PO he SiiUu astoriait. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY.... .FEBRUARY 20. 1SS7 T-K TABLE FOB AJSTOKIA. FFBRUARV. HH.H WAfFK l.W tAIKK. t-tr-i e-o d. J KirM. Second. k. zh. X A. w. ."3 ft. m. A. n. .2 . 9 122a 82 1 12 UO 7 -27a 17 7 5Sd 10 2 10 Sfi 1 i 87 8 1C 13 8 30 11 2 49 8 C 2 47 8 1 9 02 1 0 9 1C 12 3 29 80 8 40 78 9 o3 1 0 9 57 18 4 11 8 1 39 C 0 10 49 1 0 10 48 14 -15a 2 5 50 5 9 1153 10 1141 15 5 53 SO 7 15 .TO -- -- 1 Or, 10 6 87 78 8 41 57 0 41 2 S 2 20 17 8 0f 7 8 9 82 G 1 1M 3 3 3 30 18 9 12 7 9 10 17 t5 0 3 12 3 5 4 29 19 10 11 SO 1131;) 7 0 4 22 3 3 5 18 20 1102 SI -- -- 5 19 3 0 GOO 21 0 13 75 1141a 81 G 07 27 G 30 22 0 49 7 7 12 4J"p 6 0 G 49 2 4 7 OS 23 1 21 7f12f-C 7 8 7 2o 22 7 33 24 150 SO 1 2S 7 0 S 01 2 0 8 00 -1 0 -0 5 0 1 07 1 5 o 10 08 03 0 5 -0 5 -0 1 -0 4 -0 3 00 04 The hours between midnight and noon are designated by.a (a. si.), those between noon :ind midnight by p (r. Jr.). oft. OOm.a denotes midnight, oA.0ut. v denotes noon. Tne height is reckoned from the level ol average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. FIlirSIKNTS TORKIGX. FEBRUARY, 2 To Qucenatoim per Arlca. Wheat, 25.-9S4 bus $.22,500 2-To Qucenstouii per Snow& Burgess. Wheat, 81.500 bus $35,900 -Jh-To Hong Konrj per Eiidora. Flour. 1S,CG1 bbls 03,517 9 To Quecnslmi'njKr Hatfield. Wheat, 74,722 bus ;;$r9,8oo 11 To Quccnstoicn per Hornby Castle. Wheat. 0.781 bus ,. .: ?C7,84l "19-To Qucenstown per Pattcrdalc. Wheat, CC.37S bus .. $30,000 Price of Boxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE the undersigned have established the lnce of salmon boxes as follows for the .season of '87 : , Salmon boxes, l lb. 1 1 cts. at mill. Deliv ered anv wnerc between Smith's Point and Tongue'Puint ui cts. To any other point on the river 15 ok. Salmon box Sliooks, 1 lb.. 12J4 cts. at null ; 12J cts. delivered be tween sfmith's Point and Tongue Point; 13 cts. delivered at other points on the river, Nominal 2 lb. boxes, 1 ct. less. Trays, io cents. CLATSOP MILL CO., ASTORIA BOX CO.. J. C. TKULLINGEB. Astoiia.Or.Fcb 10. Ib87. Last Call for Delinquent School Taxes Upper Astoria. Anderson, H. IL. Airth, David..- Enckson, B Graham, John E.. Hansen, Gof red Johnson, Robert Johnson, Lane " Johnson, A Johnson. Mrs. John Hume, Joseph McCartv, Frank Peterson, O. J Quinn, James .. Reed, F, C Rvan.M Whaley, L. M Wisener. Nich Young, Andrew WM. It. AD. Clerk Dist. S 30 141 , 750 . 288 S 10 1 20 ...... 90 ... 4 20 .... 1 35 45 . 9 90 4 GTt ... 15 . 4 50 21 .... CM AIR. , No. 9. House to Let. ON TnE FIRST OF MARCH. 1SS7, MRS, Munson's Lodging House for pnvate boarding or private dwelling. For paiticu larsappli either personally or by letter to MRS, J W.MUNSON. Fort Stevens, Oregon. Ac6nt fdaaler , only) wanted in every lowu. j;. v. Jnuslll lS Co., 0.i Stutr St., OIIKJAUU. 0. L. BECK & S0NSr Agents. Established IS70 I. W. CASE, PIONEER Bill, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business. Drafts Drawn Available" m any Part of the World. Every Body Knows THAT THE Magee Furnace Co. Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES -In The World ;- THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST- J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE IS money in the county treasury to pav outstanding county orders presented and endorsed by the county treasurer up to and including the 1st day of August, 1884. and those of fund "B," up to and including Oct. 18th, 1SS6. I. BERGMAN. Co. Treasurer. Astoria, Ogn., Jan'y 31it, 1887. THIS PAPER P is on file In Philadelphia at tho Newspaper Advr FtlsIneAffcncv of Messrs. mW vvt Ono my ... k T&M S. HARMON Of St Petersburg, Rusn. The Duplex Eye Illuminator. By this machine I am able to detect the slightest disease of the cv I have also an invention attached by which I am able to measure the focus of the eyes, then 1 make glasses to suit each eye accordingly. 1 have a large supply of genuine Pebble Lens for all eyes, in diifeient stages, which can be secured only by an Oculist. Also hate the Medicated Lens, which, in some cases, language cannot express the benefit the human race derive from them. For in stance, a large eye, and a large pupil, cannot use the pebble, as they give too much light. The Medicated having tint lens is much better. Boom ll, Occident Hotel. HOTELS AND KESTAURAXTS PARKER HOUSE. War. ALLTCV. Proper. First Class in Every Respect. Free Coach to ilic IIousi. