3) ftttc Jlattif glirtov&m. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY... -MARCH :. 18C There will bo a special meeting of the vestry of Grace church to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Hon. J. K. Kelly, Hon. Sydney Dell and Hon. A. Noltner are before the publfc; 'tis a very pretty quarrel as it stands. The pilot schooner goes to sea to day, the pilots having made arrange ments to that effect. Pilot Doig goes as master. W. S. Ladd is having a well dug at East Portland that is now 1,400 feet deep; looks like a long way to go for water in this country. By request Rev. A. J. Joslyn will hold divine services at 4 o'clock this afternoon, on board the Amphritrite lying at the Main street wharf. Note Coopers now adv't. His stock is large, his prices low, his clerks accomodating and Lis selec tions suited to his customers' require ments. Tide tables, Al style: tide table on one side; your business card on the other; assorted; April, May, June and July; at Tnn Astoeiax "job office; bottom figures. It is thought that the old eastern rates will be established on the 1st. It is hardly probable, however, that the figures will ever again be as steep as they used to be. The Tressa May is ashore at New port, Yaquina bay. Such large steamers as the Tressa May occa sionally find difficulty in securing sufficient draught. The Tressa May draws over three feet Already nominations for various offices are being fixed up and divided to apparent mutual satisfaction. That kind of business didn't work two years ago and it won't work now. The primaries of the county conven tions are the places to do the nomin atingthat is if the election of those mentioned is really desired. Not in the previous history of the business has there been such exten sive preparation for canning opera tions as that now being made for the coming season's work ou the lower Columbia. To some it looks as though the preparations were on too extensive a scale in some instances, but time alone can solve the problem. The Philadelphia Times celebrates its eleventh birthday by issuing a twenty-page edition. It is an im mense affair, every way, and if called suddenly for some exponent of the spirit and progress of the age, one couldn't do better than show just such a big, bustling newspaper, crammed full of news and facts and the very essence of -the day in its manifold columns. Ever since the A las kan came dot Horn around and her dripping pad dle wheels stopped revolving at Port land, the newspapers have been as signing a route for that vessel. One time it is to Alaska, then to Gray's harbor, then to Astoria, more often to Ilwaco. occasionally on the Sound. The Tacoina Ledger hears that she will run from that city to Victoria. Maybe co. The Pate of the Tournnnient. The meeting of the board of di rectors of the Oregon State Firemen's association was held at the St Charles hotel yesterday morning at eleven o'clock it having been post poned to enable a full board to be present Ben Worsley telegraphed to The As tomax last night that the time set for holding the tournament was the eighth, ninth, and tenth of next Sep tember, which comes about right for the Astoria fire department. Sunday School Conrorl. This evening there will be a quarterly review and Sunday school concert at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. Garner will deliver a short address ou parental responsibility. The exercises will consist cliiefly of a selection of choice hymns sung by the ohildren, assisted by the choir. Miss Nellie Plavel, organist; Mr. Geo. H. Stewart, chorister. The public is cordially invited to this interasting service. Mrs. Alsey Fox returned Thursday evening from a tour of eastern Ore gon and "Washington territory, but will leave to-day for Astoria, to re main permanently with her sons. A largo circle of friends in east and west Portland regret "Aunty's" de parture, as she has always been a good counselor and cherished friend to all with whom she came in con tact Oregonian, 27. Giiftin & ReeA have no need of clear ance and auction sales; stiictly business and fair dealing to their patrons solves the problem. Clatsop Cheese Ten cents a pound. You take One pound or a Hundred at the same rate, at Carnahan & Co.'s. Griffin & Reed are taking advantage of the low rates and have a large invoice of goods on the way from the east The latest novels in JIunroe's,Loveirs -)l the Seaside Libraries received as soon as published at the City Book Store. The last musical instrument, a fine Estey Organ, worth $173 can be bought for S100 cash, at the Crystal Palace. First come first