on .-i.- .. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1887. PRICE MVE CENTO. VOL. XXVII, NO.S. ! T K. IlA. FOUCE, DENTIST. Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, .--- OREGON, BUSINESS CARDS. "1K. A. U fVlTOZi. Physician and Surgeou, Office on Cass street, three doors south I VOdd Fe low's bull ling. T-leiilione No. 41. p TUOEX. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Residence, Upper Astoria. Nlllson House. FAY TOfTLE, 31, 1. : ' SICI AN AND SURGEON 0"kic;b Rooms 6 Pythian Building RKaruKNCE-On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. pvK.O. B. K8TK8. TFIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ofkice : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. -TVK. FltANK PAE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office. Astoria. Oregon. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will'only attend patient at his office, and may be found there at any hour. E.- HOLUEM, Hotary Publio, Oommissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctloaeer, Be&l Estate and Insurance Agent. Offlee, at Holden's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria. Oregon. C. R. TH0SI30X, K. E. COOVKRT. THOMSON fc COOVERT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collection and examining titles. OFttCK Kooms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. G KLO F. PAKKEB, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Bx-Clty Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. comrr Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up iTHr. Robt, Collier, Deputy, GEO. A. POKKIS, QEO. POLAND XOLAXD & DORRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C. VT. FCTL.TON. O. C FULTO FULTON BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. T q.A.BOWLBY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office on Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12. Pythian Castle Build lag. 1 B. WATS OS, AtfyiaMlaw and Deputy Dist. Atty. All bmlness before the U. S. Land Office a specialty, ABTOniA, - - Okkoox. L.T BAU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jOKKopjr cur, - - - - okeqox. .Having, an experience I nine years as fceglMer of thfe laud O.i.cp at Oregon City. OregonTl am now ft-adyto attend to Laud Business for settlers and claimants be'ore any District, or ihe UeneriL.Land Office ou reasonable terms. Advice and lutormatlon. If desired, given byVtfi.' ' A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squenoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms X and 2 Pythian C. -Hi -Cooper's Store. Build-Ing orer THOS. MAIRS, A Cood Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Agent forthe Celebrated "Household Sewing Machine, Shop opposite C H. Cooper's. Hb MuMMe Tailor Med Stab TRADE V MARrC uLbsolutclu Free from opiates, Emetics and Poison. sure'. OK Cts. PROMPT.fedtJP """" AT DEUOQISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. TOCELtK CO.. lULTlgQRB. HB. GERm'anreMEOY m m Cares EfcKirattra,Hen:ilgia, ft I U A g tlBMkMlie, Uedbe, TotUuii, ill Ifllfll P&oEriFTRr ENTS. WB lAIII AtDrexxtititndDulen. THE CHAELES A. TOCKLEK CO., BJXTIHOEE, MB. 'area ?em&ls Complaints. A Great Sidney hmedy. GT SOU) BY ALL DEUQS1STS. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river ami i uudreiH of flue boats of my buid make my guaranteet for Kd woik. lit ad quarters at 1U .ne 's cmnery. Will build boats at any pn nt on the Columbia river where my services may be requirrd. W.u. HOWK. -AGENCY OFH3AN' FRANCISCO. Havel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. 8toraze and Insurance at Cuirent Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the VorlJ JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. R. II. Coleman. Accountant. Wilson & Fishe Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller- Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMONF PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfts i Jewelry ; At Extremely Low Prices. XU Goods Bought at This Establishment - Warranted Genuine. Watch ami Clock Kepairiu A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Go. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representtni: the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptly,and accurately tran-acted. mACOBSOjI IraOLCOl WET Cobmm FJ&YeUWhfti, - Astoria Oregon. The latest Mcrmon Sensation. Washington, Feb. 1. Mor-! mons in this city are watching the , progress of the Edmunds anti- polygamy bill, are quite excited over dispatches from Nebraska in to-day's papers in regard to Brig ham Young's reported scheme of resurrection. Delegate Caine, of course, denies the story. Caine says that he saw the Mormon lead er buried and placed in a torab, with a one ton stone over the en- trance, and does uot doubt that baggage, express, one enrgrant Brigham is dead. But another j and one first-clas car were precip storv c-omes from a resident of ! itated over the bank of the Yel- Utah which adds to the reinarka- hie story from Nebraska, and makes oue look upon it with some consideration. The gentleman says: "As everyone knows, the death of Brigham Young was most mvs tenous. The arrangements lor the funeral were conducted with the greatest privacy, and not un til the body was laid out was any one allowed to see it. The bo ly in the coffin, shown only to a few, was an ingeniously prepared wax figure. A Frenchman was brought from France some time befoie the reported death of Younjr and set to work to make a life-like heaJ and body of the Mormon prophet, as the figure was to represent h m ufter death. So remarkably well was the work done that the figure