The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 23, 1887, Image 3

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Tho British Army and North
Riding came hi yesterday.
There arc very few vessels iu the
river, but plenty on the way.
There wis an annular eolipae of the
aun yesterday, invisible to this part
of the universe:
The Pacific Postal Telegraph Co.
is now sending press report direct
from New York to Portland.
There was a little rain yesterday,
some snow, a slight fall of hail. "a
gleam of sunshine; no wind.
Ice fourteen inches thick was cut
on Hood river, 66 miles from Port
land, during the recent cold snap.
This is tho first day of Lent, a sea
son of fasting and prayer lasting for
ty days and generally observed
throughout tho Christian world.
Tho testimonial of the citizens of
Astoria to Messrs. Church and Har
mon amounted to 300, which sum II.
L. Boyle h3d tho pleasure of handing
to them yesterday afternoon.
Flags fluttered in the breeze yes
terdaj in honor of Washington's
birthday. The vessels were also
bright with bunting, the Corwin be
ing particularly profuse in tho dis
play. While practicing with the foils at
Y. M. C. A. gymnasium last evening,
Gas. Christiansen sustained an in
jury in his right eye, which was
promptly attended to with little dan
ger of permanent injury.
The city council met in regular
session yesterday evening, and it
being a legal holiday, it was decided
to postpone the transaction of any
business till this evening, when an
adjourned meeting will be held.
La3t Monday thirteen days' mail
from Oregon, from "the 3rd to the
16th, inclusive, arrived at San Fran
cisco, by special train, over the C. &
O. This is hy Astoria would like
to have tho ocean mail ronto renewed.
The East Oregoniaii says: The
severe winds of two weeks ago blew a
sea gull over the Cascade mountains
that landed at Hawn & Guyer's mill,
in Camas prairie, where it was killed
by dogs. This is the first instance
reported where a sea gull has been
found east of the mountains.
Willamette valley papers say the
prospects are that beef cattle will bo
high next spring. Montana territory
has for a long time been the pasture
for large herds, but latest reports in
dicate that this winter has been the
most disastrous known in the terri
tory and the loss of cattle unpar
alleled. There was a large and interesting
meeting of the Astoria building and
loan association at the city hall last
evening. The workings and practi
cal operation of the scheme were
fully explained to inquirers and a
number of shares aggregating 163
shares were taken in five share lots.
The books of the association will, at
present be at Foard & Stokes'.
At the regular meeting of tho Scan
dinavian Benevolent Society last
evening at Pythian Castle Hall, one
member was admitted and the names
of seven others proposed. The asso
ciation tendered a vote of thanks to
Judge C. H. Page, The Astorian and
the Pythian L. &B. association. The
association is now composed of seventy-five
members and i3 in a flour
ishing and prosperous condition. Its
object commends itself to popular
favorand it bids fair to have a career
of uninterrupted usefulness.
Yesterday evening, just before the
calling to order of the city council,
Chief of Police Twombly beckoned
to Councilman Cleveland, who wa3
seated, and upon approaching him
the two engaged in some conversa
tion inaudible to others present in
the room. After a minute or so tho
chief of police hit Councilman Cleve
land on tho temple with his club,
knocking him senseless, lie was
picked up and carried into the hall,
the blood streaming from his head,
and in a few moments ho camo to,
being present and answering to hie
name at roll call shortly after. The
affair occasioned considerable com
ment Oregon is being well advertised
.throughout the east, south and west,
as well as across the stormy Atlantic.
The desire to learn more about the
resources of this state is very wide
spread and is constantly augmenting.
Eecently, says tne Telegram, J. v.
Morse, the general passenger agent
of the Union Pacific, whose head
quarters is at Omaha, wrote to the
Btate board of immigration in regar d
to obtaining papers, pamphlets, etc.
He asked for 10,000 copies of the
pamphlet entitled "Oregon As It Is,"
for general distribution. Mr. Morse
said his office was constantly be
sieged by applications made in per
son or by letter for information re
specting the glorious commonweal th
of Webfoot. These applications came
from every direction. Everybody had
heard Oregon talked about so much
that they wished to learn some defi
nite information regarding climate,
production, etc.
