"" '' iwOKi JUJ-'vjsMr'i -t5er "-sir msgi-ji "---- - - -- 0 iht 3J'6ftj.- "Sfe&SfS StSS T. AA I Ffnl I CAlTvl rfSEEW K 9EK .t&raBr H fey4Ri vw)&)m&&& ififl " VOL. XXVII, lYO.SK ASTORIA, OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1887. BUSINESS CARDS. T JR. JLA fc'O.nCE, DENTIST. Rooms 11 and IS Odd Felloes 2utldlng, ASTORIA, - - OREGOK.l tvlssiftuuaud Surgeon Office on Cass street, Hire." doors oath on v4i El. Odd Fc.low'a bulMiug. ' CS! 335E a i-j r j.uvut xiu. ti. fc g- 1 . tuisU jwF i Fin ,73 AS E WAR K iilfliiSEf 533&S3 MliBsi ( FKWi iI W Crf " K-W SL SBBMI 'wuoMyiUi . tbk -j-wuuaj H -rice yron optattf, Hmctics antTtolson X TKOKX. PITTSICTAX -12VD SUliGEOX. Residence, Upper Astoria, NHlsor. lloua?. I AY TCTTIjE. m. I. ' - MO AS A.ND SUKGjwi y - m k Rooms c li lhlan iiutld:n Remdknce On Cedar Strf:. back i St. M.m S If oSDltal. i . I um. QCts. im&ExMwM m a E . AT I1P.PMRTJ X T ri. . hie cffAioa a. ot,CLrlt uLuClrinr .,. J Mr. O. It. ESTKS. !! MCIAN AND MrJIOEON. S I it I ezn. t! m IliaNhnjr. up stair1. A-tor a.' 1 I ! Y.S ! 01 A X AND SUJKO KO N . ' (.l.!te ieJoaxaph Office, A-tor5i,Or?Roa Q C5'9Bte?"t?."t lT.,i,t, tf B M Bwlacke, UrtiUthe. TootL-h-- flS pi Ace, rav cents. MBQKBLMA.lJblxa&gail'agttgSil. SURVEYOR QFpLATSOP CQUN1Y Sz-City Surveyor of Astona ibce : N. E. comer Cass and AsUr 4tre s wnn N'o.R Up fHirs. Itobt. Collier, Deputj . 'R. ALLIES K1.VXSY, Is - - Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patient--at hU office, find may be found tnero nt any hour. E.c V. UJUDE.V, Notary- Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington TerrJlory, Auctioneer, Real Estate and Insurance AKnt. Office. 31t Hold ns: AiirMrm T?nr.ta Char- mva street, Astona. Oregon. o. a. raoass.f , - . e. e. ccotket. TUOJXSOiS & COOTERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Orricis. tfooms 1 and 5, over City Book atore. Eecommendations of Appropriations. Salem, Feb. IS. The house committees on p.ublic buildings made the following recommenda tions yesterday: That at the penitentiary a briclc building, to be used as a laundry, blacksmith and work shop, be erected at a cost of S6,250; that a brick addition be erected at the south end of the main building, for a hospital and dining: room, to COSt S1,000. Thev also rpr.nnv- mended an expenditure of $1,500 ior ure hydrants and hose, $2,500. for a brick machine and other ap pliances in the brick yard, and from $4,000 to $7,000 for a brick or iron wall for the better pro tection of the main building For the asylum they recom mended an appropriation of M,925 for the erection of a new wing, perfecting the water system. wamscotinir aii'i other imnrnvn- ! ments. l'or the blind school they rec ommended an appj epilation of 2,000 for establishing an Indus trial department, for sewerage and furnishing and' repairing the building. For the capitol, $-10,000 for furnishing corns, finishing r'nn building, completion of porticos, purchase anu placement of eleva tors, and for other repairs and improvements to the building and grounds. Marine Hospital Service. PRICE JblVE CENTS. Jarec Fem&ls Complaints. -&. Great Sltbe; GEO. A. DORK IS, GEO. XOuAT.'b ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Tlpa in Kinney's Block, opposite Citi HaU, Astoria. Oregon. 3 c vr. truLTos. a. c. svlto, FULTON BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koomssand e.Odd Fellows Building. Boat Building: MY., Y?ARS " EXPKIUENCK IN bulldinz boats on t!.e Columbia river mid ti!ini!rpiii nf Hn lir.ot r.r ..,, ...i. matfe mv rrn;rrfnTt in mui nv- it.... j qu-irtcjs at .the old Astoria Iron Works buildiri, win hufid boats at any po nt on the f'oiiunbla river where mv services may be required. - " - J S?.T. HOWE. -AGENC"? Wm,T.Coleman&Go. OFJ3AN FRANCISCO. Fiavers Wharf and Warehouse, ilstoriui Orogon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storase acd Insurance at Cuireut Rates. if Vltornry and. Connseltor at .Law onicc ?n Cbenamus Street, -storia. Oregon ATTOPvNEY AT LAW. H001113 No. 11 and 12. Pythian Castle Build- Q B. WATSOSf, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. specialty1"65'5 befre lbe U S tad 0fflcc a ASTOKIA, - . OltEflO.V. T T.JBAitIV, ATTORNEY AT LAV, ViLXGOS CITr, - - - - OREGON'. S??,!9? seltJers and cia5ii.at.ts before any District, or the General, Land Office on reasonable terms. Advice and Jaformntlon, if desired, tfvon A. E. KIT AW. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the Woth JOHN F. McGOVERN, K. SI. CoIcaian,Ac-.iallt. AgU ii a& Hsner Ship Ohandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAEE Paints, Oils, and Varnislu LOGGERS' SUPPLIES ' PROVISIONS AD MILL FBI Jedga VTasem's Political Philosophy. Cuube a woman ain't a voter it ain't no sign she don't pint her husband's nose in the way she wants him to go. It's a doggoned sight easier to talk patriotism than it is to act it. ine American eagle has got the most different btood of any bird that ewer set on aigs. It's a powerful bad practice to put licker in vore Dolitics. Politics -ain't patriotism by a long shot. Ef all the" liars was to get out of pontics tne National areny- would be loncsomer than a crippled kit ten in a rainstorm. When a nation goes back on rtsHbrae Industries "it is about ime a gardeen wasappinted. Whichever political party that has the least to get wants e most- civil-service reform. Society balls in peace don't make cannon balls in war. Gittin1 rich on politics is a bad sign. Washington Critic. It is reported that the snort is twenty-three feet deep on the summit of the Cascades along the line of the Northern Pacific rail road, in some places. Fourteen fret of snow is bein? removed in otder tojay track at the approach to the big tunnel. The annual report of the super vising: surceon-ffeneral of tho mn. rine hospital service of the United States shows that during the vesr ending June 30, 1880, the total number of seamen treated in the hospital at Portland was 294, As toria 52, Port Townsend 402, Ta coma 7. Number of days relief in hospital Portland, 2,929; As toria, 1,339; Port Townsend, 4, 961, Tacnma, 65. Amount ex panded Portland, 84,137; Astoria 3i,4UU; JL'ort Townsend, $5,525; Tacoma, not reported. " For the year ending June 30, 18S7, contracts have been entered into between the.government and private hospitals as follews: At Portland The medical at tendance to be furnished by a medical officer oi the marine hos pital service; St. Vincents hospi tal to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursin" and mprfiftinns t fin ntc per day, and to provide for the ounai oi cieceaseu. patients at 15 eacn. uut-patients to be treated at the dispensary, room 21, Union block. At Astoria Saint Mary's hospital to furnish quarter-), sub sistence, nursinir, medical attend ance and medicines, at SI v,e.r da. v. Port Townsend Patients rod for in the United States marine hospital. John Heackwell to pro vide for the burial of deceased pa tients at 12 each. At Tacoma 'Fannie C. Paddock Memorial hospital" to furnibh Quarters, sub sistence, nursing, medical attend ance and medicines at 61 per dav. TFrs. Corr. Oregoniun, To Begulate THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY V wilt acted cat to contain a single oaiw tide rf M-,., . . :.r.r!T?l- f.J saaw, bat Is purely vesetebl. It will Cure all Diseases caused ""by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver Ii out of order, then your whole system U deranged. The blood it topure. the breath offensive; you hare headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con- "'"Wi ut at once simn:cns REGULATOR. If yculead a ' sedentary life. 0r suffer with sS'retie've Sm UveT &"- ! If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or fed heavy ifier meals or $r? a.1. "fc!"' take a dose aad you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Uyspepsia and Biliousness, seek rehef at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not fe-iu'rCTCOn,,!?u:d dosin?, and costs but a trifle. It will curs you. If youwalce up in the mornfrg u-iih a bitter, bad taste in ycur msuth. IVER Simmons Uvi-r R.m.'