I 4 J She gHg jtsfoflom. ASTORIA, OREGON: THCBSDAY.. ....JANUARY G. 18S7 TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & N, GO, TO PORTLaifD, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co., car- Slng the U. S. mails, leave the Company's ock Kvery lay, Sundays excepted, at 6 A.M. m This Is the only dally line, and the only Une running all the year round. TQ SAH FRANCISCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Dock every fire days Regular line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF ALL KIKDS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. F.E.SHUTE, Ticket Agent. E. A. NOYES, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & OaliforniaB.B. And Connections Fare to San Fran. $32; to Sacramento 30 Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Co. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side nivMoH, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ASEIiAXD Mail Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 8:00 A M Ashland 4 f0 A M Ashland 8:43 P M Portland ,3:13 PM Albany Express Train. LEA.VJJ I ARRIVE Portland 4:00PM Lebanon 9:20PM Lebanon 4:45 A M Portland 10. -05 A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally between Portland and Ashland. The O. & C. R. R. Ferry maKes connection with all regular trains on the East Side Dlv. from foot of F street Wests id eOlThion, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COBYALLIS. Mail Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland .7:30 A M OoiraUis 12:25 P M OonraUU 1:33 P M Portland 6:15 PM At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific for Yaquma Bay. Express Train LEAVE ARRIVE Portland 4:50 P M I McMlnnnUe....8:00 P M MoMinnvUle..5:45 A M Portland 9:00 AM Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at company's up-town office, cor. Tine, and Second streets, tickets for principal points in California can only be procured at com pany's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight will not be recelvea for shipment after five o'clock p. m. on either the East or West Side Divisions. R. KOEHLER, E. Y. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. & Pass. A gt Str. Favorite W. P. Dillon, Master, Will make Regular "rips Daily on the egon side, stopping a all Way Landings Leaving Woods Land's Every Morning at OP 31 Returning Leare Astoria at 2 P. 21. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN. MILES "Will leave for Gray's Harbor On the 1st and 15th of each month. For Freight or Passage apply to J. H. J). GRAY, Agent I. S. N. Co. Ilwaco Steam navigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft.Canby and Ilwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER zJMIl "GEN. CANBY," "W.P. Whitcomb, Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens. Pt. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M- With Oysterville Malls and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and "Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 r. m.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 GfFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D. GRAT. Agent. S. AKNDT & EERCHEK ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLAOK8MITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop A3gj All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANSTERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. tSKHsif W3I. AIXESf, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Ccccli to the Hotisc. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) C. "W. KNOWLES - - - - Proprietor First Class is Every Respect, Good Restaurant Connected -with the House Fire-proof Brick Bnlldlnjf. 180 Rooms. in tne uenver oi tne jiij. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, LiquGrs g Cigars, -X- 404 Chenamns Street, Ahtcrla. Ogn. J. H. D. GKAJ, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Orecon. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers "by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lO cts. for lOO-pnge Pamphlet DEBILITATED MEN. VftTI fim fl11YXA4 n MT 4tm4m. ,Ts.M vlw lse of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witt Jlectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for tno speeds ellef and permanent cure of Kervovs Debility, lost f Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles llso for many other diseases. Complete restore ,!on to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed Vo risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in sealei ftVVTV'l' UMM1VU 4t CI , UT QUUICMiU vujjizu.u aiuiix iv,t marsaau, mica -AFTER Electric Appliances are sent en 30 Days' Trial. TQ MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR QLDS "VTTHO are EuSerlnj? from Ksnvous DEMLmr V Lost Vitautt. Lack or Nektz Tones akd Vigor, Wisxxso Weaknesses, and all those disease: ota Peksokal Katcee resulting from Abuses and Otheb Causss. Bpeedy roliof and complete resto ratlcnofIlEAi.Tn,viooBandHAKnooDGCAUASTEn). The grandest dlscoTery of tho Nineteenth Centnrv SendatoncetorlUustratedPamphlotfree. