X on tJfe gmtjj gtoran. ASTOBIA. OREGON: 8ATUKDAY.... JANUARY 15. 1887 Belva A. Lockwood comes to the front with a prediction that the following presidential tickets will be in the field in 1888: De mocrat, Grover Cleveland and Samuel J. Randall; Republican, James Gr. Blaine and John Sher man; Labor, Henry George and Terence V.Powderly; Prohibition, Frances -Willard and John P. St. John. Statistics and how cold and remorseless statistics are proye that Minneapolis and St. Paul, those marvels of municipal growth, are growing at Chicago's ex pense. The great city of the lake is almost at a standstill as far as its commercial life is concerned and the Chicago journals are fully alive to the un welcome fact. The shivering editor of the Minneapolis Tribune says, "The New Year comes in like a Polar bear." Why, no, it doesn't. The New Year comes in like a spring lamb, or a smile from the south, or a warm kiss, or a gleam of sun shine, or a fragrant bouquet or a radiant rainbow, or a genial friend, or a playful child or like lots of other welcome things. But no Polar bear in the Astoria New Years. No indeedy. --......, A "Washington telegram says: "It is understood that the negotia tions with the Chinese government, to which allusion was made in the President's message, for such a modification of existing treaties as will absolutely prevent the intro duction of Chinese coolie labor into this country, have just been brought to a successful termina tion, and that in a few days an amended treaty, covering this point, will be submitted to the senate for ratification by the stato department." In answer to the charge of Hen ry George that; "If land were free to those who wanted to use it there would be no glut in the mar ket or cry of over production," the New York World asks: "How happens it, then, that with the land only moderately free going to those who want it at $1.25 an acre there has been for two years past a surplus of some 20, 000,000 bushels of wheat carried over, and so full a production of other farm products that the agri culturists have made very little profits?" Circuit Court Proceedings. Taylor, J. January 14. Braunschweiger vs. Arvold; judg ment on verdict. State vs. Chas. Yuen; pleads not guilty. State vs. O. and J. Bartels; both plead not guilty. State va. J. C. Croken; till to-day to plead. J. Ostrom vs. West Coast Packing Co.; motion for continuance allowed; trial set for 2nd day of next regular term. C. H. M. Toby, vs. F. L. Logan; judgment on stipulation. L W. Case vs. Seaside Packing Co.; time extended. to take testimony. O. C. Bender vs. Ed. Black; injunc tion perpetual; judgment for plain tiff C. C. Bender vs. J. F. Bender; same. Jury excused till Monday, the 17th Inst., at ten a. m. Stewart Smith vs. Gorlier and Mc .Ewan; 10 days to answer. State vs. John Boyd; till to-morrow to plea3. The jury in the case of C. J. Ander son vs. J. F. Bender, brought in a verdict for defendant. Court adjourned to 10 a. jl, Jan. 15th. Mrs. Cleveland's 810,000 Bust. Everything that represents Mrs. Cleveland, the president's wife, seems to hava interest to the millions of people in this country. Her photo graphs aresold everywhere, and the photographers tell me they all make money by them. An enterprising plaster-cast molder has made a small bust of the first lady in the land, and they are sold about the city of Wash ington for a good price, but now the government has gone into making likenesses o the fair mistress of the White houBe. The old and mutilated bank notes, when they come back to the United States treasury, are chopped up and made into a pulp, and this is molded into various shapes and forms. The latest design is a miniature bust of Mrs. Cleveland. It takes $10,000 worth of bank notes to make one of the president's fair wife, and each figure is labeled: "Made from mutilated United States bank notes worth 10,000." These are sold for a fair price, and are having a good sale. Baltimore American. Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Cuesley, Peterson, Clav Co., Iowa, tells the following story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the tewn: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years: could not dress myself without help. Now 1 am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all rav own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain." Try a bottle, only 30c at W. E. De ment & Co.'s Drug Store. Syrup ofFigs. Manufactured only bv the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco CaL is Natures uwn rrue .uaxauve. auu pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most Ieasant, prompt and effective remedy mown, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to ai3pei neaaaens, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. NEW TO-DAY. Seizure of Property Subjeotto For feiture. Office of Collector of Customs. Astoria, Or,. Jan'y 15. 