The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 18, 1886, Image 3

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AS folll A, UKLGOS:
...MAUCIl 1S.1&M1
Portlaud pava 9 cents a meal
feeding prisoners in the city jail.
Yesterday's balmy air and sunshine
was a pleasant contrast to the storm
and gloom of the precediug days.
The Ail 7a Mi Mart and Tam
(fXhanlir went to sea yesterday:
the barhgntine Portland came in
The Or&jn sailed for San Francisco.
Jas. Luper, of Eugene, has sued
.Sam'l Meek for 10,000 which he
thinks Sam'l outrht to nnv him for
having asserted in February, 18S5,
that Luner set fire to a warehouse. !
The Democials of Baker county
are first in the field, having nomi
nated a full county ticket last Tues
day. Southern Oregon papers are
publishing announcements from in
tending candidates.
The Iew York World almanac for
SG is to hand. It is cram full of
t-tatistics, fresh, valuable aud well ar
ranged and comes handy. They
charge two-bits for it. The World
paid S 121.1 17.01 for white paper in
Tne Oregon Improvement Co. has
offered miuer3 S3 a day to work in
the Coal Creek mines, near Newcas
tle. This would give employment to
133 men, but they refuse unless all
who are there- some 144- are em
ployed. At sunrise yesterday morning the
hills across the river were white with
snow and shining with inverted lips in
the water. 33y noon they were green
crowned again and in the afternoon
the regnlar rainbow material was as
beautiful as ever.
Tho statement of a Portland daily
journal that certain parlies in this
oily blackmailed caunerymen, is be
ing copied and commented on in San
Francisco and elsewhere. The local
assembly of Knights of Labor, against
which the charge appears to be di
rected, owes it to its members to
make a public denial of the matter as
Tar as that organization is concerned.
Carl Adler, who has been visiting
friends in Baker City, has relumed to
the city.
Tom Fitch, who shares with Henry
Edgerton of Sacramento, the honor of
being the finest orator on the coast,
- practicing law in Seattle.
Mr. S. Sichel leaves for his home
in Gdldendale, W. T., this morning,
thus closing a pleasant six weeks' so
journ in this city, during which time
he has made many friends in business
aud socially.
A Now Buildiuc
.T. C. Trulliuger is putting up a
building on tho beach west of his mill
office in which he "will place the en
gine, boiler, dynamo, etc., of the elec
tric light plant. He expects lo have
the whole lemoved from its present
position and the new machinery in
place by the first or next month.
In addition to the new engine and
boiler Mr. Trailing r contemplates
gelling another motor and an addi
tional dynamo, the whole plant being
intended to have sufficientcapacity to
run sixty lights as he is confident of
1 aviug that many ultimately.
The foundations of the new bnild
iug are remarkably solid. For the
bed of the engine he has a little chunk
of timber sawed out -which is 20x3G
inches; the "plank" weighs 0,000
pounds and there is plenty more of
the same kind, any desired length.
It Vi'a-J "One or T'otlicr.
Au incident which illustrates one
of the curious features of the
'.swamp'' land operations in Oregon
was related the other day by a gentle
man from across the Cascades. A
tract of land in Lake county which
had been taken up under the swamp
land laws was about to be located by
settlers uuder the United States
homestead laws. The '"swamp" land
claimant, finding that the settlers
were likely lo make good their claims
should they bring the matter to a
contest, concluded that the safest
plan for him to pursue was to enter
the tract as "desert" land, which he
did. It was cither "swamp"' by rea
son of being Sunder water, or else
"desert" because there was not suffi
cient moisture upon it to sustain veg
etation. "One or t'other" filing he
thought would catch it. -Tidings.
For Kent,
At a reasonable rate; the fine new build
ing opposite KirehholTs bakery. In
quire at this oflicc
Bimcli cf Keys X.os(.
With check and name attached.
tr will please leave at this office.
Ciri Wanted.
In a .small family ; must he good cook;
no children in family. Inquire at this
olnee. 10 cent; r !Nmul.
Fine Clalsop Cheese at Carnahan &
Co.'s reduced to 10 cts per pound. Guar
anteed to be of the very best.
in .Jersey Jackets at I.
fine wear a '.specialty at I.
Ulackmetuck," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and r) cents.
Hold by W. E. Dnent
Conl. liny and Slr.'nr.
Taconm Coal $G per ton, delivered.
Choice Hay from Si) to $12 per ton.
Cow Hav and Straw S7 to $10 per ton-
For sale by J.II.D.Ukav.
The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as
a gymnasium, next to Tcjepnone naioon.
Apply to Jeff.
