The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 18, 1887, Image 3

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$hc fjaUjj gurtarim
Oar annual cold snap.
Who's joins to
be elected police
The clock in front of the Crystal
Palace is in operation again and is a
great public convenience.
The British bark llaglan Castle
cleared for Queenstown yesterday,
carrying 60.146 bus. wheat, worth
S47,000. .
Tickets for the Washington birth
day ball of the Western" Amateur
band can be had from any of the
Complaint is made by legislators
f hat'they cannot hear what is said in
the house, and much confusion and
mistakes are occasioned therebv.
The Umatilla came in on Sunday.
The Oregon sailed. The Courtney
Ford, Orient, Tarn 0' Shunter and
Spirit of the Morning sailed yester
day. -
Frank Fabre is putting a I'rench
range in his establishment, and fit
ting up the building adjoining with
private rooms for oysters, suppers,
parties, etc.
The remains of Peter Guuderson
received interment at Clatsop ceme-
tery yesterday. The case of Emma
. Frishkprn yesterday occupied the
attention of the grand jury.
There will be an entertainment
given in Liberty Hall on Thursday
evenmg. .the 20th inst,. for the benefit
of the" Presbyteiian Sunday school.
An excellent programme will be given.
A condensed showing of the im
portance of the salmon industry ap
peared on the 13th. The omission of
one item made it incomplete. It ap
pears iu its correct form in another
column this morning.
If that schooner Parallel had only
been wrecked at the Columbia gate
instead -of the Golden Gate, what a
delight it would have been to the
Taboma Ledger. The champion lie
would have had a truthful parallel.
They are trying to disbar a Port
land attorney for not returning bor
rowed books. If every non returner
of borrowed books was punished
some way the list of the unpunished
would be bright and small by con
trast. The Taooma Telegraph is dead. It
took dispatches and paid for them,
but couldn't stand the expense and
emit. The proprietors may run a patent
inside weekly; it doesn't cost one
twentieth as much as it does to run
a daily, but the w. p. i. gives the town
it is published iu a black eye.
Sherman Bros, have a fine new ex
press.wagon that is a good specimen
of home manufacture. Geo. A. Stin
aon built, it, .wood work, iron work,
etc., complete. B. F. Allen did the
varnishing, gilding, painting, etc.,
ana" the wagon is a beauty, and will
compare favorably with any similar
build east or elsewhere.
Look out for charter amendments.
Our veuerable and beloved munici
pal organic law is liable to be amend
ed by the legislature any day now.
There is one amendment on the way
there now, and "goodness only knows
how many more will get there before
the session closes. Fortunately the
legislature is limited to forty days
and forty nights.
On returning from public office,
Treasurer Hirsch turned over to Mr.
Webb, his successor, the large sum
of $382,483.42 in the general fuud.
Is not this Jargo.sum of money, asks
the Mercury, in itself a sufficient argu
ment in favor of a lower rate of state
taxation. In the four years that this
sum has been accumulating, the state
has built a costly insane asylum and
expended other large sums of money
in public improvements; and yet the
treasery is full of money and the mot
to is "rake her!" .
Thus soliloquizes the Welceme:
What fools these mortals be! A
stranger comes here with a snap rack
et of advertising character; borrows
a lot of old cuts that have become
eyesores ith age to the Portland's
publio, writes up a merchant's store,
charges him from $25 to $50, throws
his tragh on.the town, cleans up about
$5,00Qrfor a month's work, and then
disappears as mysteriously as he
came, taking the money away as com
pletely as a circus. Such advertising
'in a good paper would be worth infi
nitely, nidra-to our merchants than
five issues" iff sucli a fly-by-night af
fair, to say nothing of the very im
portant item of the money being
kep" t at home.
Special ileetlnj
There will be a special meeting of
the "Woman's Belief Corps at two
o'clock this afternoon.
By order of the president,
, . Mjts. Hattie E. Cooper,
MBiAiiiiiE M. Davidson,
t in t m
Blocking Notice.
The members of the Scandinavian
Benevolent Society are hereby notified
to meet this Tuesday evening at Castle
Hall, business of importance to be
transacted, and a full attendance is
required. By order President.
Aug. Dauielsox,
Lowest Casli Price.
Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
School books at bottom prices at the
Crystal Palace Book Store.
