yw:, VOL. XXYII, NO. 7. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, J 887. PRICE JblYE CENTS.: 10 c u . "H BUSINESS CARDS. T E. LA FORCE. DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellons Building. ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. rvK. A. Ij. FUJL.TON. Ihyslciaii and Surgeon. Otace on Cass street, three doors south or Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. D THO EX. PHYSICIAX AND SURQEOX. Residence, Upper Astoria, Nlllson Hous' FAY TUTTliE, 31. D. ViJYSICIAN AND SUKGEON OjrrOE Rooms G Pythian Building. Residence On Cedar Street, back of SL Mary's Hospital. D U.O.B.ESTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ovrics : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. rtt. FitXK. PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. D a. AL.FRED KLVXEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at bis oOlco, and may be found there at any hour. E; C IIOJLDEX, Notary Public, OommiBsioner of Deeds For "Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Heal Estate and Insurance Agent. Office, at Hold en's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria, Oregon. C. B. THOUSOX, K. B. COOTEBT. THOMSON & OOOVEUT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. OFriCK Rooms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. G KLO i PARKEB, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria office : N. E. comer Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up Htalrs. Sobt, Collier. Deputy, OEO. A. DOBHIS. GEO. NOLAKU SOLAIVD & DOKItLS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ofllce In Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C TV. FULTOX. a. C. FULTOH FULTOIS BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. r $. A. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor tit JLaw Ofllce on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon P O. WIXTOS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. J B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. I.and Office a specialty, Astoria, - - Oukoox. T T. BAItlX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oseoox crrr, ----- orecjox. HaTlng an experience of nine years as Resist et of the Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon Iamnow ready to attend to Land Bn9fna88,lor settlers and claimants before' any-Distrlct, or the General, Land Office on reasonable terms. Advice and information, if desired, civen by mall. a; E. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms In Allen's Building, up stairs, eor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian Burtd-lng over C. H. Cooper's Store. THOS. MAIRS, r A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. Fasmonaale TaUo F3 3r it- TAR TRADEViyMARK. AbxnltttrUi Free from opiates, Emetics and JL'oison. SAFE. SURE. PFiOMPT.i ATDHCGRISTS jcvn npirroo THE CHARLES A. TOCKLEB CO.. IULTIII0RK. WD. ERMANSfflf Ccisa 2hKitim. Herralrfi. ftBaekacbe, IleuUthe, Tootithe, npruni, oraufi, ie., el. PEICE, FIPTT CENTS. THE CIURLES A. TOCELEH CO., BALTUQBS, tLD, Jmsb Female Complaints. A Great Kidney Sem&aj. E- SOLD BY AXA DRUGGISTS, Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build mako my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at Kinney's cannery. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river where my services may bo required. WA1. UUWK. -AGENCY- I OFcSAN FRANCISCO. Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Cu'rer.t Kale. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN P. McGOVERK", Agent. B. II. Coleman, Accountant. Towing Vessels Str. GOV. NEWELL Will dO all kinds Of touillfr ni frluirt. rmtlM Masters of English vessels will consult tnpir own aud owners interest bv applving to the agents. BOZORfn & JOHNS. WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods BoHght at This EstablUbsBeat Warranted Genuine. Walch and Clock Repair-lug A SPECIALTY. Corner Cas3 and Squsmoqua Streets. IURE KGts. CT JACOBS Qjl wlGOR M Goleman&Go Burdette's Advice to Toting Men. So you have got yourself into trouble, my son? Gone a little wrong, have you? Yes, well, that raeans, you know, that you have gone clear wrong; there is no mugwumpery in morals, my boy. And you've, had such a hard time getting back that it made you a little bitter and cynical, and you think all the world is rather hard and selfish and pitiless, and espe cially severe on you? "Well, I wouldn't feel that way at all, if I were you. I don't think I ever did feel that way, and I know more about it than you do. I've been farther down the Jericho road than you. Went down there to let my beard grow. Great town for toots, from away back. It's a bad country. Never heard of but one good woman in Jericho, and she did not move in good society. But, my son, it isn't society's fault that you got into trouble. You knew what the Jericho road whs before you went down that way. You knew there was a curse on the town. You were safe enough in Jerusalem; why didn't you stay there? Don't feel bitter towards all the world because you fell among thieves and got cleaned out. It is a kind, good natured, foigivingold world, if you give it a chance to be forgiving. True, it doesn't always look that way to a fellow in trouble, because then the fellow is apt to look at the wrong people. You found on the Jericho road, say, six or eight thieves that is, a half dozen professionals and two amateurs who passed by on the other side and only