served. Bone Itlcal In quantities to suit at 1 cent per pound at Carnahan & Co.'s. Canuerymen and Storekeepers will do well to lay in a stock of Blank Books and Stationerj' before the stock runs out at the Crystal Palace. At the price that stock is being sold it cannot last very long. Hay ward Rubber Boots at 1). L. Beck JfcSons. Tojb. United tba bfFt eytrers. s -KfcSiaurftnt xor ,te room!. PLASHED A0B0SS THE LAND. Precautionary Peace Measures in St. Louis. TIIK PAIIjY STRIKE; AT THIS TIME. PITTSBURG Intoivstinz Item of News Tclpj-raplioil I'wm All Part-, of the Woild. St. Locis, March 27. Chairman Irons, of the executive committee of District Assembly No. 101, K. of L.f when shown the statements of Pow derly and Turner telegraphed from New York and Philadelphia, paid: "If is not necessary for me to give any authority for any thing that "I have said. We don't have to be guided by what Powderly says. The general committee has no power here; it cannot come hero and settle this trouble unless we make a request" Turner's state ment in which he declares that Irons is cue of the men who is doing the order a great injury being shown him, he said, "I have noth ing to say about that. I will not be drawn into any controversy with Powderly or Turner: they have no right to denounce me in this man ner." "But yon made the statement they complained of." ""What I said," replied Irons, "was, if the striko was not settled it might extend over all the roads in the country. I will tell you more than I said, and that is that it may extend among all the Knights of Labor all over the coun try." TWO REGHJIENT3 OF SOIiDIEUS FOE ST. IiOUIS. In addition to the dispatch from Pittsburg received last night to the effect that a company of U. S. infan try passed through the city en route from New York city, news was re ceived this morning that twenty com panies of soldiers had left Columbus, Ohio, destined for St Louis. It is understood at Columbus that the de tachment will be placed in a position to afford protection to railroad inter ests in east St Louis, if their services should become necessary. The ac tion i3 taken as a precautionary meas ure based ou information that de struction of property has beau threat ened. The mayor of that city has already been called upon to Turuish protection for the property of the railroad company, but has signified his inability to do so, six men be ing all that he had at his disposal. The county authorities will be ap plied to to-day; if necessary the gov ernor of Illinois will be asked for protection for the company's proper ty in his state. TilE nEOOKLYN STRIKE. New York, Mar. 27. The strike of the drivers and conductors on the Brooklyn railway still continues. Neither side has shown any disposi tion to yield. The police are guard ing the stables and offices of the com pany. A STRIKE IK PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, Mar. 27. This morn ing the street-car conductors and drivers of all lines about the city ex cept the Citizens' Transverse and Second Avenue lines, went out on a strike. At a conference last night between the officials of eleven other companies in this city and district Master Workman Evans no agreement was reacueu and the district master issued an or der to all the men not to take out any cars this morning. So far the companies have not attempted to run any cars. Everything is quiet. PRICE OF SUOAR IK CHICAGO. Chicago, Mar. 27. A leading sugar merchant says, yesterday two car loads of refined sugar from San Fran cisco sold in Chicago at one-fourth of a cent per pound less than the price for sugar of New York grades. This firm received a telegram from Spreck- les refinery offering their granulat ed sngar for six cents in San Francisco and guaranteed the freights to Chica go at three eighths of a cent to New York. Granulated sugar then selling in Chicago at six and five-eighths cents.. He was thus enabled to sell a quarter of a cent bleow the price of the New York refiners. At these prices for California sugar only two cars ai rived. CHICAGO 3IAEKETS. Wheat quiet, cash 81; corn easy, 35?6, cash, 3S May; oats easy, 29, cash 31 May; whiskey SL14; pork easy 89.62, casb.S9.70 May; lard easier, 5.75 cash, $6 May. FAILURE OF A FEEKCH BAKK. Calais, Mar. 27 The Delvots bank has suspended. The liabilities are $500,000. TERRIBLE ir TRUE. Lokdok. March 27. It is stated this afternoon that Jos'. Chamberlain, president of the local Scotland gov ernment board and Sir Arthur Trevy- lan, secretary for Scotland, have resigned and that the queen has ac cepted the resignations. SECRETARX MAKKIKG'S