IV k gatttt jtoum. ASTORIA. OREGON THURSDAY .MARCH IS. 16SO COXGRA TULA TORY. Portland is to be congratulat ed. Despite, the assertion of a panic-stricken journalist of that city that danger was imminent, the icsidents of that pleasant in land burg appear to be enjoying ordinary safety and arc enabled to pursue their usual, avocations with whatever vigor the prevail ing malaria in fever and ague dis tricts usually allows unfortunate dwellers in low and swamp' areas. The report of the dual meeting held in that city last Tuesday, must indeed be a source of satis faction to every well wisher of the general peace of the common wealth, and is a striking exempli fication of the unanimity of senti ment that pervades that com munity. The maj'or had called a meet ing at two i. at., but so eager were, some of the citizens to evince their desire for law and order that they filled the court room in which the meeting was to be held by half past one, and it is alleged that some of them wanted to be gin before Judge Smith, who was holding court, was ready to ad journ. This delegation appear to have captured the works, so to speak, and after organizing hy the election of a president and secre tary they passed a series of reso lutions which for plainness of lan guage, directness of meaning and comprehensiveness of intent have rarely been equaled in modern histor'. Here they are: Whereas, A petition was circulated and extensively signed by the business men of Portland urging ihe boaid of trade to call a mass meeting of the citizens to take steps to protect the peace of the city, and Whereas, Said board of trade, after full consideration of the question, re spectfully referred the petition to Gov. Moody, and also expressed en tire confidence in the ability of the local authorities and state militia to maintain good order in any emergen cy, and at the same lime pledging its members to stand ready to respond lo any call that might be made on them at any time for the protection of the city, and the maintaiuauce of law and order; and Whereas. Nothing has occurred since said action of the board of trade to diminish confidence in the com petency of the civil and police author ities to maintain order and preserve peace; therefore Resolved, That we the citizens of Portland in mass meeting assembled. endorse me aciion 01 ino noaru 01 trade in its expression of confidence in the competency of the state, coun ty and municipal authorities to pre serve the peace of the city, and that we hereby pledge them our hearty co operation and support in maintaining order and enforcing the laws. Resolved, That we deprecate all at tempts to incite one clacs of the com munity against another as inimical to the peace and good order of the city, and the only result of which will be most damaging to its prosperity. Resolved, That as law-abiding citi zens we will exert all our personal in fluence to discountenance and put down lawlessness of auy and all de scriptions, and to that end tho state, county and municipal authorities are urged to enforce all the laws and or dinances of the city in letter and spir it, irrespective of persons, occupation or nationality. Resolved, That the presence of the Chinese in our state is an unmixed and nnmitigated evil, and we pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to rid ourselves of the same, and for the furtherance of that end, wo will not give employment lo any Chiuam-m in any capacity whatever. In the meantime another dele gation, equally determined to show llieir zeal for good order butSina bla to squeeze into the densely packed court room, adopted the clever plan of having a meeting of their own. The accordingly met in the judge's room, regularly or ganized and passed another series of resolutions, equally worthy of praise. Here the' are: Whereas. Many unlawful and riot ous nets havo of late been committed in this city and vicinity by persons unknown, but supposed to bo chiefly incited bv non-residents, by forcibly driving inoffensive and defenseless Chinese laborers from their humble homes and avocations, rendering them homeless and preventing them from working for a livelihood, there by compelling them to become either criminals, a public charge or starve; and Whereas, Threats aro openly in dulged in, to continue such outrages id violation of law and order, in vio laticn of sacred treaty obligations en tered into by our government, and in jL violation of all laws, both human and 9 divine; and 4 Wxxmas, The citizens of Portland, mindful of the fair fame of their city and proud of its hitherto good repute for peace, observauce for law and good order, viewing with alarm the