The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 20, 1886, Image 3

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- crcsfc y " 3Fpti""7J5J.
3c sStattg stovftm.
Skating will continue until 10:30 at
the rink lo-aigbl.
The Democratic state central com-milic-p
meet in Portland to-day.
'Clip Yamhill Reporter nuuouiices
that it is "religions" in politic?.
dipt. Eben Parker, who has been
suirerii-fiom ascrere illness, was so
far recovered last evening as to be
able to ait tip.
The commodious steamer Monii
Uumti is bping fitted up for the
spring trade between here, Westport,
Cathlaniet and way points.
A boycotted San Francisco saloon
keeper turned the hose on a parly of
boycoiters, whereupon they had him
arrested for assault and battery.
J. H. D. Gray, administrator of the
'state of Bobt Vincent, deceased, will
?ell the real estate of the property
at the court house at two o'clock this
It may be said iu a general way to
intending immigrants from California
that irrigation in this section is not
essential for the growing of vegeta
bles or grain.
At noon to-day E. C. Holden will
ell the Xkubrirfc at pnblic auction.
She will be sold where she liei at
.Main street wharL At 2, v. v., he will
-oil an Al sloop.
The price of a shave and the fee
for killing a dog seem to be among
the few things that continue at the
same price they were three years age:
nearly everything else is way down.
At the last election for governor,
Clatsop county cast 1,205 votes; at
the presidential election in 81, 1,512
votes were cast. It is thought the
vote next Juno will aggregate about
In the senate Iagt Thursday on mo
tion of Senator Dolph the "bill was
passed granting the Astoria Sc Winne
mncca railroad compauy the right to
construct bridges over navigable wa
ter courses.
The Portland HVW thinks lha
i .f in tt j 4tn.. :i r'
top of Mi. Hood, lifiv mile? from any
other human being, that he could
put hia hand upon a candidate for
governor of Oregon.
Some lime ago a suit was begun in the
17. S. circuit court at San Francisco
against Capt. Healy or the Corwln,
by George Ford, a shipwrecked Arc
tic seaman, for alleged cruelty. The
suit has lwon dismissed by Judge
D. P. Thompson, now in Washing
ton, told a reporter last Thursday
that the Oregon Short Line would
survey a road through southeastern
Oregon to the Willamette valley, and
thence to Portland, or to a junction
with the Oregon and California road.
This road would be built as soon
as possible, aud open up a great
stretch of line country 1:1 the south
eastern part of the siate.
Over G3.003 bxea tin has been or
i-. being worked up info cans for the
coming salmon season's pack. Near
ly S250,000 worth or twine has 'been
sold to Columbia river cannens for
nets for the season. In the next
three weeks boats to the value of
S300,0Q9 will be put in trim for the
fishing of '83. These three items ag
gregate a value of $1,000,000, and in
dicate the importance of the salmon
iudustry of the lower Columbia river.
The latest strike is reported among
sailors at Port Town send. The Ai
Hvsnys they have united and ask
S30 per month to foreign bound ves
sels. Heretofore they were satisfied
with $25 per mouth to foreign ports
and $80 coastwise There are two
vessels in the harbor ready for sea,
bound tj Australia. Master will
not pay more than $25. They say
they cannot pay More, as freights are
low nnd ships are making no lwney.
Tin" Trac I'i:ie-
If you owe anybody and have any
money, pay your debt. Tf you can
not pay all, pay a part. If you need
anything, buy it aud pay for it. This
is not the time to hoard mouev. Bv
paying yonr debts and judiciously
spending yonr money for things yon
need, if you owe no debts you will in
crease the amount of money iu circu
lation, qnicken business and enable
those who owe yon to pay up. Dur
ing, and immediately affc r p. financial
fctringency, there is n tendency among
men to hold on to what little money
they got, for fear the- may never get
any more. At such a time, of all
others, debts should be liquidated
promptly and cash paid for n'vespa
ries. Tacomn Ledyer, i.
Mow About St;1caibcr 25th. 1S8?
To-dny there are just twelve hours
between eunriEe and sunset. That is
the fair, square thing, and is the only
day in the year that such au equal
division occurs. -Twonut Kan. 17.
Tlrtivy I.iuly lier Oitu Rr'.
umlicv. Mrs. AI. Graham, of Chicago, is stop
ping for the present at Mrs. It acker's
where she is teaching the Tailor vbtein
of Dress Cutting. Ail patterns cut out
of muslin and fitted to the form. Ladies
will do well to call soon a she remains
but a short time.