CONDITION. Washtkgtok, Mar. 27. Secretary Manning's condition is uucbanged. "He is not out of d auger," said Dr, Lincoln to-day, "and will not be for some time yet, but we feel encouraged as time goes by." WOK BY PRINCE RUDOLPH. Lokdok, Mar. 27. The race for the Liverpool spring cup was won by Prince Rndolph. THE OREGON OEKTBAL RAILWAY. Portlakd, Mar. 27. Yesterday ar ticles filed in the office of the secre tary state, incorporating "the Oregon Central Railway company." The object of the concern is the construc tion and equipment of a railroad and telegraph line from Coos bay near Empire City, thence via Ro3eburg, in Douglas county, to a point on the Oregon Short Line near where the latter crosses the eastern boundary of Oregon. The principal office of the corporation will be at Empire City. The capital stock is placed at $12,500,000 in shares of $500 each. It is supposed the main object is to make s survey" east from Rosebnrg to the Orf on Short Line. AN UNUSUAL SUIT. This afternoon papers were filed in county clerk's office, of Multnomah county, in a suit of an unusual kind under the title of J. R. E. Selby, against the city of Portland. This civil action is brought to recover money from the city to the amount sued for, which is 815,600. It is claimed in the complaint that plain tiff was formerly a policeman, but was discharged without cause and no reason. Ho claims the city is owing him up to date and for valuable con sideration he purchased the claims of others in thesame circumstances, the names of whom are J. H. Lappeus, formerly chief of police, T. P. Luther, D. W. Dobbins, A. H. Johnson, and J. 13. Cramer. MT. HOOD ATTRACTS ATTENTION. What appeared to be a large vol ume of smoke issuing from the top of Mt. Hood has caused great excite ment here to-day. How the Canadian Pacific Terminns Looked to a Scattleite. Sherman Heck returned from Coal harbor to day, by way of Victoria, and just as he landed from the Stai'r was struck by a Call reporter for his experience. "Damdest place I ever saw," he said, by way of commence ment; "no money there; board, 7 per week; wages, S2 per day for slash ing, and yon can't get your money at all, works are now closed down; rained, snowed and hailed all last week there; town fnll of stumps and shantie3 and no prospect of au im provement soon." "Is there no business there?" said the reporter, ns he got a chance to get in a word. "Not a bit! Six ho tels are waiting for a chance to start up, and GOO men are waiting for something to do. Clayton Bros., of this city, are about to open a hotel there, and two former Seattleites have rented a 12x28 buildiug at $40 per month to start a cone house. That is what the business amounts to, and the best thing the working men can do is to stay away from there." "How about property V "Well, that's a terror. If you had a flour sack fnll of twenties and wanted a corner lot, yon would have to give up the twenties and fish for more coin to put up a house. I have come home to stav." Seattle Call. Some Get Along Hint Way. We understand the new schooner now on the stocks at North Bend will be launched sometime this week. This schooner will be rather an odd looking vessel from all acconuts. She will have four masts, no top masts, no bowsprit or jib-boom. The absence of these features will render her general make up widely different from the orthodox craft that now plows the seas. We are not much of a sailor, and consequently are not prepared to express an opinion about the sea-going qualities of such an ec centricity in the shipbuilding line, but we slioum tuinlr it wonm won derfully detract from the beauty of a vessel to have no head or tail pieces. However, she may get along without them. Some psoplo do. -fJoit Mail Where the Vajw Come From. A boy who said his name was John O'Brien was fined $25 for begging on the streets. He asked leave to go to Astoria, and his wish may be gratified. W. W. Wilson, a vag, likewise requested to be allowed to go down to the sounding sea. First he said he wanted to be a bold, brave fisherman, and a moment later for got himself, and said ha had an engage ment on a ship bound for Liverpool. Judge Dement remarked. "Wilson, I will Hue yon $25, and you will be let out in time to catch the morning boat If you don't catch the boat the police will catch you before night and bring you bank."' Oregonini Police Court lle porl. Just se: and when such fellows ns Portland is shipping down here nre pulled in, the Oregonian will hold up both hands iu holy horror nnd wonder what dreadful creatures are found at large in Astoria, and where can they have possibly come