C3j ?fcf flailjj Historian. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. JANUARY . 18&7 The plunger &i7e Tit lias beeu sold to Peter Tables for gfiOD. There were only four steamboat in cidents oil the Sound last week. The- signal service apparatus this city is 41 feet above sea level. Rain has fallen every day but two January 8 and 17, since November 17th. The mail contract between Oyster ville and Knappton has been re-let for S550. Roses are iu bloom and tha bashes on which bloom the roses are putting out new sprouts. It is rumored that Mrs. Duniway is about to buy another newspaper the Boise, Idaho, Statesman. ' China New Year's. The Chinese appear to have permission to burn firecrackers within the fire limits. Rev: G. H. Atkinson, D. D., will hold divine service in the Congrega tional church, this morning and even ing. Jeannie Winston and the Pyke op era company will play to a fine audi ence at Ross' opera house to-morrow night. It is rumored that Jeannie Wins ton is shortly to be married in Port land to the president of one of the clubs of that city. The Frishkorn ceeded in gettins family have sue their household ! effects from the house at Manhattan, and have gone over on the island. Jeannie Winston and the Pyke opera company at Ross opera house to-morrow evening. Reserved seats at the New York Novelty Store. The land grant of the Northern Pa cific Railroad company between Ka lama and Portland, has been con firmed by acting secretary of the interior, Muldrow. The detained passengers on the Co lumbia had a dance aboard last even ing. The Western Amateur band furnished the music and those who participated had a first rate time. At the Methodist church to-day, services will be as follews: Class meeting at 10 a. jm.; preaching at 11, subject "The Hidden Life." Revi val service at 7 v. si.; subject "TekeU The British, barks Clan Grant and W. E. Watson cleared for Queens town yesterday, the former with 17, 057 bbls. flour, worth $72,492, and the latter with 8,0GG bbls. flour, worth 834,280- The Pacific Journal says there were eighty fish traps in Baker's bay last year; that each trap cost SS00; and that in an average season a fish trap will pay a profit of fifty per cent, on the investment. During the latter part of last week Mr. Louis Wilson's tide gauge indi cated extraordinary swell on the bar, rendering it impossible for any ves sel to enter or depart. The Colum bia is still at the dock. The News says that one hundred and forty persons living near Oswego, are actually destitute. They com pose the families of men who are idle on account of the shut down at the iron works. They should be helped. In response to an inquiry yesterday, state senator Gray said that the' amendment to the citv charter intro- ' ,Tnno i,i,;m ? fi.DM'ntn i.f Ti,.,.., day, is to the effect that the office at I nolicaiudpebfi abolished, tho nn1itnr 1 police judge be abolished, the auditor and clerk to assume the duties of the office, and merging the present office of street superintendent into th1 du ties of the chief of police. The rainfall has been unusually great this winter. November was comparatively free from rain, only 4.84 inches falling as against 12.45 inches in November, '85. But last month there fell 16.86 inches, and in the 22 days of January, ending seven o'clock last evening, there had fallen 9.73 inches, making a total rainfall for the last 53 days of 26.59 inches. The Winston-Pyke comic opera company promises to bo the event of the season. The troupe numbers 40 performers, including a full chorus. Miss Jeannie Winston will be sup ported by Miss Louise Manfred, Miss Telulu Evans, Mr. Pyke, Mr. De Lange, Mr. Keeue and other well known and popular artists. The or chestra is under the direction of Mr. Oscar Herald: A Seattle man says to the Post-In-telligencer: "One of two things may be depended upon. The O. R. & N. Company are very sore over the in roads the Fleetwood is making iu their passenger trade on the Sound, I and they will either buy the steamer or commence a strong opposition to her in a very few days. She has al ways.been a thorn in their sides, and has cost that company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they want to get her out of the way." Four years ago Captain Bergman and his daughter were washed over board from the vessel the captain was commanding, in a storm off Cape Flattery. A sailor named Brown res cued them from drowning, About a month ago the Harvey Mills found ored off that same terrible coast, and Brown, the sailor, was one of the three that were tossed about on the stormy water. They were saved, and as luck would have it, it was Capt. Bergman, now of the ship Majestic, that saved them. Each man had saved the other's life, and the meet ing, as can be readily imagined, was pleasant one. LATEST TELEGEAPHIO NEWS. General ITews Items Trom All Over. Portland, Jan. 