.tSfe-: ; .' ; -?' W Site gatfjt gtstoran. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY MARCH 17. 1S5 SHIPPING (INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA- READY FUR SEA. Kincardineshire, Br bfc Qucenstoirn ilarC Firth of Dorcocli. Br bk Qnccnstovrn Mar G Cochrina, Br bV SSI Queenttonn March 3 Selene, Br bk Liverpool Quecastovrn Mar 10 Anglo Norman. Br bk SCO Qaeeastown Mar 10 Clan Ferguson, PCO Queenstown Mar 12 Ltae Bell, Br bk Queenstoru Mar IS Dovenby. Br bk KS Qaeenstown Mar 13 Adelaide Mary, Br bk Liverpool Mar 15 Ut of Bate 823 Queenstown Mar 1C J ESaEhS IS inE RIVER. -o- tfeary Villerd. Ara splS'S Director.-Brbk G79. UawardenUastlc.Br spllOl Amphitnte, Br sp 17(19 Gov. Goodwin, Am tp 1414 Firth of btronsa, Br bk ChtsebrouRh, Am sp 1461 Cambria, Br bk Scottish Wiurd.tir bk Gov. 'Idler, BrsnHOT Kmblctoa.Brbk 1S6 VESSELS OX THE WAY. frK Foreign Porlt. for the Columbia Itlvcr Archer. Br bk 7G3 Liverpool Teh 4 Alliance, Br bk !C0 Australia Birmah, Br bk F12 Liverpool Teb Sf. Dryad Brsp 1035 Newcastle Jan 15 Gerraania, Gcr bk 890 Liverpool Nov 28 Glenfcrg. Br bk 823 New Cattle Jan 22 Uarvcst llorcc. Br bk5S7 Victoria Uelenslca, Br bk Sydney Jan 23 Kingdom of Saxony, Br bk 533 Maryborn, Feb 2 Kepunda, Br sp 1093 Brisbane, 1-cb II Mallszate, Br bk 1043 Australia Noddlcburn. Brbk 1053 Liverpool NiJb, Brbk 990 Australia Feb 27 Rydalmerc, Br bk 124G Melbourne Jan 14 Remonstrant, Br bk 10J5 C&llao Stirlingshire Br sp 1221 Liverpool Not 1 Shalimar, Br bk 5-83 Brisbane Jan 21 Troop, Br p 152 Panama Jan 13 ITcdine, Ger bk ECS lions Kong From American i'ort. Aeset, Br bk 795 San Pedro 0. 8, IinrlbcrS, bk 105G New York Nov 10 Tdlio E Starbuck, Am sp 131 Now York'Jan 5 Wa. H. Bessc, Am bk 1127 Now York IVsb 13 t:;-: tak1iS: fob astii!a. MARCH. HIGH WATER. I LOW WATER. I First. accoid. 1 Mrd. Second. 2 2 J 2 I . -I? - 2 5 1 IE h i h 5 h iJ. h. in. I ju A.. i. .v k. n. .v j -. I i 1, 1) 4la 72 11 lip 70 SSOa' 311 lolp 02 J 10 SC 7 3,11 50J7 3 4 52 2 9 5 5J 01 3 11 19 7-ii . .. e: '2h 0 02 02 4 0 27 75 1151(1,75 0 11 23 G 'JO 03 5 0 34 7 6 0 2Cj)'"5 C 42 2 0 0.12 0 5 I) 115 10 OS" 73 7 12 18 7 11 0 0 7 131 77 120 T." 7 41 15 7 40 07 b 1 57 SO 2 03 75 S C'7 12 S 11 Ofl 9 2 25 81 2 47 7 2 8 41 1 0 8 40 11 10 2 59 S 2 3 35 G 7 i) 28 0 8 U 2J 15 11 3 3S 83 4 32 2 10 20 0 9 10 13 2 0 12 4 2."i S3 5 42 JS112J 10 1112 25 13 5 22 8 1 7 07 "j C . . . . 0 37 11 11 C 32 7 9 8 29 5 9 0 21 3 0 1 59 0 9 15 7 51 78 9 4) .4 1 43 30 3 10 05 16 9 07 7 9J10 3J 71 3 03 27j 4 12 01 17 10 16 182 1123 170,4 10 215 01 -01 IS 11 M 84' . . I 5 13 14 5 51 -02 19 0 0J 810 10 8 C! 0 01 08 0 32 -01 20 0 4i So 0 & 8 5 G53 03 7 09 01 21 122 80 144 hJ 7 31 00 7 51 04 22 159 87 23)j7 9 3 21 00 828 OS 23 ' 2 3J 87 3 17 73 9 04 01 9 07 13 21 3 15 5 4 0J jtifelOOO 04 9 49 19 J5 3 53 SI 5 07 Id 2 10 0 08 10 42 2 4 2C 4 48 77 0 1C 59 11 59 1 1 11 47 29 7 5 50 7 2 7 32 5 9 . 1 03 12 28 7 02 6 8 8 45 iJ 1 01 32 2 Jli 12 28 8 14 CC 9 4J Id O 2 27 3 213 17 10 30 9 19 15 7 102 7 0 3 o7 2 94 07 0 9 31 10 13a 0 9 11 llj)J73 4 2a 2 5 4 47) 0 8 The lioiirs between niuliiint and noon arc designated by a (a. si.), those between noon and midnight by p (i. m.). o.'. Oim.a denotes lukiulght, cA. O0hi. p denotes noon. fiie height fc reckoned from ihc level of average lowcrlow waters to w lilch the bound lugs are given on the Coast burvev charts. HETKOIIOLOCICAL REPORT. march 10. A. M.I Bar. Tlicr State ol w cat lier 310! 2.74 11 -J6l 29.73 V. M. 0 :5C 29.62 40 38 SV clotidv FE It rain SW If rain Kala rail .03. Max. velocity 30 niHes. Local time to correspond with 7 a. m. and 10 r. at., Washington tune. Columbia River Exoorts. sjr;ir.N'TS loitK.inv. aiAitcsi. 1-To Jftrtf per Yarkanii. Wheat 75523 bus -.$."5ri37 1 To Quccnstown psr Lord Canning. Wheat 77,851 bus. Srti,s.71 2 To Qutcnstoim per RiiccaJe. Wheat 4S.479 bus $3.-.,KKt 3-To Jjondon per Glenlnra. Klour 24,819 bills. .. .. ?.'3,173 4- To Queenstoicn per Dun1nrtW'hirc. heat 54,000 bus .SiS.SOO C To Qiiccnstmcn per Firih of J-mir7. beat 52,079 bits . 3D,!.n 6 To Qn:ifi(oiCTJ perKlncardimhirc. Wheat 71,191 bus cil.232 tTo Queensfaivn per Cochrina. Wheat 50,200 bus 542.200 10 To Quccnstmcn per Selene. Wheat 51,003 bus 37,12 10 To Quccnslmc7i per Anglo Xnrinan. Wheat 43,318 bus $31 ,189 10 To Quunttovcnpcr Cta Vugnfum. Wheat 45,925 bus- -..