- ' IJ VOL. XXVII, IVO.ft). ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l, J 887. PRICE MVE CENTS. 4 Pjf " I S Od J BUSINESS CARDS. T ti. JLiA FOKC13, DENTIST. itoom$U sad 12 Odd Fellowj Building, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. jyt. a. ii. fujltox. lviijsiocasiaml Surgeon. Office oa Cass-street, three doors south of I odd Felon 'a bull ting. I ifiejmonf no. 41. P TKOKX. PITrSICTAX AND SUROEOy. Residence, Upper Astoria, NIHson Hous. fAY TUrTi.K, 21. 1. -1C1AN AKD SUKGEOK ri , ItoomsC Pythian Building. IJfcsiDKVCE Oa Cedar Street, b.ick St. 3iri ' Hosoital. i) It. O. K. ilSTKS. H YSICIA.N AND SURGEOX. (i-m B j';din:, up staire, Astoria jyon. TK. VRtSS HAWK JMIYSLCIAN AND SURGEON, (Pl3ire Telegraph Offioe. Astoria. Oregon, " KI.O F. PAICK.ESIC ., SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria 'rtices'-N. E. corner C:iss and Astor trwts :Joon V0.8 TJii ttr. Robt, Collier. Deputy. llX. AH.PItKI) KISXEY. Offfcp at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patient at his ofllw, and may be found Mere at auy hour. E. c iioi.di:., Uotary Public, Commissioner of Deeds Eor Washington lerritory. Auctioneer, " Deal Estate and Insurance Agpnt. - Offlce.-at Holden'3 Aucilon Rooms. Chpna "tenystreet, Astoria. Oregon. 'STB. 'TBOXSOS, . B.tW7RE7. THOMSON & COO VEBT, attorneys at Law and ITotari69 Public. Special attention given v collections and examining titles. urricd Kuums 4 and 5, over City Book atoie. GEO. JL. DVKU.IS, OKO. SOliXttU OLlSD & DORRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "w In Klnney'a Block, opposite CiU Hell. Astoi la, Oregon. w. fulton. a. c rcvr FULTOS KStOTOEKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ko4a5and 6, Odd Fellows Building. I H. A. UOWI4UY. ittoruey and Counsellor t IjSW JfSce on Chonamu3 Street, Astoria. Oregon CT 1. WLXTO ATTORNEY AT LAW. Roolns No. 11 and 12, Pytuian Castle Bulld- Q B. WAT80.V, Atty.at Law and Deputy Gist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Ottee a specialty, ASTOltIA, I - QlilXiOS. T" T. BA.K1.V. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON ClXr, - - - . OBEGOK. t,"1 aa experience f nine vear-t as Register of ihe land Onc at Oreon City, Oregon. I am now ready to attend to Land Business for settlers and claimants before any oisrrl -t, or the liener.il. Land Office oa reasonab.e term. Ajdiceaadjurormatlon, If desired, Riven Dv n iUL 'a; JtiTJAH'. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon. Ar SUXTil, DENTIST. Room3 I and 2 Pythian, C. IL Cooit'-Morp. Bmld-ing over THUS. MAIES, FasiiMe Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CH AROKS MODERATE Agent for the Celebrated Housebo-d Sowing Mach'ne. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's H. ADeJMARK. i... 2eo rum ojtiates, Emciiza una Poison SURE. iPROMPT.i ! JST TlVrfifiTCTM tnn.fnnn ras ciiaklla jl. ueiek Co.. i:iltioue, sjd. Cuss 2hili W'i?-1rf ' IUctacbf, Ilradsri?, TcvCuubc, .-ipraict, jHTUiiui, tie. PItlCE, FJFTi' C1JATS. TUE CUAP.LIS A.OCEtEB CO.,15 UllaOaB, flfl. Jurea Fem&la Complaints. A Great Kidney Ssmedy. CSOLD-BYALLDSUGQISTS, Boat Building. AfANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN anil uiidredi of fine boats of ray bui'd nuke my Buaranieet for ood woik. Head quarters at the old Astoria Irou Work. building. Will build boats at any no lit on thtt Oitimbla MVpB uhcro mc fTvrz vic bo required.' - " , wt. no we. AGENCY M.Wgiaii CO. OrjSAN FRANCISCO. Flavsrs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoiiu, Oregon. Cauuory Supplies at Lowast Prices. Stcrp.se and Insurance at Cm rent Rates. Banking Department Drafts en the leading Cites of the W0H.1 JOHN P. MctfOVEEN, Agi-n. n. n. Colcmnn. Accountant. Wilson & Ship 0 HEAVY AND SHELF T Paints. Oils,. and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUFFUES. PROVISIONS AND ILli F AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Keller Mills, Capitol Plour and FAERSAKKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMOND PAIAGE! GUSTAY HANSEN, TropV. A Large and Well Selected Stoek of Fine DJ liy: & IJ AH floods Bongbt at This Establishment w-rr . . . 3 m 1 vYurrauieo uauuine. 1 Watch nuil Cloelr. Keiiairiiis: A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Suuemoqua Streets. Iti - t n 'Elmore, Sanborn & Co. I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! ijlim. T-. .