C3 9 ?ltc Jlattjf jstorfan. A.STOKIA, OREGON: 8UND VY... ...JANUARY r.. 1st; A little colder this morning. Astoria sent just a thousand car loads 325,000 cases o salmon east ward in '86. German service this afternoon at the Congregational ohurch at 2:30 o'clock, by Rev. J. B. Brown. The American ship J. B. Bt own cleared for Queenstown yesterday, carrying 74,800 bns. wheat, carrying $58,344. The O. F. L. & B. association ha3 declared a dividend of fifty cents a share, payable on the 1st pros. The stock books are now open for the taking of the remaining 219 ehare3. The editor of the Baker City Sage Brush was robbed at the theater in that blooming burg last Wednesday night He says the robber got $9, but that is improbable on the face of it. There is a vacancy from Clatsop county in the Eugene state univer sity. Intending applicants can g6t full information from Dr. Frank Page, county superintendent public instruction. Two weeks ago the "Wells, F.irgo express company, of Seattle, received a package from Whatcom containing $350 in coin. Shortly after it3 re ceipt it was missed, and though ev ery means have boon employed to find the treasure or the man who stole it1 the search has been fruitless. Senator Mitchell has introduced an amendment to house resolution No. 10,072 making appropriation for sun dry civil espouse to enable the secre tary of war to repair the cable at the mouth of the Columbia river, in the sum of $5,000. It is to be hoped should the bill pass that the secretary or his immediate subordinates will not beoome "dissatisfied" with any one in charge of the work. The flowers that bloom in the air, tra la, felt lonesome yesterday. The surrounding atmosphere was not suited to blooms. In the early morn ing a frost was succeeded by hail, which at noon gave place to sleet, followed by brilliant sunshine and rain, which was succeeded by snow and some more hail, the wind blow ing steadily. The thermometer lrom nine a. it. to one o'clock this morning, averaged fifty degrees. A report comes to the Walla Walla Journal that Harry Baer, partner of Jaoob Goetz, in rich mining property at Wardner, I. T., was shanghaied while "on a time" in San Francisco a few days ago, and run on board a ship justsettingsail for China; that friends learned of the matter and went out in a tug to secure his release, but were unsuccessful, and that the wealthy Harry is now on the high seas, en route to the flowery kingdom aa a common sailor. The experience will do him good. COULD HAYE SAVED $8000. January 15, 1887. Editor Astebiak: By the council proceedings pub lished in your paper this morning it seems that there is a deadlock in the selection of police judge. The charter should be amended and the duties of that office imposed upon the auditor. When the judge was separated from the auditor or re corder in 187G, it was thought the city was going to be second to San Fran cisco soon, and there would bo pleqty of work for both, or, if not work enough, there would be at least style in having the police court presided over by a judge with a clerk. The auditor is clerk, attends all its sessions and writes up the minutes so that the judge has nothing to do but pronounce sentence and sign his name. Two men for these positions are useless and an unnecessary expense. The extra and useless money paid out in salary for all this style has cost the city, the last ten years, about eight thousand dollars, enough money to have paid off one-third of the city's indebtedness. It is time that those who pay the taxes were looking after these matters and econ omizing wherever it can be done and not be creating or supporting useless offices for style, politics or charity. Citizen-. Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual constipation as from any derangement of the functions of the body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that no one likes to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Maok & Co., proprietors. S. F. f i -. School books at bottom prices at the Crystal Palace Book Store. All the different books used in the public school you can get at the Crystal Palace at reduced rates. A new lot of vocal and instrumental music books at the Ostal Palace. Goto Jeffs Bestaurant to-night and take home a peace maker (Oyter Loaf.) What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. Telephone TLo'lglns House. Best Beds In town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week SIJH0. New and clean. Private entrance. The best Fabre's. oysters in any style at Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeff's restaurant. Gotojefftfororstcr, Private Booms. LATEST TELEGBAPHI0 NEWS. A New Commander In Alaskan "Waters. The Isilative Committee at Tli Dalles General New Note1;. CniCAGo. Jan. 15. August Spies, one of the anarchists convicted of murder and conspiracy in connection with the Haymnrket massacre, is to be married in jail on Tuesdajuest, to Miss Nina Ciarko