$34,311 18 To Quccn&loicn per Dorothy. "Wheat 46,406 bus . $35,coo 33 To Quccnxlown per Lizzie Edl. Wheat 5C.9C7 bun... . ?41.3C0 15 To Liverpool per Adelaide Mary. Hour 9.9 J7 bbK . ..$39,g0S 10 To Quccnslown pcrlelc of Bute. "Wheat 49.8SS bus . .$37,419 North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS REASOSAB3DE A PRICK. The M Pacific Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and-is Furn labea la Quantities to Suit. Xeave Orders With Wm. Bock, Gemiania Salooa. or Chbis. Eyeson, nexttoPoard & Stokes. - 4 5Ur Dslirery in Any Part of th City. ASTORIAN DIRECTORY. State Officers: United States Senators J'h! afifcliell Jlepresentatlve in Congress B. Hermann Governor. Z. F. Mopdy Governor's Secretary. Chas. B. Moores Secretary of State It. 1 Earhart Assistant Secretary F. E. Hodjjkln State Treasurer ...........Ed. Hirsch Assistant Treasurer ...... A. F. "VMiecler Sup't Public Instruction E. B. McElroy State Printer. "W. H. Byars Clerk School Land Board E. P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asyiunu. ......Ur.If. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary. Geo. Collins (W. P. Lord Supreme Judges -J. B. "Waldo ( W."W. Thayer District Judges : First District L. R. Webster Second District ...... . Kobert Bean Third Districts R. P. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith Fifth District F. J. Taylor Sixth District. M. L Olmstead Seventii District. Geo. Watkins Clatscp County Officers: Judge... . C. A. McGuire Clerk C. J. Trenchard Sheriff. ."W. G.Hoss Commissioners g'.oS Assessor................... Treasurer.... ... Survevor School Sup't Coroner J. F. Warren -.Isaac Bergman G. F. Parker M. D. "Wilson J. C. Kfw Astoria City Officers: Mavor . J. C. TrulHuger Auditor and Clerk . .T. S. Jewctt Treasurer. .-.. J. G. Hustler Street Superintendent Thos. Ix)gan Chief of Police A. M. Twombley 1'olice Judge 1L V. Monttith Sexton .. A. Fntit COUNCILMKX : (A.A.'leeland First "Ward- Isaac Bergman ( F. fchernian (Chas. Gratke Second Ward 0. Soey (ltobt. Carruthcrs SOCIETY 3IEETIXGS. Temple Liodge, No. 7AP.AM. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS fi llrst and third Tuesdays in each VY month, at 754 o'clock, r. M., at thevs Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend By order of the W. M. Bearer Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0. F. TJEGULAR MEETING EV- &$. JUL ery Thursday evening atjgSssSb. seven o'clock, at the I'OdgeCj&gg? room in Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- " ria. Sojourning members of the order In good standing, cordially Invited to attend. By order X. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. D EG CLAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN Xt campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. at., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order C" P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. TEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE JLX Ixlge No. 12, A. O. U. "W. will bo held In their Hall over Caruahan & Co.'s on Satmday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. B order M. W. C. BROWN, Rec. Cussing Tost No. 14, G. A. E. EEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month a 7:30 i. ai. Visiting com rades cordially in ited. By oi der P. G. Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEGTINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuestijiys of each mouth, at 2 v. 31. Ly order Mas. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. R1 EGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS o'clock, in their Castle Hall. So'jouraing Knights cordially invited to attend. K. or It. and S. Company H, O. S. M REGULAR DRILLS EVERY MONDAY, and Wednesday evenings. Regular meetings the second and fourth Thurdays of each month at 7 -JtJ i st C. W. FULTON, Commander. Common CounciL 3 EGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND SX fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. isri'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Couucu, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Retail Market. Flour per bbl S435 Wheat, per cental S1.G0 Oats, " Sl.45 JJacon, sides per lb, 1112 els. Shoulders, " io cts. Haras, " 131CK cts. Lard, 101.1, cU. Beef, H15 cts. Mutton, 812 cts. Pork, 1012K cts. Yeal, 1015 cts. Uutter, per roll 4550 cts. Ekcs, per dozen I420cte,. Potatoes, (7."c sk Cheese, per lb 1440 cts Cormncal, per lb 3K cts. Oatmeal, 4MctS lieans, Coffee, Tea, Nice. 34 Ct5. 