a""-' ? ",3" . ' &?-? ' " TB,'!8paB?'s '- J,CR' -" " ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, i88G. PRICE. B IVE CENTS. VOL. XXV, NO. 7 - "S I BUSJSHSS CARDS. t n. thomsov, r. k. coovrnr. TIS03ISO.T tfc CO(VEBT. Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention :jh en Jo eoljeeticns ami exaiuinltig titles. OrKicii Hoom 4 .u.l .", ovrr r Look Store. t It. "HAUTCX. i V., Architect and Civil Engineer. Drucft Untitling. lloom . Jvjiiltts r rythia-. ISS. A. I.. ami .1. A. FUS.TOV :Itv;ic'i:iKsainlSMrffr.oKs. wjil u ujomnt attention to all t .....,.. Hurl r t1w I'ltv or country. i sn-e over Allen's Store, corner Gas audi anMMiua st rents, slorta. (lu-son. VilitR"To. 41. D" tWSli. l'AP.. PHYSICIAN AND bl IIGEO.X. fjiIHMfteTrairti Olllce. Astoria. Orrgon, j.W TJ'TTLK, .W. I. imSlv.!AN AND SIUIGSON -hj- Umas 1.2. .?. I'ytliMi j:hM- .t i:r.x.-K-iK 04lr SUret. hack of Vur' IJaspWjU. r-ls: . v.. i ? ksstes. i-m.SiriAN AND M-KfiKON. : try : . h Jtat'tWng. iiis. Astoria. f a. s.vkki ;j;.vKY. I) Office at Kinney's Cannery. V. ill olv alteitl iateMlst In office. ni.il may be found tfceio at u liner. I 3 Til O EX'. PHYSICIAN ANi .sniCMON. Itotttileuce, UjiiK-r A-tiiri. Mlbon limine. 111 SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP C0UN11 Bx-City Survey oi oi Aatona ciftlw :-N. 11 '"f)i'Ca . vrtn 1 1-. KuoiuKn.S t"t ;ihtr. au.j;nks a: uv. int&i I'll' i t .rt :ittt?vmzus. i toi;m:v.-. at law. .t(- s jtiMi C. ' 4l l'ulk.- Hwtt-.t: t- liowi.iiw y ni4 i:.: ilur - tic- ut O.iaMtio ftiwi'l. AAi, wrrtpii P. " 'i;T?-. ATTOKSEV AT LAW. ItOAMW .k !t znd t2, PylMMinMlk! ltail-t-A N. 7 :. UAV.HO.Vt, civil. ii:m:ixki. OM)f In City Hall. Ast!a. Ungi A. K. SHAW DENTIST. lt.Mtm in AHfti's liniitiing. up stain?. cr nr Otts anil SitKmMa MitHrt?. AstoriK Otugnu. H. A. WtilTSI. DENTIST. 1 have itarutaui-atlv licatfS la Aoum. ti practlciMieiitiMtj. I haal! the kite hr provpil appliance'". Non Imllir er lt of woik done and tNfwclion gHarai:iftt. OBioe in Ktum's Ilulldinj;. r u. siKinr.', XOTAItY I'UHLIC. H:iril:err Titles. A!.s!raei-v :ml Convcyaiievr. Oltk-eonC.4iSJrK;t.3lir-.iii:h of A lorlr.n oftlr.'1, .V.M'ii. Oregon. General Age-net of ? J 21. Heal EM ale, Insurance and Munry BROKER. Valuable Properties lor Sale or 1 eae in I'pper Astoria. Accounts Atljustei. and ISook Keeping done on t-hort Notice Office TithCol. fcpecliltft. cor. .!ffIei.ou and t'ass Mieets, Astoria, Oiecon. A. V. Allen, i. Wholesale ami Jlt-taM lv.il-t n. MILL J-RED. Gfe&s n(i Piatt? Ware, litOl'il'AL AU iWMI'rfl M FBUITS AND VEGETABLES. logi'ther witii Wings, LiquQrs,Tofeacco,Cigar5 RATOF 1? just what its name implies ; b Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon therirer j curing the many diseases! a that im. portant Organ, and ting the na mcrous aumsrtis t I deranged orron arise from its etion, such as Dyspepsia rlj&raaice. Biliousness. iness ria, Sick-headache, nciaenn Drewn nsu ! CosftyenessvMsla 1 Rheays i . . 'iw eiiuuiuueiui'm iu sweep every eta IMS therefore s rebel sj-mpalhizer into the Potomac ' Tuismvtha " To have dood Health ;lic Liver must he fcepfc in order." DS. SAEFORD'a IIVEB INVIGOEATOa iiTiirorates IheLivcr, Regulates the Bow U. Strengthens the System, Purifies the BlooJ . A-.-ists D: 'cation, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Keed. An Invaluable family Medicine for common complaints. D3. BAHFOSD'S LIVER IKVIGOHATOIL A t experience of Forty years, mid Tlon aadsff Testimonials prove its Jlcrit. roil mi: by ai.Ti DEAT.rns nornDicn.ns For fi'H jafonniison ffnJ your addrc-"? lor 101 -elVook on i ha "I.I r and ! t' -ocfsc-" lc esroriD dum: ar.. xw ciir TORPSD BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. rrom these sources arisctbiee-fourths oftho diseases of the hnmaa race. These hyraptorna Indicate the.r esutence: .iH3 of Appetite, Bowels costive, blcjc Ileadachs, falluess after cat iti, nvcrsica to exertion of Jjotly or iniml. Eructation of food,IrritabIl ityof tcni')er,,oT6pIrlt!J, Afccllnfj before tho eyes, liiplily colored