The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 10, 1887, Image 3

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Jtoittj Historian.
The county court hou30 is to bo
painted inside and out.
Yesterday's rain made slush under
foot and disagreeable walking.
The Oregon is due from San Fran
cisco this morning; the State'sailp.
Some good seats
Palace for Monday
at the Crystal
evening's per-
Tho weight of wet snow on many
roofs yesterday sent owners and oc
cupants aloft to clean it off.
It is thought'at Salem that a new
office that of attorney general will
be created this legislative session.
The British bark Bcstcjicld cleared
yesterday tor Qieenstown, carrying
74,722 bus. whe it, valued at 359,800.
The longest sentence jover set up in
this office appears on the first page
this morning. It contains 419 words.
Al. Church and Geo. Harmon, of
the lost steamer Dawn, were mem
bers of Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. O. O.
F., of this city.
Nets 525 fathoms in length are be
ing knit in Portland. A new feature
in nets this year is the importation
of ready made web from the east.
The locomotive for Mayor Trull
lnger's logging railway will be
shipped from Pittsburg to-morrow.
The rest of the rolling stock is here.
O. P. Nchling, an elderly Swede,
was yesterday before a commission
in lunacy, for examination regarding
his sanity. He will be taken to Sa
lem. The O. E. & N. steamer's sailing
days are as follews: from Asteria:
Slate,ltith; Oregon, 15th; Columbia
20th; State, 25th; Oregon, March 2nd;
Columbia, 5th.
. .There is a Taw against advertising
lotteries in this state. But a good
many tottery tickets are sold iu Auto
r.s all the same, though the win
ings are not "very extensive.
Some Interesting News Prom Salem.
The Governor Veto-, the 0. R. & N.
Rridge Bill The 0. R. & N. Lene
PawcPs the House News
Items Trom Vari
ous Points.
SaIiEM, Feb. 9. Watts' joint reso
lution that the prohibitory amend
ment to the constitution be commit
ted to a vote of the people on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday
in November, 1887, waB brought up.
Pending discussion a message from
the governor returning the O. B. & N.
bridge bill a ithout his signature, and
giving his reasons for vetoing the
same. His objections are based on
the report of the TJ. S. engineers and
that it would destroy the harbor.
He favors a bridge at the upper end
of the city.
Simon moved that the veto be
printed and the senate consider it at
ten o'clock Friday; adopted.
Watts' special election resolution
was again taken up and passed by n
vote of 26 to 4.
Cartwright's bill providing for the
building and maintaining of a double
track of narrow gauge railroad be
tween The Dalles aud Celilo was
read twioe and referred. S. B. for
settlement of boundary lines of coun
ties; passed. Gray's bill relating to
justice's and constable's fees in Clat
sop county, passed, and the senate
fl. B. 3, provides extra olerks for
the office of secretary of state. To
provide for the safety of passengers
traveling on railroads. By Goodsell,
for the relief of S. G. Harkins. By
Goodsell to annex a portion of Clack
amas county to Multnomah. H. B. by
Holland for reimbursement of cer
tiin parties for esierrainatioi
black tail rabbits. By Goodsell, to
provide a harbor master for the lower
Willamette and rresoriba his duties.
In Portland last Monday Ghas. F. t t.-t oUi,,u v. f
Will? rnf n mr.n frnm 1,? trif-!-0 .ueu " .
and the next day got a licensed wed
Miss Minnie R. Brauer. Tne divorce
baked meats did coldly furnish forth
the marriage tables.
There will ba a wedding at the
residence of Mr. Carl Adler to
day. The parties are Miss Sallie
Hirsch, of Salem, and Mr. S. L. Baer,
of Baker City. The marriage cere
mony will'be performed by theBev.
Dr. Bloch. The young couple will
leave on the State at noon for Cali
fornia. Carl Adler received a telegram
from the advance agent of the
Thompson Opera company yesterday
afternoon, to the effect that to insure
a full orchestra the company's ap
pearance was postponed till next
Monday and Tuesday evening3, whan
the 4Mikado," and ".Robert Macaire"
will be presented in first class shape
at Boss Opera house.
Unnecessary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason tbat no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviato this difficulty,
nnd they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. .1. -T. Mack
fc Co.. proprietors. S. F.