deceived many who saw it. When it came time for Young to die the figure was prepared for burial. The subsequent mj'sterious funer al arrangements, together with the strange death, can all be easily re called. The Frenchman who made the wax figure was shipped back to his native country, and the Mor mons watched him well. Although this guard was kept up, the man told his secret, and it was pub lished, but the Mormons managed to keep it from wide circulation. All have heard it in Utah, but the Mormons have managed to de cry it. The reason of Young's disappearance from earth was for resurrection. The Mormons thonght the United States Gov ernment would give them trouble, and ere this they had made every arrangement for an exodus to Mexico. The leaders collected money, and bought a vast tract of land, and paid for it in cold. They intended that old Brigham Young should rise from the gravt to order the faithful to depart to Mexico, but when the land b( ught came to be prppared it was found that the Mexicans had cheated them, and sold them a lot of mountains. So great was the chagrin of the elders that the ex odus was postponed, and Brigham did not rise. Death by aconite is the least painful of any. The feeling is something like being frozen to death. A kind of numbness bo gins in the extremities and gradu ally spreads over the entire system. There is no pain whatever, exeppi possibly a slight burning sedation in the breast. The fatal sensation is, :n fact, extremely pleasant. Death from freezing is said to be delightful. It is the same with aconite. A pleasant tingling is felt through the limbs, while en teancing dream fancies run through the brain. Ciniennati Physician, T. VITDS'S DANCE CURED. J I Fabsongdale, L. I., N. Y., ) Sept. 2, 18S5. f I have been troubled for several years with an afiection of the nerves which no doctor or no medicine could cure until I tried Bkanhbeth's Pills. I would be taken with a vio lent pain in the middle of my spine, and my arms and legs would i witch violently. It acted something like At. Vitus iJance, for I couldn't control my limbs. It would come and go once or twice a month, lasting two or three days at a time. Finally, at the ' beginning of one of my attacks, I tOOk nve UEANMtETn'S JflLLS. AS soon s they acted freely I found my self almost well. So I continued tak ing them for & month one or two a night. It is now a year since I have had an attack, and I attribute my cure to Bbandeeth's-Pills. Fkances Wood. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shi Jolfs Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. Will vou suffer witli Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? bhiloh's Vitalizer is iuaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Shiloh's Vitallzerjs wnat you need for Constipation, Los of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. J5. Poment An TX. P. E. E. Wreck In Montana. Near Stillwater, Mont., 3 p. ar., Ffb.l. The Pacific express, ol tne iortnern racmo rauroau, consisting of two trains, which left Ol. Liiui j.' nutty uuu uiiiuiuitv, auu whicb, after.being delayed by the blizzard for forty eight and twenty-four hours respectively, were consolidated at Dickinson, was wreiked by a broken rail about 78 miles east of Livingston, Montana, at about 2:30 p. ar. to-day. The lowstone river and slightly wrecked. All the passengers, amongst whom were many women and children, were miraculously saved from injury. The baggage and express was also saved from fire by the active use of hand-grenades and snow. The engine and mail car went over safely. The weather is bitter cold, but the pas sengers are provided for in the dining and s'eeping cars, which are still on the track. There was about ten feet of rail broken into many pieces. Amonjr the pas-sen-gers on the train was Lieut. Frank Talor, Fourteenth infantry, Van couver barracks. There ia rage among the young women of Montana to run for school coin m. ssioner, and in every instance it is said that the pretti est young woman wins. One of the most successful com mercial travelers in York state is a negro. He, so far as known, is the only colored drummer in the country. It is estimated that total "under ground" insurance policies issued in the state of Maine will amount to 1,000,000, for vthich little re turn cati be expected. For Cholera. Diarrhoea, Dysentery. In flnmmation of the Bowels or Colic. Take intvrnally-from fiw to ten (Irons of Darbys Prophylatic Fluid in a table spoonful of water every hour or two till improvement takes place. There is no danger in taking more of it and trenuenily if occasion renuires. In chronic enses, or when ihe stomach re fuses to retain anything else. ue in junctions of the Fluid and water. We have never known a case that did not readily yield to such treatment, and it saved the live of many. A Maine lady has refused 82,000 r i t trefcseSj eight feet one inch long. Saved His Life. Mr. D. I. Vi'cox-on, of Horse Cave, jvv., &ays lie va, lor many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetic; the pains w-re almost unendurable and would sometimes almoht throw him into convulsions.