CrincCOXSTll'ATIOiV.anil demand the use of t remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As a Liver inert ielneTUTT'S wr.r,S have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin la also prompt; i emoving all impurities through these three scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, lcjo'ar stools, a clear shin and a vig oromhody. TDTT'S PIX.I.SJ cause no nausea or griping nor interfere tvIlu daily wori and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE, TO MALARIA. -old everywhere o:. O:tioe4 1 JlnrniySuN Y. mm Gn vy Haik tmV, inr.:cr.E3 chaneed In. tantly loaiL(SSv DL.rK b' a single apniicatio!i of thla I) vn. bold bj' Drug. Mdts,orcat by express on receipt of SL Oillee, J4Murmv Street, New Vorlr. rrrrs uixn&i, c? utul eicsipt3 fsis. hjni a new Mi I. diM a l.i :tw hiidtnien lo ki.il t!.f STHOKG TRAPS and Sti.iril tt il.e SEies Pacific Fisheries! Ai-i fi jlifl,slil'"ri.lins4rH!ai.dN'in's All kinil-iofNeaiMt nc znr.il' loonier. l-fMi-rs pr n!ll anw r'. I'rwvs Low. Gloucester Net and Twine Co.. W Ctiiiiinercial Stieet. llocton. em dBioon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Goto THE (1KM AI.KX OUIl'REI.L. 1 oox. i uoi'iiiirioi Administratrix' Notice. NOTICE IS IIKItKItY 01 VEX THAT THE tindcrsiencil has been appointed by the fount v Court ot Hit Mate of tncuon lor Clatsop countv. ailnnniMratrlv of tne eMate of Edward X Murnhc. deceased. AH per sons having c'ahns against said estate are notified to jucsent them, with the proper vouchers to lh mulerslsiipil at her resi dence corn -r of Chenauius and Washington strci ts In Astoria. Oreg -n. within ;.i months from this dale. Mas .1 OH X 11010 ERS. AMor a. March Slid. lf&i. Astoria Planing Mil K0LT.& CO. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldings, Sash uoors, Blinds, Rails, Balusters, Newel Posts, Brackets. .Scroll and Turned Balustrades, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Order Solicited end Promptly Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Stjle, Quality end Prices. M:ll and ftfuce cor. Talk nnd Concrmly Sls ASTORIA, OREGON. Address HOLT A GO. Tll230 u E ' fit CB NQhRriP SHh . liii a new Mi I. diM a . nil GARFIELD VS. V00EHEES How a Duel Between the Two Was Prevented. Colonel Morrison, of Illinois, and Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, have been intimate friends for years. Few people are probably aware, however, that this friendship had its origin iu an episode which promised at that time to be fraught with the gravest consequences for the Indiana states man. Morrison and Voorhees made their entree simultaneously upon the stage of national politics in theThirty eighth Confess. This was in 18G3, after Morrison had resigned his com mand in the army from wounds re ceived at Donald.Jonville. Morrison was a war Democrat ; Voorhees a peace-at-any-price Democrat. "Wash ington was" at that lime an untafe place for men who did not believe in a vigorous prosecution of the war. The streets of the -iiy and even the corridors of tiis Capitol swarmed with soldiers, who needed but a word r ; i i River. It was at this period that Voorhees made a speech in the House opposing the passage of a certain -war measure. During the course of his remarks he was bcvcral times inter rupted by General GarGeld, of Ohio, who at length transgressed the law of patliamentary courtesy by pro nouncing Voorhees a liar. (3wing to the confusion and tho distance which separated the two members, Garfield's remark was not heard by Voorhee3, who left the chamber upon the conclusion of his speech. About midnight of that day, while busy in his room, a proof of his remarks were sent to him for revision. Glancing carelessly over the speech ho was horrified to see this interjectien: "Mr. Garfield (interrupting) If the gentleman persists in making that statement I pronounce him a deliber ate liar!" For a moment Voorhees was too much astonished to speak. Then turning to James C. Robinson, of Illinois, who happened to be present, and said: "If Garfield does