CO hc gattjj J&sioriatt, ASTOEIA. OEEGOtf : SUN DAY -.MARCH 21. 1SSC .1 PRESENT PROBLEM. Evun to this day, Thomas the Doubter is mentioned with dis paragement, although the record represents him as one of the most loyal and brave of the disciples. Tt is certainly not surprising that a cool-headed man, living in the midst of li credulous and insincere people and familiar with the ex travagance of Oriental speech, should question the resurrection of a master he had seen crucified. He has been regarded as a type of wicked unbelievers; for it has not been the interest of the cliurch to sep irate wickedness from un belief, to discriminate between dissent and rebellion. A saint must be obedient. The noblest canonized are praised most highby for submission to authority. Now that the gibbet and stake .are out of fashion, invective and contumely are the instruments with which dogmatists endeavor to torture the man of independent convictions. So much easier is it to silence an opponent with out cry than to refute his arguments. Skepticism, which is considered synonymous with doubt, is equal ly in disrepute: although, in the Greek, it merely meant close ex amination. Ilcmsterhuis traces it to a word meaning to shado the eyes with the hand. The signifi cance of this derivation is appar ent to the traveler blinded bjT his own lantern, or the aslionomer who excludes intercepting lays when studying the stars. It is generally asserted that skeptics are multiplying. If this is a fact to be deplored, there should be greasons and remedies for it. It is proper, therefore, that ministers and churches should in quire seriously why men doubt aud how to meet their doubts. The first question is not difficult to answer. Science withholds her verdicts until searching investiga tion has been made; and the culti vation of the scientific instinct has made great progress within a half centurv. Formerly, the religious teacher said, ''Believe it because I say it." The presumption which now reqnires him to give his rea sons would have been perilous if not fatal. Even Calvin condemned Servetus for "luxurious inquisitive ness." While the ancient intimidations of the church have thus been dis armed, and ancient infallibilies are proved delusive, pulpit argument nftpn imnwU frwl-it ivliili rnnnn Olieil appeals tOCiaUl WHICH reason will nnf-nrppnt -: n nH im. ! win not accepr. .is a result, un-, belief is confirmed, not removed. How can thinking men and women forbear distrusting positive and definite statements concerning a heaven no man has visited, a fu ture outside ol all human experi ence, a God no finite mind can comprehend? It is al-o notiwahlt' that much modern doubt is a le action against the false teachings of childhood. The child takes ev erything on trust, but, arriving at man's estate, falls into the fashion of reconsidering the basis of every truth. How, then, shall religion escape the crucible of free inquiry? Nor is such inquiry unwholesome, if it is calm and persistent. Too many go no farther than disillu sion and discouragement. This "little learning ii a dangerous tiling," for even superstition is better than no belief. There are some so-called skeptics, however, who do not scrutinize because they cannot reason. The Australian savage, with whom all numbers be3Tond three are infinity, can have no perceptions which we would call religious; and there are in Christendom men not far above bim, without the capacity to dis cern or discuss deep spiritual truths. Shake the confidence of those who judge religion solelj' by ex ternals, and they have nothing left. "When the inaccuracy of Genesis is recogriized, they will renounce the New Testament, because it is bound in the same cover. This class may believe the greatest absurdities, soleby because they do not understand them, and will reject truths for the same rea son. The ranks both of atheism and superstition are recruited by such. They examine truth as a child examines a toT, destructively, or as a crow examines a watch, with a semblance of sagacity, but without adequate intelligence, another class who pass for skep tics are actuated by hostility to the good, beautiful and true. They delight in invading sancti ties and unsettling belief by the "perverse disputings of corrupt minds." They are the Nihilists of faith, aiming only to disturb the established order and revel in con fusion. They are sufficiently nu merous; they are not relatively in creasing, although modern toler ance renders them more bold. The spirit they exhibit is not skepti cism, but downright godlessness. Argument is powerless to reform it; nor will it be affected or reached by an' thing which preach er or church may do, since ap peals which are studiously unheard, arguments which are scoffed at, and denunciations which are. dis regarded are equally ineffective. Finally, there is a class more numerous than either mentioned, who, while they cannot be called skeptics or doubters, are certainly not believers, for the simple rea son that they have never experi enced any deep religious interest. These are liable to make of Sun day merely a day of leisuie or pleasure. Together with these already described they constitute a large number, possibly the ma jority, who are not church gcerc. If a few attend church, they con fess that the services do not move them. The problem before the churches, therefore, is not only how to increase church attend ance, but how to make it satisfac tory and profitable. NEW TO-DAY. THE STB AMER- MOUNTAINEER, rapt. Ktevc Unliblclsc, Astoria, Or-. Cathlamct, W. T-, Westport, Or, and inter mediate points. Beginning March 23, 188G, The Steamer Mountaineer Will leave Main Street Wharf Dailv at half past Three o'clock i ai. as follows : Mondays, Wednesdays and Frld&t, for Cath lamct aud intermediate pomts on the Washington Territory side. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdats. for West port and Intermediate pomts "mi the Or rson side. Will Ieae Callilamct. "V. T.. for AMor.a, lv0ndais. WcdncdmB and Frida.s. nt, .evi.i Vlork a. M., touching at all way landings 03 wash. Ter. side, and return on same idc. Wdllca-.e Westport for Astoria on Tues days, Thursday aad Saturday, jit .even o'clock a. m., touching at till way landings on Oregon Mile, and return on same side. For trcislit or Passage apply on uoard, or to .Mam street w hart. Dissolution of Partnership. miiEPARTXEKsiiirirEHnroroKEi:x- JL isting between F. E. Shute and .'as. I.i Idson under the firm name of F. E. Shute & tills day dissolved by mutuul consent. !h business will hereafter be conducted 15. F. Stevens, who has purchased the viuie.aiul who will pay all bids and collect ail accounts of the old firm. F. E. SHITTE. .IAS. DAVIDSON. Astoria, Or., March 23th, 18SC. THE PIONEER RESTAURANT ! When j on feel inclined to take A Square Meal for twenty-five cents Go To THE PIONEER RESTAURANT. Tables Supplied with the Best. J. G. KOSS - - Prcpiietor. Cheap Lumber! S2TTO CASH CUSTOMERS3 For Terms, etc, apply at ollce. CLATSOP MILL CO To Rent. A FIXE SUITE OF P.OOMS IN THE ODD Fellows' Building. Apply to A.J.MEGLEll. Teacher's Examination mHERE WILL BE A QUARTERLY EX JL aminatton for those wishing county teacher's certificates at the court nonse on Friday and Saturday, the 20th aud 27th Inst., beginning at nine o'clock a. h. T.I. D. WILSON, Gounty Superiutendent. MIT! TRY IT! Snow Flake Flour! Ttater-doii, " DMCIKG 1 milWt ! By Rcv.A. J. JOSLYN, Sunday Evening. March 21st, IX TI1E METHODIST. CIH'IICH, The r.istorivill Handle with "Kindly j t I n- gloved Hand the Question : 'Sliould Christian People. 2Ioral l'cojtif, or Anr Other Kind of People. I'ntroiilr Thea ters. Calls ami Card I'ariipsr The Negative Side will of course he taken, and something more than mere vtattrinont. dogma or pious whine he given as a reason for. and in proof of position taken. All friends of the question, pro and con. are cordlaly invited to attend save uch as are afraid of the light or too cowardly to the actual truth of niatter. "such need not apply." Come as eariv as 0:30. attend the 4o;; seruce and secure seats which are free to all. FMK L PARKER, W. E. DESCENT & SO. ASTORIA. - - - DI.i:cn Carry in .Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TGILET and FANCY ARTICLES Prescriptions careful ij' OinpmmiiPi! . Rfl. C. Am IS XOW OrEX TO MEMBERS Each Week Day and Eeninj as Follows : YouncIen : Ttiesdav, Thursdav and f:it- urdav evening's. Boys under 18; Mcndav, Wednedav and Friday evenings. liUdicM : Satuiday afternoons. Membership Tickets and Ke s can be had from any of the officer. MANAGING COMMITTEE. -AGENCY- flT.ColBMliCO. or SAX FRANCISCO. Flavei's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. aimery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and In.urance at Ciurrul Kates. Bamkiiig Department OriicS on the leading Cities of the World JNO.FMcGOVEEN, Agent. eo. H. gtcivart. Accountant, and Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. EXCURSION TICKETS!! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN IF'ox S2.SO! ON THE "TELEPHONE." BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best duality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THE00LDEH SHOE. Ml am lis, PRICES OF BOXSS, For the Season : At the Mills Delhcred by Wagon...., .. 12s i Cents ta Cents XaTJaO333ES3E3L. Street Tlank, Delivered .. ..$ g.oo IIoue Bill Lumber. Rough, Del'd...... O.00 Flooring and Rustic, 1st Class, . . itfco " " 2nd " " 12.00 OTHER LUMBER At proportionate prices a:l dcliered, and no funny business. J. C. TRULLINGER, Proprietor. Furniture and Upholstering, ilattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewea and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Snor. corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. To Rent. FIXE BUSINESS OFFICE. CEKTRAL ly located. Apply at this Office. The East Half or the Spacious CRYSTAL PAL. A OE Has Been Cleared Out! The Goods were "-'old a: A Terrible Sacrifice Ami Astorians who purchased got the most for their money they ever got. - The sale still goes on at the corner stere: the fine stock ninst be closed eut: the prices are set away below prime cost. If you want a watch, a ring, a hook, a card case, a musical instrument, a bracelet, a set of stand ard works, a gold chain, a cluck, or anything else in our stock ou can hae it at almost your own prict. The goods ranst he sold. The Crystal Palace, Miare fflft SMjCtotejiB. B. Franklin, VAH DUSEH & CO.