m A I fo aftj jsfomtt. ASTORIA. OREGON: THUB8DA.Y., .FEBRUARY 3. 1887 There is a ridiculous proposi tion before the legislature to bold ft special election next June. The proposed election would cost the state $35,000, a costly and unnec essary haste. "With no scandal to investigate, no personal squabble to seek no toriety over, and part of the legis lature bottled up at Yaquina, it must he a sort o' dull week at the state -capital. Statistics show that during the last decade the population of Great Britain has increased 12 per cent., wealth 22 per cent., trade 29 per cent., shipping 67 per cent, and instruction 68 per cent. San Francisco prophets and sons of prophets have already be gun to announce "a short pack on the Columbia river this year." Considerable may depend on the length of "the season." Twenty-six vessels of a ton nage of 1,751.26, valued at $152, 300 and insured for $11,231", be longing to the Gloucester, Mass., fishing. fleet were lost last year, while the number of lives lost was 137. Statistics of immigration show that the arrivals from continental Europe are now much larger than from the British Islands, and the disproportion is steadily increasing. During thh past twelve years 3, 816,066 immigrants have arrived from Europe, of which 1,248,386 came from the British Islands. English immigrants exceeded the Irish by about 50,000. Representative C rain, the on ly native-born Texan in the Lone S ar state delegation, says: "We don't bulldoze; we don't have to bulldoze, even if we have th inclination. The majority is too big. "Do you know what a part with & big majority is like? "Well, it's like a huge, splendid looorao tire with a weak brake on it. It's glorious when it gets going, but there's nothing to stop it if there's danger ahead." A cement for iron is thus fur nished, at the request of a corre spondent, by the Scientific Ameri can: Take equal parts of flour sulphur and dry white lead, with one sixth part of borax; incorpor ate thoroughly in a mortar. When used, add to as much as you re quire for immediate use sulphuric acid, just enough to make a paste, which spread thinly on the surface ana press them together with clamps. In four or five days the joints will be strong and appear as if welded. It is a-fact worth thinking about, says the St. Louis Globe-Demo-cratt that while the compensation of all classes of laborers in this country has increased about 25 per cent, since 1860, and the prices of all .kinds of commodities have di minished in about the same pro portion, the profits on capital are not now so large as they were then by at least 50 per cent. That is to say, money which could be easily loaned in 1860 for 8 and 10. per cent, now brings only 4 and 5 per cent., whereas laborers now receive one-fourth more of .the necessaries of life with every dollar they earn than they could then obtain. Such figures do not prove, of course, that labor is re ceiving its due reward in every line and under all conditions; but they do signify pretty clearly that if labor is being oppressed and de spoiled at the rate alleged by cer tain agitators, capital is not reap ing a measure of average gain in the ease that can fairly be consid ered dangerous to free institu tions. Ws favor an amendment to the constitution that would authorize congress to establish uniform laws a the subject of marriage and di iforc - throughout the United St&tw. This is believed to b the only effectual remedy for the enor mous evils of the divorce system, as practically existing in this coun try under state legislation. But at present public sentiment has not reached the point at which such an amendment would have any chance of success. Hence, it would not be politic to unite the prohibition of polygamy and th power of congress, or the denial of its power, to legislate in regard to marriage and divorce, in the same amendment. Let the latter subject stand where it is for the prosent; and let us have an amend ment that will strike down polyg amy in every part of the land, and put it beyond the power of the states to establish it anywhere. This" is the one thing now to be done. The public sentiment of the country is ripe for it; and there can bo no doubt that a properly worded amendment, looking simp ly to this end, would be promptly ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures. Congress ought to be wise enough to propose such an ameudment in the suitable form. The senate committee on post offices and post roads have author ized Senator Wilson, of Iowa, to report the original postal telegraph bill as a substitute for that intro duced by Senator Edmunds. The new bill is made up of the first eleven sections of that framed by the same committee in the last congress and reported by Senator Hill, of Colorado. These sections provide for the establishment by the postmaster general of a postal telegraph system by contracting Tor the performance of service with existing telegraph companies. The government is required to furnish offices and make provision for selling stamps to cover charges. The schedule of rates is fixed at 20 cents for 20 words where the liatance of transmission is 1,000 miles, and 5 cents for every addi tional 250 miles, provided that the charge for 20 words or less shall not be more than 50 cents. Night rates are fixed at 15 cents for 2,000 miles or under. All words except dates are to be counted, and for overy five words or loss in excess of 20 an addition of one-fifth of tho 20-word rate is to be charged. Press rates are fixed