C'J r ik. A a "fi"'r,vV,v ""' zr7 -VOL. XXYII, JT0.42. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, J887. PRICE JblYE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. T E, IA FORCE, DENTIST. Hooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ) ASTOKIA, OREGON, lt. A. Ii. FIII.TOX. !2ysiciauani1 Surgeon. Ofae on Cass street, three doors .south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. p TJIOK.V. Residence, Upper Astoria, Killson Hu.e. J A V TIITTIiK, TIL, I. ' ' -IL'iAN AND SUKGKO.N f h -e litems fi Pi thiau Building. I'.imosxcE-On Cedar Street. back of t. Man '- HosnitaL tX. . . ESTIIS. J HVMC1A.N ANT1 SURGEON rcit t : firm Building, upstairs, Astoua, .regon. rK. yn.vxK faje, rilVSIOl AN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegrapu Office, Astoila, Oregon. G BLO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AXD Ex-CIty Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets Koom No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt, Collier, Deputj , FYK. AliFKEf KI.VXRY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patlontsal his office, and may be found there at any hour. E.- HOIiJVF.X, N"otary Public, Coramissioner of Deeds For "Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estate and IiiMirjtiirp Agent. Ofilce, at Holden's Auction Unomsyiena- iiius street-, Astoria. Oregon. C R. TIIOIIPOX, F. F. COOVFRT. THOMSOX & COOTERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Okfick Rooms 1 and ."i, over Cit Bonk toiv. OEO. A. DOltRIS. fSEO. NOI.NI) MH.AKR &. DORRLS, VfTORNEY.S AT LAW. Miiiiv in Kinney's Block, opneMtt: City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. f W. FtU.TON. G. C. FULTON FVTTON BROTHERS, ATTOKNETS AT LAW. ttoomsSand 6, Odd Fellows Building. . A. KOIVLBY, I attorney ami Counsellor t Law Mice on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oiegon F. I. UTSTO.X ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 and 12, P.thtan Castle Build ing. r B. WATSOX, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Office a specialty', Astoria, - - Okeoo:.. T T. BAKU', ATTORNEY AT LAW, OnKGON CTTV, - - - - OREGON. Having an experience f nine j-ears as Begister of tlie Laud OMlce at Oregon Citj Oregon, I am now ready to attend to Laud Business for settlers and claimants before any District, or the Geneial, Laud Office on reasonable terms. Advice and information, if desired, given by mail. A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoiia Oregon. TT A. K3IITH, DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 rytlnan BuiM-ing over C. H. Cooper's Store. THOS. MAIRS, FasMonalilB Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Axent for the Celebrated Household ?ei,m I ?laehine. Siiop opposite C. H. Cooper'9 TRADE yd MARK. ! L k. " i OssEa. Jbsulitlelu i'Vi'c from Oji tlesf JJmeiics ar.ti JL'oisoti SAFE. SURE, PROMPT.. AT DEI GOiSTS AM) UFALERS. 111?. Clf IHLE-i A. OvHill 10.. BALTIMOUE. hli Tir fiDrAT- teiBEM Cars: EaesaiiUa, it sarilyj. tliitVneiit, iltaJithc, TcKjt'icLi;, spmint, iiruir. tie., fit. V1UCK, FIFTV CUViS. THE CUAELfcS A.TCGEU.K C).,liKLUilli:, HD. iira5ia5afcsa: Jarss female Complaints. A Great Eianst leatay, E3rS0LDBTALIDIlTI53IST3. Boat Building. MAN iEARS rXPKRrEXCK IS building boats on the Columbia titer and Hundreds oi fine boats of m build make inv cuaranteet for cood work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river whermv services may beiequired. .M. HOWE. AGENCY- - MCulnnlCo. OFgSN n vxcisco. Flavel'sWhari and Warehouse, Ahtoriu- Orngon. Cannery Supplies al Lowest rritra. Stora?o and insurance at Cm rent llatr-". Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the Woild JOHN P. McGOVEXttf , Vgent. It. if. Coleman, Accountant. Wilson Fisher Ship Ohaiidlers3 HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Plour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOJilA. OREGON. -ITF- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Sloek of Fii.c iDiamonds Joweliy At Extremely Lo-a Yi'icp J Ali (ioc.lt, liossltt &t This Establi-diiiieut ' 'Warranted Genuine. Wnfcu ami Cloclt Rejuiffiiis ! A SPECIALTY. jCoriif-r C.tss and oquemoqiia Streets i Elmore, Sanborn & Co. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fire Insurance AC.ENTS. wiSffiffl? M ll' Alt nncinPQQ nrnmntU'ainl inniimtAlifr.n I accurately tran Astoria Oregon. tfl FJavelsWbarJ, - QKCts. &MBQ ffB M For! m S. S aMfiafi 6 B IE! 3 3 MM XwHtia lalnlfsr THE STATE LEGISLATIVE. SENATE. Salem, Feb. 17. S. J.'R. 21, Gray, delegating authority in Gov. Pennoyer to attend or appoint a delegate to the centennial anni versary of the promulgation of the Federal constitution at Philadelphia,- September 17, the state of Oregon to defray the expenses of the delegate; adopted. LT. B. 137, Wilson, that every incorporated cit3T of 15,000 inhab itants may appropriate water courses for municipal purposes. Simon explained that this was to authorize the cit' of Portland to condemn Bull Run; passed. Report from the committee con sisting of Senators Barin and Can thorn, appointed to examine the fish ladder at Oregon City, that the ladder was damaged bj being washed away, and recommending that $2,500 be appropriated to re pair it. Barin explained that the ladder had not been placed in ex actly the proper place, but still answered the purpose for which it was constructed; adopted. IT. B. 44, Laughlin, requiring the governor and secretary of state to sell the remaining school and university lands at $1.25 an acre. It was explained that school lands now -jemaininir were not worth over $1.25 an acre, as most all the good land had been sold; passed. The committee appointed to ex amine the workings of the state fair reported that they found ev erything for the past two years had been well conducted; that the profit of the last two state fairs was over 11,000, of which $10, 000 had been paid out to liquidate indebtedness. An appropriation for the next two years was recom mended. The committee to evimine the books of the state treasurer re-1 ported everything O. K. The committee on bridge across Rogue river at Grant's Pass, re ported the ?10,000 apppropriated properly expended. The books of the secroiaiy of state and the board for the sale of school and university lands wore pronounced properlv kept. II. B. 102, Daley, that the first Saturday in Jnue be a labor da- holiday; passed. H. B. 147, Gregg, thattlip !.-! of school districts of" less thin 4,000 receive 5 per cent, for col lecting district taxes, school direc tors of such districts to be empow ered to allow clerks additional compensation if deemed necessary; passed Adjourned. HOUSE- S. B. providing that the several pending constitutional amend ments be submitted to a special election on tho Tuesday following the first Monday in November; passed 51 ayes. S. B. SO, Coleman, relating to vagrancy; passed. S.J3. 178, Ualsey charter bill; passed. S. B. 179, amending the Astoria charter; read the first time. S. B. 1S5, providing for perpet uating testimony; read the first time. S. B. 183, regulating the fees of a sheriff when propert' is bought by an execution creditor; read the first time. S. B. S3, for protecting stock; passed. S. J. R. 21,tiutborizingthe gov- ! ernor to attend in person or by prox' the cele oration commemo rating the anniversary of the pro mulgation of the federal constitu tion; adopted. S. B. lo. 166, to establish a railroad commission; passed ayes 50, absent 4. Is , H. B. No. 44, providing for the .the sale of state lands, with an j amendment repealing other laws J in conflict; concurred in. H. B. No. 44, providing for tjie ' sale of state lands, with an amend ment repealing other laws inv con flict; concurred in. S. B. giving Eastham, Charman i and Pillsbury the right to build a J onage at uregon vyiiy; passeu. Siglin's senate bill No. 57,- au thoriziner countv courts to 'expend i county money for the construction of roads; passed. Allen's senate bill No. 47, relat- ing to divorces; passed. Chamberlm's bill No. 1.0b, pre scribing the duties and increasing the salary of tho superintendent of public instruction; passed.. Adjourned. JOINT CONTENTION. At 10 o'clock this morning the senate and house met in ioint con vention, lor tne purpose of elect ing pilot commissioners and state, librarian. For pilot corn- commissioners, "Watts, chair man oi tne itepuoncan cau cus, nominated L. Wilson, J. A. Brown and A. Noyes. Bilyeu nominated C. Leinenwcber. The vote stoed: For "Wilson 85; for Brown 84; for Noyes, 44, for Leinenweber, 55. Wilson, Re publican, Brown, Republican, and Leinenweber, Democrat, were