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, KISH. RESTORED The reason that Thousands cannot pet cured of SEHJXAL KEAKSESS, LOSS OF 3IAK IIOOD, and thcresultcf abuse, disease or excesses, is orr.'j gtoa complication called PROSTATOR RllEA. DR. LIEDICS JXFIOORATOR is the OXLYcareforPROSTATORRIIEA. Price, f 2-00 per jictclcge, 6 paclages, S10 00. Guide to Health and Self-Analyst sent fret. Address LIE JiU! DISPEXSARYfor Diseases of Men, TO Oearv St.. Sat Pravcixco. Cat. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any o' ti er axe made. Hundreds oi woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes Deep and Xerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price. 81.50. J.C.TruIlinger Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. RepresentlnK the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptly an-i nccuratelv re acted. FJavehWbatf, - - - Astoria Oregon. NERVOUS -i-nr"TrarwiTn"T""-"t"ni i 111 ri-rr i. in MANHOOD ' (p POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and ivholesomer.ess. More economical man ine ordinary Kina, ana can not ho sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or pho3- iiiiate powaers. aoia omy in cans, uovaii Jakino PowdekCo. 106 Wall-st., N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, Proprietor;. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in tho Market, VT AS REASONABLE A FEICE. Tie Harfh Paciic Brewery Beer ItfFure and Unadulterated. Tt irlvAQrrinoril Sntlcfaptlon nnri Is Piu-n- isheu In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzincer next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Ooolce, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Tart of the City. -TIIE- A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort. Run In a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Comer ol Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Liprs aii Ciprs! Every Attention to tho Comfort of Patrons. Acent fortheThlnzvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOP STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, T7 geta"bles , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIENA2IU8 Street. Astoria, Off. THE SAN FRANCISCO BEER DEPOT, CEAS. GRATKB. Prop. ASTORIA, - - - .OREGON. The Finest Brands of Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. The Best San Francisco Beer in Kegs or Bottles Always on nand, Wholesale and itetail. THE SUNNYSIDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modem Improvements. Old Olympic opposite Parker House. Washington Market. Mala Street, - AttCorla, Orcson. BnRJHAK & CO.PIIOPIIIETORS OESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN ti tlon of the uubllo to tho fact that the above Market will always he supplied u 1th a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY. FRESH AND CURED MEATS I 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale aDd re tafl. Special attention given to supplying ohlps.-- v ITational Banks. On November 1st there were 2,855 national banks in existence, with a total capital of 548,240,- dO, or an average capital of81y2,- 028. During the year 174 banks have been organized with an ag gregate capital of 821,425,000, or an average capital of 12d,loli. As the total number of the nation al banks only increased 141 during the year, it shows that 33 banks during that period must have gone into liquidation. Of the 174 new banks, 98 or 56 per cent, have a capital of only 650,000 each; while 49 others range from $52,000 up to $100,000, leaving only 27 banks of larger capital. "Whether this system is to be allowed to die out, or is to be readjusted to the new conditions of the public debt, remains to be seen. It is certain, however, that they have made 'a great mistake by their hostility to silver, and if legal tender notes or coin certificates should take the place of their circulating notes, it would bo a just recompense for their short-sighted selfishness. E. Evaxs. president of the Lunibejr Exchange Bank, Tonawanda, N. Y. writes : January 15, 1886, 1 was entirely frustrated, and was reduced from 17b" 0126 lbs. I thought I had inflammation of the large bowel. The pain was re lieved only" by morphine forced under the skin. My doctor treated me for in flammation and catarrh of the bowels, an affection sympathetic with dis order of the left kidney. 1 had dis tressing pain, with night sweats, and could keep nothing on my stomach, especially liquids, and was intensely thirsty. Feb. 19 1 was in intense agony with pain in ray left kidney. I then began Warner's safe cure. In 20 min utes I was relieved. I refused the doc tor's medicines thereafter. 1 finally passed a large stdne from tho bladder, then my pains ceased." If you write Mr. Evans, enclose stamp for reply. It is an odd sight says the Al banr Herald to see the O. R. & N. steamers passing up the river empty and returning loaded with wheat and the O. V, boat going down empty and returning up loaded with the same commodity. Propbietor II. B. Kixxky, Weldon House, Earlville, N. 5f., was run down by overwork and threatened with Bright's disease, followed by stone in the kidney and bladder, which produced intense pain and spasms. A council of physicians did him no good. He passed fresh blood from the urinary organs. Everything else failing, he was finally fully restored to health by Warner's safe cure, as hundreds of thousands of other acute sufferers have been. Don't take Warner's word for it. Write Mr. Kinney (enclosing stamp), and ask your friends and neighbors about War ner's safe cure. Wool is cheaper in American than in any European center. Prices must be equaled by and by, which will mean an advance of prices in this country. 