. I 'jc'sdie Bilious Stomach, "sweetens It ccr Fl? I I fl C "",,,u? Jiotnacn. su cctcni iiawita inr iirpiTn i-t imh,.u .v. v-.. Tongue. ChUdren often need some safe Cathar- ' tic ana ionic to avert approachine sickness. I fcimmons Liver Regulator wiU relieve Colic, Head- f acl.8 Ssck Stomach,- Indigestion, Dysenterj'. and I At any time you feel your system .needs deanjins, toninp, regulating without violent purging, or sumulatirg without intoxi cating, take liwliferEsplak KtpflKD BY J. H. ZEIUli & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. PEICE. 81.00. Dipirthfria. "lam living in a nelhboriiood sur rounded with DipJitheria and was .tt tacked with Ulcerated oro Tiuoat. J at once commenced to use Darbv.s -l'ro nllViaCtiC Flllfd. llUlltr.il nhnm ,.,... hail, as a fiaigle, when great clots ot liara membrane and mucous casnfc xrniu ray iinoM,-and the attack passed Look Here Boys.j It vent want a iwat fitting t:tt of Olotliei goto a, 3E5. ROSS. Merchant Tailor. ! RIIRRnilR'S HAVE NO EQUAL! fwliCvS5JjyW,lJ4iji.JIW!taP6 'ilia 8?QHSHKR;HllHBSl!f HOUSE FOUMDED. 1764-.- 9 j Having Just received a comnlct- aort' Congestion of the bowels or rheumatism may bo brought on an animal by lying on wet bedding for a single night.. y t ,, ;, -'v"-'V the com pialnt of thousands sutfering from Asthma, Consumption, CouRfo, etc. Did vou ever try Acker's EnglishBem-edy.- It is the best preparation known for all Lunjj Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c. - 50c J. W. Conn. Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make tip Sulh clie-apM than tb cheapest. mesa wlsiUir say. " " J. ftOSS, J'A Ju,nonua and Uemlltoa ?th-ts. east ot C II. Cooper's. ASTOKli DENTIST. IJooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, coi ner Cass and Squeraoqua streots. Astoria Oregon. AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland-Soller Mills. Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. A5T0FJA. OJtEGON. GET KID OF THAT BAD TASTE. When you wake up in the morn ing T?ith a bad taste in your mouth, with your throat and to- gue dry ana a yellow coating on your teeth and gum3, don't imagine it was all caused by what you ate the night before. Of course everybody does that and everybody "swears ofT" from -again--eating such food. The trouble is that your liver is clogged, your kidneys are overworked and vourhowles are not doing their duty. Take from three to ten of Bband keth's Pills an'd note the sudden and wonderful change in your bvs tem. " , -a. 3iiTar. H. -TIIK- Thc largest theater in the world is the new opera house in Paris. It covers nearly three acres of Keep Coniant'.y on hand ' Fir Wood, Red and Yeliow, HEMLOCK WOOD. ALDER WOOD. SPRUCE LIMBS. MAPLE LIMBS, SPliIT ASH WOOD. ASH LIMBS, AND CRAEAPPLB Any desired length from fwr foot to ehdit Indies Ions. h Leave orders with Frank L. Parker or at the yards Telephone 36 PilACTICAI, GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTIN;. AND GLASS SHOW CARDS, fijaix axd decohative Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St.. next to Stinsoa'd Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, bANU rKIX PARS 18?8 AXD - t GRAIVD CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNEURl THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED ' HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS THREAD THAN THE GOODS OF AS'Y OTHER MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. ualiiy can -i MPiii Always be Oepi V 517 and S19 Fishermen Ds ;o u i Ii dsd on! flto! Market Street, AOESTS FOR X & O0.5 74miHlaftpf:aiifl TobacGO Store J. W, BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Tvo Doors East of Olney. Fuse Cigar, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Hates. FRUITS, CANDIES, NOTIONS.&c. & H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. 5& 23 lff.i?.i''ln7y. - kjjjj, w-..w. ground; it cost about oi trancs. 