"', "T I VOL.XXY, NO. 74. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 2, J886. PRICE. MVE CENTS. hT!iiiiltmiinkktivirtiitt BUSINESb CARDS, c. k. THonsof, n. n. coovrr.r. Tnoaisoa & cootekt, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. i OrriCK Kooms 4 am! ", oer Cit Hook More. Architect and Civil Engineer. Off ion Room i Knl-lit-. of !thia- funding. S!Sf. A. I,. and .?. A. tTV i'OX. if lii) sirintisautt Sssi'ohs. Wil! sive protiutt attention to all calK ;. mii an j part of the city or country- )i!!"" o or Al!en' Store, corner C:uss ami -m 'wiijuft streets. Astoria, Oregon. .-IfpliMicNo. 41. tt. Fit.vrvK pa;k. I'HVSlClAXAXDSrilGEO.N. OnioM:eTeleraph(nicc.,Worin. Oregon. TAY TITTTtK, 31. I. i'ilYSJOiAK .SD sukgko;. tt t iit -:soo:ns l, "2. and S 1 tliian l: Id c i:k.noh-On CeiUr Sticet. buck of 't:i-"H ISosplta!. I U . It. K.Tr.rt PHYSICIAN AND SUKHEOX. i hit. : C.ein Ilulhliiif;, np stairs. Astoria, ICIOU. O TIIOK.V. 1MIY.S1CIAX AND sriSCEOX. llesidence. Upper A-toiin, Nillsim House. D R. Al.KttEO K1XSF.Y Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found theic at any hour. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY ANI Bx-Clty Surveyor of Asto::a Office : X. K. corner On- an1 stor slieets, ltoom Kn. s II n 3;irn. - .. . IlitltKtH. 'IKO.hOI.ANO At'lOJtMC.S A'l l.AV.. :.. (:. Ktnntj'n ImvV. pp.-il!i t'tf .C, A-;orK. Oregon. v. i i.r-- . c. roi.Tos v jtohneys AT !,AW i.ini- ft ,xnI c. Odd F5lows KniMlng. r i. a. :t-vsBY. .lfur:i' nini CuiinoiUor :.t S.UM' : .. . n ClJttti.i'.im? St:eet, AalutLt. Oregon P i. tVE.vro.s. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Noams No. 11 and 12. rythlMi Oa-dits Ilulld- Jtf l. KAY.ilO.V:, ciYi:. i:xi;in'i:kic. Oitkeln C'itj Hall. A-tiula. Oiegou. A. E. SHAW DENTIST. Hoom.s tn Allen's limldiug, up .Viiili. ecr .cr Cass and Siiienioiiia Nliett!-. A-totlu Oregon. II. A. rtSlETH. DENTIST. ! have permanently located in Astoria. Jo practice DcnUstiy. lhaall the late im- of work done and satisfaction guaranteed. Ofijee in Kinney's Huildlug. r et. ki'ksz;;. NOTARY PUBLIC. acnrclirrof Titles, Abstracter :ind Conveyancer. Oftlco on Cxss Street. 3 doors south of As torlau oiBcp, Astoria, Oregon. General Agencv of WM C- AIAIK, Real Estate, Insurance ami Tdoiiey BROKER- Valuable rropcrlles for Sale or Lease in Upper Astoria.- Accounts Adjusted, and Hook Keeping done on Short Xotlce. OfJlce vrittuCol. bttedden, cor. .letlerson and Cass streets, Astoria, Oregon. At V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In MILLFEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPIOAL AND DOMIKTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wibii, LiqyorsJekacct,CI2n THE GREAT WugSpecif FOR L8VER OVUiDTriUBQi liiucrorbsduncinraouth; OslTir lUrElOii tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mt;tal.en for Rheumatism ; sour stomach; loss of appetite; sometimes nausea and uaterbrash, or indigestion, flatulency and icid eructations; bowels alternately cosine and las. headache; Iok of memory, with a painful sensation of ha-ing failed to do something which cu?lit to have been done; debility ; low spirits; a thick, j 11otv appearand of the skin and eyes . adry cough; fever; resdessne.-.s; the unneU scanty and hrsh colored, and, if ul!o ed to stand, deposits a sediment. HUMOUS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETAOLC) Is generally used in the South to arouse thr Torpid liter to a healthy action. It actsirith extraordinary cRlcaey on the IVER, K3D?4EYS, N EIHCTUAL SFECJnC TOR Malaria, IJyspepsia, Constipation, lJilionsnesv, Sick Headache, Jaundice. Nausea, Colic. Mental Depression, Uoivcl C-nipl.jm!s, rtc, rtc, rtc Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, a THE BEST FAMILY MMQIM For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. 