CJ he guttjj jtwimk ASTOUIA, OREGON: SUNDAY., ...FEBRUARY 6. 1887 TIDE TA11LF. FOIt ASTOUIA. TEEnUAKV, HIJM WATRK. LOW WATKK. .bllM. xxo id. First. Second. h. nt. h. m. jg h. m. 17 1 2 017 00 -o a -l i -13 -13 The -bouts betweeu mid iUnt and mon axe designated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight by p (p. m.). oA. 00m a denotes midnight, ofc. 00m. p denotes noon. Tne nelght Is reckoned Irom the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survev charts. Columbia River Exports. BDiraiEMP FOBETOK. FEBBtXAItr, 2 To.Qutenstown per Arica. Wheat, 23.9C4 bus. - 322.500 2 To Quccnstoum per Snow & Burgi si. Wheat, 81.600 bus 35,900 6 To Hong Kong per Eudora. Flour. 18,601 bbls ?63 617 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Bettor Fits, Better Work manship, ami for Less M:o:ra.y By Leaving their Orders with M K ANY. H has lust received a lame stock of Goods from the East. Flue Business suits from $S5. Call and See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. MURRAY & CO, GBOCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Suptfes furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of tho city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST. ASTORIA, OREGON. ASTORIA Wood Yard. Keep Constantly on hand. Fir Wood, Red and Yellow, HEMLOCK WOOD. AI.DBR "WOOD, SPRUCE LIMBS. MAPLE LIMBS. SPLIT ASH WOOD, ASH LIMBS. AND CRABAPPLt Any desired length from four foot to eigh inches long. Leave orders with Frank L. Parker or ai the yards. Telephone 36. FOR SALE. A Coffee, Chop House and Oyster Saloon. Frank Fabre anticipates goiusto Farope as soon a possible and olleia for sale hi; place uf business This Is a good opportuni ty tor & competent man to make mono. For Sale. rHE GROCERY BUSINESS OF FRANK 3. L. Parker, a 0d buiiness in a centr I locatl m, A rare ch ince to ste, into a good paying business For particulars enquire on the premises, Astoria. Oregon, ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bcxtox Stbeet, Neae Paekee House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAM MOT MIMES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. CASTINGS , .OaU'Desrriptlons made to Order at Whnrt Notice. . A. D. Wars, President. J. O. HusTLKR.Secretary I. W. Cab r. Treasurer. John Fox.Suuerintendent. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MFETINO IN THF Telephone H ill. Thursdnv. the loth, to flndamajoritv to -how whether DUbm or we'eh has won the mney bet on the West port route, as Welch does not consent, v CAPf. DILLON. 56ia76 665p58 -- --l25to -8l 77 8 22 54 029a 27 2 0T 7.63 78 9S7 58 135 31 3 11 8W 51 10 33 tS 2 46 3? 4 10 9 63 84 112769 3 54 33 6 03 10J7 M5 - - -- 465 30 6 61 Oil 74 1 38a 91 5 43 2 1 0 SG 0 65 79 1225p92 tt Si 20 7 18 Cannery Smlies! Red Fir Wood, Dry. CORDS SEASONED FIR WOODFO: sale at $4 per cord, H.B.PABKER. 40 nOTELS AND RESTAURANTS WHI. ALLEX, Propr. lint Class in Every Respect. Free Coach to tlie House. OPEN ALL NIGHT. RESTAURANT. NONE BUT WHITE COOKS. For a Gocd Meal go totbeDe.monico Restaurant, Corner Main and Concomly Streets, Astoria, Opposite Parker House. Satisfaction Guaranteed la Every Respect. GIVE THEM A CALL. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) C. W. KNOWLES - - - - Proprietor First Class ix Evebt Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. 10 Uoomi. In the Center of the CItr. Cor. Front and Morrison St.., Portland. Or BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best finality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. aro:o::Esr ECjaoiiN". J. O. Bozorth, leal Estate and Insurance Agent AND BROKER Buy1? and sells all kinds of real eatite and ppresenta Leading l lro Insurance oomp.ui es with an nggrega'e capital of $76,000,000 Policies written at Equitable rates. tt ikeltRi BUY YOUR- Groceries Provisions -OF oard & Stoke Their largely increasing trade enab'es them to self at the very lowest marsin of profit while giving you ironds that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Prloe raid for Junk. Ho, for The Opera! During the Emma Abbott Oppra week, Commencing January 30th, and continuing until Febury 3th. THE 0. E. & BT. CO. Wit sell Excursion Tickets to parties 5 or more to Portland and return at the ex rcmelyluwrattsof SS.OO. Tickets good to return until .Monday, 'eb.7th. E A N0yi3. Agent, J,.E.SUUTE.1Icket Ag't. Art Rooms. JII3S II. W. BROWN Teacher of Oil. Witer color and China jaluting. Crayn. Pastel, etc. Room 2 over City Book -tore. HOum, 9 to 12 a. M.froni I to 5 A.M. Childi enacts Saturday morning at re luced prices. Visitors welcome at any time. All orders promptly filled. Euchre Favors done to order. Call aud see samples. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, it Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horceshoolng. wagons inaco ana repaired, uooa wore ntaranteed. Frank L Parker, Dealer in Eaicj mil Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTOBIA WOOD YARD. ressmakin Mrs. F. E. Hudson. Having returned from the East, s now pre pired to do Fashionable Dresstnaklug, She can be found at Mrs. P. W, Parker's Kwidenoe on Poik street, west side, between Chentunus and Concomly. chl I! Is il ii still PQWD Absolutely Pure This powder uer vailes, A ruarvil of purity, treimtli and uholebomeness. Mi -re econ mlc il than the or.ilu.ny kind-, and cui nut be M)Jd In ompetitloii with tlie multi tude of low ti st.sh rt weight, alum or piios phate pow lers. SM only in cans. Royal BaKino PowheuCo. iOC Vad-st.,N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPF. - - - Proprifttor. Patronize Home . Industry! Wc supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, VT AS JiKASOXABLiE A I'TUCE. Tie M Pad Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It give general Satisfaction and Is Furn shed in Quantities to Suit. Ie:vo orders With A, W. Utzinger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Fuanl & Stokes. Dally Delivery In Any Part of the City. -THE- COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine'Billiard Tables : Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Bui ui a First Class Manner. AUG- DAN1ELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Comer of Wator and West Ninth Streets. Clolcs Lipors anfl Ciprs! Every Attention to the comfort of Patrons Agent for tho lh;ugvalla Steamship Line Direct. Thi Gem The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. VLEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Rower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors g Cigars. (04 Chenamns Street, Astoria, Ogn, THE SAN FRANCISCO BEER DEPOT, CHAS. QRATKE. Prop. A-TORIa, --- - OREGON. The Finest Brands of Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS AND CiCARS. Tlie Best S.in Francisco Beer in Kgs or Roities Alwajs on Hand, Wholesale and ttetail. THE StJNNYSlDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES. Proprietor. All the Modern Improvements, Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMflNIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHAR&' LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from ihe Wood. Five Cents a Glass. Will. BOCK, Proprietor. FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Can be had of It. M sltHffitorGl'Wa'?r St.. nd "Wherry & ro.'s market opposite nrcldpnt Hotel. 1 don't cl?lm thev are freh as some do who havo but a few chick ens nd it takes them a month to get a shi raenr, but because I lmve the largpst Chlcknn rai ch this side of Portlaud, iun by experlc c?d hnds pi -k nn the jor' every day and im p them to tnvn times a vck. AndriO'i'tvnufi rget Itthat every e?g bought from the above partus is tuaranteei oy them to be fresh. S..STAiiLEI. Biff Storm on tho Oana&ian Pacific. "Winnipeg, Frh. 4. Tho storm which has prcvuHiMj in tlio north west for some tints ha somewhat ubatccL.hut there i Plill u jirvat blockade. Tho stcrm is tlte or.ii ever exuprienend in the Li-tory of) the Oatmdiiiti Pai-ific raiirni-tl. In j the mountains many cattle have been destroyed. Tlie NaM'I boom br..lce loose Snnriav niht aiiii allowed some 400,000 feet Ot 'os to gi ailnft. It is thought th.it. the greater por tion of them can be recovered, and the steamer Custer has been em ployed the fore part of the week picking up. The high water caused the break, and the piles holding the boum sticks were pulled out or broken off with the toroe of water. The river is bank full and is likely to overflow. Stephen "Wylie and Mclntyre owned most of the logs in the boom. Pacific Journal. "W. I. Smith, administrator of the estate of Win. Green, cold the land advertised belonging to es tate, at Knappton, Jan. 8th, to Andrew