SWeet -Apple Cider
At-AstolaSoda Woiks.
General News Notes From the East.
Salem, .Ian. 17- The Columbia
river improvement committee leaving
The Dalles yesterday morning and,
arriving at the lock at 11:30 a.m.,
Capt. Young in charge, who proceeded
with the committee to make a thor
ough examination of the works aud
from present indications it will take
about two vears to complete them,
provided all the money that can be
used can be secured from tho gener
al government; that the locks had
been constructed on a much larger
scale than the position with regard to
the river upon which they are placed
is capable of being navigated, viz:
when completed they will admit at
extreme low water, a vessel drawing
eight feet of water, which cannot as
cend, the river being too shoal below
that point, and also at points above,
without first being dredged. All re
turned here by train to-day. and your
correspondent thinks from expres
sions that he has heard them make
that they are well pleased and
would willingly pay the expense
themselves for the information
gained should brother legislators ob
ject on account of expense to the
Trov, New York, Jan. 17. Last
night a police officer was told by a
restaurant keeper that he and his
family had been stupefied from tho
effects, as he predicted, of gas which
entered his apartments from the gas
oompany building near by. The gas
was shut off and an examination of
the houses of the neighborhood
made. In one room of the tenement
house three persons, Wm. Gilfilian,
Ida Bennett and Caroline Bennett
were found dead, sitting about the
room, as they had been conversing
when the gas overcame them. The
bodies were taken to the undertakers
room and the coroner notified. Oth
er families in the neighborhood were
aroused and ordered by the police to
leave their houses. A leak in the
pipes which run through the district
was probably the cause of the acci
dent, the gas being odorless.
Washington. Jan. 17. The condi
tion of Congressman S. S. Cox is
somewhat improved this morning,
but he is still quite ill.
The issue of standard silver dollars
in tho mints for the week ending
January. 15th amounted to $264,000;
for the corresponding week in 1886
it was $195,000.
Constantinople, Jan. 17. Rein
forcements have been sent out, a
break against the Turkish authorities
being feared.
London, Jan. 17. Stanley told a
reporter to-day that the Emir Bey re
lief expedition would go by way of
Zanzibar; that the enterprise would
cost 100,000. That he would leave
Zanzibar with a force of one thou
sand men. Of these eight would be
English, the rest natives of Zanzibar.
Stanley said he expected that news
of the progress of the expedition
would reach Europe by July.
Brussels, Jan. 17. The Congo
Free State has ordered assembling
of its entire flotilla on the upper
part of the Congo river at
Leopoldville, bv the end of March
with a view of aiding as much as pos
sible tho Stanley expedition for the
relief of Emir Bey in the event of the
expedition proceeding via the Congo
route. The government has ordered
the military department to try tho
experiment of a general mobilization
of the army, instead of the usual ma
neuvers this year.
Ottawa, Jan. 17. The Dominion
parliament has been dissolved and a
new eleotion ordered. Nominations
will take place on the 15th or Febru
ary and polling on the 22nd.
Dublin, Jan. 17. A tenant named
Vean, who paid his rent, was severely
wounded last night, in the county of
Portland, Jan. 17. The assertion
is made that Mickel was seen at Butte,
Montana, two weeks ago.
Telephone lodging House.
Best Bods in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts.", per week Sl.50. New and
clean, rrivato entrance.
Try Fabres celebrated pan roast.
All the different books used in the
public schooLyou can get at the Crystal
Palace at reduced rates.
What Is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
The best
oysters in anj style, at
Eastern oysters f resh every steamer at
Jeff's restaurant.
Genuine Cider Vinegar and Pure
Apple Cider at D. L,Beck & Soss.
The finest and niGest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
Private Rooms.
An Industry that Yearly DMmx?s Mill
ions of Dollars.
The importance of the salmon in
dustry to Astoria, Clatsop county,
aud the lower Columbia generally, is
tersely illustrated by the following
figures, being a close estimate o
the amount of money expended for
the season of 1886.
