m t, gu stortett. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY. ..JANUARY 19, 18S7 THE TRAMP AS A VICTIM. A New Yokk labor union de scribes the tramp as an unhappy wretch reduced to idleness by the pressure of greedy capital; seeking in deep-eyed distress, for a chance to work for his living but doomed to hateful idleness by social condi tions. But as a matter of fact, the tramp is far from unhappy, and he would not change place with the industrious and thrifty trade work er. The conventional idea of the tramp is the correct one not cor rect as applied to all tramps at all times and places, but strictly ac curate here in this country and now. He is without work because he wants to be without work and because he is happy in his preca rious and careless existence. The tramp's life is by no means an un happy one it has its attractions. Mankind suffers more from the pressure of responsibilities than from anything else in the world. "Two things," says Kant, "fill me with awe the starry heavens and the moral resDonsibilitv of man." This impresses itself upon most minds, and when there is added the daily responsibilities of decent life, the strain is great. Those persons who are able to throw off all sense of responsibili ty, who acknowledge no duties, even duties to themselves, are hap pier than the birds because they have the pleasure of contrasting their free condition with the wear ing slavery of the rest of mankind. Lazarus on his dung hill is easy and composed, while the rich man iB burdened with cares. Laz arus even laughs at death, for he has nothing to lose. Homer, according to tradition, was a tramp; the long line of troubadours around whose memo ry clusters so much of romance, were tramps; and the incompara ble Heine had the spirit of. the tramp; but the conditions of tramp ing have changed with the condi tions of life generally, and a man cannot be a tramp without being vi cious. The duty of every man has become so plain in this world that there must be a surrender of every virtuous quality before a man can become a tramp the conventional tramp. At this time there is no other than the conventional tramp, for there is work of some sort for every man who is capable of any kind of man ual work. Those who suffer for lack of work are not tramps; they are persons who are not qualified for manual la bor of the unskilled class and have no trades persons who have been ambitious, but who have failed to lay hold of a permanent means of making a living per sons who have been clerks and the like. Wages never were better than now, if their purchasing pow er is considered, and wages are never at a high point when work is scarce and laborers plentiful. The sympathy of the labor union for the tmmp is wasted. The tramp, as he exists in this country at this time, is the only human being free from care. His wants are few and easily satisfied, except in respeet of drink. If the tramp could direct legislation he would not provide work for himself at good wages, but merely more whiskey. This is the verdict of experience, and no sentimental expressions about the sadness of tramp life and about its necessity, can effect any change in the tramp's condition. The annual discussion about the public schools is going on. Any system of instruction that doesn't fit our youth to earn a living is a failure. As it is, thousands are yearly sent out of our schools with their heads crammed full and their hands filled with sacksfull of .short strings. Fortunately the most of us have a faculty for forgetting irhicll is all that saves us from cwntftl dyspepsia through life. The city council should either elect a police judge or make a move to abolish the office. The present status is ridiculous. Be cause the city council happens to be half Republican and half Dem ocratic is no reason why Astoria should be without a police court. This little city of ours is too small for such exhibition of "offensive partisanship." The public good, the best interests of the city, are of more importance than these petty disputes and deadlocks whenever a bowl of soup is in sight. Gov. Penxoyer United States "are." believes the In The State Senate. By a joint resolution to-day, it was provided that a committee composed of Senators Allen and Wager, and Rep resentatives Maxwell, Pomeroy and Bilyeu. be charced with the duty of investigating the status and needs of fishery interests of the state and to report their views to either or both houses. To this committee will be referred all the bills relating to our fishing interests presented in both houses, including the proposi tion to investigate the fish ladder, built by the state at Oregon City two years ago, Subsequently