See the fine stock of Slippers at 1.
To the United States Restaurant for
the bSt o-strs. Private rooms.
Ugly Ruruors Eearding the "Oregon."
(Irnrml Xrns Item, fmin DiftVivnt Point-.
PoktiiAKU. Mar. 17. The Irish cit
izens of Portlaud celebrated St. Pat
rick's daj' in fine style: there was a
parade and an oratien: all passed off
ax roiiY nraroiu
New York, Mar. 17. The failure
to find any trace of the schooner
which is reported to have struck the
Onaon has nronsed coneral suspicion.
Hie general belief now prevails that
me wrecK was causea oy eitner ayn
amite or a torpedo. All lue passen
gers agree that a loud report like the
discharge of a cannon was heard just
at the time of the accident. The offi
cials also appear to wear a mysterious
air. Many believe an explosive was
placed there iu order to accomplish
more deadly work thau it did. The
Herald's interviews support the
why does nn do it?
Washington; Mar. 17. It is stated
that Gov. Murray's resignation from
the Utah governorship is called for
by the president himself who direct
ed Secretary Lamar to demand it.
It is understood that the president
intends lo make a number of changes
in the administration of Utah affairs.
There will probably be several chang
es in the Utah commission.
PAKNEMj indisposed.
London, Mar. 17. Parnell was iu
his place in the house of commons
to-day, but was not well. He was
not able to attend the National
League banquet in honor of St. Pat
rick's day.
The Princess Louise Marguerite,
daughter of Princo Frederick Charles
of Prussia, and wife of the duke of
Counaught, gave birth to a daughter
Pittsburg, Mar. 17.- In the Hiber
nian parade to-day orange and green
banners were earned as symbolic of
unity in Ireland. Fifteen hundred
were in line, and the bc-l or order
New York, Mar. 17. Ten thou
sand Irishmen paraded to-day.
DESTROYED HER IjAST hope of skat
ing. Buffalo, Mar. 17. Laura Miller,
aged nineteen, hung herself to-day
because her parents forbade her go
ing to the skating rink.
Editor Asterian:
The entertainment which closed
the school term in District No. 12, on
the evening of March G, consisted of
songs, recitations, colloquies, a nu
morous dialogue, the readiug of tho
paper, "The Sunset ftews, ably edit
ed and well read by Misses Carrie
Bartoldes and Nellie Busey. Burtie
Sale, as the old fashioned school
master preparing his unruly pupils
for a visit from the dreaded commit
tee man, brought down the house.
The crowning feature of the pro
gramme, however, was the collcquy
of the Seasens: Spring, personated
by Jennie Busey, Summer, by Katie
Christians, Autumn, Nellie Busey,
Winter, Carrie Bartoldes, and the
yecr by Mary Btrloldes. Each sea
son was designated by n gilt badge
and an appropriate wreath, and in
suitable sonnets presented the year
with fruit flowers and grain, and re
ceived in return by a wave of the
magic wand the power to bless man
kind; they made a beautiful tableau.
Taken altogether it was a delight
ful occasion and one that will long
be remembered with pride and pleas
ure by the citizens of Young and
Walluski school district.
In closing tho teacher, Mrs. Busey,
awarded to each pupil beautiful floral
cards as prizes in scholarship and de
portment. The two special prizes
were gained by Miss Carrie Bar
toldes, best writiug-book, and Trvin
.Tcfiers, best in rapid additiou.
To Houiclc'ior.s.
Attention is called to our advert is
nient in another column giving a par
tial list of the goods to be found in our
stocic. we aim to carry tne best assort
ment to be found iu Astoria, and cash or
short time bu3ers will find it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases lrom
us. Goods delivered tree of charge to
any part of the city.
D. L. Beck & Sons.
All tho patent medicines advertised
iu this paper, together with the choicest
nerlumerv. and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's uruc store, opposuo ucutpnt
hctel, Astoria.
Croup. Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. IS. Dement.
Parties wishing spars or piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with .J. II. D. Gray.
New goods ! New goods ! At the As
toria tailor's Thos. Mau:.
GenVs furnishing goeds: a fine stock
of clothing, has, etc., at I. Cohen's.
The Leading Photographer, guarantees
as good work as can be had In the state.
Pictures taken in any kind of weatlser
with the Instantaneous Procoss.
Goods at your own prices at the Crys
tal Palace.
House to Rout,
Inquire of I. W. Case.
Shilolfs Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by"W. R. De
ment ForsUfcat Fitting Boot
Dr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
nanius street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make aud guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving, Custom work.