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) C. W. KNOWLES -.-. Proprietor First Class in Every Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. ISO Booms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. Sale or Steam rropeller. IlElDQ.UARTr.RS DIVISION OF THE PACIFIC. OFFICE OFTHKCHIF.F QUARTKRMASTER, San Francisco, Cal., Deccmuer,23, 1886. Notice is hereby given that the steam pro peller "General McPherson," which has for .some years been in the employ of the Gov ernment in the San Francisco Harbor, will, together w ith the property on board, be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, on board the steamer at Washington-street wharf. San Francisco. Cal.. on Wednesday. the 2d day of March, 1887, at eleven o'clock, a. ai. The "General McPherson" was built for the United States iniSOT; her extreme length is 9S feet ; beam 21 feet ; depth of iioia ay2 ieei; woouen nun ; tonnage lOLia. Non-condensing engine ; cj Under 21 inches diameter. 21 inches stroke. Boiler cylin drical, ll)$ feet length, 9'i feet diameter. Speed about 10 miles per hour. The steamer is now lying at Angel Island Cove. San Fran cisco Harbor. Some blades of her propeller are broken. The Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Terms cash. For fin titer information apply to the under signed. ALEX. J. PERRY. Assistant Quartermaster General, U. S. A.. Chiel y r. Mr. Division of the Pacific, Hemlock Street Improvement. XOTmR is lieroliv oivnii flmr. flif Common Council propose to order the improvement of that portion of Hem lock street in the city of Astoria, in Llaisop county, uregon as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, from its intersection with Salmon street to the eastern limits of said street, to its es tablished grade, by replacing all miss- my, jutes wim iiuw uuca, miu removing all defective stringers and replacing them with new ones, and by planking said portion with new planking four inches in thickness to a width of thirty feet through the center thereof, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final pub lication of this nottco, viz: Monday, March 7th, 1887, the Common Council will order said improvement to he made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. .S.JnwETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February 10th, 1SS7. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the name of Morev &Co., wherein Wm.Morey, B. S. Kimball, Robert Carruthers and D. McTavIsh were partners, is this 4th day Feb., 18S7 dissolved by mutual consent, Wm. Morey and B. S. Kimball re tiring, said business continuing under the Ann name of Carruthers. McTavish & Co.. said firm of Carruthers. McTavIsh & Co.. assuming the responsibilities of said firm of Morey & Co. All bids due said Morey & Co. arc to be paid to Robt. Carruthers or to Geo. W. Lounsberry, who is authorized to receint all accounts. WM. MOREY. B. S. KIMBALL, ROBT. CARRUTHERS, D.IcTAVISH. Astoria, Feb. fth, 1887, Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HiBDWABS, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Oor- P0WDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of puritj , strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition -with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. SiihlQnliiincaiix. Rov.u. Baking Powder Co. IOG Wall-st., N. Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS UEAKOXABLK A rilM'i:. The North Pacilc Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. I'tzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Part of the City. rna COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables:- Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Run In a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS Coiner ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors ai Cigars! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for the Thingvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEiM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR Corner Saloon, Pliil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors g Cigars, 404 Clienainus Street, Astoria. Ogn. THE SAN FRANCISCO BEER DEPOT, CHAS. GRATKE. Prop. ASTORIA, ----- OREGON. The Finest Brands of Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS AND CICARS. The Best San Francisco Boer in Kegs or Bottles Alwavs" on Hand, AVholesale and Retail. THE SUNNTSIDE, Best of Liquors, and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. GRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modem Improvements, Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL Tlie Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. .FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Can be had of Ij. M. Kltaft'aer Ql Water St., and "Wherry & Co.'s market opposite Occident Hotel. I don't claim thev are fresh as some do who have but a few c'hick en3 and it takes them a month to get a shipment, but because I have the largest Chicken ranch this side of Portland, run by experienced hands, pick up the eggs every dayand bring them to town 3 times a week. And don't you forget Jt that every egg bought from the above parties Is guaranteed by them to be fresh. S.K. STANLEY. Men of Coarse Fibre Get Alone; Best. It seems a pity to say it, but obner vation sustains the statement thatl men of coarse fibre,obtusecess of feel-1 ing and cold-htfuded circumspection! in dealing with their fellows, get along better than men of chivalrous instincts, aencato sensibilities ant! that generous credulity which those practice who, never meditating wrong themselves, never suspect it in others. The gentleman in the best acceptance of that term, finds Jordan an embar rassing road to travel, and often sighs to be at the end of his journey. Ho is annoyed by impertinent inquis itiveness, saddened by meanness, and often robbed by rascals who have taken his measure as the hawk does of some gentler bird it selects for prey. The public men in the country who havo had a high code of ethics have been constantly misunderstood. The rough and ready class will not understand reserve, and the schemers and scamps laugh at honesty. Even in the very domestic circle too fine a sense of the proprie ties misses its mark, and society only recognizes surface manners. It does not care to go deeper. In fact, it dare not uo so. it is a meiancnoiy juiing that the man who educates his chil dren as nearly as possible to an ideal plane of thought and conduct, simply prepares them for sorrow and mis haps. Vhat a transition from the in genuous, confiding and noble-spirited young man og twenty-one and the sobered and hardened man of fifty, who has seen all illusions trampled in the mire. Still, for all thw, it is better to aim high, live purely and sincerely, and, even at tho cost of isolation, preserve your own soul from stigma and stain. Even the world does late justice over the graves of those who had the courage to speak and act the truth. - Pitts burg Chronicle. Tb.Q, Nfcasow EyBAu& Elixir is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Dis eases, purifies the wholo system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Kemembor, we guarantee it. ,T. W. Conn. Boston Corbett, the man who shot Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, is now an as sistant doorkeeper in the Kansas legislature. He lives in a dugout in Cloud county, and is very poor. Trxvv JV Trifle with any Throat x" v or Lung Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or "Whoop ing Cough, use Acker's English Eem edy and prevent further trouble. It is a positive cure, and Ave guarantee it. Price 10 and 50 cents. J. W. Conn. There is some talk of putting on a fast train between New York and southern California for the benefit of health seekers. The trip to California is expected to lie made in ninety hours, the fare to be about 250. K WrAW Always have t., Xy W. Acker's Baby Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morphine, but gives tho child natural ease from jmin. Price 25 cents. Sold by ,T. W. Conn. The wheat crop of south Aus tralia shows a surplus of 175,000 tons. y v rx "Would en joy your din- J o ner and are prevented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. "We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. T. W. Conn. Lucy Stone predicts lhat a woman will be president of the United States in the year 2,000- Cure For Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose lie has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At limes, symptoms of indigestion arp present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles j ield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Tile remedy, which acts direct v upon the