---.. T-. --mmr.. j?irt? XIAO XXL ctilOtJ AGENTS. Hepresenln the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjaud accurately tran acted. FJaveliWhaif, - - Astoria Oregon. OK Ota. E R LftP&f&Etn rui re Fisher handlers. rim mi rift Jeie Ia the State Senate. Salejt, Feb.. 14. H. B. No. 40, by Crockett, creating the county of Lee from rtnatiila, was taken up for consideration, and failed. H B. 66, Holland, providitig for the. creating of Malheur county; passed. H. B. 180, Thompson, changing the boundary of Liun count)'; passed. SENATE BILL3 TDIKD HEADING. S. B. 120, Lee, providing for the purchase of land and the erection of a brick b'uilding as a school for deaf mutes, at a cost not to ex ceed $20,000; lost and not yet given for reconsideration. 3. 15. ob, Ohandier, making it unlawful for public corporations to employ aliens on public work, with a penalty of 500; lost. S. B. 49, VVeathenord, empow ering county courts to fix dm amount oE tolls on toll roads; loj-t. S. B. 51, Chamberlin,' providing that the present main channel ol the Willamette river be made ihe boundary line between Marion and Polk counties. Chamberiiu ex plained that the channel ild changed, and where it was former ly on one side of an island of 400 acres, it was now on the other side. Lee said ihe matter was of too small importance to have evor been brought before the legisla ture. The channel was constantly changing, and a man living on the island hadn't vet Ddid his uoll tax. They wanted to keep Kim it. Polk county until he settled uo. Ditnick said to let him come over into Marion and he would guarantee payment of the poll tax. The bill failed to pass. No. 59, Emmett, compelling children between the ages of S and Ii years to attend school at least twelve consecutive weeks in a year, unless excused by the board for--satis factory- reasons, -ored-a cated at home. Veatch opposed the bill, for the reason that the school system of our state was not a free one. In some sectionsof our state they had a rate bill. If a man were so -poor as not to be able to send his children to school because he could not pay the rate bill, should you punish him for it? Chandler satd he did not beltvc there was a man in the state 1 jo poor to pay the rate bill who didn't spend twice as much inone) for tobacco, and some of them twenty-live times as much for whiaky. A man who was too poor to educate his childreu ought to be in jail or some other plaice. Veatch said no one favored such a bill more than he didbut he be lieved there were honest poor, who didn't use tobacco or whisky, who couldn't pay this rate. Chandler said if an) one would show him a man in his county, in dustrious and temperate, too poor to educate his child, he would give bond to have it done for hiro. Wat's and DnnL-k said this whs an absolute nece.sity, as in some sections "of the country half the children were growing up in 10 norance. The parents should be compelled to send them to school. The bill passed. Adjourned. EVENING SESsIOn. S. B.- 69, Chandler, licensing venders of medicines; recommit ted to the judiciary committee. S. B 73, Steel, repealing the bi cycle and traction engine act, as far as the act effects bicycles and tricycles; lost. S. B. 77, Gray, to nrevent false I brandingof canned salmon; passed. S. B. 9S. Weatherford. provid ing that the county surveyor or his deputy, shall -survey all roads; passed. S. B 108, Siglin, providing for the admission of graduates of law colleges to practice in the courts, on their diplomas; passed. 5. B. 11 J, Williams, for pubU- c.a"on in a newspappr of a descrip Tinn QOTon kO f . "" i coiio-y tumo iukcu up where the value is over 615; nnsseii. S B -mo JXmhu creat;no. th. . offiae of countv recorder in Clno.L-. ."""ovituuiiiy cwi ufr in viacK- nreventhe at a,as Yaminii, umatiiia, Linn, vv.r.wow !ttnp"5 ! H. B. 204. Hnrrincrrnn. rlivirliniT hri Kn Pont H. B. 204. Harrington, dividino- the office of countv clerk of Mult- j nomah county into the offices of county recqraer, cierK 01 the cir ci it court, und clerk of the coun tv court. Tfie act tvkes pffeet July 1, 1883, an lflVion fox the 'same to be held in June, 1888 f passed. ' - e S. B. 114, Lee, rjquii ing physi cians and