Lyons, Feb. 9. Two bombs simul
taneously exploded in front of the po
lice headquarters office to-day. The
bombs struck against the railway and
were thus prevented from exploding
with force against the building. At
St Etterino, 32 miles southwest of
Lyons, a bomb was thrown at a po
lice station and exploded ontsido of
the office, but with such fury that
three officers within the builing were
seriously injured. Eight men were
Boston, Fob. 9. John O. Leigbton,
for nineteen years clerk of the munic
ipal court of this city was charged
yesterday with being short in his ac
counts. According to a statement
attributed to liim by the morning
papers, it. appears .that Leighton's
assets were two hundred thousand
dollars short. Dodge said he had no
authority to see the books of the olerk
of the court; therefore he could not
make such ?tatememt as he was
credited with.
Pittsbubo, Feb. 9. The strike of
3Jx thousand Mnnongahela river cocl
miners h practically settled. Work
will be resumed in nearly all the
mines iu the first, second aud third
pools to-morrow, at a rate decided
upon by the national board; all mines
to be in operation nnd to meet Mon
day. Sudden Destk
will prolong life by preventing those
sudden deaths from heart disease
which bring untold grief to families,
often plunging them into poverty,
because of the untimely disease of
bread-winner. At druggists. $1.50;
Descriptive treatise with each bottle,
or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F.
Feb. 9.
Crane; de-
Taylob, J.
W. W. Parker vs. B. G
creo aud order of sale.
Rosenbaum k Co. vs. Bain, ot al.;
leave to amend.
Jno. Hobson ye. O. H. Bain; decree
for plaintiff.
State vs. Julius Udbye; defendaut
allowed ten days to file bill of ecxep
tions. Ha King and Lim Hong vs. W. G.
Ross; plaintiff allowed until 15th to
file amended answer.
Elliott vs. Stewart; argued and sub
mitted. "
Bill ofC.B. Watson, $172.50, al-lowed.
Fob Buckle aud I.aclitLott
Finder will he rewarded by leaving
same at this office.
Monry Found.
Call on W. F. McGbe oor.
Astoria, Or., Feb. 8th, 1887.
A Sew And Enta-g-d Mock
rhelec Br tnds (if Cisrar.
Imported Key West and domestic AU
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
snttedTSS to price. "TansIU'sPunch and
Junior's in full supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & aoNS.
-A plain gold bracele. Sunday after
noon. The finder will be liberally re
warded by returning the same to 3Jrs.
Joe Q Cbai tra.
A Polar Bearskin glove. Flndfr
will be rewarded by leaving the glove
Bt this office.
Barney & Berry' celebrated club
skates.plain and nickie plattd at Grif
fin & I&edjs.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
lAtvreal Cah rioo
Coal Oil at &L35 a case, at
P. L. Beck & Sons.
An A No. 1 Pianoio-rentrlnqulre of
labor statistics and defining its du
ties. A message "was received from the
governor with n veto to the Pert
land water bill. It was read by the
chair who then said: "Shall the bill
psas?" Wilson moved that it be ma do
a Japecial order of business for ten
o'clock on Thursday.
The committees rtported favorably
authorizing the Oregonian Railway to
build a bridge at Bay's landing; fa
vorably on allowing women to hold the
office of superintendent of schools;
favorably for the relief of Wm.
Gleok; also relating to fees of
school clerks; also for the sup
port of the state university; fa
vorably on several bills amending
laws; also in regard to the time3 of
holding court in the Fifth judicial
district; also relating to properly ex
empt from eseontion; favorably on
licensing ferrying corporations; also
on restoration of banks of unnavi
gabla streams; .vithout recommenda
tion relating to the proposed Tilla
mook wagon road; favorably on the
bill regulating interest; also on
bridging the TJmpqnn; also in aid of
Coos and Douglas wagon road; also
appropriating twenty thousand dol
lars in aid of Curry county to build
a wagon road, vith some amend
ments; also to purchase the locks at
Oregon City; and favorably to pro
vide commissioner for Columbia
Co. A majority reported unfavorably
and n minority favorably for the pur
chase of land for an agricultural col
lege; also for protoction to deer and
elk, amended to apply only to Colum
bia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties;
favorably on making construction of
barb wire fences without guards, a
misdemeanor; favorably on making
the county clerk commissioner of es
trays; unfavorably on allowing bulls
to run at large; favorably to prevent
tffe spread of contagious diseases;
unfavorably on Pennoyer's tax bill;
favorably authorizing the county
commissioners of Multnomah to rent
the bridge; without recommendation,
on branding articles made by convict
labor. Fox, a special election to vote
on the constitutional amendments,
which was adopted by the following
vete: yeae, 39; noes, 21.
The first message over the Postal
Telegraph wires, announces that the
0. R. & N. lease bill has passed the
house by a vote of 47 to 13.