probability that riot and disorder, sbamo and disgrace will surely follow if the said threats be executed and such unlawful conduct be persisted in, thus tarnishing the hitherto un blemished history of our town, deem it now our sacred duty to rise in our might and declare earnestly and em phatically that we will not suffer this state of affairs to continue; we de clare that it has ceased to be a ques tion whether the Chinese aro a desir able population or not, (and we "be lieve that it is the sentiment of this community that they are nolj; but it hasjjecome a question whether law ancTorder shall prevail and govern this community, or whether we will allow irresponsible persons to bring shame and disgrace, riot and anarchy upon us. Resolved by (he citizens of Roi t land in mass meeting assembled, That it is our duty to uphold law and order in this community and that we will sustain and aid the legal author ities in maintaining the same: that wo will maintain and sustain the fun damental principles of liberty and humanity as adopted by the found ers of the republic; that man has an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that these aro inherent rights of which no one can unlawfully be deprived: and that we will not allow any oiieto be prevented through violence or in timidation from working for a livli hood, or be driven from hone or home, and we pledge our means and if necessary our lives to uphold these principles; and that wc will do all in our power to bring condimi punish ment on any and all who may be found engaged in riotous and unlaw ful conduct. Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting appoint a committee of fifteen whose duty it shall be to con sult with the proper authorities and adopt such lawful measures as they may deem advisable under the cir cumstances, to the end that peace and good order prevail. Here wc have the pleasant spec tacle of a populace unanimous in their determination lo put down lawlessness awl to lnnko il hot for disturbeis of the peace. The only question that arises is il every one is detei mined lo squelch lawless ness, what is the probability of there being' any lawlessness? There doesn't seem to In ihe slightest possibility. This is wliv wo. congratulate Portland. HakpkrV; Weekly t.tks occa sion to nnnounci in the current number that it will not support Blaine for president in "PS. Thi. at least, has the merit of re iwt cucy. But "tis premature. 2XAi:i:ii:i. At West port, March 17. ISMl. b I Jew L W. Garner. A. Herring and Frances il. Coleman, botli of Clatsop county. i FRIDAY, MARCH 1 9 III, O M , mn.iuii iiu, l. i . in. Sold on Account of Departure. Instructed by Mrs. C..T. Curti-, I will sell it iiiTrcsidciicPop'insitethet'niiKreg.itiunnl Church all her HOUSEHOLD F I'KXl 1 LTKL coii-ittiM;;, In part, or rnor IJfrt-lomntc : Handsome ChefTenier: Bordered Brussels Carpet: Chairs; Tables; Bed-leads; Fold ing Lhilirs cjiii): iianusome h-uay liock ; Lace 31invr; Writing Table and Book MieFves; Baby Carnage; Cioclcery ami Glassware ; Meat Safe ; Cooking Move and Kitchen Utemils, and a lot of llou-r Plants and Sundries. IL C. IIDIitKX. Auctioneer. Boatbuilders Wanted. A PPLY TO W.M. HOWE, XhKT DOOIl x3v. to Telephone Saloon. O.S.Simr.Shiihrick. INSTRUCTED BY CAPTAIN ShP.KEIJ, JL L5','ht-Houv Inspector. lSt'i Dit , 1 will ofterfjrsaie at PUBLIC AUCTION, Saturday. March 20, 12 M. To tho hhhc;t bidder, th aboe mentioned steamer subject to the olt.eial notice below. Terms of Sale 20 per cent or purchase price on dav of sale, as depoit. awaiting approval of Light-House Board, balance on delivery of vessel. A full and official list of machinery, furniture, tackle and apparel of said vessel can lie examined at my otllee. K. C iJOJi!KX. Auctioneer. 1 t Y at 12 o'clock, on Saturday, the 20th day of March. 1SS3, at Astoria, Oreg., the old light-house steamer. Shuhrtch: Full in formation as to dimensions of steamer, terms of sale, can be obtained on application to this office. The light is resened to reject anv or all bids. URIEL SEBREE. Lieut. U. S. X.. Light-House Inspector. H. EKSTEOM, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Shop next to L. I, Johnson's eigar store. ALL "WORK WARRANTED ! YiiiiiiiaCipr anfl ToMggo Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors Hast of OJucy. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Sniclrrs Articles, Sold at Lowest Maiket Ratts. FRUITS. CANDIES,KOTIONS.&c. Soeo a Auction OrricK of Titn Ligiit-Uocsi: 1 iNSPKCTOK.TmitTKKNTH DlSTKICT. 'outlaxd. OiiRG.. February 20th. 1SSC. 1 ILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Imperial Pekin Duck Eggs: $1 SA PER DOZEN. FOR SALE BY 1. O U D.J. 1NGALLS, Cn&dwell. WhW VMJ Al' SLOOP AT AUCTION. Saturday, March 20. 