I5 Jlatltj gn5torftt. V3T0RIA. OREGON: 'IMY .lrEUi:L"ARtr. si 8u: The State h due from San FranciF oo this morning; the Columbia aaile. The British ahip Pattcrdale cleared for Qneenstown yesterdav. She car ries 66 378 bus. wheat, worth 855,600. J. H. Mansell, Astoria agent for the Hammond type writer, is prepared to attend to copying, bookkeeping, legal work, etc. "Popular amusement especially the 'theater,' 'dancing' and 'games of chance' " at the Methodist church to night at seven o'clock. Seats free, and all are cordially invited. " The sale of seized opium, etc., at E. C. Holden's auction rooms j'ester day morning, attracted a motley crowd. The seductive Oriental drug brought 12.75 a pound. Messrs. Eeed, Campbell, and Thompson are the board of fish com missioners. The president of tho board gets 2,000 a year; the other two 5 a day for fifty- days in the year. No more "state senator from Clat sop, Columbia and Tillamook," no more "member of the assembly repre senting Clatsop and Tillamook" in onrs. Clatsop will have three Clat sop county residents in the next leg islature. Frank Baccrich thinks he is the boss knitter. So does Peter Brown. Next Wednesday at two o'clock at Imigi Serra's the two will have a two hours' knitting match for 50 a side. Each man must fill his own needles, and the fastest knitter captmes the coin. In leas than two hours' time yester day afternoon R. L. Boyle raised over 100 towards a testimonial of friendly feeling to Al. Church and Geo. Harmon, who are on the incom ing steamer. There is no intention of taking up a collection nor charity, nor anything in that spirit, but any one who feels like showing his recog nition and appreciation of the peril and hardships, the loss and hazard ous experience of these two young men will be given an opportunity to morrow and next day. House bill No. 210, '"the pilot bill," which passed the house unanimously on the 5th inst, passed the senate about the last thing Triday night. The full text of tho bill was pub lished in The Astobiax of the 6th inst. One feature of tho bill is the empowering of the governor to ap point the board of commissioners. This will rather interfere with the action of the legislature in joint con vention last Thursday, when it elect ed Messrs. Brown, Wilson and Lein enweber. If the pilot bill is approved by the governor, as it probably will be, and thus becomes a law, his ex cellency will have the appointing of the board. Terrible rains. DE. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY banishes sickheadache, and will pre vent the return of this most terrible of pains, if taken when the warning symptoms give notice of the recur rence of an attack. At druggists 1.50. Descriptive treatise with each bettle: or address .T. .T. Mack & Co., S; F. i'F.RSOX VI.. jjr. Aug. u. lunney iert up river yesterday morning, to be gone a week. Prof. A. L. Francis is in the city. He is stopping at the Parker house and will remain two or three days. Mrs. C. E. TIewett, of Nebraska, Miss Clara Hewett and Al. W. Hewett are outgoing passengers on the Co lumbia. ZflostExcellenl. J, J. Atkins, Chief of Police. Knov ville, Tenn , writes: 'My family and J are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; ha ing found it to be all that you claim for It, desire to testifv to its virtue. .My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at even opportunity." Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption i- guaranteed to cure Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup and -every affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Trial Bottles Free at W. E. Dement $r Co.'s Drug Stoic Large Si?e 1 .00. Tho latest edition of Harpers Handy Series. Lovcll's and Munroe's Libraries at Griffin & Keed s. Harper's War Series, two large volumes, containing a complete history of the late war, profusely illustrated at Griffin & Reed's. Go to Thompson & Ross" for fresh vegetables received by the State of California to-day. For a new delicious breakfast cereal go to Thompson & Ross'. Sunday "Reailiug, 35cts. Edition. Tuesdays with D. L. Woody, Tho Marri age Ring, Sermons by Sain Small and V"u. Sam Jones, me isame ior jsrpaa oy Talmage,at Griffin & Reed's. Humorous Keadius.5cts.ltUtion. Nancy nartshorn and her doings. Blun ders of a Bashful man, The Bad Boy at home and abroad, Railroad Fun, Chained Lightning at Griffin & 1'eed's. Latest Novels. She," "The Gentle River' '-The Witches Head," "Regimental Legends,' Yeast,"' "Married m Haste," "Loves Conflict,"' "A Bright Wedding Morn," at Griffin & Reed's. Genuine clearance sale of Millinery Goods at less than cost, Astrachan Velvets. Ribbons, etc all marked down at Mrs. M. Woodfield's. All the different books used in the public school 3ou can get at the Crystal Palace at reduced rales. Try Fabre's celebrated -pan roast Gotojeffsforoysters, Private Rooms, LATEST TELEGRAPHIC ffEWS. Raihoads Ready to Retaliate. Kentucky Lhrnriclea Nev Prom Atlantic Slope anil Earoj". the New 1'oee, Feb. 19. The trunk line executive committee and central t allic a'sociation at Commissioner Fink's office have adopted the fol. lo.ving resolutiens: Whereas, Tho executive committee of tho trunk line commission and central traffic association and other members of the joint committee con vened in joint meeting for considera tion of the bearings