parts cf tected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying tn e intense itch ing,anu etiecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn.. J. H. D. GKAT Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfago on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds ol woodmen, tes tify to Its supe riority. It goes Deep and Kcrcr Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, 91.50. duplex AXE I MTOnTQAOeaO.fML? J.C.TrulIinger TO ! R. mm mm ITcart disease is dovelaned hv msd. cm civiliratlon. and ii increa&ioar to en alarming extent. Let htm who Buspocts tho existence ot thU c&usa j?at oiico It will euro 5ou. S1.CQ. Descriptive treatise with each bottlo or nailed Xrco. l5 Stination. The nnK- timlUno r-M, y A &t tllQ Clmn ITma rurfMlv cif.i n4 pleasant to take fa Hambunr FijrJ. 23 cents. Ibeso Itamedlea aro tor salo by all Druggists. J. J. MACK & CO., Propr'a, Sax Fkahcuco, Cal. MARKETS. Washington Market. Unlit Street, istorla, Oregon. SSt'.SKSMAX A ro.IMlOPHIKTOHS .JESl-KCTFl I.l.Y CALL J HE ALTEN .IX tion of the public to the i tct that the ahoxe Market will always he i;,nllpd v.ith a Fl'I.L VMJIETY AND lSRST QrAl.ITY OK FRESrJ AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be oM at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EgSpecial attention ;lveu to supplying ahips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh unci Cured Meats, TT& geta'blos , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDFNT HOTEL, OIIKXA1IUS Street. Astoria, Og. Do You Want Frosh Fish, Fresli Eggs: Fat Chickens? And all klnd3 of Fish and Game in season. I am ready to supply you at John Roger's old stand. 31, T. HUairilltYS Central Market. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. &ooi Breaft, Cake and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. Seaside Bakery. BcstUIilk Bread and CAKES OF ALL -KINDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And ice Creams. Wholesale and detail Dealer in Candies. J3, II. JACKSON. West Ninth Street Assessment. XOTICE is hereby" given that the assessment made bv ordinance No. 970 of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the Sth day of February, 1887, and was approved on the 9th day ofj February 1887, for the improvement of West Ninth street inthe city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively from the north side of Water street to the south side of Wall street as provided by ordinance No. 9G7, which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 2oth day of January, 1887' and was approved on the 26th day of January, 1887, on each of the follow ing described lots fronting on said por tion of said street, is now payable at the office of the city treasurer in U. S. crold or silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publica tion or mis nonce, viz: rnuuy, xuaicu 11th, 1SS7, the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: C. W. Shively, N. of lot No. 1, block No. 11G, cost of planking 79.20, cost of side walk 18.50, total cose si-7.u. James Taylor, lot No, G, block No 118, cost of planking 311.00, cost of side walk 00.50, total cost 371 .50 dames l ayior, iog no, o, uiock xNo.ii, cost of planking 75.00, cost of side wallr &25.00. totalcost 100.00. J, A. Devlin, lot No. 1, block No. 130. cost of planking 3G2.00, cost of side walk 00.50. total cost 422.50. Clatsop Mill Company, lot No. 1, block No. 117, cost of planking $311.00, cost of side walk G0.20, total cost $371.50. Chas. Brown, south of lot No. 12, block No. 110, cost of planking 79.20, costof side walk 48.50, total cost127.50. I. W. Case, lot No. 7, block No. 115, cost of planking 123.30, cost of side walk 65.75, total cost 189.05. Laura Ferrell, lot No. G. block No, 115, cost of planking 123.30, cost of side walk 65.75, total cost 189.05. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jewett. Auditor and Police .fudge. Astoria. February 19th, 1S87, J. O. Bozorth, Real Estate and Insurance. Agent AND BROKER- Buys and sells all kinds of real estate and represents Leading Fire Insurance compan ies with an aggregate capital of 75,000,000. Policies written at Equitable rates, BgflFi HAMBURG FiOS, J it is often very difficult to tell tat .'Akiud of a laxative to give a very VifcV' VOUn? Child Vho i Stlffrino- from ivm. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & 3S And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R, & .. Co., car p'inE the i -. s. mulls, leavu the Company's Dock iwery llay, Sundavs excepteu, at C A. M. This is the only daily line, and thB only line running all the j ear round. 70 SAN FRANCISCO. .The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Doek overy live davs Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF ALL TEI.tDS. Inquire at Company' Dock or at Citv Of fice. F. E. SIIUTE. Ticket Auent. K. A. NOYES, Ageur. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California K.B. And Connection I'are to Snu Fran. ::; to Snrrantento :w Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California. Oregon X Idaho Statro Co. UurA- KXCFrr sikda?.) Kast Side IMMslon, ItKTtVKEX roilTLAXD AXD AS1IMM 3Inll Train. r.EAVK I ARRIVK Portland 3:00 AM (Ashland 1 CO A M Ashicna S:43 P M I Portland .. . .2:15 PM Albany Hprc Train. , LKAVil I AKKlVr Portland 4:00 PM Lebanon 9:J P M Lebanon 4:15 AMI Portland it' A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Fortland and Ashland. 'Hie O. & C. R. R. Ferry makes coi.iieetion with all regular trains on the FaM Side Div. from foot of F street Wests We DlTisIoii, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0UTAI.LIS. Mall Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland. ....ISO A M Corralli 1235 P M Corralli3....:.l:S0 P -M Portland 6:15 P M At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific for Yaquina Bay. Express Train LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 4:50 P M McMinnviIIe....8:U0 P M McMinnvill8..5:15 A M J Portland 9:10 A M Local tickets for sale and bacrtrace phppkprl at company's up-town office, cor. Pine, and Second streets. Tickets for principal points In California can onlv be procured at com pany's office. Corner F and Front Sts- Portland Or. Freight will not be receivea for shipment after live o'clock i m. on either the East or West Side Divisions. K. KOEI1 LER, K. T. EOGERS. Manager. (i. F. & Pass, a gt. Str. Favorite W, P. Dillox, Master, Will make Begulai Trips Daily on the egon side, stopping a all Way Landings LeaTin? Woods land's EreryJIornlnsat 6P31 Returning- Leave Astoria at 2 P. M. Sbarp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES Will leave for Gray's Harbor On the 1st and 15th of each month. For Freitjht or Passage apply to J. U. I. GRAY. Agent I. S. K. Co. Iliaco Steam Navigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco, Connecting bystage3 and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER sffi "GEN. CANBY," W. P. WlIITCOMB, Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevert3, Ft. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M With Oysterville Mails and Expiess daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round tripa, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about ts r m.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to llwaco, $1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 BfFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's v.harf, foot of Benton street. J. H. 1). GRAY, Agent. The Commodious t Str.'MOfflSAl Will make regular daily trips from WOOD'S LANDING to ASTORIA Stopping at.Way Landings, Leaving Wood's Landing at 6 a. m every morning except Sunday, returning leae Wilson & Fisher's Whan at 2 r. m. Will run twice a week to Svensen's 8;iand ing, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Once a week to Blind (Slough, Thursdays. Will commence Monday morning, Deciath, 18SG, For Freight or Passage apply on board or tO IJ.'U. WJ5UU11, Agent. Towing Vessels fogfo Str. GOV. NEWELL Will do all kinds of towine at short notice. Masters of English vessels will consult their own ana owners interest pyappiying to tne agents. BOZORTH & JOHNS, vertl3lnfjBnr6aa(lOSp contracts mar bo made oror It IN NEW YOBK. t255j2?v gt ARNDT & EERCHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop An kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, -AXD- STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended t, Aipeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES. FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. The reason lhat Thousands cannot get cured of SE2fIX.lL WEAKXESS, LOSS OF 2TAX JIOOD, andthereult of abuse, disease or excesses, isoicmgto a complication called PROSTATOR RffEA. OR. LtEDIG'S IXVIGORATOR is the OXLYctreforPROSTATORRItEA. Price, 2.00 per paclage, 6 packages, glO.00. Guide to Ih .ilih and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE RIG PISPEXSAR Yf or Diseases ofjfen, 100 Gearu St.. San francisco, Cal. ghHffiinjHSBELT j" uaiyirenect SSSSXAS2. irodJHatterj Chronic Dis eases of both SXXE3 Oared witioutMedl- (l)7MnEIec o trie Current' jTwlfhnrwrrn flnnr AOIDS. A1 cine.l'stab'd lElsctriohuapensorT ' 9, Kre with every Belt. 1875. 