- r " ASTORIA, OREGON? THU BSD AY JT.lt SBRgARY 3. 1S7 An unknown bark is reported ashore at Oaett river, five miles below Cape Flattery. The bill merging the position of po lice jadaje into the office of city aud itor and clerk has pas3ed the slate senate. The telegraph line is working all right between this city and Clifton; further east it is in a badly demoral ized condition. EesidentB who last week wanted 'a change of climate" have it thia week without being obliged to spend a cent for traveling expenses. jjrxhe January tides and high winds have cadsed considerable damage to the'dykes, repairs of which have been postponed till more favorable weather. The Astor House is being pnt in thorough repair again. The insur ance companies promptly adjusted the claim, paying Messrs. Wyatt & Thompson S2.812.50. The storm has been severe on the calle and "particularly hard on the birds, many of whom, frozen stiff, were found in various places in this vicinity yesterday morning. At San Diego, Cal only four-hun-dredths of an inch of rain fell in Jan uary, Here there fell 18.21 inches in that.tims, or 456 times as much as on the arid Southern California coast. .Benton and Main streets were can ters of attraction last evening and every one who could get a sled had it and was sliding down the best slid ing ground in western Oregon at a great rate. California butter and "Portland" eggs are for sale. Sometime Astoria will quit sending money awav for what could be produced here, but it will be when the supply is equal to the demand. The British bark Arica cleared for Queenstown yesterday, with 35.961 bus., wheat, worth $22,500. The American ship Snow & Burgess cleared, for the .same port, carrying 81,500 bus", wheat, worth $55,960. The lower house at Salem has done nothing so far this week, the absence of a snowed up delegation of legisla tors somewhere between Yaquina and Cdrvallis making that branch of the state legislature temporarily harmless. Postmasters are subject to a fine if they read 'postal cards passing through their offices, and are subject to a fine if they deliver any having obsoe'ne "matter written or printed thereon, and just what they are go ing to do about it is what puzzles a good many postmasters. It is reported that a bill was intro duced in the state senate yesterday designed to cut down the present fees of the offices of sheriff and county clerk. Itseem3 improbable, though among so many bills as are being i 1 troduced, it is possible such a bill may have een shoved in along with the rest. Henry Wattenberg, a single man, j a native of liermany, aged 4o years, died at his rooms at Mrs, Wallmau's at midnight last TaesJay night, of dysentery. The funeral will be held at two o'clock this afternoon, from the f aneral parlors of J. C. Ross, un der the auspices of the Columbia Biver Fishermen's Protective Union. The interment will be on the hill. The Tacoma News thinks it singu lar that the disabled schooner Isabel Nickerson, didn't put into Astoria for ; repairs instead of going into Port S Townsend, and asks The Astobian why the vessel didn't come in here. Probably the captain could inform our Sound contemporary, lie prob ably thought it better to scud before j yourself short of breath when ex the wind, which would be dead aft, ercising, or your heart has periods than to come about and try to beat down against a sou'wester. The real estate and insurance busi ness ot Bozorth & Johns, which has been in existence a little over four years is dissolved, A F. Johns retir ing. The business will in future be conducted by J. O. Bozorth, whose well known business ability and ex perience is sufficient proof that the business will not suffer in his hands. He has-added two companies to his alre'ady,-extensive agency and will write policies to the satisfaction of the insured. The net" earnings of the sheriff of MultnomaTi county, says the News, daring the two years ending Decem ber 31, 1886, were S16.579.75, being the largest of any sheriff in the state; the net earnings of the clerk of Multno mah during the same time were S7, 43148, exceeded only by the clerk of Umatilla, wnose nee earnings were $12,476.96. The sheriff of Tillamook oounty earned 3533.83 and the clerk $1,183.99 being the smallest in the state for their respective offices. Where all the sleighs and runners came from is a mystery. No sooner does a snowfall occur than the next morning dozens of sleighs, cutters, sleds and jumpers are dashing around the city, horses, bells, robes aud all complete. Yesterday was just right for sleigh riding, the -air was warm, the snow was dry and the afternoon a bright one. The youngsters too had great fun, and in the evening the white beaten tracks lit up by the electrio