New Yobs, Feb. 9. Except for. a
cumber of 'longshoremen standing
idle on the comers of the streets
along the river fronts, the quays have
assumed for the most part their nor
mal appearance, though it requires a
larger number of men to do the work
than formerly. The steamboat, rail
road and pier managers claim -that
their business is as good as before
the strike; that freight is being moved
with the utmost facility. The steam
ers now leave on the advertised time,
An adjourned council meeting was
held last evening, the subject of tb.8
meeting being to decide on the man
ner of lighting the streets for the
year, the present contract expiring
on the 19 tu mst. ,
Councilman Cleveland moved that
the counoii go into a committee of
the whole to consider the matter of
lighting the streets.
The several bids (which ware pub
lished in yesterday's issue) were re
read. -
Upon reassembling, Councilman
Bergman reported that the committee
recommended to give the Electric
Light Co. eight lights to be disposed
throughout the oity in such manner
as may hereafter be decided, and the
remainder of the lights be given to
the Astoria Gaslight Co., to be lighted
with gas and oil as at present. On
motion, the report of the committee
was adopted.
The city attorney, in response to
an inquiry, stated that to make action
valid, the committee should be au
thorized Uy ordinance to make con
tract. It was thereupon decided to
meet on the 16th, to pass such ordin
ance, and in the meantime the sites
for the electric lights to be selected.
The council then adjourned to meet
on the 16th inst.
Say, for the sake of argument that
we were at war with England and
the English fleet had secured the
services of some man who had recent
ly been a pilot or a fisherman on the
bar: an ironclad Bhip could run by
Fort Stevens and Capo Hancock with
very little danger from the land bat
teries, aud, once past them, could lay
Portland and Astoria under tribnte
lor any amount Nor would the
trouble stop at the capture ot Port
land and Astoria. The capture of
this city would throw into their hands
three lines of railroad and all the tel
egraph lines, which would enable
them to transport land forces into
Idaho. Utah and Montana, if they so
desired. Every branch of trade would
be paralyzed, and every source of
wealth laid under tribute to the in
vading forces. Sunday Mercury.
The Denver and Rio Grande rail
road, backed by the wealthy Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy line, is knock
ing at our doors, in fact is an appli
cant for right of way througn Oregon.
The more railroads the better, and all
such should ba enoouraged, Sun
day Welcome.
It is very iraportaut to the people
of eastern Oregon that the bill au
thorizing the lease of the O. R. & N.
Co. to the Union Pacific, pass the leg
islature, and become a law. This will
give a competing line to tho people oi
Opposed to the Lease.
Editob Astebiak:
Sib: I see that your paper along
with others, notably the Oregonian,
advocates the passage of the bill now
before the Oregon legislature, en.
abling the U. P. R. R., to lease the O.
R. & N. I am not sure that any of
tho stockholders in the Oregonian
are stockholders in the O. R. & N. Co.,
who would like to make sure of that
6 per cent. At any rate, I fail to see
the harm co the state should the bill
not pass. We shall try to see what
dire results should follow by suppos
ing that tho bill don't pass. Will the
Oregon Short Line "pull up stakes"
in disgust and do no more business
with Oregon, leaving us to the mercy
of the N. P. R., the C. P. R. the S. P.
R.? For it won't -be long before the
Southern and Central Paoifio have
through connection with Oregon.
Now, my humble opinion is that the
state should allow those two corpor
ations to settle it between them
selves. If they oan't make it con
venient for shippers, theirs be the
loss tot the shipper; and if it should
come to an open rupture between
those two, it shall be to Oregon's ben
efit, for then the Oregon Short Line
will have to be fiuisbed (ai it ought
to be) to Portland or the sea Astoria
It seems a plain case tbat the O. K
"i t e- vr i- it i:jtii.-:
the northwest, and will b, a means of " ,u "8 "u ul tumr prup
regnlating freight rates. If our leg- erty before any more competition
i ;'.'. :n - i w;., ,:& t come3 in; and the Oregon Short Line
wants to lease that property so they
tariff within the boundaries of the
state, our people can hope in the near
future a release from the burdens
which have been imposed upon them
by a railroad monopoly. Dalles
Miss Maud Howe thinks that wom
en ought to be permitted to vote for
superintendent of streets in order to
protect their skirts from a mud bath.
In the meantime, however, it might
be in tho line of common sense to
shorten tho Bkirts a little. Omaha
When the Republicans talk about
a chance of getting back into power
in 1833, do they ever think ot the
records they are making in the nom
ination of money-bags for governors
and the election of check-books to
the United States senate? New
York World.
The dispute with Canada over the
fisheries has caused a good deal of
unofficial bad blood between the
two countries. Our government will
not submit to any permanent policy
opposed to tne interests ot numanuy.