104O cS. 2590cts. 79cts. fiVraRets. Susar, ayrup, per gauon 70c ?l. Ifoney, per callon S1.15. Salmon, per JcitS4JJ0 Onions, per lb 2)3 cts. Apples dried per ib G10 cts. Peaches " " 915cts. Plums. " 10 12 ct5. Candles, per B 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen Sfi. Has', per ton 9S12. Hides, ner ft .1 a 9 fits- Oils, per Rallon, boiled linseed, 75c; lw linseed, 70c; coal oil. 35c; lardSl.25 raw Reed's Sporting House Open Day and Night, The Leading House of this City. A New Stage Managed by Professor Maxwell, of londoa, "Who lias played in'all parts of the "World with Great Success. G-OOD MZTTSHO! I have also connected to my house A First Class Restaurant ! Run in Eastern Style. EF"NothIng but "White Labor Employed. Notice to Cannerymen. WE ARE A'GENTS FOR HENDERSON St "Withers for the sale or their charcoal and cau furnish any amount desired. Please e&U aad see u befere mjrchaslnz else where. " ' B0Jv7RTH&70BNg. PSORIASIS And All Itching and Scaly Skiq and Scalp Diseases Cared by Cuticara. PSORIASIS. Eczema, Tetter. Ringwoim, Lichen. Pruritus, ScaldHead.MUk Crust, Dandruff, Barters', Bakers', Grocers', and Washerwoman's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning. Scaly, Pimply Humors of the Skin and Scalp, witli loss of Hair, are positivelv cured by CcncttA, the great Skin Cure, and CuneuitA Koap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier. externally, Ccticura Re solvent, the New Blood Purifier Internal ly, when phvslcians and all other remedies fall. PSORIASIS, Oil ttCAIiY SKIN. I, John J. Case, D. D. S., liaving practised dentistry in this county for thirty-five years and being well known to thousands here abouts, with a view to help any who are af flicted as 1 have been for the past twelve years, testify that the CenctraA Remedies cured me of Psoriaals.or Scaly Skin, in eight days. after the doctors whom I had consult ed gave me no help or encouragement. Newton N.J. JOHN ,r. CASE. D.D.S. DISTRESSING ERUHIOXS. Your Ccticura Remedies performed a wonderful cure last summer on one of our customers, an old gentleman of screnty years of age, who suffered with a fearfully distres ing eruption on his head and face, and who had tried allremedies and doctors to no pur pose. J. F. SMITH & CO. Tbxaekasa, Akk. 3IORE WONDKKFUI YET. II. E. Carpenter, Henderson. N. Y. cured of Psoraisls or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand, by Cuticuka Remedies. Hie most wonderful cure on record. A dustpanful of scales fell from him dalls'. Physicians and his friends thought he must die. Cure Bwoni to before a Justice of the Peace and Hender son's most prominent citizens. S00 FOB XOTIIIXU Win. Gordon, S7 Arllneton Ave,, Chatk-s-town, Mass., writes: "Having paid about $VH to first-class doctors to cure my baby without success, I tried the Cuticuka bem KDiEs, which completely cured, after using three packages." CUTICUBA. REMEDIES. Are sold by all druggists. Price : Ccticuua. 50c : Resolvent, $i ; Soap, 25c Prepared by the Porrrit Disco a"d Chemical Co., Bostox. Send for "How In Cure Skin Diseases '' "R1? K TTTIFYtiie complexion and skin J312i x3L U by using CuncoiLV Soap. CATARRH riHE Great Balsamic JL DMilat ion of Witch Ha7e!, Aineridii Pine Canada Flr.MaiigoId. Clover Bioosoms. etc., callwlSauforil's Unit leal Cure, for the im mediate relief and per manent cure of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Cold In the Taste, and Hearing, Cough and Catarrhai Ct ltbuinptiou. Complete treatment, consLst Irg of one bottle Radical cure, one box Ca tarrhal Solvent and one improved Inhaler, in one package, mav.now be had of all drug gists for -51.00. Ask for SANFor.c's Radi cal Cuke, Complete Treatment with Inhaler SI "The only absolute specific we know of."' Med. Times. "The best we have found in a life time of suffering." Rev. Dr. lVig gin, Boston. "After a long struLTjIc with Catarrh, the Radical Ookk has con quered." Rev. S. ir. Munroe Lewitburgh. Pa. "I have not found a case that It did not relieve at ouce." Andrew Lee. Manchester, Mass. "I MUST GIVE UP. I cannot bear this pain, I ache ail over and nothing 1 try does me any good." Back ache weakness. Uterine pains. Soreness L-jmeness, I lack ine Coimh. Pleurisy and Chest pains cured by the new. original and elegant antidote to pain and inflammation the Cuti cuka Ajrn-PAiN Plasteh. Especially adapted to ladies by reason of its delicate odor and gentle medicinal action. At Drug gists. 