de clared elected. For librarian, Watts nominated the present incumbent, J. B. Put nam, Republican, of Salem. Mitchell nominated John Goodell. Republican, of Josephine count3r. The vote stoed: Putnam, Si; Goodell, S. Putnam was declared elected. I ; v: The joint convention then dis solved. Vice President King, who was elected with Pierce in 1852, was qualified as vice-president in Cuba, where he was sojourning in search of health. He died before assum ing the office. It is the onby in stance of the kind in our htPtor GET HID OP THAT BAD TASTE. When you wake up in the morn ing with 9 bad taste in your mouth, with your throat and tongue dty and a yellow coating on your teeth and gums, don't imagine it was all caused by what you ate the night before. Of course everybody does that and everybody "swears off" from again eating such food. The trouble is that your liver is clogged, your kidneys are overworked and yourbowles are not doing their duty. Take fiom three to ten of Brand reth's Pills and note the sudden and wonderful change in your sys tem. Lynch uuitGjVa., Feb. 17. The Virginian , one of the oldest news papers in the state, established in 1S0S, announces suspension of publication this morning. fWP TllC CI"ldrcn. They are -5''' especially liable to sud den Cold-.. Coughs, Croup, Whooping Oouijh, ete. We guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positive cure. It -,acs houra of anxious -watching, -old by J. W. Conn. Tophka, Ks., Feb. 17. Boston Corbelt. slayer ot John Wilkes Booth, was declared insane here to-day, and sent to the insane asylum. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy V It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c.- 50o. J.Y,T.Coivn." Vancouver, Feb. 17. The Rr. Rev. Bishop Blanchet of this dio cese is rapidly sinking, and the at tending physicians think he will die before morninp:. Diphtheria, "lam thing in a neighborhood sur rounded with Diphtheria and was at tacked with Ulcerated Sore Throat. 1 at once commenced to use Darhys Pro phylactic Fluid, diluted about one half, as a gargle, when great clots of nara memurane ana mucous came from my throat, and the attack passed off. I am satisfied of its efiicacj- as a preventive and cure for Diphtheria."' W. P. Woodward. Frankford, Pa. Th1 Thetis is ready to proceed to sea. A I San Francisco'the ves sel will be preptired for a scientific cruise along the coast of Alaska in the dimmer. "fVoaT1,at ar0 Netful, Jl5VA,JV peevish, cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pain?, or Stomach Disorders, can bo relieved at once by using Acker's Baby .Soother. It contains no Opium or Moinhine. lieneo is safe. I'm-.: 15 ccuU. ."old by J. W. Conn.- Every Body Knows ITIIAT TILE Magee Furnace Co. Of Boston Jlake The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The World : jTHE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria JP PS w.v77ayer8oh, on file In Philadelphia . tne Newsnaner Aarer. tlslng Agency of Hosus. vur ttuweruoa agnw. To Regulate IE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY u warranted not to contain a single par ticle flf Xf ..("HIV ft. an. tnttlFlntl. rtil stance, but is purely vegetable. It will Core all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver,. Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out cf order, then yonr whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive ; you have headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons REGULATOR. If you lead a sedentary life, or suffer ith ; "j .ui,i,uvu. tUW stimulants and take Simmons liter Regulator. ouic iu iciicrc. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and BlUousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If youwaka up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth, ffli A WC Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor- I UKh rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens A lUift&XJ the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Toaic to avert approaching sickness. jiuuuuir, uvcr regulator will relieve Uohc, Head- ache. Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and mc v.uuiju'juQi5 inciacni 10 vniionoou. At any time you feel your system needj cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take Simmons Liver Replaisr. PHtKAKbD BY J. H. ZEIUH & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. PRICE. Sl.OO. Look Here Boys, It yon w.ti.t a neat fitting mt of. Clothe?, Koto 3 2! 