3s. rArovOe. Blood Elixir is the TtVASA& only Blood JRemedy guaranteed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neu ralgic pains. We guarantee it. J. W. Conn. Maine has, during the past year, put up 10,701,000 cans of corn, over 840,000 cans of succotash and over 144,000 cans of Lima beans. o-voyte, things of sorrowful ly let alono on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positive guaranteo at 25 and 50 cent3, by J. W. Conn. 'SS Some dairymen save the last fourth of the milk from tho cow in a separate vessel, and pour it di rectly into a cream jar. Cure JFor JPilcs. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in tho back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing tho patient to suppose he has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, otc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon -ittendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedj', which acts directly upon tho parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th o intense Itch ing,and effecting a per manent cure. Prico 50 cents. Address Tho Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. YOUXG 2IEX I-EEAD THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-voltaic Bklt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous debility, los of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alw for rheumatism, neuralRia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ko risk Is in curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pampnlet free GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878, BAKER'S Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess oi Oil has been removed. It hai t hrtt timcitht strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, ana is therefore far more cconom ical, cotiing Utt than one ctnt a cup. It Is deliciou. nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, sad admirably adapted for inval- ildaaswell&sforpersonsinhealui. Sold by Grocers everywhere. I ff. BAKSH 5 CO., IlGICllBSter.MasS. I I Si The Most Effective and Popular Remedy Ever Discovered. WHY IS IT SO EFFECTIVE IN SO MA2TY DIFFERENT DISEASES? 7TTY one remedy can affect so . t ;i : ; j T T can anect uio cause, permanently cures all the diseases. Unlike any other organ id the body, the Kid ney when diseased, may nseh be free from pain and the very fact that it is not painful leads y people to 1?J 5 SKdV-But c tf cal ttorffes agree that it can he far gone with disease SnS yet give forth no pain, because it has few n any nerves of sensation, and these are the only means of convev- msr uie buiiu ui pum ; uius unconscic io teu u ii la uiiiS or is in gooa oraer : we iook at tne nanus, or note tha not opentneKiQneyio,Beeit it is "WrtWi 7 f?tn iliTnlnnAi rf v j-1 j Clni5,-, uuuiuumBwpuit;, diseases ami how they fA jj.kjj-' i'iuuulw ..-jiy ui injunuiuuif suuiinvib ana, vnsiispectea nrCTyftfi' mHii..A3 At.t.CiU. j-ii .. VVMPTlIFfflS,?cv2ine! unusual aesire to urinate at night: O I liCa I USVj'J, Tired Feelings ; Unusual amount of Greasy Froth in tv rieuie Apnetue: ocaiumg sensatiens: Acid, mtter taste, with furred .wjrcxwi, "iuico J-.HW, ujiua nuuumi ciuicuioui, iu uiu ouiau oi tuo xsacK ; ueposit of mucous some ujicr ur,MU4,ti, x.oaa oi memory ; Kiieumausm, emus and fever and Pneumonia; Dropsical Swelling3 or Tfiu.o yncK. uusc, tuoKnen ana uioc casts in ricrawr; constipation, alternating with Looseness- urc-ai u, x iuuiis miu jjronciiiai auccuons; letiowisn paie sKm, etc. ihese are only tho chief disorders or symptoms caused by a diseased thou, isn't it clear to you that the kidneys, beine the cause of all these iiuunu uv iiiuxirabteircuiiu: vvarner'S dAfb vure, the majority ot pearY There is jx U MHTJSJlrjlBO UTIT. It does cure many bad iiu uiiuuwi. w ueu me Kiuueys are uiseaseu, tne aioumen, tne me property of the blood, escapes through their walla and passes away in the water, while the urea, the kidney poison, remains, and it is this Kidney poison tn the blood, that, circulating throughout the entire body, affects every organ, and produces all the aoovc svmvtoms. T,r?f?? "Warner's SAFE Cure," is THE MOST EFFECTIVE MUIjlJSIu Hsl 21 JilbCOT'EIlED for the human race. Itis thecommonremedv which, overcoming the common cause, removes the greatest possible number of evil effects from the'sttstp.ni. T.pf hi nnt n few of these nn&iSHMPTSfiSih ? many cases Consumption is only tho effect uw"wu'.,i. wits tern ami not au otigmal disease; if the kidne-s are inactive and there is any natural weakness in the lungs, the lculney poison attaclcs their substance and eventually