22. -F. X. Stecves, a lawyer on trial before Judge Shat tuck, charged with unprofessional condnct, was this afternoon acquitted. IiYXCH IiAW. St. Lons, Jan. 22. -It was reported from Warren, Ark., yesterday, that Hamilton and Liudberry, the mur derers of the Harris brothers in Brad ley county, were released from jail, at Warren, on Thursday night, by a party of masked men. A sheriff's po33e started in pursuit of them a3 soon as the facts became known. It is expected that a conflict between them and the murderers' liberators will occur. A special to the I'ost Dispatch states that the intention of the mob was, not to free the crimi nals, but to lynch them. The sher iff's party returned from their search thi3 morning and roported that the murderers were carried to the bank of the Arkansas river and hanged. Soon after death ensued the bodies were cut down and cast into the stream. GOT A DIVORCE. Edixburo, Jan. 22. The court to day granted a decree of divorce to the marchioness of Queensbnry from the marquis of Queensbnry, o i the ground of adultery. The evidence adduced showed that the marquis, af ter marriage, lived as a bachelor In St. James street, Londen: that his wife was never there, but that a lady went frequently to the apart ments occupied by the marquis in St. James street, dined with him and occupied thesamebodroomwith him. The marquis made no defense. A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. Paris, Jan. 22. The Journal (Its Debats publishes conspicuously a leading article denouncing Gen. Bou langer as au associate of the party of revolution -and pronouncing his presence in the war office dangerous to the republic. The radical 6rgans praise Gen. Boulanger and accuse the opportunists of conspiring for the downfall of the Goblet cabinet which is pronounced imminent. IIEAYY LOSS AT MEMPHIS. Memphis, Jan. 22. Cotton press number four, of the Merchants Cot ton Press & Storage company, cor ner Shelby and South streets, burned early this morning together with 05, 000 bales of cotten: Loss about $300,000, fully insured. DISASTER AT SHANGHAI. Shanghai, Jan. 22. The British steamer Zepaul, from London, col lided with and sank a Ohinise trans port to-day. One hundred soldiers nnd seven mandarins were drowned. t'KIftOSAIi. Col. Jas. Taylor is a passenger on the outgoing steamer. City attorney Noland returned from Portland on the Lvrlinc yesterday morning. Hon. M. Pomeroy, representing Co lumbia county in the legislature, is in the city. Leo Noe leaves to-morrow morning for Spokane Falls. His family will remain here till next spring. " ... ... ...7" ,, . ., . . . ". , .. Kf d lhe hospital reports, read the mortuary reports, read the medicine publications, read papers, and learn J: the daily news- iow wide-spread is heart disease, how difficult of detec tion it is to most people, how many and how sudden a-e deaths it causes. Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on j Heart Disease, and learn what it is, what causes it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its symptoms are, and and how it may be attacked. If you find that you have heart disease, ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy. The treatise mav be had on application to J. J. MACK & CO., Nos. 9 and 11 Frout street, S. F. The Barbour Flax Spinning Co. have three largo mills in Patersou, N. J., two of which are thoroughly fire proof. The capacity of these mills is for about 1,400 hands, who turn out every class of thread goods that can be made from flax or jute. The company is erectiug at Allen town, Pa., a jute mill for the manu facture of carpet yarns, 250x55 feet, four stories high, fire proof, to be run by steam. The contract for the en gine has not yet been given out. The mill will furnish employment to about 500 hands. Henry Doyle & Co. are the San Francisco agents. Farmers and Mechanics. Save money and Doctor hills. Relieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely purchase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Price 30 cents and $1.00. Sam ples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. A new lot of vocal and instrumental music hooks at the Crystal Palace. Go to Jeff's Restaurant to-night and take home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.) The finest and nicest steak to be in town at Fahre's. had Sweet Apple Cider At Astoria Soda Works. Go To Crows Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior nuish. Gotojeflfrforoj-sters, Private Rooms. THK LKGISLATIYE DELEGATION. A I'nlriic Jleeting at the Opera House Last Evenlnc. The gentlemen of the state senate and house of representatives who came down in an unofficial capacity as guests of Capt. Gray on the Lur Unc yesterday morning, after break fast went on "board the Gen. Miles, in company with several citizens of Astoria, and went to Fort Stevens, from there to Fort Canby and