A competent girl or woman to do
general housework. Apply at this office.
An A No. 1 Piano to rent inquire of
lowest Casli lriee.
Coal Oil at ?23 a case, at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
fr!t? Bail
What is-better than a glass of liquor?
.A cup of delicious coffee at Fahre's.
Private Kooms.
Portland, Or., Feb. 22. Mrs. Mc
Ginn, tho wife of District Attorney
McGinn, died at i. on to-d?w after a
long illness.
Washington's birlhd;t vrp,e a quiet
day in this oity; business warf partial
ly suspended, and many flags were
The grand encampment of tho G.
A. R, and the Woman's Relief Corps
convention met here to-day.
Berlin, Feb. 22. At this hour it
is known that the candidates elected
to the reichstag include seventeen
conservatives, five imperialists, forty
three national liberalists, fourteen
centralists, four new German liber
alists, six socialists, fourteen Poles
and Alsatians. In thirty -six election
districts new elections will be re
quired. So far one hundred and
three candidates have been definitely
elected, of whom sixty-sis are
septennists, and thirty-seven oppo
nents of the government. Bismarck's
foe, Herr Windthorst, the leader of
the center, is re-elected. The social
ist vote shows a gniu of half a mil
lion votes. Some reports say Bis
marck is defeated; others say not.
Ottawa, Feb. 22. A deep interest
is felt in to-morrow's elections. The
government hopes to be sustained by
a reduced majority. Sir John Mc
Donald, the premier, will lose heavily
in Ontario and Quebec where tho
war cry has been, "Bemember Beil's
Important to Ladies.
Bead what Jeannie Winston, Port
land's favorite prima donna, says of
Wisdom's Bebertine:
Portland, Dec. 22, 1RR0.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The
"Bobertine'' you so kindly sent me is
oxcollent. It is the finest prepara
tion I have over used, and is a de
cided acquisition to a lady's toilet.
Your.s truly,
Jeannie Winston.
The above is published in order to
settle all tloubts and disputes as to
the existence of such an endorse
ment, and as evidence of the high
esteem in which Wisdom's Bober
tine is held. This preparation has
been before the public but a Bhort
time, yet the sale has been extraor
dinary. Wisdom's Bobertine is for
sale by all the leading druggists.
H. M. Wetherbee, who was down
from Eagle Cliff yesterday, returns
home this morning.
Dr. J. A. Fulton is at present in
London. He had been for sometime
at Edinburgh and Manchester. From
London he will go to Berlin and
Terrible Pains.
banishes sickheadache, and will pre
vent the return of this most terrible
of pains, if taken when the warning
symptoms give notice or tne recur
rence of an attack. At druggists
$1.50. Descriptive treatise with each
bottle; or address J. J. Mack k Co.,
S; F.
He Has Never Forgotten Burehard.
They say that whenever Mr. Blaine
hears of a misfortune of any kind he
takes a long breath, looks sorry, and
then inquires absently, "Who -was the
Creatly Excited.
Xot a few of the citkens ot Astoria
have recently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts, that seeral
of their friends who had been pro
nounced lv their physicians as incur
able and "beyond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump
tion hae been completely cuied by
Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Con
sumption, the only remedy that does
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases, cougns, uoius, Asmnia ami uron
ehitis. Trial bottles free at W. E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, largo bottles Si
The Victoria Post says in addition
to the twelve eighty-ton guns, which
are now boing constructed at Wool
wich, aud which will be forwarded
to Victoria in April via tho C. P. B.
B., five ships of war are now en route
to Esquimau, namely, the Triumph,
Pelican, Wild Swan and two gun
boats, so that in a few months the
station will bo well prepared to resist
attack in the event of war.
Wonderful Cures,
V. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists o Rome. Ga., say:
we have been telling Dr. King's New
Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck
len's Arnica Salve for two years, nave
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ers taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always.
Sold by W. E. Dement & Co.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan mast.
For a new delicious breakfast cereal
go to Thompson & Koss'.
Shiloh's Cougn ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment Will yon sutler with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? bhiloh s vltalizer is
guaranteed lo cure you. Sold y W. E.
Dement & Co.
Sunday Reading, 25cts. Edition.