We may be deficient in naval
strength and coast defences, but we
have hearts of oak that are better
than all the man-made maohinery of
war, and while England might strike
our coasts, we would crush Canada
likoabhell. It is worth while to ro-!
member that in both ot our- past' JEFF'S
struggles with that country, we be-, Un-lted htates Re3tauraut isthe best
gan unequal to her m numbers, in ani cheapest In Astoria.
arms, in fleets and in forts, but we
gained our points in each case and The line L03 Gates canned Peaches,
wore her out by the valor of our peo- Apricots, Bartlett Pears, etc. at Thomp
ple. So it will lie again. Tribute son & Ross'.
might be levied for a time upon our
sea ports, but in the end we would
administer upon the British estate
on this continent and close it out,
won't have to spend their millions be
lore taking our millions out.
I think those corporations, in an
illegitimate way, occupy too much
time both in our state and national
Free Trade.
The reduotion of internal revenue
and the taking off revenue stamps
from Proprietary Medicines, no
doubt has largely benefited the con
sumers, as well as relieving the bur
den of home Manufacturers. Especial
ly is this the case with Green's
August Flower and Boschee's Ger
man Syrup, as the reduotion of
thirty-six cents per dozen, has been
added to increase the size of tho bott
ties containing $hese remedies, there
by giving one-fifth more medicine in
the 75 cent size. The August Flower
for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
and the German Syrup for Cough
and Lung troubles, have perhaps,
tho largest sale of any medicines in
the world. The advantage of in
creased size of the bottles will be
greatly appreciated by the sick and
afflicted, in every town nnd village in
civilized countries. Sample bottles
I for 10 cents remain the same size,
Important to Ladie
Read what JeannioWinsf on, Port
land's favorite prima donna, says of
Wisdom's Rebertinc:
Portland, Dec. 22, 1886.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The
"Robertine" yon so kindly sent me io
excellent. It is the finest prepara
tion T have ever used, and i3 a de
cided acquisition to a lady' toilet.
Yours truly,
Tho above is published in order to
settlo all doubts aud dispntea as to
the exiateuee of such an endorse
ment, and as evidence of the high
esteem in which Wisdom's Rober-
tino is held. This preparation has
been before tho public but a short
time, yet the sale has been extraor
dinary. Wisdom's Robertine is for
sale by all the leading druggists.
AH exf-iupt. resigned, or otliei nast
firemen, now dropped front the roll of
their respective rompaniw are request
ed to surrender their badges to tin1 sec
retary ot board of delegates, and save
the fine imposed by city ordinance.
By order B. S Worsley,
Chief Engines.
E. Z. FtRGUSON. Secretary.
All the different books used in tho
public school you can get at the Crystal
Palace at reduced rates.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is wnat you need
for Constipation, L033 of Appetite, Diz
zine j and all symptoms ot Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents
by W. E. Dement
per bottle. Sold
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is
the remedy for 3'ou. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Shiioh's Catarrh Kemedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Cankrr Mouth. Sold by W . E. Dement.
using tno stars and stripes lor an
auctioneer's Qag.Alta California.
The junketing tour of certain mem
bers of the Oregon legislature over
the line of tho Oregon Pacific railway
is a disgrace to all who participated,
in it, and should mark the partici
pants as men whom it would be well
to watch. The legislators did not go
to Yaquina on any official errand.
They were not constituted a commit
tee to look int i and examine any in
terests likely to come up for consid- , ,,, , , ., ,
erntion before the legislature. Thev I . -.Ail the patte,raedlK-luaf $?"
. nB ;,tt,,nn f tuci x t? . iu tins pantr, together with the choicest
went upon invitation of the O. P. R. p,-,,.,,., ..'mi toilet articles, etc- can
R., nnd were all and Feverally fnr-!&,0Ils.f,.. thp lowest prices, at J. W.
nished with free transportation ovor (tin'ri drat slurp, opposite Ocldeut
the road. Such busini S3 is not only lictel. Astoria.
out of taste, but it is a menace to the , m- u l . " .'"' ' '
rights of tho people. If any consid
erable number of legislators bad '
deemed it expedient to visit Yaquina
bay for the purpose of pleasure or in
vestigation and had bought and paid
for their passage over tho Oregon
Pacific, no objection could be urged.
But to becomo the guests of a rail
way corporation, and to partake of
corporation hospitality, are injudi
cious and glaringly out of place in a
law-maker. CorvallU Chronicle.
in ii ants!
Monday aud following days of this week we will place on our center counters
A1, ODD LKSGTKs F CODS accumulated during tho season and.
MARK T2SOI D;AVAT legardless of cost In order to make a thorough clear
ance, previous to our annual Inventory of stock which takes place Feb. 1st.