1 Kanaroroui Free PsmpliletNo.2. Addr. MAGNETIC ELASTICTROSSCO. S304 N.r SIXTH STREET, ST. lOtfajCa 704aAO,M7JrrOBT.,BAUifAJiUXemu,UAJJ ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send IO ots. for lOO-pago PampTilet. Proposals Tor Fresh Beef and JIntton . Ileadnuaiters Dent, of the Columbia, 1 S subject to the usual conditions, will be received atthis office and at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at thcfollowmg named posts, (for the fresh beef and mutton named at those posts only.) until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, March I7th,l887, at which time and places they wid be opened in the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivery of fresh beef and mutton uunng tne year commencing juiy 1st, 1387. Boise Bks., I. T Fort Canby, W. T., Fort Cceur d'Alene, 1. T., Fort Klamath, Ogn., Fort Spokane, W. T., Fort Townsend, W. T., Vancouver Bks., W.T Fort Walla Walla, W. T. The government reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bidders will understand that contracts made under this advertisement , and propo sals made in response thereto, shall Jiot be construed to involve the United States in any obligation for payment in excess of the appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. Blank proposals and printed circulars, stating the kind of beef and mutton re quired, and giving full instructions as to the manner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders, and terms of contract and pay ment, will be furnished on application to thi3 office, or to the A. C. S. at the several posts. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, "Proposals for Fresh Beef, (or Mut- on,)at ."and addressed to the undersigned or to the "Acting Commissary of Subsistence" at the several posts. C, A. WOODRUFF. Captain & C. S.,- U. S, A., Chief C.S.D.C. Cedar Street Grade. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council propose to establish the grade of. that portion of Cedar street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shively from its inter section with West Sixth street to its intersection with Salmon street as fol lows, to wit: At its intersection with West Fifth street at a height of lf feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West Fourth street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West Third street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West Second street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with West First street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At its intersection with Salmon street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the proper ty fronting on said portion of Said street be tiled with tho Auditor and Folicc Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, March 15th, 1887, the Common Council will establish said grade. Br order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.Jbwett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February 18th, 1887. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between .1. 0. Bozorth and A, F. Johns of Astoria, Oregon, under the Ann name of Bozorth & Johns, is tliis day dissolved by mutual con -sent, Mr. Johns retiring. All debts due to the old firm, and all out standing firm accounts are to be paid at the office. Astoria, Oregon, February 1st, 18S7. . J. O. BOZORTH. A. F. JOHNS. Having this day succeeded to the business of Bozorth & Johns I respectfully ask a con tinuance of the generous patronage hereto fore extended to the old firm by friends and the public generally and beg to thank them for past favors, Very respectfully, ., J, O. BOZORTH. Referring to the above, I thank the public for their kindness in the past and most cor dially commend mysuccessor, Mr. J. O, Bo zorth. and bespeak for him the same gener ous patronage accorded to the late Arm, A. F.JOHNS, 'Bj& MANHOOD 'pr RESTORED i tw ii"i mm 'i K W AVER SONi our authorized agents.