23c ; live for S1.O0. Mailed free by POTTEK DllCO AND CltF.MI CAL CO..BO.St01U Proposals for Military Supplies. Headquarters Dept. of the Columbia, 1 Office of Chief Quartermaster. V Vancouver Bks.. W. T . Feb 23. 1S3G. SEALED PROPOSALS. IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office or at the offices of the U. S. Quartermasters at the following named posts, until 12 o clock, noon, on Saturday, March 27, 18S6. at which places and time they will be opened, In the presence of bidders, for the furnishing and delivery of military supplies during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 18S6. and ending June 30. 1SS7, as fol lows r Wood. Charcoal, Oats, Barley, Bran, Hay and Straw, or Hay in lieu of Straw, or such of said supplies as may be required at : Portland, Oregen: Boise Barracks, 1. T. ; Fort Tow nsend, W.T.; Fort Coenr d'Alene, I. T. ; Fort Spokane, W. T. ; Fort Canby, W.T. : Fort Walla WalIa,W. T. ; Vancouv er Depot, "W. T. ; Fort Klamath, Oregon. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Preference will be giv en to articles of domestic production, and to articles of domestic production produced on the Pacific Coast, conditions of price and quality being equal, to the extent of con sumption required by the public sen Ice there. Blank proposals and printed circu lars giving full particulars as to the maimer of blading, &c will be furnished on appli cation to this office, or tlic Quartermasters at the various posts named. Envelopes con taicing the proposals should be marked : "Proposals for at ," and addressed to the undersigned, or the respective Post Qnartcnnasters. C.A.REYNOLDS, Lt.-Col. and Dept Q. M. G., U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. Proposals for Transportation. Headquarters Dept. of the Columbia. i Office of Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Bks., "W. T.. Feb. 23, 183C. ) SEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATK, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, March 27, 4880. at which time and place tuey will be opened lu the presence of bidders, for the transportation of military supplies on the following described routes during tho fiscal year commencing July 1. 1SS5. and ending June CO, 13S7. Wagon Transportation. Route No. I. Spokane Falls. W. T., to Fort Spokane, W. T. Route No. 2. Ashland. Oregon, to Fort Klamath. Oregon. Route No. 3. Kuna, I. T., to BoKe Bar racks, I. T. Steamer Transportation. Route No. 4. For transportation of U. S. Military Supplies between Astoria and Fort Stevens, Oregon, and Fort Canby, W. T. The Government reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. Blank proposals, form of contract, and printed circulars, glv lnc full information as to the manner or bla ding, terms of contract and payment, will be furnished on application to this office. En velopes containing proiosals should be marked j "Proposals for Transportation on Route No. ."and addressed to the un dersigned. C. A. REYNOLDS, Lt.-Col, and Deputy Q. M. G., U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. WYATT & THOMPSON. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full Stock or Canned Fresh Mackerel, Canned Fresh CodDsb. Canned Fresh Finnan Haddies, Canned Shrimps, Canned Roast Beef, Canned Chicken, Canned PiR's Feet, Atinore's Plum Padding, Atmore's Mince Meat, Epp's Cocoa. Ground Chocolate, A Fixi AHWtBjemt of Guaed Teietftbles, etc i"v3lL?i Trader Two Flass. The civil war was such a big thing, it lasted so long and covered such a vast expanse of territory, that it was an easy matter for a man to fight in bolh armies, and escape detection and punishment as a deserter. A few months before Georgia seecded a bright young New Englander settled in one of onr country towns. His Northern birth causedhim to be sus pected, and on this account he was probably more outspoken in the ex pression of secession sentiments than he would have been under other cir cumstances. The Stato went out of the Union, the trouble