Tuesdavs with D. L. Woody, Tho Marri
age King, Sermons by Sa,m Small and
Sam Jones, The Battle for Brea4 hy
Talniage,at Griffin & Reed's.
The latest edition of Harpers Handy
Series. LovelFs andMunroe's libraries
at Griffin & Seed's.
Saving the" Cost of a Pilot Wrecks
W. H. Macy."
The American ship William H.
Macy had a narrow esoape from
being totally wrecked last evening on
the fockB off Fort point. About nine
o'clock, whilo passing in with her
courses set, she struck on a submerg
ed rock directly in the lima between
Fort point and Limb point. The tide
then was at tho lowest, witn only six
feet of water on the rocks, and the
vessel stuck fast. Immediately after
peeing her strike the lighthouse keep
er gave the alarm, asking that tugs
be dispatched from this city, and a
detachment of thirty soldiers from
the Presidio were sent to render any
assistance possible.
When they reached the parapet
the vessel was lying broadside to the
shore, with her bow well up and all
sails set. A stiff southwest gale was
blowing, the surf was running high,
and the ship was pounding heavily
on the rocks. For awhile it seemed
that she must bo beaten to pieces.
About half-past ten o'clock the Sea
J Aon reached the scene, followed soon
afterward bv the Monarch, Rescue
and Water' Witch. Aided by the
tide, they succeeded in getting her off
three hours later, and as she cleared
the reef she settled down deep in tho
water, and appeared as if she was
sinking. Whilo en route to the city
she narrowly escaped going on Al
catraz Island, but she was finally
beached in Mission bay, with fifteen
feet of water in the hold. She lies
at present between Mission rock and
Long wharf.
The Much is a wooden ship of 2,092
tons burden. She is owned by Carle
ton, Norwood & Co., of Camden,
Maine, and is worth about $100,000.
Tho cargo consists of 2,626 tons of
coal and 504 tons of steel rails, and is
not damaged to any considerable ex
tent. Captain Harkneas, who com
mands her, has employed T. P. H.
Whitelaw to pump her out so that
she can be discharged and repaired.
The cause of the accident is attrib
uted by the captain to a misinter
pretation of his orders by tho man at
the helm. The Macy was spoken off
Farallone Islands Saturday by the
pilot boat Lady Mine, but the cap
tain refused to have his ship taken in,
saying ho was perfectly familiar with
tho entrance and bar. It is thought
that if the accident had occurred at
high tide, nothing could have saved
the vessel from total destruction. S.
F. Post, li.
The Latest and Greatest Dlscorerj-.
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may be adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to tho public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they aro a specific. To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their action, and this
is the only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as canth . i
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 2o conts a bov.
J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11
Front street, San. Francisco, Cal.
United States Restaurant is I ho hast
and cheapest in Astoria.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at .J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-idcnt
hotel, Astoria.
Oroup, Whooping Cough and liron
ehitis. immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold-by W.E. Dement
For The Mot Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific ictouching
and fine polish go to X. S. Sinister, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples ar his new gallery on the rnad
a ay.
All exempt, resigned, or oilur past
firemen, now dropped from the roll of
their respectivo companies are request
ed to surrender Iheir badges to the sec
retary of the board of delegates, and
save the fine imposed by city ordinance.
J jy order Ji.b. worsi.ey,
.Chief Engmoer.
E. 'A. Fp.kguso.y, Secjetary.
Ten cents for a cup of
FabrcV nice
best oysters in any f 5e at
What! Bo YotiThlitfi
Jeff of the IT. S. gives you a meal
nothing and a lass of something to
drink'.' Not much: but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamei at
Jeffs restaurant.
The finest and nicest steak lo be
in town at Fahro's.
A New And .Enlarged ttnr.k
Choice Itrandfl uf Clear.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can he satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansiirsPunch and
Junior's in full supply as usual at
D. L.JJeck &Soks.
Harper's War Series, two large
volumes, containing a complete history
of the late war, profuselv illustrated at
Griffln & Feed's.
Humorous Iteadlnc",25rts. Edition.
Nancy Hartshorn aucj her doings. Blun
ders of a Bashful man, The Bad Boy
at home and abroad, Railroad Fun,
Chained Lightning at Griffin & Reed's.