- i assasaasmsz,. nKAIiKRS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil. Bright Varnish. Riiuiclo Oil. Hoi ton Canwis. Renin Sail Twine. m , Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sowing DXncliiiirs, Paini. mid Oil, 2ror(rics, te. JF. $5. ROSS, COl'TY COROXI3R. LisS-pzi -i.-v fe2K.gS, r?? 'ii '-FT-vm wjjygt-T-sifTjrPTTiBii "J33Lca.oit4, First Class Kearso and Wlateria! ox 1IAX1. Shop and Ofllcc on Main St., above Pioisper Ketatimnt. 60 Rolls of Carpet of all Grades and in the Newest Shades, Including iiiiiett 8, Body Brussels, Tapestries, JESSES XI3Fe.3E,&,gy. Also a Large Stock of Linoleum, Oil Olotli, AftD FANCY WINDOW SHADES. Sign Painting, Ci!d!nsrBanners,OIICIothSi8nS.' show cards. ! Fence Advertising, Price Marks, etc. ' r tr .w- hop and ofilce on C'ss street : Pil:e Rros.' M s'and. tJ!w:-lg-,fcW EH Pin Just Received From the East, A Large Lot of Gents', Ladies', and -Children s FINE BOOTS AND SHOES! Gent's Kangaroo A SPECIALTY. We also Carry a First Glass Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, &c W. T. PARKER, Manager. ii w$rfM j y2s sr ai carat fiMer, SQUEPflOQUA STREET, XKXT TO 'I UK ASTOUIAX l'.UII.llNfl, SrAH work done In a skillful manner on bliort notice at reasonable rates. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Elour, Manafactureil by tfte Full Holler rroces, by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. limited J ' T:ie only flour that lias taken First Prize three years in succession at the Al i (in trial i- uf. Ako at State Fair. lclent to convince of its supe- noutj'. .-.- that thoword CAPITOL is on each saek GEOKGF. STIIEL. 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria ARent. B JOHN FUSSELL, Mannfacturerofand Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips Unnhcs Curry Combs, Etc. ii'.ui'iiicuj. xixiax Diuun. uaiiu Prices to Suit thoTimes. Shop on Chenamus street, next door to J. A. Montgomery's, Astoria. Oregon, 1 ' J '- ' I I - I J-l-- '.... .CT-mgMg. Boots and Sho STORE e hi Wholesale and Cannerj $ Fishermen's Supplies Choice Teas Java and C. It. Coffee Palace Drips N. E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Traits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Oral) Spanish Queen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices, DRAIFK IX Hay, Oats, aid Straw, Lime, Met, Cement, Sana1 anil Plaster Wooil Delivered to Order. Hrsyin?. TVanilnir and Express Business. s&ij&W Xiiji ', v- r-P iri 1 TEli apply to the Captain, or to DEALEU I Tin, Sheet Iron, ami Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Good AGENT 3IAGEE STOVIS AW1 RAXGES, THE BESTIR THEMAKKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a w orkmnmlke macner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Terms. ClicnnmuB Street, Next to C L Parker' Store. Antoiin, Oregon. TH 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST : 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, And All Points East. Kales $S.SO lo ?I0.23 Hie Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Gily, AND OTHER rOINTS. I'ullmnn Pnlare ad Emiirruist Sleeping Curs hauled on Kxpress Trains Exelnsively without Change. If yon are colnpeast uiito fnrKate.Marslhue Tables. Guides and Full Information. I'KEE OF CHARGE. E. A . SO YES. F. E. SHIITK. Agent. Astoria. Ticket Agt., Astoria. B. CA3I1"CCMM General Agent, Xo, l, Wasiilnuton street. I'ortland, Oioon. agnus G. Crosby Dealer in HARDWABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 3?iaa. and Copper. WE WILL SUIT YOU! Foard & Stokes Carry a Large Stock of Groceries Provisions -And Sell at the- Lowest Margin of. Living Profit! Quality ami Trice Satisfactory In Ever- Instance. Goods Delivered All Over the City. GILBERT CHRISTIANSEN, General Blacksmith ag. Horseshoeing a Specialty, Shop in Rear of Aug. Danlehon's Saloon. iAll Work Guaranteed JL Notice. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM selves indebted to the late Edward N. Murphy will please make immediate settle ment to the undersigned, administratrix of tha estate. Mrs. JOHN ROGERS. Retail Dealers in I India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Raisins Breakfast Gems -Crushed Indian Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Emits Choice Fancy Crackei3 Salem Capitol Mills Flour Cove Mills Flour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. STEAMER - CLARA PARKER Eben P. Par ker,M aster. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR IS. Ii. PAKKEK. FOR- LIN WIM. Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe mane. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its sime- : riority. It gOM ueep auu erer SUc pai :ks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price. SI. CO. WM. LOEB & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Large Stock of FERST CLASS GOODS! The Trade Supplied AT LOWEST MARKET KATES. All orders tilled promptly and accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands main Street, Nexrdoor to Wells, Fargo's Express office. THOS. MAIRS, e Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Pants, from 53 up. Suiti from $20 up. Shop opposite C. H. Coopet'i. hmmx I AKEi j PATnnTDUCJOOST.' J.C.Trullinger N. taaBBassJ FasMoiB lis- tx,JtiZM J liSac iai-"': ...' , ife?fitl vV sL