from. A ICim oil :t I)iHStor4. Never was such a ius.li made for any Drug Store as is now at W. E. Dement & Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New' Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons aftected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Brit tle of this great remedy free, by call ing at above Drugstore. Jtegular size $1.00. Ludics. Commencing Monday, 20th, for one weok only, we will sell our 50 cent, 75 cent and -51 Buttons at 15 cents per doz en, at the Low Price Store. Cctlnr Nvt Flouts For sale on O. U. & N. Co.'s wharf, ply to Carnahan & Co. Ap- Children's Carriages at wav down prices at Griffin & Reed's. Cannervmen will find a large stock of Blank B joks at Griffin & Reed's. Attention r.udie. Don't buy your Children's School Hats until Eaton & Carnahan receive theirs. They have on the way 300 doz.. not last years styles,bnt thelatest styles. They will sell them cheaper than any house in town, and during their open ing which will surpass anything of the kind ever held in Astoria, they will give away school hats to anyone buying one dollar's worth and upwards. --Mlackmetack," a lasting and fra- giant perfume. Price 25 aud DO cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint V bhilolrs v itallzer is uuaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. K. De ment & Co. For a Seat Fitting Beet Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods OEStaatly arriylag, Custom work. JOB WORK TOO. Last Thursday's Astobiax quoted prices of advertising in some 70 news papers, showing that our figures were the cheapest of any in the country. Not only in advertising are The As toriak's prices "way down." In job work, too, the same rule prevails. Just for instance. There was a job finished ve3terday in this office for Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W., of this city. It was an order received from that Lodge for 300 three hun dredcopies of the constitution, by laws, laws of general application, etc. In tho work are 72,000 ems. The composition of 72,000 em3, the press work, the paper, the stitching and binding and the whole work of mak ing these 300 copies, done in The As torian office costs the Lodge how much do you think? Just $25.50. Now any printer knows that if this job was done in a Portland printing office it would cost Seaside Lodge at least $48. Some time ago Beaver Lodge No. 35, I. O. O. F., of this city, wanted similar work done. The Astobian bid against three Portland printers, got the job because its bid was the lowest, and did it in first-class shape. Now we don't ask for job work. Send your coin away if you want to. But don't have it as an excuse that you can't get work done in Astoria just as good and just as cheap. Be cause you can; as a matter of fact you can save money by getting your job printing done at home. There is no sympathy nor senti ment about this thing. It's cold bus iness. Seaside Lodge isn't so enam ored of us that it would squander its members' money on a job such as we have just furnished for them. But like thrifty, economical folks as they are they keep the money at home and instead of sending $48 or $50 to Port land, they get the work done just as good in The Astorian office fcr $25.50. MILWAUKEK LIGEIt BKEB. Milwaukee, Wis., March 20. The dis ciples of the school of total abstinence may perpaps take some comfort by per using the following table of statistics, from which it appears that the aggregate anionnt of beer sold by the Milwaukee brewers daring the year 1835 shows a con siderable falling off as compared with tho sales of tho next preceding year. It will bo noticed, however, that the old renowned Phillip Be3t Brewing Com pany has to rocord a gain, and is still maintaining its proud prestigo of being at the head of tho column, while the sales of its principal corapatitor show a marked decrease. The figures are vouched for as correct in every respect: IKS I. IStt. nA' LlU- I'll. Heat Brew- lng Coinpii 37S,iJio a3,23"i 0,71." ........ Joseph fcclil I tz Brewing Co.- a.l03 31T.42S 21.CM Val H!.itz 1;,143 145.0tt! s.fOH Jung& Borch- ert 50.103 53.3S3 2.978 .. .1. Obenuann... 'Sifiil 29.2S0 4.0O. T. Miller. 43.933 50,183 &5 Cream CUJ Brewing Co- 29,"i78 25.507 4.071 A. Hettelman.. 13.444 13.133 311 Oilier Brewer. 70.105 ct.057 ... . 