The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 22, 1887, Image 3

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$ mtij gtstoran.
Spring weather.
This is a legal holiday.
A Partial List of Some of tho Most Import
ant Bills Passed by the Legislature.
Washington's birthdav.
Have you a ticket for tho band ball
To-morrow will b3 Ash Wednesday,
the first dav of Lent.
"Wm. Behfeld & Mas Skibba, of the
steamer Improvement, have dissolved
The Esmond hotel in Portland is
reported sold to A. Meier, of the firm
of Meier & Prank, and Mrs. Julia D.
Church, for 86,000.
Job printing, plain or in colors,
any size, style or quality from a visit
ing card to a mammoth poster at the
lowest prices at Tnr. Astoriax job
The Seattle Press says the little
steamer Quickstep, ot Port Townsend,
is catching largo numbers of dogfish
in nets, a thing hitherto reckoned as
J. Jacobson died at tho hospital
last Sunday, of typhoid fever. De
ceased was a native of Sweden, and
was 27 years old. The funeral took
place yesterday afternoon.
The Scandinavian Benevolent so
ciety will hold their regular meeting
this evening at 8 o'clock. All mem
bers are requested to attend as busi
ness of importance is to bo trans
acted. Thomas Mowat, fisheries inspector
for British Columbia, has deposited
500,000 salmon ova in tho Nannimo
and Cowichan rivers lately. Pour
million ova are at present in the
hatchery and will be deposited in dif
ferent streams in the province.
Astorians are buying largely of
eastern dealers, tho guarantee being
that the goods shall be on the cars in
transit by March 15th. This is in an
ticipation of abigadvance in freights
after the beautiful interstate com
merce railroad law goes into effect.
During January there was little
movement of salmon eastward. So
far this month there has been more
doing. Up to Saturday ten carloads
had been shipped eastward. The
stock is protty well cleaned out, but
little remaining on tho river. Some
of the '87 salmon is at our gates.
Mrs. Effie Atkinson, aged 3G, a na
tive of Virginia, who has taught
schools along the Columbia river, in
this state and Washington, was com
mitted to the Salem insane asylum
last Thursday. The unfortuLato
woman is a widow, and her insanity
is the result of the morphine habit
Wire Whisperings Prom tuG East.
St. Lock, February- 21. Tho res
ignation of Judge Treat, of the United
StatC3 district court of eastern Mis
souri, has been forwarded to Provi
dent Cleveland.
a bio rian.
HaverihiiI,, Mass., 21. The Eugg
block, in tho business center of thiB
place, was totally destroyed by fire
this morning; loss, one hundred
thousand dollars; insured.
SMAIjIiPOX traveling northward.
Los ANGEI.E3, Cal., Feb. 21. There
are about twelve cases of small pox
reported in this city, mostly in a light
form. The disease is supposed to
have been brought from northern
Mexico, where it i3 widespread epi
demic. Two deaths have occurred
and it is feared it will become epi
demic here.
Albina, Or., Feb. 21. There is a
boom in real estate here, owing t
the contemplated railroad improve
ments. Twenty-six lots were sold
to 2C different Portlandera last Saturday.
Boston, Mass., Feb. 21. This
morning tho police officers found sev
eral piles of bricks and stones on tho
top of a four-story tenement building,
placed there, it is believed, with the
intended purpose of throwing them
on the street cars below. The latter
i.rA iin Tcnt-nni f t run nffnr S200.000. Tho capital of domestic
, , ' companies is fixed at $50,000. Li-
aarK- cense fees of $50 and $100 to bo paid
Tnn German EDECTioNd. annually by tho firo and life insur-
Berlin, Feb. 21. Tho election of . ance companies, respectively,
members of tho German roiebstng s T uew counties were created;
, . , ,, ,.., 1 Malheur, carved out of the central
London, Feb. 21. There is great
suspense in trade circles over tho
elections in Germany to-day, and no
business is transacted.
Portland, Feb. 21. Inspector C.
C. Bemis, of San Francisco, will
shortly visit this city. He is expect
ed here about March 10th. Ono of
the o"bjects of his visit is to hear ar
guments in tho appealed case of tho
collision between the O. & O. ferry
boat and Brown & McCabe's steam
launch Mikado, la3t fall, in which
Holland was fatally injured.
Arrival of Church and Harmon.
A bill creating a railroad commis
sion. .Reapportioning legislative repre
sentation throughout the state.
