIBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A-ipclaliymadtfOt repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, PIONEER- BAM, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business. .,Dr,JKts,Praw'n Available In any Part of the World. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS fs Cil riVlf nn.1 nmnirail tn l.nllrt hM,., that he will guarantee as to work and dur- abilltV. llPfprS tn "ill Wlin hova lioarl hnnf. nt his construction. AH work guaranteed. Every Body Knows THAT THE BXagee Furnace Co, Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The World ; THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE, STEAMER A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Portland every u. b.ehjvxi. rreiaen.. Asssmm XilciSSsuHl Isf. "iSKSS? s&asBSK .4z&u .AlbJ WMJJWMMlwjJiffg