1887. Seized Dee. 7. 18S3. from seaman's baz- rape on board the llr. Bk. "rxrralne." a Ostrich feathers. Seized Apl. 25, 1836, from Lee Yune Chung, 10 Ualf pound packages prepared opium. Seized Dec. 17. 183G, from Mee (Jen Jan, 3 half pound packages prepared opium. Claims against above articles must be filed at this office within twenty days from date hereof. JOHN HOBSON. Collector. TILL FURTHER NOTICE Wells, Fargo & Cos Express COMPANY WILL FORWARD Money, Mall and Ex press Matter, C. P. UFSIIUB. Agent. Astoria, Jan. 8, 1SS7, The Company has 8.000 Money Order Offices in tbe United States and Canadas. NEW YORK Novelty Store Headquarters For STATIONERY. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, TOYS. JEWELRY. SOLID GOLD AND SILVER. NOVELTIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CANES, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Etc ALL THE Latest Styles on Exhibition. Agents for Will & Finck's Sporting Goods. Art Booms. .HISS it. W. BBOWX Teacher of Oil, Water color and China palutlng. Crayon. Pastel, etc. Room 2 over City Book Store. Hours, 9 to 12 a. at, from l to 5 a, m. Childrens class Saturday morning at re duced prices. Visitors welcome at any time. All orders promptly filled. Euchre Favors done to order. Call and see samples. OPEN ALL NIGHT. DBLMONIOO RE8TAURANT. NONE BUT WHITE COOKS. For a Good Meal go totheDelmonlco Restaurant, Corner Main and Concomly Streets Astoria, Opposite Parker House. Satisfaction Gaar&nteed in Erery Rexpect. GIVE THEM A CALL. WILL TiUriJiX Cut Faster MJLBfk AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. EATnrrniAwawtt J.C.TruIlinger Hundreds of fl woodmen tes tlfytoltssune J rlority. It sou ueep ana sever Sticks. CAKNAHAN & CO., Aceota Astoria. Price, $f.60. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BEXTON 8TRKET, NEAR PABKEB HOUSE ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAHD anfl MARINE ENGINES BoilerWqrk, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Shert Netlce. A. D. Wasb, President. J. G. Hcstleb, Secretary, L W. Case, Treasurer. JOHN Fox.Supeiinteadent. Bozorth. & Johns Real Estate and Insurance Agents AND BROKERS. Buy and sell all kinds of real estate and represent Leading Fire Insurance compan ies with an aggregate capital of 15,000,000. Policies written at Equitable rates, MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Cannery Sillies! Special Attention Civonto Filling Of Orders. A FULL LrNE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 15S. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA, OREGON. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCKIA OREGON Frank L Parker, Dealer in Fancy anil Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. Magnus C. Crosby Dcalor In EARDIABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AtfD HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tit AND Copper. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAL GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS, PL.A.IX AMD DECORATIVK Paper Hanging. Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Ca&j St., next to Stlnson's Bluek smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidt ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As ther can get Better Fits, Better Work- mansuip, ana ior Less 3V3C033.03T By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from tue East, a mo Business suits irom 35. Call aid See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Hardware ani Ship Cnaniller? VAN DUSEN & CO., DKAXKBS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery PiH?e Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, GalvanizedCut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, ete. Meeting Notice. rWTHE ANNriAT.MERTTKO fT? TRR BRTT- X lsh American Packing Company, Skee- na, lumiiea,) wui oe neia ai me residence of Oust. Holmes. Upper Astoria, at 9 a.m., on Wednesday, the 19th, Inst. A. YOUNG. Secretary. For Sale. THE DEEP SHA FISHING CO.'S SLOOP Venture, built In 18S3. registered tonnaee 28.S7. Enquire of J. Q. A. BOWLBY -orA.Y, ALLEN. Sctioo And School Supplies of all Descriptions. BLANK BOOK! And Stationery of Every Kind, at Bedrock Prices at The Crysf C-MlXi ADXiEK., Manager. Pacific Fi We beg to renew our notice to the Fisheries of the upper Pacific, of the full preparation we have made and are making to manufacture good wares for their use, of every kind, except double knotted Salmon Nets: Pounds and Traps, Gill Nets, Seines, from sardines to porpoise. We advise the practicability of using Purse Salmon, Seines For outside fishing. One can be made very strong and verv light, and can be handled QUICK LOW IN COST. In the New England waters are over four hundred large Purse seines for mackerel, herring and menhaden, 200 fathoms long, in compact bodies can be taken in We offer the Stow Cotton Salmon Twine with a full belief that its strength is durability than flax, and no more expensive. Our energies, with a lonjj experi ence in nettings, and a desire to send good waies to our patrons, we hope will not ttisapomt any reasonable expectations. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO.. Gloucester. Boston Office, 96 Commercial Street. ip m f, Wh A. V. ALLEN. Wholesale ami FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Teas, Coffees, Spices, &c, &c. Fresh. California Butter, Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, . French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chill Sauce, Tobasco Sauce. Celery Salt, French and. German Mustard, Leiblg's Ex. Beef, Sea Foam wafers, Van Houghton's Cocoa. Triticnm, Genua, Epicurean fooA, Oat Porridge, Rolled Oats.; Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Madc-and Repaired. Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Suop. corner Main and Jefferson streets MARTIN OLSEN. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Doncoln Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spring heels. AVE IE II, IS BOOTS AX SHOES OXI.1l. P. J. GOODMAN. Hike It Rich! -J5UYYOCK- Groceries! Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin ot profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. Tho Highest Price raid for Junk. CITT BOOK STORE. A Full Line of Staple Goods now in Stock RLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS Fine Stationery a Specialty. Musical Instruments and Merchandise, Notions, etc. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST CHARTS AND TIDfr TABLES. GRIFFIN & REED. &$5&'&0ft 25 fathoms deep, any fish that move these seines. amnle for the hardest service, of more ,!! ' ,,',, Retail Dealer in C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, Mouldings, Window Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : uontracc worK a specialty. Mill and Offlce on the Old Site. ASTORIA . Wood Yard. Keep Constantly on hand. Fir Wood, Red and Yellow, HEMLOCK -WOOD. ALDER 'WOOD, SPRUCE LIMBS, MAPLE LIMBS, SPLIT ASH "WOOD. ASH LIMBS. AND CRABAPPLB Any deslied length from four foot to eight menes long. Leave orders with Frank L. Tarker or at the yards. Telephone 36. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Fall and Winter Stock Complete IN ALL STYLES AND GRADES. No more need to send away for a Fine Shoe, as we have a Full Line of the Celebrated DRIAL & CO.'S FEEKCH SHOES, and LAIRD, SCHOBEB & MITCHELL'S TINE SHOES 'of which we are Sole Dealers in Astoiia. We also handle BOOTS and Factories in America. Wen's Keavy Boots and Shoes a Specialty. LOWEST PRICES and SATISFACTION Guaranteed. W. T. F&EZEE, Manager. 3E3ttTolisl3.oc3. 1876, JMIHPJBBJJJIjBjgljBBjSESggeii Sporting and War Munitions, Duck-shooting Powder, 50 Cents a Pound. A Good Double Barrelled Breech Loader for $12.50 DKALEU IS Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brici Cement, M anfl. Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drawing, Teaming and Express Business. Kmmmm mm TEK apply to the Captain, or to J i Ci COUNTY Coroner's Office, Undertaking Itooms next J. R. LEESON & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Tie Johnstone (Scotland) and Mon (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads AND Salmon Net Twines. Ar- OOW. C09UM -1 'UXCJKV' vBETSiKS. "V- 35xtt5"VS.'-J'...ifc W l.v- The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Did not exhibit at Philadelphia 1876 or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!.! References for the Scotch Salmon Net Twines: EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN who bought it last season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. " - . Agents for the Pacific Ceast: KITTLE & CO., .; .... '.- - 202 CaUFa St., San Francisco, Cala. SHOES from all the Leading UIIJI J It Ml,. STEAMER Ebsn P, Par her, Master, For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK-. H. B. PARKEIX. KaJSS, O O 3EL O 3SJ E5 3af Pirat Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Gaskets and Funeral Material, Everything Neat and Well Arranged. to Astorian office, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) "5S?. Ai&ST.