8AFE TO TAKE If! AhTcONDITIOK OF THE SWEM! J.H.ZEELEN & CO., SOLSpropriktors, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICU 81.00. TUTT'S PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVEFJ, and EV3ALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths ofthell3casesofUio human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Lkb of Appetite, Rowels costive, blck Headache, fullues after eat-(n-, avers ion to exertion of body or mind. Eructation of food,Irr!tabil its'of temper, to w spirits, A feeling of having neglected some datyIHs rinci;s,FlnttcrInfjatthcIIeart,Dots befsre the eyes, htphly colored Urine,COXSTlPATIO.Y,and demand the use ofaremedyUiatactfldirecUvon tho Liver. AsaLlverinedlcincTUTT'S I'III.S have no cauaL Thciructionon the Kidneys and Skin Is nlao prompt; removing all Impurities through theso threo scavengers of tlio system," producing appetite, sound diRCStion, i efjular stools, a clear skin and a vlg orouibody. TDTT'SPILLS cause no nausea oi griping nor Interfere "vvltu daily work und are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MirAPIfl. soldeTeryvrhere2Ss. OtHce41.MurraySt.N Y. 5VB iHtiH HJ4 m ktn liitAYJfAiH or wniSKLKS changed in. Btantly to a Gmjssv Hlacic by a singlo implication of tills Dte. Sold by Dnnr aats,orsentbycxprc3SonrecefptofL OlKcc, U 3Iurrav Street, Xew York. t77T3 lLi.;5AL 0? t3SSJHt 2I5SIPT3 T2Z3. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS. Cottier ot Water and YYsl Ninth Streets. CMcs Lipors anil Ciprs! Every Attention to the Comfort of. Patrons Cheap Lumber! 2-TO CASH CUSTOMEISS For Terms, etc., apply at office. CLATSOP MILL CO Gr. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMiTHING. U CapL Jlogera old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horsej-hpemy. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. THE HUNTER HUNTED. A Curioag Adventure with, a Blno Heron la a Swamp. Of all the native birds in Florida none is more interesting than the heron tribes. Tho king of all these tribes is the great blue heron. It grows to an extraordinary size, dipt. Dumtnitt, who planted the most noted orange grove in the State, killed one on a bayou near Mosquito Lagoon fifteen years ago which measured ninp feet seven inches from the point of its bill to the tips of its toes. The coastwise bayous and la goons are usually dotted with small mangrove islands. In south Florida themangrovegrowstoaheight of sixty or- eighty feet, but north of Gape Canaveral it is a gnarled bush ten or fifteen foet high. The bushes cover the little islands as hair covers a man's scalp. The islands are verit able tiiickets, and woe betide the man who is lost in them, for they aro in fested witli sand flies, red bugs, mos--jititoes, and scorpions. Creeks in tense in crookedness and of uneven Me wind among these islands like the paths of a labyrinth. These -Military creeks are theavorite fishing grounds of the great blue heron. Some of the happiest days of my life li.ive been spent in hunting the'bird in these haunts. Seated in the bow of a Canadian canoe, with lnygunon my knees and a guide in the stern, I was noiselessly poled over the winding creeks beneath the arching mangroves. At sharp turns thero was frequently a scream of affright, tinge wings were unfolded. The ureal bird wafted itself into the air, and was brought to earth by a shot well aimed. It is dangerous sport, however, for a stranger. Even the best guides are sometimes lost in tho green labyrinth and suffer untold tortures. L'npracticcd hunters are apt to lose their eyes ; for the beak of the great blue heron is as sharp as a needle, and his long neck makes immense sweep and great power. The bird strikes with marvelous pre cision and with the rapidity of light ning. "When wounded itia especially dangerous. I was once struck on the cheek within half an inch of the eye. The blow was made by a crip pled snowy heron on an island in Lake "Worth. It was just after twi light. The darkness saved my eye. I was in a thicket looking for birds that I had shot while on the wing. I saw a snowy spot in the undistin guishable foliage, and took it for a dead bird. As I stooped to pick it up, my cheek was pierced as though receiving a thrust from a stiletto. In the spring of 1873 I was en camped in the heart of Turnbuli Swamp, about eight miles from the head of Indian River. The weather was very dry, and there was much less water in the swamp than usual. I was hunting paroquets, wild tur keys, wood ducks, deer, bears, wild cats, and