Making provision for further and
final disposition of tho state swamp
" Providing for tho appointment of
three fish commissioners whoso duties
it shall bo to protect tho fishing in
terests of the state.
A compulsory education bill, which
provides that all children between
tho ages of 8 and 14 years shall be
sent to school for at least twelve
weeks in each year, eight of which
shall be consecutive.
A pilotage bill appropriating $1,500
annually for the insurance and main
tenance of the pilot schooner, placing
the appointment of the commission
ers in tho hands of the governor, and
setting tho rates of pilotage at $8 a
foot for the first 12 feet and S10 for
each additional foot.
An amendment to the charter ot
this city abolishing tho office of police
A bill enabling the O. R. & N. Co.
, to lease its Oregon property to the
U. P. B. II. Co.
A bill giving the O. B. & N. Co. a
franchise to build a bridge across
the Willamette at I street, Portland.
A bill makinc it unlawful to brand
-. I any salmon caught later than July 31,
in any year, as "spring" salmon
A bill setting tho time for terms of
the circuit court in this county on
the third Monday in February, June
and September.
Tho insurance bill, fixing the mini
mum capital of foreign incorpora
tions doincr business in the state at
and southern part of Baker county
They Sncceed in Getting a 8300,000
proprlatlon For the Month of
the Columbia River.
The following piece of good news
was received yesterday. Tho bill
now goes to tho -House for final ac
tion. It i3 to bo hoped that tho ap
propriation willjnot bo cut dewn:
Washington, D. C, Feb.21, 425 p.m.
Editor Astebian:
The river and harbor bill haB just
passed the senate with an increase of
Oregon appropriation recommended
by the senate committee. The in
crease over the house bill is three
hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
The amount appropriated for" the
mouth of the Columbia is three hun
dred thousand dollars.
J. N. Dolph.
Important to Ladies.
Bead what Jeannio Winston, Port
land's favorite prima donna, says of
Wisdom's Bebertine:
Portland, Dec. 22, 188G.
To Mr. WT. M. Wisdem: The
"Bobertine" you so kindly sent me is
excellent. It is the finest prepara
tion I have over used, and is a de
cided acquisition to a lady's toilet.
Yours truly,
Jeannie Winston.
The abovo is published in order to
settle all doubts and disputes as to
the existence of such an endorse
ment, and as evidence of tho high
esteem in which Wisdom's Bober
tine is held. This preparation has
been before the public but a short
time, yet the sale has been extraor
dinary. WTisdom's Bobertine is for
sale by all the leading druggists.
Burdette, the humorist of tho Bur
lington Hawkey e, gives tho follow
ing illustration of the long and short
haul business: "Anybody ought to
This association incorporated yes
terday with J. Q. A. Bowlby, F. K.
Stckes, F. W. Newell, J. R Gilstrap,
E. C. Holden, Jay Tuttlo, M. Foard,
J. P. Dickinson, Alex Sutton and C.
W. Fulton, as incorporators. The
duration of the company is unlimited.
Tho business is to raise a capital fund
in shares of two hundred dollars eaob,
payable by monthly installments,
such payments to accumulate interest
and profit until the par value shall be
attained, when tho amount shall be
paid to tho shareholders and the
stook revert to tho association; to
grant loans of money to members
upon the security of freehold or
leasehold properties, upon United
States bonds or upon the shares of
this corporation enly: to buy im
prove and sell real estate; to receive
money on deposit, at interest ""or oth
erwise, repayable at call or at fixed
periods. The principal place of busi
nesses at Astoria; the capital stock is
$400,000, divided into 2,000 shares,
the amount of each share being $200.
There will bo a business meeting 6f
the association nt the police court
rooms at eight o'clock this evening,
at which time and place, all who feel
interested in tho aims and projects of
the association are invited to attend.
Remnants! Remnants!
and Wallowa, cut from eastern Union know that it is the short haul that
nnnntv costs the most, lou see I am sitting
C. B. Watson is in receipt of a com
munication from the Walla Walla
board of trade regarding tho model
and plans of the invention recently
patented by Wm. A Grondahl, de
signed to overcome obstructions in
the Columbia. He will go up there
this week in pursuance of the matter.
According to the provisions of the
new law regarding the dates for hold
ing court in this judicial district, the
regular term of the circuit court for
Clatsop county would have begun
yesterday, but as a term had just been
completed under tho old law, Judge
Taylor hold tho next
term begining June 20th.