Tiu nlate, 74,000 boxes
S525 $ 388,500
Salmon twine 205,200
Cotton " 25,000
Lines 26,600
Lead for Lines 7,500
Floats 4,000
Boats, wear and tear, paint
repair.etc 38,000
Tan bark for nets 1,900
Pig tin for making solder 50,122
Lead " ' " 10,450
Salt, Liverpool and coarse 2,000
Lacquer 8,550
Turpentine 6,460
Cordwood 19,760
Hardcoal 1,862
Charcoal 15,200
Acid and zinc 4,000
Oils of various kinds 4,000
Improvements and neces
sary repairs 33,000
Copper and making up. . . 2,000
Insurance 32,376
Hauling 12,540
Freight 5,000
Labels 32,400
Boxes 67,500
Taxes 11,400
Total . 81,020,320
Kuitting nets, 228,000 fath
oms 22Jo S 128,250
Catching salmon with can
nery nets 400,000
Catching salmon with pri
vate nets 300,000
Salvage and hire of detec
tives 5,700
White labor outside of fish-
Other labor outside of fish
Total $1,009,906
Duty on 74,000 boxes tiu
plate, 7,992,000 lbs U(c. . $ 99,900
Duty on amount of salmon
twine . 20,520
Total $120,429
Here we have an aggregate of An
nual disbursements to the amount of
$2,210,646. Including every detail of
the work it is a safe estimate to say
that the Lower Columbia salmon
oanneries expend annually $2,500,000,
the greatest part of which goes into
circulation in this immediato vicin
ity. Circuit Court ProweUlnx.
Taylor, J.
Circuit court met
sion at 10 a. m.
January 17.
i regular ses-
Andrew Johnson admitted to citi
C. J. Anderson vs. J. F. Bender
judgment on verdict.
State vs. J. C. Croken, plead
guilty; trial on Thursday.
State vs. Linn & Gin Bow; ar
raigned on charge of frequenting opi
um den; till to-morrow to plead.
State vs. Helen Hauko and J. C,
Nordlnng; each plead not guilty.
State vs. John Boyd; withdrew
plea of not guilty and plead guilty to
simple larceny; defendant' sentenced
to pay $100 fine or 50 days in Hioj
county jail.
F. E. "Wright et al. vs, C. Leinen-
weber et aL; plaintiff's motion forj
non suit allowed.
Grand jurv came in with two truof
bills and one not true.
State vs. Mclntyre; not a true bill: j
defendant ordered discnargeu.
Elsie Nichols vs. W. W. Nichels:
decree of divorce.
Court adjourned to nine a. m. Jan.
Bucliloii'fc Arnica SalTe.
The Best Salve in the. wnrlXl tor
Cuts, Bruises, SoresUlcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapprri. Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to jrivo
Perfect satisfaction, or money rtfuiidc!.
rice 25 cents per box. For sa le by W
E. Dement & Co.
And If So Be As So. "Why So?
To the victors belonc the spoils. If I
thev don't belong to the victors whom
do they belonjr to? Goldendalel
Ail Eud to Boiic Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 11!.. J
saws: "Having received so mucn oem
fit'from Electric Bitters, 1 feel it my
duty to let suffering humanity know It.
Have had a runnimr sore on my lex for
eight years; my doctors told me 1 would
have to have the bone scraped or leji
amputated. I used, instead, three bot
tles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes--Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, anil my leg is
now sound and well."
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents
a bottlo. and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at
2.rie. per box by W. E. Dement fc Co.
United States Restaurant Is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Sweet Cider; Refined Cider.
Host quality at the Oregon Bakery.
Go To Crow's Gallery.
The leading Photographer. For the
finest photos in all the latest styles and
of superior hnish. "
Briucimr Gladness to millions, leas
ing their palates and cleansing their
System, arousing their Livers, Kidneys,
Stomachs and Bowels to a healthy acti
vity. Such is the mission of the famous
California Hquiid fruit remedy Syrup
of Figs. 50c. and Si hottles for sale by
W. E. Dement & Co.
Salt! .Salt !!
At J. 11. D. Gray's; 100 tons assorted
Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in
quantities to suit purchasers.
A new lot of vocal and instrumental
muslo books at the Crystal Palace.
Bnt "Wrecked and "Wreaking Rnin At the
Golden Gate.