pumas. The swamp is streaked with savannas a hundred yards wide and miles in extent. Deer becoming scarce in my vicinity, I set a savanna on fire one morning while on a turkey hunt. After the burning of the dead grass the new crop would serve to bait the doer within a fortnight. At sunset I was miles away from camp. At dusk I saw several gobblers fly into a grove of tall cypresses, and marked them with the intention of returning m the morning at daylight and shooting them from tho trees. The reddened sky gave me bearings on my way back to camp. After wading for ten minutes through mud and water, listening to the doleful music of a death owl, I emerged upon the burn ing savanna. The sky was overcast. It was as dark as Etebus. A brisk south wind was driving the fire northward. The flames were leap ing over the tall, dry grass, and tinge ing tho clouds and the tops of the cypresses an orange hue. Suddenly I saw in the lurid light far above" me four great blue herons. They were in line, flapping their wings with precision of machin ery. Instinctively I drew my gun to my shoulder. On inspiration I dis charded it, for the "sight" was invisible. The second barrel did good work. The third heron in the line stopped, fell ten feet, and came swooping toward the ground in great circles. I saw that the bird would drop some distance away, and ran forward to mark the spot. But the burnt part of the savanna, despite the lurid light from the rolling wave of Are in the south, was as black as the bellying darkness of the clouds. I heard the bird strike the earth with a thud, but did not see where it fell. The black ashes of the burnt grass were ankle deep. I searched for the prize, but did not find it. I was perplexed. Suddenly a feathery form arose from the ashes ten feet away. It seemed to tower above me. It was the heron. It had elevated the white plume on its head as an angry cockatoo draws forward its topknot. The plume alono could be distinctly seen in the darkness. With a blood-curdling scream the tall bird darted for me. I knew my danger. On the spur of the moment I turned and ran toward the blazing savanna. The bird gave cliaEe, screaming frightfully at every jump. I divined tho situation. Its wing was broken, and it was thorou.-hly infuriated. If it struck me in tho rear with its sharp and powerful beak, I fancied that its head would go clean through me. In my haste to secure my prey I had neglected to withdraw tho empty shells from the fowling piece. It wouldao do I to stand" The" chance of a hght by using tne gun as a ctuo, ior it was so dark that 1 could not gauge the bird's distance. Besides, the bird would be facing tho light, and I would be facing the darkness. I continued my retreat; I ran as though the devil was after me. In my flight I threw open the barrels of my gun, and drew out the einpty shells. In mad haste I reloaded and relocked the barrels, still running at the top of my speed. Then I stopped, wheeled about, and banged away with both barrels. The bird shrieked worse than ever, and was untouched. Again I sped toward the burning grass. I hail regainedjiny composure, however. Fear gave way to mirth. I laughed outright at the absurdity of tho situation, blessing my stars that no friends were near to chaff me. Again I reloaded tho gun, turned, and fired. I was on the verge of the blazing canes, and had a fair view of my pursuer. At the second shot the heron fell, and the impetus from its speed was so great that it came against me, legs, wings, neck, and beak, in a limp lump. I had shot it through the neck. Its head was attached by the skin of the neck alone. I carried the prize to camp. Its plumage was the perfection of feath ery beauty. Old Conner, my guide, was awaiting my return with a sup per of roasted venison and yams. The bird was so tall that Conner fastened its beak to the back of my coat collar, drew the neck over my head, and the feet touched the ground. He afterward severed tho head fiom the neck, and hurled it across the fire at the trunk of a pal mclto I have seen performers at a circus handle a knifo in a similar way the sharp beak entered the tree, and stood quivering