the lighthouse at Cape Hancock and from there to Ilwaco, taking on some II wacoites and returning here about three o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was not very propi tious for their visit but the remain der of the afternoon was spent in conversation with prominent citizens and looking around the city; those who had been here before expressing their satisfaction at the manifest signs of growth, progress and im provement. At 5:30 the visitors were the recipients of a dinner at the Oc cident, tendered by the chamber of commerce, an! m the evening a rub lic meeting was held at Ross' opera house, which was filled with citizens. The meeting was presided over by Senator Gray. Speeches wore made by "Geo. Johnson, who has lately re turned from Washington city, Gus. Bender, Frank Backridge and other residents,and by Messrs. Allen, Rhine hart, Barin and Lee, the remarks being mainly relative to the fish trap3 in Baker's bay and elsewhere along the lower river. Calls were made for representatives of the fish traps to come forward, no one responding. Geo. Johnson gave a condensed statement of his action as represen tative of several labor assemblies while in Washington, the progress of his work and what was desired, and spoke of former action relating to fish traps. The visitors' remarks were to the effect that they had not come to in struct or suggest, but to receive information and they expressed pleasure at being able to meet so manv representing a great industry ! of the state and get an expression of opinion from all who desired to give it. The meeting was large and har monious, all present evincing the deep iuterest they felt in the subjects under consideration which are of present and future importance. At the conclusion of the speeches the meeting adjourned, and subse quently some of the fish trap owners who had come over from Ilwaco, gave testimony before Messrs. Allen and Pomeroy, members of the fishery committee, the other legislators be ing on the committee of commerce. The party will leave on the Lurline for Portland at eight o'clock this morning and express great satisfac tion regarding their visit. A Few Witnesses Examined. In the circuit court yesterday all the dread enginery of the law was in voked to try a case wherein one N. F. Sargentovich stood charged with as sault with a deadly weapon on one M. Kookitch, in front of Cosmos' saloon on the evening of tha 24th of last December The morning was consumed in the important work of impaneling a jury of twelve men, good and true, to try the case. After dinner testimony was ad duced. Among the witnesses deemed necessary to' be summoned to give testimony in the matter were J. Bobbins, J. Cosmos, C. Portala, A. M. Twombly, C. B. Watson, F. Houseman, Dr. Estes, H. Stevens, A. A. Cleveland. Andrew Schuring, B. S. Worsley, H. Van Nichols, J. W. Weloh. A. Balmanno, F. H. Sherman, H. T. Hausen, M. Kookitch, D. Blaz zaritch, N. Davitch, A. Zoditch, N. F. Sargeutovitch, H. Bazzovitch, etal. After they had made statement un der oath the attorneys made a few subsequent remarks of a relatively contradictory nature and was given to lhe jury, who n verdict of "not guilty." tne case rendered Uon't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs arc in duiir. Consumption ahvay- seems at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to "impost upon jou with some cheap iini'ation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough-, and Colds, but be sure you gel the genuine. Hecaue lie can make more profit lie may tell you he lias something just as goo'd, or'just (lie same. Don't he de ceived, but.insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Thn.it, Lung and Chest affection. Trial Bottles free at Y. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Circuit Court Proceedings. Tayi.or, J. January 22. Mandate of supreme court entered, Snow vs. Reed. State vs. Lin nnd Gin Bow; ordered discharged. State vs. N. F. Gorgentovitch; ver dict for defendant. Saved His Ui'e. Mr. D. 1. Wilcoxson. of Horse Cave. Kv., says he was. for many yeara, badly atilicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first boitle and after taking six buttles, was en tirely cured, and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively belives he would have died, had it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by bv W. E. Dement "& Co. Gambrlnus Deer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. School books at bottom prices at the Crystal Palace Book Store. Genuine Cider Vinegar and Pure Apple Cider at D. L,Beck & Sons. Lowest Cash I'riee. Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at D. L. Beck & Sons. Fresh California Butter just received at A. Yan Dusen & Co.'s. Try Fabre's celebrated pah" roast. SENATE BILL NO. 29. A Bill for and Act to Regulate the Salmon Fisheries in thcStatcof Oregon. Intro duced ly Jlr. Gray, and Read lirst Time January 13. 