Ci) f Jn r "-.- l-'ftpl wJKf.-. ,, m-y ICfftHL VOL. XXVII, NO. 34. ASTORIA OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ,10 1 887. PRICE MVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. T E. IA FOKCJE, DENTIST. Rooms ll and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. rye a. i. xuImTos. PlijIcian and Surgeou. Office oa Casg street, three doors outb of iMa Fe low '5 bull Hug. .' Telephone No. 41. -t T TIIORV. PHYSICIAN AND SURG RON. Residence, Upper Astoria, NllNon Hous-. - ' Vi A S AN D S U HGEON O ; j" Koorn 3 i'ythfcin Bui'aiKj? r.KftluEXCF-Ou Cedai Street, back of Si. M.ir3 llossltal. ; v. . is. r.TES. "11 YSIC1AN AND SURGEON. f Kr ice : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, iSon. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGE03, l;'i'itelile.'raphOffl:.A':torh.Or.-'poii. SURVEYOR OF eLATSOP COUh'TY Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria office : N. E. eompr Cass and Astor streets, Komn Up jttr. Robr. Collier. Deputy. l it. At,rtcl iLlSSKY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patient" at his office, and may be found there at any hour. E. C HULUC., Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territcrv. Auctioneer, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Office, at Holdcn's Auction Room, Ciisna inus street, Astoria. Oregon. c. k. TBoasox, c r. cootjt. THO.HSOX fc COOVERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Offjck tfoonw 4 and 5, over Cltv Book Stoie. GEO. A. DOKKIS, JE0. 'OuA:: ?oijlxi & oorris, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ilk-o in Kmnej'fl Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. c w. rcLTON. n. c fccton FULTON BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ttoomsSand 6. Odd Fellows Building. JH. A. BOHL.BY. Attorney and Counsellor nt Law tifflce on Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon P 1. XYISTOS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. ll and 12, Pj thlan Castle Build ing. Q B. WATSON, Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. Aft business before the U. S. Land Onlce a specialty. Astoria, - - Oregon. L. T. ISAitl.V. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEEOOK CIT5T, - - - - OREGON. Having an experience f nine jean as Register of the l.aud 0 nee at Oregon City, Oregon, 1 am now rt-ady to attend to Land Rusiuess for settlers aud claimants before any instrict, or the, Land Oflice on reasonab.e terms. Advice And imoroiatlou, i desired, given by traljir - - " A vE. IIAV. DENTIST. Rooms iu Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemyqua streets, Astoria Oregon. a. suirii, DENTIST. Rooms 1 axis P.Uulau Build-ing ever G. IL Cooper' store. . THUS. 1EAIES, FasMonaWe Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE AReiit for the Celebrated Household Seeing . Macb'ne. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. U AA.I HF2ak-w- Bed Star TRADE Vgg MARK. "ff3& vw JAM b mH 'Absohitelu F-re from Oniales, Emetics ana JtToiion. SAFE. , bp n, SURE. iutSe at Diiconisrj axd pealees. ?m CIUHLE3 A. lOUELCR CO- IULT150BR. JIf. Csrei Ehnaatln:, malgli. BscLaebfi, Jleodatte, Toctrticht, Ppralnj, rirU. ctr- etc PRICE, TJFTY CEXT3. SUE CUiiaES A. TOCnxn CO , BlLTlSOttE, HD. s.5r?!rt-fri SLn Sores Female Conrolaint'. A Great Kldcey Semeay. C3 SOLD SY ALI D2UGGISTS, Boat Building. MANY YCIW EXPERIENCE IN building boats ou the Col'iinMa river aim itundroits ot fine boats of my Lul d make my guarantcet for good woik. Htvd qu irters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. U ill build bonts at auv po nt on the I'onimbia river where my son Ices may be reauircd. WW.HOWE. -AGENCY : OF.SAN FRANCISCO. Flavei's Wharf and Warehouse, Afitoriu, Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Loy est I'rieos. Storage and Insurance at Cmroiit Kat.. Banking Department Drafts on the loading Cities of the Yorh JOHN P. McGOVERN, AgonU B. II. Coleman, Accountant. WiIson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PEOY1SIONS AND MILL F AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Boiler Hills, " Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS7 SCALES, ASTORIA. OREGON; -THE- BIAMOID PALACE! GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Lar'e and Well Se'ected Stock of Fine Diamoiiils Jewelry At Extremely Low lrlces. All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Itupairlug 5 A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squeinoqua btreets. ! Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. t Represen'ln'4 the Largest and Most Relia ble rlre insurance companies. All Business proaptlyud accurately trao sctrd. FlavelsWliuf, - Astoria Oregon. M&CO HI S. B. 8222. In the senate of the United States, January 25, 1887, Mc Mitchell, of Oregon, introduced the following bill, which was read twice and reforred to the commit tee on public lands. A bill to reimburse settlers and purchasers on even-numbered sec tions of public lands within the limits of congressional grants in cases of forfeiture of odd-numbered sections. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itcjncseniatioes of the United states of America in Congress assembled: That in all cases where any per son or persons h.ive purchased any part or portion of ati3 ov;n numbered section of public Ian J of the United Slates within the limits of any congressional grant made m aid oi any railroad, wagon-road, or other public enter prise, under any of the land laws of the United States, and have paid to the United Stales at tin rate of two dollars and fisiy cents per act e for such i.tndb &o pur chased, by teasou solely because juch evsti numbered sections are within the limits of such cmigres cional grant, aud since the date of such purchase and payment the edd-nu nbered sections within such congressional grant, adj icent to and coterminous with such even numbered section or parts of sec tions so purchased, have been or .-hall by the United States at any time hereafter be declared ro sumed or restored to the United States bjT reason of any failure upon the part of the grantee com pany to construct it road adjacent to and coterminous with such lands v.ithin the time specified in such grant, then, in each of said cases, upon the application of the person or persons so purchasing parts or portions of such even numbered sections as aforesaid, to the commissioner of the sreneral land office, and making proof to the satisfaction of sitch commis sioner of such payment, and of "the facts herein stated, he or they shall be entitled to be reimbursed from the United States in the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, in cash, for each and ev ery acre so purchased by him or them, and for which the sum of two dollars and filty cents had been paid; and it shall be the du ty in each of said cases of the com missioner of the general land office, if he finds such claimant n it!ed to reimbursement under the provisions of this act, to issue his certificate to such claimant certi fying such fact to the second comptroller, of the treasury de pariment, and stating therein tin amount to which such claimant is entitled; and upon approval of such certificate by the second comptroller, and of the amount found to be due such claimant by the commissoner of the general land office, such amount shall, up on proper warrant and draft to be then issued in favor of such claim ant, be paid by the treasurer of the United States upon presenta tion of proper draft therefore; and the amount necessary to meet all such claims for reimbursement under the provisions of this act is hereby appropriated. THE PRESIDEXr OF THE XEVT YOP.KSTATE SENATE. For expediting legislative business. Edmund L. Pitts, th8 President of the New York State Senate, stands almost without a peer. Such a place as be holds is a most trying one and requires creat powers of endurance. I One of Mr. Pitts' ablest supporters , will be seen in his letter given Te low: State op N. Y., Sexatd Ckam-) beu, Axbaxy, March 11, 18S6. f J I have used AUcock's Porous Plasters in my family for the past five years, and can truthfully say the'y are aTaluable remedy -and effect- ' great cure3. I would not be without them. I have in several instances . given some to friends suffering with I weak and lame back3, and they have invariably afforded certain and j speedy relief. They cannot be too highly commended. I EpMgyp L. Ptttb. There is still dkcontent among I the halfbfeeds in the northwest. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ' The Best Salvb In the world for , Cuts, Bruise5,re8.TJlcerB,SaltRheuniI rever oores, letwsr, wiaporu iiauuu. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup- , tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required". Jt ls,guaranteed to give perfect -satisfaction, or money refunded. I rrlre 25 cents per box. For sale by W E.Xement & Co. Moro About Those Biz Gtun. Chicago, Feb. 8. The Times' Ottawa (Ontario) special say&: Some mistake appears to have been made in thq announcement that the British government are sendimr out a number of eisrhtv- ton guns for the coast defense of b-qtjiraalt and' victoria, beveral sixty-four pounders have been sent out from England, not for the armament of forts, but to be placed either on board of British ship'; of war belonging to the Pacific squad ron, to go into the naval reserves. Some time ago tho British minis tor of war made application to the Canadian Pacific railway folks to knmv if thev could tr,mrort. nnf or more eighty-ton guns over their road. An estimate of the cost w;;s given, with a model of tho car which it was intended to use if the shij ment were made. Since ihen nothing has tyoen heard of the eg!ity-ton gun. The officer in charge of the British Columbii dis trict do.-a not speak very favoiahly ot the couditioir if the a-mtmeut at that point. The guns, he re. ports, are few. with rotten timbers dnd curriuged, while the gum art) without sights. The batteries at Victoria and Esquimault, ihe of ficer sas. arefin a rfi-creditable condition. Oonfesssdfjo the Theft. Saxkxt, Or.,Feb. 8. J. W. Beatty, supervisor of the insane asvlum, confei-S'd to-night to the stealing of S102irom attendants. Further investigation may reveal further thefts. Chills and Fever. JIalaila. "Srai'y caes of f ver and auue. dumb ague and congesiiverhilisweittpruinnt ly ai rested arcl entirely banished by tns us" of bimtnoin Livt Regulator. You don't say lilf vnnuuli In regard to the eflieaey of this valuable nn dicine In cases of apte, inteitnittent fevers. etc. Every case has .been..arrested immediately. I was a suffeier for ean with the liver disease, and only found relief by using the Regulator?' RonEitr J. W'keks, Ualavia. Kane Co., III. England has upwards of 4,000 miles of canals. Clf. vvp The Children. They are '3Sm especially liable to sud den Colds. Coughs, Cioup, Whooping ugh, etc. Vo guarantee Ackei's -nglish Remedy a positive cure. It -.aves hours of ausaou3 watching, sold by J. AV. Conn. Buffalo is to have the largest clock in the world. plaint of thousands suffering fiora Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is tho best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c. 50c J. W. Conn. A doctor at Ignace, Mich., is al so an undertaker. IX ArnwV Blood Elixir is tho ViSAA s oniy jjlood 'Remedy guaranteed. It is a positive euro for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies tho whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neu ralgic pains. "Wo guarantee it. J. W. Conn. Seventeen new towns were started in Brown county, D. T., last year. VIU Cherry uuel Tar. Evcrj body knows the virtues of Wild Cherrv and Tai ns a leliet aud euro lor any affections of the Tin oat and Lungs, eoinbined with these two ingredients are a few simple healing remedies in the composition of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup making it Just the aiticle you should always have iu the house for Cllll'ilS. Cn'llM. Hinim nnH Bronehitis. Pilee ot) cents and 1.00. oarapies iree. jymi uv a. vt. umn. Art Rooms. Teacher t Oil. Wdter color and China palUt-eg. Crayen: PattPl. etc. KO'tnS over City Book tore. Ho ir,0 t 12 a. Jl.fiiim 1 to5A,M. duojd prices. 