6.03S Total KM I,C91.492l,OS3.20323,SM'::2,ir He Wa Mnch Obliged. A lady who boards in the United Slates hotel at Litchfield, Conn., was annoyed by the slamming of a win dow shutter the other night. Finally, with much trouble, she located the room, entered, raised the window, fastened the shutter, and was horri fied when the calm voice of a Boston drummer iu the bed snid: "Thank you, ma'am.' iliicli'cu'jt Arnica Sail L'iie IIkvt Sai,vi: in Ihe world for Cuts i.rtuseSjSorert.UIciTsSalt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tion, and positively cures Pilrs, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or nione l of muled, .rice 2-1 cents per box. For sa le bv V 15. Dement fc Co. M.tmifrielured only by the California Fig S.wnp Co. San Francisco Cal. is Nature own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid Iruit remed may he had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt nnd effective lcincdy known, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Li'.er, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Headachs, Colds and Fevers rto cure Constipntion, Indigestion and kindred ills. It may be well to remind the public that the stock at the Crystal Palace is belling rapidly. Everything must and will be sold, as the prices show very Elainly they mpan strictly business, .ay iu what you need and save money while yon can. SullohV Vilaluens what you need fur Const inat:un. Loss of Aonetite. Diz- zincvi and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prire 10 ami 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Being- 3Iore Pleasant To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more tiuly beneficial in its action the famous California liquid fruit Syrup of Fic is rapidly super seding all others. For sale by V. E. Dement & Co. AJi the patent medicines advertised in thispapvr, together with the choicest Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Astoria. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital Izer Is a positive cure. For sale by V7. E. Dement & Co. To Ilousckeopor.s. Attention is called to our advertls ment in another column giving a par tial list of the goods to be found iu our stock. We aim to carry the best assort ment to be found iu Astoria, and cash or short time buyers will find it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from us. Goods delivered free or charge to any part of the city. D. L. Bkck & Sox. Coal. Hay ami Straw, Tacoma Coal $6 per ton, delivered. Choice Hay from $9 to $12 per ton. Cow Hay and Straw S7 to iiO per ton For sale by J H. D. Gbat. DISTRIBUTIVE CO-OPERATION. Probably just the state of things which was the rule in manufactures years ago, could not now be found. Time was when the manufacturer had everything his own way. For exam ple, in some valley where watei pow er was running to waste, a mill was started. The owners called together the young, the poor, those in tempor ary need of winning means for the carrying on of other operations, and out of them organized a community for the manufacture, say, of woolens. The owners built cheap houses, which were rented to operatives, or boarding-houses, of which the profits came to the company. They paid low wage3, and, to make sure that they were well spent, they opened a store in which were kept and sold every thing the operative could need. The operative kept a 'pass-book," and the company kept the accounts. What ever" he, she, or they of the family earned was credited; and whatever he, she, or they spent at the factory was charged. The thrifty and the prudent care fully watched the income nnd expendi- i ture. But the tired, the careless, and the thriftless could not properly ' match income to outgo. The pru-i dent made some savings, which the company paid; and a snug farm or! mechanic's shop was the goal attained , after some months or a few years of self-denial. But, to the improvident, no such release came. A little debt, not too large to be tempting, but large enough to ensnare tho unwary, i kept them the slaves of the company. ; Upon all classes, both the wary and ! (j the unwary, the company levied its tax and collected its profit. Whether the principal business paid a profit or not, it still was profitable to be the purveyor of all tho necessaries of life to those who must buy and for whose trade there was no competitor. That was the good old way for which many sometimes long. Since that day, labor has been coming to a consciousness of itself, of its place and power in the community. With many and vigorous efforts, often mis directed, it is slowly clearing for it self a new standing ground. Chief among tho attempts to make itself independent of the employer of labor and to increase the purchasing power of wages is the experiment of co-op-1 oration, uiten ineu ana oiten a raii ure, it still grows in favor; an 3, as the preliminary blunders enlighten those who are