of the law regulating inter-state freight and passenger traffic upon classification, tariffs, methods, etc., the joint com mittee hereby adopt the following resolutiens: Resolved, That freight and classi fication of passenger fares on rail ways comprising the joint committee be at once examined and revised in all respects when found not to con form to the law: Resolved j That the freight rates committee, the freight classification committee and the passenger com mittee be appointed by the chairman to conduct said revisions, and that each of the committees consider such formulated recommendations to such amendments to rules and regulations as may be found required to concur in uniform application of the law to thosubjects referred to them, respect ively; Rcsolccd, That said committees re port their recommendations as speed ily and fully as practicable to the joint committee, which shall then be promptly convened to consider and act upon same. It is stated also that before the question passed it was considered that it had decided to recall them. It will make no discrimination except in the ease of ministers and mission aries. The system of pooling was also incidentally to ached upon, bat nothing definito was done in the matter. The committee will meet again to-morrow. The folio .ving roads were represented by one or more general officers of each: Penn sylvania, Richmond & Danville; Lake Shoro & Michigan Southern; Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati; Indianapolis & Grand Trunk; New York & Now England; Nickel Plate; Michigan Central; Chicago & Northwestern; Erie; New York Central; West Shore; Boston & Albany; Baltimore & Ohio; and a number of others. Commissioner Blanchard of the central traffic asso ciation and Commissioner Abbott, of the southwestern passenger associa tion, was also present, making alto gether unusually large representa tion of tho railroad interests of the country. Several roads had from two to four executive officers pres ent. SUroilSE ttEbARDIXU A CAVE. Louisvii:LE,Feb. 19. The Courier JournoTs special from Sharpe, Mar shall couuty, in the southwestern part of the state, relates the discovery of a cave by two young men, while pre paring a .piece of new land for a crop. partial exploration has developed the the fact that the cave is made up of many rooms to a great extent. A complete exploration will be impos sible until certain large rocks are blasted or broken away. In one of the chambers were fonnd two hu man skeletons, and about six hun dred dollars in gold and silver coin and a quantity of silverware. This newly fouud cave is believed to havo been a hiding place, during tho late war, of a baud of guerrillas known as "Bloody Bill Grady's gang." These maurauilers were attacke'd near Ben ton, Marshall county, in 1864, and all but two were killed. These two es- two escaped, and going, as it i3 thought, to the cave, quarrelled over the division of the spoils of the gang and following tho murderous bent of their inclinations, shot and killed each other. Steps will be taken fpr farther investigation of tho cave and its former occupants. It haB also been hinted that tho cav ern was most likely the head quarters many years ago of the notorious John A. Merrill, who robbed and mnrdered people of this portion of Kentucky and the neigh boring state of Tennessee. IXDIAKA TKISOX INVESTI NATION. LouisviLTiE, Ky., Feb. 19. For sev eral -days a committee from the Indiana legislature has been investigating the affairs of the southern Indiana state prison at Jeffersonville and tho observations of the investigations given to the press have been anything but flatter ing to the management. The cells are badly kept and the finances,loose- ly managed. To-day Captain Andrew Jackson Howard tendered his resig nation which was accepted by the board of directors. It was developed later that Howard's accounts were largely in arrears. Assistant state auditor John W. Coonse, who is an ex pert accountant, has been investigat- ing the booka of the prison in con nection with tho legislative committee of tho state. Howard's defloiency will probably amount to botwesn fifty thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars. It is aaid also that the committeo will report that groat inhumanity has been p'raoticed upon prisoners under Howard. A SEKATOKIAIi DEADLOCK. Teextox, N. J., Feb. 19. A ballot for U. S. senator was taken yesterday with the following result: Sewell. 25 AViVntf !?" "P.prlln -f! siviffprinrr. 60 8. The only change from the previ- ons ballots was that speaker Baird dropped Judge Morrow and voted forBedle. Tho joint assembly then arose. The ballot showed no tenden cy towards a choice and both sides beginning to realize that they are in for a long seige, Governor Abbett de clared himself ready to withdraw whenever it appears that any other man can command forty-one Demo cratic votes, but does not desire to sacrifice his chances to a mere experi ment. Senator Sewell said ho was similarly disposed on the Repnblican side. A muoii xeeded isipkovement. Milwaukee, Feb. 19. The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has equipped two passenger trains be tween Chicago and Milwaukee, with an apparatus for heating by steam from the locomotives. The experi ment so far has proved successful, it has not yet stood the test