surgeons to rdcu're li cense from the cler'c of iJie eircdit court, which shall begranted only to graduates of reputable medical colleges; lost. S. B. 177, Wager, -. for an addi tional judge and distriot attorney for the Sixth judicial district; read twice. S. B. 131, Coleman, appropri ating $4,620 for portraits of the governors; reconsidered. Ad journed. The Militia Bill a Law. WAbinxcTox, Feb. 14. The president allowed the act appro priating 5400,000 a year to pro ide arms and equipments for mli tia to become a law without his signature. The constitutional lim itation of ten days within which he should have acted expired Sat urday. His failure to sign the bill is regarded as an oversight, as ho was not known to object to jyiy of its orovisions. The Salmon river miners have organized a district, to be known as the Ruby Mining distriot. Mail lor the camp should be addressed via Grand CoiiIop, care Condon Ferr-. Tho Beirliinltu; of tltr End. -ine u- gmnuig 01 a rtisctse Is a deuility or d'-sordertif some of the vital organs, the stomach, ihe Hwr or tan bowcia usua'ly. There are d j speptic symptoms, the liver is trouWesome, tlic skin grows tawny and un healthy looking, there are nalns in the rfcht s'de or through the right sh oilderblade. The climax Is often an uttT prostration of the physical Mieo;ie. perlnns h fatal Mue. But if the difllculty is met 1st tlmo "vuth il.istot-ter'- Muin.icli Bitters, which is always efTtMt ive as a ttuedy. hu-1 it should he reaort-d to at an early s'agt?, tnorc will be no reasou to apprehend thuiti Injurious subsequent ej ects upn the jysteiu oftenutnailed by en tirely cured dLse:ises. fjar better Is it, aho. o employ this safeTemcdidl aetit In fever and .sru', and o her mnlaiial cmnpUints. tluu-q luiiie and oihr potent dniRS. blob, c'venTnien ttipytkrpn.va, effectual for a time, run the stomach and impair the general health. . The Ashland woolen mills paid out 813,270 in dividends last year, in addition to di-mut sing $27,944 for wool, and 10,703 on waojes paid to employes residing in the town of Ashland. -When baby waj sldt, wcgavciiar Caatorla, When sha vraa a Child she cried for C&storis, When Eha boccme Has, she clung to Castoria, Vtlicn shehad ChlldKn, she gaTu the ia Castcria Tilts school tedcher at Osceola, W. T, is a vounsr woman of onlv !.!: hteen years: but she has no difficulty in keeping order, for she threatens 'to sit down on the first pupil who is insubordinate. She weighs 325 i ounds. rW. ould enjoy your din- 1 Tier anfl nro Timxrnnnii by Dyspepsia, use Acker's nvRnonsm Tablets. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Wo guaranteo thern. ii.j and GO cents. J. W. Conn. The medical colleges of the United States have gradua'ed over 33,000 physicians during the past nine years, and the present rate is about 4,000 per annum. Soother at baud. It is the only safo medicine yet mado that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morphine, but gives the child natural ease from pain, rrico 25 cents. Sold by J. AV. Conn. Policemen' and firemen in New York received over 500,000 fiom the c tv as nens'ons last vear. and thp Tribune states that the amount will be much lanjpr this vear. DiphrLer n. "I am living hi a neijihhnrhord sur rounded with Diphtheria and was at- tnn.k'd Willi Trip.-rntj'il Snre Th on 1 l at 'inec connueiiced to im- barb s Pro vuiylHchc rliild, riiluted about one ha.t.-.isa parole, wIumi great clots of h id menibrat e and uutrnus came 1 rum inythro.it. and the attack pased flfY. T :im atlvfinrl nf ltc ofTlojr .l i preventive and cure for Diphtheria." w. r. WoonwAitD, Frankford, Pa. - ' lnlecior rrw. with oAh Shlloh's Catarrh Rpmnrlv rire so cents. SoM by V. E. Dement. House to Let. rNTHEFIR-TOFMAItCH. 1RST, JfRS.' r "IUUWU3 1UUKIII& XIUIIO tor pilVaiO boaniinuor private dwelling. For pirtlcu lan apply either personally or by Iett r to MRS, J W.MONSON. rrt Stevens, Oregon I S.. itm-Z-i 1-nJ: -.