interested, both the problem and tho method of solution grow more plain. No experiment of tho kind has suc ceeded in which were not concerned some few or many managers and agents who were not only honest and capable, but who had a zeal for the common good. There must be some who havo the sentiment of benevo lence nnd a strong desire to serve their fellows by teaching them the way of a better common use of their advan-1 tages. Some "enthusiasm for hu-' manity" must get itself infused into ! such attempts, or they fail. Perhaps even better than these is the lesson of common responsibility for the common good, a lesson not yet leamad,spite of all the sharp les sons taught by directors who do not manage. They ;vho by co-operation would thrive must contribute to the common stock, honesty, enthusiasm, unselfishness, and vigilance. Now, any experiment which shall increase the estimation of these qualities and bring them into common use will as sist in the elevation of the whole class who practice them. Communism in the destructive forms will never get much beyond the early stages. It is a blossom infect ed in tho bud, and sure to be blasted before it is blown. But the commun ism which simply encourages mutual helpfulness, mutual dependence, and simple honesty as the basis of pros perity is yet to flower into many and beautifnl forms of life. Farmers ami I"Tceh:iiiIci. Save money and Doctor bills. Relieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely purchase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough aud Lung Syrup, best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Price 50 cents and 1.00. Sam ples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. Prime Quality Goodwin Butter at L. Beck & Sons. D. One thousand Brookside libraries just teceived at the New York Novelty Store. Xew goods ! New goods ! At the As toria tnilor'.. Tnos. Maiks. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free For sale by W. E. Demeut. Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied by leav- IllH UIUCI3 llll ,J. 11. U. UlHj. House to Rent. Inquire of I. W. Case. For Rent, At a reasonable rate ; the fine new build ing opposite KirchhotFs bakery. In quire at this: ofllce. Crofr, The Leading Photographer, guarantees as cood work as can be had in the state. Pictures taken in any kind of weather with the Instantaneous Process. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure Is Mild by us on guarantee. It cures OHiiiunptlon. Sold by W. E. De ment. Shiloh's Cuue will immediately relieve Cronp, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, bold by W. E. Dement & Co To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Ofllce. Nicely Furnished Rooms, VKriTH OR WITHOUT BOARD : AT t T 31m. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, tliree doors south of AsioniAX ofllce. Money to Loan fX APPROVED SECURITY COUNTY Ortleis bought. Apply at the ofllce of F. D. "WTNTON. To Rent. 4 FINE SUITE OF R00M3 IN THE ODD Fellows' Balldmj. i4S QLER. First Arrivals of sHHfe-'i v ,uwrH nn RamimfBErmzzBmKUBmffi We will Show This Week The Largest Selection Of the Ahove Goods EVJEJE BB-QTJGcSeST1 'TO ASTORXAl In the Very Latest and Choicest Designs, Consisting of Oxinl3Loca. Sursucls.ers, Lattice 01ieok.B Oorean IVOr&'axa.caJ.ejs, TurooTn axis Stripes, Java Olotlis. t - rrTi m vrfc.-fc Cambrics, Percales, 3r1 -n grlxaTn &, 3B3to. These goodi are remarkably cheap and Ladies would do well to make" their selections early as It will he impossible to duplicate later Iu the season. C. H. COOPER'S, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing He use of Astoria, AGTUA I Propose to Establish a Business here at any Sacrifice. AND 1 AM ANXIOUS TO SELL GOODS; 1 Offe This Week a Few Lines of MEN'S. YOUNG MEN'S, AND BOYS' CLOTHING At Prices That Will Astonish You ! If You Want a HAT or Suit of UNDERCLOTHES, Or anything in my Line, call in, it will pay you. . I Expect to Gain Your Confidence by HEKMAN WISE, The L and N. Y. Store. Under the Occident CITY BOOK STORE. Books and Stationery! The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From. GRIFFIN oDnnsoBasonoT od We have Junt Received an Elegant Stock of SPKING CLOTHING! These Goods are made of the Choicest Patterns. Fashionably Cut and of the Best Value. We have also a Large Stock of HANDSOME '2. IS FOREIGN ASM AMERICAS GOODS. 3XT 3E3 W" 3ST DE3 O K. "VST E8 -A. i. I -A FULL LINE OF GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS ALWAYS IN STOCK. The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store MacDONALD & McINTOSH. L FACTS & suitings: TtfTfa-. "sfcw