Gray gave notice in the senate that to morrow he would introduce a joint resolution to enlarge the committee, and to send it with the commerce committees of both houses to Astoria to study this question on the ground; also to investigate the man agement of the state pilot schooner Governor Moody. Gray is very erj thustic over this matter, and is likely to carry his point. If the com mittees are sent, as it is proposed, they will probably leave here next Friday by the noon train, take a special boat at Portland and go through to Astoria Friday night, returning to Portland Sunday, and to Salem Monday morniDg. Ore fonian Salem Special, IS. A private telegram last evening states that the resolution to enlarge the committee was introduced. There seems to be an inquiry a3 to funds, etc. Alleged Popularity of the Game. At Salem the popular game now is "Simon says thumbs up." Albany Herald. Bringing gladness to millions, pleas ing their palates ana cleansing their System, arousing their Livers, Kidnevs, Stomachs and Bowels to a healthy acti vity, hucn is the mission of the famous California Hound fruit remedy Syruo of Figs. 50c. and SI bottles for sale bv W. E. Dement & Co. Telephone Iollng House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and clean, rrivate entrance. Choice Brands of Clfrnrs. Imported Garcias $5.50 per box" of 50. Fine domestic Pumariegas (full Havana filled), $7.00 per box of 100, Tansill's celebrated Punch $4.50 per box of 100. D. L. Beck & Soxs. What is better than a glass of liquor ? A. cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. The best Fabre's. oysters in any style at Eastern oysters fresh every steamer nt Jeffs restaurant. Genuine Cider Vinegar and Pure Apple Cider at D. L,Bi:ck & Soxs. A new lot of vocal and instrumental music books at the Crystal Palace. BORX. At Svensen's Landing, Jan. 17th. 1887, to the wife or ferry C. Ilavird, a daughter. $ 7 000 T L0AX OX CITY PROP- wiss i.la. runs. Thos. O.Trullingkr, Agent, TILL FURTHER NOTICE Wells. Fargo & Co.'s Express COMPANY WILL FORWARD Money, Mall and Ex press Matter, to and from San Francisco. G. P. UPSHUR. Agent. Astoria, Jan. 8, 1887, The Company has 8.000 Money Order Offices In the United States and Canadas. NEW TORK Novelty Store Headquarters For STATIONERY. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, TOYS. JBWELRY. SOLID GOLD AND SILVER. NOVELTIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CANES, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Etc. ALL THE Latest Styles on Exhibition. Agents for Will & FInck'a Sporting Goods. Meeting Notice. THE ANNUALMEETING OF THE BR1T Ish American Packing Company, Skee na, (Limited,) will be held at the residence of Gust, Holmes. Upper Astoria, at 9 A. M., on Wednesday, the 19th. Inst, A. YOUNG. Secretary. For Sale. THE DEEP SEA FISITING CO.'3 SLOOP Venture, built In 18S6. registered tonnage 23.87. Enquire of J. Q. A. BOWLBY orA.V, AI.IEN, GROCERS And Dealers in u. Special Attention Clvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LIME CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's ew Building on Water Street P. 0. Box 15.1. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA, OREGOK. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenatnus and Cass streets. ASTCKIA OREGON Frank L Parker, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Flour Feed $ Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARM ARE, IRON, ST1L, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlis. and Copper. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Less 2&oxa.o3r By Leaving their Orders with ME ANY. He has Just recei ed a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Easiness Suits from ?5. Call and See Illm and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. Art Rooms. JII53 K. W. DROWX Teacher of Oil, Water color and China painting. Crayon. Pastel, etc Koom 2 over City Book Store. Hours, 0 to 12 A. M.froni 1 to 5 A. i. Childrens class Saturday morning at re duced prices. Visitors welcome at any time. All orders promptly filled. Euchre Favors done to order. Call and see samples. Hardware anil Slip Clanillerj VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, JBinacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sowing Maoliiues, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc, BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. AmericanNews Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danish and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. Loyell and Seaside Libraries, School Books, Stationery, etc. A. BALMANKO, Chewumu St, near Main. Cannery dnnn m And School Supplies B And Stationery of