of severe weather. The company is also build ing an iron heating car to varry a boiler for generating steam for heat ing the train and will rnn it next to the engine. extailixq considerable loss. New York, Feb. 19. A seveie rain storm prevailed bore yesterday, in creasing in severity towards night. At six o'clock last evening it was ac companied by lightning. One of the bolts struck a large, four-story build ing on the American cotton docks of Tompkinsvilie, Staten Island, setting fire to a number of cotton bales on the top floor. The burning building contained about ten thousand bales of cotton. The loss is about $350,000, which is fully covered by insurance. GERMAN POLITICS. Berlin, Feb. 19. The Prussian provincial governors have issued cir culars advising officials of the unusu al importance of the coming election for the reichstadt and urging them to refrain from doing anything to as sist the opponents of the government. The ministries of the other German states have adopted a similar course. The national liberal committee of Lubeck ha3 sent to Bismarck a copy of a placard posted on tho walls of the city by progressionists, quoting from a pretended manifesto of the emperor the statement that there was no war impending. Bismarck immediately telegraphed in reply, which was pla carded throughout Lubeck, station that the alleged declaration of 1 Ik emperor was an absolute invention. The Post denounces tho lying meth ods resorted to by the progressionist center members. Tho latter, it says, adhering to the triennate, are es pecially assiduous in their efforts to reduce the importance of the Popo's declaration to Catholics and conserv atives. Tho Catholic movement is certain of triumph. Dou'l Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always beemsat first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, but be sure j ou get the genuine. Ueeause he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't Ihj de ceived, but,insist upon getting Dr. King's New Dbcoverv, which is guaranteed to gie relief in all Thro.u, Lung and Chest affection. Trial Bottles free at W. K. Dement it Co.'s Drag Store. Syrup ot Fis. Manufactured only by The Calitornia Fig Syrup Co. .San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxathe. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy maj be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is tho most pleasant, prompt and effective reined known, to cleanse thesvstem ; to act on, the J iiver, Kidneys and" Bowels gently yet thoroughly to nispoi iieauacns, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, iiniijz.iiuii aiai Kinureu ui. An A No. 1 Piano to rent inquire Oaui. Am.ni. of What ! Do You Think Jeff of the P. S. gics you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much: but he gives the best meal and more of it than anv other restaurant in town. 23 cents. Eastern oyster-j fresh every Moamc-v at Jeffs restaurant. The finest and nicest steak to be in town at Fabre's. had A Xew And Enlarged stock of Choice Brands of Clears. Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. Tansill'sPunch and Junior's in full supply as usual at D. L. Beck & Sons. Bringing gladness to millions, pleas ing their palates and cleansing their Svstem. arousing their Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs and liowels to a healthy acti vity. Such is the mission of the famous California liquiid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and Si bottles for sale by W.E, Dement & Co. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. The Astoria Building and Loan As sociation will organize to-morrow night. Though new here it is no ex periment. In tho one city of Phila delphia alone, this system has built 140,000 comfortable homes. The idea is one that needs no ''boom"; it is a plain, common sense application of the ordinary suggestions. of saving and economy. The 825 yeu: spend for rent, comp unded, will amount in sen years to nearly 3,000. This 83,000 would enable you to buy a good home; tue building and loan as sociation is organized for this pur pose. The association is simply jx cooper ative bank, the essentials being good security and thorough business methods. The man who wants to Bave a little of his salary to buy a house with is given an opportunity to invest; the man who wants to build can borrow sufficient to build. When the association is organized each member can take as manyshares as he or she wants, not exceeding 25. On each share SI a mouth is paid. At monthly meetings loans are made to the highest bidder (who must be a member) for tho amonut, whatever it is, to be loaned. Loaus are made in small sums. The borrower gets what ho or she bids for, minus the interest This interest, with other accruing moneys, may again be put up and bid for as a loan, the same evening. Loans may be paid back at tho option of (he borrower any time within soven years. Of course the less tho time the loan is used the less will be the interest charge. Rightly managed the investment is a saf6 ene: it encourages thrift, stimulates building, helps to build up the town, makes times livelier, tends to create an independent class of home owners instead of house renters and offers the same induce ments to a man or woman to build their own house that the mutual in surance societies do to a man to in sure