3E?.C!3it Merchant Tailor. Ilavintr iust received a enmnlf-ir- riwnrt- irtPiit of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. 1 am nreuarert fr l.mlrr nn Suite rhpnnpr than the cheapest. Give me a call aiid le convinced that I mean hat f wiv. J. ROSS, Corner So upiiiouiia.'ind TTnmilrm -Ori-ft east of C. II . Cooper's. B. F. ALLEN I'XIACTICAT, GUA1XER and PATNTER. SIGNPATNTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS, l'L.AIX AM) IKOOItxVTIVK Paper Hanging. Frescoing. Etc. Slioi0!iC;t.vsSt..iieLto Stinsor.'s TJIao!:- emilli .liop. Astoria. Oregon. Yirfflnia Ciaar aufl Tobacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two loore F.ast of Olncy. FIno Cigars, Tobacco and Smoters Articles, . Sold at Lowest Market Rates. rRUITS.CANDIES.NOTIONS.&c. G. EL Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office or. Main. Three doors somh of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres- coins;, etc. E. C. HOLDEN. AitclioiieeraiConissiiipiit Established 1874. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. "Will conduct Auction .Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods in the country. "Will appraice and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dailv ami Weekly Ore gonlan. 1 Carnahan & Co, M'CCESSORS TO I. AY. CASE, rPORTKUS ASl) WHOLESALE AND JJETAIL DEALERS IN ifiENERAL- MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass street' vvrm KEGON ASTCUIA OKEGON Just Received. 1,500 Rolls Wallpaper ii Decorations Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also, to Arrive THIS WEEK 50 leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers. In Elegaut N"p,v .Style: Just the thing foi jSL 33Iolc3..fy Pyeaen-t:, Call and See Us, CHAS. HE1LBORN, BOOT SandS Genuine English Porpoise Shoes Por .Gents. l.Klh; F?P:ihIf SaIa Simp? in TYr-npli KViti on rnn onil nrmrmlo ViA B0V;nnfl VhlsfhfjShnPB nf Sill Vilul3 Ar!cP5 inI niiilrlronc OTifl rnfonthDoln a-nA Spring heels. WE IEAI. 1 1 BOOTS MUEEAY & CO., U-ROOERS And Dealers In C annery Sillies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. PurdHes delivered in any part of the elty. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's Now fliiilding on Water Street P. O. Box li5. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. a. A. STINSGN & CO., BLACKSMITHING, M capt. Kogers old stand, corner of Cass jtnd Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wason3 made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. The New Model Bange CAN BE If AD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will ueTleased. E. If. Ilawea Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Oooking Stove, AND OTHEK k f KST C LASS STOVES. j Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Strike It Rio UUYYOCPi Groceries Provision OF- - Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the very low est margin of profit while giving you goods that aie or first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. BnMBeanaBO!aBndBcaatfMKSi lil ri Inl ffl ummna Transijonauon mm? FOE PORTLAND Through Freight on Fast Time! TRE NEW STEAMEIt TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leaTO Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at I P.M, ' Returning leaves Portland every Tuned ami Thisrcrinv at R A. M. arrivina at Astoria at 1 P M. An additional trip will ba made on & Orclocl gaadaF 5iornlHff. 1 for Sound oorts. HOES AXD SHOES ONI.Y. "" ' P. J. GOODMAN, Frank L Parker, -Dealer in- Fauci and Staple Groceries.. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD ressmaking. Mrs. F. E. Hudson. Haviug returned from the East, is now pre: pared to do Fashionable Dressmaking, She can be found at Mrs. P. W, Parker's residence on Polk street, west side, between Chenamus and Concomly. ASTORIA, ONLY OF NEW YORK veity Store ELEGANT STYLES VALENTINES Of Latest Manufacture. Bought in Large Quantities, and to ho Sold at the Very Lowest Prices. I'or Valentines of any size, style or qual ity and at the Lowest Prices, call at the New York Novelty Store 9K Sunday of Ea li WeeK, leaving PorUaad Passengers h trils route cMgert at Kalaaa 7 B-swrii, rresiaeaii :