1 V.siti.w nonin at any time, All oiders pro nptlv filled. f Ea -hra Favors done to order. Call and see ;wuup vs. ssmaKjn Mrs. F. E. Hudson. TTavtiirwpa (mmth. v. .. TtolBiSSrm i DresEjnaking, SbecanbafnuidHtMre. P. w, Parker's re-id-noQ on ro k a'reet. west side, between Chenaiaos and concomiy. THI8 PAPER lmMasa TBrttQf&ireannospraceSt. WSHIWf i n7 m bukw its h , fetTlr. TyB55ftg flULTLESS FAMILY MEDICINE "I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for many years, hav lnfir made it my only Pamily Medicine. My mother before mo was very partial to it. It la a safe, good and reliable medi cine for any disorder of the sj'stem, and if used in time is a great preventive of sicknets. I often recommend it to my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Bflv. .Tarn o r Dniiinn PastorM.E.Church,So.Fairfleld!"Va." TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED by aZtcau8 keeping Simmons Liver Zteoulator in the house. "I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med icine I over used for anything that may happen, have used it in Indigestion, Colic, XHarrhcea, Biliousness, and found it to re lieve immediately. After eat ing a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a teaspoon ful, I never feel the effeots of tho 3uppor eaten. "OVID G. SPARKS, "Ex-lfayor Macon, Ga." 30NLY GENUINE-ffiR Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Sols Prcnrmttws. Price, 82.00. PHILADELPHIA, PA. j ere It yoa rcant a neat attmg Suit of Clothes, Koto 3, 353. HOSS, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment uf Foreign and Domestic Suitings., Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than ihe cheapest. Give me a c,ili and be convinced, that I mean wlutlsay. J. ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets east of U. ll . Cooper's . PRACTIC It GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING, AND GLASS SHOvV CARDS. Vh&W A.D IECORATIVK Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St., next to Stlnson's Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, VirglniaCiffar and Toftacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS, CANDD3S.NOTIONS.&C. C. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on 3la!n. Threo doors south of Squemoqua eticet. Housa Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. E. C. H0LDBN. Aic:ionanilCominilpt Established 1874. Dealer In New and Second-Sand Furniture aud Bedding. Wilt conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Cood-i in the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments SoMclted. Quirk Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Daily and Weekly Ore goniau. Camahan & Co, SUCCESSORS TO l "w. case; IMPOItTEBS AND WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Obenaxnus and Oass streets. ASTCULA OREGON Irish Flax HAVE NO Sloi rtty t " irtjf t$vnifttjj!& GRAN0 PRIX GRAND CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNEtJR. THEY HA.VE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS THAN THE GOODS THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE Qualify can Always be Depended on! Experiencea SeluF Use i Otto! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS FOR PICIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Eope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Wl 1 be Pleaded. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent for Uw Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRuT CLASS SI OVES Furnace Work, Steam Fittings. Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hind. American Net & Twine Co. Home Office' 43 Commercial St., Boston. New York Office, 1 72 Fulton Street. The Largest and Oldest manufacturers of every variety of Fish Netting In America. Nfcttlngs for Purse Semes, Pounds, Traps, Gill Nets, &c, c, mad from.tha S&spam .Gold Medal Twine Manufactured by ourselves, and now conceded to he equal, if not superior to any twines now put Into fish nettings. " FISHERMEN can order our goods of any responsible merchant upon the P&cifis- Coast, -or directly of us. Correspondence solicited. Send for samples and illustrated catalogue.''"!!! for Bale at the lowe3t market rates. CoMia Transportation tapf Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW mmmmwmamMa' m 9 I B 8 s 1 9 ii i ij.ii i i i H9HHHHHHHBiKB 9 HH BB HV SMC I I 11 98 KSHMHHBB Which has been specially "built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at T fM, Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at P. M. ep-An additional trip will be made on Pnnday of Each Weeb.leavtag Pgrflttfl atTO O'clock Sunday Slorninsr. Passengers b this Jtmte cl"8otJit KalKP tor sound ports. U.B. SCOTT, Pwaeny RBOUR'S: Threads EQUAL! PARIS, 1878. AND OF ANY OTHER WORLD. ASTORIA. ONLY OF 11 . i i i i i STEAMER