they waste aivay and are destroyed. Dip your finger in acid and it is burned. Wash the finger every day in acid and it soon becomes a festering eoie a&d is eventually destroyed. The kidney poison acid in the blood has the same do Scructivr effect upon the lungs: For this reason a neraon whrwA kidnnvn nm ;Hn. will i, TT-ivnf. ffw.l-o r,t f iiriilii) ir tltn C?nH?.nC XI, - T r , "" ' IHIUIHIHU 111 IUU OJillilg reasons of the year, uectiiy the action of thousands have done, and" you will be IMPAIRED EYE-8IQHT:: uli i wini nuuiu urauua nw un es- .i: ? :i. . l -. with some parsons 1m an es- pciii: ajjlniiy or the optic iier'e, a l though we have never urged i a euro for disordered eye si dit, many persons have written" us exproFfing surprise that after a thorough course of treatment with "Warner's SAFE Cure." th?ir eye-sight has been vastly improved. In fact, one of the best ojculists in the country says that half the jHtticnts that come to him with bad ojrs, upon examination he discovers are victims of Icidney disorder. We havo no doubt that the reason why so many people com plain of failing eye-sight early in life, is that, all unconscious to them selves, their kidneys have been out of order for yeai's, and the kidney poison is gradually ruining the system. OPIUM HABITS: JX& oently shown anew, that opium, morphine, cocaine, whisky, tobacco and other enslaving habits capture their victiniB by their paralyzing ef f jts upon the kidneys and liver. In these organs the appetite is de veloped and sustained, and the best authorities state that the hab its cannot be gotten rid of un til the Icidney s and liver are re stored to perfect health. For this purpose, leading medical au thorities, after a thorough examina tion of all claimauts for the honor of bMng the only specific for those or gir.s, have awarded tho prize to ''Warner's SAFE Cure." RHEUMATISM: &S will tell you that rheumatism is caused by an acid condition of the system. With some it i3 uric acid, or kidney poison; in othet3, it is lithic acid, or liver poison. This acid condition is causedby in activity of the Jcidneys and liver, false action oftlie stom ach and food assimilating or gans. It affects old people more than young people because the acid has been collecting in the system for years and finally tho system be comes entirely acidified. These acids pioduco all the various forms of rheu matism. " Warner's SAFE Cure'"1 acting, upon tho kidneys atid liver, neutralizing the acid and correcting their false action, cures many cases of rheumatism. "War ner's SAFE Rheumatic Curef" alternating with the use of "Warner's Safe Cure" completes the work. TUEQE ADC QPICMTIC'P CAPTQ and, from the way we have set them forth, it will plainly be 1 liLOL Ii!lL OUILII I lull THO 1 0, seen, that tho statement we make, that " Warner's SAFE Cure " is the "most effective remedy ever discovered for the greatest number of hum an diseases," is justified. It is not a remedy without a reputation. Its sales for the past year have been greater than ever, and the advertis ing thereof less than ever, showing incontestibly that the merit of the medicine has given it a permanent place and value. Peoplo have a dreadful fear of Bright's disease, but we can tell them from our experience that it is the ordinary kidney disease that produces no pain that is to-day the greatest enemy of the hitman race: great and all powerful, because in nine cases out of ten, its presence is not suspected by either the physi cian or the victim ! The prudent man who finds himself year after year troubled with little odd ache3 and ailments that perplex him, ought not to hesitate a moment as to the real cause of his disease. If he will give himself thorough constitutional treatment with "Warner's SAFE Cure" and Warner's SAFE Pills," ho will geta new lease of life and justify in his own experience, as hundreds of thousands havo done, that 03 per cent, of human diseases are really attributable to a deranged condition of the kidneys, and that they will disappear when those organs are restored to health. U ARNER S SAFE C -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HA5SEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonds Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. AU Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wsteli and Clock Repairing: A SPECIALTY. Corner Casa and Squemoqua Streets. OF many cases is this : Tllft fHqPnSPQ llfitra n nnmmnr , -J -J il.-l. msiv diseased it aitecta thp. witim ' t-rr i . .," . diseased. VYe study the condition of "T T -.-r- . n . -7t JW m u7. T - swuhj jiuiv vj uurn-cuiorca water; sour Stomach; Heartburn with are affected by kidney poison, and Ul IUB improvement ILADDERDISORDERS:S i -ii , . .... ouier niPii mRfiinai nnrhrntAQ snv that most of tho bladder diseases - - - -.-.