m gaitj gtftoriaw. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. ..-FEBRUARY 10. 1887 Or fifteen Republican senators to be sworn in on the 4th of March, four are ex-confederates. In" 1852, Daniel Webster, dis cussing the fisheries question, pre dicted .that "congress will never do anything." , - - A credulous English paper graTely asserts that western grass hoppers are put up in this country for French sardines. The much-talked-of letter from Pius IX to Jefferson . Davis has been, discovered. It was a plea for peace more than anything else. The California legislature, now in session at Sacramento, pays a man four dollars a day to wind up the clock. It is an eight-day clock too. There has been an enormous increase of the German forces en the French' frontier, the force hiv ing been?aised from 40,000 to 90,000. This has heen met by a corresponding increase in the French frontier forces, and the two armies are now separated only by a neutral zone of from twenty to one hundred miles. SoilE ingenious if not ingenu ous defenses have been made by criminals and pliintiffi in criminal cases. O'Neill, one qf New York's convicted boodle aldermen, comes to the fsont with a good one of its class. Hesas that he was elected by bribing voters, therefore legally, he was not elect ed at all, therefore he was not a member of the council at all, hence the money he took for his vote shouldn't be laid up against him. But he'll iron shirts at Sing Sing all the sime. A fire broke out near the gov ernment wharf in Detroit and the offi-er in charge called a tug, which put out the fire. The bill was sent to Washington and pay ment refused because the officer did not advertise for sealed pro posals to put out the fire and have it done by the lowest bidder. When another fire breaks out in government property that officer will put an advertisement in the papers asking for the lowest bid der to put it out. That is red tape. The announcement that Bas- tian Thiessen, a prominent citizen of Jefferson couuty, Nebraska, has been arrested in Russia and prob ably executed, is exciting great interest in that state, and action will be taken to ascertain the truth of the report, and if he is alive an effort will be made to se cure his release. Theissen was an escaped exile from Siberia, whither he had been sent for ni hilism. His object in visiting Russia was to secure some money, and he expressed confidence in his ability to elude detection and ar rest. He went to Nebraska three years ago, located with the Men nonite colony and engaged exten sively in silk enhure. He owns a large mulberry grove which he planted and is possessed of con siderable property in Nebraska. He was a naturalized Amerioan citizen. preparations on a large scale; but the magnitude of the national debt the greatest in the memory of man and the extravagance of General Boulanger's outlay for war material are creating grave uneasiness among sober-minded financiers. These rival naval na tions are gradually exhausting themselves in ceaseless prepara tions for war during a period of profound peace. Few are aware of the enormous special advantages enjoyed by the Canadian Pacific railway. From the Dominion government that company received as gitts $35, 000,000 worth of completed rail roads that had been built by the government; also 25,000,000 in money; and third, 25.000,000 acres of good farming lands, being ex clusive of those covered by water or otherwise waste and, useless. This latter is considered the most valuable of any land grant made to a railroad, not excepting that of the Northern Pacific. The total value of these bonuses .from the government may reasonably be estimated at nearly $100,000,000. It is further favored with, first, exemptions from cistoms duties of all material used in construc tion; second, perpetual exemption from all species of national, pro vincial, local and municipal taxa tion of the railroad, its equipment and appurtenances, and of the cap ital stock of the company; third, twenty years' exemption from all species of taxation of its granted lands; fourth, a monopoly for the period of twenty year of all the railway business within that part of the Dominion lying westward of Lake Huron. Its financial condi tion is most excellent, having a railway system embracing soon1 4,500 miles, bearing a total fixed charge of only $3,300,000 a year. Dividends at the rate ot o per cent, per annum upon its capital stock of 60.000,000 are guarnteed for the ppriod of ten ears from July 1, 1883. To meet this guar anty the company have now on hand the sum of $12,000,000, snf ficient to cover about six years' dividends. Of its land grant it still has 17,000,000 acres unsold. Its preparations for business in clude connections and agencies in all the great American trade cen ters. It has arranged to tap the American business at all central points. American roads, in un dertaking to -contend with this foreign rival, will have to cope with a most formidable competitor. Notice To The Public. OWING TO MY INABILITY TO COr icct from Hie present undertaker, par ties wishing gnuesdui; at Clat op cpmeierj must accompany the order with five dol lars to insure the gnnes belnzdug, A. Y. GnUBIl. Citv Sexton. Clatsop Ccmeterv. Hemlck Street Improvement. NOTICE is thereby given that t e Common Council proposo to order tli improvement nt mat portion ui iicir. lock street in the c:t of Astoria, in Clatsop county, Oregon as laid out and recoided by J. M. Shivcly, from its intersection with Salmon street to the eastern limits of said street, to Its es tablished grade, by replacing all miss ing piles with new ones, and removing all defective stringers and replacing them with new ones, and by plankiDg said portion with now planking four Inches In thickness to a width, of thirty feet through the center thereof, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final pub lication ut this notice, viz: jwmaay, March 7th, 1837, the Common Council will oider said Improvement to be made. Bv order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S-.Iewett, Audit r and Police Judge. Astoria, February ioh. 1887. Cedar Street Grade. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common' Council propose to establish the giade of that portion of Cedar streK in the city of Astoria, Clatsop countv, Oregon, a-, laid out and re corded bv J. M. Shivery from it3 inter section wl h West Sixth street to its intersection wl h Salmon street as fol lows, to wit: At its Intersection with West Fifth street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At Its inter.M'Ctiou witn West Fourth street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At Us inters ction with West Third street at a height of 19 feet above the Ua-e f grades. At Its iii ersection with West Second str et at a height of 19 feet above the base of j.rads. At Its intersection with Wet First street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. At iis intersection with Salmon street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owner- of twi thirds of the proper ty fronting on said portion of said street be filed wl I) the Aud'tor and Police Judge within ten days from the final 1 ublieation of this notice, viz: Mondiv. March 7th, 1817. the Common Co u.cil will e.H ahliah said grade. 3y order of the Cnnmnn Co ucil. Atie-t: T. S. Jb-wett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February lQtli, 1S7. Comic, Long Jokers, Fault Finders, Hit 'Em Kurds, Trade Comics, Sharp Darts. New Lace Valentines, Gems of Love, New Sachet. Love's Arrows Cupids Darts.Satin Novelty Valentines and Valentines of all descriptions in larq variety AT HEHC8. O&mSi iiDXiSP,, Manager. The Crystal Shoes! Shoes At The ! Shoes! EMPRE Pacific Fi xmaiBtsaHMeBiBHaBnBBacawHnB ul iua 1 We beg to renew our notice to the Fisheries of the upper Pacific, of the full preparation we have marie and are makinp to manufacture iroou wares lor thuir use, ot every Kinn, except uouuie khuucu oamiuii Nets: Pounds and Traps, Gill Nets, Seines, from sardines to porpoise. We advise the practicability of using Purs Salmon Seines For outside fishinjr. One can be made verv strong and vorv light, and can be handled QUICK LOW IN COST. In the New England waters are over four hundred large Purse seinps for mackerel, herring and menhaden, 200 fathoms long, 25 fathoms deep, any fish that move in compact bodies can be taken in these seines. Wo offer the Stow Cotton Salmon Twine with a full belief that Its strength is ample for the hardest servico, of more durability than flax, and no more expensive. Our energies, with a long experi ence In nettings, and v desire to send good waies to our patrons, we hope will not disapolnt any reasonable expectations. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester. Boston Office, 9G Commercial Street Fall and Winter Stock Complete IN ALL STYLES AND GEADES. No more need to send away for a Fine Shoe, as wo have a Full Lino of the Celebrated DRIAL& CO.'S FRENCH SHOES, and LAIRD,- SOHOBER & MITCHELL'S FINE SHOES of which we are Sole Dealers in Astoria. - - ... -1 We also handle BOOTS and SHOES from" all the Leading Factories in America. Men's Heavy Boots 3Yid shoes a Specialty. LOWEST PRICES and SATISFACTION Guaranteed. W. T. PAEEEE, Manager. ea.vt.Ei: n 3S A Cnptnia'8 fortunate fi-env-rj' Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth ply ing between Atlantic City and X. Y.,had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, it not only gave him instant rellef,but allayed the extreme soreness In his breast Ilia children were similar ly affected and a single do'-e had the same haonv effect. Dr. Klne's New Discovery is now the standard remedv in the Coleman household and on ooard the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Remedy at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Cedar Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council propose to order the Improvement nf that port on of Cedar street In the city of Astoria in CUtsup county, regon, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shiveiy from its luter.secti u with West Sixth street to its Intersec tion with baluion street, to the height of the present improvement of said poniou of said street, by remov.ng all defective piles and stringers aud eplacing them with new ones, and planking said port on with new planks four inches lu thickness to a width of th ity feet through the center thereof, and unless a remonstrance signed uy the owners of two thirds of the. prop. ty frontinu on s iid portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Folic Judge within ten dajs of the final publication of this notice, viz: Monday. March 7th, 1837, the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest : T. S, J EWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Fe ruary 10th, 1887. f"ta 1 LEN Hay, Oats, ait Straw, Lime, Brici, Cement, Sand awl Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Draylnu-. Teaming and KprMa Business. STEA.HEB TEE Rpply to the CaptalE, or to mm parser Eben P, Farker,ttaste. For TOWING, FBEIGHT orCHAJt 13. B. PABKFJR Wholesale and Retail Dealer In NEW TO-DAY. House to Let. ON THE FIR T OF MARCH. 