Salt! Salt!!
AtJ.H. D. Gray's; 100 tons assorted
Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in
quantities to suit nurchasers.
Vote Showing the 1'opalar British
mate of Liring Rotables.
A prizo was recently offered by the
editor of the Cassell's Saturday Journal
for tho beat list of tho twelve greatest
living men. Tho result wa3 decided by
the votes of tho competitors; and, as tho
poll was exceptionally heavy, the follow
ing catalogue of tho distinguished names
that headed it may be of General interest.
It should bo stated that Mr. Gladstone's
name found u placo in about 90 per cent
of the voting papers. Tho figures below
show tho number of votes given to each
1. Rt. Hon. "W. E. Gladstone 32,544
2. Prince von Bismarck 32,245
.1. Baron Tennyson 23,U
4. F. deLessepa 19,776
5. General Viscount "Wolsely 17,952
C. Marquis of Salisbury 17,592
7. Count von Moltke 13,963
8. Eight Hon. John Bright 13,741
9. Lord Randolph Churchill 12,117
10. John Raskin 12,389
11. Henry Irving 10,G0
12. H.M.Stanloy 10,141
13. Louis Pasteur 10,116
14. T.H.Huxley 9,108
15. Rev. O. H. Spurgeon 8,232
16. The Emperor of Germany 7,800
17. T.A.Edison 6,648
18. Rev. H. W. Beecher 5,295
19. Grover Cleveland 5,280
20. H. R. H. tho Prince of Wales. . 4,981
21. Sir J. E. Millais 4,885
22. Charles Gaunod 4.680
23. C.S. Parnell 4,512
24. Right Hon. J. Chamberlain... 4,200
25. Tho Czar of Russia 4,153
2C. Sir Arthur Sullivan 3,912
27. His Holiness, the Pope 3,744
23. Marquis of Hartington 3,552
29. Sir Frederick Leighton 3,261
30. Jules Grevy 3,133
31. Sir Gen. Frederick Roberts.... 3,070
32. Cardinal Manning 2,821
33. Earl of Dufferin 2,656
34. JohnTyndall 2,592
35. Cardinal Newman 2,437
36. Baron Rothchild 2,255
37. Oliver Wendell Homes 1,837
38. Canon Farrar 1,704
39. Archbishop Benson 1,560
40. Robert Browning 1,183
No other distinguished man roceived a
thousand votes.
The Puget Sound Lumber Dealers' As
sociation have set the following scale of
prices per thousand feet:
Rough merchantable, ordinary sizes
in lengths to 40 feet inclusive 9 00
Do. do. do. do., in lengths 40 to 50
feet inclusive 10 00
Do. do. do. do., in lengths 50 to CO
feet inclusive 11 00
Do. do. do. do., in lengths 60 to 70
feet inclusivo 12 00
Do. do. do. do., in lengths 70 to 80
feet inclusive 14 00
Do. de. do. do., in lengths 80 to 90
feet inclusivo 17 00
Do. do. do. do., in lengths 99 to 100
feet inclusive...., 20 00
All sizes largeo than 12x12, as also
sizes wider than 10 inches, sub
ject to special rates additienal:
Rough merchantable, 1x3, 16 and 24
feet 10 00
Rough merchantable, 1x4, 16 and 24
feet 10 00
Rough clear, for flooring 16 00
Rough clear, for other than floor
ing 15 00
Dressed, tongued and grooved floor
ing 17 00
Deck plank, rough, average length
35 feet 19 00
Deck plank, dressed, same length. . 23 00
Ship plank and timber, selected
quality, rough, average length 40
feet 15 00
Ship plank and timber, selected
quelity, planed on ono side, av
erage length 40 feet 15 00
Ship plank and timber, selected
quality, planed on two sides, av-
crago length 40 feefc 17 CO
Ship plank and timbers, selected
qnalitv, planed on three sides,
average length 40 feet 21 00
jvwp pianK ana tunner, seiecteu
quality, plahed on four sides, av
erage length 40 feet 2S 00
Pickets, rough, board measure 9 00
Laths, 4 feet long, per M 2 00
Laths, 4? feet long, per H 2 25
Shingles, cedar, per M 3 75
All dimension less than 1 inch in thick
ness wih bo charged as 1 inch.