Ladies thcie is a lot ot Painting m a-1
lentil at the Crystal l'anicc winch you
can hi'cs at your own price.
There are still a large lot of goods of
all descriptions Ictt at the Crystal Pal
ace. Astorians may not get another
chance for years Jo buy goods at such a
A few bird-cages and baby-e triages
can be bought this week below cot at
the Crystal Palace.
A great bargain in a piano can be hnd
at the Crystal Palace.
Boy over coat found, can be had a A.
V. A. bv proving Property and paying
To the United States Restaurant for
the b55t oysters. Private rooms.
Itojrn, 3nr. 19. There is a great
sensation in Sicily in consequence of
the attempt b brigands to capture
ictor iNeison Jtoou, grandson of
Lord Nelson, who has a line estate
on the island. The brigands at
tacked his castle, their intention be
ing to capture him and hold him for
a high ransom. His servants rallied
to his defense and finally succeeded
in driving the robbers awav. Four
of them were captured and several
Xnw Yoek. Mar. 19. Alderman
.Taebne, who, it appears, took a bribe
of $20,000 for his vote on a bill grant
ing Jacob Sharp the right to lay a
street railway on Fifth avenue and
Broadway, appeared in court to day.
He manifested the utmost indiffer
ence in regard to the gravity of the
cniTicAii srruATio:; i: fbaxce.
Berlin-, Mar. 19. The national
Zeituny and Post continue their at
tacks on France. In military and
political circles it is feared that De
Freycinet will be powerless to oppose
the desire of the Parisians for re
venge. The situation is considered
Snow, ice and Hoods prevail
throughout Germany.
Paris, Mar. 19. The American res
idents of this city intend to 'give
Pasteur a banquet, at which United
States ?.rinister McLean, will preside.
One day this week a young mer
chant of this city, who was married
about two years ago by an ex-minister
of a Portland congregation,
happened to be reading the laws of
Oregon, and stumbled on the chapter
relating to marriages. The person
who solemnized his marriage had for
years been a minister of the gospel,
but had retired sometime before the
marriage took place, and since then
has not been connected with any
m or minister. Section 4 of chaptoi
lty of minister. Section -i of chanter
Si, oi the Oregon code, reads: ''Mar
riages may be solemnized by any
minister or priest of anv church or
congregation in the state, anywhere
within the state, and by any judicial
officer of the state, anywhere within
his jurisdiction." The merchant be
gan to doubt whether his marriage
was legal and consulted one of the
best lawyers in the state, who ad
vised him to go through the cere
mony again. The lawyers' construc
tion of the law is, that a minister
must bo in charge of some congrega
tion or church in order to legally
bind a couple in marriage. To give
an instauce: So long as Rev. J. A.
Gray was minister of the Baptist
church here, he could legally pro
nounce the marriage ceremony any.
where in the state, but whon he left
tho ministry and engaged in law,
such legal authority ceased. Orego
rtiun, 19.
The President's Joke.
Tho piesident maintains au even
temperature in spite of the pressure
made upon him. He does not like
too much dignity, aud is rather glad
of tho opportunity to relax a little at
times. He welcomes people who do
not come for office with special cor
diality, aud he usually fits his jokes
to the people on whom he inflicts
them: The other day tho board of
supervising inspectors, which was in
session here, called upon him at the
end of it j labors. As they solemnly
filed into the room and ranged them
selves before him to pay their re
spects, the president paralyzed them
by inquiring if they had called on an
inspecting tour, and assuring them
that thoy would fiud him in pretty
good condition. Wasliiivjlon letter.
Seut to the AVa-ons Geni-ge.
Not long since a government print
er sent a paper knife to Portland to
be ground, slightly misdirected. Af
ter a long period a letter of inquiry
was sent to the same address. The
letter came back endoised substan
tially as follews: "Respectfully re
turned, with information that no
knife has been received to be 'sharp
ened.' Have no 'sharpness' to spare.
Everything is dull here. Wasn't
aware that the war department had
ever attempted to 'knife7 me.
Very respectfully,
M. C. George.
P. S. Probably J. L. George, the
cutler, may oiler further informa
tion." Vancouver fndejeiident.
A (irand Record for the State.