light and covered by hun dreds of people presented a brilliant spectacle. Little Effie, three yeard old, went to a strange city with her mamma to visit an uncle, and the next morning was occupied in flattening her nose against the window pane and satisfy ing her childish cariosity by gazing at tkt uaoicud scaw. "Oh, auntie! do see this awful homely man." "Hush, child. That i3 Mr. Lord, the mayor. You must not talk that way. Ee is a very nice man." "Mister Iiod?' and the noa presses closer against the gla", whi'e ElEe watches him clear out of sight "11.. !" with a toss of her little head, "1 know he never made mop Chief engineer Woreley was busy yesterday. The condition of the streets made locomotion a matter of difficulty and in case &f fire it wonld be almost impossible to get the en-1 gmes there; so a team of horses was placed at 2?o. 2's engine house, and later a team got ready to be stationed at No. One's, the fire traps thawed out and everything in order for prompt Bervice in case of need. Two's had a sort of drill, the horse3 being hitched up and the engine got nt in quick time, affording the unusual spectacle of horses drawing a fire en gine through the streets of Astoria. Some Portlauders having written to C. P. Huntington to ascertain whether arrangements had yet been consummated between his company and the O. & C. R. R. for the acquisi tion of the latter, and for its connec tion with the California system, the Oregonian reports that a letter was received from Mr. Huntington's of fice in reply, baying: "Notwithstand ing the confident accounts put into the newspapers within the last few days, negotiations have not been closed, nor does Mr. Huntington know when they will be. i'hey have lasted two or three years already and may last some time longer." Later news from the unfortunate legislators who went on a picnic to Yaquina, is to the effect that they left that pleasant port at five o'clock last Tuesday morning and walked nine miles and then bundled into a freight car and gat to Corvallis and then went to bed and started yesterday morning on a boat (the Bentley, which recently sank but: was raised again) for Albany and then got on another boat and got to Salem. Poor, fellows! Walking through ten inches of snow nine miles to get back to their cozy quarters at Salem. They paid dearly for their rashness in go ing so far from the capital The whole business is an outrage on the honorable body. There ought to be another "investigation," and the state press is derelict in its duty it it does not immediately demand it. It will only take a week or so and then the legislature will be ready to adjouru. Important to Ladles. Read what Jeannie "Winston, Port land's favorite prima donna, says of Wisdom's Robartine: Poetland, Dee. 22, 1886. To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Robertine" you so kindly sent me is excellent. It is the finest prepara tion I have ever used, and is a de cided acquisition to a lady's toilet. Yours truly, Jeakkie Winston. The above is published in order to settle all doubts and disputes as to the existence of such an endorse ment, and as evidence of the high esteem in which Wisdom's Rober tine is held. This preparation has been before the public but a short time, yet the sale has been extraor dinary. Wisdom's Robertine is for sale by all the leading druggists. Notice to ilnrinera. Office of Ligut-Hocss Isspeotob, TflnfiEExm Disruici, PostxjAND, Oregon, Feb. .st, 1SS 67.) Notice is hereby given that the Three pile beacon above the Portland Flouring Mills, Willamette river, has been carried away, and the red light at that point, will be discontinued un til further notice. By order of the light house board. TJ. Sebree, Inspector. lUpld Beating of the Heart. Whenever you feel an uneasiness iu the region of tho heart, a slight pain iu the shoulder, arm, or under ; the shoulder-blade, or when vou find 0f 6f beating fast, vou have heart disease, and should take Di$. Flint's Heart Remedy. At druggists, SL50. Descriptive treatises with each bot tle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. Girl Wanted To do housework in a small family $20 per mouth. Apply at this office. Co. H O. S. 31. A special meeting of Co. II, O. S. M is hereby railed to meet at their Ar mory, on Saturday evening, Februiry 5th, 1887, at 8 oVJoek P. M.. at which members are requested and commanded to attend. No exc se for nou attend ance will be admiasabli. By order C. W. Fultox, Commanding. Attest: T.S.Jewett, Secretary. Attention Select KuigUts A. O. U. W. AH comrades having uniforms are re- S nested to assemble at the Lodge room lis evening at 7:15 o'clock sharp for the purpobe of 45 minutes drill. By order W. A. Sherman, Captain. Goto