100,000,000 DENTIST. Kooms t and 2 Pythian Bmld-ing over C. H. CttoperV store. BIAM0HD PAIACE! i $c& ZZSSpS&ffiSl A Large and Vell Selected Stock of 1 liu F ashionabl nil b Ta ir A.Cood FitCuarantoed. - -M CHARGES MODERATE tasaaBari ifiwuBBaBe ceBBKMauim ARent fdr the Celebrated Household sowing Machine. Shop opposite 0. H. Cooper'3 DiiMs i Jewelry At Extremely I)w Prices. AH Roods Ilougbt at This EstaMI-bment Warranted Genuine. Waicli and CIoclc Kejiairin A SPECIALTY. Corner Cas end Squemoqua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance l don Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping i Cough, etc wo guarantee Acker's English Eomedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watchinEr. j Sold by J. W. Conn. f Mr. Gladstone shows hib faith in j himself by offering to bet ten to one that his political predictions I will bo verified. i?jT 5- 'I Sr tf 3 1 ifiswaw JB liir firm m .- Ii OMC On Afaln. TfirflO rlnnrQ cr.mli nt Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. C5PIC COAST. SAN FRANCiSCO, Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. ew CAN EE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF 9A American Net & E. AGENTS. ItepresentinL' the Lamest and Most Eelia blo I iro Insurance Companies. All Business nirmntKin1 ntnMnVfM.. acteL ' "wj"a- : ISolfablc AVtioIe. Tor enterprise, push and a desire to ,get such goods as will give tho trade I satisfaction, J. W. Conn tho Drusjrist leads all competition. He sells Dr. Bo j sanko's Cough and Lung Sj-rup, because j It's the best Aledicino'bn tho market, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Primary Con i sumption. Price 50 cents and Si.CO. samples iree. Are you made miserable byjtodiges- I UUU, llilDUU,!!, ArfAnf MaaIkm only) 7auted In every town. Jt. W. TanlU S Co., Co Stato St, UUiUAUO. C. HOLBEN. Anctfoneer anfl Commission Afient Established 1874. and B&hiB' amlSecor,d-hat5d Entnlturo ; Will conduct Auction Sale3 of Land, Stock. , or Household Uoods in the country. '.WU appraise and purchase Second-hand .iurniture. Consijniments Solicited, Quick Sate-, and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria apent for Dally and Weekly Ore- 0. L. BECK & SONS, Agents. FJaveliWoftrJ, nfiMicj T An nC 1 ..wu, xsv....vfsvwy1iH..-'ia4i(, X2Va vi. i ppuuu;, xcnuw ohinr -onion's vital1"; . . . , uci uauvuycciuv, lur suic oy Y. ! Astoria Oreson.-1 e. Dement & Co. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, 'DRUGS, CHEMICALS, "TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ANp RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Ohenamua and Cass streets. ASTCUIA OREGON IS. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It; You Whl be PleaMl. E.R.Hawes Is also Agent for ttte Buck Patent Cooking Stove, ilND OTHER i'lRST CL AS3 STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. FISHERIES Twin Home Office 43 Commercial St., Boston. New York Office, 1 72 Fulton Street. The Largest and Oldest manufacturers of ovory variety of FibU Netting in America. Nettings for Purse Seines, Pounds, Traps, Gill Nets, &c, &c, made from "the gkepard Cold Medal Twine Manufactured, by ourselves, and now conceded to be equal, if not superior to any twines now put into fish nettings. FISHERMEN can order our goods of any responsible merchant upon the Pacific Coast, or directly of us. Correspondence solicited. Send for samples and illustrated catalogue. All lor sale at the lowest market rates. Golttiiu TmBMin""CmJB"" FOE PORTLAND! Through Freight on Past Time! THE SEW STEAJ1EK ' : -TELEPHONE Which has been speciqUtbudt for the comfort of passengers will le.av "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every " . . . Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at'PoHfaiid at fpJiT Returning leaTea Portland every Tuesday ana lnursaay at b A. m. arriving at Astoria at ! P. ft, HfAn additional tn at voreiBCKxSox tor Sonnd ports. wtll be made on zuornlBC, -i isuaday ot EswsU Ween, leaving Portland. "6aj j nu3 iijuto wmigec 'Eirjiajamg u. b. bcOiT, presldeati