commenced in earnest, and volunteer companies becan to organize and go to the front. Our New England friend felt that the pressure of public opinion was too strong to be withstood. It was hard to fight his own people, but if he did not become a Confederate sol dier, the people were liable in some hour of mad excitement to lynch him. So he donned a suit of gray and trudged off to Virginia with a musket on his shoulder. The unwilling volunteer stood camp life very well. He bore his part manfully in many a skirmish and battle, and in course of time was made a lieutenant. He came very near goins through the war without a spot on his record, but in a fatal moment he yielded to temptation and disgraced himself and his uni form. It was a cold, wet day in April, 18G5. The lieutenant had become separated from his command on the march. He lost his way and threw himself on the wet ground complete ly worn out. His physical weakness depressed his mind, and he gave himself up to a fit of despondency. A flood of bitter thoughts rushed over him. Why should he, an alien, risk his lifo in defense of a people who hated him? Why should he struggle on, he knew not how many years longer, fighting against kins men and friends? Following an im pulse which seemed irresistible, he rose to his feet and set his face in the direction of the Federal lines. Be fore nightfall he was in the camp of the enemy. The poor fellow told his storv afterward with mournful pathos. He said that the Fo.lerals wanted to treat him as a spy. When they re fused to believe his tale of desertion ho offered to volunteer as a proof of his good faith. The offer was ac cepted, lie got into a blue uniform, and found himself once more in act ive service. Two days later Gen eral Lee surrendered at Appomattox. In another month the deserter was mustered out. The man was in a quandary. He dared not go back to his New Eng land home. The people there all knew that he had been in the Con federate army. On the other hand, he could not go to Georgia, where ho would be denounced and despised as a deserter. Ho drifted to Boston, and there ho narrowly escaped net ting into prison. His tongue got fiim into trouble. Ho remarked to a lady at his boarding-houso that he would rather lie in an honored Con federate grave down in Dixie than own half of Boston. The lady was furious. She reported the conver sation to the provo3t marshal, and that officer sent a file of men to march the deserter to his office. The unfortunate man unbosomed himself (o the marshal, concealing nothing. He admitted using the language re ported, and said that it reflected his state of mind. If he had held out against temptation two days longer he could have returned to Georgia with a proud record as a tried and true Confederate. As it was he felt himself an outcast, with no country, no flag, no comrades, nothing but a blasted character. The provost mar shal w;as a sensible man. He lis tened in silence, gave his prisoner a cigar, and said : " You may go, but don't talk that way any more." Sometimes this follower of two flags passes through Georgia on a business trip. He never hunts up any of his old ex-Confederate com rades. Occasionally ho finds him self in a crowd where thev are all telling war reminiscences. "As soon as he can ho quietly retires. Ho has no war stories to tell. During recent years this man has done fairly well in a business way. But prosperity does not satisfy him. Ho seems to be under the shadow of that disgraceful April day in 'Go. He is almost a monomaniac on this snbj'ect, and to-dav he would give up his life, his family, and every thing if he could be resting in one of the graves in our cemetery under the shadow of the Confederate mon ument. What an intolerable torture such an existence must be! At lanta Constitution. Cure For Files. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose ho has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeaolc itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon tho parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th e intense itch ing,and effecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. YOUXG 3IE8 !