Ten cfnts for a enp of F3bre's
Telephone T.niug House.
Best Bi-ds in town. Ronm.s per night
50 and 25 cts.. ner week 81.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
For The Most Beautiful
And enduring photosranh?, charming
toni-s. the mot scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. Sec new
dimples at his new gallery on the roadway.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Hijuse
Sole Agent for Butterick's Patterns for this District
Every time you come you will be Better Pleased.
Aetli e. Iuskiu ami Ileliahlc.
W. E. Dement & Co. can a'.wavs be
lelied upon to carry in stuck the purest
and bi'st wod-, and sustain the reputa
tion of hiMUK active. puhinK and relia
ble, bv recomm-ndtnK articles with
well established mei it and inch as are
popular. Having the auency for the
celebrated Dr. Kind's Xew Discovery
for consumption, colds and coughs, will
-ell M on a positiv piin.! W. It will
MiieU 'ure any every .iffectlon ot
throat, lunjjs. or chest, and in order to
prove oar eiaim, wc ask you to call .and
jjet a Tsiul IJjitle Free.
Nj'riip ii Figs.
Private Booms.
The only perfect remedy for habitual
constipation, dyspejpsla and hludnd
his, is me lamoua iiquiu iruu reuieuy
Syrup o figs. It strengthens as tvo 1 a
cleanses the System, it is easily taken
and oerfectlv harmless. Tot- sale by
W.E, Dement & Co.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Shiloh's Cuke will linmedlatelj
relieva Crouu. Whonnlne Couch, and
Bronchitis, bold by W.E. Dement & Co
What! Do Ton Think
Jeff of the U. d. plves you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much'; "but he "gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant In town. 25 cents.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Sjiup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Naiuies Own True Laxittive. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
mi ono dollar nor bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
know n, to cleanse the system ; to act on,
me iiver, xviunc.s ujiu jjucia ui-jiiiy
vet thoroughly to dispel Ueadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Before goinft to market for my spring
stock, I intend to tuin all goods
on hand into.
Salt! SaltXX
s?d the jam ot freight m the railroad At J HD figfcfiggg&
pira no longer exists. quantities to suit nnrch&sers.
Fresh canned Asparagus, Baknd
Beans, Susjar Peas, Fiench and Cali
fornia Green Corn, Stilus Beans, etc. at
Thompson & Ross'.
What Is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Gambrinus Boer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
nntn .TffFs Eestauiant to-n!chtand
take home a peace make: (Oyster Loaf.)
Go To Crow's Gallery.
The leading ihotoRrapher. For the
finest photos iu all the latest styles and
of superior hnlsh.
Eastern oystrs fresh every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant.
Gold Coin.
To accomplish this I have decided to
Slaughter Goods,
The like of which you have never
hard In Astoria,
If you need anything, NOW is the
lime tor you to secure
The Clothier and Hatter
(Occident Building,)
We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods
w carry by every steamer. By last steamer
Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Cilt Edge,
Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can; -Green
Coffee at Sah Francisco wholesale prices; all the ,..
best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a
full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canued
and cased goods iu large, slock and great variety, for
many of which we are sole agenis; Anchovies, Dutch
Herringr, Yarmouth Bloaters, Codfi-h Bricks, Bor.eless
Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, Wheat, Com, Oat,
and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Apple, White Darling Po
tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and
provision line. Agents for Lantz Bros, celebrated ' '
Soaps and Starch, and many oiher Eastern and California ?
makes canied in stock. Wheat, Oats, Gn.und Barley, "
Shorts and Bran. Cordaire, all sizes Naiis. all kinds.
Twine, Floats, and a full line of CANNERY SUPPLIESr
A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To-
bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of ""
Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand
The best
oysters In any style at
Novelty Store
Of Latest Manufacture.
Bought In Large Quantities, and to be Sold
at the Very Lowest Brlcea.
For Valentines of any afze, style or qual
ity and at the Lowest Prices, call at tea
New York Novelty 8toro
Also, Shades, Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More
Fancy articles in China, Crystal, B'sque, etc. Full
Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, and Crockery in all the
Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, Table
and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. Goblets, Win
Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumblers, and Bar Ware generally,
and many other articles too numerous to enumerate.
All these way up in Quality, and way down in Price,
We have just been appointed agents for Astoria of the - "
justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and tn '
prepared to'sell to the trade at Oil Co's wholesale ratet,
and every can 'guaranteed as to quality and condition.
Our retail trade supplied at same rates' as inferior oils -Tj
are sold at.
23?Remember your place to trade is at
D. L. BECK & SON8.