Johnson for S900. There was only about two acres in the tract, but it had a frontage on the Columbia and was valuable for a cannery site. Wild Clicrry ami Tar. Everybody knows tin viitucs of Wild Chen v and Tar as a relief and cure lor any affection of the Throat and Lungs, combined with these two ingredients ate a few simple healing remedies in the composition of Dr. Bosanko'a Couh and Lung Syrup making it just the at tide you should always have in the house for Ccumhs, Colds Ciotin and Bionehitis. Pi ire fiO cents and $1.00 Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. AVillapa vot d a special tax ear ly last month for the building ol a new iclinol house, and it will bi built as soon as possible. And rcliaolo Medicines are tho Lest to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre scribed for years for all Impurities of the Blood. In every form of Scrofu lous. Svphilitio or Mercurial Diseases it i3 invaluable. For IUiouinatism Las no cquaL J. "W. Conn. The tug Hunter will be ready for bervict in arout two weeks. TX rvvv W Trifle with any Throa AJ J m l.nncr llicnnco Tfv.il have a Cough or Cola, or tho childrci. are threatened with Croup or Whoop ing Cough, use Acker's Lnglish P.om edy and prevent further tioublo. It is a positive euro, and wo guarantee it. Prico 10 and CO cents. J. W. Conn. The larjjest r nun in the world is Military Hall, St. P'tihbur:h. klVb v.g AckeS Baby Soother at hai.d. It is the only boio medicino yet made that "will remove all infantilo disorders. It contain nc OiHum or Morphine, but gives the child natural case from vain. Price 5 cents Sold hy J. W. Conn. "Pride goe ht-ioro a fall," and the "winter of diacontent" follows after. Elisir i3 wan-nntcd, is because it i: tho best Blood Picparation known. It -will positively euro all Blood Dis eases, purilles the whole system, anc thorourhly builds up the constitution. Eemember, vc guarantco it. J. W. Conn. Gumption is from the old verb gaum, to understand. Cure For, Piles Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of Wflsht in thy back, loins and Iowit part of thu nbilomen, causing tin patient totupposo hi has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, .symptoms of indigestion air present, flatulency, uneasiness of tin stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very oisagreeabh Itching, after .gftiing warm, is a com nion attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching PiUy yield at once to the aDtH- cation of Dr. Uosanko's Pile remedj, which acts directly upon the' parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, almying th e intense itch ing,and effecting a per manent cure. Price fiO cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqna-, 0. Sold hy J. W. Colin. Will von suffer with Dyspepsia and Livc-r Complaint? bhilolrs Vitalizor i unarantt'i'u to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. That Hacking Cougn can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wi guaranteo it. Sold by W. E. lament. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure i3 sold by us on guarantee. Ii chips consumption. Sold by W. E. De mPiiL WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oh ei axe made. Hundreds ol woodmen tes- tlfi tn it.smmp. riority. It not npi'p aaa a ever Sticks. CARNAnAN & CO.. Ajrents ArtoHa Price, 81.50. duplex I AXE. I FATUiHDAI.wJ3a.ltO. J.C.Trullinger mwst vwy m k&?j aeavi Figs for tho cure o! lialritual coj.tipatioi' is gestion and sick-headache. The.'r r.ctioii is pronpt aad eQdcnt as tfcoir lasts ii z'.zzzz 5ct3. DR. FLINT'S HEART REMEBl. "When tho Heart. Kidsevs?." J Tir. culitloa oro in a healthy c-..".joa all other aliments arc U'Oro ' 'eiis issues " which r ecSy ;.-.a!o to treat iraent. Dr. Fllct'a SuirS remodv ' ererta a Er.ed2a rnd direct octlcn nu these organ?. Descrlptivo txcallio oecoiapaiilsa c&ch LotUc, or iaailcd free. It will repay a perusal asd provo Lirtractiva and icterestlny. ii ii mill Shesa Ecnedies aro for sola by oil Druggists. J. J. MACK & CO., Prop'ra, Sis Frascisco, Cal. MARKETS. Washington Market. iSain 'tret, - Astoria, Oi-un :jr.5t.w 5L CO.SltO;5KTOt OKSPKCTFL'I.LY CALL TUK ATTEN iX tion of the public to the fact that the .ibo e Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! i Which i'j bf sow at lowest rates, wholo--..ile and rt-Lttl. 5r?ripcclal attentl"n ;lveii to supplying 'llps. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0BJPANY, Fvosli iih1 Cured Meats, Vcseta"blos, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT 1IOTF.L. CUErv'AMUH Street, Astoria, Og Bo You Want Fresli Fisli, Fresh Eggs: Fat Chickens? And all kinds of Fish and Gam in ipaann. am re.idy 10 supply you at Ji hu Eogr r's i.i staii'i. Souis flue Smelt and ITcrrinR jut received, 11, T, lILlJi'SIitYS Centr?! Mwrket TkeOregonBakery A. A. CLKYELAM), Pmp'r. fiooH Breafl, Cake and Pastry None but tlw Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Lreai Cillvercd i'i any port oi the city." Seaside Bakery. 5Ie,t.i;iil Urrud :iim1 CAKES OE ALL KINDS. Manufacturer of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And ice Creams. Wholesale sad Etul Dealer m Candles. agnus 0. Crosby Dealer in hard, iron, steel, iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD. STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T1-r AITD Ooppor. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, PIOIEEB BAim ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Docs a General Banking Business. Drafts Drawn Available in any Part of tho World. T Notice x I a TIFREBY GIVEN Tn VT TT1ERE IS money in the county treasury to ray out tandlng cnuntv orders piesented and endorsed bv tU county treasurer up to nd inclu ingthelst day-of-Ammst. 1831 ami hose f fund "B," up to and iucluulng Oct. 18th, 185(1. I.RERGMAN. Co;-Treasurer. Astoria, Ogn., Jan'y 3l-t, 1E87. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Ts on deck and prepared to build boats that ho wl'l euarann-e a3 to work and dur ability. Kefers to all who have used boats of hi construction, All work guaranteed. -r' !1 Av Ipyk M TRANSPORTATION LINES. ! And Way Landings. , The Steamers of the O. K. & . Co., car- , ryins the i ..-. mails, leave he Coiupaui'd Dock r.very xay, Sundays execpteu, at 6 A. M. I This Is the only d-illy line, aud the only line ruuniiif; idl tho year round. TO SAB FRA?2G!SG0. llie only line of Steaniihips to San Fran- CiiCO. J Ste:iracrs leave Comp-jiy'a Dock every fidavd Regular Line of Tow Soats and Sargcs, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AIX IU.M)S. Inquire at Couip.mv's Dock or at CItv 01 fice. F. E. SHUTE, E. A. NOTES, Ticket Agent. Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & CaliforniaE.S. Anil touncctluui Fare to San Fran. SSCj to .hncramento S30 Close connections nude at Aahland with stages of ihe California. Oregon & Idaho auige co. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDATS.) Cast Mu-itllvi(u, BETWEEJi FOKTLY.M AM) AIlIiAXD . SluilTiaiU. LEAVE I ARRIVE AsUUna H:13 P Al Portlaud 3:15 PM Alb.niy Expi'CH- Trnln. LKAVK I ARRIVE Portland 4rfX) P M Lehacon H:20 P y Lebanou 4: A M I Portland lOrfS.) A 31 Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland and Ashland. i ho O. & C. It. R. Ferry maxes coi necticn with all regular trains ou the East Side Div. from foot of F street Wests id eDiTlsloa-, BETWEEN FOUTLAMI AMI COEVALUS. 3I&11 Train. , LEAVE I ARRIVE Port'fisd .. ..70 A M Comllis WtlSPV Oorra.lia ISO P M PorUaiid 6:15 P 11 At Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Paciflc for Yaquin i Hay Ex presa Train n , LEAVE I ARRIVP. Po-Uacd . ..4:30 P M McMinnvili...OPM Mo mirnvll e..5:S A M. ) Portland 90 A i- lcai licKeis lorsalo aim baguage checked at company's up-toun ofllce, cor. Pine, aim Second -treeis. 1 ickots for principal poll V InCaiirorulacan only bo piocured at com pany's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight vt.l not be received for shipment after live o'clock e. m. on either the East oi West Side IMviiions. K. KuEH LEK, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. O. F. & Pass. Agt Str. Favorite W.r. DiwK, Master, Will make Rgula Trips Dally on the Or egon side, stopping a all Way Landings. LeaTing Woods Land'y Every Morningat 0F3 Betnrnlng Leave Astoria at 2 P. 31. Sharp- Will run twlc-e a week to Svenseu's Land-! mg iuesu.iys auu saiuruajs. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain oi board. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN. &XLES Will leave for Gruj's Harbor On the 1st and 15th of each month For Freight or P:issage apply to J. il. J. 4.K.1Y, Agent I. ?. Is. Co. ilwaca Steal Mayiptioo Ce FROM ASiORlA 10 ' .Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER & "GSM. GMBY," W. P. WUITCOMU, Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and livzaco. at 8 A. M With Oysterville Malls and Express daily aud Through, Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, "W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays tho "Miles" v,M makt two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3P. ai.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Pa&senKers will save 35 cents by purchas ing tickcts-before gclng on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 GT-ForTlcketi, Towage or Charter ap ply .at the ortlce of the company, Gray'. wliarf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent. The Commodious fc Str. 1I0MSA1 Will make regular dally trips from WOOD'S LANDING to ASTORIA Stopping at Way Landings, Leading Wood's tending at 6 a. m every mornhiji exrept Sunday, returning leave Wlibou & Fisher's Wha fat 2 p.m. Will run twice a week to 3vensen'd iLand lug.Tue-dajs and Saturdays. Once a week to Blind Slousb, Thursdays. Will commence Monday morning, Dec.l3th, IBM, For Freight or ra3sage apply on bmrd or to D.1I. WELCH. Agent, Towing Vessels fla- Str. GOV. NEWELL Will do nil kinds of towing at short notice. Masters of hngu-h vessels wid consult thlr own and owners intet est bv applvne to tho audits. BOZ RTH & JOHNS. Is on file tnPhlladelphla it tne Newspaper Aavor :Utn?A?nc7 ot Messrs. srstr uawuvxucu viptavt. ! ruia niBPA JSSrjatlSj V WHlAIBUHSUni S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop ' c:cesmith caa i roj-'-i :sho and $wfoi5&& Boiler Shop Cg STEMTBOAT WO Promptly attended to. Aspecialty made of repairing CANNERY DD?;S, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. W. E. BEMEHT & CO. A&TOKIA, - - - OKEGOA Carry In iStock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. PrPMTin'ons carefully Compounded TIANHOOD The reason that Thousands cannot get cured of snjrix.iL irj.iKycss, loss of uax- 1100 D, and tkcrcsjtlcf abuse, disease or excesses, is oainj (o a complication called PTZOSTATOR r.IIEA. 1R. LlZr.IO'S IXFTGORATOR is the 0. I. VcjreforPROSTA TOr.rMEA. Price, fiCO per pacLajt, G paclages, glO.CO. Quid to 11'lh and Stif-Axal'jst sent free. Address LIS' PIG DI IPrXSA Ii I'for Diseaset cf 3Ten. t D Cearn St.. San Francisco. Cal. ADVERTISERS Can learn tlie exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co.,. Newspaper Advertising Buraau, 10 Spruoo St., Now York. Sond lO ots. for 100-pjj Pamphlet Every Body Knows THAT THE Magee Furnace Co. Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The World ; THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria Annual Meeting. FEE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of tin- PrngrrMlve L:ind and Building ssod.it Inn ol Ast na, Oregon will bo held ii Liberty IhiU mi aaturday evening. Feb, 12, 18s7, at 7 o'c ock. liy order of the President, W. R. ROSS, Kecrotary. Oaa Aceni fdealer only) wnutod in every itowu. mi. w. Jansiii JO C-i e j btato St., CHIOAGO. . L. BECK a SONS, Agents. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE I1 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Partner-hip heretofore exlstln between J. O. Bozorth Mtid A. F. Johns of Astoria, Oregon, under tho firm name of Bozorth & Johus. U this day dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr. Johns retiring. All debts duo to the old firm, and all out standing firm accouuts are to be paid at the office. Astoria, Oregon, February 1st, 16S7. J. O. BOZORTH. A. F. JOHNS. Having this day succeeded to the business of Bozorth & Johns I respectfully ask a con tinuance tif the generous patronage hereto fore extended to the old firm by irjends and the public generally and beg to thank them for past favors. Very respectfully. J, O. BOZORTH. Referring to tho above. I thank the public for their kindness In the pist and most cor dla ly commend my successor, Mr. J. o, Bo zorth. and bespeak f r him the same gener ous patronage accorded to the laie firm. A. F.JOHNS. J. H. D. GRAY Wholesale and retail dealer la. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. THIS PAPERkSS Cjr All kinds or ENGIHS, CAHKSEY, XiTD V RESTORED flP - - Ki D I niQ rHrCriKoweUt.Oo,NfeW3E vorUslrBureanno3pracoSwhereEefe! aaracumwtenwaerjrUlNhwY!