-J 03 VOL. XXVII, NO. 12. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, J887. PRICE IVE CENTS. -"t-W I . jlS " ; -v ? G2? BUSINESS CARDS. JF,, LFOKCE. DENTIST. Kooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. pv. A. Ii. FULTOX. Physician and Surgeon. Oflice on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. X THOEX. PHYSTdAX AXD SUROEOX. Residence, Upper Astoria, Nllison Hous?. fAY TUTTIiE, 31. I. -iYSIClAN AND SUBGEOS Oft ice Rooms 6 Pythian Building RESiDKKCE-On Cedar Street, back or St. Mary's Hospital. fIt.O. B.ESTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. oi'mck : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. TAIt. Flt.VNHL PAGE. .PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEON , Opposlto Telegraph Office. Astoria, Oregon. yR. ALFRED KI5TXEY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. E. C. IIOIiDEX, Notary Public, Oommiaaioner of Deeds For "Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Office, at Holden's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria. Oregon. C. R. THOMSON, E. E. COOVFUT. THOMSON & COOVEBT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Office Kooms 4 and 5, over City Book Stove. G ELO F. PAKItEK, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-Clty Surveyor of Astona Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Hoom No. 8 Up Utalrs. Robt, Collier, Deputy, QEO. A. DOKRIS, GEO. KOLNU XOT.AXD & DOKKIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office iu Kinney's Block, pposlte City Ball, Astoria, Oregon. C W. FOLTOK. . C. FULTON FUI.TOIf BROTHERS, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. J. q. A. BOWLBY. Attorney aiitl Counselloi it Law Oflice on Chen.unus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. I. WKXTO ATTORNEY AT LA AY. Rooms No. n and 12, P thlan Castle Build ing. rt B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Oflice a specialty, ASTOBIA, - - OltEGOX. T T. BAKI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -ohecjox city, ----- oreqox. Having an experience of nine years as Register of the Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon, I am now ready to attend to Land Business lor settlers and claimants before aayrDistrlct, or the General, Land Office on reasonable terms. Advice and Information, If desired, given by mall. K. SHAH. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Rooras 1 and 2 Pythian C. H. Cooper's Store. Build-Ing over THOS. HAIRS, FasMoiuMe Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewins Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. H. TRADE7 MARK. X lbsolutehi Ti-ce from opiates, JEmctics antJ?oison, SAFE. p&? r, SURE. V!UISS AT DBCOGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHAItLES A. 1QUELEK CO- IULTlftORE. MD. For Pain' Cms: fcrcat&2. ITesralsia. I Backacfce, UetCxehe, TooUuwbr, bpnunt, lirnUM. titM etc MICE, FIFTV CE?TS. At Drnrfflita uriil DMlfin. TUG CHARLES A.YOGELLK CO.,B"T120U, BD. Jares Female Complaints. A Great Eidnej Remedy, tW SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia, river and hundreds of line boats of my build make my guarantee! for good w ork. Head quarters at Kinney's cannery. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river w here my sen Icps may be required. W.M. HOWE. AGENCY r OFSAN FR VNClSCO. Havel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies nt Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at CuiriMit Iate-. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOYERlSr, Agent. It. II. Colvninn, Accountant. Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS mxliTpeed AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY IIAXSEX, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected StecJ: ot Fine DiaiA i Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All Goods Bought at Thi-s Establishment "Warranted Genuine. "Wnt'l anil Cloclc Repairing; A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemofma Streets Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THi Tp TllSUX'LIlC - Representing the Largest and Most Eella- Die rue insurance companies. . .,- ,... ted vww accuracy mm- aciea' Fiaveiswoati, - - - Astoria Oregon, HSU RE ERMan REMEDY ALrAnl! "Sirtl 81.1 lit WET Cotan&Co Wilson & Fisher Ship "GOT TO HIS 00LLAB." How a Northern California Was Bobbed, Sheriff The Crescent City, California, Record of January 1st contains the following account of a very bold rebbery: The boldest robbery that ever occurred in this city was perpe trated at the court house on Thursday evening, Sheriff Hughes being the person robbed. The sheriff, as tax collector, had been collecting quite a sum of mone' on the day mentioned, and was de tained in his office until about G o'clock in the evening, at that time he being the only person in the court house. He had put about 3,000 in his pocket, put on his oil-skin coat and buttoned it up. A sack of silver and gold that he had received from Smith river that day, amounting to about $1,100 was in his hand, being too large to get in his pockets. He blew out the lights in his office, "which is some distance down the hail on the lower floor of the court house, and started toward the front door, which was a little open and through which shone in a little light. Arriving at the stairs leading to the upper story of the building