San Francisco, Jan. 16. The
schooner Parallel, which sailed for
Astoria Thursday, was last night ob
served by John Hyslop, keeper of tho
sighting station at Point Lobos,
drifting apparently abandoned with
all sails set and'lights burning. She
drifted into a cove five hundred yards
above the Cliff House and struck the
rocks under a heavy surf. The life
saving servico was summoned, but
found no one on the vessel. They
built a boufireand remained in watch
in case the wrecked crew should
come ashore later. About 1230 there
was a terrific explosion which scat
tered fragments of the vessel for half
a mile about, wrecking the nearest
buildings and breaking every pane of
glass for a thousand yards. The
northern end and balconies of the
Cliff House were wrecked, and the
doors and windows were blown in and
the building badly injured every way.
The Cliff House cottage was demol
ished and the inmates cut and bruised.
Adolph Sutro's fiuo conservatory, on
the heights above the cove, was de
stroyed, and all the glass in his resi
dence was broken.
The sighting station was badly in
jured by pieces of debris, which also
damaged buildings nearly half a mile
distant. John Wilson and Horace
Smith, of tho life saving crew, who
were standing on a bluff 250 yards
away, were picked up bodily and flung
against the cliff, which was shaken
down, and they rolled with it to the
beach badly injured. The I033 to tho
buildings is near forty thousand dol
lars. The vessel was loaded with mer
chandise and had 1,600 boxes giant
powder No. 2 on board. The explo
sion shook the oity like a sharp
earthquake. Very few knew of the
explosion until this morning, then
crowds flocked to the scene and the
roads were taxed to their utmost ca
pacity. The explosion was felt a3 far
as San Jose.
The captain and crew of the
wrecked schooner oame to the city
to-day from Point Bonita lighthouse,
where they landed last night. Their
story is that they started Thursday
morning, and after the tug left them
oft" Black Point they anchored on ao
count of the fog. After one attempt
to get out they stayed until Saturday
afternoon, and then started out from
the heads, but became becalmed a
mile off the Cliff house and drifted.
When they saw a wreok inevitable
they hastily abandoned the vessel,
knowing the dangerous nature of the
cargo, leaving their clothes and ev
erything but what they had on. They
consisted of Captain Miller, tho mate,
steward and four sailors.
The Oregon Rar Pilots.
The pilots of the pilot schooner
Goc. Moody have issued a. statement
for the twelve months ending October
28th, 1886, being the first year's work
since the schooner went iuto service.
In that time she pileted: in twenty
eight vessels, the 'pilotage on which
was $2,980, of-which $367.25 went to
the state. They piloted out thirteen
vessels, the pilotage on which was
Sl.134.50, of which $238 went to the
state. The yearly expenses of the
schooner are given as follews:
Insurance for one year
Maintenance of a crew one year
Provisions of crew for the year.
Repairs and other expenses. . .
$ 935
Total $3,285
The total receipts for cbeyear were
$4,114; the state received $605.25.
Whew Mrs. Grandiose Had the Rest of It.
"My dear, look down below," said
Grandiose, as he stood on tho bridge,
with his wife, and gazed at a panting
tug hauling a long line of barges:
"such is life the tug is like a man,
working and toiling, while the barges,
like women are "I know.' interrupt
ed Mrs. G., acridly, "the tug does all
I the blowing, and the barges bear all
tne oilmen.
Gov. Moody Pardoned Him.
J. Dubois, who was sent up for sev
en years from Astoria for stealing
S12, for tools from the High school
and was sentenced to seven years in
the penitentiary was pardoned by
Governor oody on Monday, behov
ing served three years. Portland
Unnere&sary Misery.
Probably as muoh misery comes
from habitual constipation "as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is diffioult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and ohildren. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J: Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
Shiloh's Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, AVhooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co
What! Do You Think
Jeff of the TJ. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glasi of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives' the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 23 cents.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this naner. tocether with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn'5 drug store, opposite OcMdpnt
hotel, Astoria.
Ton cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Gamurinus Beer
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 6 cents.
For Tlie Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most -scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples athls new gallery-on-tne roadway.
Mayor Trullinger went to Salem
yesterday morning.
Geo. Johnson is on his way baok
from Washington, D. O.
Miss May Trenchard, who has been
seriously HI, is convalescent.
Prof. Francis is in the city and will
remain till Friday. He is stopping
at the Parker House.
Miss Helen Dickinson has tempo
rary charge of Miss Trenchard's
school room this week.
Capt. Steve Babbidgo is keoping
house at Yaquina. Harry Lord and
wife are also housekeeping at tho O.