Of all our exchanges the only ones
that advocate riot are published in
Portland and Oregon City. This is a
grand record for the Binte. Oregon
Vily Enterprise, 13.
i2ue!iieu.N Arnica. Salve.
The Best salve i n the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulccrs,Salt Khemn,
Fever Soie. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to uive
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Trice U5 cents per box. I'orsa le hv W
E. Dement & Co.
For Rent,
At a reasonable rate; the fine new build
ing opposite KirchholTs bakery. In
quire at this office.
Bunch of Keys JLost.
With check and name attached. Find
er will please leave at this office.
fine wear a specialty at I.
Parties wishing spars or piling of any
size or length can be supplied bv leav
ing orders with J. n.D. Gray.
New goods ! New goods ! At the As
toria tailor's Tjios. Maiiis.
Gent's furnishing goeds: a fine stock
of clothing, hati, etc,, at L Cohen's.
It was reported from Portland last
evening just before the telegrapli of
fice closed that the steamer litda was
abandoned at sea. Further inquiry
elicited only a statement that she -was
abandoned south of Coos Bay. It
was also stated that the captain and
two men who had tried to make the
shore in a small boat were lost.
In the absence of any definite in
formation her fate can only be a mat
ter of surmise. She has been plying
between here nnd San Fraucisco ever
since she was built at Coos bay and
had a profitable trade. She usually
left here lumber laden and camo up
with freight. She left here last Sun
day with a heavy load; railroad iron
in her hold and a deck load of lumber.
There has been heavy weather
throughout the week and the suppo
sition is that after beating down as
far as Coos bay the crew were obliged
to abandon her.
Capt Hailey was well known iu As
toria and further news will be awaited
with anxiety.
Idwaco, March 18, 188G.
We have been of late surfeited with
blizzard weather that has interfered
with the regular work of the season,
such as pile driving and tarring trap
nets. Yesterday was spring like, and
business revived with becoming alac
rity. Our streets are public pastures, but
milk is 10 cents a quart.
We have never found it necessary
to have a public hangman. It has
been the custom to allow everyone,
from the literary critics to the hum
ble fisherman, all the rope they
wanted and let them hang them
selves. Its not considered consistent
to have a hangman until we have a
graveyard for the victims of sus
pense. The fiend that practises the bugle
late at night abont Buttermilk flat is
liable to be perforated.
Tho most persistent nocturnal agi
tator we have is the cow bell.
Eggs, six dozen for a dollar, and
hens getting up a strike.
Labor is cheap first-class srirls set
$2 a week. White labor has been se
cured for the mess house of Aberdeen
Packing Co. Thanks to the same
company, groceries and general mer
chandise can be had as cheap here as
in .asiona, anu wunotu. any cnarge
for freight.
The s2ow Alice has been furnished
with a new mast, and is running
freight down from Astoria at low
rates. No wharf is necessary; she
comes close in at high water aud i3
high and dry at low water so teams
can go alongside and unload her.
We claim to have the prettiest
church in the county.
There is much complaint because
our school house lot is sd damp peo
ple forget there is so much due on it.
Mrs. N. Koefed has purchased a
lot, corner First and Williams street,
and will build thereon.
John Woodworth is building a
house on his lot on Broadway.
Grading is being done on a lot near
the Holman lake, on which we are to
have a commodious hall that will be
a credit to the enterprisiug citizens
who are to build it.
A St Patrick's ball was given Wed
nesday night, at the Central hotel,
and well patronized. Music by H.
P. Darling will serve the pnblic as
mine host of the Harvest Home ho
tel next summer.
F. H. Canaris will soon open a gro
cery store and a new and extensive
ball room.
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means in
dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosan
kos Cough and Lung syrup, the best
Cough Syrup m the world. Cures
Coughs, Cold?, Tains in Hie Chest, Bron
chitis aud Primary consumption. One
dose gives relief in every case. Take
no other. Price ."JO cents ami $1.00.
Samples free. Sold by .1 . W. Conn.
Cheese 10 cents per Pound.
Pine Clatsop Cheese at Carnahan &
Co.'s reduced to 10 cts per pound, f.uar
a n teed to be of the very best
Coal. Hay and Straw,
Tacoiua Coal $6 per ton, deliveied.
Choice Hav from $9 to $12 per ton.
Cow llav and .Straw S7 to 10 per ton
For sale by .1. II. D. Ukay.
