- rvEWK' rgr "wiftwiBgfo'1'' " -- 03 VOL. XXVII, NO. 4:3. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ao, 1887. PRICE JblVE GENTS: BrsrxESS gauds. T E, T.A FORCE. DENTIST. Itooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows. Building, ASTORIA, - - - OKEOON. j-Vll. A. Ii. PII.TOX. Mice MHyit-S street, lbrv floors siitli odd Fellow's building. IVJ.-plione No. 11. P. Til O EX. mvsiciax Ay i s una tiny. Residence, I pirr Astoria, NJMsou Ilou. J AY TFTTI.F.. Zir. I. -K IAN AND SUKGEON o nr. Konni'.f. l'thlaaBulldiiiR. itiv!DKCK On Cedar Sheet, hack or -l Marj- IIosDital. i vsi. o. it. f.4ti:. I'M YMClAiN ANI M'KfiEON oivjoi' Coin P.tiilding, up stairs, Alon.. "igon. rK. frvxk pai;f.. I'll YS1C1AN AXD SUKGKON, Opposite-Telegraph Office. Ait 01 la, Oregon. p EIiO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria office : N. E. comer Cass and Ator strr ets, KoomNo.S Up Htalrs. Robt, Collier, Deputj, rR. ALFRED KI.V.VEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at las office, and may be found there at an hour. E.c- If OIi DEN, Notary Public, Oommissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Keal Estate &vl lasurwe Agent. Office, at Holden's Auction Ror.ir.s, Ohena- mu3 street, Asroria, Oregon. C K. TH01TS0.T, E. V. C00TET.7. THOItfSOJS & CO OVERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention gi en to collections and examining titles. OrFiCK Itooms i and .", over City liook Stoie. OEO. . nOKHIS, QFO. KOI.NO XOF.AKD & AOfERISt VTTORNEYS AT JAW. iKlue in Kinney's Rlock, opposite city Hall, Astoria, Oregon. P 7. KITLTOJv CI. C. Fri-TOX FIT.TON BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. r q. a. bow'IjBY, l ttrorney ami Counsellor hi tMW i mice on Cheuaitius Street, Acloiia, Oiegon in i. urxTo.i TT.OttEY AT J, AW. itooms No. it and 12, Fj thi.ui Oastle Thutd- '"g. 1 B. WATSOX, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dlsi. Atty. All ldsmeN leroie tiif V. S. Inrt iMUcc a specialty, Aiokia, - Oi:k.o.n L.T RARI1V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0B.K.1OJ, crrv, - - - - orison. Having an experionee f nine vears as ltegisterof The lind nitire at Oregon City, Oregon, I am now ready to attend to Land Business for settler and claimant's before any District, or the General, l.and Office on reasonable terms. AdIce and information, if desiicd, ;meii by mail. A. E. RIf AW. DENTIST. Itooms in Allen's Building, up utalrs. cor ier Cas? and Squemonua streets. Astoria Oregon. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 l'yihian P. H. Cooper's Store. Ituild-mg over THOS. MAIRS, FasMi A Good Fit Guaranteed. """'"- CHARGES MODERATE ttasfaaaBAMMMMASM TTM-r-nm.rMT -. a rpnt for the CPlehrated Household flew ing ri "- Machinp. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper'3 H. onawe Tailoi W, i TAR TRADE V7 MARK. r- IRE iSOlutflll Vi cr J rum VaUiU sf Jlmetics unit lOisoii SAFE. ? n SURE. utSs FBQMFT.iJ A1 Iir.lOf.lStS AVi Vt ILTKS. THE CHAKI.li A. Of rtllt IP.. lltnianRl, Mil For Curs: 2h:ssitiKs, lTcsralsii. ifltatlathe, Ueadtrbe, iWlntU, I pndnt,lirulr,ttr..elc. j WUCE, Ylh'TY CKN'r. THE C1I1KLE3 A.oaU.hH .0.,uLTiauit., HO. Sores Fem&le Complaints. A Great Sidnej ;emea7, l SOLD BT ALL DBTC3IST8. Boat Building. "JiS'ANY YEARS EXPEKIENGl IN Itjl builumg boats on the Columbia mvr and hundreds of hne boats of my build make iny guaranteet for good work. Jlead quirters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will biiilu boats at any point on tiie Columbia ner where if services may he required. WJI. HOWE. AGENCY- MCotenn&Co. Ol-g-UV ITwYNClSCO Havel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria Orogou. Cannery .Snnnlipsal Lowest Prices. Storage and Insuiaucp at Current Kates. Banking Department Drafts on the leering Cities of the WoiJd JOHN F. McGOVERN, Aftfi.t. it. II. Coleman, Aeetutiiu!il. Wilson & Fishs Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAB-DWAES ! Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGETj FOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland -RoIIav Mills. Capitol Eloiir and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. THE DIAMOND PALACE! GrSTAY JIAXS1:X, Frop'r. A I.arge and Well 5m looted Stock of 1 iih- ArExticmelj Low Pnce. All 000.1s Nought at ThK Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wntoh nnd Clocli Repairing A SPECIALTY. Cornei Cas and Squemoqua Street. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i "EM Y A Tn SllVflll P.A v T AGENTS. "3 ?"", '"C'T. "1 J""31 J" "n T. ...!.. - 1. T -..- 1 'Tn. t- 1.-1!.. i ijic rau jii3uiumi.; vvujjjiiiivj All Business prompt lyjand accurately tran- actea. i Fiaveiswiwrf. t - - Astoria Oregon. Mxmo &aseP:iti GEIIMInIYmDi RAEFENIW - SrHflL bull toils Jewelry THE LEGISLATURE'S LAST DAT. SENATE. Salem, Feb. 18. H. B. 1G, Paulsen, for the election in each county at the next election of two county commissioners, one for two and the other for four years, they to draw lots for the long- term; and that every two years thereaf ter one commissioner be elected; passed. TL Pj. otf, that the sheriffs of Yamhill, Grant, Benton, Joseph ine, Coos, Curry, Douglas and j Clatsop counties be allowed 2 per cent, for collecting taxes; passed. II. B. 210, Krnse, appropriating l,o00 to insure the pilot schooner (tov. jTooJ and empowering the board of pilot commissioners to appoint what pilots they deem necessary; passed. II. C If. "iO, thai member.- be not held responsible by their con stituent on their return heme: laid on the table. If. B. ,"51, IiObeit-. changing the nnme of the town of Argvle to Bandon; passed. II. B. 190, Benjamin, fot an agricultural association in each county of the state; passed. n. B. 150, Yanderpooi, that all moneys appropriated for road pur poses be expended on the roads for which appropriated; passed. IT. B. 2GtJ, Mayer, for a guide board at forks and crossing- of each county load; passed. The senate concurred in the house joint resolution that a joint convention be held to-night to elect three fish commissioners. The president appointed Allen and Vager as senate members of the joint fish commission. The assessment and taxation bill, after several amendments bv Si mon, was placed on its final pas sage and lost; ayes M, noes 14, absent 2. The committee appointed to wait on Governor Pennoyer re ported that the governor congrat ulate)! the senate on the faithful discharge and conclusion of its labors, and that he had nothing further to offer. President Carson in a few well timed remarks, thanked the sena tors for the many courtesies ex tended to him during the session. Adjonrned sine die. nousi:. The house concurred in the sen ate resolution providing for a joint committee to visit Astoria to in vestigate the fisheries question. The chair appointed Maxwell, Pomeroy and Bilyeu. The house concurred in the sen ate joint memorial praying con gress to make a wagon road around Cape Perpetua. Siglin's bill for a dyke across Isthmus slough, Cnos county, passed. To authorize the governor to se cure the return to Oregon of the body of ex-Gov. Gibbs. Passed. To provide for the construction of cattle crossings under public road". Passed. For the recovery by heir of es cheat property. Passed. To authorize the Oregonian Rail way Bridge company to bridge the Willamette river for use of rail roads, wagon teams, for passengers, etc., and to collect toll. Passed. Amending the act relating to di- ' rectors of corporations. Passed. T prevent fraud in obtaining I certificates of registration of cattle. lessen. Repealing the act protecting pheasants failed to pass. Creating the office of fish com missioner, etc. Passed. Creating a state sheep commis sioner and veterinary surgeor. Failed to pass. Providing the manner in which wire fences shall be constructed cast of the Cascade mountains. Passed. S. B. Game law: preventincr j the killing of deer except for use ( of the flesh. Failed; 27 to 27. Taxing foreign corporations. A motion to adopt the amendments was laid on the table, thus killing: the bill. j A motion to read Watts' liquor license bill under a suspen jsion of the rules. Failed. , A motion to take up the Port- , land charter bill and senate bill i 1S3, was lost. l . To require railroads to pay for live stocK Kiiiect oy trains or en jgines. Passed. JOINT CONVENTION. ' ThVsenite"" &ppearedat3:Q5, and both houses went into joint convention to elect three fish com missioners. The roll was called with the following result: R. C. Campbell. 