YanZandt. The prospective bride of the condemned anarchist is a daughter of James Van Zandt, a well to do chemist of this city. Both he and Spies confirmed the statement as given above. As re lated by Spies last night, the circum stances are as follews: During the la3t days of the trial Miss VanZandt became a regular visitor to the court. She was not particularly noticeable on any account except her elegant form, and was of an exceptionally blonde type. She was always fash ionably dressed. After the conclu sion of the trial she visited the jail and was introduced to Spies. They beoame interested in a ich other and decided to marry. VanZandt said his daughter was of a gentle, loving nature, but could be firm. On the occasion when ho learned her inten tions ho decided not to oppose her; he believed it would be useless: be sides, investigation assured him that, Spies l.fe aside from his connection wit' socialism, had been admirable. ' Miss VauZmdt is a member of the Seventh Presbyterian church. Judge Gary, being an attendant of that church, insisted on her, among other niein berrs, occupying seats on the bench during the trial. VanZandt said that j his daughter is the heiress of an aunt I living in Pittsburg, whoso estate is I valued at S300.000. a free ad. Cur of Mexico, Jan. 15. Mine. Patti closed an pxtra session of three nights here last evening, and started north. She had great success here, the National theater being packed every one of the seven nights she ap peared. On Thursda night the en tire stage was strewn with flowers by the great singer's admirers. FIUXOE AKD GEBMAN'r. Paws, Jan. 15. The press of Paris exults over the quarrel between Bis marok and the German reiohstag. The Temps protests against the idea of defensive preparations by the French authorities being made with a view to an aggressive movement by France. LIEUTEKAKT EMORY'S TASK. Baltimore, Jan. 15, The Sun? Washington bpecial says: It is the talk of the navy department to-day that Lieut. Wm. Emory, recently or dered to command the Thetis, is en deavoring to obtain the necessary authority to organize an Arctic expe dition. The statement which seemed most reliable was that Lieut. Emory, having got a taste of Arctic life as a member of the Greeley rescue party, has conceived the idea that with the Thetis it would bo possible to pene trate further into the Arctic region than any one has done heretofore. It is already announced that Emory has been ordered to take command of the Thetis and proceed to Alaskan waters. The Pinta has not given sitisfaction to the natives of Alaska or the Amer icans residing there, and many com plaints have been made against him. Emory is thought to be a good man to act in a diplomatic capacity, which will certainly be required of a naval officer on duty on tuose waters. "He would be neither offensive or overbear ing," said one of his brother officers; and he is therefore selected for rath er a difficult mission, which requires a man of great patience and one who can inspire respect and settle any dis putes which naturally arise iu our seal fishing industry. a disastrous prairie fire. A dispatch from Taylor, Texas, say: Yesterday afternoon .a disas trous prairie firo occurred five miles north of this place. Mr. McFadden had 3,000 acres of pasture and fenc ing destroyed. Five thousand head of sheep were surrounded by the fire, five hundred of which were killed, the rest were more or less injured. shot his debtor. Pittsburg, Jan. 15. A Massilon, Ohio, special says; Jacob Sibla, a well known farmer was fatally shot last night by W. M. Shively, a hostler of the Nevada hotel, during a dispute regarding the payment of a bill for attending Sibla's horses. Shively has been arrested. THE IiEQISHTIVE committee. The DatiIjE3, Jan. 15. The joint legislative committee, accompanied by Gov. Pennoyer, ex-Gov. Moody, President of the Senate Carson, Maj. Jones and Lieut. Burr, arrived last evening and were received by the president and members of The Dalles board of trade, who have taken charge of the visitors, and will leave this place at 9 o'clock for Celilo and The Dalles on their tour of inspec tion and will return to this place in the afternoon and attend a reoeption tendered them by The Dalles board of trade and citizens. WHAT THEY DID. Tiie Dalies, Or., Jan. 15. The delegation were taken m charge by The Dalles board of trade, leaving here at 9;40 a. m., and proceeding to The Dalles obstructions where they alighted and under the superintend ence of Major Jones, assisted by Lieut. Burr, they made the examina tion of The Dalles, after which they proceeded to The Dalles and made a critical examination of the Celilo falls and fish wheels at that point returning to The Drtlles about 4 p. n. They have just started to attend a public reception tendered by the peo ple under the supervision of The Dalles board of trade. Circuit Court Proceedings. Taylor, J. Jan. 15. State vs. O. and