Jeffs Restaurant to-night and take home a peace makei (Oyster Loaf.) The finest and nicest steak to be had In town at Fabre's. New white comb honey in one pound frames at Thompison & Ross'. Pure Vermont Maple Syrup at Thompson & Ross'. A new lot of vocal and instrumental music books at the Crystal Palace. Upholsterer Wanted. Apply ut New York Restaurant An A No. 1 Piano to rent inquire of GAEL ADLER. Ten cents for a cup of Fabro's nice coffee. Getejeffsfereystcra, Private Bwu. WHAT OUR STATESMEN AEE DOING. A Day's Record of Legislative Proceeding at Salem. SEKATE. Salem, Feb. 1. The Senate was called to order by President Carson. Roll call. There was no prayer offerpd, as usual. No minister being present, the president ordered the journal of yesterday read; which waB approved. Barin called np S. J. R. No. 13. It was called up on the resolution appointing a joint committee to inquire whether the Willamette Valley and Const Raiiroad had earned the lands granted it by the state, Barin said he introduced the resolution at the request of residents in the district where the lands lie. He quoted from tho law granting the land, and went on to show that the company had not com pleted the road in the prescribed time. He said that the company had Hied a statement with the Governor that the road had been completed, and that a suit waB now pending at law in which the company claimed they had not completed the road. If the railroad company has not complied with the law, they should not be entitled to the land. Settlers could not get proper title to the laud in the present shape. Siglin said it appeared that the resolu tion was for the purpose of preventing the Governor issuing title to the company for the land. Ho said the road was now built, and the company was now strug gling for money in tho east to equip the road. All unfriendly legislation would only cripple the road. We want roads, ana our efforts suouia De in tneir interest, Yuquina owes everything she has and what she expects to this road. If not for this, Yuquina would only be settled by clams aud crabs. The company has done everything possible to develop the country and complete the road. This little ob jection is immaterial. There is no merit in the resolution. It will look like un friendly legislation to the capitalists of tho east. Miller said it was unwise and improper to consider the resolution now. The member of that locality was not present. A number now were visiting in that lo cality, and he moved to lay on the table. Barin was allowed to explain that he was not unfriendly to tho railroad. He said if the company had not earned the lands the government should not go to the expense of surveying the lands, aud have a question raised as to title. The resolution was laid on the table. The. president announced that he had signed tha resolution submitting an amendment to-the constitution prohibit ing the sale and- manufacture of liquord to a vote of the people The bill amending thecharter of Salem was passed. SILLS INTBODUCED. S. B. 15S, Coleman Authorizing the construction of a dyke in Lane county ucros3 Duncan Slough. Read third time and passed. S. B. 159, Hare To provido for cheak lists of voters and proscribing the man ner of regulating and conducting elec tions. Read first time. S. B. 160, Simon The new charter for the city of Portland. Read second time, and referred to a special committee of Multnomah senators. Gray asked unanimous consent to al low the committee on corporations to report a bill amending the city charter of Astoria, making the City Auditor Police Judge, whijh was consented to, and the bill was read the third time and passed. The ru!e3 were suspended aud the bill providing for the removal of the remains of the late Ex-Governor Gibbs to Oregon was taken up and the bill was passed. S. R. To investigate the mutilation of the memorial to congress to investigate land grants made to wagon roads and in which the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain wagon road was stricken out. The resolution provides for an investiga tion by the public land committee. Adopted. Adjourned. Afternoon Session. SECOND BEADIXG BILLS Barin Licensing insurance companies. I Referred to a special comuiittee. ' i Chandler Alakin it unlawful todrivH live stock over graded roads. Reft rrl 1 to committee on agriculture. j Simon Relating to forcible entry :,ju detainer iu the matter of tenant :md landlord; also relating to debts duo by judgement, and to levy of attachment. .Referred to judiciary committee. j Wager Requiring county treasurers to keep their books suojeot to inspection. Referred to judiciary committee. Miller Creating a State bowrd of im migration. Referred to special commit tee. Coleman