2 P. M. Tl'.ST REBUILT AND LAUNCHED. LeiiKth lr fel. Beam 12 feet. Draft . feot, 1.1 and 43-100 tons regNter ; figetlier with tackK furniture, anil apparel. Well adapted for deep mmi fKliimj. lUlf cnli. half r. months. V. t HOIiDEX, Auctioneer. Notice milK STOCKH L1)ERS OK THE J-CAX-JL riina!au Cosnmorcljl Union art1 herein notified that the director, he'd a meeting at Joseph Gstrom'sAsttrin. Oregon, and came to the conclusion to rotpone the tidiness of aid union until Auetist lt, because thy -aw It difficult lo collect in the money that lias been subscribed, at the present time, but will keep the Mock book open for Mib oription of more stock. I5v order of the directors. Al'tJ. DAX1KLSOX. President. f. A. HANSON, Seev. Astona, Or.. Mai eh Ctli. lsr- for Hatching iS-5 Vyardotes and S. C. B. Leghorns. My birds arc of tin Iv-t -:r.u.i, and a'l iltst class, l am now prepared to turn'Mi a limited number of i-jrus for M-liiiig from Hiliei janl at Si :md:-3 prr 13. Gi:o. iv. wood. Cor. We- 5lh and Arch tr ets, A-tona. Or. AUG- DANIfiLSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, ("o.ner ot Water and We'd Xuiih St reels. Quite Lips ai Ciprs! I'veiy Attention to the Comfort of l'atrons. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKSR'S BnliitOecei Warraut'xl "loltclypu Cocoa, from wLIr'i ihn escota ol OilIiMlwen removed. ItliasfArw Hints ihe strength of Cocoa mlsed vvlth fctarch. Arrowroot or Suimr, aad 1 therefore far more econow. ical, cr.tlUg le3 than one ecu' f letn.-:i'the:iiu'l easily d!gMtcda i 1 lrTfl irlmlolilt ftilfirit.'wl frr ltl il LJidaa.?v.cHMforiersoii3ia health. fA Said l'y flrcecr CTerrnhcrc. OffiR & CO., BorcMer, Mass. O. A. ST1NS0N & CO., 3LACKSF4iTH!NG. t Ctj!. Hotels old stand, corner of Ciiss and Court Street". Ship raid Caiui. ry work, Ilorveshoelup. V:i,ons made ad repaired. Good work ifii,iriiteed W. B. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON C.in j in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FA8CY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Cnmpor.ntlod Y. f. C. A. IS NOW OPES TO 3IE3IBERS JIacli Week Day and Evening : Follows ; Younj3fen ; Tuesda .TliursdayaiulSHt- urdav evenui'is. Boys under 18 ; Mcndav, Wedne'ulav and Friday eennifs. IjndieH ; Saturday afternoon-. Membership Tickets and Kcvscanbe had from any of the oft'ef rs. MANAGING COMMITTEE. SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting n G-xkI Cicar AtShutc& Co.'a CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite D. I. lieck & Fan's. To Ship Masters and Ship Owners! W.H.DYER &CO., STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Sau Franeico, Portland and Astoria. I-ortianil Oliicc - - 10 Xorlli Front Street. The attention or ship masters and owners i ilirfcted to our superior facilities and low rates for loading and unloading voxels. Otllee at V. C. Ilnlden's. To Rent. FINE SUITE OF EOOMS IN T1IE ODD Fellows' r.uilding. Applv to A..l.MEGLElt. DYIT PRY IT ! eke Flour! (M M SsBlteJ? Sim I ri.5i Bill i J; C 1 O'l i t I I.I m 1 1; no. East Of the Spacious- X.i.'sS CRYSTAL PA LACE Has Eeen Cleared Out! Ihi (Uon w ire sold at A Terrible Sacrifice And Astorians "who purchased got Iho most for their money they ever got. The sale still goes on at the corner stere: the fine stock must bo closed ent: the prices arc set away below prime cost. If you want a watch, a ring, a book, n card cnae, a musical instrument, a bracelet, a set of stand ard works, a gold chain, a cltKk, or auy thing else in our stock jou can have it at almost your own price. Tho goods must be sold. The Crystal Palace, Hardware and Slip CWlerjiB. B. Franklin, & CfL hardware and Ship Ghanoiery ilcinj) Sail Twine, roilon Sail Twine. Lai-d Oil, Wrouglit Ti'on Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sowing Rlnolsiin., I'-sinLs jiik! Oil-, rrips, otc. i COVA'TY CORONER. Vrv m tZ-S55'-5-" """ - . . mZzL. " tms. -vj . ,.k-": t. . Sl"'tji -r-JTr--rvi-j j-r ja-"3r.j-L-f tr ifVr!i?-r--?'Zr--- Sn First Class Hoarse and Material OX HAM). Sliopund O'tlceon Main St., a',ou' Pioneer Ketaitraut. 8 Purr Oil, Bng-lil Varnish. J jsjjpgfl Binaclo Oil, Cot I on Canvas. lKS JUST JEDEJOESITSSDO 60 Rolls of Carpet of all Grades and in the Newest Shades, Including loptlo, Body Brussels, Tapestries Also a Large Stock of Linoleum, Oil Clofli, AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES- Sign Painting, CUding, Banners, Oil ClothSfgns SHOW CARDS, Fecce Advertising-, Price Marks, etc P. , ! .shop and office on Ca;3 street : 1'ike Bros.' old s'and. wmw -m-i jt . - -i .m j Just Received From the East, A Large Lot of Gents', Ladies', and Children's FINE BOOTS AND SHOES! Gesit's Kangaroo Boots and Shoes A SPECIALTY. We also Carry a First Class Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hais, Furnishing Goods, So W. T. PARKER, Manager. ?