C2J i t gattjj gtomu. ASTORIA. OREGON: Saturday January 22. isst The legislature can bost serve the financial interests of the state by not monkeying with the inter est question. So far there has appeared in the legislature no expected bill .per mitting or authorizing the O. JR. & If. Co. to lease its state lines to tbe Union Pacific railroad Co. It is true of the negro," says the. if aeon Telegraph, "but not of any other race, that he flourishes best in the sight of bis old home, -and if permitted he will always re turn." New York papers say that Union square is filled with starv ing actors, and that stranded dra matto companies strew the line of travel from Maine to Oregon. They incidentally remark that the street car strikes open up a fine avenue of labor. It would certainly be a great misfortune for our state, says the Worlds if-the present legislature changes the law governing foreign corporations or the rate of interest. The farmers of this state are large ly borrowers, they want and need cheap money. The only way by which it ever will become cheaper is to induce money from abroad to come here; the more that comes here," the larger will be the sup ply, and when the supply equals or exceeds the demand, then the rates will become low without any legislative enactments, and we venture to assert that if the usury law of Oregon would be repealed that money would be very much cheaper than it is now. California is an example; they have no usury law, yet money is cheaper there than here. So, instead of passing additional prohibitory laws against .money, the result of which would be to drive what little money there is here away, and enhance the rental of what will remain, better to repeal all laws which are pro hibitory. Among the items of interest with which the new almanac of the American board is packed are the statistics of the principal for eign mission societies of the Unit ed States. Taking the four largest we find, as to receipts, that the Presbyterian board, north, leads off with 1745,161. The American board stands next- with $058,754. Then follow the Baptist mission ary union with 436,896, and the Methodist Episcapal church, north, with 440,53G. The total of all the societies is 3S213,743. In the number of converts added the past " year the American board stands at rr "'the front with 3,400. The Bap-tists'-follow close up, having 3,450. The next are the Presbyterians, north, with 2,533, and the Metho dists, -north, with 1,787. The whole number reaches 37,701. When the whole number of com municants enrolled is considered, the Baptists take the lead, having 56,440. The American board counts 26,130; the Presbyterians, north, 20;294, and the Methodists, 'north, 12,133. The entire footing is 148,979. . .s.n its report upon the senate bill to provide for the admission of Washington territory as a state of the Union, the house committee '-on territories says: The vote cast at the last election in that portion "of Idaho which the bill proposes to add to the new state was 5,459, which, at the ratio of four inhab itants to each voter, represents a population of 21,836. Adding this to the population of Wash ington, the new state will come into the Union with 197,095 peo ple, or representation. The com mittee is of the opinion that Wash ington territory possesses all the" elements of wealth, intelligence and local development, in Bvery particular, to enable her people to successfully establish and main tain a , state government. The .conjmiUee takes up the claim of -Xo&Tttia for .admission to the Un ion, and after showing that the population at the last election was 151,472, says it would seem that Montana contains a larger popu lation than the ratio of represen tion in congress. Copious quota tions are made from the governor's recent message, exhibiting the financial condition of the terri tory and its vast natural re sources and heavy exports of min eral and the annual product there of. The committee then recom mends that the original senate bill, which provides for the admission of "Washington territory with a portion of Idaho added, be so amended as to include the terri tory of Montana, and that the con stitutions of the proposed states of Washington and Montana be sub mitted to congress instead of to the president, as provided in the senate bill. Another amendment proposed to the bill is a require ment that the constitution of the states shall include a provision, forbidding polygamous association or cohabitation within their juris diction. The chairman excepts to this last amendment in a minority report, in which he says