from each side of the hall, he saw the glimpse of a man by the foot of the stairs on one side, and at the same in stant his face was deluged by black pepper and he received a blow in his stomach from another person at the loot of the stairs on the op posite side of the hall. This completely doubled him up, and at the same time the sack held in his hand was snatched. He fell to the floor, being completely at the mercy of the robbers, who made good their escape while he was in a half conscious condition, thinking, no doubt, that they had relieved him of all the receipts of the day. Sheriff Hughes then made his way to the treasurer's of fice with about $3,000 that was left on his person, still weak and continually vomiting from the ef fects of the blow received and the dose of pepper. The court house was immediate ly visited by under sheriff Endert and special officer Fox and others, but no clue could be found to the parties who committed the deci. Suspicions point to certain parti,, but no arrests have been made. A Ohestnut. New York, Jan. 13. Starts London cablegram -The sava: Bismarck's speech has created general uneasiness on the conti nental bourses. It is accepted as a convincing proof that German' regards war as inevitable and is resolved to be the first in readiness for the field. It is a challenge to France to assume the offensive as soon as she likes. The tone of the German press is proof of the increasing strained relations. The French press generally treats the speech as a warning to be pie pared for a German invasion with out an hour's delay. In French military circles the feeling is gen eral that the French preparations are not complete, but that France will be ready to take the field be fore German. EXPERIENCE OP AN EX-CHAMPION. . Athletes and men who take ordi nary out-door exercise such as walk ing, running, bicycle riding, jumping, swimming, tennis, etc., are often the subjects of acute troubles. The ex-j perience of an ex-champion walker, will be of interest to all who are; afflicted. Read the following letter :i No.324East19tiiSt.,NewYork,) April 2, 1886. f Numerous statements relative to the merits of different plasters hav ing been brought to my attention, I take this opportunity to state that, I have used Allcock'a Porous Plasters for over 20 years and prefer them to any other kind. I would furthermore state that I was very" sick with" catarrh of the kidneyB, and attribute! my recovery entirely to Allcock'a Porous Plasters. Hasry Brooks. The largest natural gas com pany is the Philadelphia Nat ural Gas company, which supplies over 400 manufactories and over 7,000 dwellings with the entire e consume The total area of FT iteming iuiu j. ibuiuuig ia given at 1,341,602 square inches. c.r - .r . , , . ForDysneDSiaandLiverComrjlalnt. you have d -rfnted mwjrnfce on every bottle Of Shiloh's VltallzP.r. Tt nnvPT laus to cure. Sold by w. E. Dement An Embarrassed Company. Deputy United States Marshal, Chas. W. Frush, has returned from Empire City, Coos county, whither he went to serve papers on James "Webster, secretary of the Southern Oregon Improve ment companv. It seems that William J. Roch and E. D. Man drel, of the Boston Sale Deposit company hold 1,300 bonds of 1, 000 each belonging to the South ern Oregon Improvement company on which the interest has not been paid for some time past. Hence the suit against the corn pan'. The Southern Oregon Im provement company havo the largest mill on the coast at Em pire City, besides timber land in large quantities and a vast amount of other property. It is under stood that the members of the company were unable to pull to gether and this is said to be the real cause for the financial em barrassment of the company. The mammoth mill has been shut down a good portion of the time since it was constructed on this ac count. JSreios. "Window glass was first made in the United States at Pittsbunj in 1795, at which time James O'Hara and Major Isaac Craig established a factory there. In 1802 Gen. O'Hara made the first flint-glass. From that day to the present Pittsburg has been the center of this class of manufactures. Of window-glass factories proper in in Pittsburg there are twenty-nine in operation in the city and suburbs, and one devoted to the making of plate glass. The total product of these twenty-nine fur naces, with their 27G pots, has an annual value of 3,000,000. There is money in wood pulp, judging from the demand. One mill in Brunswick has hard work to keep ahead ofcite orders, run ning night and day, and pulp made there has gone to Boston and returned in the shape of news papers within foty-eight hours. Ranchmen in the hills of Dako ta are making preparations for farming next summer on a much more extensive scale than they l.ave heretofore, and should the season be propitious the crops will distance present expectations. The making of wooden shoes is still carried on at Clymer, N. Y., a town which was settled by Hol landers, and who btill cling to the customs of the fatherland. Crv.o The Children. They are SIJVWW especially liable to sud den Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. wo guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positivo cure. It aves hours ot anxious watching. Sold by J. AY. Conn. The amount of capital and capi tal stock put into new industrial