1P87. MRS, Muuson'i Lodging House !r prha e boarding or prvwe chvel Idk. For pmi-u-lars apply either peronal!y or by lett r to MKS.J A.MUSON, Fort Stevens, Oregon. Ross (pa House European peace is becoming- more- expensive than European warfare was in Napclenn's time. France has expended during the last sixteen years S2,800,000,000 on her military establishments alone; and when the naval budgets are added an aggregate is obtained which adequately explains the running up of the national indebt edness to -nearly 85,000,000,000. Germany during the same period has expended 1,616,000,000 upon its array in addition to lavish out lay on the fleet. The disparity between their own military budg ets and those of France has thor oughly frightened "General Von Moltke and the German staff. France when compared with Ger 1J TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Monday and Tuesday, Teh. 14 and 16. Return ol tne Favorites, The Thompson Opera J)o. 40-ARTISTS-40 Under tha pen. nil management of Wm. A. UHUMr.-ON. who will 011 toe o- rasiuu, give a thorough and coon Mo Pro duction of the foHoAlu.: C-mlc up eras, witn lull and comp'ete Imported El&buratc Cos luraes, Svulc aud otlier effects. Sinn day, Eve. Feb. 14. THE Which will be produced for tlie First Time Here with all the n lRtn.ii uusiuess 01 Gilbert & Sullivan. Tuesday, Eve., Feb. 15. The Great London 3ucces3, Robert Macaire, Now la Its 300th Klsht. at tlie Casino, New York. Box Fhet now open at he Crystal Palace Book Store. Prices; Parquptte, - - . $1 00 Dres Circle, - - - 75 uaUry - - 59 john wanamaker, Philadelphia. We desire to locate in this city an agency for our Cloth ing Order Department. A first-class, competent party can arrange for a large and profitable trade. A plea sant and convenient adjunct to any other established busi ness. No risk to agent. Address John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, ANGY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c, &c. Fresh California Sutter, Swiss, Holland and-New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herrinq Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Ohlll Sauco, Tobasoo Sauce. Celery Salt, Frencb and German raustara, Lieioig's nac Beer, sea ioam wi Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Uepaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. American News Depot ONS.U.E-;- The latnst Magazines and Dlustrated pipers of the day. Mvedlsh, I'antsh and German papers, E"oks and nictlnarle3. Lovell and SeasMu Libraries. School Books, Stationery, ttc a BA.LMA.NNO, Cneuaiuua St. near Main. O O XJ IS" 3? "5T OO.R.OK"BB., A Pirst Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Nevret stvlo Caskets and Funeral Material. Everything Neat and Well Arranged. Coroner's Office, Undertaking Kooms next to Aitorian offlc, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) Van Houghton's Cocoa, rafers, Tritium, Germea, Epicurean loon, Oat Porriflp, Rolled Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTOBXAN JOB OPFICE. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MFETINO IN THE 'telephone ILtU 'luursilay. theiotb, to nndainajuntv to -how whether Dlllou or We cb lias won the m-ney bet ou the West port route, as Welch does not oonseuu CAPf. 11ILLON. To Whom It May Concern. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TTUT I will pay no d-bis contracted by any one In my name, xoeut upon ray own writ ten r vprhal ordpr. All prons are there for notified not to snl r furnish any Kcuds or materia' s r chnttels, except a sibove m 'rtb to any person, no matter whom It may bC' B. L. JEFFERY. Feb. 7. 1387. iEWASSS OF. Imitations. Oi Imitations. T. jB w& One Agent (dealer only) -Routed to erery town. IC XV. TaiulO. a Co., 6J Btato at. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes TorGents. LndU-3 Flexible Sole Mines in French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds. Mies and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spring heoU. WK ISEAI. IX BOOTS AND SHOES OXI,Y. P.J.GOODMAN. COM Just Received. 1,500 Mis Mr ai Be Of the Latest Designs and Shades. THIS WEEK. 50 Leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers, In Elegant-New Styles: Just the tlilnj? for u9l 3HCollca.y Present. Call and See Us. CHaS. HEILBORN. Also to Arrive J. R. LEES0N & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AND IMrOISTEUS. Tie Jotelone (MM) and Mo (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads -AND i&sm,, omii ,tfsto .siSi''! CITY BOOS STORE. A FULL LINE. Lace, Comic and Sentimental VALENTINES, ALL NEW SXOCK. GRIFFIN & REED. - ,-e r 7iaEKkK Vias2-s;v-vssTsv-'L'J-is?s3Kso .t The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize- Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds 'Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 1876 or Paris 1873. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. Agents for the Pacifio Ceast: 238 Calif a St., San Francisco, Cttej many is a rich country, and better UiilUAUV. able to bear the weight of military . BECK &-S0NS, Agents. 0. L