not apol ogize for this language I must fight him. I can never return to my con stituents without demanding and receiving satisfaction. Will you aid me in the matter?" But "Robinson objected. After some further conver sation Robinson said: "Why don't you see Colonel Morrison ? He has a room in this house and I have no doubt can give you better advice than I." Morrison was asleep when the two Congressmen reached his door, but he speedily aroused him self and listened to Voorhees' story. At its conclusion the latter said : "If you carry a challenge to Garfield you are liable to a heavy fine and imprisonment. Are you -willinc to risk the consequences?" Morrison made no reply, further than nodding his iiead affirmatively. Then, tak ing the "proof" in his hands, he started for Garfield's house. It was after 1 o'clock when he reached it. Garfield was sitting in his library at work. Morrison briefly staled his errand. "Did I say that?" asked Garfield incredulously. For answer, Morrison pointed to" the proof. "I am directed by Mr. Voorhees," he continued, "to insist upon an apology or a fight" Garfield replied with dignity : "I was in error and am not ashamed to confess it. I uttered those words in a moment of excite ment. It did not occur to me that I spoke sufficiently loud for the official reporters to hear me," and seizing a pencil he obliterated the words with so much vigor that the point of the instrument cut through the paper. Morrison returned toVoorhees'room, and stated the result of his mission. Voorhees was delighted at the result. If it had been necessary to challenge uaraeia ana tne lact had become known the infuriated soldier would have torn him to pieces. It is no wonder he felt grateful to Morrison for his successful management of the affair. He has been one of Morrison's closest friends ever since. Chicago News. How to Talk Well. The art of agreeable conversation is one all men admire, and most men are anxious to iearn. There arc few subjects upon which young people oftener seek advice from those whose greater experience enables them to give wise counsel. It is frequently said of many kinds of leaching that example is better than precept, but this is not so in regard to the art of conversation. You may hear a man talk with wonderful brilliancy, and yet talk no better yourself than you did before. You must have rules to observo rather than persons to imi tate. Boswell accounts for the extraordi nary accuracy and flow of languago of Dr. Johnson by saying that "he had early laid it "down as a fixed rule to do his best on every occasion, and in every company; to impart "whatever he knew in the most forci ble language he could put it in ; and that, by constant practice, and never suffering any careless expressions to escape him, or attempting to deliver his thoughts without arranging them in the clearest manner, it became habitual to him."" The course which was pursued by so eminent a scholar, whose conver sational powers alone sufficed to make him celebrated, may well be followed by the youth of our day who want to learn the much coveted art of conversation. New York Ldger. Doctoring Queens. It was a matter of wonder to many arsons in Paris that Dr. Fauvel, th; .it French specialist in tltro.it -".ases, had not been summoned .tttend the King of Spain at lit" ,rnmenceraent of his malady, esp.- . iy as Dr. Fauvel had always at tended Queen Isabella and her rh.j Jren during their residence in !V.tis for any troubles of that nature. 