Se tlie fine stock of Slippers at I.
To Housekeeper.
Attention is called to our ari.verti.i
ment iu another column giving a par
tial list of the goods to be found iu our
stock. We aim to carry the best assort
ment to be found in Astoria, and cash or
short time buyers will And it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from
us. (.iood.3 delivered free of charge to
anv part of the citv.
D." L. Bkck & So.ys.
Tlio "tlost Agreeable
As well as the most effective method of
dispelling Headache, Colds and Fevers
or cleansing the System is by taking a
few of the pleasant California
liquid fruit remedy Syiup of Figs. W)c
and SI bottles for sale by V. E. Dement
House tolteni,
Inquire of I. W. Case.
Catarrh cured, health aud sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ueni
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free
For sale by W. E. Dement
The Leading Photographer, guarantees
as good work as can be had in the state.
Pictures taken in any kind of weather
with the Instantaneous Process.
Goods at your own prices at tlie Crys
tal Palace.
Far a Scat FitUu? Boot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving, Custom work.
The Poeta
Which Shocked
(Washington Capltal.i
Mrs. James Brown Potter read a beau
tiful and striking poem by Georco It
Sims, an English writer, at the charit
able entertainment at Secretary "Whit
ney's residence on tho 19th instant. We
publish this poem in full to-day in order
that certain prudish people who have
fancied that they were shocked on hear
ing the poem read may peruse it and bo
assured that there was nothing improper
either in tho words or tone of it. We
have heard " 'Ostler Joe" called 'Swin
burnian" in character, but such a refer
ence to it would be made only by persons
who cither never read this poem or else
never read Swinburne. If tho object of
a public reading be not to put a lot of
stupid people to sleep, but to produce a
dramatic effect, then Mrs. Potter exer
cised n correct and praiseworthy judgment
in her selection of this poe"m:
I stood at eve, as the sun went down, by a
grave where a woman lies,
Who lured men's souls to the shores of sin
with the light of her wanton eyes;
Who sang the song that the siren Bang on
the treacherous Lurley height,
Whose face was as fair as a Summer day
aud whose heart was as black as night.
Yet a blossom I fain would pluck to-day
from the garden abc-j her dust
Not the Iaugourous lily of soulless sin nor
the bloodred rose of lust;
But a sweet whito blossom of holy love,
that grew in the one green spot
In tho arid desert of Phryne's life, where
all was parched and hot.
3 j
In the Summer, when the meadows wcro
aglow with blue nnd red,
Joe, the 'ostler of the Magpie, and fair
Annie Smith were wed;
Plump was Annie, plump and pretty, with
a cheek as white as snow
He was anything but handsome, wa9 tho
Magpie 'ostler, Joe.
Bat he won the winsome lassie. They'd a
cottage and a cow,
And her matronhood sat light ou the vil
lage beaaty's brow;
Sped tho months and came a baby such
a blae-oyed baby boy!
Joe was working in tho stables, when they
told him of his joy.
He was nibbing down tho horses, nnd he
gave them then nnd there
All a special feed of clover, just in honor
of tho heir.
It had been his great ambition, ::ud he
told tho horses so,
Thai tho Fates would send a baby who
might boar tho name of Joe.
Little Joe, the child was christened, and
like babies, grew apace;
He'd his mother's eyes of azure and hia
Swift the happy years went over, years of j
Lore was lord of that small cottage, nnd
the torapest passed them by.
Passed them by for years, then swiftly-
burst in fury o'er their home. "
Down the lane by Annie's coltage chnuced
a gentleman to roam;
Thrice ho came, and s.iw her sitting by
the window with her child,
Aud ho nodded to tho babv. and the baby
laughed and smiicd.
So gigig&km " ""' Joe
uiSSY,,,;..:.. ..-.,..
- ... --- - J-.W..J ...ui... hj -..
passeu tno open uoor;
And one day he ran and caught him, aud ;
And the baby Joi had prayed for brought
about the mother's sin. "
,-p . . iU, ,. ., . . ,
Twas but tua same old wretched story
mat tor ages uarus navo sung,
creature's eyes,
Of the Babylonian wonders aud the joy !
that in them lies. '
Annie listened and wjis tempted; Ehewas
tempted and she fell,
As the angels fell from heaven to the
blackest depths of hell;
She was promised wealth and splendor
and a life of guilty sloth,
v cry
Finding that, which blurred forever all i
the story of Ins life,
She had left a silly letter -through the
rml mwi i,fl LR:
cruel scrawl ha bpelt;
Then be sought the lonely bedroom, joined
his homy hands and knelt.