- j originate with false action of the kidneys, and urinary tract. Urie acid constantly coursing through these organs inflames and eventually destroys the inner membrane, pro ducing the intense suffering. Sometimes this kidnev acid solidi fies in the kidney in the form of uravei, wnicu in its descent to the bladder produces Icidney colic. Sometimes the acid solidifies in the Bladder, producing calculous or Stone. "Warner's SAFE Cure" has restored thousands of cases of inflammation and catarrh of the bladder and has effectively corrected the tendency to the forma tion of gravel and stone. It chal lenges comparison with all other remedies in this work. Buy to da- 'WARNER'S SAFE CURE." CONGESTION: agSgr'tf gether of blood in any one place. If there is loss of nervous action in any organ the blood vessels do not allow the blood to circulate and it stag nates. If this condition exists very long the collecting blood clots and eventually destroys the organ. Many pcrsonB aro unconscious vic tims of this very common con dition. The heart, determined as it is to force blood into every part of the system, has to work hardor to get it through the clogged organ, and eventually the Heart breaks down and palpitation, excessive action, rush of blood to the head, dis tressing headaches, indicate that the1 Congestion has become chronic and is doing damage to the entire system. Congestion of the kidneys is one of the commonest of complaints and i3 the beginning of much chronic -misery "Warner's SAFE Cure " will remove it. FEMALE COMPLAINTS: What wo have said about Conges tion applies with particular forco to the above complaints. They aro as common as can he, and as every doc tor can tell you, most of them be gin in this congestive condition of the system, which, not being regularly corrected, grows into dis ease and produces these countless sufferings which can be alluded to but not described in a public print. Thousands have been permanent ly cured. D! nnn niononcDo. it is not LJLUUU UJUUIlULllO. si atranco that so many, many people write us ' Wyatt& Thompson, DEALERS IN Fresh and Cured Meats. Croceries and Provisions. Flour and Mill Feed, HAY, 3RAIN, Ito. MEDICINES - wj. tiikiu & iuuiuiun 1-i.Lirn- mill i& rpniniv iiimt. a a -m a ,.. u vw0br. ,,c ij iiut uucu J ttillAU accuracy of its time. So we need theRvstm. Nathan 7Trn-??v r -J --' --, ---' . Fluttering and pain in the heart; 'ater: Irritated, hot and drv skin: rOflfmA in tTio rriTi iti c TTnn A n V t n-ts4 m . ' . . time Red Short condition of the kidnevs. Now derangements, if they are restored to the above ailments will dtsaD- slates of tho system precisely a3 we cured by 9? of a diseased condition of the svs- -.- ... . . ofthelunas- that since they have eiven the-ni- selves thorough treatment tfith " Warner's SAFE Cure " their thick and turgid blood, ti8ir heavy, blotched, irritable sldn have disappeared under its potent influ ence. The kidney poison in the blood thickens it. It is not readily purified in the lungs, and the result is the impurities come out of "the sur" face of the body, and if there is any local disease all the bad ness in the blood seems to col lect there. Our experience justifies us In the statement that li War ner's SAFE Cure" "a "the greatest blood purifier known." The treatment must be very thorough. STOMACH DISORDERS: IMany people complain more or less throughout the year with stomach disorders : Dyspepsia. Indicestion, Waterbrash, heat and distress in the Btomach, sharp pains, frequent aches, want of appetite, lack of energy. Now, these aro exactly the conditions that will be produced in the stomach when the blood is filled with icidney poisen: People dose them selves with all sorts of stomach re liefs, but get no better. They never will get better until they give their attention to a thorough" reviving of kidney and liver action by means of the only specific ' Warner SAFE Cure.'' CONSTIPATION, PILES: These distressing ailments, more common among one class than the other, aro not original disorders, but are secondary to imperfect ac tion of the kidneys and liver. The natural cathartic is bile, which is taken from the blood by the Hvor. If tho liyer fails the bile is not forth coming and tho person geta into a constipated habit. This, eventually followed by piles, is almost always an indication of congested liver, and a breaking down of tho system Rcmovo the congestion, revive thb liver and restore the kidneys by the use of "Warner's SAFE Curef" and these constitutional secondary diseases disappear. HEADACHES! feruntoufagonies all their lives with headache. They try every remedy in vain, for they have not struck the cause. With some temperaments, kidney acid in the blood, in spite1 of all that can be done, will irritate and inflame the brain and produce intense suf fering. Those obstinate headaches which do not yield readily to local treatment, mav bo regarded quite certainly as of of kidney origin. n Tho Commodious Str. MONTESANO Will moke regular dally trips from WOOD'S LANDING to ASTORIA Stopping at "Way Landings, Leaving Wood's Landing at 6 a. at every nionilii? except Sunday, returning leave Wilson & Fisher's Wharf at 2 r. ar. Will ran twice a week to Svensens Land. Ing, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Once a week to Blind Slough, Thursdays. Will commence Monday morning, Decista, 188. For Freight or Parage apply on board or to D.H.WELCH, ' Azeat,