Tho size of rough lumber used is the
standard for measuring and invoicing
flooring and other dressed lumber; thus
1x6 is xfyi when finished.
When ordering flooring stato sizes i
inch thicker and 14 inch wider on the
face than required after planing, tongue
ing and Grooving, as the extra thickness
and width nre taken off in working; thus
flooring 1x6 inches will be x5 inches
when finished.
The price list of the California Lum
ber Exchange, for San Francisco, is as
Pine, rough, 15, No. 2, 12, rough No.
2 in lengths 12, rough in 41 to 50 feet
lengths $1G, rough 51 to CO feet lengths
S17, selected $20, clear -?25. Firewood
$i. Tongued and grooved flooring lxb
$27.50; do. do. 1x8 $27.50; do. do. 1KG,
lxt, 1x4, 1Mx3. 1x3, and narrower, $30;
do. do. No. 2. $22.50. Stepping, $35;
stepping No. 2, 827,50. Furing, 1x2, per
lineal foot, c.
What True .Merit Will Do.
The unprecedented sale of Bosehee's
German Syrup within a few years, has
astonished the world. It is without
doubt the safest and best remedy ever
discovered for the speedy and effectual
cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest
Lung troubles, it acts on an entirely
different principle from the usual
prescriptions given by Physicians, as it
does not dry up a Cough and leave the
disease still in the system, hut on the
contrary removes tho cause of the
trouble. heal the parts affected and
leaves tlieiu in a purely healthy con-,
dition. A bottle kept in the house for
use when the diseases make their ap
pearance, will save doctor's hills and a
long speli of serious illness. A trial
will convince you of these facts. It is
positively sold by all druggists and
general dealers in the land. Price, T.'cts.,
large bottles.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. cooked to order.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what j-ou need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
Bringing gladness to millions, pleas
ing their palates and cleanshig their
System, arousing their Livers, Kidneys,
Stomachs and Bowels to a healthy acti
vity. Such is the mission of the famous
California Jiqiud fruit remedy Syrup
of "Figs. 6O0, and 1 bottles for alo by
W. E. Dement & Co.
Latest Novels.
'She," "The Gentle River,' "The
Witches Head," "Regimental Lecends,"
"Yeast," "Married in Haste," "Loves
Conflict," "A Bright Wedding Mom,"
at Griffin & Reed's,
Ears and Scalp Covered with Ede
matous Scabs and Sores
Cured by Cuticura.
MY little son. aged eight years, has been
afflicted with E-zpia of tho scalp, and
at times a great portion of the body, ever
st'ieo he was two years old. It be:an in hts
ears, and extended to his scalp, which be
eame covered with scabs autl sores, and
from v, hlch a stic y fluid poured out, caus
ing intense Itching aud distress, and leavine
his hair marted and lifeless. Underneath
these scaus the skin was raw, like a piece of
beefctea. Gradually the hair came out and
wasdestroved.untilDuta small patch was
left at the back of the head. My friends
in Feabody know how my little boy has suf
fered. At night he would scratch his head
until his pillow was covered with blood. I
used to tie his hands behind him, and in
many ways tried to prevent his scratching ;
but it was no use. he would scratch. I took
him to the hospital and to the best physi
cians in Peabody without success. About
this time, some frleuds, who had been cured
by the Ccticcra Remedies, prevailed up
on me to try them. I began to use them on
the loth of January last. In seven months
evcrj-particle ot the disease was removed.
Not a spot of a scab remains on his scalp to
tell the story of his suffering. His hair has
returned, and is thick and strong, and his
scalp as sweet and clean as any child's in
the world, I cannot say enough to express
my gratitude for this w onderf ul euro by the
Cuticura Kfmedies. and wish all similar
ly afflicted to know that my statement is
true and without exaggeration.
JUct. 6, 1S$5, Peabody, Mass.
I have seen Mr. McKay's boy when badly
affected with the Eczema, lie was a pitifui
sight to look at. I know that he has tried
our bast physicians, and did all a father
could do for a suffering chjld, but availed
nothing. I know that the statements he
has made yon as regards the curing of his
boy by your Cuticura are true
in e ery particular.
wij.ltam j. McCarthy,
S3 Foster St Peabody, Mass.