In the police court yesterday Hong
and Wah each learned by the forfeit
ure of $5 that baskets on poles must
be carried, if at all, on ihe street and
not on the sidewalk. Carl Carlson
was found guilty of vulgar and abu
sive language to a woman and fined
$100. Then ho was arraigned on a
charge of drawing a knife on an of
ficer, it appearing that when Officer
Linville went to arrest him he made
an effort to carve Linville, who there
upon caressed him with a club. For
the effort he was fined an additional
Sec. 155 of the charter says: "Tho
mayor and councilmen are not en
titled to and mnst not receive any
salary or compensation for their offi
cial services, nor shall they, or any
of them, be in any way interested in
any contract made with or on behalf
of the city during their term of of
fice." But if any ono of them finds
that his position interferes with his
securing or retaining any such con
tract, there is nothing to prevent his
resigning and thus having the same
business privilege as any other pri
vate citizen.
Last night's mail brought The As
tobian the New York Tribune and
New York Clipper almanacs for '87,
a- little late by reason of eastern mail
detention, but none the less welcome.
The Tribune almanac, as usual, is of
great value. Its chief merit to a
newspaper office is its accuracv, and
its political information makes it
worthy of a place in any newspaper
office in the Union. The Clipper al
manac is the "boss" for reference to
records in the sporting world and is
handy to settle" disputes and ques
tions that arise occasionally.
Messrs. Church and Harmon, of
the ill-fated Dawn, arrived last Sun
day on tho State, and were most cor
dially welcomed by many who had
given up all hopes of ever seeing
them again. Begarding their peril
ous adventures there is but little to
be told that has not already appeared.
Emphatic denial is made of the state
ment that there wero no anchors
aboard. Geo. Harmon says: "As
soon as we fouud that the pipes were
leaking we put out the large anchor,
but tho chain snapped. Then we put.
out the two little anchors, but with
tho gale that was blowing we might
as well have put out two atovelids."
They also deny the report that they
had plenty provisions aboard. All
they had, as stated in the San Fran
cisco dispatch, was a half loaf of
bread and a ham bone. "We were
clean out of grub," says Harmon,
"and expected to eat dinner in Asto
ria tho day we went over tho bar."
The two men suffered greatly from
hunger and anxiety and show the
effects in their bodies, which are
emacia'ed. On being picked up by
tho Empire on tho 12th, 110 miles
south ot the Columbia river, 38 miles
W. S. W., of Yaquina and 35 miles off
shore, they were given some crackers,
a codfish, a sack of potatoes, a half
barrel of pork, some tea, coffee and
sugar, but had little appetite for any
thing but the crackers. They went
aboard the Empire and when she
broke tho tow line and went adrift,
tho provisions went with her.
Harmon, who was in The Astorian
office yesterday morning, says that
when the Dawn was drifting that
morning, the Gen. Canby was below
them, coming up from the fort, and
that they were blowing signals of dis
tress, and that if the Canby had only
altered her course a little, she could
have come right up alongside of them
and taken the boat in tow.
A bill setting the legal rate of in
terest at six per cent.
A bill providing that no witness in
a Clatsop county justice court resid
ing less than two miles from tho
court shall get any witness fees.
A bill providing for a special elec
tion next November.
A bill requiring school clerks io
keep a list of names of school chil
dren in the district and turn it over
to tho successor in office.
A bill authorizing a general tax
levy of five mills for school purposes.
A bill makingono year's wilful de
sertion sufficient grounds for divorce.
A bill providing for tho punish
ment of pimps and vagrants and pro
viding that they be made work on
the streets with a ball and chain on
their legs.
A bill forbidding the presence of
minors in a saloon and providing for
fine and imprisonment and forfeiture
of license for allowing them therein.
A bill to prevent bulls running at
large in this and other counties.
A bill compelling dentists to have
A bill authorizing county cqurtsto
spend county money to a limit of
three mills on all taxable property for
county roads.
A bill requiring the stato school
superintendent to visit each county
annually, ana raising ins salary irom
$1,500 to 1,800,
Greatly Kxcitel.