enterprises in the south during 188Gis reported at 129,000,000 as against $66,000,000 in 1885. SfvvOL Yo.cArv. Nights, is " -' ww the com-J plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c, 50c. J. W. Conn. During the year 1886, Ameri can mills have produced 1,350,000 tons of steel rails, valued at 40, 000,000. The prospect for 1887 is said to be better. Ik nVftvOe. Blood Elixir is tho nAS-V xa only Blood Remedy juarantecd. It is a positivo cure for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Eheurnatic and Nou ralgio pains. "Wo guarantee it. J. W. Conn. Another effort is to be made to have the coal operators and miners of the United States adopt a gen eral scale of wages and prices. A Clear Complexion. How can you expect a clear coinpjex ion when the blood is full of impurities and the slomach clogged ? The blood becomes impurc-because the liver does not act properly and work off the poison from the svstem, and. the certain results are blotclies. pimples and eruptions. Purify the blood with Simmons Liver Keguiator, ana regmaie me nver, stom ach and bowels, and then the skin will become clear. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by w . jc iiemenr. THE GREAT UnfailisgSpeei&c FOR LIVER ESEASE QVMDTflMQi Bitter or bad taste in mouth; VI mr lUlMUi tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loss of appetite: sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and j acid eradiations; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful 1 .r..:- .ri ..: r.n.j .- j- - ' .ir i:.i. ! ought to have been done ; deblUty; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fev er ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse th-: Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary crUcacy on t ho SVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AS EFFECTUAL SPEC.FIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, BUIonsness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaint-, Etc.,JEtc, Etc. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottl:., a-. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. 3AFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE 8Y3TEMI J. H.ZEBLIN & CO., solb PRormsTORS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE. Sl.OO. .ere Boys, It j on want h neat flttmg goto Suit of Clothes, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than the cheapest. Give men call and bo convinced that I mean what I say. J. E ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, cast of C. H. Cooper's. x. s.D'Cjp&ms. Leading and Practical Hair Dreaaer. Sha-rlnir. Hair Cuttinir. Shamnoolnfr and Baths. Large Assortment of Barber's Sup plies, Imported Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Razors Hrushes. Straps. Sponges, Cosmetic, Creme no .lis. i,uoins extracts, etc., etc. Tarker House. Mam Street. Astoria. L. E. DUPABK. Proprietor. VirttiiiiaCipr anfl Toljaccp Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, "Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. I'lnek Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Low est Market Rates. . FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&c. O. EL Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Office on Main. Threo doors south of 5-quemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres colncCi etc. E. C. HOLDEN. AMonaiCoinnipt Established 1874. Dealer In New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land. Stock. or Household Goods in the country. Will appraise and -purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weekly Ore gonlan. American News Depot PN SALE The latest Magazines and Hlustrated papers of the day. bwedish, Danish and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside Libraries. School Books, Stattonery, etc A BALMANNO, Cuenamus St. near Main. ffiftnr YrJBjjjSSfJ'' ? j . ff M W H fl f jfft Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO EQUAL! SiRAND PRIX GRAND CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNEUR. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE Quality oan Always be Depended on I EQiwei Seiei Use no Otter! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO, ac;e3Ts for pacific coast. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The New Model Range CAN BE nAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E!. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes'ls also Agent for thn Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER riRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Ju 1,500 Ms Mm Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK 50 Leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers. In Elegant New Styles: Just the thing for Call and See Us. CHAS. HE1LBORN. COuiu Transportation Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER - " TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave '-. "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every - . . . . " - " Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.mva'rriving at Portland attP.H Returning leaves Portland every' ""' """ Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each WecR, leaving Portland at O O'oloclc Sunday Morning. Passengers bj this route connect at Ealama tor Sound ports, u. B. SCOTT, President! PARIS, 1878. AND WORLD. eceived. er ani Decorations uomnany