'Now, O Tiord, O God, forgiva her. for
sho ain't to blame!" he cried;
'For I owt t'a seen her trouble, nnd 'agone
awny and died.
Why, o wench like her God blus her I
'twasn't likely as her'd rest
With that bonny head forever on tf 'ost-
ler s ragged vest.'
leuow goiu lorcnuu anu nusuanu, ami . known, to cleanse tlie system ; to act on,
the woman left tbern both. the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
w ,, , Tfi.- -o w,. i vet thotoughlyto dispel Headachs,
Home one eve came Joe the Oat-erwith a ?,,la m1 &..- tn r-nsmMnntlim
ui vt uu; i
was kind o'her to bemmeall lhklH""7 '!Pi'on. boiu by u.fc. :.'c-
long nnd happy time,
So for my sake please to bless her, though :
you count ueraeBuncrioiB; ,
If so be Idon't pray Prop?r, Lord.forg.v-
me. for von eee
i can taiK an ngut to 'osses, hut I'm ntrv
. .. f. . . . . . ....
ons like with Thee."
Ne'er a line came to the cottage from the
woman who had flown;
Joe, the baby, died that winter, and the
man was'left alone.
Ne'er a bitter word ho uttered, but in sil
ence kissed tho rod.
Saving what he told the horses, saving
what he told his God.
Far away in mighty London rosy the
woman into fame,
For her beauty won men's homage, and
sho prospered in her shame:
Quick fiom lord to lord she flitted, higher
still each prize she won.
And her rivals paled Inside her us the
ntars beside the sun.
Nei.t she made the siasjo her market, and
she dragged Art's temple down
To tho level of n show-place for the out
casts of tho town,
And tho kisses she had given to poor
'Ostler Joe for nought,
With their gold and costly jewels rich and
titled lovers bought.
Went the years with flying footsteps whilo
the star was at ita hoight;
Then the darkness came on swiftly, and
tho gloaming turned to nisut,
Shattered strength and faded beauty tore
the laurels from her brow;
Of tho thousands who had worshiped
never one came near her now.
Broken down in health and fortune, men
forgot her very name,
Till the news that sho was dying woke the
echoes of her fame;
And the papers in their gossip, mentioned
how an "actress" lay
Sick to death in humble lodgings, grow
ing weaker every day.
One there was who read the story in a
far-off country place,
And that night the dying woman woke
and looked upon his face.
Once again the strong arm3 clasp her that
had clasned her long ago,
And the wearv head lay pillowed on the
breast of TJatler Joe,
All the past had he forgotten, all the sor
row and the shame;
He had found her sick and lonely, and
his wife ho now could claim.
Since tho grand folks who had known her
one and all had slunk away,
Ho could clasp his long-lost darling, and
no man would say him nay.
In his arms doath found her lying, in his
arms her spirit fled;
And his tears came down in torrents as he
knelt beside her dead.
Never once his love had faltered through
her base unhallowed life;
And tho stone above her ashes bears the
honored unme of wife.
That's the blossom I fain would pluck to
day from the garden above her dust;
Not tho languorous lily of soulless sin nor
the bloodred rose of last;
But n sweet white blossom of holy love
that grew in the one green spot
In the arid desert of Phyrrte's life, where
all was parched and'hot.
Four years ago next July a contract
for carrying mail between New Or
leans and Port Eads was let for four
yeara to a man by the name of Mc
Ginneas, of Alexandria La. The ser
vice required was three round trip3 per
week, and the compensation $11,000.
Sometime thereafter the service was
doubled to six trips per week, and the
compensation increased in proportion
to 22,000 a year. In October Mc
Ginnes3 gave up tho business to his
rival, the Bed River and Coast Line
Steamboat company, on stipulation
that McGinness should assign his mail
contract to tho Red River company.