- He triKl Electric Bitters and got relief from first bo.tle and alter taking six bottles, was en tirely cured, and had pained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively b lives he would havw died, had it not neen for the relief afforded by El ctric Bitters. Sold a fifty cents a Lottie bj by V. E. Dement & Co. Exactly 150 Hvps have been lost so far in the construction of the new Croton aqueduct near New York ciiy. Clrvv,0 The Children. They are -vri especially liable to sud len Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping 7oujjh. cts. Wo guarantee Acker's Jnglish Remedy a positive cure. It ,avcs hours or anxious watching. Sold by J. W. Conn. The Pittsburg manufacturers will advance the price i f window :r!as 5 per cent, or more. East ern Paper. V cvww 0f tbo good things of ft..Y this life are sorroul ly let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by J. W. Conn. Statistics of theNw York post office show that the loss of reve nue from the reduction of letter postage to two cptits, has already been compensated lor by increase of business. X rVovaBlood Elhdr is tho n,VwV "a oniy Blood "Remedy guaranteed. -It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Ehcumatic and Neuralgic-pains. Wo guarantoo it. J. W. Conn. Shiloh's Cougn aua Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De- rjaent,- Shiloh'8 Cure will immediately relieve Crouo. Whooninc Coueh. and Bronchitis. Sold by w . E. Dement & Co THE GREIT IBHflil SH PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious? 77i Regulator never fails to cure. I mot cheerfully recommend It to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. Kansas City, Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? 1 suffered intensely withFull Stomach, Head ache, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Simmons Liter Regulator, told me it iras a sure cure for my trouble. The flrst dose I took relieved me very much, and in one wick's time Ivcas as strong and hearty as lever was. It is the best medicine I ever took for Dyspepsia. Richmond, Va. H. G. CRENSZAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Warnbr, Chief-Justice oi CJa. : " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and always with decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatcnt medicine of the times for disease pecu liar to malarial regions. So good a medi cine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTOS, Cor. See'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been subject to severe spells of Congestion of the Liver, and have been in the habit of taking from is to aograins of calomel, which generally bid me up for three or four days. Lately I have been taking Simmons Liver Regulator, which gave me re lief, without any interruption to business. MiDDLBraKT, Ohio. J. HUGG. J. ff. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ssaic5s. i.oo. Look Here B It you want a neat fitting Suit of Clothos, Ko to J, 2E3 HOSS, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a c.ill and be convinced that I mean what I Bay. J. E ROSS. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets east of C. Jtl. Cooper's. B. F. ALLEN PRACTIC tfc GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING. AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. Pli.lIX AXD DJECOKATIVK Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St., next to Stlnson's Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, VirainiaCiEar anfl Tobacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, "Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cig&n, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&C 0. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on Main. Three doors south of Squemoqua Strert. House Painting, Crainlng, Fres coing, etc. E. C. HOLDEN. AidooeeraBdCoMissionipnt Established 1874. ' Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Hoods In the country. "Win appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited. Quick Sales and prompt Cash rpturns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weekly Ore gonian. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, mrORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN &ENESAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCKLX - - - - - OREGON eeeBARBOUR'Seee IS ra TCI 1HHI I rich tlnY Throat a Hii A I Gal NO 0jjLgEgi GRAND PRIX HAVE GRAND CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNEUE. THEY H WE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE THAN THE GOODS THREAD - MANUFACTURER?, IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on! leiM hd Oiler! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - - SAN FRANCItCO, AGKSTS PR P4CIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTOlilA, ONLY OF EL R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Wl 1 be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent for tfe Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRaT CLASS STOVES Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Ham. : FISHERIES , . American Net & Twine Co. Home Office 43 Commercial St., Boston. New York Office, 172 Fulton Street. The Largest and Oldest manufacturers of every variety of Fish Netting in Ataeri. Net.ing3 for Purse Seines, Pounds, Traps, Gill Nets, c, 4c, made ftoatka Skepard Gold Medal Twin Manufactured by ourselves, anil now conceded to be equal, if not superior ta? twines now put into fish nettings. FISHEHIVIEKT can order our goods of any responsible merchant upon the Pacific Coast, a? directly of us. Correspondence solicited. Send for samples and illustrated catalogue. && for sale at the lowest market rates. Gu Transportatioii ia FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Timel THE NEW STEAMER Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland it 1 Ml, Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 F; M, TAn additional trip will be made on Pnnday ofEwh Jff '1?TJBftSf atOtOVIook 8uday-3IorKinjc. Passengers b thbronte wgneot at XnStm for Soand portj. ? ". . . - u.B. SCOTT, Ffeic EQUAL! H PARIS, 1878.. AND VARIOUS OF ANY OTHER jam. com TELEPHONE- A