( She S8 gtftoran- " ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDyESDlIi::.. MABCH2M880 .1 GEXERAL AXSlTISIt. Coi I a Every mail brings letters of in- . quiry to this office from all parts ot the country, irom an ueB. - Ifc t n i,.c f i-fonTp. ask-1 . men ana an uiaaato ui r , ,. :,, r..irrorflinrr thlS inir lor lnionimiiwit -, o . -t: c.r of iliom are an aeciiuu. uuiui- . awered. When a man writes who seems to mean business his commit nication is always given prompt and respectful attention. But so many write who appear to be but as the spray blown by the wind on the crest of the waves of the great tides of humanity's surging sea. They only know that they want a change, ana are not very particular what the change is. To them we offer no encourage ment. There is plenty of room in Oregon, in this county, for men and women who want to woik, but there is no encouragement for the numerous class who are looking for something easy. They would do well to stay where thej' are, or go somewhere besides here. There comes a time in some men's lives when they want to make a fresh start. Something in their career makes it a wish of theirs to begin over again some where else. To them and such as them it makes little difference where they go. A man is usually himself and lakes himself along with him whether he go to the crowded city or the frontier forest. If he have within him the elements i of success he will succeed; if he be lazy, improvident, intemperate, dishonest or quarrelsome he will be a failure and no opportunity, no friends, no propping up will make anything of him but a final failure. To the willing man, the indus trious man, the competent man, all doors open. He carries the master key and succeeds no matter where he is. Locality is a secondary consideration and whether it be in Astoria, or Antioch or Australia or any where else he will in no place find brains at a discount. People pay a man the value ho sets on himself, if he can only show he is worth it, and geography, climate, or physical surroundings haven't as much to do with it as some peo ple think. If a man can't succeed in Kan sas, or Iowa or Tennessee he can hardly succeed in Oregon. If he is doing fairly well where he is he'd better stay there. Of all this he is the best judge himself. In general our advice lo would-be immigrants is to remember that Oregon is just like any other state: that there is as much human nat ure to the square foot here as any where else; that wherever there is a situation or an opening some one is at once found to fill it; that all the soft places are filled and are rarely vacant long enough to al low any one a chance to file an application for the billet; thai this 13 a frontier country, thinly set tled, full of woods and water, with more need for strong arms than white hands; that people arc more than ordinarily intelligent: the most of us are tolerably wvH post ed and after knocking around con siderable have made this place a residence as a matter of choice; -that we are apt to appropriate whatever is going that is good and leave the scraps and culls to those who can't do better. And, finally, that in case any one cares lo come he should put enough in his pocket to carry him away again if he don't like the place. 'Tis bad to to be stranded on any coast, especially this one, for if he once gets on the wrong tack he will find it easier almost anywhere else to get round on the right conrse again. The retention of Messrs. Gar land and Whitney in president Cleveland's cabinet justifies the be lief that his excellency's expressed policy in regard to public office and public trust is in a state of 'Innocuous desuetude". People of abundant leisnre "tTJO want to vent their spite u rainst their neiffbhors cannot jpla:n of refusal on the part of ne vspaper to publish there er . ' sions- J-ae mission 01 a &r ni rer is directly opposite to .wspa- f gtrjfe and the stir- twjcn men who sj10ajd fricnds .g J1Q part oE a nff , i t?i - wspapcr's bus- mess to puDiisn bitternefcS and a moment's redec don Qn the part of any sensioie man win show he justice of -this So that anyone who wan'js to vent malice or at tack mrj fellow citizens must find some? other means of publicity than LW2 Astorian. Any communi cationhat will tend to help pub licly or privately, that will diffuse cheerfulness or good feeling, that will make people feel more charit able, that will arouse interest or create good intent will always find room in these columns. In the current number of The Citizen there is a .suggestive arti cle on "Public Debts,' by Henry C. Adams. The public debt of the civilized nations, excluding lo cal obligations, amounts to 27, 000,000,000. This equals a mort gage of 722 upon each square mile of territory, or -23 per capita of population. "It would require for its expungement the exclusive use of the revenue machinery for a period of more than si eats." This is also expressed by faying that the "continuous labor of 3,000, 000 of men would be required to meet the anual interest charges