-READ XIIIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electkic ArrLiA'CE3 on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss or vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, aud many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is in curred as thirty davs trial is allowed. "Write them at once for illustrated pampnlet Iree Toailwhoaro suffering from tho errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. I3fAW, Station D. Xew Yorh City. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Ilwaco Sinai Iviialion Co WifJTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA 1 0 Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oystervilla. Montesano and Olympio STEAMER & "GEff. MILES," W. P. WlIITl'OMlS, MASTKK. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilvraco, at 8 A. M Wltn Oysterville Malls and Kxpn cteily. and Through Mails to points beyond, tnd Montesar.o, "W. T., on Mondays. Wedneadavs and Fridays. On Thuradayfi tt "Ml:cs'" win make two round trips t ;;; Astoria on sec ond trip (about n p. v .. r:m; after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 25 ecu's bv purchas ing tickets befoie going on board." Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 5"ForTi'kt"i. Towa?e or Charter ap ply at the office ! the company, Grav's wharf, foot of Benton -street. J. H.D.GKAY, Ageia 'o.'b. & ir. oo." TO SOXIUO, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. It. & 2. Co.. car rying the l S. null.-., leave Hie CmupamVt Dock Kvtry iytSimdas excepted, at r. A. M. Tli's is the only daily line, and the nnlv line running all the jcar round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. 'I he only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers Ieae Company's Pwk every five days. Regular Line of Tow Soats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STOKAGZ2 4r AI.fi KIM)S. Inquire at Company' Dock or at City Of fice. F E. SIIUTE, E. A. NOYES. TicKet Agent. Agent. San Fraicisco and Astoria PACKET LIHE. Carrying Freight ; Running every Ten or Twelve Days. THE SCHOONER Will he en l erth in Sun Frand-.co on FftEiGHT. 51.50 From S. F. to Astoria. $2.00 " " " '' Portland. $2.50 " Astoria to S. F. On General Merchandise. S. II. HARMON, 3lt! Stuart St. ban Francisc.Cal. CLVTSOPMILLCO., Astoria, Or. ss-NO PRIW1ACE- 0VERL&1MD TO CALIF0RWIL VIA Oregon & California E.E. And Connection. Fare to Sau Fran. $32; to Sacramento $;;d Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Co. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Cut Side IItliou. ItETMEEXPORTLXI AX1 AMIIilS 31a 1 1 Train. LEAVK I ARRIVE Portlsnil 7:S0 A M Ashland 4 45 AM Ashland 7:15 P 51 1 Portland 1:53PM Albany Exprc4 Train. LEAVU ARRtVK Portland 40 P M I Lebanon !:iJ P 51 Lebanon 1:13 A Ml Portland lOfl'i A it Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally be tween Albany and Ashland. the O. & C. R. R. Ferry makes cor.ncctioii with all regular trains on the East Side Div. from foot of F street WcstSldeDlTMon, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORYALLIS. Hall Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Portland 11:00 A M CorTalti 1 .30 P M Corralhs 8:59 A 51 1 Portland 3r2UP31 Express Train LEAVK I ARRIVE Portland 5:00 P M I McMinnviIlo....8:C0PM AtcMinnrillB..5:5 A M I Portland .8:29 A 51 Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at company's up-town ofllce, cor. Stark and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured and bag gage checked at company's ofllce. Corner F snd front St., Portland Or. Freight will not be recelvea for shipment after live o'clock v. i. on either the East or West SIdo Divisions. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. & Pass. A gt. GERfflANIA BEER HALL FROM' THE Norton Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Glass. 25"No inferior Beer sold at this place. war. bock.. Proprietor. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians, For the" Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOR Administratrix' Noiice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop conntv. administratrix of the estate of Edward N. Murphy, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at her resi dence cornf-r of Chenamus and Washington streets In Astoria, Oregon, wlthiu six months from this date. Mrs. JOHN RODGERS. Astoria, March 2nd, 1SS8. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS WM. AIJiI. I'rop'r. First Class in jsverj Resist Frr Coach to th Ilii- St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.' C. "W. KNOWLES - - - - Proprietor First Class ik Every REsrnrr. Good Restanrant Connected with the House Fire-proof Urlcfc Building. ISORoos:. la tho Ctnter of tee City. Cor. Front and Morrison Str.. Portland. Or The United States RESTAURANT On Main street Is now open, and AT ONCE TAKES THE LEAD. In every Particular it Is tin Finest fitted up arid best in the City. JEFF IS A GOOD PROVIDER; He Cannot be Ecat on the Coast 1 Heals 25c; Board $20 per Month. rnvate rooms for Families or Paities. i up per Parties furnished on short notice. OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. Jeff Spends his jioney in Astoria, liuys by the Wholesale and Pays Cash, That Settles It. The Hew Model Restaurant g Oyster House, Is Now Open and Ready for Business Opposite the Crystal Palace, Where we will be Pleased to Serve our Customers Day and Night, At Reasonable Rates Give us a Call and Judge for Yourselves. THEO. BROEMSER, Proprietor. 3UPFAI.O, K. Y. Organized with a Full Staff of Eighteen Experienced and Skillfal Physicians and Surgeons for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases. QDR FIELD OF SUCCESS Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases, Liver and. Kidney Dis eases, Bladder Diseases, Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nervous Affections, cured hero or ct home, with or without seeing the patient. Como and seo as, or send ten cents in stamps for our " Invalid's Gulao Book," which gives all particulars. Nervous Debility, Impo tency. Nocturnal Losses, and all Morbid Conditions caused by Youthful Follies and Pernicious Solitary Practices arc- speedily and permanently cured by our Specialists. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. Rtrntnra. or Breach rzdlcaUV RuOTllDC 1 cured without the knife, with nUriUiliU Bout trasses, without pain, and - I. W without danger. Cures Guar anteed. Book sent for ten cents in stomps. FILE TUMORS and STRICTURES treated under guarantee to cure. Book scnUor ten ccnt3 in stamps. Address, Wokld's Dhpessart Medical Association, CC3 Alain St, Buffalo, N.Y. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those diseases peculiar to at the Invalid's Hotel and Surrfc-d Institute has af I Diseases o? WQgEH. forded largo experience in adapting remedies for their care, and DE. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of thi3 vast experience. It 13 a powerful Se3torativo Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to tho sys tem, and cures, as if by magic, Leucorrhea, or whites," excessive ilowin-r, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or falling of tho uterus, wealc hack, anteversion, retroversion, hearing down sensations, chronic con- festion. Inflammation and ulceration of he womb, inflammation, pain and ten ddrnes3 in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea, and Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Pro3tratlon, and sleep lessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OR SIX BOTTLES F0i23S.OOp Send ten cents in ctamp3 for Dr. Pierce's largo Treatises on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Sispsm?; Meal teiatios, 663 Main St, BUFFALO, N. Y. SICK'-HEADAGHF, Bilious Headacho, Diz ziness, Constipation, Indigestion, and Bil ious Attacks promptly cured by Dr. PIERCE'S Pleasant PURGATIVE PELLETS. 25 cents a vial, by Dru-f--ist3. Money to Loan ON APPROVED SECURITY. COUNTY Ordera bought. Apply at tho office of Y. D. WTNTON. kMMD4MWii Delicate I JBlSE&SES, j iL 'jfl&. DR. VAN MONGISGAR 132 and 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Is a regular grad uate m medicine, has been loncer engaged in tno special treat merit ol all Vcnertal, Sexual ami Chrou- -ic idseases thau f any other Physi cian in the West, .as ciiy papers show, and old res idents know. $1, 000 rewardforany case whfth he falls JKP1 tfk' to cure, comTng under Ins treatment ; byfol Iowiug his directions. DR. VAX is the most successful Lung and Throat Doctor in America, lie will tell you vour trouble without asking you a single question, and warrant a perfect cure In the following diseases : Scrvon debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal losses, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss of energy, impoverished