1887. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon. Section 1. That thoro be appointed by the Governor, with tho advice of the sen ate, a Fish Commissioner, removable at the pleasure- of tho Uovernor, who shall hold his office for two years, and who shall be a resident of tho counties border ing on the Columbia river. Before e' te-"ng upon hi" 'bities !m '-hall execute . bond o the Statu o Ort.wn with two cu more uflicient sureties, to bo approved by th Governor, in tho sum of .... thou sand dullers, conditional upon the faith ful performance of hi3 odicisl duties. Sec 2, The said Fish Commissioner shall receive a salary of dollars per vear, pavable quarterly. Sec. 3." It shall be the duty of the Fish Commissioner (and it shall be lawful for any other person or persons who may dis cover any pound net, weir, rack, trap, fish wheel, or any other fixed, anchored or permanent contrivance or device for catching salmon fish in tho waters of tho State of Oregon, and the rivers within tho concurrent jurisdiction of the State of Oregon and Territory of Washington) to remove from tho waters of tho State of Oregon and tho rivers within the concur rent jurisdiction of tho State of Oregon and tho Territory of Washington, where soever tho same may bo found, any and all pouud nets, weirs, racks, set nets, traps, fish wheels, or any other fixed, anchored or permanent contrivance or device for catching salmon fish, in the said waters; and also to destroy and dis mantle tho same so that they may bo rendered incapable of catching said sal mon fish; provided, thnt said Fish Com missioner shall first give notice to tho owner or manager of said pound net, weir, rack, trap, fish wheel, or any other fixed, anchored or permanent coutriv ance or device, if the owner or manager thereof is known, that the snmo is con trary to law, and is a common nuisance, and ordering such owner or manager to dismuntlo such contrivance or device, so as to render tho samo unable to take an salmon fish; but if such owner or mana ger of such contrivance or device is not known then said notice shall bo published in some newspaper in the county border ing on tho said river, adjacent to where such coutrivanco or device exists, such notice to bo served or published at least fivo days, and if at the expiration of five days from the service of the notice of publication of said notice, the dismant ling of such contrivance or device has not taken place, the said Fish Commis sioner and his deputies shall proceed to remove, destroy or dismuntlo tho said obstructions or devices; 'provided, that no notice shall be required before re moving any gilling seines, nets, or other contrivances or device for taking salmon fish, anchored staked or fastened in the waters of said river within tho concurrent jurisdiction of the State of Oregon and of the Territory of Washington. Sec, 4. Every person who shall set, use, erect, build, repair, maintain or con tinue, or who shall assist or abet in set ting, using, erecting, building, repairing, mnittt.iiiiunc or poiitinuhi" anv nound net. weir, rack, trap, fi3hwheel or any! other fixed, anchored or permanent con-. tnvanco or device for catching salmon j fish in tho waters of tho State of Oregon j and the rivers within the concurrent jur- ; isdiction of the Stato of Oregon and the Territory of Washington, shall be t deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and! upon conviction thereof bo fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than fivo hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a ( term not exceeuiujj mx mumus, ur uy both such fine and imprisonment in tho discretion of the court; and for each and everv subsequent offenso upon the con viction thereof shall be fined not les3 than fivo hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the coun ty jail not less than six months nor more than ono year, or by both such fine and imprisonment iu the discretion of the court. br.c. ". It shall not be lawful to take or fish for salmon fish in tho waters of the State of.Oregon or rivers within tho concurrent jurisdiction of the State of Oregon and tho Territory of Washington during tho months of March, Soptember, nor before tho fifteenth day of April or the fifteenth duy of August in any year hereafter, nor at the weeklv c'ose time in the months of April, Mav, June, July and August; provided, that this time shall ; only npp:y to the Columbia river; that is to say, between the hours ot 0 o'clock in the afternoon of each and every Saturday until six o'clock in the afternoon of the Sunday following, and any person or per-, sons cuicuuig ehuuiju iisu in viuiauuu ui the provisions of this section, or purchas ing salmon fish so unlawfully caught, shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than fiftv dollars nor more than live hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed tho term of six months, or by both such fino and im prisonment, iu tho discretion of the court. Sec. 0. It shall not bo lawful to fish for salmon fish in tho waters of the State or Oregon, or within the concurrent jur isdiction of the State of Oregon and the Territory of Washington, with gill nets, the meshes of which are less than four and one-eighth inches square; or seines, the meshes of which are less than three inches square; provided, that this section shall only apply to tho Columbia river. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the United Slates Fish Commissioners "or tho Fish Com missioners of this state, from taking such fish as thej shull deem necessary for tho purpose of artificial hatch ing, at any timo they may deem best. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor laoro than one thousand dollars; or bv impris onment in tho county jail not ex ceeding ono year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 7. Any person or persons who shall be found making uso of any boat, seine, net, or other tackling or device for catching salmon fi3h in tho waters of tho State of Oreeon, or within tho concurrent jurisdiction of the State of Oregon and the Territory of "Washington, contrary to the true intent and meaning of the pro visions of this Act, ho or they, in addi tion to tho penalties and fines provided for hereinbefore in this Act, shall forfeit tho boat or boats, seino or seines, net or nets, and all other tackling, apparel, f urniture.apparatus and property so made use of, and it shall bo the duty of thecoin misionerandof all sheriffs, deputy sher iffs, police officers and constabIes,und may be lawful for any person or persons to seize and secure any such boat, seine, net or other furniture or property in this sec tion hereinbeforo described, and immedi ately and thereafter shall proceed apSinst said property as in this Act hereinafter provided. Sec 8. Where uny personal property is forfeited for any violation of the pro visions of this Act, the person directing or making such seizure, shall, without Iuiuieueasoijr uoioj, wo a uuvi uciuio a justice of the peace, if the value of the value of the property does "not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars; otherwise, in the circuit court of tho county in whicn said property may be seized, stat ing the cause of the seizure, and praying for a decree of forfeiture. Sec 9. Upon tho filing, before or after seizure, of any libel for a forfeiture of any property taken under the provisions of this Act, a warrant shall bo issued to the proper officer, requiring him to take such property into his custody, and detain tho same until legally disposed of. Sec 10. Notice shall oo given to the owners of such property seized, if knewn: otherwise a notice shall be published to all persons interested, to appear at tho timo and place appointed for trial, and show causo why n decree of forfeiture should not be passed; such notice shall be served or published for at least ten days prior to tho timo set for trial. Sec 11. If any person interested shall appear and claim such property, and re quests it, such property shall be appraised by three disinterested persons, who shall be residents and householders or free holders within this state, to be appointed by the justice of the peace or by tho judge or clerk of the circuit court in which tho libel may be filed, and it shall bo delivered to such claimant upon his giving a bond with sufficient sureties, to be approved by tho justice of the peace, or by the judge of the circuit court in which the libel may be filed, to pay into such court the appraised value of such property, and tho costs and disburse ments of tho proceedings; in case a de cree of forfeiture shall be made tho sureties of said bond shall havo the qualifications of bail upon arrest; in case a decrdo of forfeiture shall not be made tho costs and disbursements of said pro ceedings, if instituted by any officer mentioned in this Act, shall be paid by the state upon tho orders drawn by tho secretary of state, on tho certificate of tho fish commissioner, but if instituted by any private individual, such'costs and disbursements shall be paid by such indi vidual, and execution "may issue as in other cases. And tho justice of the peace or clerk of the circuit court, may, before filing any libel provided for in this Act, when presented by a private person, de mand from such person an undertaking for the costs and disbursements of such proceeding. Sec 12. Tho case may be tried by a jury in either the justice's court or tho circuit court upon tho request of either party, the party making such request first huving deposited tho proper jury fee, otherwise tho case shall be tried by the court; and the cause of forfeiture having been proved, tho court or justice shall