C) Site gatftj gjiovinn. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY MARCH 27, 1SSC AX IMPORTANT DECISION. Ox tho 17tb inst. tho secretary of the interior made an important ruling, reversing a recent decision of the commissioner of the general land oflice. In the ease of a set tler who had made a pre-emption cash entry and afterwards made a homestead entry, subsequently commuting the homestead entry to a cash entry, the land office commissioner held the last men tioned entry for cancellation on the ground that he had exhausted his pre-emption right with his first entry at:J that the last entry vras therefore illegal. The effect of such decision was that the commu tation of a. homestead entry was, in fact, a change of such entry to a pre-emption, thus exhausting the settler's pre-emption right. Secretary Lamar reverses the decision, overrules the matter, con curring with and endorsing the ruling of a previous land commis sioner who held that when a par ty legally entitled makes an entry under the homestead law of May 20, 1S02, and thereafter at wry time after the expiration of five years, shall come forward, make proof of his actual settlement and cultivation to a given da, and then pay for the tract, the pro ceedings merely consummate- his homestead light as the act allows, the payment being a legal substi tution for the continuous labor the law would otherwise exact fiom his hands, and that a claim of this character is not a pre-emption, but a homestead, and as such, will be no bar to this same party acquir ing a pre-emption right by virtue of actual settlement and cultiva tion on another tract at a period subsequent to the consummation of his homestead. The only limi tation upon his light under this interpretation is, that he shall not be permitted to consummate both entries at the same time. OOLD AND SILVER. XoTwrrnsTAXDixc tho export of gold, the treasury gold funds continue to steadily increase. On January 1st ihe net gold in the treasury was $14.7,991,808. On February 1st, owing to large dis bursements on account of intei est, the gold was reduced to -$13G,080,-G10. During February a poition of this loss was lecovered, the amount on hand March 1st being S144,l 64,037, and this sum has been further increased since the 1st of the month, the amount now held being S14S,435,52l. This increase of $120,000,000 since February 1st is the more marked when ilift, considered that since February 1st two calls lor bonds amounting to 20,000,000 have matured tind that a very large proportion of these bonds have i.e"n redeemed. For the past month the depait ment has issued no silver ceitifi oatcs above the denomination of $10, and this course will be con tinued until the amount issued is equal to the amount that can be maintained in circulation. It is believed bj' Secretary Manning and Treasnrer Jordan that the large withdrawal of national bank notes consequent upon the reduc tion of bonds can be supplied by the issue of ten-dollar silver cer tificates, and that the daily neces sities of business will maintain these coins in active circulation. Since the adoption of this policy the amount of outstanding silver has increased, and it is believed that the increase will be greater in proportion to the amount of certificates of large denominations canceled. There is now outstand ing in silver certificates nearly $85,000,000, an increase of $6, 000,000 since March 1st. A large amount of silver in the form of certificates has been placed in cir culation through the medium of the pension agencies," thus distrib uting silver among the people in nil sections of the country. Some of the principal frauds de veloped under Commissioner Sparks' administration have been the stealing of timber from public lands. In the case of the Sierra lumber company of California, the special agent found that the com pany had constructed expensive flumes and several railways, fifteen or twenty miles in length, for the sole purpose of facilitating its trespass upon public timber, and 63,000,000 feet were identified as having been cut by this company. The depredations upon public tim ber in Utah and Idaho territories have been equally extensive and flagrant. In "Washington territory and northeast California, it is said, lumbermen have hired hundreds of transient and irresponsible men to make fraudulent entries on lands containing the finest and most valuable timber in these sec tions. The vigorous course of Commissioner Sparks toward the companies is having its effect and several delegations from the west have been in Washington for the last few weeks trying to postpone action in their cases or have the suits against them dismissed. A xi:w congressional apportion ment is demanded in Iowa, for, at present, the Democrats elect six congressmen from that state by an aggregate majority of 7,1 02, while the Republicans can choose only five with a total majority of 14, 102. Ciiicaco will put its new elec tion law to the first test April 6th, when the spring election occurs. The old system of voting on affi davits is swept away, and every voter must be registered three weeks before election. It now appears that the phrase "innocuous desuetude,"to be found in the president's recent message to the senate, was used 1)3' Sena tor Evarts in a college essay, as far back as 1830. Two clergymen have been se lected as arbiters of the great strike of coal miners near Pitts burg a Catholic priest and a Presbyterian minister. NEW TO-DAY. Special Auction Sale ! Wednesday, March 31st. 1 1 A. M. I XSTRUCTED BY DR. LOONG. I WILL - offer for sale at public auction, as above, Two Frame Buildings on Chenaraus street, and One Frame Duildittff on Concoinly street, together with the leasehold right, and privileges connected therewith. The two houses on Clienamus street are now pioducmg a monthly rental of Soo, clear of giound rent. The house on Concomlv street Is now vacant, but tenant engaged. Kor particulars apply to r C. HOLI1EX, Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale. Saturday, March 27th, 11 A. M. 1 "WILL SELL AT MY SALES-ROOM, TO highest bidder, for account whom it may concern : 100 lbs good Cheese : 3 boxes No. 1 Dried Apples ; 1 box Dried Plums ; 2 eases Mustard: leases Yeast Powders; 1 do7en Tubular 1-anterns and a lot of Second. -Hand Furniture, And Sundries Also Uy order C. P. Upshur, Shipping Coin missloner, One Seaman's Chest Ami Contents. Consisting of Clothing, Etc. E. C. iroiiDEX, Auctioneer. FLOUR ! IF YOU WANT THE BEST Use The Salem Patent Roller flour ! Full Roller Process, Manufactured by Salem Flouring Mills (Jo GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON St FISIJER. Astoria Agents. SKATING AT THE RINK! Every Friday Afternoon. 2 to 4. FOR LADIES ONLY! tar SO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION. Snow Flake Flour! Is the Best. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. WILSON & FISHER have itl LADIES ATTENTION TIIK PLACE TO BUY YOUR MILLINERY -IS AT- Mrs. A, Malcolm's, She will neither give u Chrome or a $5 Greenback as a Fremiuin, but will sell you a Dress Hat at such figures that you will SITE ESOUQH BY THE TRUiSACTIOX To Buy Half a Dozen School Hats. Look at These Prices! Children's School Hat3 from 2.1 cts. to St. CO. Indies' Shade Hats from 40 cts. to S3 cts. Hats formerly $2.50 now S1.S. Iulies'and Children's Dress Hats fiom iio cents to $1.83. Silk Velvet per yard SlJ-i. Feather Tips from 25 cts. to St. Mowers from 10 cts. up. Satins from CO cts. to Si per yard. CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, Ribbons. Laces, Collars. GloVes, And Hosiery- AU at Kqually Low Hates. CortanM'x est English Crape 1.50 OPENING Tuesday, Wednesday. Mar. 30,31. MI L PARKER. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA. - - - OltKUOX Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded Ya Ms C Aa LS -NOW OPEN TO MEMBERS Each Week Day anil Evening as Follows : VonnsIen ; Tuosdav, Thursday and Sat urday evenings. Ifo.vs under 18; Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Ladles; Saturday afternoons. Membership Tickets and Kev can be had from any of the officers. MANAGING COMMITTEE. EXCURSION TICKETS!! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN For 32. SO! ON THE "TELEPHONE." BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best duality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJJOLDEN SHOE. THE PIONEER RESTAURANT ! When you feel Inclined to take A Square Meal for twenty-five cents Go To THE PIONEER RESTAURANT. Tables Supplied with the Rest. J. G. BOSS - - Proprietoi Notice. THERE WILL BE A SPECIALMEETING of the legal voters of School District No. 1 of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, at the school house In said district on Saturday, April 3rd, 1SSC, at 7 :30 p. m., for the purpose of electing one Director to serve two years, in place of Mr. N. Clinton resigned, also for the election or one Dlrecter to serve for three years. In place of Mr. E. W. Tallant resigned. By order of the Board of Directors. J.O.Hl'STLER, Clerk. Astoria. March 2Jth, 18S0. Tin Store for Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE TIIE TIN STORE, shop, tools, flxturesf etc, recently the property or. and occupied by Edward N. Murphy, deceased, situated next door to H. G. Van Dusen's store. Upper Astoria. This is a good business opportunity as the store is well established and doing a good trade. For terms, etc., apply to MllS. JXO. KODGERS. Administratrix. For Sale Cheap. STORE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF Shelves, Tables, Counters, Showcases, Gts-fflxtures, Stove, etc, can be bought ebeap at the Crystal Palace. FANCY GROCERIES! The East Half Of the Spacious CRYSTAL PA LACE Has Been Cleared Out! The Goods were Sold at A Terrible Sacrifice And Astorians who purchased got the moat for their money they ever got. The sale still goes on at the corner stere: the fine stock must be closed eut: the prices are set away belovr prime cost. If yon want a watch, a ring, a hook, a card case, a musical instrument, a bracelet, a set of stand ard works, a gold chain, a clock, or anything else in our stock yon can have it at almost your own price. The goods must be sold. The Crystal Palace. Hardware ai Ship Ctafe? VAN DUSEH & CO., DKAI,KRS IX Hardware and Shin Chandlerv Purr Oil, Bright