which it imposes, inteiest being estimated at 5 per cent, and wages at 1..10 per day." Within the past thirty-five years the average annual deficit of the governments of the world has been 530,000,000, and thi, the writer declare?, has not been from necessity, but from choice. If it is true, as alleged, that a naturalist has lately discovered that the individual bee works onlya three hours a day, it is likely that the ant will have a double burden to support as the ever presentable model of industry. Bees truly work continuously from tunrise to sunset, but the naturalist referred to &ays that they are different bees. One squad relieves another at three-hour intervals during day light, and the whole lot rest abso lutely during the hours of dark ness. NEW TO-DAY. SEER BEER GAMBR1N0S! T'o IB JEo-vl?olcL OXLY AT - The Telephone Saloon. Try it and You will Drink No Oilier. Sole Aent for Astorin. SEER BEER FREE LABOR BUREAU Office at T. G. RAWLINGS', .Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. Notice. milEKK "WILL BE A SFECIALMEETING JL of the legal otcr of School District o. 1 of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, at the school house in salddlstrict on Saturday, April 3rd. 18SC, at 7 -.30 r. si., for the purpose of electing one Director to sen 8 two years, in place of Mr. N. Clinton resigned, also for the election of one Directer to sen-o for three years, in place of Mr. E. W. Tallant resigned. By order of the Board of Directors. J. G. IirSTI.EIt. . . . .. , Olerk. Astoria. March 21th, 1&3G. For Sale Cheap. STOKK FIXTURES. CONSISTING OE Shelves, Tables, Counters. Showcases, Gas-fixtures, Stove, etc., can bo bought cheap at the Crystal Palace. SPECIAL NOTICE! 0. R. &IV.CO. CURSION! Tickets to Portland nnd Hot urn For $2,50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NOYES, Agent. Snow Flake Flour! Is the Best. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. WILSON & FISHER have it! F riUffi L PARKER, W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - OKEKON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES l'rMiipHcns carefully Conijwtnmli-it Ya WL C A- IS OW OPKX TO 3IFJII1KRS Each 't ek Day and E enJng as Follows : Yoiis3Een ; Tuesday, Thmsday nnd Fat- mdav evening-. IIo s under 13 ; Monday, Wednesday and 1'iidav evening-.. I.nilics: Saturday afternoon. MemberMiin Tickets and Kes can be bad Loin am of llieofriceis. MaXAGIXC: COMMITTEE. -AGENCY- ffilColeinitt. or sax ritAxrisco. Flavors Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices, Storage and Insurance at Cuirciil l&?. Banking Department Dmis on the leading Cities of the Woild JIJO.FMcGOVEXtN, Agent. oo. II. Stewart, Accountant, and Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. EXCURSION TICKETS!! FROM ASTOUIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN JEoi? $2. SO 2 ON THE "TELEPHONE." BOOTS AND SROES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJ50LDEH SHOE. THE PIONEER RESTAURANT ! When you feel inclined to take A Square Meal for twenty-five cents Go To THE PIONEER RESTAURANT, Tables Supplied with the Best. J. G. KOSS - - Proprietor. Cheap Lumber! E-TO CASH CUSTOMERS. Tor Terms, etc., apply at oTicc. CLATSOP MILL CO Dissolution of Partnership. THE PAKTNERSH ir HERETOFORE Ex isting between I". E. Shute and .sas. Davidson under the firm name of F. E. Shute & Co.,is this day dissolved by mutuil consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by B. F. Stevens, who has purchased the same, and who will pay all bids and collect all accounts of the old firm. F. E. SHl'TE. .lAS.UAVmsOX. Astoria, On, March 20lh, ISSG. t SJiore I PRICES OF BOXES, For the Season : At the MUN .. i2i Cents Delivered by Wagon is Cents XjTJ3VE:B3533E?.. Slicet Hank, Delivered 5 8.00 House Bill Lumber, ltouch, DeFd 9.00 Flooring and Rustic, 1st Class, " .... ltfoo " " 2nd " " 12.00 OTHER LUMBER At proportionate prices, ail delivered, and no funny business. J. C. TRTJLLINGrER, Proprietor. To Rent. ,! A FIXE SUITE OF ItOOMS IN THE ODD -tm Fellows Building. Apply to A. J. ilEGLEK. Boatbuiiders Wanted. APPLY TO War. HOWE, XEXT DOOR to TeUphono Saloon, qBOIjeKIeS ffes tts The East Half Of the Spacious CRYSTAL PA LACE Has Been Cleared Out! 1 Iip Goods were Sold at A Terrible Sacrifice And Astorians who purchased got the niosLfor their money they ever got. The sale still goes on at the corner stere: the fine stock must be closed eut: the prices are set away below prime cost. If you want a watch, a ring, n book, a card case, a musical instrument, a bracelet, a set of stand ard works, a gold chain, a clock, or auythiug else in our stock you cau havo it at almost your own price. The goods must be sold. The Crystal Palace. KarflYaKaniSMpMliirfiB. B. Franklin, VAti DU8EH & CO.- DKAI-KKS IN- Hardware and ShiD Chandlery Pure OH, Bright Varnish. f:.t..i,. ( n,4 1 . '.. r UllKlUll' H, l UMl 1 iJUVil.". Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut 'Nails. AgricuHnriil Implement? ticwing 3Iii chinos. ttalu(s nistl Oils, CSrorericN. etc. jr. c Ross, COUNTY CORONER. fe?5CTrTjrns&i er-rr-j- tj ; -yj '--Jtjjts J i-$k3yw .