An almost unprecedented movement
in salmon has occurred recently, un
precedented at least at this timej of
the year. A few weeks since, when
certain interested parties iuNe.v York
attempted to break tho market by re
porting excessive stocks in Great
Britain, it was predicted, on the part
of tho "bear' interest, that prices for
this commodity would rule very low
this season. Iu February, a few
transactions were reported in futures
at low figures, and the market exhib
ited no life iu any direction. Only
low prices induced buyers to take
hold. At the close of that month tho
market began to show signs of im
provement, which feature has contin
ued to the present date. Recently
one order for English accsunt has
taken 60,000 cases Columbia river fish,
comprising three choice brands at
prices, respectively, $1.10, $1.12 aud
S1.15, L o." b. river. In addition to
this, other important transactions
have occurred that make the aggre
gate sales for English account about
153,000 cases, at an average price of
about S1.10 per dozen, f. o. b. This,
it must be .admitted, indicates some
confidence on the part of buyers,
particularly as the purchasers of this
salmon are in position to be well
informed as to the statistical position
of English markets. Spot quotations
in Great Britain aru now 22sS2G3
per case, accordiug to brands, and
stocks are reported well concentrated.
This, and the fact that the large con
sumption of salmon in England oc
curs during the months of May,
.Tune, July and August, for well
known reasons, gives a strong tone
to the market, and lends holders to
believe high prices will prevail dur
ing the next six months at least.
The large purchases that have al
ready been made will, no doubt, tend
to prevent a break in prices later in
the season. The packs that
ported as sold are as follews:
Fisherman's Packing Co
Devlin & Co
White Star Packiuj; Co
are re-
.. ir.,000
Badollet i Uo 10,000
Oceau CcnniuK Co 10,000
Scnudmuvinu Fisherman Co l.r,000
Aberdeen Packing Co 20,000
McGowen&Sou l.",003
Columbia Packing Co IS, 000
Thistle Packing Co 10,000
Pillar Rock Packing Co 10,000
Total Columbia river l"i,000
All of these packs are now owned
by English buyers, and.some of them
have been purchased at 1.15 per doz
en, which is the extreme figure paid
for the season. Transactions have
also been made iu Sacramento river
salmon, at prices ranging $1.12itfj.
S 1.15 per dozen, f. o. b. This is "an
anomalous condition of the market,
as Sacramento fish heretofore has not
generally ruled as high as Columbia
river packs. That it rules higher
this seasou is accounted for on the
ground that Sacramento river salmon
will be ready for shipment forty-five
to sixty days earlier thau that packed
on the Columbia, which, iu face of
the prospect of a bare market, is an
important consideration. Recently the
Australian market has been drained
by re-shipment uuder strong demand,
aud prices there have been materially
enhanced. Orders are reported from
that market for early shipment at a
limit of $1.20 per dozen here. The
condition of the Australian markets,
low freight rates to Liverpool, small
stocks in all domestic markets and
prospects of good prices for salmon '
here, make Sacramento river salmoa
very desirable, even more desirable
early in the season than Columbia '
river fish. Present indications point
to a good market throughout the sen-;
son. But giviug buyers the benefit '
of the contingency of a large pack, it
is not easy to see how lower prices '
are to be secured before August,!
even if the market reacts at all this !
year. English buyers have strong!
friends here, who aro likely to enter
the market whenever prices reach a
certain figure, aud who probablv will
thus protect their present purchases.
nr f i,i ?. ;,Vnnni,B i,i . !
w.. v. MU "" !2r "'- !V . iJil" "
may mention A. Lusk & Co. s "Bear
brand at Sl.lo, and A. Booth & Co.'s
"Seal" at S1.12,. We are informed
that G. W. Hume has declined a firm
offer of S1.17J2, less 1 per cent., for
his Benicia and Carquinez packs. It
is also stated that W. B. Bradford, of
the Sacramento Biver Packing com
pany, has refused a net figure of
brands of Sacramento 'river fish for
i xrn k,ji 4i, i. .. ..
the season. We submit that this
shows a strong condition of the mar
ket. With sales of lgO.000 to 190,000
cases at this date, n light stock in
English, Australian and eastern mar
kets, and with no carry-over stock on
this coast, the out look for the seasou
for canners is an encouraging one.
It has been reported that large prep
aration is being made on the Colum
bia nver. This is reported each sea
son. It is no doubt true that large
perchases of twine have been made,
but it must be remembered that few,
if any, new nets were provided last
season. Good authorities claim that
there will be no more boats out this
year than in 18S5. Canners pack all
they can every season, and there is no
reason to suppose this year will prove
an exception to the rule. No season
for many years has opened as auspi
ciously for the canning interest, and
whatever the pack may be, there is
reason to believe good prices will
prevail. SL F. Orocer and Country
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means in
dependence. The keynote is Dr. Uosnn
kos Cough and Lung sT"P. the best
Cough Syrup in the world. Cure.
Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron
chitis and Primary consumption. One
dose gives relief in every case. Take
no other. Price 50 cents and S1.O0.
Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Prh'e 50 cents, Masai Injector free
For sale by W.E. Dement
Being More Pleasant Sgl
To the taste, more acceptable to the
stomach, and more truly beneficial in
its action the famous California liquid
fruit Syrup of Figs is rapidly super
seding all others. For sale by W. E.
Dement & Co.
The Western fever is a disease
which is very apt to attack the New
England farmer who has not been
able to get ahead in the world he
seems to think the far West a verit
able Eden, whose crops can be grown
without labor, and riches obtained
for the asking. Many a farmer who
has moved onto ihe new lands of
the far West with his family has
found, by sad experience, that his
dream of bliss was but an illusion
and has returned lo his New England
home, poorer in pocket but wiser in
Now let any of our Eastern farm
ers, who own" only :i small farm and
are discontented with their lot run
ning behind, as the saying is and
who are pining for homes in the new
West, get up some morning, and ask
themselves : What' the mailer f Why
don't I get ahead in the world?
Why do 1 want lo go West? Then
if they study up the matter carefully
they will find there is a " screw
loose" somewhere, and see that
they need not go West in order lo
get" it tightened. IP money is the
sole object the farmer has in view,
it can be made in the East as well
as the West; business can be con
ducted on a smaller capital here
than in the West.
But, saj's one, how did Mr. A. and
B., who, a few years since moved
West with their "families, and pur
chased Government lands, get their
money? In a few years they came
back East pretty well lo do in the
world. Well, we will answer that
question by asking anether: How
do the foreigners who come to this
country with hardly a dollar in their
pockets, purchase a farm, cover it
with a mortgage, and in a few j'cars
pay for it, and own it free and clear,
and have a snug little bank account
besides? In nine cases out of ten,
the correct answer would be. By not
doing as ve do. They come to" this
country with no other capital than
pluck, thrift, and energy ; they bring
their frugal habits with them ; they
are determined lo succeed, and they
do succeed. They have not our ex
pensive ways of living: society ways
do not trouble them. They" dress
cheaply -and pay no money for pub
lic enterprises, except what the law
exacts. Now, the farmer who moves
onto the new lands of the West
must work on tho same principle if
he would save anything ahead. But
he can do it in New England as well
as in the West, if he has only the
independence to carry it out. There
are but few, however, that care to
live in such a manner.
Most of our farmers believe in a
higher manhood than that which
would devote itself entirely to tho
accumulation and hoardingbf dollars
and cents. The true New England
farmer desires to see his children
well educated, and there is enough
of the Puritan left in him to induce
him to work for the best interest of
society, and lo this end he becomes
a public-spirited man. The church
and other public institutions receive
his hearty support and approval,
lie likes good society, even if it
sometimes costs him something to
keep it up he places the comfort
and health of his family first, and
leaves the bank account to take care
of itself. It is very seldom that
such a one becomes discontented
with his farm life but should such
a one, orany Eastern farmer, become
discontented with his lot, and think
of " going West," let him for a mo
ment consider all the blessings and
privileges, society and home sur
lonndings, that are his in the East,
and then ask himself, " What shall
I get in exchange for all these if I
go onto the new lands of the West?"
f American Rural Home.
Yil Await JDrtiicgfoN.
Mt-.ssrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al-
u-it c mIivo tn tlioti liiiziitr.2 ;mil cnnri'
nopains Insecure the best of evervartiele
in their line. They have secured thengen
ey for the celebrated Dr. King's Xew
Dkcoxcry for Consumption. The only
?,er,lU1n "Fe, J11"" for Consumption,
C 'ouglis, Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma,
Hav I: ever, lironclmis or any allection
, f ti.. Throal and Liiiiw. Sold on a
. positive guarantee. Trial Uottles five.
Uvular size .-sl.00.
-- -
Nj'rnp ofFi;.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cat is
Xaiuri'S Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid iruit reined v may he
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fiftv cents
SK'SSKi ' nfu-Mve prompt anil ciuvtiu
s the niot
known, to cleanse the system; U act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs.
Colds ant! Fevers: to cure Co;i-?tipntion,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Shiloh's Vitamer is what you iml
fir Constipation. Loss of Appetite, Diz-z'Mie-s
and s 11 symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 7j cents per bottle. Sold
by V. E. Dement.