Varnish. Binuclo Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sen lug Iflncliiucs, i'alnls mid Oils, CSroccrlrs. etc, jr. c ross, COUNTY CORONER. First Class Hearse and Material , ox nAxn. Shop and OfHcc on Main St., aboe Pioneer Restaurant. I nMgR CARPETS! CARPETS!! JUST H.0E3OE1I-VE33D 60 Rolls of Carpet of all Grades and in the Newest Shades, Including MCflutte Hon J AND ZNGRAXN. Also a Large Stock of Linoleum, Oil Cloth, AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES. CH AS. HEILBORN. Sign Painting, ,,.. , ,-,,, .., , Cilding, Banners, OH Cloth Signs. show cards, Fence Advertising, Price Marks, etc C. E. LANE, Shop and office on Cass street : Pike Bros.' old stand. EMPIRE STORE. Just Received From the East, A Large Lot of Gents', Ladies', and Children's FINE BOOTS AND SHOES! Gent's Kangaroo Boots and Shoes A SPECIALTY. We also Carry a First Class Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, &c W. T. PARSER, Manager. .. B. B. Franklin, i Mertaier anil CaMM Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO TIIK ASTORIAX RTJITJHXG. J5?""A11 work done in a skillful manner on sliort notice at reasonable rates. PRICES OP BOXES, For the Season : At the Mills i2,i Cents IVlierctl by Wagon 13 Cents S.reet Plank. Delivered . $ 8.00 House Bill Lumber, Rough, Del'd 9.00 Flooring and Hustle, 1st Class, " .... 1GO0 ' 2nd " " 12.00 OTHER LUMBER At proportionate prices, ail delivered, and in) funny business. J. C. TRULLINGER, Proprietor. I is. .JOHN FUSSELL, ' Manufacturer of and Dealer in ; i Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, finishes, Curry Combs, Etc. NONE BUT BEST STOCK USED. Prices to Suit theTimes. Shop on Ghenamns street, next door to J. A. Montgomery's, Astoria, Oregon, Vvki'SIIlIKBfeBi? &im&TmMmxxzzn '! ffes Sire Mis Briisse Tapestries D. L. BECK & SONS; Wholesale and Retail Dealemn FAMILY GROCERIES ' Cannery i Fishermen's Supplies Choice Teas Java and C. R. Coffee Palace Drips N. E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Fruits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Crab Spanish Queen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. H B. PARKER, DRALER IX Hay, Oats, ait Straw, Line, Bricl, Cement, Sai aai Plaster Wood DellrereU to Order. Drajln?, Ttamln; and Kxpres Biulneas. TER apply to the Captain, or to JOHN j3L. MIOIJfirT'G-OMIIElIEt.-Sr, DEALER iy Tin, Sheet Iron, nnrt Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods aoext for 3IAGEE STOVES AND RAIYGES, TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Tenu9. Cheaamag Street, Next to C. I. Parker's Store. Astoria, Oregon. THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 1 1 TO 50CTMILES THE SHORTEST ; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK. And All Points East. Rates 88..10 to $10.25 tlie Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pnllmnu Palace and Kniijcract Sleeping: Oars hauled on xpreaa Trains Exclusively -without Cliaiige. If you are jrolnu east wiite for Hate. Mars Time Tables. Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. K. A. NO YES. F. E. 8HVTE. Agent, Astoria. Ticket Agt., Astoria. B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1, Washington street. Portlaud, Oiegon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAM ARE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & If. CO. EXCURSION! TicketR to Portland ami Return For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NOYES. Agent. Administratrix7 Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT THE undersigned has been appointed by the County Court ol tho state of Oregon for Clatsop county, administratrix of the estate ol Edward N. Murphy, deceased. All per sons havirnr claims asrainst said estate are notified to present them, with the proper) tuuuiicia, iu mo uuucraiijucu ut iiur resi dence corner of Chenamus and Washington streets in Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. Mrs. JOHN RODGERB. Astoria, March 2nd. 18S0. GILBERT CHRISTIANSEN, General Blacksmith" Qg. Horseshoeing a Speolalty, Shop In Rear of Aug.Danlelson'a Saloon. 3VA11 Work Guaranteed India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Raisins Breakfast Gems Crushed Indian, Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Fruita Choice Fancy Crackers Salem Capitol Mills Flour Cove Mills Flour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parher,Master. iS For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR- II. B. PABKEK. n WILL jjUPIEjf Cut Faster iiAi " "MT . i xrrv rtmrmmioML' EASIER J.t. I rilllinqer I Than any oth er ui c uiauc. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its suDe- 1 riority. It ss ucep aid aerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agent Astoria. Price. $1.W. WM. LOEB & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS! The Trade Supplied AT J.OWEST MARKET RATES. All orders filled promptly and accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands Main Street, Next door to Wells, Fargo's Express ose. THOS. MAIBS, A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHAKGrES MODERATE. Pants, from $3 up. Suits from ?30 up. Shop opposite 6. H. Cooper's. Fasmonable Tailor