13ut such a" proceeding was forbidden by the strict rules of Spanish et'uitietta, which prohibits one of the royal family of Spain from being attended by any physician who is not a Span iard by birth. At the time of the last illness of the yountr Queen Mercedes there re sided inMadrid a German doctor who was especially famed for his treat ment of typhoid fever, the disease from which tiie Queen was suffering. He had recently saved the life of Mrs. J. It. Lowell when she was suffering from a violent attack of that terrible malady. A few days before Queen Mercedes breathed her hist her Spanish doctors sent for their German colleague and re quested him to prescribe for their )atient without seeing her. This te positively refused to do, saying that he must examine into tho physi cal condition of the Queen before prescribing for her. But that could by no means be permitted. '"Then," he said, "let me merely see her let mo go to the door of her room and look at her without cross ing the threshold." Even that concession was refused. "Then, gentlemen," he declared, "I can do nothing. I will not at tempt to prescribe for a patient that 1 have not even seen." He withdrew from the palace, and a few days later the young Queen was dead. But the sacred laws of Spanish regal etiquette had been preserved without infringement. A similiar affair, but with a different denouement, took place a good many years ago in Russia. The late Czarina, the mother of the present Emperor of Kussia, was shortly after her marriage attacked with a serious affection of the stomach. Up to that time no physician could approach the bedside bf one of his lady patients of the imperial family nearer than ten feet, the Enspres3 grew worse and became alarmingly ill. The Emperor Alexander gave orders that a famous phy-h'ian called Botkin, of whose skill in such cases he had heard, should at once be sent for. Botkin came, and, lo the hor ror of his colleagues, he walked straigiit up to the bedside of the Empsess and took hold of lur wrist to feel her pule. He was instantly hurried ftom the re-.m tnd was loudly remonstrated with on the im propriety of his conduct, U inj: told that his impei iai patient uas to be looked at from a disu:o and that he must r.ot appiuach her, much less toudi iter. tt'.tkin listened in silctn-e to all that the othor doctors had to .ay, b::t when the import of the consultation was dawn up lie refused to sign it. The Emperor, who was exceedingly anions re specting Botkin's opinion, tent at once for the report, a::d on netieini: that the name of the now doctor did not appear in it he caused him to be summoned at once to his presence. " Your Majesty," qt.oth Botkin, frankly, "I cannbt pretend to treat a patient that I am not permitted to examine. The Empress is, 1 learn, in a very critical situation. I think I can save her, but to do so I must be allowed to go to work in mv own way." The Emperor rose from his chair, look Dr. Botkin by the arm and marched with him Co the sick-room o( the Empress and straight up to hor bedside. "There, doctor," he -aid, "examine your patient, and if any one pretends to interfere with wilh you remember that you are o1 eying my commands." The course o treatment prescribed by the great hysician proved successful. The inpicss was saved and that particu ar rule of imperial etiquette was ab naled forever. Lucv Hooper's t.is Letter. "Wewili our reailer.s to know that we haw found much benefit from using Simmon-. I.iwr Itegitlator. Oar trouble, originated awl U'ti-cred chronic many jcnr-.it! Iirtlia. Iiausliut little hope of a peril ct cm e from anything. But the Bygit.. lor has afforded more relief than all el-f we have tried. IVe say thh without the vi-h or knowledge ot J. IT. Zei in &Co., the proptictois. Rkv. B. (i. Wii.deu, En. "Missionary IJeview, IVineeton, N. J." s. VRNDT& pMiIRUUICN STOKlA. OKW.ON. The Pioneer Machine Shop 8 -:-v5& Boiler Shop All kinds of TS STEASIBOAT Promirtly attfndetJ to. Aspiclalty made ot repairing cannery dies, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. stt.'i&z&li '- "fc- TJ T -i.c2-'!. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, strciiK'h and hole3omenes3. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not behold in competition with tho multi tude of low test, snort weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cans. 1oy.i. UAKtXC row ,-derCo. 10G "Wall-it.. N. Y. MARKETS. STAR MARKET V7H3RRY & COSPAWy, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. ut'i-.;iK OrtfDhVf llOTEI.. !TsJ:tsry street. Astoria, or. Washington Market !a!n -iirct, 4otrin, Oregon. :t :!. .7? ;x&t t. s'jtoi'Strr.TOKS rl.