one Good Samaritan, and naturally it seems to you that the leaven of good is utterly lost in the great mass of rascality and hypocrisy; but, bless you, my son, in the great honest living world, in the world that is trying to do right, and trying to" lead men to better things than Jericho excursions, in the only world that really lives and cares for just such fellows as you, in the real world of men and women who deal with the young man all the more gently when his smarting wounds are deepest, the one good Samaritan outweighs a regiment of these villains who beat you, and robbed you, and passed you bv .i the road to Jericho. Never mind the priest and tire Levite, my s.m. They were going down to Jericho, too, you remember. And one closing word, my .son. Unless you are smarter and strong er than the thieves down Jerico way and I guess maybe jou are not, very few men are why you keep off that road. You stay in Jerusalem and you'll have more money and less headache. A Chance for Health Is attorded those fast sinking Into a condi tion of hopeless debility. The means are at hand. In the form of a genial medicine cor dial, llostetter's Stomach Bitters embodies the combined qualities of a blood fettiUzcr and depurent, and tonic and an alterative. While It promotes digestion and assimila tion, and stimulates appetite, it has tho ftr ther effect of purifying the life current and strengthening the nervous system. As the blood grows richer aud purer by Its use.tuey who resort to this sterling medicinal agent, acquire not only vigor but bodily substance. A healthful chango in the secretions Is effect ed by It. and that suro and rapid physical decay, which a chronic obstruction of the functions of the system produces, U arrested. The prime causes of disease being removed, health Is speedily renovated and vigor re stored. Gapt. C. F. Powell, under orders from headquarters of the engineer corps, will soon make a thorough inspection of all the government works in process of construction on this coast. When baby was sick, we gave her CutorU, When she to a Child she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to C&storlo, When BhehadChUdrenhogavc them Cartoria Tuesday a 17-year-old girl named Hesa committed suicide at Newberg, by drowning herself in the Willamette. A Clear Complexion. HOW can vnil pvnwt a plpnr nnmnlav. Ion when the blood is full of imparities mm me siomacn cioggea y Tne. blood becomes imnurn hpr.insn thn llvot- rinpc not act properly and work off the poison from the system, and the certain results are blotches, pimples and eruptions. Ptirlf V thn hlnnri with Simmnno T.tvnr Regulator, and regulate the liver, stom- uku iwu uuweis, ana laen me sKin win become clear. A Little Mixed. The World publishes a curious list of peculiar relationships hy the custom.of protraoted intermar riages in families prevalent among the inhabitants of the laud lying between the Delaware and" the Chesapeake bays. The most strik insr example is furnished bv a re snectable familv of farmers, bearine- the old name of Smith, living near mrnards wharf, on the road lead ing to Cambridge. Tho present head of the family, Mark Smith, is tne lather ot a hall-dozen boys. Mark Smith, his father, Jonathan Smith, who came from England, and Mark Smith's tons, Tedrich and Samuel, all married sisters. The women were the daughters of George Hurlburt, who formerly lived near Barnard's wharf. Mark Smith's -wife died ten years ago, leaving no children. Mark then married his father's widow. She had been his fathers second wife and was only Mark's stepmother. She had a daughter by William L. Tilghman. After she had borne Smith a child ho was divorced from her, whereupon she was wedded to Hurlburt, the father ol Smith's first wife. She had had a child bv Hurlburt. To further complicate matters, Samuel Smith's wife died and he married Tiltrhman's sister. who was a sister toHurlburt's wife. The climax was reached when Tedrick Smith's son Johnathan. married the daughter that his granciiatner's second wife had pre viously borne by William L. Tilghman. Was there ever a more mixed up family? At San Francisco last Friday, the trial of Captain Drake, of the wrecked steamer Nbrmanton, when twenty-five Japanese pas sengers lost their lives, resulted in a verdict of manslaughter. He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.- 1 WCiW. ru enjoy your din- ner and are prevented by Dyspepsia, uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positivo cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. "We guarantee them. 23 and 50 cents. J. W. Conn. The president has nominated Rufus Thompsou postmaster at Al bany, Oregon. Elixir is wan anted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cm a all Blood Dis eases, purifies tho whole system, and thoroughly builds up tho constitution. Remember, we guarantee it J. W. Conn. New postoffices have been es tablished at Crowley, Polk county, Oregon, Ambrose Cain, postmas ter; Price, Crook county, Oregon, Elmira Logan, postmistress. r A And reliablo Medicines aro VJVV tho best to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre scribed for years for all Impurities of tho Blood. In every form of Scrofu lous, Syphilitio or Mercurial Diseases it is invaluable. Tor Rheumatism lias no equal. J. W. Conn. Caspar Ram&ley, 30 years old, while driving cattle across Mollala river, iu Clackamas county the other day, slipped from his "horse and was drowned. Proper Treatment Fur Coughs. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cough and Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry is the base of the best rem edies yet discovered. These Ingredi ents with several others caually as effi cacious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the mar ket. Price 50 cts. and S1.00. Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. E. C. HOLDEN. Auctioneer and Commtssioa Agent Established 1874. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. "Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods In the country. "Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria acrent for Dailv and Weekly Ore- gonlan. Change of Business. As SI HAVE BOUGHT THE MILK BOSI . ness formerly carried on bv I. N. Dar- land.I wonld say to the customers that mere win do no cnange or inconvenience to customers a3 1 take possession the first of theyear,188T; I, N. Darland retiring first of 1680 ; and everything will go on as before. Yours respectfully WM. LARSON SCO, THE GREAT UingiipeeiGc FOR LWER DISEASE v --- a O V I JTfl Ud Bitter or had hatr in mnnrt. WllVlr lUrfiOa tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loss of appetite; .sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eruiflau'ons; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; lo of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough; fever; restlessness; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVE! EMM (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the. South to arouse tl Torpid Liver to a healthy adlion. Itacts with oxtraordlnary eillcacy on the 9VER, KIDNEYS, - and BOWELSc AH EFFECTUAL SFECIF1C F01 Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headncho. .Tnnnrilnn. .Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Botvol Complaints, J-Ml..t .11-,, JL4fcU Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of Bottle, is THE BEST FAMILY MED1GINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. 8AFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE SYSTEM! J.rl.ZESLIN & CO., solb PROPKirroRS, PHILADELPHIA, PA, PRICE, 81.00. Look Here Boys, It you want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes, goto 5T, E3. ROSS, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than the choapest. Give me a call and be convinced that I mean what I say. t J. E ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, east of C. H. Cooper's. X. Z. DT7P&B.S. Leading and Practical Hair Dresser. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing and Baths. Large AisorIment of Barber's Sup plies, Imported Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Itn7nr! Hrnshpq Stroma Hnnnfrxc rViamaHn Cremo de Lis. Lubin's extracts, etc., etc. ' iarKer Jiouse. inain atreec. Astoria, L. E. DUPAEK, Proprietor. YirpiaCipr and Totecco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water 8treet, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smoker Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Bates. FRUITS, CANDIES. NOTIONS.&C O. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger. Ofllea on Mflili. Tlirpn i1nnn antith nt Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. GOLD JtEDATi, PAEIB, 1878. BAKER'S Warranted nhn1ntMvnni-ii Cocoa, from which tho excess ol oil mm been removed. It baa thru times tha strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowrootor Sugar, and la therofore.fnr more econom ical, costing less than one ctnt a cup. It ia delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested land admirably adapted for in vol- :iaa aa won ns ior persons m neaitn. Sold by Grocers eTerrnhero. CO., Borcliester, Mass. Elmore, Sanborn & Go. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Represenllng the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptly and accurately tran acted. FlavelsWUai, - Astoria Oregon, -o&a. "fr 9B& Fv IS rtvlt 111 f. BAKERS BARBOUR'S HAVE NO EQUAL! tfyyiSJSSvofo-iJlp?tS f i JIT'S ir mtSVm BCBSsiiifw fBKR i v rm esstFai . GRAND PRIX GRAND CROSS of the LEGION D'HONNETIR. THEY HAVE been AWAEDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VABIOUS THAN THE GOODS OP ANT OTH1S THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE 'WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on! ExperieiiGefl Seieflse no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AE!STS FOB PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Hope and Netting Constantly on Hand. ;m n.i'wirrin iiiihwiii The New Model Range tiAXi liH 11AJJ UN ASTOKIA, ONLY OF K. R. HA WES, Agent. Ca'l and Examine It ; You Will bo Pleased. E. It. Hawcs Is also Agent for tha Buck Patent Cooking Stoye, AND OTHER FIEST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand.: Just Received. ,500 Bolls f finer and Decorations Of the Latest Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 50 Leather, Plush and Carpet Rockers, In Elegant Now Styles: Just tho thiuR for Call and See Us. CHAS. HEILBQRH, Coin Transportation Conpy. .. FOR PORTLAND! -TELEPHONE- Which has been specially built for tho comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 PM. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. i. !An additional trip wlllbe made on - ?X?PJ: SBRdaF MorniHff. r Sound ports. PARIS, 1878. AND miinn mm iim Freight on Fast Time! THE NEV STEAMER Sunday ef Each Weefc. leaving PorOaa Passengers bj this route canned; at Kiilw " tj. B. SCOTT, Predlnrl ForBaa