40: F. C. Reed, 60; J. O. Bozorth, 39; V. D. Adair, 33; E. P, Thompson, G5; Jerry Coldwell, 1: Col. Harrington, 1; Joe Simon, 1. Campbell, Reed and E. P. Thomp son weie. declared elected. S. B. To amend the civil code. Passed. A committee, was appointed to wait upon Governor rennoyerand miorm mm mat the nonse was about to adjourn, and ask if he had anything -to offer. The gov ernorV answer was that he had nothing to offer, but only to con gratulate the member lor the faithful discharge of their duty. Thanks were tendered to the offi cers and senate Much taffy was exchanged by members. The general appropriation bill was passed with the senate amend ments, and the amendments con curred in. The house returned thanks to the ministers and newspaper re porters; also to the lady clerks. Speaker Gregg delivered a writ ten address, which was, upon mo tion, spread upon the minutes Bilyeu moved that the house ad journ sine die. Adjourned. Pliyiielnn? Have Found Out That a contaminating and foiei"n element in the blood, developed by indigestion, is the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub-cutaneous covering of the imitcles and ligaments of the joints, caus ing constant and shifting pain, and aggre gating as a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces .stiffness and distoition of the joint. JCo fact w hich experience has dem onstrated in regard to Hosteller' Stomrch Bitters lias stronger evidence to support than this, namely, that this medicine of comprehensu e uses checks the formidable, and atrocious disease, nor Is it lev? positive ly established thst it is preferable to the poisons of ten used to ariest Irt since the medicine contains only sr.lutarv ingredients It Is also a signal remedy for malarial fevers, constipation, dyspeusla. kidney and bl.idder Ailments, debility and other riicorders, t-'ee that cn get the genuine, Articles of incorporation of the Nasel Logging company, were filed with the secretary of the ter ritory, Jan. IS, with J. M. Mcln tyre,J. M. Clemens and V. P. McTntyre as incorporators. The capital stock is 10,000 and the object is to carry on the business of logging on the waters of the Nasel river in this county. Mr. John Mel n lyre, who was in town yesterday, state that they will star! up fivfc camps this spring, two of "which will be put in oper ation at once. Their contract with the mill calls for $5 per 10f)0.--Pacific Journal. Bucklcu's Am tea Salvo. Tim Best Salvh in the orld tor CuLsnrmses.Sore,5.Trlcers.Saltllhenni. Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Jlands', Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eiup- iiuiid, aim positively ernes rues, or no pay lequiied. It is guaranteed to give pei feet satisfaction, or money lefunued. Price 25 cents per box. For &a le hv W E. Dement fc Co. In Omaha, last night, two ama teur pugilists fought a stubborn battle with skin gloves for a pretty girl. At the end ot the twelfth round both fell exhausted, and the fight was declared a draw. The girl in question was an interesled spectator. When baby vai sick, ti yive lur CaslorU, When eLo w a Child sho cried for Custom, When sho bot-une 2m, sho clung to Castoria, Wbcusheh'ulOljIdrcn.shepivcthemevstoria A recent landslide in Benton county near the headwaters of tbe Yaquina slid half a mile down a mountain and into a littlo valley, effectually damming the river and creating an extensive lake. Merehauts, Read This. To those subject to the vexations of business life, dyspepsia and a iceung of debility, irregular and despondency, VU SUV, UIKU OUIUUUUS JjIVCl JVUKUIcll. The Jteculator is free from any injur ious mineral substance; not d isagreea- uie; can oe miteii at any tune wiuiuut, interferincr with business or pleasure. It is centle. safe, and a cood dicestor. It is unequalled in the cure of piles, con- siiuauon, una urt'iuii, sick iiemineue and bilious complaints. Robert Bonner has lately fused 6100,000 for "Maud S." re- ONA And reliable Medicines are the best to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre scribed for years for all