J. Bartels; each pleads not guilty. State vs Jno. Boyd; pleads not guilty. A. V. Allen vs. M. E. Reed; demur rer overruled by consent, judgmeut allowed, order made for sale of at tached property. Wellman Peck vs. A. M. Johnson & Co.; cofirmation of sale allowed and sheriff ordered to make deed. Susan O. Schwarz vs. Sam'l. Schwarz; default entered and re ferred to B. Bellinger to take testi mony. Grand jury came into court and presente-1 three true bills and one not true bill. Elsie Nichols vs. W. W. Nichols; default; referred to Geo. Noland to take testimony and report law and facts. State vs. Sing; grand jury not hav ing returned a true bill and defend ant ordered discharged and bonds exonerated. State vs. Chas. Ehland; same. State vs. C. T. Albright; same Stntfl vs. M. M. Dap. Tims. Ward. Joe Baker and Dick McCarron; same. I tT i i allying filiaT account ' Assignment F. B. Elberson; same order. Assignment N.Pinckney; order re quiring assignee to report in ten dajs. Assignment Wm. Housemen; same. Assignment of Banzer & Johnson; order requiring assignee to file a re port by March 1st. Assignment D. Hart; older requir ing assignee to file a report within ten days. Assignment Boscoe Dixon; same. Assignment MoCurtrie fc Holt; to March 1st to report. Bueneman & Martinoni vs. M. Wag ner; argued and submitted; taken under advisement. F. and H. Ro3enbaum & Co. vs. C. H Bain, et al.; demurrer to com plaint sustained and time allowed till Tuesday to amend. H. Braunschweiger vs. Wm. Beas ley; motion to strike out overruled; upon plaintiffs verifying the com plaint, motion for default overruled. State vs. Helen Hauke and Jacob Nordling, arraigned for adultery; till Monday to plead. Court adjourned to Monday, Jan. 17th, at 10 a. M. Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Sal ye In the worM for Cuts, Bruises, Soras.Uleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soics, Tetter, Chapped HaiuR Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Kiu; tions, and positively cures Pili'S, ni no pay required. It is guaranteed to triu' perfect satisfaction, or money refuuuV'l. Price 25 cents per box. For -a le by V E. Dement & Co. JKFF'S United States Restaurant is the best ami cheapest in Astoria. Sw-cl Cider; Itctiuc:! Cider. Bust quality at the Oregon Bakery. Genuine Cider Vinegar and 1'ure Apple I'i.Ipi at D. L.Df.ck&Son. Wo To Craw Gallery. The leading i'hotographer. For the finest photos in all the lat s stj lus and of superior tmish. Tiy Fabre's celebrated pan roast. .Lowest Casli I'rico. Coal Oil at $-Ps"i a case, at IX L. Br.CK & Sons. Bringing gladness to millions, pleas ing their palates and cleansing their System, arousing their Liveis, Kidnej.s, Stomachs and Bowels to a healthy acti vitv. Such is tl'c mission of the famous California liquiid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and Si bottles for sale bv V. E. Dement & Co. Sweet Applo Citlt'r At Astoria Soda Woiks. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Slnlolfs Curo is the remedy for you. Sold by W. F.. De ment & Co. Gambriuus Beer And Frco Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Sun.ou's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by w.E. Dement & Co What! Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a alass of something to drink V Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant In town. 25 cents. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drm: ptore. odposUp Occident betel, Afctoria. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. Choice Brands of Cljrars. Imported Garcias S5.50 per box of 50. Fine domestic Pumariegas (full Havana filled), $7.00 per box of 100, Tansill's celebrated Punch S4.50 per box of 100. D. L. Beck & Sons. The finest and nicest steak to be in town at Fabre's. had OrouD. Whoomniz Couch and Bron chltls Immediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. KILLED BY A Y0TOG- GIEL. latal Ending of a Eow at Manhattan. Peter Gnnderson Shot by Einma Frishkorn Last Friday Eveninc. Coroner J. 0. Koss got a telegram from Clifton yesterday morning that an inquest -was needed on the body of a man killed near there the night before. Sheriff W. G. Boss got an other dispatch about the same time, as follews: "Two men laid in wait for us in our house. We shot one and tho other got away. Can you come and arrest him, or have wo to make complaint first? Henry Frish korn." The coroner and sheriff went up on the Favorite, and got to ""Manhattan, close by Clifton, the scene of the murder, at five o'clock. Coroner Ross held an inquest, the verdict being as follews: "We, the jury in the case, do find that deceased was a native of Nor way, aged 32 years; that he came to his death on the 14th day of January, 1887, from a gunshot wound inflicted by one Emma Frishkorn. F. W. Surprenant, Wm. Dillon, J. W. Brown, J. W. McLean, T. K. John son, A. Church." The entire party, composed of a dozen persons, came down on the Favorite to