( iilllstaS. .V4b3JSSiri? r-gl- " Ss? First Class Hoarse and Material OK HANI). Shop and Office on Main St., above Pioneer Restaurant. PlyptTt f J-TTJSE? 5.3S03ESI7-E3I 60 Rolls of Carpet of all Grades and in the Newest Shades, Including MopettB, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Also a Large Stock of Linoleum, Oil Cloth, AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES- GH AS, HEILBORN. Sign Painting, ,,., ,,, - . Clldlng, Banners, Oil Cloth Signs. show cards. Fence Advertising", Price Marks, etc H "C T A "KTT? Vi i- JLixlllJCij Shop and ufflre on Cjss street : Pike Bros.' old stand. EMPIRE Just Received From the East, A Large Lot of Gents', Ladies', and Children's FINE BOOTS AND SHOES! enfs Kangaroo A SPECIALTY. We also Carry a First Class Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, &c W. T. PARKER, Manager. - sT- ev C rt gyKsaaieSTljgjS 'JZZ , ii. j- CL - E!2--ta-sJVN ft Fi MertaleraiaCaMDEtlaler, , SQUEWiOQUA STREET, KXT TO THi: ATOKIAX r.UIT.DIXO. o CSAH work done in a skillful manner on s.hort notice at reasonable rates. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Hour, Manufactured by the Full Uoller Piocess, uy tne Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED ) The only Hour that has takeit First Pri7e ii" umj until nun u. ian.cn i ul inc three years in succession at the S:tTIiA'I MECHANICS FAIR. AKo at State Fair. in, trial is Mifticient toconinee of its supe Uority. I e Hi.it the word CAPITOL Is on each sack GEOIKJE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., i Portland Agent, i VI ISON & FISH ER. Astoria ARents. ARRETS!! 'JOHN FUSSELL, i Manufacturer of and Dealer In ! Harness, Saddles, Bridles, I Whips, Bruihes Curry Combs, Etc. I NONE BUT BEST stock used. Prices to Suit thoTimos. . SIiop on Clienamus street, next door to J. ' - MoHtsomery s, Astoria, Oregon, Boots and Shoes STORE D. L Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCEBIES Sannery i Fishermen's Supplies Choice Teas Java and C. It. Coffee Palace Drips -W. E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Fruits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Crab Spanish dueen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. DKAI Hay, Oats, ana Straw, Lime, Brisk, Cement, Sand anrl Plaster Wood Delirered to Order. Draylu g. Teaming and Kxpress Builnesis, TEK apply to the Captain, or to JOHN j&.. MONTGOMERY, DKALER Xy Tin, Sheet Iron, ami Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods' AOKKT FOR 3IAGEE STOVES AND RANGES, THE BEST IS THE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Terms. Clienamus Street, Next to C. I. Parker's Store. Astoria. Oregon. THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 1 1 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST ; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, And All Points East. Rates S.:iO lo $10.25 the Cheapest lo Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pullman Palace anil Kmirrant Sleeplucr Curs hauled on Express Trains Exclusively without Change. If vou aie uoinj east write for Hate. Mat s Time Tables. Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. K. A . XOITS, F. E. SHUTE. Agout, Astoria, Ticket Agt., Astoria. B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1. Washington street. Portland, Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAMABE, Tjffl, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. WE WILL SUIT YOU! Foard & Stoke Carry a Iirge Stock of Groceries! Provisions And Sell at the Lowest Margin of Living Profit! Quality nnd Price Satisfactory In Every Intance. Goods Delivered AM Over the City. GILBERT CHRISTIANSEN, General Blacksmith)' ag. Horseshoeing n Specialty, Shop in Rear of Aug.Danielson's Saloon. AU Work Guaranteed S Notice. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM selves Indebted to the late Edward N. Murphy will please make immediate settle meut to the undersigned, administratrix ot the estate. iXas.J0HNlt0ER3. SONS ) India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Eaisins Breakfast Gems Crushed Indian Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Fruit3 Choice Fancy Crackers Salem Capitol Mills Flour Cove Mills Flour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. ER XS STEAMER i!!J!U PARKER Eben P, Parhsr,Maater. I For TO WINO, FREIGHT or OHAK II. li. PARKEB. WILL ut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes ueepaaaaeter Sticks. CAENAHAN & CO., Areata Astoria. Price, $l.SO. M. LOEB & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS COODSI The Trade Supplied AT LOWEST MA11KET BATES. All orders ailed promptly and accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands Main Street, Next door to Wells, Fargo's Express offlso. THOS. MAIRS, A Cood Fit Guaranteed. CHAEGES MODERATE. Pants, from $S up. Suits from 330 up. Shop oppoflti C. H. Coopsi'a. nuriJUMc J FAnXTraiW20TOLf rj.C.Trullinger r . FasliDle Tailor J -y -i -C "-.raenria-aj- ri--iii s.