make a decree for tho forfeiture and dis position of said property. Sec 13. Costs and disbursements may bo awarded to the libellants if a reason able cause of seizure appear, in which shall be included the necessary expenses of the seizure and detention of the prop erty, otherwise the court may allow rea sonable costs, disbursements and dam ages to the claimant. Ssc 14. An appeal may bo taken by either party from any decree made by the justice of the peace or by tho judges of tho circuit court, in the same time and manner as in other civil actions. Sec 15. Any person convicted of any violations of tho provisions of this Act shall be sentenced to pav the fine and costs adjudged, and in default of paying or securing the payment thereof he shall bo committed to the county jail until such fine and costs aro paid or secured until he shall have been imprisoned one day for every two dollars of the fine and costs; but execution may issuo at any time against tho property of the defend ant for whatever sura may be due of such fine and costs. All fines, forfeitures and penalties collected for a violation of this Act shall constitute a fund for the enforcement of the provisions of this A;t, and shall be paid into the treasury of tho stato by the officer collecting tho same: and shall be disbursed upon orders drawn by the secretarv of stato upon the treasurer, upon the certificate of tho fish commissioner that such disbursements have been made and aro due according to law. Sec 1G. Any private person making complaint of any violation of this Act, or of any property" subject to forfeiture or s.ilo hereunder, shall, upon conviction of tho offender, or the sale of said property, be entitled to receive one-half of tho fine recovered, or one half the amount reoeived for such property, and tho balanco so re ceived shall be paid and disbursed as pro vided for in Section (15) fifteen of this Act. Sec 17. All Acts or parts of Acts in consistent with this Act are hereby re pealed. Sec 18. "Wuekeas, It is important for the protection and regulation of the said salmon fisheries and to protect the lives and property of hundreds of individuals engaged iu tho said fisheries, this Act shall take effect and bo in full force and virtue from and after its approval by the governor. What True Merit "Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Boschee's German Syrup within a few years, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and tho severest Lung troubles. It acts on an entirely different principle from the usual preset iptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry up a Cough and leave the disease, still in the system, but on tho contrary removes the cause of the trouble, heals the parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy con dition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their ap pearance, will save doctor's bills ami a long spell of serious illness. A trial will convince you of these facts. It Is positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land, Price, 75cts., large bottles. All the different books used In the public school you can get at the Crystal Palace at reduced rates. Fos? High? Begining this week I offer all goods now in stock at a reduction ol 15 per cent, which means S1.50 in your pocket on every $10. worth of Goods you buy of me. Herman Wis, The Clothier and Hatter. (Occident Building.) ' How Is This Remnant REMNANTS! Monday and following days of this week wo will place on our center CQunters AL.I, OID LENGTHS OF GOODS accumulated during the seasont.and IHARIt TfIS:iI IOWflT regardless of cost in order to make a thorough clear ance. previous to our annual Inventory of stock which takes place Feb. l9t. r: s, EE The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OP ASTORIA. Sole Agenttor Bntterick's Patterns fortius District The Holidays of 1886 are that the 0. L Not Are still here, and that they are receiving new and desirablo Goods by every steamer, and that thoy continue to sell the beat Goods at the lowest prices. They have addod to thoir stock by tlta last steamer. Handsomely Triple Plated Silver Knives Also have largely renewed their stock of Groceries and Provisions, both Fancy and Staple, so that they now have one of the. largest and best assortments of desirable Goods in the city. Compelled by their increasing trade and the necessity for more room, they have leased the store adjoining the one thoy have &o long1 occupied and are fitting it for their Wholesale Trade, while their old store is used entirely for their rapidly growing business. Remember that in Quality and Prices they CANNOT BE BEAT, and those who have Cash to spend should prepare to spend it NOW, -where they can be so well suited as they can at D. . mnants ! REMNANTS. gone, but don't you forget firm of Decorated, andJForks, Agate Ware etc SECK & Re Forgotten. Beck & Sons,