there like a heavy-handled bodkin ; and for all that I know it remains there to this day. The Cook. What a Gentleman Known ahoat Thr l'rlee of nCoon. A gentleman well known in this community was presented the other day with a pet coon by a countryman who thought he could not show his appreciation of his city friend in a better way ; the gentleman(the coon) was taken, and at once endowed with all the franchise that an Ameri can citizen can possess in a city home. He made himself at once perfectly at home, and the first thing he did was to crawl up on the satin-covered sofa and proceed to take a nap. The mistress of the house seeing this re monstrated by taking the young friend by the chain that hung from his neck and lifting him off the sofa, the coon in the meantime turning around like he had jumped from a fly-wheel, and catching at every thing in his reach with all four feet at the same time. In his exit he got his hind leg around the support of an ornamental stand, and the irate lady, thinking that he had hold of thesofa, gave him a yank that al most pulled his head otf, and brought down the table with a $35 vase on it. The coon seemed to take in the sit uation with perfect coolness, and while the lady was picking up the pieces ho walked leisurely out into the hall and disappeared in the cel lar. About an hour afterward the gentleman of the house camo home, and, after listening to the threats of hot water, tea-kettles, etc., from Mrs. , he concluded to hunt up the coon, and started on the search but the coon was nowhere to be found. Finally, on passing by the pantry door, which had been left open, and where a tub of waterstood that had been used in washing out the pantry, ho espied tho coon, but the coon had turned white ; this per plexed him. He callod his wife, who came at once, and the cause of the whiteness was soon explained; the coon had found the water, and near by was an open flour-barrel. He had bathed in the tub and had crawled into the barrel, and had evidently been continuing this amusing proc ets for some time, for he had worked up a lump of dough twice his own size, and was sitting in the water rolling the pieces in his paws. Ho was lifted out, washed and sent back with "many thanks" to the country roan, with the intimation that a wild cat, young bear, ground-hog or any thing else would be preferable. The gentleman says that anybody who wants a coon is richer than he is. Knoxville (Tenn.) Chronicle. At table The master of the house, after turning a chicken over and over in every possible way "How would you carve that bird?" "Hot," replied a guest. The Beginning ofSlckneM. Xcer trifle with what are called small ail ments. A disorder or easy control at first, if neglected for a few weeks may become a mortal disease. lie especially careful not to let debility gain upon you, for it is the door t lTrough which all maladies en cr the system. If you feel languid, Inert, and to use a com mon expression, "as if there was no life left In you,"resort at once to HostettcrS Stomach Bitters. That great vegetable tonic w HI sup ply the vitality you so urgently need. It Is nerve food. By Us tonic action the stomach Is so invigorated that digestion becomes reg ular, easy, perfect : while Its mild, cathartic properties relieve the bowels from obstruc tions, and its alterative operations benefici ally affects all the secretive organs. For the miseries of dvsnensia. and they include al most every unpleasant feeling that belongs to physical disease and mental wretchedness, this potent tonic is a certain and speedy Daim. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel oi purity, strength and wholesomeuess. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. So3 only in can. Kovai. 1JAKI.VU Powdeu Co. lOoWall-st.. N. Y. MARKETS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY h OOEFAHT, Fresh im Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. !T(.SITK iK'ClDhl-.T HOTKL. I'UKST A SJL'S Street. Axtcrla, Og. Washington Market. ilniii -l:cc. - Ittorlii, Oicpon. ;?::;; n.i 3. a ro.riui'mi-ren OESPKCTKULIA CALL THK ArTEN-a- tlon e: the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a H'LL VAltlKTY AKI Lr-ST iJi:.UTY - or- ftrP.su AND CMSZir .