Impurities of tiie Blood. In every form of Scrofu lous, Syphilitic or Mercurial Diseases it is invaluable. For Rheumatism, nas no equal. J. "W. Conn. No One Need Remain A Dyspeptic. "I have been suffering for over two years 'with Dyspepsia. For the last year I could not take a drink of cold, water nor eat any meat without vomiting it up. My life was a miseiy. I had had recommended Simmons Liver Regulator, of which I .am now taking the second bottle, and the fact is that words cannot express the relief I feel. My appetite is veiy good, and I digest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and! used to be very restless. I am flesh ing up fast; good strong food and Simmons Liver Regulator have done it all. I write this in hopes of bene fiting some one who has suffered as I did, and would take oath to these state ments if desired." E. S. BALLOT!, Syracs., irei. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Phihdelphxt. Pa. Price 1.00. Look Here Boys.j Itxouwant.i neat fitting Siur of CloUies goto J", 33. 3LOJS Merchant Tailor. Hating JiLst received a complete awnt rncnt of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Somstiting Entirely JXevr. I am prepared to makeup Suits cheaper thau the cheapest. Give me a cUi and be convinced that I mean what Tsav. J. ROSS Comer Squemoqua and Hamilton streets. eat of C. H, Cooper's. B. F. ALLEN . PRACTICAL GRAIXER and PAINTER. SIGN PAINTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. VI.AI.V xn drcerativj: Paper Hanging. Frescoing. Etc. Shop on Cass St,, next to Stinson's iilack smith shop, Astoria, Oregon. Yirginia Ciffar anfl Toljacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and SmoVers Article, Sold at liOwest Market Kates. FRUITS. CANDIES.NOTIONS,&c. C. EL Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. unice on Main. Three doors .oulh of Squemoqua Streer. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. E. C. HOLDEN. Auctioneer aM Commission Apnt Established 1874. Dealer in Now and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or llousehom (ioous in the country. Will appraise and purehap Second-hand Furniture. Consignment- Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt C.th returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Daily and Weekly Ore gonian. Carnahan & Co. srecKssoits to I. "W. CASE, IMPORTED AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass sti ecK ASTCKIA OREGON eeeB ARBOU x AVE NO GRAND PRIX GRAND CROSS of the THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS Internal ioiI Espoi THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAl uaiiiy Always be fiefli can seneie HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS FOK lACf FIC COAST. Seine Twines) Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The New Model Range . PAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF Agent. Call and Examine It , You Wiil he Pleased. E. II. Hav. es Is also Agent for it Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTIIEi: Kl UST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings. Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Ha nil. Strike I -BtTY"Ori- Groceries 1 Provisions; -OK- Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Raid for Junk. tRiohl Traispriation OMoia FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time4 THE 3SEW -TELEPHONE- Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers, will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock overy Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M, ' Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P M. BAn additional trip will be made ctt Sunday of Each WeeR, lesYtn&.Fctflaaa at 9 O'cloofe Sunday 3IorniHg. I - n - i ior oouca pans. Tli re ads EQUAL! &g2tS! PARIS, 1878. AM LEGION D'HONNEUR. MANUFACTURE RS N THE WORLD. pended on! no Other! NEW YORK Novelty Store ELEGANT STYLES VALENTINES Of Latest Manufacture. Bought In Large QuanUties, and to be Sold at tho Very Lowest Prices. For Valentines of any size, style or qual ity and at the Lowest Prices, call at the New York Novelty Stone SIEAMEIl Passescers dj uus routs coaiisc !.-( 1 k Sllll fTfM 111 T ilfi TT. B. SGOTT, Presldea Use 01