this city, getting here at ten o'clock last night. From tho best sources obtainable the following is learned about the affair: Some time ago a man and his wife uamed Frishkorn rented from Mrs. Phalangos a house at Manhattan, for four months, agreeing to pay 810 therefor. They have two daughters, Minnie, aged 22, and Emma, aged 15. Boarding in tho house were Peter Gnnderson, the man killed Friday night, and Julius Oodby, engaged in knitting nets. Guuderson is said to have paid the rent and was taking it out in board for himself and Oodby. Oodby was fond of tho younger daughter and wanted her to marry him; Gunderson wanted tho older girl to bo his wife. Gunderson is said to have been quarrelsome and abus ive to the Frishkorns, T.K. Johnson, aud others Last Tuesday night, the older Frishkorns having gone to bed, Gnnderson, who was sitting in tho lower room with tho girls, asked Em ma to withdraw. When they were alono ho asked Minnie if sho would marry him. She refused. Ho asked her why. She said she had been told he was cruel, and that he had already a wife aud children. He denied it and asked her who said so; was it her father? She finally told him it was her mother who had warned her. He became angry, but on the younger girl returning he went away to bed. The next day he was very abusive to the old folks. On Thursday tho whole Frishkorn family were invited to a dance at Thompson's, over on the island. The girl3 went, and shortly afterward Gunderson camo in and drove the old folks out of the house. They fled in great fear to their daughters at Thompson's. On Fr'day night the Frishkorn family CAME BVCK WITH FRIEKD3 From Thompson's, aud entered their house at the west door. Oodby was sitting in tho northeast corner, play ing an accordion, and Gunderson was standing at one of the east windows. Ho said "Who brought all these sons of here?" He started for the table in the center of the room and picked up a knife. The father stood in the door, the mother went toward a door at tho northwest, the older girl walked toward where Gunderson stood at the table with the knife in his hand, and began to talk to him. Oodby went to an upper room, got a pistol and went back to bis cor ner. The younger girl had on Mon day, loaded a double barreled guu to shoot a shag, but the shag was too far away and she put the'gun back in the closet, and taking out the shells, put them on the shelf. When, on returning Friday night with her father, mother and sister, and seeing Gunderson advance and pick up the kuife, she sl:pped into the closet, put the shells in the gun and stood in the door. Minnie tried to get him to put the kuife down, when be suddenly turned, motioned to Oodby and made a dash at Min nie; as he did, Oodby fired. As he fired, Emma tired at him and missed him, the shots imbedding in the window frame. Then wheeling, she fired at Gunderson, the charge strik ing him in the lop of his head. Ho fell with his head under the west window and almost immediately died. Tho older daughter and the father aud mother ran out and down to the wharf. Oodby ran also. Tho concussion of the shots BLEW TIIE TWO LIGHTS OUT. Emma made a dash in the dark for the north door, and finding it bar ricaded wrenched it open and ran to the wharf, white nnd trembling, and after being quieted down, tho horror stricken party went over to Thomp son's, returning yesterday morning. The father, mother, two sisters, Ood by, the dead man in tho coffin, and the others came down on tho Favor ite last night. The Frishkorn family are stopping at tho Parker House. The body of Gunderson will bo bur ied to-morrow. THE TESTIMONY. At the, coroner's inquest Julius Oodby testified as follews: "Last night Pete and I came up from Smith's at seven o'clock. I set in the corner and plajed the accordion. In came Frishkorn and the two girls and tho old woman, and Geo. Nichol son and Ales. Mitchell, and Jno. Foster. Pete went np and talked to the old folks. Ho run over and took this knife and told them to get out. Peto stood in the door and waved tho knife and told them to get out, He said if they didn't get out he would kill the whole lot of them. Just then every body was talking, and the shot was fired and the lights went out, and I couldn't see who had the gun. I lit tho lamp and saw Peto lying on the floor." John Foster sworn. "Yesterday I saw the Frishkorns at Nogle's. The old lady complained sho had no i clothes on her, that she had been run out from the house. I went back with her, went before her and spoke to Jfete, asked him to make no trouble as they only wanted to get some clothes and would go away again. He promised there would be no trouble. When they were landing at the steps Fete came out and asked where his was. There was some loud talk and Pete took a knife and ordered them all out of the house. Then I saw the girl have the gun aud shoot, and saw the man fall. I went outside, got a light, saw he was dead. I stood beside him