Every Kind, at Bedrock Prices Th 6 urvsiai CiLBX .SDXiSH, Manager. rftCItlC riSOBTSBSi "We beg to renew our notice to the Fisheries of tho upper Pacific, nf f-Vio-full nrnnopo(!rn rr-a Yiai'n moflo nnfl flTfi TTlfllancr tfl IIl'l tlllfaoturG good wares for their use, of every jNets: rounds and Traps, trill iNets, . We advise the piacticabihty of ,1 For outside fishing;. One can be made vc-rv strong and very light, and can be handled QUICK LOW IN COST. In the New England waters are over four hundred large Purse seines for mackerel, herring and menhaden, 200 fathoms long, 25 fathoms deep, any fish that move in compact bodies can be taken in these s-oines. We offer the Stow Cotton Salmon Twine with a full belief that its strength is amnlc for the hardest service, of more durability than flax, and no more expensive. Onr energies, with a long experi ence in nettings, and a desire to send good wains to our patrons, we hope will not disapoint anv reasonable expectations. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester. Boston Office, 'Jo Commercial Stieet. ill Wholesale am' FAN lailV Villi PROVISIONS Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware. Fresh. California Sutter, Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chill Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Celery Salt, French and uerraan Mustard, Lieimgrs xxx.. neer, aea i?'oam waters, Van Hougrhton's Cocoa. Triticni, Gemea, Epicurean looff, Oat Porridge, Boiled Oats. Oranges. Lemons. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Siior. corner Main and Jefferson Streets KARTIN OLSEN. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Solo Shoes in French, Kanparoo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of nil Kinds, Mis-es and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spring heel". WJE I)EAI IM BOOTS AMD SHOES OWL.Y. P. J. GOODMAN. strike It Rich: r.UTYOUK- Groceries Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely inoroasinjc trade enables tlieni to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you poods that aie or flist class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price raid for Junk. "WK CITT BOOS STORE. A Full Line of Staple Goods now in Stock BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS Fine Stationery a Specialty. Musical Instruments and Merchandise, Notions, etc. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST CHARTS AND TIDE TABLES. GRIFFIN & JtEED. . of all Descriptions. kind, except double knotted Salmon oeines. i:om sareunes 10 porpoise. using UoL.nl Da!fr in bafea VBtWiHlIllaVi AND MILL FEED, Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c, &c. Nuts, Figs, &c. &c. C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS. Mouldings, Window Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. Mill and Office on the Old Site. ASTORIA Wood Yard. Keep Constantly on hand. Fir Wood, Red and Yellow, HEMLOCK WOOD. ALDER "WOOD, SPRUCE LIMBS, MAPLE LIMBS. SPLIT ASH WOOD. ASH LIMBS. AND CRABAPPLB Any deslied length from four foot to eight luehes Ion?. Leave orders with Frank L. Parker or at tho yards Telephone 36. B nBwt83 Shoes At Fall and Winter IN ALL STYLES No more need to send away for a Fine Shoe, as we have a Fuii Line of the Celebrated DRIAL & CO.'S FRENCH SHOES, and LAIRD, SCHOBER & MITCHELL'S FINE SHOES of which we are Sole Dealers in Astoiia. We also handle BOOTS and SHOES from all the Leading Factories in America. Men's Heavy Boots and Shoes a Specialty. LOWEST PRICES and SATISFACTION Guaranteed. W. T. F&EEEE, Manager. DKALKK IN Hay, Oats, ani Stow, Lime, Met Cement, Sand aid Plate Wood Delivered to Order. Urnrliip, Tramline and Express Bnslaesi, Pfes TEH apply to the Captain, or to Sn&tskloJ&TcL&. 1876. Sporting and War Munitions, Duck-shooting Powder, 50 Cents a Pound. A Good Double Barrelled Breecli Loader for $12.50 J. C. OOTdia-TY Coroner's Ofllce, Undertaking Kooms next to J. R. LEESON & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Tie Johnstone (Scotland) and Grafton (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads -AND- Salmon Net Twines. The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 187G or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!! References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. Agents for the Pacific Ceaat: KITTLE & CO.. 202 G8llf a St., San FranclMO, Cala. ! Shoes! Shoes! The Stock Complete AND GRADES. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK H. JB. PABKER. ROSS, OOROIffE 3R., A first Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Neweststyle Caskets and Funeral Material, Ererjthlnff Neat and Well Arranged. Astorian office, (B JJ. Franklin's old stand.)