This was done with the knowledge and
consent of the postoffice department
On Dec. 22nd, however, a fast new
steamboat line was started as a rival
to the Red River company, and the
owners came to Washington and of
fered to perform the service for 12,000
a year. The postmaster-general, with
a view to economy cancelled the orig
inal contract and made a new one
with tho new company, at the reduced
price. The old contractors appealed,
but tho postoffice department decided
that Yila3 had tho authority to make
such changes at his discretion. Un
der this decision he can cancel every
contract in existence, if he chooses,
and the only course a contractor ha3
is to seek a writ of quo warranto to
compel Vilas to carry out the obliga
tions of the government. Some of the
best lawyers in Washington have been
consulted, and are of the opinion that
the act was illegal, and that the con
tractors can recover in the courts.
Suit will be brought, and the econo-
? of Yila3 will undoubtedly result
' both the old and new contractors,
' - . .
Wide Awake .Druggists.
j Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al-
ways aliYO to their business, aud spare
i nopalns to secure the best of cvervartlcle
in theii line. They have secured the agen
t.y for the celebrated Dr. King's New
Discovcrv for Consumption. The only
! ccrtaiu cure known for Consumption,
' th aa
uf Hie Throat and Limes. Sold on a
posttive guarantee.
Regular size S1.00.
Trial Bottles free.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Uron
i chili- iuimediately relieved by Shiloh's
iCmv. Sold by V. E. Dement.
, will vnu suffer with Dvsnensia and
."sluloirs vitalizcr is
ou. Sold by V. E.
&r"I oi"Fis-
.M.inufaelured onlv !.v the California
' Fig Svrup C San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
. pleasant liquid Iruit remedy may he
, had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
i or one dollar por bottle. It Is the most
; pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
Indigestion and kindred ill
. -;swIK ,-R H,"1?
! ' terrible cough. Sluloli s Cure is
Sleepless Nights maie miserable
the remedy for von.
Sold bv V. E. D&.
mt'iit vV en.
- Shiloh's Vital tzer is wnat you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz-zine.'i-i
and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Prh'e li and 75 cents p?r bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
."shiloh's Cougti anu Consumption
Cute i. .io!d by us on guarantee. It
-Suii.oifs Ci'itK will immediately
Mievo Croup, Whooping Cough, and
1JronchUl3. vf0'ia by '. E?Demcnt & Co
I ....
AH lite pat jt medicines advertised
i:: this pni'cr, l'!c;ner witn liie ciioicest
pcrfimtery. aiil totlct articles, etc can
' lKmyhtRt t:ui lowest prices, at J. W.
C-.'.n'.- time npj.oslte Oj"ident
lir tel. Astoria.
Ar you initlc miserable by Indiges
tion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital-
ifm ia o inciti-n ourn Pni" sntrt til W
K. Dement & Co.
TJiero I no occasion fortlie nifat fastidi
ous f our elt.z:is tn -c:ul to Portland or
San Krancbro for
Custom fVladG Clothes
As tlinyran cet Tetter Fits. Outer UVrk
manMiip, ami for
Less Sojclo5t
!! Leaving tlieir Orders with ME ANY. He
has Just received the Yumiest Yum Yarn lot
of Goods ever made up in Astoria.
Call sn.l See Him and .SaU&rj Yourseir.
Eggs for
Wyandottes and.S. C. B. Leghorns.
My birds are of the best strain?, and all
first class. I am now prepared to furnish a
limited number of eggs for setting from
either yard at 62 and&3 per 13.
Cor. Yes Dtlx and Arch streets, Astoria, Or.
Boatbuilders Wanted.
. to Telephone Saloon.
Mght Gowns,
Corset Covers,
Skirts, &c.
II Si at Greatly
The Leading Dry Goods and
Havel's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoria, Oregon.
Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Stutagc and Insurance at Current Rates.
Banking Department
Draf.3 on the fending Cities of the Woild
iieo. II. Stewart, Accountant, and
Agent Northern Pacific Express Co.
Books and
The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From.
Shim Season of 86
Weliave Junt Kecelved an Elcaat Stock of
These Goods are made of the Choicest Patterns. Fashionably Cut and ot
the Best Value. We have also a Large Stock of
OST 3E3 X7T 3J3 3E3 O 2K. "7S7 33 A BL 2
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents1 Furnishing Store
in Corsets
Clothing House in Astoria.
For SQ.50!
Astoria and Seaside
Tlie beat Bread, Cakea aud Paatry In the dUf,
Ice Creams and Ornamental Work
to order
Manufacturer of Fine Candle.
'di-i' Hi 3M(-
"-Sfi i-is-- A(sr M- -Tl .