-$?- - i-- ' '--x-ms$ L' ir .;k. v: s Xi j g 0mf&k.4z : SQUEKIOQUA STREET, xi:xt to tiii: vstokian r.iTir.i)ixo. o J2?-A11 woik done in a skillful manner on abort notice at reasonable rates. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured ly the Full l.'ollei IMocess, ijv me Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LTMITKli J i " t,0 ,m iiuii ii itirvirii i-ii'ji x rit T'. .,..-!.. n.... !.,. !.-. ..!... l:.a ti.r4lk i fitrik trlfi vimpovorm iir tli nTi.4-! nir.ciiAXics faik. A ho at State Fair. On. trl.il is Miftio'ent toconiuce of its "mi nority. ' - tint the wonl CAPITOL is on eaciisaek GEOKOE SIIIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. V. !lOX S. FISHER. Astoria Agents. I &70alBLl 23 B 9 B JOHN FUSSELL, .Manufacturer of and Dealer ia 'Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, llriibhes Curry Combs. Etc. , NONE BUT BEST STOCK USED. I Prices to auitthoTimes. i . V " Chenamti3 street, next door to J. A- Slontgomery's, Astoria, Oregon, u M g-.?y-inw-rrga ! UnflBrtater auii GaMnef Maker, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIES & Choice Teas Java and G. S Coffee Palace Drips j. E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Emits ErenchPeas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Crab Spanish toeen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding- Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade bsnnorv Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. DRAI Ha?, Oats, aiA Straw, lime, Brici, Cement, Sanff and Plaster Wood Dcllrc red to Order. Dray in-. Teaming aud Etprcss Basinets. j ZZIeffj "' -T-rjSgga TEH apply lo the Captain, or to a"o:oc3sr .a.. iwioijjrTcst-cnMa DEALKB II Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods' AGENT FOR MACEE STOVES ANI) TtXSGES, THE BEST M TnE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job woik done, in a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Term". ClieimmuH Street, Xext to C It. Parker's Htore. Astoria, Oregon. 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK- And All Folnts East. Rates SS.30 to $10.25 the Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. I'uJluimi Pnlaee and Kniirnnt Sleeping Cars hauled on Express TraiuH KxelUMlvelj 'vltUont Chause. II vou are uoinr exst urite for Rates. Ma; s, Time Tables. Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. K. A. SOYES. F. E. SHUTE. Aqctit. Astoriiu Ticket Agt., Astoria. 11. CXaiVBELL. General Agent, No, 1. Washington street. Portland, Oregon. H-l j'.-jnAjLr-Ti-a.erAFLW-F,iii i r m ,i .i , . ij SEagims 0. Crosby Dealer in HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TiWWARE AND riOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TPi-r AND 0O3PD02- WE WILL SUIT YOU Carry a Iirge Stock or Groceries 1 Provisions -And Sell at the- Lowest Margin of Living Profit! Quality and Price Sntisrnctory In Every Instance. Goods Delivered Mi Over ihe City. GILBERT CHRISTIANSEN, General Blacksmith ag. Horseshoeing a Specialty, Sho; in Rear of Ang.Danielson's Saloon. SAIl Work Guaranteed., Notice. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM selves indebted to the late Edward N. Murphy will please make Immediate settle ment to the undersigned, administratrix of til ft &4tnt& MBS. JOHN HOGER3. SONS: jKTIO Supplie India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Raisins Breakfast Gems Crushed Indian Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Pruits Choice Pancy Crackers Salem Capitol Mills Flour Cove Mills Plour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. Eii IX STKAMKK LARA PARKER Eben P. Parher,Master. ForTOWINO, FREIGHT orCHAR 11. B. PAKIiEIt. 3T, RT LINE. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes Deep and Xerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., A goats Astoria. Price, 81.60. WM, LOEB & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS! The Trade Supplied AT I.OIVEST MARKET RATES. All orders filled promptly and accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands main Street, Next door to "fells, Fargo's Express offlse. TH0S. MAJRS, 8 A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHAKGES MODERATE. Pants, from 3 up. Suits from SCO up. 9 Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. ("duplex: I AXEk PATJAC5JCJ3,., J.C.Trullinger 1 ll IH ''J FasMonaol Tailor : . Jga-'iiSte&fe ra-trS.-a- -x?, rfi)'sSgft , -jjk-,ii.