P. terminus.
Free Trade.
The reduction of internal revenue
and the taking off revenue stamps
from Proprietary Medicines, 'no
doubthas largely benefited the con
sumers, as well as relieving the bur
den of home manufacturers. Especial
ly is this the case with Green's
August Flower and Boscliee's Ger
man Syrup, as the reduction of
thirty-six cents per dozen, has been
ndded to increase the size of the bot
tles containing these remedies, there
by giving one-fifth more medicine in
tho 75 cent size. The August Flower
for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
and the German Syrup for Cough
and Lung troubles, have perhaps,
the largest sale of any medicines in
the world. The advantage of in
creased size of the bottles will be
greatly appreciated by tho sick and
afflicted, in every town and village in
civilized countries. Samplo bottles
for 10 oents remain the same size,
Had to Kent Her "Way Down.
The steamer Mischief arrived from
Astoria on Thursday. She left As
toria December 30th and after one
day out her boiler gave out and she
was forced to beat down, experienc
ing rough weather all the way. Capt.
"Winant blames no one for the acci
dent and says his engineers done all
they could. Yaquina Mail, 11.
Good Results iu Every Ca-e,
D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper
dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., vrit03
that he was seriously afllicted with a
severe cold that settled on his lungs :
had tried many remedies without hene
iit. Being Induced to try Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, did
so and was entirely cured by use of a
few bottles. Since which time he has
used It In his family for all Coughs and
Colds with best results. This is the
experienca of thousands whoso lives
have tcea saved by this Wonderful
Trial Bottles free at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
Probably From Cape Flattery.
Tho ship Dashing Wave, which ar
rived here January 8th, reports pass
ing a- quantity of wreckage off the
Columbia river. Apparently it was
the cargo of a lumber schooner. S.
F. Comtn. Ifews, 12.
vvf) Tho Children. Thoyaro
VVW fisnnp.iallv lifiblo to sud-
den Colds, Coughs, Croup, "Whooping
Uougn. etc. we guarantee oiciter
English Remedy a positive cure. It
saves hours of anxious watching.
Sold by
J. W. Conn.
Lively Steamer Racing On the Sonud.
The Fleetwood nnd the Michigan
left Seattle together for Olympia
Thursday afternoon, and had a lively
race across the Sound. The Fleet
wood arrived at the capital city first.
Both steamers were under big press
ure of steam. Tacoma Ledger.
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means In
dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosan
ko s Cough and Lung syrup, tho best
Couch Syrup in the world. Cures
Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron
chitis and Primary consumption. One
dose gives relief in every case. Take
no other. Price SO cents and $1.00,
Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
'Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terriblo cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chltis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Goto Jeff's Restaurant to-night and
tako home a peace maker (Oyster Loaf.)
That Hacking Cough can he so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by w. E. Dement.
How Is Til!
Begining this week I offer all
goods now in stock at a reduction
ol 1 per cent, which means Sl.50
in your pocket on every 10. worth
o Gooda you buy of me.
Herman Wis,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident BaUding.) "' - "
Monday and following days of this week we will place on our center counted
ALL OII LEACTni OF GOODS accumulated during the season and
31 Alt K THEM BOWiV regardless of cost in order to make a thorough clear
ance, previous to our annual Inventory of stock which takes place Feb. 1st.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Sole Agent tor Butterick's Patterns for this Distriet
But Not
The Holidays of 1886 are
that the
0. L
Are still hero, and that they are receiving new vand- dcsipJWft
Goods by every steamer, and that thoy continue to- selL the befci
Goods at tho lowest pricea. They have added to their stocfe b a.'
last fiteamer. "V
Handsomely Decorated,
Triple Plated Silver Knives andJForks, Agate Ware eta
Also have largely renewed their stock of Groceries and
Provisions, both Fancy and Staple, so that they now have one of the
largest and best assortments of desirable Goods in the city.
Compelled by their increasing trade and the necessity for more
room, they have leased tho store adjoining the one they-havu so long
occupied and are fitting it for their Wholesale Trade, while their old
store is used entirely for their rapidly growing business.
Remember that in Quality and Prices they CANNOT BB
BEAT, and those who hayo Cash to spend should prepare to spend
it NOW, where they can be so well suited as they can at
' t
gone, but don't you forgijfc
firm of v
Beck & Sons,