1 do not know of any instance In which
the Cuticura Remedies have failed to pro
duce satisfactory results. I believe I have
soldmofeof them than of any other skin
remedies I have ever handled during the
thirty-three years of mv experience as a
druggist. A. D. TRYON, Batavia, N. Y.
Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, CO
cents ; Cuticura Soap, 25 cents ;Cuticura
Resolvent. l.oo. Prepared by Potter
Drug and Chemical Co,, Boston.
Send for "now to Cure Skin Diseases."
n I Rft PLES, Blackheads.Skin Blemishes, and
rllil Baby humors, use Cuncunx Soap.
A Word About Catarrh.
'It is the mucous membrane, that wonder
ful semi-fluid envelone surroundmirthc dell
cate tissues of the air and ford passages.
iiiac uaiarrn mattes us sirongnoiu. unce es
tablished, it eats into the erv vitals, and
renders life but a long-dr.iwn breath of mis
ery anu msease. auuing tne- sense oi hear
ing, trammelling the uouer of SDeech. de
stroying the faculty of smell, taintiuc the
breath, and killing the refined pleasures of
taste. Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold in the head, It assaults the mem
branous lining and envelopes the bones, eat
ing through the delicate coats and causing
luiiammauon, siougning anu ueaiii. koiu
ing short of total eradication will secure
health to the patient, and all alleviativcs are
simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to
a fatal' termination, Sanford's Radical
Cure, by Inhalation and by Internal ad
ministration, has never failed ; eveu when
tho disease has made frightful Inroads on
delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and
taste have been recovered, and the disease
thoroughly driven out."
Sanford's Radical Cure consists of
one bottle of the Radical Cure, one box
Catarrhal Solvent, and one Improved
Inhaler, neatly wrapped in one package,
with full directions ; price, Sl.Oo.
Potter Drug & ChemicalCo,, Boston.
Worn out with pain, but still com
pelled by stem necessity to stand
up to the work before us and bear
the pain. Relief in one llinute in a
Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster for the
aching sides and back, the weak
and painful muscles, the sore chest and
hacking cough, and every pain and ache of
daily toil. Elegant, new, original, speedy,
and infallible. At druggists, 25c : five for
S1.00 ; or postage free, of Potter Drug and
Chemical Co,, Boston.
Eefore going to market for my spring
stock, I intend to turn all goods
on hand into.
Gold Coin.
To accomplish this I havedeeided to
Slaughter Goods,
The like of which you -have never
heard in Astoria,
If vou need anything, XOW i the
time'for vou to secure
Herman Wise,
The Clotliler and Hatter.
(Occident LuildlnR.)
Does a General Banking Business.
Drafts Drawn
the World.
Available in any Fart of
Notice To The Public.
lect froju the present undertaker, par
tlos wishing graves dug at Clatsop cemetery
must accompany the order with five dol
lars to insure the graves being dug.
City Sexton.
Clatsop Cemetery,
For Sale.
X L. Parker, a good business in a central
location, A rare chance to step into a good
paying business. For particulars enquire on
the premises, Astoria, Oregon,
Direct from New York Importers,
In new designs and patterns for the coming spring
and summer trade
Owing to our numerous purchases and from Head
quarters, These Goods Will be Sold Very Low.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Every time you come you
We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods
vt ft carry by tvery steamer. By last steamer
Fresh Gala. Roll Butter, Gilt Edge,
Climax Coffee, 'with a China cup and saucer in each can;
Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the
best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a
full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned
and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for
many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch
Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless
Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oat,
and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, White Darling Po
tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and
provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated
Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California
makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley,
Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Nails, all kinds. "
Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES.
A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To
bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of
Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps.
Also, Shades, -Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More
Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full
Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the N
Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table
and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine
Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally,
and many other articles too numerous to enumerate."
All these way up in Quality, and way down in Price.
We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of the
justly celebrated GILT EDGE "COAL OIL, and ar.
prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale rates,
and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition.
Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils
are sold at.
23fRemember your place to trade is at
Again !
will be Setter Pleased.