-At-'iSyf-ni-. To Regulate favorite Some hemedy u wsuracted'not xa contain sialic par asoe, bat Is purely vegetable. It win cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of tna Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your liver h out of order, thea your jrholc system Is deranzed. Th blood b unpure. the breath eflensive: you havs headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious coa- wuMwu, uutc at once siramona 3IVER REGULATrm rr , i,a , s sentary life, or sufier with T" ," ""T VuurJ' 'uiecuonn, avoid ' stimulants and take Simawni Liver Regulator lure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or ' sI"P'e? a,1 n,gh take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a' miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons. Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a ' tnJle. It uUl cure you. If you wake up in the morning with bitter, bad taste in our mouth. P A 17YI Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor 1 rS 1 tcti,thc Bilious Stomach, sweeten A &&&&&J the Breath, and cleanses the Furred iuuBuc. vnuuren oiten need some safe Cathar iiu ana ionic to avert Simmons Liver Rei hk. Cr.l. o u 5t , oicmacn. lnaigsstton, Dys the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent pursing, or stimulating without Intoxi cating, take I 1 1 n 1 SSWH PREPARED BY J.H.ZEIUH& C0:,Philadelphia,Pa. PRICE, 81.00. Look Here E Ityouuauia neut fitting Stilt or Cloihoa goto 3", SI. B.OSS, Merchant Tailor. Havlmjjiut iece!re4 a complete asaort m?ntf Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am preuanSd to make up Suits cheaper Uihu ihe cheapest. (Jive me a caU and be convinced that I mean wbatlaj,, J. ROSS Cprnw 3'iuetnoiiua and HomlUoti streets, east of C U, Cooper's. PRACTICAI. GrRAINER and PAINTER. SiaNPAlNTING, AND GLASS SHOvV .CARDS. PliAIX A Ad ikcoijative Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Ctiss St., ne to Sthvsou'a Black smith shop. Astoria. Oregon, YiiEfnf a Cisar aDd TdIhcgo Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water-Street, Two Doors East o Olney Fine Cigars, Tobacco and Saolcrs Articles, Sold rtt Lowest Market RRtw. PRUIT3. CANDIES, NOTIONS.&c 0. H. Stockton, Pioneer Painter end Paper Hanger. Offioe on Main. Tlnce doors sotith of ''queiuoqiia Street. House Painting, Craining, Fres co In a, etc. id n JlU. Ui wS.i Auctioneer anfl Commission Agent SstabUshed 1874. Dealer lu New andbeoond-hand unilfure and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales ofLand, Stock, or Houehold Goods iu the country. Win apprabe and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Con'-iKiiments SoMcited, Quirk Sales aud prompt Cosh retums gturanteed. Astoria acent for Dallv and Weeklv Ore. gonian. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL' MERCHANDISE, . Comer 0hen3mu3 and Oass streets. ASToiior .- , - . . oilEGON THE MM uva. V i t "i-sSiafe.-, .it, ARB0UR'S-- HAVE NO EQUAL! 1 w -a I ' xMm ii1 w ifiPTi 1 1 1 1 TwrT iffii TfcT i HMIMr mh ! wSrTEHNAnrW GRAND PRIX PARIS, 1878, AXD , GRAND CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNEUR: THEV HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VAKIOUS THAN TH1I aOOD8 OP ANY OTKEE THREAD MANUFACTURER'S IN THE WORLD. Quality cen-ways be Depended on Experiencefl fisiile no OH HBNKY BOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 "Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. AiiEXTS FR PACIFIC COAST. Sjejne Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The Hew Model Range CAN BE TIAD IN Agent, Call and Examine It ; You Wl'l be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is al30 Agent for tEe Buck Patent Cooking Stover. AND OTHER FIRST CLAS3 STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hatfid. NEW YOKK Novelty S ELEGANT STYLES VALENTINES Of Latest Manufacture. Bought in Lirge Quantities, and to he Sold at the Very Lowest Prices. For Vale' tines ofanys'ze.stvle or qual ity and at the Lowest Prices, call at the New York Novelty Store! lJI o ColnMa Transportation Company :: FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Timei THE NEW STEAMER I - t ii ii TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leavs Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland a! 1 PJ Keturnlng leaves Portland everv Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. it-Aa aanmonai trip win he made on at O'clock Huaday 3IorniBff. tor Soaad porta. .fadkJUkJJlifa xposilions H ASTORLi, ONLY OF Frank L Parket, Dealer in Fancy and Staple (Ma Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTOEIA WOOD YA&&, M. arrivina at Astoria at 1 P. M. aawii tfr-maimkm