blood, pimples. Imped iments to marriage, also bloed aud skin dis eases, syphilis, eruptions, hair falling, bone pains, swelling, sore throat, elects mercury, Kldnev and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt relief and cured for life. Xervoas diseases (with or without dreams). Diseased discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. If in trouble.caliorwrite. Delajs are dangerous. Diseases of th Eye, or Ear. Ulceration or Catarrh, internal or external. Deafness or Paralvsfs. Staging or Roaring Noises, Thick ened Drum, etc., permanently cured. LOST MANHOOD, perfec lv restored. CANCERS AND TUMORS permanently removed without the knife or caustic. Medicines compounded and furnished to all patients at ofllce strictly pure and vege table. Guarantee of permanent cures in all case1 undertaken. Consultation free and strictly confidential. All correspondence promftly attended to ; medicine tent by ex press to an v address free from exposure. Call or adrir?v Private Dlspensarv, Nos. 132-134 Third St. Portland. Or. Terms strictly cash. Office hours 8 to 3. THE SPECIALIST, .No. 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Treats all Ciiuoxic, Sr-KciAi; xso Pnt- VATK DlSEASKS WITH WOXDERFUL SlTff ESS THE GREAT ENCLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for crvoas Debility, Lost Jlaabood. t'rostatorboea.aud all tne evil effects of youthful follies and excesses, and in drlnklnz lutoxi- callus liquors. Ir Mlntlo who Is a reg ular physician, gr.ul uate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania will agree to ioruet Sow for a case of thU kind the Vital Kcstorallvc (under his spe cial advice and treatment will not cure. $i.5e a bottle, or four times tho quantity ?5, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or O. O. D. in private name if desired, by Dr. Mlatie, II Kearny St.. Snn Francisco, Cal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. 8ATIPLE BOTTLE VKEE will be sent to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. Bo they Younjror Old n&Ting Lost tboM attributes of fc PERFECT HUNHuOD aa.3.j regain (juicxly X3EiaEUBTEJC?a? Sexual Power Prgcreatiye Ubiuty, Prof Jean CMale. BY THE USE Of The Civiale Remedies. tYohtSnffi? whether ali FREE TO ALL. ppi5iJ"ts55 will send fri, to anxrnStXrrl did Illustrated paw medical w5rk.glTtns&7. torn j of all forms of Sex 1 Disease, dewlpttou of this treatment, prices, testimonials and aea paper endorsements. &c7c. .leore.,a?.aeeUa fr the new and certain to cure. Self Adjusting and Glove Fitting Cridlo Compressor. Hfor tho thorough and radical cure without surgery, or .wucure. VARICOCELE Consultation with Tall Medical Stafl; fffiEE. r.hla Remedial Agency, 174 Fulton SL, N.Y. The rttuti: thoi T!touti)n!s cannot get cured nf SEMINAL KEAKSES8. LOSS OF UAX JIOOD, anJ the remit of abtue.diicatc orexetuet, it otetr.g to a complication called PROSTATOR RUEA. DR. LIE RIG'S LYFIGORATOR it the OXLVcitreforPROSTATORRnEA- Price. SiM per package, C packaget, S10 CO. Guide to Health fad Self-Analyst tent free. Address LIE- '. niSI'EXSARYforlHs'asetofJIen, 1M) Gearv ."?.. Sari Praacisco. Cl. PMM ERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You aro allowed afres t rial of thirty dava of tit iso of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic BU wtta Slectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for t&a speed) ellcf and permanent cure otKervenuDcHUtv.Vout f Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubka llso for inany other diseases. Complete ratter Jon to Health. Vizor and Manhood nrante Vo risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet te iiifci rnjxwpc nuuieaire?. uyauareswnr VOLTAIC BELT CO., Vanh&n, Kick G-. HANSEN OF THE DIAMOND PALACE! Has Just Received a Fine Stock of CHBISTMAS EBfllS Consisting of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, S1LYER WARE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC., Which he offers at Bedrock Prices. All Coods Warranted. Mine is a Jewelry Store and Known as Such. Nicely Furnished Rooms, riTII OR "WTTHOGT BOARD: AT t f Mrs. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, three doors south of Asioktax ofllce. TUIQ DiDCDEboforodqBfllaaiGeo.P. lino rnrkitKowcu SCO-las' Ttiw F Sa &Vi vll2H fcs MANHOODRESTORED 4 N l-igJSiv'Jgi feftfc.g-J afc c . "