-.".EAi? I Whseh win be sold at lowest rates, whole !eni'd retail. JSHvSaI attention jriven to' supplying ohips. WSI. EDGAR. !f.-t!er tn Gigsrs, Tobacco and Oigarsttes Meerschaum und Brier Pipes, SZUttim ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKN'KIt MAIN AND CIIENAMTJS KTS. MUEEAY & CO., GROOE'HR And Dealers in Caiery Supplies ! Ppoclal Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL Ll?E CARRIED And Kupp!es furnished at .Satis factory Terms Piirehases delivered In any part oi the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New ntrilding- on Water Stieet. P. O. Box !".. Telephone No. 37. tSToniA. mEo:r. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and mercantile Of London and Edlnbn-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford AJJD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of 367,000 OOO. B. VAN DTJ8EN, Aaent. J. H. D. GKAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. THE NEW MODEI-, 1 fyy&zr "sb& 4 -Hi ' A FULL STOCK AJLWAY3 ON HAND. iAstoria Planing Mi! i HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldings, Sash Ooors, Slinds, Rails, Balusters, Newel Posts, Brackets. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Order Solicited and Promptly Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Style, Quality and Prices. Mill and Office cor. Polk ami Concomly Sis., A8TOR1A, OREGON. Address IIOLT&CO. Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry in the CUy, Ico Croama and Ornamental Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candies. WYflTT & THOMPSON. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full Stock of Canned Freh Mackerel, Canned Fresh Codfish. Canned Freh Finnan Iladdift., Canned Shrimps, Canned Koast Beef. Cnnned Chicken, Canned Pir's Feet, Atmorc's Plum Pudding, Attnore'a Mince Meat, Epp's Cocoa. Ground Choeolate, A Fine Assortment of Canned Vegetable!, etc ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BssTof Htriset, Nkar. Paijksr House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND aMMIE ENGINES BoiterWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofnll EteKcrlptlons niide to Order at Short Xotiee . A. D. Wass, President. J. G. HusTLRn, Secretary. I. W. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.Suiierlntendenl. BANKING AND INSURANCE! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ISiOKZ.i, - OR KG ( IV. OFFICE HOURS : From D o'clock A. M. untjl 3 o'clock 1". JL ColuHii Transjortatioii Coipy. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every , Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at LP.M. "Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -Aa additlofeal trip will be wade on Sunday ef Bek W. leaving Fotilaiid riMk Hii4iv MAniaz. Passengers bj this wtecoiect at Xalama for Bmft ports. RANCH CAN KK HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OK B, 8. BAWB9, A.HEKT t'AJ.l. AND RXAMIKK It. YH-' WILL BK PLEAJ5E5J. K. H. HAWKS Is a'lw age-ttt forth Book patent GiHi Store And other nrst-clasi Stoves. Furaaoo Work Strata Fit tings, etc. a sBecialtw S. ARNDT & FERCHRK ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AM Boiler Shop Alt kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, -AMD- STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspectaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Mado and Repaired. Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed andT.aid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Snor. comer Main and Jefferson Street MARTIN 0LSEN. Carnaliaii & Co. SUCCKSKOKH TO " -Vt I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS ASU WHOLESALE AND "f-.TAiL DKALKhS IX GEIESAL MEBCMKR ,it:i'i Clie:irtnui3 ai.d Cuas streets. ASTORIA - - OKK&tN ilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOK Salem Tlouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capitol Tlour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, Mouldings, Window Frames, etc A Full Supply of Material. Dlds Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. Mill and Offlco ou the Old Site. " ow". rresinenri tilHpp