he dis sents from the majority of the com mittee in requiring any Teligious test whatever in the formation of a constitution for a state of the Union, or imposing any conditions whatever except that the state constitutions shall be Republican in form and conform to the pro visions of the constitution of the United States. Buclclcn's Arnica Snlro. The Best Salve i 11 the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapprd Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and .nil Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piirs, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to civc Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rice 25 cents per box. For sa le by W E. Dement & Co. Choice Brands of Cigars. Imported Garcias S5.50 per box of 50. Fine domestic Pumariegas (full ITavana filled), $7.00 per box of 100, TansiU's celebrated Punch S4.50 per box of 100. D. Lt. UECIC 5c SONS. What is better than a class of linuor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre'a. The best oysters in any stvle at Fabre's. Frank L Parker, Dealer in- Fancy anil Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. Bozorth & Johns Real Estate and Insurance Agents AND BROKERS. Buy and sell all kinds of real estate and represent Leading Mre Insurance compan ies with an aggregate capital of $75,000,000. Policies written at Equitable rates. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARD! ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tisa. AND Copper. For Sale. EA FISHING mHR DEEP SEA FISHING CO.'S SLOOP JL 1 Venture, built in 1686. registered tonnage 23.8T. Enquire of J. Q. A. BOWLBY or A. V. ALLEN. Aff flfl() T0 L0AN ON CITY PROP ' ertr' MISS ELLA POPE. Tnos. O. Tbullixoeh, Agent, Every Body Knows r THAT THE Magee Furnace Go. Of Boston Hake The BEST STOVES AND RANGES -In The World ; i THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. J. A. MONTGS&ERY, Sole Ageu&oVAstorla Do You Want Fresh Fish, Fresh Fat Chickens? Ecro-a And all kinds of Fish and Ramp in season. I am ready losnppty ou at John KoRer's old .stand. Some flee Smelt and Herring jut received, rir. t, huh rim vs Central Market. ROSS' Monday Eve., Jan. 24th, 1887. -THE- Pyke Opera Company AND TIIF. Favorite Lyric Artist JEANNIE WINSTON In the Greatest Musical Success Prince Methuselah. A GRAND Farewell Performance. Box Sheet for the sale of Reserved Seats open at the New York Novelty Store to-day. FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Can be had of i. 3f . Khaffaer Gl Water St., and "Wherry & Co.'s market opposite Occident Hotel. 1 don't claim they are fresh as sonio do who have but a few chick ens and It takes' them a month to get a shipment, but bornuse I have the largest Chicken lanch this side of 1'ortland, tun by experienced hands pick up tho eggs every day and briiiK them to town 3 times a week. And don't you forget It that every epg bought from tho above partus Is guaranteed by them to be fresh. S. K. STANLEY". TO Marine Engineers, No More Filthy Boilers By usinc Oolcan Ijubrloatliisr Oil. it is chemically prepared and is an absolute pure mineral compound, it leaves no flhhy prease sediment or deposit in surface con denser or in the boiler. This oil comes in balls VA inches dia. and is 40 per cent, cheaper than the best cylinder oils, For sale only by A. VAN DUSEN & CO. NEW YORK Novelty Stor Headquarters For STATIONERY. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, TOYS. JEWELRY. SOLID GOLD AND SILVER. NOVELTIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CANES, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Etc. AIiL THE Latest Styles on -Exhibition. Agents for Will & Finck's Sporting Goods. ASTORIA Keep Constantly on hand. Fir Wood, Red and Yellow, HEMLOCK "WOOD. ALDER "WOOD. SPRUCE LIMBS. MAPLE LIMBS, SPLIT ASH "WOOD. ASH LIMBS. AND CRABAPPLE Any desired length from four foot to eight Inches long. Leave orders with Frank L. Parker or at the yards. Telephone 36. Strike It Rich! BUYYOUK Groceries Provisions of Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at tho very lowest margin of profit while giving you poods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. Tho Highest Price Paid for Junk. Art Booms. JII88 K. W. BROWN Teacher of Oil, Water color and China painting. Crayon. Pastel, etc. Room 2 over City Book Store. Hours, 9 to 12 a. M, from 1 to 5 a, ar. Chlldrens class Saturday morning at re duced prices. Vlsltora welcome at any time. All orders promptly filled. . - Euchre Favors done to order. Call and see samples. Opera House Yard WOO And School Supplies And Stationery