his life. These associations are "banks with out vaults.'' There aro no salaries except a nominal one to the secretary no expenses but hall rent and stti tionery, and no money is allowed to lie on hand unused. Every dollar must be oarning something. It is an aggregation of lenders, depositors, borrowers and builders, and our readers are invited to look farther in to the plan and judge for themselves. Important to Ladles. Read what Jeannie Winston, Port land's favorite prima donna, says of Wisdom's Rebertine: Portland, Dec. 22, 1886. To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Robertine" you so kindly sent me is excellent. It is the finest prepara tion I have ever used, and is a de cided acquisition to a lady's toilet. Yours truly, , Jeannie Winston. The above is published in order to settle ail doubt3 and disputes as to the existence of such an endorse ment, and as evidence of the high esteem in which Wisdom's Rober tine is held. This preparation has been before the public but a short time, yet tho sale has been extraor dinary. Wisdom's Robertine is for sale by all tho leadiug druggists. Telephone T.oifrinr lions'. iJe&l Reds in town. Rooms nor ninht ."Oaiid Socts., per week sir0. New and o i-iiii. invittu ciiu.iiicc. V rat is belter than a glass of liquor'.' p f delicious coffee at Fahre's. cu relieve Croup. Whooping Cough, and P.rnnchhis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co LomosI Cash I'rioo. Coal Oil at $2."" a case, at D. L. Reck it Sox-. hhiluh's Cough ana .Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cure0 consumption. Sold by W.E. De m?nt. f'oTo Crop's CSallorj . Tho loading rhotographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of supj'iior linish. Go to .letTs Restaurant to-night and take home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.) JISFF'si Tniicd states Restaurant is the best and -rhiMpnsl in Astoria. All Use patent medicines adveitised in Ihi. pspf-r, Wiirether with tho choicest peri misery. .iid toilr-l ,u Moles, etc.. can ueh'iii'.hi at ;h: lo'.ve-si prices, at J. W. (Jonu"" ding srnre. nppoiifp Occident iKtVl. Astoria. C roun. Whooping Cough ami Bron chilis immediately relieved by Shilnh's Onre. Sold by u .K. Dement. W The 3Io.s Beautiful And enduring photographs, chauning tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples ar hi new gallery on the road wa j . Will you sutler with Dyspepsia and LIer Complaint ? bhiloh s v ita italiyer i3 guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Salt! Salt!! Al J. II. D. O ray's: 100 tons as-orted Salt; Kock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in quantities to suit purchasers. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par tie5. etc. The best cooked to order. Xqticc, All exempt, resigned", or other past firemen, now dropped from the roll of their respective companies are request ed to surrender their ballge3 to the sec retary of the board of delegates, and save the fine imposed by city ordinance. By order 3J. S. Worsley, Chief Engineer. E. Z. Feugusox, Secretary. Ten cents for a cup coffee. of Fabre'h nice The Fabre"; bet oysters in any style at Gainbrinus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa- 1 loon, 5 cents. THE VERY CLIHAX OF GALL. Every year, usually about the time the spring salmon "straight goods" are the straightesfe and springiest, a gentle, meek-eyed, low-voiced man comes casually in and after announc ing that he is the traveling agent of Dunn, Brown & Co., mercantile men, he asks what is your maiden name, front name, age,-paternity, politics, and religion; if married or single and how you like it; where born; parent's name; how long in business, part ner's name; did you over fail; if so, where, when, and for how much; on what basis did you settle with your creditors; do you owe anybody any thing; do you own any property; are you insured; how often do you take stock; what do you consider yourself worth after paying all just debts and liabilities; what did you have for breakfast; do you smoke, chew, or play seven-and-a-half; what were your sales, last year; your receipts; who do you buy your stock from; how do you pay, cash or ninety days; what freight rates do you pay; havo you any borrowed moneyj.if sold out by the sheriff where would yon be; are yon in any other business; how much is on your books; how much of that is good; what is your net capital; do you own this building; what is it worth; what money have yon on hand, etc., etc. The weary languor that overshad ows his face when he asks these ques tions is a clever bit of acting. If he betrayed any cariosity or anxiety about it he wouldu't be so nniformly successful; but he asks all his little personal questions in sueh an of-course-you-will-answer sort of way that tho victim is usually betrayed into a correct reply. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Boschee's German Syn'p within a few years, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and cnectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. Jtacts on an entirely different principle from the uual prescriptions given by Physicians, as it doe? not dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause of the trouble, heals the parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy con dition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their ap pearance, will save doctor', bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial will convince you of these fact:. It is positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land. rtiee, TJcts., large bottles. Call for Your Patent Mr. W. S. Austin, register of the Vancouver land office, is desirous that all who have patents lying there should call or send for them forth with. The list o names for Cowlitz, Wahkiakum nnd Pacific counties was published in these columns a short time ago. A new lot, 57 in number, have since bsen received by him. In Cowlitz county are Alfred E. Houcher, of Carrollton; E. Scott, Carlton, Matthias Bixby, Mt Coffin; H. Ox man, Oak Point; J. M.Ives, Freeport, and Alex Lewis, Lightly. In Wahki akum are Alex Dnrrah, John Slip ping, Jacob Kendall and Simon Keko, of Gr,ay's River. In Pacific, is Jacob Packinen, of Nasel. It is desired that these and others should send in their receivers final receipts and get their patents at once. f he Latest and (Jreatest Dlscorer. ,DE.J.De PEATI'S HAMBUKG: FTGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic. A discovery of tho greatest interest to the Medical Profession. A boon to every household. A most delicious laxative or purgative prepared from fruits and vegetables. So perfectly harmless that they may be adminis tered with entire safety to an infant. So efficacious to adults that a single do30 will prove their value, and so elegant a preparation that it needs only to be presented to the public to become a necessity in every household throughout tho land. For liver complaints, habitual con stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and piles, they aro a specific. To trav elers by sea and land they will bo found invaluable; they are positive ly unfailing in their action, and this is the only medicine ever offered to the public that is acceptable to the taste, and so pleasant that children will eat tho figs as eagerly as candy. For sale by every Druggist through out the world. Price," 25 cants a box. J. J. Mack & .Co., Prop's, 9 and 11 ( Front street, San Francisco, Cal. ! Sleepless Nights made miserable r by that terrible cough. Shtloh's Cure i3 the remed j for you. Sold by W. "K. Do-! ment & Co i bhuoh's Catarrh liemedy u posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. fi. Dement. That llacking Cougn auicklv cured bv Shiloh's VjUUUll LilU 1IC OU .,,.., I..-. r-n I Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement. HERE'S PICNIC for yor. Before going to market for my spring stock, I intend to turn all goods on hand into. Gold Coin. To accomplish this I have decided to Slaughter Goods, The like of which you have never heard in Astoria, If 3ounced anything, NOW is the time for you to secure ins, 1 Herman Wise, The Clothier and Hatter. (Occident Boildlng,) Remnants! REMNANTS! ' Monday and following days of this week we will place on our center counters &.IA. OII I.EXGTIIS OF (500DS accumulated during the season and Hi ARK THEtl IOWiX regardless of cost in order to make a thorough clear ance, previous to our annual Inventory of stoek which takes place Feb. 1st. REMNANTS, :: EEMNANTS, , 'I REMNANTS, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA, Solo Ascent tov Bntterick's Patterns for tliis District Every time you come you Wc are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods w oiirry by every steamer. By last steamer Fresh Gala. Roil Butter, Gilt Edge Climax Cofi'ee, with a China cup and saucer in each can; Green Coflee at San Francisco wholesale prices; all the . ; best brands of Teas; Sugars at our. former low rates; a ,.i full lino of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned and cased goods in large stock and great variety, for many of which we are sole agents; Anchovies, Dutch Herring, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfish Bricks, Boneless i Cod, Stockfish, etc.: Roller Flour, "Wheat, Corn, Oat, and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apples, White Darling Po- tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated J Soaps and Starch, and man other Eastern and California makes carried in stock. Wheat, Oats, Ground Barley, , Shorts and Bran. Cordage, all sizes. Naiis, all kinds. - Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIES. . . - A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To- hacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of - t Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lamps.' Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More f , Fancy articles in China, Crystal, Bisque, etc. Full : Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the - Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Wine - Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally, v and many other articles too numerous to enumerate. ") All these way up in Quality, and way down in Priced We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of i-1 1 justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and ar,- .t prepared to sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale ratea, f and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition. Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils are sold at. jJS'fP'Reinember your place to trade is at D. L. BECK & SONS, i mnants will be Belter Pleased; ISk 9 Maiii i