Xotafewof the citizens of Astoiiu
have recently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts, that several
of 'their friends who had heen pro
nounced by their physicians as incur
able and "beyond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump
tion have heen completely cured by
Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Con
sumption, the only remedy that does
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and IJron
cbilis. Trial bottles free at W. K. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, largo bottles Si
in a railway parlor car down in
Maino, writing a postal card to a
friend in Oregon. JNow, if 1 can get
that card to the mail car, only seven
oar lengths ahead ot me, the govern
ment will carry it 3,000 miles for ono
cent. That is the long haul. But
it costs me a quarter to get the
porter to carry it to the postal
car. That's the short haul. Then
the porter loses it on his way or for
gets all about it. That's the shrink
age. And there yon havo tho whole
transportation problem in a nutshell."
Wonderful Cures,
W. D. noyt & Co., Wholesale .tnd
Retail Druggists of Kome. Ga., say:
we have been selling Dr. King's New
Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buclc
len's Arnica Salve for two years. Have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected bv these medicines in this citv.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them ahvavs.
Sold by W. E. Dement & Co.
Telephone X.o-fgiiig" IIounc.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
GO and :?." ets., per week 51-"0. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Free Trade.
The roduction of internal revenue
and the taking off revenue stamps
from Proprietary Medicines, no
doubt has largely benefited the con
sumers, as well as relieving the bur
den of home manufacturers. Especial
ly is this tho case with Green's
August Flower and Boscltce's Ger
man Syrup, a3 the reduction of
thirty-six cents per dozen, has been
added to increase the size of the bot
tles containing these remedies, there
by giving one-fifth more medicine in
the 75 cent size. Tho August Flower
for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
and the German Syrup for Cough
and Lung troubles, havo perhaps,
the largest sale of any medicines in
the world. The advantage of in
creased sizo of the bottles will be
greatly appreciated by the sick and
afflicted, in every town and village in
civilized countries. Sample bottles
for 10 cents remain the same size,
The United
000,000 men
States has over 7.
.Monday and following days of this week we will place on our center counters
AI.L OIi X.EXGTIIS OF OODS accumulated during tho season and.
DIARK TIIE3I DOWN regardless of cost in order to make a thorough clear-
ailable in case of ance, previous to our annual Inventory of iecl: which takes place Feb. 1st.
-Sirii.oif? CritK will immediate!
i neve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Ci
The Latest and Greatest DiscoTerj.
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to tho Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious i
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may bo adminis- i
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
doso will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to tho public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they are a specific. To trav
elers by sea and land thoy will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their action, and this
is the only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat tho figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 25 cants a box.
J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's. 9 and 11 1
Syrup oi Figs.
il.inufactured only hy the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Franeisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt ami effective remedy
known, to cleanse I he system; to acton,
the Liver. Kujncj's and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Hundachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Contipniion.
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Sluloh's Cougli aim Consumption
Cure i- no'd by us on guarantee. ,lt
cures consumption. Sold by W.E. Dement.
GoTo CroM's Gallery.
Tho leading i'hotographer. For the
finest photos in all the latest styles and
of superior lmish.
A n A No. 1 Piano to rent inquire
G-vni. Aiii.eiu
Major J. B. Brockenborough, gov
ernment land agent, has brought suit
at the Oregon City land office, says
the Democrat, against Dean Blanch
urd on the ground that the timber
land he took up on the Columbia
river was agricultural land. The wit
nesses on both sides number together
about two dozen. Last week they
besieged the land office several days
and this week the trial has another
fit. The testimony is taken down in
long hand by a young lady, which
will be voluminous when the wit
nesses are talked out The trial is
pleasant to the boarding houses there.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast
Terrible Pains.
banishes sickheadache, and will pre
vent the return ot this most terrible
of pains, if taken when tho warning
symptoms givo notice of tho recur
rence of an attack. At druggists
$1.50. Descriptive treatise with each
bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co.,
S; F.
For a new delicious breakfast coital
go to Thompson & Boss'.
Simcl ay Keatlug,23cts. Edition.
Tuesdays with D. L. Woody, The Marri
age King, Sermons by Sam Small and
Sam Jones, The Battle for Bread by
Talmage,at Griffin & Keed's.
Humorous Keadliiff,25cts. IMltfou.
Xancy Hartshorn and her doings. Blun
ders of -a Bashful man, The Bad Boy
at home and abroad, Railroad Fun,
Chained Lightning at Griffin & Reed's.
J.atcst Novels.
She," "The Gentle River," "The
Witches Headr "Regimental Legends,"'
"Yeast.' "Married in Haste." -'Loves
Conflict," "A Bright Wedding Morn,"
at tirinin As iteea s.