at not exceed ing 35 cents for each 100 words sent at night, at 75 cents during the day and the same pro rata for each word in excess of 100. "Drop copies" are not to exceed 25 cents per 100 words at night and 50 cents during the day. Official Correspondence. The Kalama Advocate of January 14th, published the following as a de cision of Commissioner Sparks: Mr. Sparks, commissioner of the gen eral land office, has rendered a decision declaring illegal all claims filed on re stored lands in Washington tern ton prior to December 15tb, 1886, and cancel ing all timber oulturo entries made with in tnose limits before that date. Register Austin, of the Vancouver land office wrote to register Guichard, of the Walla "Walla land office in re gard to the matter and received the following reply; Walla Walla, Jan. 22,1887. Hon. W. S. Austin, Register, Vancouver. Dbib Sib: Replying to your favor of the 19th inat., would say that the lands therein referred to were re stored Dee. 15, 1886. and belong ex clusively to this district; being parts of plats 7, 8, 9 and 10, ranges 38 and 39. and should have been restored in 1881, according to definite location of October 1880. Respectfully, R. Guichard, Register. The Proposed Salmon Hatchery. As passedby the senate yesterday, the appropriation for a salmon hatch ery on the Columbia was amended by providing, in effect, that the money shall not be available nntil the legis latures of Oregon and Washington territory shall enact legislation to protect the salmon from improper capture or destruction, the reference being to fish wheels and traps. Dolph to-day seoured a mo Jiflcation by providing that if, in the opinion of the United States fish commis sioner, the existing laws of Oregon and Washington are insufficient for the protection of salmon, the com missioner Bhall withhold the appro priation until the necessary laws are enacted. Oregonian Special. Columbia River Improvement. WASHiKaTON, Feb. L Senator Mitchell of Oregon to-day submitted an elaborate report from the commit tee on transportation routes to the seaboards, declaring its belief that the in erests of the people of the Jra cifio northwest imperatively demand thespwdr completion otthe works at the month of the Colombia, and the canal and locks upon the cascades of the Colombia river; aud it is recommended that a "liberal nnnnal appropriation be made therefor, and that the work of constructing a rail way around the Dalle3 and the Celilo falls ol the Columbia river, and of blasting open the contracted water way, so as to secure navigable water, shonld be entered upon without de ay by the United States covernment, and jour comraitte therefore recom mends that it be done without farther preliminary survey or report, and that an appropriation of $500,000 be made ht the present session of con gress for such purpose" BncMen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve I n tne world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.tTlcers, S alt Rheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. rnce 25 cenu pe E. Dement & Co. 'rice 25 centj per box. For sale by W For The Most Beautiful Aud enduring photographs, charming tones, the mot scientific 'etouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast Choice Brands of Cignrs. lmptirted Garclas S5.50 per box of 50. Flue domestic Pumariegas (full Havana fdled). $7.00 per box of 100, TansiH's celebrated Punch S4.50 per box of 100. D. L. Bkck & Sons. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only hy the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own Truo Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the raot pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Headach.s, Colds and Fevers: to oure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at oetra restaurant. 2oo! For One IVeelf. The Columbia Transportation Com- Cany will s 11 round trip tickets in unches of five, cooil for a trio to Port land and return fiom .fanuarv .''-0th to February 4th. The tickets will bo pood to and Including Sunday Febru ry 6th. The round trip ticktd will cost ?2 each. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? bhllolra Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you Dement & Co. ed to cure you. Sold by W. E. What ! Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 23 cmts. That uickly c Hacking Cougn can be so Curo. We quickly cured by billion's guarantee it Snfd bv W. K. Dement. All the latest issues of Harper's. Lover's and Munroe.s Libraries received soon as published at Griffin & Need's. NEW TO-DAY. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE I HEREBY 1 VEN THAT THE UHrtnerhlD heretofore exlstin - between J. O Bozorth -nd A. K. "John1? of Astoria, Oregim. under the Arm name or Bozorth & Johns, 1 thh day dissolved by mutual cou sent, Mr Johns ret.rhiR. All debts due to the old firm, and nil out standing firm accounts are to be juld at the office. Astoria. Oregon, February 1st, 1887. j.o boz urn. A. F. JOHNS. Having this day succeeded to the bu Iness of Buzorih & Johns I repect fully rk a con tinuance of the generous patronage hereto fore extended to the old firm by irlends and the public generally and beg to thank ihun for past ihvow. Very respectfu'ly, J. O. KOZORTlf. Referring to the above. I ihank the public for their kindness In the p tst and most cor dially commend my succevs.tr, Air J. O. Bo zorth. and bespak f r him the same gener ous patrouage accorded to the lae firm. A. F. JOHNS. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MEETING IN THE Telephone H-ill. Thursday, the loth, to find a majority to -how whether Dillon or Welch has won the nvney bet n the West port route, as Welch does not consent. CA.IT. uILLON. Dressmaking. Mrs. F. E. Hudson. Havlug returned from the East, 's nw pre pared to do Fashionable Dressmaking, She can be found at Mrs. r. W, Parker'a residence on PoiksMeet. west side, between Chenaraus and Coucumly. NEW TORK Novelty Stor ELECANT STYLES VALENTINES Of Latest Manufacture. Bought io Large Quantities, and to be Sold at the Very Lowest Brlces. For Valet tines of any size, stvle or qual ity and at the Lowest Trices, call at the New York Novelty Store Red Fir Wood, Dry. CORDS SEASONED FIKWOODFOR sale at $4 per cord, H.B.PARKER. 40 For Sate. THE DEEP SEA FISHING CO.'S SLOOP Venture, built In 1888, registered tounaao 23.ST. Enquire ol -J.Q. A.BOWJUY orA.V, AlXzS. Comic, Long Jokers, Fault Finders, Hit 'Era Hards Trade Comics, Sharp Darts. New Lace Valentines, Gems of Love, New Sachet, Love's Arrows Cupid: Darts.Satin Novelty Valentines and Valentines of all d'-.cri:tior.3 in lar'o varie:j AT The && & CJLB.S SXjSH, Maaager. We beg- to renew our notice to tho Fisheries of the upper Pacific, of the full preparation we have made and are making to manufacture good wares for their use, of everv Nets: Pounds and Traps, Gill Nets, "We advise the practicability of For outside fishincr. One can be can be handled QUICK LOW IN COST. In tho New England waters are over four hundred laruc Purse seines for mackerel, herring and menhaden, 200 fathoms long, 25 fathoms deep, any fish that move iii compact bodies can be taken in those seines. We offer tho Stow Cotton Salmon Tiffin with a full belief that its strength is ample for tho hardest servico, of more durability than flax, and no more expensive. Our energies, with a lung experi ence in nettings, and : desire to send good wares to our patrons, we hope will not dibapoint any reasonable expectations. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester. Boston Office, IKJ Commercial Street. V m Wholesale and FANCY AND STAPLE GROCER PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c, &c. Fresh, California gutter, Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring. Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chill Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Celery Salt, French and German Mustard, Lelbig's Ex Beef, Sea Foam wafers, Van Hougrhton's Cocoa. Triticii, Germ, Ejicrai fool Oat Porrife Boiled Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladles Flexible Sole Shoes In French, Knnparoo and Donjtola Kid Bnys ai d Youth Shoes or all Kinds, Mls-es and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spiinj? heels. WE DEAL. M BOOTS AXD SHOES OSI.Y. P. J. GOODMAN. Just Received. 1,500 Rolls Wallpaper ai Decorations Of the Latest Designs and THIS WEEK. 50 Leather, Plush and Carpel Rockers. In Elegant New Styles: Just the thing for Cail and See Us. CHAS. HEILSORN. CITY BOOH STORE. A Full Line of Staple Goods now in Stock BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS Fine Stationery a Specialty. Musical Instruments and Merchandise, Notions, etc AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST CHARTS AND TIDE TABLES. GRIFFIN & REED. S Qp SSifcSQ kind, except double knotted oalmon Seines, from sardines to porpoise. using & Seines made verv strong and vory light, and Botail Dealer In Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. Shades. Also to Arrive ALLEN hoes' Shoes! Shoes! At The Fall and Winter Stock Complete IN ALL STYLES MID SHADES. No more need to send awav for a Fine Shoe, as we. have a Full Line of the Celebrated DRIAL& CO.'S FRENCH SHOES, and LAIRD, SGHOBER & MITCHELL'S FINE SHOES of which we are Sole Dealers in Astoria. We also handle BOOTS and SHOES from all the Leading Factories in America. Men's Heavy Boots and shoes a Specialty. LOWEST PRICES and SATISFACTION Guaranteed, W. T. FJLB.SSR, Manager. BBBBIOaB DEALKIi IN Hay, Oats, anil Straw, Lime, Met, Cement, Sani anil Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Iirajlnvr, Teaming &! Kx press BuI&eM. jagS'TaSjggigSgSgjSgs??a! TEK apply to the Captain, or to Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets Sawed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. J. C. OOUKTTY Coroner's Office, Undertaking ltooms next to jfgyy ' J4., i '& "nffg4ai J. R. LEES0N & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Tie Jotetone (Scotland) ana Grata (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads - AND - Salmon Net Twines, The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 1876 or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! .References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or it last season. FACTION. Aganta for the FadUo Ceast: imi i w m-u.jjjgmiji.m' TEAMF.B llLARi cben P. Parker,Maitar. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAil- H. S. PAR&EK. American News Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danish and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside LlbrariM, School Books, SUitonery, etc. A BALMANNO. Cnenamus Sc near Mala. ROSS, OOHONS H.f Pirst Glass Undertaking Establlshmeat A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material, Ererytalnff If eat aid Wall Arrasgad. Aslorian office, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) FISHERMAN who bought IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SAT1 IS- KITTLE & CO., 903 Celif a St., San Francisco, Calq.