wheu he fell." N. Johnson sworn. "I was stand ing in the door when the shots were fired. They rent the house from Smith." Bertha Frishkorn sworn. "I came home about 7:30 last night. Gun derson says 'Where is Minnie?' He offered to help her up from the boat. She said "I have nothing to say to you." He said "Why are all those men here?' She said, 'These men will stay here till I get my clothes.' Gunderson said 'Where is my ? I am the boss here and will show you. Get out from here.' Mrs. Smith told us we could move in here. She said the rent would be $10 for four months." Emma Frishkorn swern: "When I came in, Julius (Oodby) went up stairs and came down and took off his coat. 1 went into the closet. I saw Julius point his pistol toward my papa, and when I saw that and heard Pete tell Minnie that he was ifoing to stab her and Geo. Nicholas then I took the gun and fired at Jul ius, but mamma was in the way and I could not hit him. Then I fired at Pete. He was looking around with a bulls-eye lantern when I fired at him. Then all the lamps went out and I was alone. I stood in the closet a few moments and heard a noise. Then I went out into that room to the big door, got tho door open and went to the scow." Sheriff Bo3n arrested Oodby and detained Foster as a witness. The girl was not arrested, but the matter will be brought before tho grand jury, which is still in session, to-morrow morning. it looks like a clear case and it does not seem at all likely that tho girl will be de tained, as sho appears 'o have been justified in doing what she did. Oodby will probably have a little hearing of his own before the grand jury. What True ilerit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Boschcei's Genvan Syrup within a few j ears, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best lemedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. It acts on an entirelv different nrtnciule from the usua'l piescriptlohs given by Physicians, as it does not dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause of tho trouble, heals the parts affected and leaves them In a purely healthy con dition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their ap pearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial will convince you of these facts. It is positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land, Price, 75cts., large bottles. KBSOXAL. Dr. Alfred Finney is visiting Sa lem, Capt. Chas. F. Powell is in the city. P. G.Eastwick came up from Ft. Stevens yesterday. Mike Logan returned to tho city on yesterday's San Franoisco steam er. Geo. W. Hume came up on the steamer from San Francisco yester day. Dennis Donahoe has been appoint ed consul-general at San Francisco, to succeed Consul Stanlev. Good iScstilts iu Eterj Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs: had tried many remedies without bene fit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands who3e lives hae been saved by this Wonderful Disco verv. Trial Bottlos free at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific letouchlng and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. Salt! Salt!! At J. H..D. Gray's; 1,00 tons assorted Salt; Rock, Fish, Hay and Stock Salt in quantities to suit nurchasers. For High? Begining this week I offer all goods now in stock at a reduotion ot lo per cent, which means S1.50 in your pocket on every 10. worth of Goods you buy of me. The Clothier and Hatter. (Occident Ball dlag.) How Is This Remnants REMNANTS! Monday and following days of this week we will place on our center counter8 AX.S- OI JLBUGTHS F GOODS accumulated during the season and M455K THE3I DolVK regardless of cost Iu order to make a thoroughv clear ance, pre ious to our annual Inventory of stock which takes placo-Feb. lit . The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing OF ASTORIA. Sole Agent for Butterick's But Not The Holidays of 1886 are that the 0. L Are still hore, and that they are receiving new and desirably Goods by every steamer, and that they continue to sell the best Goods at the lowest prices. They have added to their Btook by tlw last steamer. Handsomely Triple'Platsd Silver Knives Also have largely renewed their stook of Groceries and Provisions, both Fancy and Staple, so that they now have one of "the largest and bes't assortments of desirable Goods in the city. Compelled by their increasing trade and the necessity for more room, they have leased the "store adjoining the one they have so long occupied and are fitting it for their "Wholesale Trade, while their old store is used entirely for their rapidly growing business. Remember that in Quality and Prices they CANNOT BE RE AT, and those who have Cash to spend should prepare to spend Ut NOW, where they can be so D. &. mnants! House Patterns fortius District gone, but don'fc you forget firm of Decorated, andJForkB, Agate Ware ete, well suited as they can at SSCS & SQ27S. . Forgotten Beck & Sons,