All the different books used in the
public school you can get at the Crystal
Palace at reduced rates.
U'lmi! Do YouThinli
.Jeff of the U. b. give- you a meal tor
nothing and a glass of something to
drink . Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 2.j cents.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
.JeflfV restaurant.
Goto Jeffs Restaurant to-night and
tnke home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.)
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perlumery, and toilet articles, etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite OcMdent
hrtel, Astoria.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Sole Agent iov Butterick's Patterns for this District
Front street, San Francisco, Cal.
e Again!
'roup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chiri- immediately relieved by Shilnh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Vuv The Most Beautiful
pioneer leading photographer. See new
tample,s ac his new gallerv on the road-
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town at Fabre's.
A Sow And Eularsed tork of
Choice Brands -f CJsarH.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansiirsPunch and
Junior's in full supply as usual at
suit: Suit : :
At J. II. 1). Gray's; 100 tons assorted
Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in
qii;miiuts iu miii uurenasers.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, ct'e. The best cooked to order.
Before going to market for my .spring
stock, I intend to turn all goods
on hand into. .
Gold Coin. .
To accomplish this I have decided to
Slaughter Goods,
The like of which you have never
heard in Astoria,
If you need anything, NOW is the
time for you to secure
$ Bargains.
German Wise,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident ltullding.)
Every time you come you will be Better Pleased.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh s Vitalizcr is
uuaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Ladies in delicate health and all w ho
suffer from habitual constipation will
find the pleasant liquid fruit remedy
Syrup of Figs more easily taken, and
more beneficial in effect than any other
remedy. It acts promptly yet gently on
the Rowels, Kidneys, Liver and
Stomach, and does not sicken or debili
tate. For sale by W. E, Dement & Co.
The latest edition of Harpers Handy
Series, Lovell's and runroc's Libraries
at Griffin & Reed's.
Bringing gladness to millions, pleas
ing their palates and cleansing their
System, arousing their Livers, Kidneys,
Stomachs and Bowels to a healthy acti
vity. Such is the mission of the famous
California liquiid fruit remedy Syrup
of Fi"s.. tOc. and Si bottles for sale, bv
W. E. Dement & Co.
All exempt, resigned, or other past
firemen, now dropped from the roll of
their respective companies are request
ed to surrender their badges to the sec
retary of the board of delegates, and
save me line imposed Dy cuy ordinance
Ry order B. S. Worsley,
Chief Engineer.
E. Z. Fekgusox, Secretary-
Does a General Banking Business.
Drafts Drawn .Available in any
tho World.
Part of
We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods
we carry by every steamer. By last steamer -,
Freeh Caia. Roll Butter, Gilt Edge,
Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can;
Green Coffee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the
best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a
full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned
and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for
many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch
Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfibh Bricks, Boneless
Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, "Wheat, Corn, Oat,
and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, White Darling Po
tatoes. and almost everything else in the grocery and
provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated .
Soaps and Starch, and many other Eastern and California A .
makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley,
Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Nails, all kinds. " .
Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES. -1
A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To- ?-
bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of .
Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps.
Also, Shades, Burnors, Chimneys aud Wicks. More " .
Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full
Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Set3 and Crockery in all the '4'
Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table
and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine
Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally,
and many other articles too numerous to enumerate.
Ten cents for a cup
of Fabre's nice
What is better than a glass of liquor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Private Rooms.
Harper's "iYar Series, two large
volumes, containing a complete history
of the late war, profusely illustrated at
Griffin & Reed's.
Go to Thompson & Ross' for fresh
vegetables received by the State of-
California to-aay.
Tho best oysters
in any style at
Gainbrlnus Beer
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
lowest Casli Price.
Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at
D. L. Beck & Sons,
Notice To The Public.
lect from the present undertaker, par
ties wishing graves dug at Clatsop cemetery
must accompany the order with five dol
lars to Insure tho graves being dug.
A. i. GHLBB,
City Sexton.
Clatsop Cemetery,
For Sale.
X L. Parker, a good business in a central
location, A rare chance to step into a good
paying business. For particulars enquire on
the premises, Astoria, Oregon,
Ail these way up in Quality, and way down in Price;
We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of i1 u
justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and art
prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale rate?,
and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition.
Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils
are sold at.
QRemember your place to trade is at
yggaflfiL' -.jiiTiiifritaf " ..-- &&l.
.,fcA. j.i&s