-iPECH"'JLL CALL THE ATTEN tX Hon or the public to the f icf that the iboi ?.I-irl;et v. ill al v.-a j ? be suppli ed w ith a rTLL V'.lUETY AND UST QUAUTSf fi:-aSH AKO CyQ iViSAT'i i 1 Which will a sold at lowest rates, whole- W aiid retail . r3Spi'ciI attention fjiveu to supplying ship WE. EDGAR, Dealer in Sigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Srisr Pipes, GEflUIKE ZUQUm GUTLERV Revolvers and Cartridges. C''!:Mi: M'.in ani chenamus sts. BIUBEAY & CO., C4TCOOER8 AndlHler.!n Cannery Sillies! special Attention Given to Filling Cf Orders. A FuLL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms rurrhaiv-.- drlherrd in any pari of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume' New r.nililtujr on Water Htrpfct. 1. O. Ilo l.V.. Telrphone No. 37. STOJ;i.i. ORF.GOS. Capital 1 Liverpool and London and Globe DJorth British and Mercantile Of Ixtidon and Edlnui'-gb. Old Connecticut of Hartford AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire insurance Companies, Representing a Capital ol S67,0OO 000. B VAN nrrFN. Aani j. a. d."gmy. Who'eiaje and retail dealer aj GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason ible terms. Foot o Benton street, Astoda, Oregon. To Any One si TI FOLLOWING PflZffl How does an Anti-Chinese Agitator resemble a Jewish Rabbi? iHS'T'JHSjR.-Sr BODY IS laDrVXTIElID fa Prwent Their Written Amvrsr Orer Their Slg a e at Tie M y n p Liverpoollllew I orkUutfitUo Beginning- Saturday the 20th mst., up to 3 o'clook p. at. Monday th 22m!, when all answers will be opened and the Hat awarded to th$ successful gtiessar. HEEMAN WISE, Proprietor Liverpool aud New York Outfit Co. Under the Occident ,;THE NEW MODEL STOCK S The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Eiugelallv- titled un for the Comfort and convenience oi tuose wuo enjoy a wl Social Gias. The Best of Wines nnd Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. R. I JEFFBEY.Prop'r. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BTo;.SruKCT, Near Pakker Hocse, ASTOl'.rA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND ' BOILERMAKERS. LAPanAfflAilEEraES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of nil Descriptions xaidc to Order at Kliort Notice . A. D. Wass. President. .1. G. HusTLER.Secretary, I. W. CAflE,TreasnrT. JOHN Fox.SuDcriutecdcnt. BANKING AND INSURANCE! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, iMOlllA, - OKEfiOS. OFFICE U0UK3 : l roni v o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock F. M. WUtftflifliW A FULI OAndHi Transportation Coiw. FOE POETLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE rnGzr"Fjlft,W!m,trr- Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & FIsbei'a Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. will be made on mv Tf arnln". ay Ji8rniu-- RESENT Who Can RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF UAWE9, AGENT tlALL AND EXAMINE IT. yOU WILL BE PLEASED. K.K.HAWE3 Is also agent fort M patent CoQJrJnsr Store And other first-class Stoves. Furnace Work. Steaja Fif ticGCa, etc., a speoialty ALWAYS ON HAND. mi iiiiii f y; Carnakaii & Co. 3UCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTKRS ND WHOLESALE AND til'AlL DEALEES IN GENERAL MERCHAHD1SI 'orcer Cheuamua and Caas streets. ASTORIA OKKGOft Wiisoii & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LQG&EftS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL PEED AGENTS FOK Salem riouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capitol Plour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. G. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS. Xotiidings, Window Frames, etc. I A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : contract v ors a apecouty. Mill and OSlce on tho Old Site. Sunday of Each Weefc, leaving rotiaa Passengers dj tnis route connect , mwts "U5CUb ' tt n rrvTT. PisJdcat. w'-wv y -, w , &mmiri,t--Tyjt,, ',-i&& iu&4LjHisfoi&&&m0&x 'v3&&t$&ii j3.aiij.aMt, fJWfe