Purchasing portraits of the governors of the stnte. Referred to ways aud means committee. Les For the construction by the O. R. &, S. Railroad Co. of a bridge across the Willamette river at Ray's Landing. Re ferred to the judiciary committee. Gra Regulating pilotage on tho Co luoibin and Willamette rivera and regu lating the qualifications and rates of pilotage. Referred to judiciary commit tee. Stanley To prevent murder and des truction of property by dynamite. Re ferred to judiciary committee. Barin Providing for plternating tho election of county commissioners. Ra ferred to judiciary committee. Wager Relating to mortgage. Re ferred to judiciary committee. Rinehart Appropriating money for the completion of the Pine creek wagon road. Referred to ways and means committee. Irvine lo prevent books being re moved from the state library. Referred to judiciary committee. Allen Regulating to foreign insurance companies. Referred to a joint insur ance committee. Wager Regulating actions in the cir cuit court, Referred to judiciary com mittee. Hare Enabling women to hold office when elected by the people Referred to judiciary committee. Weatherford Calling for a consti tutional convention. Referred to judi ciary committee. Dimick Lo encourage normal instruc tion in literary institutions. Referred to committee on education. The bill prohibiting the sale of cigars, tobacco aud fire-arms to minors under 18 years. Third reading to-morrow. Cartwright Abolishing free scholar ships in the state university. Referred to committee on education. Weatherford Relating to the qualifi cation of directors of corporations. Re ferred to committee on corporations. THUD BEADING OF SILLS. Weatherford Preventing foreign cor porations from bringing suit in federal courts. Passed. Coleman Notice for vacating and lay ing out county roads. Passed. cattle crossings under roads and high ways. Passed. Hare Creating and viewing county roads. Passed. Chamberlin For county courts to ap point road and bridge commissioners, failed to pass. Adjeurned: HOUSE. Called to order at 10 o'clook by tem porary chairman Summers. Bell called and onlv thirty-two members answered. I No quorum being present, the bonis ad journed till 3 o'clock this afternoon, when the house was called to order by temporary chairman Summers. No quo rum present. Adjourned till ten o'clock to-morrow. Meetlnc of Board of Fire Delegate. A called meeting of the board of fire delegates was held last evening; pres ent Messrs. Holt, Sherman, Noland, Trenchard. Ferguson, Selig and Hare. G. J. Trenchard in the chair, E. Z. Ferguson, secretary. Minntes of last meeting read and approved. An exempt certificate was "recom mended issued to Aug. Danielson of No. Onei. Some action was taken regarding V. Boelling, N. D. Raymond and G. F. Parker of No. 2. Several wera ordered dropped from the rolls of -the companies for non payment of does. Tho till of Ourry &Ives for $23.75 for 50 certificates, and the bill of Griffin & Reed for SI for roll were or dered paid. The committee on members report ed that there were the names of 66 active members on No. One's roll. A motion was carried that tho com pany's record and the record of the secretary of the board b9 made to so correspond. It was stated that No. 2's had 73 active members. Active certificates were ordered granted to A Balm.inno, R. Olinton, and J. R. Hall, of No. 2, and H. Hum bel, AV. R.Snyder, Jas. Gardner, and F. Grosbaur, of No. 1 and W. H. Green, of Alert H. & L. No. One. It was decided, after considerable discussion, that there ba a ball given by the department on the 22ud of February, 1837. On motion the vote was reconsidered. It was then moved and seconded that the ball bo given on the eve oi Washington's birthday, the 21st inst. The vote on the pas sago of the resolution stood, ayes, Hare, Selig and Holt; no, Trenchard and Noland. The president declared the motion carried, and the meeting adjourtted. Meeting of Board of Foremen. The Board of foremen of the sever al fire companies met last evening, B. S. Worsley in the chair, L. E. Selig acting secretary; present, Messrs. Barry, Trenchard and Holt. A communication from the Western Amateur band was received and placed on file. It was moved and seconded that tho depart iient give a ball on or about the 17th of March. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the president appoint a committee of three, one from each company, the committee to be appointed to-day. After some further discussion the meeting adjourned. A Toupli But Triumphant Witness. An eminent lord chnf justice, who was trying a right-of-way case, had before him a witness an old farmer who was proceeding to tell the jnry that he had "knowed the path for sixty yeer, and my feytber tould I as he heerd my grnnfeyther zay " "Stop," said the judge; uwe can't have hearsay evidence here," "Not!" exclaimed farmer Giles. "Then how dost know who thy feyther was 'cept by hearsay?" After the laughter had subsided the judge said: '"In courts of law we can only be guided with what yon have seen with your eyes, and nothing more or less." ''Oh, that be blowed for a tale!" replied the; uirmer. x ua got a uuoon rue ujick of my neck aud I never seed 'un, but 1 be prepared to swear that he's there, dang uu! This second triumph on the part of tho-witness let in a torrent of hearsay evidence about the foot- path which obtained weight with tho jury, albeit the judge told them it was not testimony of any value, and tii fnpmm-'n nnrtv ttX HnHF Mail ' Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your ap petite i-. poor you are bothered with Ilea ache, ou ;ire fidgetty, nervous,! ami generally out ot suits, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stim ulants spiin.1 medicines, or bitters, which have for tli -ir basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, anil th.'n leave you iu worse condition than before. What you want i- an alterative that will puri ty our blond, start hialtliy action of Liver and K'dneys. restore your vitali ty, and give leneued health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in E ectricBitteis, and onlv 50 cents a bottle at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. What is better than a glavi of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. School books at bottom prices at tho Crystal Palace Book Store. Shiloh's Vitallzeris wnat you need f.r Conttipution, Loss of Appetite, Diz ztne3.i ana all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prieo 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. SL Dement- Cioup, Whooping Cougn and Bron chills immediately relieved by SfciJoh'e Cure. Soldbv W.E. TVnunt. All the different books used in the public school you can get at the Ci jstal Palace at reduced rates. Kb g Solomons Mines, "She," the latest popular novels at Gkiffix & Reed's. Gnuibrinus Beer And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. All the pateut mediemes advertised in this paper, together with the choicest penuniery. and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at. I. W. Conn's drug store, opposite OcMdent hrtol, Astoria. , "New, stock of comic and sentiineutal Valentines just received at Gkiffix & Reed's. Lowest Cash 1'rlco. Coal Oil at 2.35 a case, at D. L. Buck & Soxs. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement. Telephone Lo'ltrin? House. Best Beds iu town. Rooms per night 60 and 25 cts., per week 81.50. New and elean. Frlrftte entrance Call For Your Patents. The following list represents the names of parties who have received patents for lands in Pacific and Wah kiakum countiss, W. T. These patents are lying in the Vancouver land office and the parties who are entitled to them Bhould send thoir receiver's duplicate final receipts, or in case of loss or destruction of said receipt a properly executed affidavit setting forth such loss or destruction and giving description of land and number of final receipt. Where ap plicant for patent has bought the tract of the original entryman and has no knowledge of the whereabouts receiver's dnplicate receipt he should make affidavit of said purchase and of his want of knowledge also where abouts of the receipt. When receipts above named, or affidavits as required are filed in the land office patents will at once be sent to parties entitled to them: IitST OP PATENTS PACIFIC COUKTY. James A. Scarborough. Wm. McCarty, Carl Forsman. John Hawn, Chas. E. Foster, Roraerman Heirs, Fred L. In galls, Robert Miller, Robert H Espy, Francis M. Whealdon, John H. Wood ard. Leander Foster, Fernando O. Davis," John Pickernell. John Briscoe, Franklin Warren, Isaao Y. Doane, E. G. Loomis, Samuel Sweeney, Jacob McNamee, Manly T. Berry, L. A. Loomis, Alanzo G. Cook, Isaio H. Whealdon, Ambrose Foster, Fayette S. Wilson. Wm. S. Hodges. Wahkiakum county. j Jaras W. Smith, Jame3 Wright, ! (2); Marcellns Reynolds Aug sfc Lund, John Carlson, Elijah C. Nel son, Daniel DeLong, Julius H. Fes senden, Jeremiah Spanlding, James F. Byers Wm. S. Ross, Nelson Pinckney, Henry Kelley, Richard Everding, Robert Bnrch, John Jul ius, James Williams, Henry Kluchie, Wm. T. Jackson, George W. Hume. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Boschee's uerman syrup witnin a lew years, has astonished the world. It is withoi-t doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual pure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung i rouble'-. It acts on an entirely different principle from the usual presci iptiofis given by Physician'', as it does not dry up a Couuh and Ieae the disease still in tho system, but on the contrary removes the causa of the trouble, heals the paits affee'ed and leaves them in a purely healthy con dition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their ap pearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illne-s. A trial will convince you of these facts. It Is po-itively sold by all dtuggists and f;eneral dealers in the land. Price, 73cts., arge bottles. Columbia River Fleets. (Complied at IT s. Engineer office, from Mills' statements.) Numberof vessel' 10 '.rt-. Year. tfft Value. For gii. Loine-. 18M i I lb8l-o J-Fis, 185-5 lS36.!.tlu iJi.'bolJ 0.rt.i4. J9 51 3ui5.OT5. Ld47fJ.9 8.W 2.i27llil.m.3G 6J 65 63 Inclusive of value of 100,000 lath. 74,000 feet piling, 111 cords wood, 7.000 shingles and 41.000 feet lumber to San Francisco per regular steam ships. tlnclusive of value of 5,364.825 lath and 302 piles. Inclusive of value of 1,535,925 lath, OQO piles and 407 telegraph poles Uuueressary Misery. Probably bb much misery come3 from, babitnal constipation as from . eiuKcmt:ui,ui tua iuuuuUUB ui e body, and it is difficnlt to cure, ?)' the reason that no one likes to I tak.eu ,the "?&?, ?iViy pre" , scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were I prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 I cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors, o. Jb . (Jo To Crow's CSallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior hnish. Bringing gladness to millions, pleas ing their palates and cleansing their System. aroiiM g their Livers, K dnejs. Stomachs ami Bowels to a healthv acti vity. Such is the mission of the famous Calitornia liquiid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and Si bottle3 for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. JKfrF United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. The beat Fabre's. oysters in any style at F bruary Harper's and Scribnf-r's at Gkiffix & Reed's. Salt I Salt!! AtJ.H. D. Gray's; 100 tons assorted Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Sal in quantities to suit purchaser. &3 & T S At Close Prices. Herman Wise, The Clothier and Hatter. (Oeeldsnt Building.) RECEIVED New Styles eninant RE1HNAHTS .Monday and followingday3 of this week we will place on our center counter AX.i..ttE LK.AGTH F ;oItf accumulated during the season and Il &fil Til EM DoWS regardless of cost in order to make a thorough clear ance, proiou3 to our aunual Inventory of stock which takes place Fob, 1$. REMNANTS, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OP ASTORIA. Sole Ageiitfor Butterick's Patterns for this District very time you come you We are adding to our stock and to the variety of the lines of goods we earry by every stedmer. By last steamer Fresh Cala. Roil Butter, Gilt Edge, Climax Coffee, with a China cup and saucer in each can; , . Green Coffee at Sh.ii Francisco wholesale prices; all the - best brands of Teas; Sugars at our former low rates; a full line of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, etc; Canned and cased goods in lare stock and great variety, for many uf which we are snle agents; Anch-.vies, Dutch Herring", Yarmouth Blnateis, Cndbh Bricks, Boneless Cod, Stockfish, etc.; Roller Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oat, and Buckwheat Meals, etc.; Applet, White Darling Po tatoes, and almost everything else in the grocery and .provision line. Agents for Lintz Bros, celebrated Soaps and Starch, aud manv other E-tstern and California makes carried in stuck. Wheat, Oats, GruUnd Bailey,-. Shorts and Bran. Cordage,' till sizs Naiis. all kinds.. Twine, Floats, and a full 'line of CANNERY SUPPLIES. A full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and To bacco. Also, just received an addition to our stock of Parlor, Hanging, Hall, Stand, and Hand Lampf. Also, Shade', Burners, Chimneys and Wicks. More Fancy articles in China, Crystal, B'sque, t-tc. Full Dinner, Tea, and Toilet St., and Crockvry $u all the Latest Styles. Best Plated Knives and Forks, 'Table and Teaspoons, as well as common ones. G.iblets, Wine Glasses, Ale Mugs, Tumbler!, and Bar Ware generally, ". and many other articles too numerous to enumerate. All these way up In Quality, and way down in Price, We have just bepn appointed airpnts for Astoria of the- - justly celebrated GILT EDGE COAL OIL, and ar prepared to sell to-the trade at Oil Go's wholesale rate., and every can guaranteed as to quality and condition. m . Our retail trade supplied at same rates as inferior oils are sold at. 2STReraember your place to trado is at D. L. BECK & SONS. mnants! ffK wii! be Better Pleased. V. j