of Every B The Crystal CARXi iLBXtSZl, Manager. ay aMainiaaMMMmaiBMiiiir ifiiammw i .. wTT ,. - . . . .. . We beg- to renew our notice to of the full preparation we have made good wares for their use, of every iNets: rounds and Traps, Gill Nets, We advise the practicability of For outside fishing. One can be made verv strong and verv liht, and can be handled QUICK LOW IN COST. In the New England waters are over four hundred large Purse seines for mackerel, herring and menhaden, 200 fathoms long, 2p fathoms deep, any fish that move in compact bodies can be taken in these seines. We ofier the Stow Cotton Salmon Twine with a full belief that its strength is ample for the hardest service, of more durability than ilax, and no more expensive. Our energies, with a long experi ence in nettings, and a desire to send good wares to our patrons, we hope will not dfcapoint anv reasonable expectation-.. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester. Boston Office, 96 Commercial Sheet. A B Wliolpsalcar.il W 85 " PROVISIONS AND MILLFEED, Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware. Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c, &c. Fresh. California Butter, Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, Vhite Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup, Chill Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, GeleryStilt. Franch and German Mustard, Lelblg's Ex Beef, Sea Foam wafers. Van Houghton's Cocoa. Tritium, Genua, Epran f ooi, Oat Pornfe, Boiled Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, comer Main and JelTerson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. BflflTS an?! SHflPS Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Solo Shoes in Fiencli, Kanearoo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes or all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant heel's, and Spring heels. WE IEAS, IX BOOTS AND SHOES o:XY. P. J. GOODMAN. Just Received. 1,500 Mis Miner ail Decorations Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 50 Leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers. In Elogant New Styles: Just the thing for -5L EColicaay lE'l'oseiit- Call and See Us. CITT BOOS STORE. A Full Lino of Staple Goods now in Stock RLANK BOOKS, Fine Stationery a Specialty. Mnsioal Instruments and Merchandise, Notions,' etc AGENTS FOR PACIFIC- COAST CHARTS AND TIDE TABLES. GRIFFIN & REED. of all Descriptions. Kind, at Bedrock Prices at the Fisheries of th upper Pacific, and are making to manufacture kind, except double knotted salmon Seines, fiom sardines to porpoise. "usin B Retail Dnlrt in """ mruc DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS. Mouldings, Window Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : contract woru a specially. -Mill and Oflleo on tho Old Site. CHAS. HEILBORN. ! s Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! At The Fall and Winter Stock Complete IK ALL STYLES AND SHADES. Xo more need to send a.way for a Fine Shoe, as we have a Full Line of the Celebrated DRIAL& CO.'S FBEXQH SHOES, and LAIBD, SCHOBEB & MITCHELL'S FIFE SHOES of which we are Sole Dealers in Astoria. We also handle BOOTS and SHOES from all the Legdtug Factories in America. Men's Heavy Boots and shoes a Specialty. LOWEST PRICES and SATISFACTION Guaranteed. W.T.F&EEEE, Manager. PICA Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lira, Brie!, Cement, Sand ana Plaster Wood DellTered to Order. brat IKK apply to ihaCa'itain. or to rife i " " " F"H " ??!h I SJs;t"tllsln.oca. 1876. Sporting and War Munitions, Duck-shooting Powder, SO Cents a Pound. A G-ood Double Barrelled Breech Loader for $12.50 J. C. O Q "O 13" 3? "32- Coroner's Office, Undertaking Kooms next to J. R. LEES0N & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AXI) IJirOIlTEliS. The Johnstone (Scotland) and Mon (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads AND Salmon Net Twines. The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Dia not exhibit at Philadelphia 1876 or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! .References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. Agents for the Paoific Ceast: KITTLE & CO., . - -- 302 Celitfa St., San Francisco, Gala. IKK IX ins. Teaming and Express Haslnesi. 3 STEAMEU cuiu nun I ben P, Parker, Master. ' B.rftWIV! T.'tl?TfIT"r ..ruL CDC IUHU1W, C lliUU J& t VI VXX4&4.- II. B. PAKKfiK. --J?S!E5JgV75AV- BOSS, OOHONBR, first Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material, Everything Neat and Well Arranged. Astorian office, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.)