Will .u suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Yitalizer is
uuamuteed to cure on. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
West lore Ills,
For the Season :
At the Mills 124 Cents
Delivered ly Wagon 13 Cents
Sreet Dank. Delivered .S fc.00
House Uill Lumber, Kouph. DelM 9.00
Flooring and Kustte, 1st Class, u.oO
" I'titl " " 12.00
At proportionate lirlcvs. a:l delivered, and
im funny business.
Furniture and Upholstering,
Mattresses Made aud Repaired.
Paper Hanging. Carpnts Sewed
and Laid.
Furniture Sold on Commission.
Sum, corner Main and Jefferson Streets
To very many an orange is an or
ange, the only variation distinguish
able being in size and corresponding
8 rice, while those who know the
ifference between "Florida," "Se
ville" and "Messina" orange3 are
considered experts. The "Florida
Catechism" tells us better than that.
Wo learn from it that there are
"over thirty" varieties of sweet
orauges, not" to mention the "natu
ral" stock, which i3 a larger and
handsomer fruit than the sweet
orange, and is excellent for orange
ade and marmalade, but being very
sour, is seldom shipped XsTorth.
Tho medium sizes are apt to be the
choicest, and "probably the very
sweetest orange that is marketed is
the rusty-coated and rather ill-looking
orange, which might be consid
ered inferior by an amateur." Fur Fur
thereore: "The way to detect
oranges is to 'heft' them in your
hands; pick out the thin-skinned,
heavy fruit and you are all right."
Tho lif'.:t-weight fruit is apt to be
juiceless, a condition caused either
by a slight freezing while on the tree,
or, more probably, by the poverty
of tne soil m which it grew.
All this applies to the sweet
oranges. The "kid glove " oranges
are grown in Florida from two stocks,
brought, respectfully, from China
and Tangiers. Hence they are
called Mandarin and Tangerine
oranges. Both are small, the skin
is loose and easily removed, and the
sections fall apart so readily that a
lady can eat 6ne without soiling her
gloves hence the name.
Some other interesting bits of in
formation may he picked out from
this "Catechism." It isnot generally
known, for instance, that "an orange
that is entirely dead ripe in Decem
ber will hang on the tree until
March, and is ready at any time tc
be picked and shipped ;" while so
far from deteriorating, "the longer
they hang on the trees the sweeter
they grow," and Florida oranges,
purchased in February and March,
are, therefore, apt to bo better than
those procured early u the season.
Again, the notion that, to know
what an orange is really like, one
must go where the oranges grow,
appears to be a popular fallacv. as
we are told that " the orange
picked from the tree is no riper or
better than the orange on the fruit
stall m the North." Philadelphia
Biielilojs'.s Arnien Snlre.
Titk I.kst Sai.vk i n the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers,SaItItheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give,
uerfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sa le bv Y
K. Dement & Co.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Arouimde miserable by Indiges
tion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of
Apuetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital
izerns a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Of Best Quality, and at
lading Mill
K0LT& CO. Proprietors.
Sash noors,
Blinds. Rails,
Newel Posts,
Scroll and Turned Balustrades,
Orders Solicited aud Prompt!- Attended to.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
As to Style, Quality and Prices.
Mill ami Office cor. Tolk ami Conccinly Sts.,
Address nOLT&CO.
The Pioneer Machine Shop
., i.ifciriTii -.0 jt-tl
' JI$
Boiler Shop
All kinds ot
Promptly attended to,
Asaeclalty made of repairing
There Is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Frauclsco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can c
;et Better Fits. Better Work-
nntfelup, an
Less Money
By Leaving their Orders with ME ANY. lie
has Just received the Yuinicst Yum Yum lot
of Goods ever made up in Astoria.
Call aod See Him
and Satisfy Yourself.
P. J.
Night Gowns,
Corset Covers,
Skirts, &c.
All Odd Lilies in Corsets
11 M at Greatly
The Leading Dry Goods and
Ravel's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoriu. Oregea.
Camiery Supplies at Lowest Priees.
Storage and Insurance al Current Rates.
Banking Department
Drafts on the leading Oities of the World
9. II. Stewart, Accountant, and
Agent Northern Pacific Express Co.
Books and Stationery!
The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
G-oods in Every Line!
Which will be Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store.
Retail Prices!
Clothing House in Astoria.
Astoria and Seaside
ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor
Th !)(. Bread, Cakes and Pastry la the City.
Ice Creams and Ornamental Work
to order
Manufacturer of Fin Candles.
--. j